Four Page Colored 16 Pages Today Comic Section Two Sections


One of the Utter* picked out of the Who'i Who mail buket this morning >• io good we want lt> share It with yu. lti writer hat lived Question Raised Bandits Raid Rahway New Contract For here all hit life and everyone knowi thh tame "Old Timer." "To the Who'i Who Editor: Where do yon And all theis people you ara writing about? Over Township Job I've lived here over fifty jtmrt and never before heard of a num- Bank;Jake $81,01 RahwayValley Sewer ber of them. It'i a good thing "Who'i Wh«" came along to ac- One Report Shows Tax Collec- quaint ut with our own folk* here and through Middlesex County. Daring Hold Up Early Today In Neighboring Town — Many New Advantage. For Township Contained In Supple- tor C. Albert Larson Reelect- Keep up the good work. It's waking us up as never before, and Armed Men Enter Bank, Drive Patrons and Clerks mental Measure — Ordinance Relating To Finance AUo 1 guett ire needed it. ed; Another Indicates A Tie Your* for the public good, Vault and Escape With Two Payrolls That Had Just Introduced — Committee To Take Up Relief Work. (Sfened) OLD TIMER." Vote With Edgar. Good for you, Old Timer. That's just what we want to do—place Delivered In Arpiored Car — Bandits Escape In Sh An ordinance containing a sup- Benjamin avenue, Iselln, concrete the friendly Who's Who spotlight on every business, professional, and After the results of the election, Hudson Swlan That Was SMD Following Armored Car plemental contract on the hi* Rah- urbs, gutter and penetration maeft- industrial interest in this Community, so that every reader will appreciate in Woodbridsa had been tabulated dam improvement, $7,50t); Grove their "own folk* more. Come and see us often. Wf likevour spirit. That and published last week, and it was It Entered Rahway — Had New Jersey Registration. way Valley trunk sewer enterprise accepted as fact that all of the- Dem- was introduced anH passed on first avenue, Woodbridge, curb, gutter and goes, too, for every letter- that finds its Way to the Who's Who editor's j cinder pavement, |4,700; Wedgwood basket. ' ocratic candidates had been elected Rahway, Nov. 13—Five .i When the alarm was given a . reading Monday afternoon at the 1 except Frank P. Edgar, candidate bandits entered tho- Citizen's Nation- minutes later by employees who - meeting of the Township Committee.. avenue, Woodbridge, seweT, $2,000.; And stilt another letter.from Wi Osswii•• em first prize winner today: AUIIT fiveUUc, Woodbridge, concrete for tax collector, there came a re- al Bank of Rahway at 8.20 o'qkck anaged, to get out of the vault,•] Th* new contract embodies many ad- "Answering the Who's Who in Middlesex Couaty, Is to my this morning, herded the clerical :ar wag gone. Police made a fri ditional advantages to the township. curb, gutter ' and concrete cinder mind, most instructive. I find I rtevftr rjerdre* knew my home pavement, $26,000. force and two customers into .ifie iflTnrt to obtain some descrfptio The complete ordinance with a map town people. Now, t shall really know how to intelligently an- vault and escaped with two payrolls :he car. No one had noticed the illustrating .its features appears on Hillcrest avenue, Iselin, concrete swer queries for such and such an article and lomething >s to totaling about $81,000. The Citizen's stration or the letter indicating] another page. 'urb, gutter, concrete sidewalks and qquqalqity and price, I will know more about the different mer- National, located in the old post of- ounty. But it was established Another ordinance passed on first -irrder pavement, $9,000; Fiat ave- chants. I found everyone written up most pleatant and willing fice building at Irving and* Louis hp car bore New Jersey registrat extension, $5,000; Iselin storm to answer any and all questions. reading provides for a bond issue of nue, streets opens at 8 a. m. for the ac- An alarm was sent out on the $193,000. The amount represents WiWwood avenue, Thank yon very nincerely, sewer, $8,500; commodation of commuters who ype system but the meager des the township's share bf a long list of and Maple Btraat WALTER OSMUN." mnke ilefiosits or draw cash before ;:on of the car and the men wl| improvements that have been made sewerFrankli, n$4,600 stree; tWarwick street, Ise- Today's lucky prize winners are: Walter Osmuii, first; Mrs. R. E. leaving for the day on Pennsylvania erious handicap. One man who . in the past, and for which assess- lin, concrete curb, gutter sidewalks, Andtfrson, second, and Virginia Stock, third. trains. ed through Rahway about 8 X>'c ments have been levied for the bene- grade and cinders, $16,600. Shortly after the bank opened a said that he saw an armored I fits accruing to adjacent property. Port Reading storm sewer No._ 1, 'gp armored car arrived with the nd that a shabby, dark Hudson| The committee approved a resolu- $6,600; Cove creek sewer extension payrolls for Merck & Co., and for was following it. He noticed tion to issue improvement notes tax No. 1, $3,800; Avenel spur of the Cemeteries Near Woodbridge Lions iln> Gibson-Hill Company. The latter here were five men in the Hud anticipation notes for $100,000. An- Rahway Valley trunk sewer, $29,000; ern ia electrifying the Pennsyl- and that they appeared to have othe? resolution permits the trans- Iselin sewer system, extension No. 1, f vania railroad and hes a large force ing clothes on. The same man n. Thos. Gerity, chairman of. township clerk's reeord and that the j the negro poets, ment"madefhis week 1>y Kenneth W the refreshment committee, appoint- day Morning — Woman Has Badly Lacerated Thumb and ftport "sent"to""the county eta* ton-1 "Mt-S, John "Perkins," coarrradrjT-for Baker, manager of the Hotel Wood tained a clerical error, the figure j the presidents of the two South Am- Court Mercedes No. 709, »d the following to serve at the next May Have Fractured Arm — Man's Wrist Lacerated — Daughters of America will hd row Wilson. Mr. Baker said^that meeting: Mrs. Paul Arway, Mrs. J. 1G0 being inadvertently transposed boy Junior clubs, welcomed the the facilities and comforts of the ho- Car Was Under Truck When They Crawled Out To Safety. | guests at the opening of the evening regular monthly social meetil Arway, Mrs. Chaa. Arsenault, Mrs. to read 106. the Columbian Club, Thursdaf tel are at the disposal of the public. John Bergen, Mrs. Louis Baumlin, Mr, Larson said last night that he program in the high school. Mrs. Ce- Baker, explaining the offer, said Joseph Paes, aged 32 years, and | was in collision With a truck of the cil O. Dunaway, state chairman of ning, November 19. Miss Mrs. Michael Coffey, Mrs. J. Cahill, will look out for his own interests in Gerity is chairman of arrange that the lobby, the writing room are Mrs. Edward Coley. his wife, Lucy, aged 22, of 1 Jean | Raritan Mercantile Company in the matter. | It is expected that a the Juniofs, presented members of open to the use of the public of the court were badly hurt at 8 o'clock leveland avenue in Perth Amboy. way will be found to authorize the the Junior board. .At this meeting plans will county. Refreshments w*re served by the cussed for the public card pa hospitality committee assisted by the yesterday morning when their car Mrs. Paes was treated at the Perth opening of the ballot box to ascertain Miss Mararet Wimmer gave a The courtesy of the manager will Amboy General Hospital for a lacer- the figures. contained in the report short talk on -"The Braille.". She told be held December 1-1. Mrs. directors.—Prior to the busineSs ses- Powers ia chairman. be a boon to those who visit the sion, the parents visited the class ation of the thumb, requiring five and tally sheet, without the expense ef the work being done in educa- county seat on shopping trips or rooms and inspected the work of the Six Prisoners In stitches, and a possible fracture of of a recount. tional lines for the blind and gave a those who have occasion to visit the pupils. A meeting of the Board of the right arm. She was kept at the brief technical explanation of the county offices or groups desiring Directors will be held December 4 hospital for further observation. Braille system of raised printing. Council Committeesl to hold meetingsg . at the home of Mrs. John McGuirk Dash For Liberty Mr. Paes wag treated at the hos- ' A short sketch by the Young Wom- ,ThThe WoodroWd w Wilson is the lead- and tha ncxty regular meeting will-be pital for a badly lacerated right Capacity Attendance an's Junior Club of South Amboy ing hotel of the county and is mod- held December 8th, in the school au- Reformatory Inmates Over- wrist and later went home. Mrs. and a colorful Indian pageant by the Report At K. ern in the strictest sense of the word. ditorium. •; Paes will be given an X-ray examin- Girl's Junior Club of Avenel, featur- But the rates aTe reasonable. There come Guard and Put Him In ation to ascertain the extent of the At Military Ball ed. The pageant given by the Aven- New Jersey Chapter No. is a special lunch, and also a blue injury to her arm. el gtoup was directed by Miss Alida platter lunch. At night an eight- Tuesday Bridge Club Icebox, Then Escape To Mr. and Mrs. Paes were riding in van Slyke and Miss Frances Dicker- Meet. Here Nov. Second Annual Event of the course dinner ig served for a dollar. Meets With Mrs. Frankel Roof their Ford coupe when it was struck son, of Avenel. Unique Indian head- "German Night" Soon , A feature of the hotel that is meet- by the truck, turned over and badly Woodbridge Post Of The dresses, moccasins and other Indian ing ^ith great favor is the weekly damaged. John Pavowsti, of 809 | paraphernalia gave the pageant a Mrs. Louis Frankel, of School Six inmates of the New Jersey Re* Reports of Council coma dinntfr-dances held on Saturday ormatory near Rahway made a dash State street, Perth Amboy, driver of American Legion Is Big Sue-I realistic background. I -nights. This feature is steadily gain- street, entertained the Tuesday eve- the truck was not injured. The Ford : The supper c»nferenc« In the M. were heard at a regular bl ning Bridge Club at her home on for liberty Tue,sda/night and failed. cef»—Ritual Put On By Car- meeting of the Knights of Col| ing in popularity, especially among was under the truck when Mr, and E. church in Suuth Amvoy was at- Tuesday evening. Mrs. H, J. Baker, They began their move for freedom in the Columbian club, the younger set. The attendance in by attacking a guard and locking Mrs. Paes crawled out. The woman teret Post. I tended by Jujior Woman's club recent weeks has been so large as to Si\, and Mrs. Thomas Peterson made was screaming and suffered from from various P»rts of the night. It was announced by high scores. Mrs. S. H. Wyld was a- him in an icebox. The guard recov- , ~ I groups John A. Turk, that on Noveinl tax the facilities of the hotel. ered and escaped from the ieebox shock. Tw.o , wheel„ s o,f the truck. .were 'The second annual Military ball,state.' , wardocl the consolation prize. The f the New Jersey Chapter NoJ The music is furnished by Connie club will hold its next meetjng at in time to give the alarm and the "i the sidewalk when the injured of the'Woodbridge 5ost of the Amer- Mrs. L. B. DftekerscHi, of , the Knights of Columbus, \vi( Atkinson's orchestra. The program fugitives were cut off from escape'couple got out from under it. ican Legion was he d Tuesday night third district advisor presided at the *it Woodbridge. Mr. Turk all the home of Mrs. George Kingberry, in st Tamo* school auditorium. The ' entird conference and introduced the 1 each weekend ineludesjrequest num- of St. George avenue. Delicious re- before they could get over the wall in St. James school auditorium. The • -— — * G,.,ft, Am lhat "Getman Night' will b| bers, popular dance numbers with a freshments were served by the hos- that surrounds the institution. hall was filled to capacity. Music speakers. Members of the faouth Am- brated by the local Council sprinkling of old-time favorites. tess. Major Mark'O. Kimberling, super- for the dancing was furnished by boy clubs acted as hostesses to tl"-« after the charity ball. The dining room of the Woodrow The members present were: Mrs. intendent of the Reformatory re- 'ire At Labor Camp Fred O'Brien and his orchestra* Ma- attending_the_conference. _ Grand Knight Desmond Wilson is supervised by the hostess, AloriEo. Davios, Mrs. Harry Baker, sponded with a force of guards when jur Morrison, champion baton twirl- short talk on tho poasibilit Miss Betty Gore, formerly of the Si\ of Avenel; Mrs. Paul Kingberry, tho alarm was sounded and the men er of 'the United States wjw present X Events Marked forming a"ttoijmbu3 Cada| Winfteld Scott Hotel of Elizabeth, were surrounded and returned to and gave an exhibition of his wo Mm. SUphon Wyld, Mm Th»,inas Blamed On Smoker At Sewareti Party lere. and later of the Campua In New Peterson, Mrs. G. A. McLaughlin and their cells within twenty mlnuWs of The Carteret Post ritual te; Reports for various Brunswick. I Mrs, Jtiaeph Kli the attack upon the guard. ug Siren Give,* Alarm When on a ritual ceremony at 10 0 were made by the following :| V*The superintendent said ho would and th« P«rth Amboy drum,-.-,. ~-SKWAREN.—Mrs. -•=•••• * , C. Heiselber,__. g i'S« O'Brign; Uutruat, asit the prosecutor of Middlesex to Blazfe Breaks Out At Port bugle corps gave several fine selec- was recently giren». sul»*lsf -, ,-, Molay Dance Plans Ar« Brien; Admissions, Michael proceed Hgainst the six on charges of Reading Early Sunday —> tiqns. A contest for an electric re- by her children, and it wa* albo held publicity, ThomaR Brennun; p| she attended the, Union-Rochester Completed Saya Chairman assault and attempted/ escape. The frigerator, was brought to a close in honor of the rotuin.orMrs.tiei stationery itnd supplies, Ar football gjune- major praised the efficiency and Damage Is Trifling. and the priu was awarded lo MM. >U»M and Mrs. J Brr"^'"" *'- Geis: menibershii), Grapd Final arrangements for the ca- )nt'sencB of mind Of the guards. Edgar Kreutzberg. |iu? where they have Desmond; lupsutiun, Artliur The men who made the attempt Refreshments were s&rved. A com-1 friends. Dancing was Miss. Grace Einhurn, of James baret dance to be held in the Crafts- Fire was discovered early Sunday Jo M sick; WEiliam H. Funto'n; are: George Furman, Frank Malijhio mittee. headed by Charles Frank had the evemtig. i ™ ^__ - . John J. Keating; t-ntert street, spen_r_..t. Saturday in Philadel- men's Club, Friday evening, Novem morning in a labor camp at the ere- mid John tireen, all committed from L-eneral charge of the arrangements. 1 Irish jig. RefreshmentsWIre served. John Turk. phia where she witnessed the Villa ; bur 27, under th« auspices of the lo jotinx plant of the Heading Company • , e ; . The guest of hunor receive? many Nova-Temple footbaH game. Uul be Molay chapter, have been ^isjsttic county; William Malas, of completed by the committee in Mprria county; Ralph Sandola, of 11 Port Reading near the Carteret gifts. charge, Victor Sherman, chairman, Eas'ex county, and Joseph Woods of line. The blaze waB first neted by the Action On Relief Plan May The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. E. . YOU'LL BE SURPRISED Atlantic county. .,/,.* O"T T ":c Vtf 7uLl, Heiselberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Lar- announced this morning. * captain of- a ing. .tug and tha Be Taken-Early Next W«ek Mr. and Mrs. T. Hadderi and HARDIMAN now mu«h monay you'll *«T« if An, elaborate entertainment pro- Tho men were working in the kit- iwhistle of 'the was sounded uritil * — -'.I daughter* Mm-gmct and Joyca, Mr. PriAHMA your FUR COAT »• m«4« to or- gram, novel decorations and the ca- hen in charge of Frank Ketterer. the camp wag d*r. You only pay for the ikioi jjaretj dance floor arrangements will Two of the group diverted Ketterer's aroused- Then an The Township Committee Ad- Stanley Heieelbeig, MissfMargaret 'Ed. L. Hardiman, forn and a (mall amount for labor. all go to make- up an evening of attention and the 'others jumped him alarm was 'smt to the Port Heading joumed Mfcnday afternoon to meet Hair, of Sewaren; m-r. and Mrs. An- Seaman's, Perth Ad Way pay two or tkr«« profit! ? and overpowered him. He was chok- agairv at tbe call of the uHair in or- dr«w Heiselberg, Mr. and Mrs. H. unique enjoyment. Music will be fur- company. def to take up the work of prepar- Hansen, John Mageste, of Wood- nished by Harry Brown and his Lau- ed and roughly handled and then Tha fire started in a mattress and ( REPAIRING - REMODELING' rence H»rb6r Casino orchestra. pushed into the icebox .The. prisoners ing for the emergency relief pro- bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Willard t urktr believed to have been due to the gram to be carried out for the unem- and slaughter Gloria at Bound Bruok, There will be dancing from 9 until 1. then went through a trap door to the /carelessness of a smoker. The best Workmanship Guaranteed The affair is Informal. roof. Given time their escape might pluyed. No meeting was held this and Miss Norma Bowen, of »r«nuh- superintendent said tile damage* week. The members of the commit- town. Called For and Al Tiach, of New York, will act as have been eiay but Ketterer had re inaide el the ieebox withwth ' »» odd . *Atm.otto»|h " d hearhdd MMm s J 1 &&""« and [niBVtal ttwftjh? nwrtiW »* *!LjrSHmJ!:^ ^J^Normal *«d f.L pri» wait* - " IQOMAIH .^ffl^f*' WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1981 D«f«ctW« F«M Common for Erhperor Slave for 31 lfear», She Tlie month of Aiiitust WHS nnmnd INFORMATION California Rancher's Of the men who took the, physical Reaches 100th Birthday examination In tho United States dnr- fur AHKIIHIUS Onosnr by the Roman Land Coven Wealth Reniile. It previously had been railed SUITS and" DRESSES$ St. ('alhiTlnps, Out.—KnthoriiiP lng the World war nbout 80 per cent A scientist tin* estlmnted Hint Sexillls. July hnd tioen named for ("Auntie") Itpvennx. tlilrty-one y'nm n Holllster, Calif.—F. Itrlticrl, rancher were rejected, heennsa of defective If nil the eleetrlo InmpR used In Julius Ciit'siir, nnd Aucimtas tliought MEN'S OVERCOATS Blnvc, roMirnlrtl her onp. hundredth In the Aiisnymns district, In drilling feat. tho United Stntea roulrf ha con- 4A0 feet for wnter on his, struck he should hlive ofjunl honor. hlrlhilii.v tii'ro reci'iltly. eonlrated they wotiM Illuminate LADIES' COATS Wlmn tho Civil wnr frood her nt successively n golrt-licnrliiR lntfnrm at the nthpr. NEW YORK CUSTOM TAILOR days nro vivid. Briber! Is more pleased over the 73 MAIN STREET^ WOODBRIDGE "WP Imrt n good mnstor," (the snlrf. rush of water than tlie other Indi- "There nils no whipping on the plan- cations. tation ; he wouldn't even let us whip RHYMING PROVERBS Work Called For And Delivered our nwn chlldrpn. Deer Killed by Ayto Is Prompt Service Tel. Woodbridge 8-0167 "At chrjstmns WP. had ft wwk'l vnca- The dead goose lays no golden egg; tlon. IJo used to toll \l» WP rnu^d (rn Property of Car Owner whore, wp wnntoil, ' HP nlwnys lau^h- A hole Hint's round fits no square peg; West Warwick, H. I.—A motorist la Ingly wnriwd us, however, '<|io,t to go entitled to a deer killed in collision In ("iinniln. As you sow so 8luill you reap; with Ills nuto.niolille Just ns much as "Wlii'ii we were freed, the notion 4f he shot the'animal during open sea- cf t"'int' to C'nnndx Just stuck in my Always look before you leap; son. mind, I'm Rind It did." This was the rwllnR of County nird "Auntie" Rays she Isn't In quite US A friend In need1* a friend Indeed; nnd Game Commissioner Everett L. jtooil hrolth ns she WUH n few years llarr.UB aftW a 150-pound deer hnd npn, hut stllMnitnTTges to "gH along aTl Of tlie morrow1 take no lieefl; f,UH HgHlnst Stanley Shetn's automo- Hprht." bile and been killed. Tls an III wind blows no (rood; Police thought they had a right to EARl. ARNOLD, MANAGER the carcass, Bnt Sheln argued he Orent men are misunderstood J should have the deer In lieu of other SUNDAY - MONDAY — NOV. IS - 16 PATENTS compensation for dnmago to his ma- Tlmf counti in apply mi Koine was built not In a day; chine. BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM for ptttnU Don't rtak 4t- tip la prnlet tins jour EDMUND LOWE with LOIS MORAN I dug Stnd sketch or While the BUD shines make thee hay; Blondi Ara "Hard Boiled" model tar ImlruetWni or In The Thrilling Mystery Drama writ* for FREE book, Memphis, Tenn.—"The liardest- "lid* to Obtain a Patfiit * bollvd girls nnd women we have at "THE SPIDER" and "R^cortJ of lnvvntion" KnchantmcDt Is by distance lent; form No ehtrf* for in- police hendo,uarter« are always Associate Feature—Vivid! Vital! Gorgeous! Glamorous! formation on h>)* tu pr«*d Cvm«iunic*- lions itriclljr conflJ*ntitl Pvowpi Rich men seldom are content; blonds," unys Mrs. Anna Jackson, In "THE MIRACLE WOMAN" change of the women's protective bu- Starving CLARENCE A.. O'BRIEN To thy proper self be true;j reau here, BAUMANN'S CHRYSANTHEMUMS BARBARA STANWYCK Regi»ter*d Pat«nt Attorn*/ Never So Cheap As Now. PATHE NEWS OSWALD CARTOON Credit give where It Is due; ##****#**#*##*####*••#•*## TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY — NOV. 17 - 18 " 100,000 Of Them In Various Colors. The Comedy Sensation of the Season For no man wait the tide and time. I One Fat Man Worth A Glorious Show. "THE BRAT" And here's the reason for my rhyme: Six Head of Cattle Featuring SALLY O'NEILL Home, Italy.—"In Liberia a Those flowers last well and are nice With Allen Dinehart, June Collyer and Virginia.JTK*—"", nonsense now nnd then fat man li worth at least six —Also— bend of cattle," Father J. Col- for birthdays, the sick room and so- ADVENTURES IN AFRICA "FLAMING JUNGLE" A marreloui inrention that will Is relished by the best of men. * 11ns. Irish priest of the Lyons jjl cial affairs. enable you to do roar own French * African Missions, told the C«th- Comedy "THE CATSPAW" -^31enn Compton, to the i dry cleaning with the price of one * nlic missionary news agency Educational Film "The Electric Ship" New York Herald Tribune. 'garment cleaned at any cleaning 1: Fldea when recounting Ills ad Free delivery all over Middlesex SPECIAL — TUESDAY NITE — SPECIAL jthop. It ii possible to clean at j[ ventures a* a mltaionnry In the FREE —50 Baskets of Standard Food Products— FREE I many ai four or 6T« garment! by and Union counties. Just phone Rah- ! purchasing YOUNG'S FRENCH HAPPY THOUGHTS it cannibal parts of West Africa. DON'T MISS THIS! . j CLEANER NO. 1 and NO. 2 com- J Father Collins has lived way 7-0711, 7-0712. < pound. A mnn needs polish to shlae. j among savage and cannibal THURSDAY - FRIDAY — NOV. 19-20 J tribes for many yeaVs and said Dedicated to the Incomparable KNUTE ROCKNE CHARLES SERMAYAN, Agent The man who la Incky In love re- * that cannibalism still prevails In "THE SPIRIT OF NOTRE DAME" 28 Main Street, nalns single. J parts of Africa, though' It is J. R. BAUMANN With J dying out LEW AYRES Woodbridge, N. J. Women cannot expect to ba St. George and Hazelwood Avei.

A pood-looking lass causes many 1 young man to reflect.

I The renl way to face a problem Is MIDSEASON CLEARANCE SALE i to put yi.ur buck into it. \ Tho

These modern wives would rather \ Special $2.98 have a neighbor tlicy can talk about thaq one they r:m burrow things from'.. _ i 1 The • '.inni'il girl who used to GIRLS' WASHABLE DRESSES help iiini :.••!• IMIW IKIS Q granddaughter GUARANTEED FAST COLORS. who helps herself 1)0 mother'^ und j A SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE ON ALL SIZES: 1 - 3, 3 - 6, 7 - 14. grandnmtlier's ciiia'retteg. J OUR REGULAR $1.00 TO $2.98 STOCK. Mo«t Dre««es in Size 1 lo G Are With Blomers or Panties. Tlie trouble with most people who! think they lire hMIng their light un- I der H tiiifilK'l is that a thimble would i 94c to $1.77 none higher I cover It. | HIT hark u^tII«--J. I Nniv It Is the pl'i'-e sli<> diii'X'i't put They have on hand the new type Fordson Trac- WE REPEAT THE BIGGEST SELLER! i i ! liny when >hi' rKtllv gets

"A complete line of cold cuts at the Woodbridge DORSEY MOTORS, Inc. Delicatessen all the time. Maple and Fayette Streets Perth Amboy, N. J. Only the fme»t quality. GENUINE IMPORTED SUEDE SUITS Try them." Phone P. A, 4.3500 ..^ BLUE, GREEN AND TAN. SIZES 2 - 6 ALSO IN PASTEL SHADES INCLUDING WHITE,SIZES 1 • 3. WOODBRIDGE DELICATESSEN Fordson 102 St. GIRLS' TALLY-HO COATS Woodbrid«. COCOA, TA.N AND GREEN. WARMLY LINED. SIZES* - 6 4- $6.88 IHHflBfl^^B^^MMIVWaSUBA^^^HMMHSMMMh^^^^^^M^K^^^^toHtf^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^MfliHMMMHliB^^B^^MBll^^^HII^^^^^^^^^HIBB^^ta NOTICE OF TAX SALE-TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE Typiroi Hoy and Girl of America SECTION 39 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Collector of Taxes of the Township of Woodbridpre, in the County of Middlesex, will hold a public S lule at the Tax Office', Memorial Municipal Building, Main Street, Woodbridgc, New Jersey, on- the 1st dny of December, 1931, at two o'clock, in H ,?s* the afternoon, Eastern Standard Time, to satisfy municipal liens now in arrears. The parcels to be aold are listed below, l»Bln« described by lot and block number as shown on the Township Assessment Map, and in accord- ance with the last tax duplicate giving the owner's name as shown on the laflt tax duplicate, together with the total amount due thereon as computed to July 1, 1981. V < Said respective parcels of land will be sold to make the amounts severally chargeable against the name on said first day of July, 1931, as com- puted in said list together With Interest on said amount from sa'd flnft day o'Mnly to the -date of Mile, and the cost* of ««le. In a supplemental colutnjn Is shown the estimated payment required to avoid sale. Sajd parcels will be sold in fee to auch persons as will purchase the same, subject to redemption at the lowest rate of interest, but not ex- L<*>< ceeding eight per cent, per annum. v Said, sales will be subject only to municipal liens accruing after July, 1, 1931, including assessments confirmed after that date and 1931 taxes, r? and to the right of interested parties to redeem within the time fixed by law. U { Computed Estimated "HA to Amount July 1, 1931 to Satisfy Block 59 H Lot 9 New Brunswick Ave. House 9.80 acres Raritan River Clay Co $2,303.90 $2,366.43 60 Lot 1 Slinjr Tail Brook 82.83 acres Raritan River Clay Co. 6,627.71 6,790.98 61 Lot 1 Crows Mill Creek 31.92 acres Raritan River Clay Co 646.68 664.32 5oC0MEI 89 Lot 1. Raritan River 6.48 acrea Raritan River Clay Co 132.45 134.67 177 B Lot 3 Fowler Ave. Irregular . Hatry Brower & Max Gibian .. 7.19 9.38 and SEE tl 177 B Lot 4 Fowler Ave. Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian .. 5.13 7.26 177 B Lot 6 Fowler Aye. Irregular. Harry Brower, & Max Gibian. 5.14 7.26 177 B Lot B Fowler Ave. Irregular Harry Browor & Max GihUn .. 5.14 177 D Lota 5 to 8 . Fowler Ave. Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian . 24.49 27.12 177 D Lots 9 to 12 Waring Ave. Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian .4 ,, 23.65 26.26 177 E Lota 7 to 10 Waring Ave. Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian .. 22.61 25.20 180 A LLot Pender Place * Irregular Wilk Realty Co 17.58 20.03 180 A Lot 2 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co 13.17 15.51 180 B Lot 1 Gor.don.Ave. i Irregular Wilk Really Co. . 7.97: 10.18 180 B Lot 2 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co ~. 7.96 10.17 180 B Lot 3 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 180 B Lot 4 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co ^ (.96 10.17 180 B Lot 5 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 BATTERIE! 1S0B Lot 6 Gordon Afre. Irregular Wilk, Realty Co 7.96 10.17 180 B Lot 7 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co ut 7.96 10.17 180 B Lot 8 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.95 10.16 Firestone Batteries tpfa 180 B Lot 9 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co; 7.95 10.10 180 B Lot 11 Pender Place Irregular. Wilk Realty Co. 9.84 • 12.10 the motor every' time. 180 B Lot 12 Pender Place, Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.95 10.16 180 B Lot 13 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7,95 10.16 yon step on, the starter 180 B Lot 14 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.90 10.17 •—cold or warm weather, 180 B Lot 15 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 180 B Lot 16 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 )£! —It jrfjiKei no differ- 180 B Lot IT Pender Place Irregular Wlk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 eneel We haTe new 180 B Lot 18 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co.- 7.96 10.17 MERICA'S typical 4-II club boy nnd girl were cln>scn nt tne nnnuixt 180 B Lot 19 Pender Place Irregular ' Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 A meeting of that organization held In Snn IHego, win-re the nwnrds were powerful Firestone 180 B Lot 20 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 made. These honors went to Clarence Bell, dlxteen yours old, of McDonald, 180 B Lot 21 Pender Place Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 Kan., ami Helen Johnnon, BlittjAi' 'years old, of HocliPBtnr, Minn., for the Batteries on display- 180 C Lot 1 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co : 15.13 17.52 highest degree of Natlomil 4*H club leadership and project work In their tome in and see them. 180 C Lot 2 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 12.38 14.67 particular county and state. They were chosen from more than 000 boys 180 C Lot 3 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 11.40 13.69 and glrla who went to the National Dairy exposition to represent 850,000 180 C Lot 4 • Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 11.40 13.69 4-H club members from all states of the Union. 180 C Lot 5 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 11.40 13.69 180 C Lot 6 Dunbar Ave.. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 11.40 13.69 180 C Lot 7 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co M 6.81 8.99 180 C Lot 8 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 6.81 8.99 180 C Lot 9 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 6,83 9.01 180 C Lot 10 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 6.83 9.01 Your Home and You 180 C Lot 11 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 6.83 9.01 180 C Lot 12 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 13.02 15.38 —urn* Old Gardener 180 C Lot 18 Oordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. 7,95 10.18 180 C Lot^l4 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 By Betsy Cdlitter * fi tin wt ft w mSays:=±i 180 C. Lot 15 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 10.17 *180 C Lot 16 Gordon Ave. Irregiilap Wilk Realty Co 7.96 HK lted Hot I'oker (tnlphofla E'fit- 180 C Lot 17 Inland Irregular Wilk Realty Co 32.73 35.58 GOOD COFFEE 180 D Lot 1 Gordon Ave, Irregular Wilk Realty Co .„ 7.94 10.15 Tzerl) Is hardly as far north as ONE YEAR 180 D Lot 2 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.95 10.16 I'hlladelphla. In sections above I'hll- 180 D Lot 8 Gordon Ave. 26x100 Wilk Realty Co .7.95 10J6 T 18 surprising wbnt good coffee ndelphln, except those which are pro- 180 D Lot 4 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 I can bo mnde with the most Im- tected to an unusual extent, the plants Free Service 180D Lot 5 . _ Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 promptu sort of equipment—and on should be lifted In the autumn and OF 180 D Lot 6 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 the other hum] it Is amazing to see carried through the winter In boxes FIRESTONE STANDAF 180 D Lot 7 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 wfi&f poor coffee can be made with of sand In the cellar or In a covered 180 D Lot 8 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 BATTERIES 10.17 the most up-to-date and well made cold-frame. The clumps should be set 180 D Lot 9 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 coffee pots and percolators. Every 180 D Lot 10 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.96 10.17 Into the ground as early as possible 180 D Lot 11., Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 one has drunk delicious coffee made In the spring, as they start to grow 180 D Lot 12 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.95 10.16 from.Inexpensive materials and coffee very quickly when the weather be- MUNICIPAL 180 D Lot 13 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 12.88 15.21 that tasted like poison from high- comes at. »U warm. The, Red Hot 180 D Lot 14 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 9.90 12.15 priced products. Poker, which Is also called the Torch 180 D Lot IB Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 9.91 12.16 Plchtc and cumplng coffee Is often Lily, prefer* a very gunny situation SERVICE STATHH 180 D Lot 16 Summit-Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 9.91 12.16 12.16 surprisingly good. This Is partly due but looks particularly well when grown Cor. Main St.-Rahway A 180 D Lot 17 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co " 9.91 no doubt to the fact that we drink agamst a green background Jt likes an 180 D Lot 18 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 9.91 12.16 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 180 D Lot 19 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Re'alty Co . 8.70 10.93 It with a keen appetite. Another rea- abundance of water but will not thrive Tel. Wo. 8-1280 son Is that it Is not usually over In a wet soil. 180 D Lot 20 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co _ - 17.38 19.83 H. M. TOMPKINS, 180 D Lot 21 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.80 12.05 cooked and still another—that It is (©, 1951. WMt«rn^«w«p»p«r Union.) 180 D Lot 22 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.82 12.07 prepared In a fresh container or one 180 D Lot 23 ' Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.82 12.07 that has been well aired since last f180 D Lot 24 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co • 9.82 12.07 used for coffee making. 180 D Lot 25 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.81 12.06 12.06 The simplest way to make a large 180. D Lot 26 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co .'. 9.82 quantity picnic or camp Is by 180 E Lot 1 « Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co. -=r.._ 18.50 20.98 RABINOWTTZ HARDWARE 180 E Lot 2 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.81 12.06 putting tMe ground coffee In a per- 180 E Lot 3 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.82 12.07 fectly clean fresh bag of muslin tied "If Ifs Hardware, We Have It!" 180 E Lot 4 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.82 12.07 at the top, and then putting this Into 180 E Lot 5 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.82 12:07 a large aluminum kettle of cold water Full Line of— 180 E Lot 6 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 8.81 12.06 and letting it come to the bolL The HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES 180 E Lot 7 : Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.95 10.16 bag'may be used agnln and again If It 180 E Lot 8 Gordon Aye. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 7.94 10.15 Is well rinsed out In cold then hot HOUSE FURNISHINGS 180 E Lot 9 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.95 10.16 10.17 water and allowed to dry thoroughly 180 E Lot 10 Gordon Ave. > 25x100 Wilk Realty Co „ 7.96 In the open alp. 553-555 Roosevelt Avenue CARTERET, N. 180 E Lot 11 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 180 E Lot 12 Gordon Ave, 25x100 Wilk Realty Co i7,96 10.17 Theoretically percolated coffee Is Tel. Carteret 8-0312 and 8-1018 180 E Lot 13 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7,96 . 10.17 better than boiled coffee. Often Ita 180 E Lot 14 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 flavor Is Inferior. The reason for this 180 E Lot 15 I Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 la that the Inside of the percolator 180 E Lot 16 Gordon Ave. 25x100 10.17 Wilk Realty Co 7.96 1P.17 and the various pieces there Included 180 E Lot 17 Gordon Ave. 26x100 Wilk Realty Co _ 7.96 are not sufficiently scrubbed and aired. 180 E Lot 18 Gordon Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 7.96 10.17 180 E 18.29 Once a week all metal parts that com!> Lot 19 I Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 18.88 Inoontact with the coffee should be 180 E Lot 20 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co •. 9.80 12.05 180 E Lot 21 Bunbar Ave, 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.82 12.07 thoroughly scoured. Then cold water The Paulus Dairy , 180 E Lot 22 Dunbar Ave. 25x150 - Wilk. Realty Co :.:r...... 9.82 12.07 with a teaspoonful of baking soda 180 E Dunbar Ave. 25x150 12.07 should be put Into the percolator nnd Established 1890 Lot 23 Wilk Realty Co. 9.82 /11.30 180 E Lot 24 Dunbar Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 9.06 x brought to the boll. After this the 180 P Lot 1 Gordon Ave. - Irregular Wilk. Realty Co 7.94 10.15 percolator should be rinsed and filled Main Office: 189-195 New St. 180 F 10.14 Lot 2 Gordon Ave. 25xiJP0 Wilk Realty Co 7.93 with clear water and brought to the Phone: 2400 New Brunswick, N. . 180 F Lot 3 Gordon Ave. 25x100 • Wilk Realty Co 6.93 9.11 180 F 9.11 boll. After that it should be set out Lot 4 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 6.93' for a thorough sunning and airing. 1B0 K Lot 5 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 6.94 9.12 180 F Lot 6 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co, 6.94 9.12 And between these weekly cleanslngs Paulus' Positively Perfectly 1S0T 9.81 the percolator should _alwayj be Lot 7 Gordon* Ave. -85x100- Wilk -Realty So...... _.....;:..:.... -1-M - 9.80 180 F Lot 8 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co A 7.60 thorougaly washed and dried after 180 F Lot 9 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.61 9.81 each using. Pasteurized Milk 180 F 9.81 Lot 10 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 7.61 23.69 <{B by idcClure Newspaper Syndicate.) 180 F Lot 18 Woodland Ave, Irregular Alfred & Marie Drenes 2.1.11 180 F 15.73 PICKED UP Raw milks produced by tuberculin and blood tester Lot 14 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Alfred & Marie Drene3 13.38 15.72 180 F Lot 15 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Alfred & Marie Drenea 13.37 180 F 15J73 cows: Walker. Gordon Certified, Golden Guernsey, Lot 16 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Alfred & Marie Drenea 13.38 15.73 Give a book a bad name and It's a 180 F Lot 17 Woodland Ave, 25x150 Alfred & Marie Dreneg 13.38 180 F 15.74 talkie. Suydam's Special, Rutger's Special Lot 18 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 13.39 12.15 180 F Lot 19 Woodland Ave. jIrregular Wilk Realty Co 180 F 16.91 There's something wrong about* the Lot 20 Summit Ave. • Irregular Wilk Realty Co 14.53 12.08 Distribution Covers: New Brunswick, Highland Park 180 F Lot 21 Summit- Ave. 25-xi50 • Wilk Realty Co man who Is always right. 180.F 9.83 12.09 1 Lot 22 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co S.84 12.09 South River, Sayreville, Parlin, South Amboy, 180'* Lot 23 Summit Ave. 25x150 The disappointed In love are not al 180 F Wilk Realty Co .': 9.84 12.09 Lot 24 Summit Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 9.84 12.09 ways those who have beon rejected. Perth Amboy, Woodbridge, Carteret, Fords 180 F Lot 25 Summit Ave. 25x150 180 F Wilk Realty Co 9.84 12.09 Lot 26 Summit Ave. Irregular Wilk -Realty Co 9,84 19.62 It takes more will-power than moiiej and Metuchen, N. J. 180 G Lot 4 Woodland Ave. 25x150 180 G Wilk Realty Co 17,17 19.62 to keep a fashionable Kirl lu clothes. Lot 5 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 17.17 19.61 180 G Lot 6 Woodland Ave. 25x150 Wilk Realty Co 17.16 19.61 180.G Lot 7 Woodland Ave. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 17.16 . 24.48 181 A Lot 23 Jansen Ave. ' Irregular Wilk Realty Co 21.90 17.48 181 B Lot 9 Janaon Ave, 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 15.09 17.48 181.B,, Lot 10 Jansen Ave, 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 15.09 17.48 181 B Lot 11 Jansen Ave. 25x100 -Wilk Realty Co 1B.09 17.48 181 B Lot 12 . Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 15.09 17.54 181 B Lot 15 * Jansen An» 4 25x100 16.15 17.49 i* Well give you 181 B • Lot 18 Jansen Ave. 26x100 Charles Simkin .i 15.10 17.49 181 B Lot 19 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Charles Srmkin 15.10 17.48 181 B Lot 22 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Morns Greenfield 15.09 17.48 181 B Lot 23 Jensen Ave. 25xlOJ>/ Wilk Realty Co 15.09 181 B 17.48 a great deal Lot 24 v Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 15.09 17.48 181 B Lot 25 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wills Realty Co 15.09 181 B 17.48 Lot 26 JunseT n Ave. ^25x100. Wilk Realty Co 15.09 17.48 181 B Lot 27 ".naen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. I5.oa_ 17.49 181 B Lot 31 Jansen Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.10' 17.40 181 B Lot 32 Jansi'en Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. 15.10 17.49 181 B Lot 33 Junsen Ave, 25x100 i WHk Realty Co 16.10 22.08 BETTER'DEAL 181 B Lot 34 Jansen-Ave. ""•£5x100 ' Wilk Realty Co. 19.67 21.85 181 B L»tr 48 GordonrAve. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co ,. 19.86 17.49 181 B Lot 50 Gordonj Ave "* 25x100 Wilk Realty Co 15.10 17.48 181.8 Lot 51 Gordon Ava. 25X100 Wilk Realty Co 1B.09 181 B e 17.50 on a NEW Lot 04 Gordon 4x - • 25x100 Wilk, Realty Co 15.11 17.2i) 181 B Lot 55- Gordon Ave. 25x100 Pert} Realty Co, 14.90 17.29 .181 B Lot 56 Gordon Ave. 25x100 Perth Realty Co 14.90 17.27 18.1 B Lot 57 ordon Ave, •25x100 Perth Realty Co 14.88 17.27 181B Lot 58 , eordon Ave. Perth Realty Ce 14,88 17.27 181 B Lot 59 Gordon Ave, 25x100 Perth Realty Co. - r*.88 j 11.75 181 B Lot 60 Gordon Ave. 85x100 Perth Realty Co. fl.&O 11.74 181 B Lot 61 Gordori Ave. 25x100 Maria Kospador 9.49 79.67 liil C Lots 14 to 18 Gordon'Ave, 25x100 eaoh Wilk Realty Co 75.70 17.07 . 181 C STUDEBAKER Lot 35 ' Gordon Ave. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. I..: 14.08 22.07 1810 Lot 36 Gordon Ave. . ,80x100 Wilk Realty (?b. 1,9.56 6.87 . 181 C Lot 42 A Liberty St. 121x100 Jens P. Jensen 4.75 . 6.87 181 C Lot 42 B Liberty St. 12ixl00 " Wilk Realty Co. 4.75 194.57 181.JC Lot 43 Liberty St.' House 26x100 Jenson P. Jensen '. 187.57 Better Car! Better Terms! 181 C Lots -51 and 62 Liberty St. 25jtl00 each John V, Pedersgn and August* Schmidt 22.82 25.41 181 C Lots 53 to 56 Liberty St, ' 25x100 each Wilk Realty' Co. 45.64 48.82 181D Lot ,27 Liberty St. 25x100 Wilk Realty Co. ., 11.39 13.69 181 D Lot 28 Liberty St. Irregular Wilk Realty Co 11.39 " 13.09 188 A Lot 1 Fowler Ave, Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian V 3.51 5.60 3.51 J. ARTHUR APPLEGATEj ,,183 A Lota Fowler Ava. Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian 5.C0 Fowler Ave.. Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian 8.51 5.60 iSH &!, Fowler Ave, * " Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian 8.61 5.60 188 A Lot 5 Fowler Ave. Irregular Harry Brower & Max Gibian 8.61 5.60 363 Division Street ERTH AMBOY, 188 A Lot 6 S'owler Ave. . Irregular •Harry Brower 6 Max Gibian S.6). 6.60 ' onn«xt page.) FRIDAY, OCT/OfeER 80, 1931> PAGE TEN


1 l<> illinium• 1 juniMim i nue north twenty-twfi degrees four I. iniiinurd from firecediHy 1, 1 !> U t „ PnllpTj' SHERIFF'S SALE 183 A Lot 7 , The minimi !*nviiiK tiiM'tiint1 tnkrs minutes enst ifforty feet, to « point; 183 A Fowler Ave. irrpgular Hnrry Browor Sr M»i Gibinn .1.50 5.59 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JKRSEY thenrc (2) south nixt.y-seven degrees Lot 8 ', Fowler Ave. irregular Harry Brnwrr & Mfix Gibian 3.50 5.50 ,"V-'IHI si :c lirs per minute. The hu 183 A Lot 9 Fowler Ave Hnrry Brower & Mny (iihinn 3.50 5.59 Hetween Port Reading Building fifty-six minutes enst. one hundred 1R3 A Lot 10 Irrogulnr m:tn htnul tniK u riipiH'lty for frnm 'JO Xr. In AssociationAs, , H corporationp , twenty-five feet to a point; thence 188 A Fowler Ave, Irreguhjs Harry Urower & MHX Gil'inn 8.07 5.15 10 ;!O. One, KrnhifrniiU'lilnR iniimifac- d h Il Lot 11 .. TSwier AWT— * Hurry' Rrower & Max (Jiliian . 5.15 Complainant, and Stephen Ilayzer, (;i) south twenty-two degrees four 183 A Lot 12 irregular s.o» turliiK (•oiircrii nlonP mnkes ,1,000 dif- et. nln., Defendants. Fi FlfTnf sate minutes west forty feet to a point; 183 A Fowler Ave. Irregular Hurry Hrnwer & Max Gibinn, .. 8.07 5.U) Lot 13 Fowler Ave. Hnrry Brower & Max Gibinn .. ferent (IPKIRIIR of mnrlilnes. of mortgaged premises dated Sep- thence (4) north sixty-seven degrees 183 A Lot 14 Irregular 3.00 5.14 tember 21, 1931. . 1H3 A Fowler Avo. hrrgular Hurry Brower & Max Gibinn .. 3.05 6.13 fifty-six minutes west one hundred t*t 15 Fowler Ave. Irregular Hnrry Hrowcr & Mnx Gibian .. 3.05 5.13 By virtue of the- abovo stated writ twehty-fivo feet to the said side of 183 A SHERIFF'S SALE to me directed nnd delivered, I will 183 A Lot 16 Fowler Ave. Irregular Hnrry Browrr & Mnx Gibinn .. 3.05 5.13 Ridgeley Avenue and point and Lot 17 Fowler Ave. Irregular Harry Browrr & Max Gibinn .. 5.12 7.25 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY expose to sale at public vendue on place of BEGINNING. 183 B WEDNESDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF 183 B Lots 1 to 17 Fowler Ave. 2JixlOO each Harry Brower & Max Gibinn .. 88.11 92.39 —Hetween .Jersey Mortgage and Decree amounting to approxi- 1K3 0 Lots 18 to 84 ' Waring Ave. ' Irregular Harry Browor & Max Gibian .. 83.51 87.71 Title Guaranty Company, a corpora- NOVEMBER, A. D. 1931 mately $3,100.00. 201 Lots 1 to 16 Waring Ave. ' Irregular Harry Blower & Max Gibian .. 82.03 8C.15 tion. Complainant, and Olive T. Van at two o'clock standard time in the Together with nil and singular 206 11.98 acres Old Road to New Bruns 11.98 acres Charles L. Steuerwald Inc 565.08 581.24 Iderstine, et. vir.. Defendants. Pi nfternoon of said day at the Sheriff's the rights, privileges, hereditaments 244 Lot 2 - King George's Road Irregular Suburban Realty Co 72.87 75.99 Fn for sale of mortgaged premises Office in trwi City of New Brunswick, and appurtenances, thereunto Be- 244 Lots 17 to 24 St.. James Ave. •10x120 each Woodbridge Realty Co 392.39. 404.23 dated October 2, l'.m. N. J. longing or in .anywise appertaining. 253 B Lot 26 St. James Ave. 40x120 Woodbridge Realty Co. 48.99 52.22 By virtue of the above stated writ All the following tract or parcel BERNARD M. GA.JNON, Sheriff. 353 B Lot 5 Ritter *Ave. Irregular Perth Ambdy Realty Co — 5.49 . . . 7.63 to me* directed anTH DAY OF and beiftg in the Township of Woort- W I. 10-23, 30;. 11-G, 13 253 B Lot 8 Hitter Ave. irregular Perth Amhoy Koalty Co 4.42 . e.h3 NUVEMBER, A. IJ. 1931 • biidge, in the CuunLy of Middlesex 253 B Lot 9 Ritter Ave. Lot 10 Irregular Perth Amboy Realty Co 5.46 ... 7.60 nt two o'clock standard time in the nnd State of New Tersey. 253 B Ritter Ave. Irregular Perth Amboy Realty Co 5.48 > 7.132 :ifternoon of said day at the Sheriff's BEGINNING nt a point distnnt SHERIFF'S SALE 253 B Lot 11 Convery Boulevard , 25x100 Perth Amboy Realty Co. 22.10 24.67 )ffice in the City of New Brunswick, fifty feet southerly from the inter- 253 B • Lot 12 Lot 13 Convery Boulevard 25x100 Perth Amboy Realty Co 22.10 24.67 N. J. section of the Holly line of Holly IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY 253 B Convery Boulevard .,,.v,,._..'. ...25x1.0.0 Perth Amboy Realty Co 22.10 24.67 AH the followingtract or parcel Street with the easterly line of —Between John H., Gordon and 2C3 B Lot 14" "Convery Boulevafj """.'..".''.'.'.'-.' 25x100 Perth' Amb'oy Realty (Id.".'„'....: 1 'F™IamT~*an, 1920. 266 A Irregular Gokark Realty Co 160.83 166.65 NING. SHERIFF'S SALE Lot 41 Bergen Street Irregular Woodbridge Realty Co. . 14.59 The foregoing description is taken BEGINNING at a point on the 266 A Lot 42* Bergen Street . 12.28 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY 266 A Irregular Woodbridge Realty Co. . 12.27 14.58 from a map of a survey made by westerly line of Ford Avenue dis- Lot 43 Bergen Street " Irregular Woodbridge Realty Co. . 14.58 Larson & Fox, Civil Engineers, —Between HAMILTON BUILD- tant southerly from Fifth' Street 266 A Lot 44 Bergen Street •.... Woodbridge Realty Co. . 12.27 ING & LOAN ASSOCIATION of 266 A Irregular 12.26 14.D7 Perth Amboy, New Jersey, October, one hundred eighty and thirty-five Lot 45 Bergen Street Irregular Woodbridge Realty Co. . 14.57 1923. the City of Newark, a corpora- one-hundredths (180.35) feet; 278 A Lot 17 Aldine Street 12.26 tion, Complainant, and LOTH- 278 A 25x100 John A. Delaney 24.81 27.40 Being known and designated as thence westerly at right ungles to Lot 18 Aldine Street Irregular John A. Delaney 32.42 Lot No. 2 in Block 13 on a map en- ARD H. JENSEN, et als., De- Ford Avenue and along the south- 279 A Lot 1 Lyman Ave. . 29,72 fendants. Fi Fa for sale of mort- 279 A 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.03 titled, "Map of Sewaren, Middlesex erly side of lot 253 seventy-five and Lot 2 Lyman Ave. 25x100 , Green St. Realty Co 16.03 County. N. J-, the property of the gaged premises dated October 1, fifty-seven one-hundredths (75.57) 279 A Lot 3 Lyman Ave. ;19.68 1931. 85x100 Green St. Realty Co • 13.68 16.03 Sewaren Improvement Company, feet to a point; thence southerly 279 A Lot 4 Lyman Ave, 25x100 along the easterly side of lots 244 279 A Lot 5 Green St. Realty Co 18.6S 16.03 July, 1894," 'filed November 16, By virute of the ahove stated writ Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realtv Co 16.05 1894, as Map No. 248. . to me directed and delivered I will and 243 thirty-seven and six hun- 279 A Lot 0 Lyman Ave. 13.70 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.70 16.05 Being the same premises convey- expose to sale at public vendu« on dred ninety-five thousandths of a 279 A Lot 7 Lyman Ave. 25x100 foot (37.695) to a point; thence 279 A Lot 8 Green St, Realty Co 13.70 16.05 ed Olive R. Van Iderstine by deed WEDNESDAY, THE EIGHTEENTH Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.05 DAY OF NOVEMBER, NINETEEN easterly parallel with the first de- 279 A Lot 9 Oakwood Ave. 13.70 of Maude R. Turner, William F. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 8.68 10.88 Turner and Aimee R. Turner, his HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE scribed course seventy-nine and 279 A Lot 10 Oakwood Ave. 25x100 three hundred ninety-five thou- 279 A Lot 11 Green St. Realty Co 8.68 10.88 wife, dated November 27, 1923, re- a( two o'clock (standard time in the Oakwood Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co; 10.87 sandths of a foot (79.395) to the 279 A Lot 12 Oakwood Ave. 8.67 corded January 8, 1924, in the office afternoon of said day at the Sheriff's 279 A Lot 13 25x100 Green St. •Realty Co 8.67 • 10.87 of the Clerk of the County of Mid- Office in the City of New Bruns- westerly side of Pord Avenue, Oakwood Ave. " 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 10.87 thence northerly along^ the westerly- 279 A Lot 14 .».. Oakwood Ave. 8.67 dlesex, in Book 766 of Deeds, page wick, N. J. 279 A Lot 15 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 8.67 10.87 107. All the following tract or parcel side of Ford Avenue, thirty-seven Oakwood Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 10.86 279 A Lot 16 Oakwood Ave. ,. 8.66 Said Olive R. Van Iderstine being of land and premises hereinafter and fifty one-hundredths (37.50) 7 25x100 Green St. Realty Co ' 10.86 the same person as Olive T. Van particularly described, situate^ lying feet to the point or place of BEGIN- 279 A Lot 17 , Oakwood Ave. ., 25x100 8.66 279 A Lot 18 Green St. Realty Co 5.95 8.10 Iderstine herein. and being in.the Township 8T Wood-1 NING. Oakwood Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.77 Decree amounting to approxi- bridge, in the County of Middlesex Decrees amounting to approxi- 279 B Lot 1 "kirkland Place ....: 25x100 11.48 279 B Lot 2 Green St. Realty Co 13.70 16.05 mately $7,100. and State of New Jersey: mately $7,500. Kirkland Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.05 Together with all and singular BEGINNING at a point in' the Together with all and singular 279 B Lot 3 Kirkland Place ...... 25x100 13.70 279 B Lot 4 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.03 the rights, privileges, hereditaments easterly side of Ridgeley Avenue the rights, privileges, hereditaments Kirkland Place ', 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.03 279 B Lot 5 Lyman Ave. ' 13.68 and appurtenances thereunto be- which point is distant one hundred and appurtenances, thereunto be- 279 B Lot 6 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.03 longing or in anywise appertaining. five feet northerly from the inter- longing or in anvwise appertaining. Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.04 BERNARD M. GANNON. Sheriff. section of said side of Ridgeley Ave- BERNARD M. GANNON, Sheriff. 279 B Lot 7 Lyman Ave. , 26x100 13.69 879 B Lot 8 Green St. Realty Co...... 18.69 16.04 LBAVITT & TALLEY, Solicitors. nue and the northerly side of Indi- RALPH S. HEUSER, Solicitor. Lyman Aye. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.04 £79 B Lot 9 — .Lyman Ave. i. 13.69 $36.54 ana Avenue; thence (1) along the $28.56 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.04 W. I. 10-30; 11-6, 13, 20 'said easterly side of Ridgeley Ave- W. I. 10-23, 30; 11-6, 13 279 B Lot 10 Lyman Ave. ." 25x100 13.69 279 B Lot 11 Green St. Realty Co , 13.69 16.04 Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.04 279 B Lot 13 Lyman Ave. 25x100 13.69 sl KJM Ml II\\ IJH Mtt »AV Mtt Mft Mtt Wn Iffll MH «K «m Wtt TOL Wft KM. Ml WK MM HO. Htt gift WM. Hft M.VBMja.V fflftJfflVlttt.IfllJMft M« HM MJnBJtl 279 B Lot 13 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 Stephen's Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.05 279 B Lot 14 ^Stephen's Place . 25x100 13.70 279 B Lot 15 Green St. Realty Co 13.70 10.05 Stephen's Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.03 279 B Lot 16 Stephen's Place 13.68 279 C Lot 1 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.03 •Stephen's Place' ' 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.04 279 C Lot 2 Stephen's Place : 13.69 279 C Lot 3 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 REGULAR Stephen's Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.04 279 C Lot 4 Stephen's Place 25x100 13.69 279 C , Lot 5 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St Realty Co 279 C Lot 6 Xyman Ave. A 13.70 16.05 279 C Lot 7 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.70 16.06 Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 1G.04 279 C Lot 8 Lyman Ave...... 13.69 279 C Lots 9 to 12 25x100 Green St. Realty Co. .... 13.71 16\06 Green Street , ' Irregular Green St. Realty Co SATURDAY NIGHT 365.54 279 C Lot 13 Green Street x 353.68 279 C Lot 14 Irregular Green St. Realty Co.. .. 24.73 27.36 Green Street Irregular Green St. Realty Co 94.55 279 C Lot 16 Green Street 90.04 279 C Lot 16 Irregular Green St. Realty Co 90.04 94.55 Green Street Irregular Green St. Realty Co 90.04 94.55 279 D Lot'l Stephens Place 33x100 279 D Lot -2 Green St. Realty Co...... 13.70 16.05 Stephens Place u 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.05 279 D Lot 3 Stephens Place 13.70 279 D 26x100 Green St. Realty Co. .... 13.09 16.04 DINNER DANCE/ Lot 4 Lyman Ave. „ •27B4> 26x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.60 16.04 Lot ^ - ©rent -9tr-Realty On.- -.-... 279 D Lot 6 Lyman Ave. • • 279 D 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.6K 16.03 Lot 7 Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co, .... 13.69 270 D Green Street 16.04 Lots 10 to 12 Irregular Green St. Realty Co 28B.U4 296.97 AT THE 270 D Lot 13 Green Street 270 D Irregular Green St. Realty Co. ..,. 88.57 93.05 Lot 14 Green Street Irregular (Ereen St. Realty Co 27!) E Kirkland Place 111.42 116.55 Lot 1 33x100 Green St. Realty Co. ... 13.70 16.05 279 E Lot 2 Kfrkiant! Place I 279 E 25x100 Gneen St. Realty Co 13.69 1B.04 Lot 3 Kirkland Place 25x100 270 E Lyman Ave, Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 Lot 4 - - 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 18.68 , 16.03 279 E Lot 5 Lyman Ave. 279 E 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 Lot 6 Lyman Ave. 25x100 279 E Lyman Ave. Green St. Realty Co. ... 13.68 16.03 HOTEL -Lot 7 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 279 E Lot 8 Lyman Ave. 279 E 25x100 . Green St. Realty Co 13.68 16.03 c Lot 9 Lyman Ave. 25x100 27 t E Lyman Ave, Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 Lot 10 25x100 Green St. Realty Co. ... 13.68 16.03 279 E Lot 11 Lyman Ave. 279 E 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 16.0-1 Lot 12 Stephens Place 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 279 E Lot 13 Stephens Place 13.69 16.04 279 E 25x100 Green St. Realty Co. .... 13.70 16.06 Lot! 14 Stephens Place ~ 33x100 Green St. Realty-Co. .... 279 F Lot 1 Lyman Ave, 13.68 16.03 279 P 25x100 Green St. Realty Co. .... 13.69 16.04 Lot 2 Lyman Ave. 25x100 Green St. Realty Co ' 279 F Lot 3 Lyman Ave, 13.68 16.03 279 F 25x100 Green St. Realty Co. ... 13.69 16.04 Lot 4 Lyman Ave( 25x100 Green St. Realty Co 279 F Lot 5 Lyman Ave. 13.68 16.03 279 F Green St. Realty Co 13.69 16.04 Lot 6 Lyman Ave. 25x183 Green St. Realty Co. ... WILSON 279 F 13.68 16.03 Lot 7 Lyman Avta 25x183 Qreen St. Realty Co 279 F Lot 8 j Lyman Ave. 13.69 • 16.04 279 F 25x183 Gireen St, Realty'Co. ... 13.68 16.03 Lot 9 Lyman Ave. Irregular • Green-St. Realty Co. .... 279 F Lot 10 Kirkland Place 11.48 13,77 279 F 25xioo Green St. Realty Co. ... 13.69 16.04 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Lot 11 Kirkland Place Xireen St. Realty Co. ... 27!) F Lot 12 Kirkland Place 26x100 18.70 16.05 316 B 26x109 Green. St. Realty Co. ... IB.68 16.03 Lota 82 to 84 John Street Moses Kaufman 316 D Lot 104 .Remmey Street Irregular 50.38 52.67 815 D 76x150 MoseB Kaufman 14.87 17.26 Lot 105 •Remmey Street Moses Kaufman .„ 315 D Lot 106 ' Remmey Street 75x150 14.87 17.26 815 D Moaes Kaufman .'.'. 14.87- Lot 107 Remmey Street 75x150 Moses 17.26 815 D Remmey Street 76x150 Kaufman '. ' 14.87 17.26 Lot 108 Moses Kaufman 315 D Lot 109 Remmey Street 75x150 14.86 17.25 CONNIE ATKINSON 316 D Remmey Street 75x150 Moses Kaufman 14.85 17.24 Lot 110 Moaes Kaufman 873 B Lot 5 Berkley Boulevard 76x150 14.85 17.24 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C. Nielson 13.51 15.85 .873 S Lot 6 Ella C. NUlSon 873 I Lot 7 Berkley Boulevard Irregular -18,61 16.85 Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C, Nielson 18.51 15.85 873 E Lot, H Ella C, Nlelsbn ,... And His Orchestra 873 B Lot 9 Berkley Boulevard Irregular »8.51 15.85 873 B Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C: Nielson 13.51 Lot 10. Ella C. Nielson 15.85. 373 B Lot 11 Berkley Boulevard Irregular 13.51 16.85. 378 B Berkley Boulevard Irregular Ella C. Nielson 13.51 15.85 Lot 12 Ella C.. NlNielaoon 878 B Lot 13 Berkley Boulevard Irregular 13.51 16.86 Irregular Ella C. Nielson 18.51 15.85 873 B Lot 14 Berkley Boulevard Ella C. Nielson .'. S73 B Lot 16 Berkley Huulevard Irregular 13.51 15.85 Irregular Ella C. Nielson 13.49 15.83 OWNER SERVED FROM 373 B Lot 16 Berkley Uoulevard Ella C. Nielson S73B - Lot 17 • Berkley Boulevard Irregular 13..49 15.83 Irregular Ella C. Nielson -.., , 13.40 16,83 873 B Lot 18 • Berkley Boulevard Ella C, Nielson S78B Lot DO Cooper Ave. Irregular 13.48 15.82 Irregular Citizens Building Loaji Aaan. 18-1.78 873 B Lot 51 Cooper Ave. Citizens building Loan Aaun. iau.25 •I 878 B Lot 19 Eidgaley Avs. -f - Irregular 10.35 12.60 » 373 E Lot 20 Itidgeley Aye. 20x135 Anders 8. Nielson 268.67 277.78 5:30 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. 873 E Lota 68 and 69 Cooper Ave'; 20x135 Anders S. Nielson 8.02 10.28 873 0 Lot 33 Berkley Boulevard 25xl3B-each Wm. A. Spencer 2S2.02 240.79 873 H • So. 55 ft. l Nels Peter Jensen 521.08 688.08 of 42 to 47 Indian* Ave. Andera S. Nielson 873 M Lot 28 Benjamin Ave. Irregular 121.99, 187.31 373 M Benjamin Ave. 20x126 NeU Peter Jensen —., 41.85 45.02 Lot 81 20x125 Nels Peter Jensen $1.50 878 N Lot 9 Green Street 41.86 45.02 878 N - tot 67 Berkley Boulevard 20x125 Anders S, Nielson 19.10 21.50 873N Irregular Anders S. Nielson .* 12.98 16.30 Lots 88 tg 6t Berkley BouJeyard Irregular Ira R. Grouse and Ingfred T. Madsen 878 N Lot 86 Benjamin Av 77.98 83.88 373 N Lot 67 ' Benjamin Avi 20*126 David Lund - i •.. 10.36 12.60 No Couvert Charge 2Uxl25 David Lund 10.35 ' 373 N Lota 76 and 77 Benjamin A- House 20x138 ea£h Lloyd P., Johnson 12.60 375 B Lots 9 and 10 Juliet Street Irregular 72.36 76.87 1175 S New Brunswick Holding Co. 81.22 85.16 '.T Lot« IB to Ml * ivikt Strent Irregular N(tw Brunswick Holding Co. 383 C Lot. JoiuuoB StieJI; Charles ."Shorties . , 265.76 274.20 883 D Xofcl Huftr Av?. I 25x100 8.1« Charge $1I00 Per Person 25x10 U.06 8.21 , Aw, Loan ; 4.07 - fclf <-J-/ : .,-. :vs . ;&?•-,., A. "LARS wooDBRii)GE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1931

••HHIHtlHH la Sereby givon Hint th. Boai ChoMtl Frwhold*™ of the County nf dlnex will conaldar at lt« public mcatin The Day of the b» held On Thuradar. Novpmtwr 1». 1 at i o'clock In thn afternoon of that In th« County H«cord nulldlng. In th« Prize Award of Nfw Brunawlrk, • nwolutlnji i»'i WHO'S WHO IN MIDDLESEX COUNTY portion* of the rortd known aa the Bori town Turnpllra. which parwla ao lnt#l By JACK WOODFORO to he vacated ore dw^Tlhpd M followa: ALL thone certain trncta or parcsla r,f| By Jeanne Vail Storms riniiitHimnniMH land and premliea, hereinafter particularly| deicrlbed. »ltu«te, lying and helm In th« Exclusive Slaff Sprrtal Fenturr Writer Towvahlg of Madlaon, In the. County MliMlcoei unit State of NVw «*aer T HAD been only dire necessity that FIRST: neglnnlni at a poln- formed hyl Introducing to You the Live, Progressive Firms of Middlesex County and People Who Make the Interaction of the routheuterly line nfl I mntte Ellen enter her name and sup- the old right of.wa.y with thfl aoutheaat'TJ| J>lj her photograph for the be*utj ly line of the filming right of way:'run- Un Its Business Interests ning thence if f>ln< nf HFXUNSINtJ. Contalnin Roll Of Honor Name* Appearing on This Lilt Will 11).111)71 T rr>m")Hne's?f In watting on customers tific methods they restore everything ons, such as those nt Nils Kjaer s owner down t» the drivers, The InstnnrA In ^holr minds of » pretty beauty Shop at 2152 Madison ave- Be Sent to Library of Conrre«t. f^j^oNn; nPKlnnlnif nt ft point forme^ and lilliiijj orders in their particular to its oriuinal newness. Truly, the concern rpferr'm) to is The Wnrr lrl Mt |Pkl Sl> J st liv The tnlprsrrtinn of '.he norlhw hobby. You get more service from proprietor, Rt.cve Zanetou, is building IUO, Perth Amboy, can do this prop- Coal and Supply Company on St. Tlur-following "name's oY"lhe""i>ro- \ * "P» • P « ' " lirojxTty IITV> of (hi1 VennpylvBiila H his business by everlastingly striving erly. Nils Kjaer knows the latest George avenue, owned nnd operated gressive, wide-awake business people, \ «* the nVmufncturprs of Rlnssos hnd (-i>mpnny with (ho m tithpnutwly ,..,..*•, •• MHI (llnlnnnp fnrty-^litlit and no hundredth** faction." Blaum's is the home of mance, that his is far above the ordi- a load of coal in double quick time. fpt>l tn n point wh^rr It lnt*rMTtm jt««a tMnjprtir cHt:-©npe you jret-in- nary service. He knowftJthe basines* nd, lot 3 reason, hah s madde a suc- Thy. doa'.t. handle. all. th.e...CQUL but. next 42 years from the date (if last i nOut(m I'ic' Intended to ifth wpntprly lfnp itf thp npw and" eirlat the habit of -plncin^ your orders and how to serve the public, and we •ess of it TniTiadies' of Mfcl'dTe'Seif part of the best coal," and always TTiblicntkin.-•••• There' it "Mwt» *• ~L ilrfftT/t'WKy' *»f -1»»W r*tt,l; th^np* (2^ aoutH splendid ret o r.d of recognized 'rty-elnht dpKrpes anil tun mlntttea ?.fiHt| here, you will he like his other custo- dnn't know, but we'll bet he is asbounty patronize him because they huve a square deal policy because them through plo beauty con- ike the courteous service accorded achievements in thie annalan s of this llHUncf thlrty-thrpn Hnd i»*V(.n tffntha mers—you will want to st\ck to thefavorably known aa any other clean- they want to hold the business qf, this test winners entl .IfitiK unld southwp«ifPTly line of new T :hem by the polite, cheerful opera- district which they hnve been build- "County" of Friendly Folks" known if wny tft n pnint whprp It Int^rapcta th< place. First, because of its quality; er and tailor in the county. ''Steve" The first prize was.o thousand dol- second, because of its reasonable pri- also does excellent remodelling on ors. Mr. Kjaer is a man who goesing up since beginning. We want you commonly as Middlesex County, mulhraMorly lUif «f nlil right of wnyfj lnrs. To Kllon, one isand dollars lipnrp (H) south fnxty-ntiif degree' ana ces, and third, because you will like Tuples'" cToth'ts, as well as creating »head because nothing can keep him all to get acquainted with their meth- Who't Who Roll of Honor ipven nilniit«ii wp*t dl-nnrirp fifty-two Giistav Blaum, the, owner. He meas- the newest fashions in ladies' suits back. No matter how many or how ods and the quality of their coal. Walter Warr • Mrs., C. Demareat would mean everythlnfj In the world. ntnpty.flvp one-hundrpilthn fp*t alnnjr ures high in citizenship and loyalty nnd coats. He has been here almost great the obstacles have been, he \V alter Warr always has a cheerful Dennis J. R^ran Steve Zanetou She was Just eighteen i (1 her brother lino of old rlitht of way to has overcome them. The Who's Who \rthur Dunham Curtis _Gray HIP point or jilacp nf HEUINMNti eohtpln«| to Woodbridge. There can be noeight years, and has won a splendid smile and is ready to do a good turn Ijad recently Injured himself so that IR pxm-tly plichtPPn imp. tnnunitndthn of nq letter proof that he is popular than reputation for himself because of editor found, at this shop, pleasant for a customer—in fact his greatest E." L. Berget C. F. Finn 1 he could not work »for several years cr» io.out. the friendly things his customers say his always excellent work—and his surroundings, a sunshiney atmos- .pleasure is knowing , how to add new I. A. Gorton . Alexander Sabo at the least. A thousand Milan Al.HO, 'all thonp rpftain trartn or parcel** phere, and, above all, Good Snappy of land and premise*, htiTPinafter paxll(.u-| about him, which' the writer has unfailing courtesy and honest deal- accommodations to his friendly serv- Frank Lencheg Gusthv Blaum would enrry them over until sWrcould ings. Call Woodbridge 8-0167 and Service. Nfils Kjfaer received 'hift ice. Mr. Warr made his debut in E. A. Finn Morris 'Segal iHrly dp-irrthpil, Dltuntp. lylnic and heln| heard on several occasions. He has find a Job, give up school ^tnfl start partly In- th« TAWnahlp. 6t MadlHQD been a home town man all his life. ask—How many dollars have been initial training in Denmark, where New Brunswick, Canada. He has F. Rr-Jthwaite Nils Kjaer nrtl-y In the BoroOfth of RayCpvillp. In His store, and Gnstav Blaum's prin- invested in new machinery and he was born. He was located for beerf one of us for twelve years, and Mrs. 'Zettlemoyer Frene .Hyan parnlng enough to keep the wolf from ('•ratify nf MUldli-DPX nnd Slnte of New some time with Best & Company, in the door until her brother got buck my. ciples which have upheld it, is anequipment here by Steve Zanetou to has given us excellent coal service L«wis Frankel ft. Braithwaite FIRST: nenlnnlnir at a point fortnufl lt| institution of twenty-six years' better accommodate the N. Y. Cus-New York City. Eight years ago for the past eight years. Hunting Minnie Frankel A. J. Tillesik again. Their father was dead; her the Intpraortlon of the Touthwesterly standing. Which says much for thetom Tailor patrons? his shop was opened in Perth Amhoy. and fishing are his prime sports. Call Iren Gerns M. I. Demarest mother carried on In their small cot- of the old right of way of the Bordentown And he has- carried on most satis- flouth Amhoy Tfrnplk* with the north man. Call WOodbridRe H-0121 and Woodbridge 8-0724 and ask—Wha.t Val Brown, J. H. T. Martin tage, keeping chickens taXhelp out and wpntprly line rtf the e-clRtt-n-r, right of wa_ aak—What canned goods do you pre- UNBOUNDED POPULARITY factorily and successfully. His first coal is featured at Warr/s, and why? George Lucas J. S. Mark', M. D. raising mtch of the truck vegetables (>f the Rfrirpaatd rnnrl; runnlnn: thence 11)1 dollar was learned at his trade. •oiHo thirty-seven degree! forty-two fer to feature at your store, and When you purchase ice cream you A. F. Greiner G. T. Applegate that they ate. , why? And, what's more, he still has it. He KNOWS HIS "A. B. C.'i" R. A. Hirner Betty Habinak utes ftnd thirty MCdndd we«t dletanre on* are interested only in one thing— With some trepidation Ellen visited hundred thlny-p.ltht mil ninety-three on«l is an enthusiastic baseball fan. Call hundredth-! feet along the mid northwest! Quality. Which ice cfteam tastes Go ahead and break your axle, A, D. Oldenbloom H. Tnmpkins the offices of Die Metropolitan Pickle INTERESTING PERSON PertPerth AAmboyy 4-1110 and ask—App- strip your gears, smash the frame Arthur Lee Kjelder Peterson erly line of Hinting right of way to a poln the best? Which ice cream is made il h difft company and was interviewed by Wal- which point la the Dolnt of curve of a ( One of the cleanest fruit and just the way a vast number of peoproximately how many different of your car, for we "know where you Wm. Campbell A. L. Galup , ti> the right; thence running <2) along; vegetable markets that haa ever done pie prefer? Well, for your infor- styles of hair cut do you have, at can get the Tepairs done and it will N. L. Taylor C. Albert Larson ter Thornton, igon ot the owner. The curve of rnilluff one thnuntind one hrjnrir* your fingertips and within reach of Interview was not painful, as Ellen thlrUen and twenty-eight one-hundredtll business. in Woodbridge is operated mation, Gorton's ice cream enjoys not cost you the price of a new on« Ed. L. Hardiman Eliz. Gfllaida t aouth and weat dlatance along by Morris Segal at Main and School popularity in an overwhelming way your scissors? either. It's at the Clover Leaf Ga- John R. Baumann F. ,G. Baldwin _. had anticipated. Walter Thornton forty-two and ninety-seven one-hundred._ streets. Only the freshest of fruits as it contains only pure ingredients, rage, Super Highway, Route 25, at E. K. Baumann George From / wag about twenty-five. He had deep feet Jo » point: thence (>) north twent* A WHIZ ON RADIOS seven Mtrtfen thirty-one rninutM east dt| and vegetables are sold here—and No ice cream could be higher in Avenel, operated by Frank Lenches. A. H. Baumann Wm. T. Ames / gray eye*, nnd soft, shiny black hair, t«nc» rvhe Tl^iidred forty »nd ntn«ty-nlo at prices that mean no hardship to quality than HUB "Cream of Perfec- Any person in Woodbridge has If he or his men cannot fix your car W. N. Baumann Wm. L. Harped lie was'tall and.strong looking; Ellen ono-hundredtha feet along the center 11* your puraa. You are apt to think tion." Its smoothness is the very "all America" within air-shot. We so that it is as serviceable as new, Steven Hruska J. Joseph Grace of old right of way to a point; thence (V mean by that if you will get -your- remembered having read in the pa-north thlrty-ali degrees thirty-eight mli «f Segal's market as a truck farm, essence of the velvety touch. Gor- you had better sell it for honest-to- Charles Koos David A. Brown pers some time before that he had car- utes west dlstanra thlrty-sli and alxty-nefl It has such a variety, and everything ton's good ice cream is not an acci self a radio from Jack's Radio and goodness junk. It is one place that Edward Koos Hampton Cutter pn one-hundredtha feet to a point on tb is. so fresh and green. No purchase, dent, but is produced by carefu Batfery Shop, 41 Main street, it has more machines and tools for the Earl Arnold F. J. Lawson ried off football honors at tho state nnrthweaterly line of the old right of wnjl will reach out and gather all the university. In finishing up the Inter- thence (B) north twenty-m>ven degreea thil however small, receives anything but thought and study of the desires and repairing of broken parts than the Alice M. Hooban F. T. Howell ty-one-minutes enat dlvlance one hundri the best of service. Morris Segal needs of the folks in this commu news and entertainment that is proverbial wrong numbers of a tele- LaReine Carfoot W. Guy Weaver view after he had accepted her picthirty-eigh- t unrt fifty-three one-hundrpd gets into every movement that spells nity. They are located on, Ambo} broadcasted, from Sandy Hook to phone company. Mr. Lenches is) a Sidney Fox R. L. Sattler ture and reclstrntlon he said: feet along aald northwesterly line of right of way to a point where It Inters* progress for our county, and can al- avenue, and have a reputation tha the Golden Gate, from Havana to man of unusual experience, which Jos. Andrascik Wm. A. Ryan "It Is rather unusual, Miss Wins- the Hudson Bay. Mr. A. J. Tille- the deed property line of the Fennsylvitn ways be depended upon to enter into stands out like a pair of tan shoes fact is attested to by the different Mary Andrascik Joseph L. Gill' low, for a young lady of your type to Itnllrond Company; thence (B) north sik's formula for success shows the G. L. Moore nine (legrees fifty minutes .east dlatan any community enterprise. .He pos- at a Ritz reception when it comes tc kinds of repair that he is called T. B. MurTgy " * " enter such a contest. You come, do sesses excellent business ability, and producing the right kind of icesame basic pattern of policies as C. Trautwein thr»o hundred five and forty-three upon daily to do. He's a veritable W. L. Harned you not, from one of the finest old fam- hundredth* feet nlnng said property llnp being a self-made man; has every cream. Mr. J. A. Gorton has been most men or enterprises. Call them "auto surgeon." A thousandth part S. B. Brewster Louis Tok-e thP PennnylvnnlR Railroad Company to reason to be proud of what he has here in business a year and a half, what you will, they simmer down to of an inch is a pretty small space, C. A. Campbell Joseph Galaida ilies dowd this wnyV point where It Intersects the rtorthweste three ordinary, old-fashioned words, lino nf the exit-ting right ->f way; then accomplished. You will n«ver see He started the ice cream business 14 but this mechanic thinks nothing of J- H, Concannon John F. Ryan "I luiow/\Ellen nodded, "but In this 17) along a curve to the south nnd went him or his business "tottering," years ago. He was associated witl "common sense," "honesty," andfitting a piece of machinery that genei«MiS!PTflb WlnBlowg will h»ve to rnilUiH one tfiouftftn't one h'-ntlreit sevpnt; lor he is a "persona grata"—one Castles, the City Dairies in Balti "hard work." It sounds trite, but sny goodby to pride. Grim necessity nine and twpnty-elsht one-hundredtha fe|j just try to get any kind of business close. That gives you an idea of llHtnncp nlniiK Hrr two Imnilted twenty-sfl' who counts. Morris Segal has been more, and Reed's, in Allentown his accuracy. Mr. Lenches is very $200 In Prizes For Is the dictator now." II nnd thn.p-lrr.lhK fpet along said nortrl going on successfully without them. 1 a Woodbridge man for six years, Gunning and fishing are hjs favoritt capable in his line of business, be- westerly lln; of existing right of way to I "Jack" is like a cake of yeast, full "Too dnrn bad," he said, after she i.i'lnt where It IntprapLMs the southea-'IPrl coming from Now York City. All sports. His first step towards finan ing a person of great natural abil- outdoor sports are his hobbies. At cial independence was made at £of ambition, and is filled with rest- had outlined her reasons for entering \ne nf the old right of wny; thence it lessness if not working. He has aity. The high position he holds with Who's Who Readers the contest. He nrtdwl: "You're the ninth fifty-plKlit dej-TPPH forty-nine mlnut| his fruit and vegetable market one bathing beach at Newport, R. the public has been obtained through .vi'ft dlHlnni-e fifty-five nnd eleven passion for building and making GRAND PRIZE—$25.00 last registrant I'm going to see today; '.iintlredths fppt --.Icing said miutheaHtelf| may procure apples of >any kind, .as j where he was born and raised. Call his own" efforts. He knows his A. B. FIRST PRIZE WEEKLY—$10.00 well a* the finest variety of Califor- R-1718 and ask—How many and radios respond. He likes to be I'm worn out gabbing with them. They inp or-nlrl rlirht of way to. a point: the where trouble is popping fast and C.'s anil we do not mean Apple- SECONO D PRIZE WEEKLY—$5.0$ 0 .i nth twenty-wi-vcn ilt'srees thirty-one nilj urn fruits. And a complete line of what are the different flavors to be sauce, Banana Oil or Con. He was nil* claim they're the most beautiful lies we^t' onp hundrpdtliH fpet furious and, being like a boy, enjoys THIRD PRIZE WEEKLY—$2.0Y$ 0 •*r Hiild Houthpanterly line nf old r I'.illi wulnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, had at Gorton's Ice Cream Factory? born in Yonkers, N. Y. • He has girls In town. It's so unique to have playing with a radio until he makes Rulea i.f «ny to the point or plm« ofvnKI hnd nn application from a girl who MM;. tMntftlD^ng PX*utly f"ur humln «intps and- figs. Call Woodbridge it behave. As you may thas read- v"'I*eJ ?! a,U.'0n!.0bJie me^n''?J" j Weekly there'will appear different EXCELLENT CUISINE almost twelve The Clover doesn't vociferously Insist that she's Khtv-five onp-tllol'HnndthH (0, 4SB> K-U072 nnd ask—What is your mot- ily see now why A. J. Tillesik has ^ brief palafrraphs in this column SI-XXIND: BpRlnnlng at a point formed brief paragraphs in this column the Intersection of the northwesterly to wilh which everyone should be ac- In reading this you are just in made the climb in his radio business. Leaf Garage is almost two years °ld.' bringin out distinctive features of the nrottlest In town." <|iiainU'd, - time to hear some good news. We Alex John Tillesik has lived in His first money was earned while M;ddlesex Count institutionVThere "I wouldn't consider thnt fair," El- f the old rleht of wny with the nortnf Md C V BEARS ENVIABLE REPUTATUJN ••••••-- this Woodbridge for twenty-three years. learning thit s trade so that it isnoisno , , ^ questioi n in each articleT^leatilT^ld len told him. "Since you are the final crly line nf the now nnd exiatlng right St. Hia radio shop, which he has carried wonded r thah t he knowk s it so hthor- I, ^ questio' n in each articleT^lea l .d wny runnlnjr tlietice (1) north thlrty-nlj The feeling of security that comes George avenue, Woodbridge, where ev e line of each st for ues Judge, I oughtn't to try to Influence dogreeH fifty-five flnutes east distance on so successfully, was opened three oughly and well. Call Woodbridge tions ma be asked anywhen> in* the your decision." hiindrnl flfty-ppvpn and fifteen one-hd In it man who owns his own home is toothsome danties, pies and cakes' 8-2365 and ask-On what .Wre than ilrpdthB fpet nlong said northwesterly If certainly worth eonsideifnjr. One !.re' found. Dinners and luncheons i years ago. Fishing *nd skiing are lar work do you specialize and most st and there be "Would that prevent your riding or the old right of wny to a point; thin two questions asked in some para- C) »UU nlong Hnld nurttiwesterlyUnn great advantage is the prestige he of unusual excellence are served in his favorite sports. His first dollar enjoy doing? graphs. The person sending in. most home with me?" he asked. "I. go di- 11,n old right of wny north fifty-one dcBl gains in both the social und business a most attractive manner. You willjwas earned when he made small KINDLINESS WELL KNOWN correct answers will be given prizes rectly tljroujjh your neighborhood on Pleven minutes east distance, five hundl| •world. His dependability is assured, delight in the "homeyness" and! aeroplanes and sold them. Today ' in merchandise weckl. In case of ties the way hXa.0iWt would be easy elulity and elglity-five oni'-hundredtha and his honor as a citizen is certain. c,uaintnes of this retreat. Here is j radioes,, new, and and those to re- tu ii point which 1H the point of tang a When the linafinall call comes ttoo a a duplicate awavd win be given each for me to drop you oft, It you cared of a curve of «*he northerly line of tho ~ He no longer merely exists as a the rendezvous for the Lion's Club , pair, occupy most of his time. Call member of a family, a memorial tyin^ colltegtant. The jud\e's deci- to go." und exLttinK right of wny; thence (3) nld "boarder" in the community, but as every Monday night. The location, Woodbridge 8-0865 and ask—What service is wanted in which htting yj g Everyone has an mtlil northerly line of the existing rlKht| sio w he nal Arriving at her home, Walter sur- wny on a curve to the left, south and Y n properly uwnt-r, ahB is in a posi- of the cabin is well chosen and radios -are featured at Jack s andhonor shall be paid and faith m the opportunity to win. Anyone now e ual prisingly accepted her perfunctory In- nf'radius, nine hundred thirty-three tion tu Rive the lumllords the laugh, equipped with "all conveniences in . do they range in price? large future shall be expressed. At can answ'e[. To -the son sendin(? flftn-flve onc-luilidretltlm feet dint a vitation to enine In far n. moment. He uliing arn thiei' hundred tlfty-three 1" it is your desire to buy a home, the world for guests. The kitchen i y^pj OLD, RELIABLE FIRM such a time those who are suffering )nth e most answers ffUrinR- the con- or tu know about real estate values is equipped for cooking as fine a went In and soon, southern fashion, .fpurteen one-hfinlredth« feet to a pi he strain of parting must be re- test will be iven a ?25 ratld prize where It Intersects tho nouth an know Dunham and Saho, Inc., 284 any time. The owner and manager, monient you mention hhardward e in tnent. Furthermore, if the arrange- ' over the hone to get answers. Any relationships and people In town they itlnrtif Hip smiOiPiLKterly line acrett. ^teii'flhW All persons intereMted In RuUt I-OFOI ' into partnership eighteen years ; R. Wife- * ^ Ktlun TOde In -with- Mm tiie- fallow- will1 ' lie* affor'rftil till tipTiorttTflUy t*t And when one considers that he won has rightfully earned a reputation £ . ors of the highest class and have the a * to be despised by more Countyy,, and is widely known as a 1 ThThee Direct Savings Furniture the phone; "let's get together, over bridge. Dunham and Sabo; /Inc., the enormous strides which have powerful^ organizations in^ the larger diifdignifiedd andd conservativeti , yett pro-11 Company on" St, GGeorge avenue, luncheon, and see what's wrong." —Please mention this paper to rent and -H«?1 1 real estate and insur- been taken by Mr. Gray and his He is a true Woodbridge man /gressive gentleman. iMr. Finn first; Rahway,' of which Charles and vertiaers; it helpa you, it helps th anoe. Call 8-063U and »»k—What cabin since its very inception? born nnd bred. Mrs. Ryay n was .ause. d his spoon in Woodhridge. He Edward Koos are the owners, states They did. And. that night, he drove ^^"youI hl r oaW.-' hat* linmp n p-ntii U the range in prices of properties _.„__.„ - L New Brunswick girl. Business, an/ has been actively engaged in his cho- i that the principle on which their sub- her home again. TACTFUL, EFFICIENcc T SERVICE both for rent and for1 sale which you IACTFUL, EFFIC making„ an.d keepin. .g. it an outstand- sen profession for six years, and isstantial growth is founded is "Sell- It became Increasingly evident (0 meng t Woodbrdge, most ably assisted by his wife. Read- Ellen that she would probably win have listed, and how many different The sincere, thoughtfug l manner i establishmenblih t iin WoodbridgeWdbid , ing Direct From Factory to You." occupiep s mufch of their time. Their ing is his hobby. His first dollar was the prize. That Walter had come to forms of insurance do you carry? i•n whic-----h E. L.- Berger*, proprietor of «• ~= -•*>- «* *v— +•— ™^ 1 The most interesting piece of l\ovn lujnijinvtit idideal l hhom> liflife ttakek s thth e restt. earned for dropping corn for Frank printing done by Mr: Sidney Fox, of think a lot of her was patent; and A LINE FOR LADIES I Hiram's "Farm Service Station, Route Edgar's father. Call Finn's nt Wood- No. 25, on the road from Wood- And better than this no one can say 349 Avenel avenue, Avenel, this year she knew that she udmfred him, could for SmoktMs/ about a man and woman. Their bridge 8-0"788 and ask—What char- was the calendar in book form which Every well-dressed woman in this bridge to Rahway discharges his du- acteristics are essential to success have loved him had she let herself— community should know that she ties, constitutes ' a comfort to the family and a good day's work, earn- he made for the Avenel Woman's but she knew slie must not let herself of \I\\W. amip. estly done. Call Woodbridge 8-0157 in your choaen work? cannot get a better corse^ nor he motorist. When you are passing this Club. because he was a millionaire In his more perfectly fitted than through station and are in need of oil orand ask—What three brands of paint BEG PARDON! Mr. August Greiner, the well s featured at Humphrey and known funeral director gives as his own right...,- the Hypatia Foundation Garment gasoline service in a hurry, you'H Mr. A. D. Oldenboom ,our local And then came the great day of the Factory, 8ST Avenel street, Avenel. get it here, as Mr. Berger preaches Ryan's, and what principle, which is milk dealer, is located on King reasons for his position in the com- The proprietortT J. Forrest Braith- "A Little Better Service." Drive theirs, eArn th«m success and Te- ge Road rather than King .unity the facti that he has. always prize announcements. Ellen rose early waite und his wife, Rozetta Braith- right in, let him change the oil andspect in this community? George avenue, as stated in last indenVored to please, has been wili- to get the morning paper. She had ng to work, and has been kindly to first prize; nor second prize, waite, make a specialty of good give the car a good thorough greas- DOCTORS OF PHARMACY week's issue. ser.vite and their service is dis- ing, an,d have your regular auto ;veryone. nor even honorable creel and efficient. The reputa- needs taken care of. You are here The careful compounding of a Mr. Joseph Andrascik, owner of mentloi appeared uo- prescription is quite aa important as WHO'S WHO SPOTLIGHT MAY he grocery store and meat market tion V the Hypatia Foundation Gar- and a\tay "jin No Time," because he where prlza announce- ments is an; ejjviable one, Mention gives 1'Real Service." Once you ihe choice of a doctor when you or BE TURNED ON YOU NEXT1 X 562 St. George avenue' has been this make of corset and you are im- join t^e procession of satisfied car one of your loved ones is ill. The orkinjt at the butcher trade for ments. mediately marked as a person of owners thai stream to this station, best efforts of your physician will wenty-six years.. That afternoon, on the way home taste and discrimination. Mrs. you'll be his customers for life. come to naught if what he prescribes Mr. N. S. Taylor, the Rahway dis- from work, Walter dropped lu. Elleu Braithwaite is an expert in studying Folks, when E. L. Bepger says "Ser- is not followed to the last item. A Last Week's Spotlight rihutor of the Plymouth car, andreceived him cooly. He was hurt. llnes and fitting accordingly. Sha vice" he shows you what the word place where you do not gamble and Resident of the West End Garage Dropping all preliminaries he said, knows corsets and women's needs really means, for he takes care of where you may rest assured of ac- it 002 St. George avenue gives the huskily: curacy is Frankel's, at. 78 Main salient features of the new Ply- CITRID and has, apparently, known them for you in a real spirit of helpfulness, Reveals That — "Ellen, dear, don't you understand— many years. The Braithwaites are Everybody who tries this filling sta- street, Woodbridge. The satisfac- The picture of nation wide inter- mouth, as follows: The smoothness • able to send from their factory the tion once is a Hiram Farm Service tion that Frankel's Pharmacy gives est which is to be sho vn at the State of an eight-cylinder car combined I'm wild about you. I want you for OF DISEASE sort of corsets which give you that Station rooter forever after. Mr. its extensive clientele is due to noth- Theatre on November 19th and 20th with the economy of a four, float- my wife. And Servte* Station, 445 coml numerous models for selection. Call tary conditions. Call Woodbridge which we may thoroughly depend at riders. ' Pearl street, Woodbridge, of which 8-8847, Woodoridgi, and •»!(—Ap-. 8rH&2 and ask—For what oil-and all times. Call Woodbridge 8-UI0O Mr. Georgge Lucas whose Oldsmo Qteft Gern is the owner and liian- projrfnwtely how many main model* gaBoline id E. L. Berger *«» appoint-. and asWWhy to the fact that there bbil l e AgnAg«noA yy » ld on--RahwnRh a agier, Ritl avenue, quotes hia hobby as "keepin; KttUy-Sprin it* iwtitred at the HyMtU Found*- «d agentg, , nand what two articlaa are | are two regi»tere d pharmacistA s at t ijvvra tio« . Gt Kt t &" J«atmwJti ia tt h>> lhlunehroomt t "" of' much importance "? out of dabU-payiltg «H bills." FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1931


MORF SFCRET DIPLOMACY interest in the. Fnr East which cannot. I ho position of Hie stand publicity the American public Subscription $1.50 Per Year rnment in the Mnnrlniriiin war does not know it—and certainly Published Every Friday by niisiu is as dangerous to World peace would not approve it. The only MIDDLESEX PRESS, 18-20 Green Street, Woodbridge ns it, is hiimBintinK to American cit- known American interest is the opea ,7rnfl ' Interest in the preservation of treal- It is (langcrnus because it encour- ies and world peace. That open in- "* * Tolephons, Woodbridge 8-1710, 8-17H . ' nee* the Japanese in the belief that terest ran be served only by open ., MAXWELL LOGAN ..._ _ _ Publisher AmericB is eivinc Japan a free hand diplomacy. ''".JEROME J. RAFFERTY :..'.: Business Manager to mnke-Vear It is. humiliating be-1 Until the Hoover administration 'iiuisc the State Department is run- enn be driven into the open with its 'CHARLES FL BYRNE : Editor out on its own Kellogg anti- Manchurian policy, the world will IffHOMAS J. BRENNAN „ _ Sports Editor the League believe the Japanese and Geneva owai rNation pack sani thle leavintask ogf tdefendino g the stories that the United States is Entered aa second-class matter March 13, 1919, at the Post- peace treaties. standing with Japan against the office at Woodbridge, N. J., under the Act of March 8, 1879. Of course tho State Department League and world opinion. If that In an excuse, Mich ns !**•*•— It is untrue, let the State Department National Advertising Reprasaatatlvel s to be doing- all sorts of things declare the truth, anil have done run New Jeriej New«p«per», Inc. fot peace in secret. So fat; as we with.this secrecy. """New York—Chicago—Philadelphia— can find Out al,11l itt ilos *lnindoingc ifisl too —-——• Newark "view witb alarm." It has sent sev- TWO ARRESTS eial secret communications to Tokio. New Jersey seerna to havp n eli- (7TTHIS PUBLICATION is committed to no political, racial, reli- But,. apparentlyuiprinrentl , in no instance mat t sa]ubl.ioU3 for vjaj.ting II gious, or noeial group or organization. Its aim is to allow in hns the SrWe [)eeportment delimtely , ^ A „ „, VJ> its newa columns nothing that it knows to be .untruthful. d( mantled tne immediati* e withdrawal On April 2fi Patrolman biased, or of a nature to offend a proper sense of delicacy. ot Japanese troops—either as an in- Charles E. Ripley of Dover arrested dividual American demand or in co- James Nannery, a fugitive from Sing, The paper** opinion, insofar aa a sincere endeavor can serve to pre- 1 vent it, does not appear in the news, but is confined to the space set operation with th<* League Council'" Sing smoe his esospe-on Jury -•lhV ISide for it—the editorial columtf. In this column it is pledged to demand. 1928; Hie Dover police officer arrest- uphold Rueh thing!! aa it considers worthy, an*1 to condemn an0 flfrht As a result of the State Depart- ed Nnnnery without any show of vio. i against conditions in which it sees evidence of insincerity, injustice ment's failure to charge Japan with lence, though th'e latter wa3 carrying or prejudice of the public welfare. Its columns at all times are violation of,the KrrTog Pact and the two automatics and had another au- •pen to publication of communications on any nubject, although Nine-Power Pacific Treaty and to tomntic, two revolvers and a machine no opmmunication will be 'd6niidered that is palpably bitter or ma- insist on military evacualio'n, the Ja- Run in the automobjle in which he lici/us or which is not signed by its author. In cases where it is panese government, press and public was sitting at the time of arrest, repeated, the name of the author of a communication will be are praising the United States gov- Nunnery's car had been parked in a in publishing. eminent while damning the League blis stop; R'ipley pretended that he of Nations. , wanted to see the Man's licerise. As a trick to turn the Japanese11 uOnn SundaSunday William Knoll, town / fire from ourselves to the -League policeman of Newton, arrested one A BLESSING MENACED that may appear to the State Depart- • of two men WfTo "ewape,-, ,. . . will have a telescope with an eye or of 10,000 Ethiopian tribesmen, wearing It is the promoteJ r of more leisure—an. d, oef more -"possibilitie U-T • s for r cerned. When we send twenty men to a penitentiary, nineteen lens two hundred Inches vide. Twice llqp skins on their hacks, headdTessffls Fridayy- -well this Easter bisiness of whom would have been kept outside in England—one of aa big as any other t,elese, this won- of lion manes, carrying shields of has got me kinila wirryed. 1st I the intelligent use of that leisure. Electrical developments, re-, , . ,. . , . there is something radical- derful cosmic eyo will carry mail's rhinoceros hide and eating raw meat. found out a lew ... -.,..,,..,..• , , ,• • J rC i-r ihe most law-abiding of countries sight into space three times as tor as It ia easy to call yourself "civilized" yis apo that Santy w with tfce m_ It needs quick attention. C laws wnsscnt suiting from individual initiative, have revolutionized the lite it has ever gone before, revealing new nnd "Elect of God," less easy to be ntitliinj; much on- nebulae, new marvels, hundreds of civilized. ley yure paw but of our people in less than two generations. IMPORTANT TO ALL OF US millions of 'light years" away. you K°t to be kin- And yet the electric industry is the principal object of at- Tho eye ot man, not the telescope, Did you buy any power stocks dur- da cnrefiill what Efforts to'-Stabilize silver at a fair price are of importance to sees. The telescope only supplies to ing the "Alice In Wonderland" boom you say about t: tacas ak trustby thos, ase awhn octupuo wishs paternagrowingl fagovernmentt at the expens. It eis odenounce" the pubd- the public. — the human eye a wider pupil. The period that died suddenly in October. here culored ,+iui, though rates' are constantly going down and the number of At present silver is selling at profitless prices. The result pupil of your eye, not much bigger 1929? If you bought stock, did they egx* witch we was .-^'common people" who are owners of its securities, continually than the heart of a black pin, becomes drop, even as i/iciter dropped from his alwiiys tol had ben is cessation, in mining activity, with consequent unemployment, nine feet wide when you look Into that celestial abodo? lain by the Easter ' jgrows. The public must be on guard if it is to prevent govern- decreased buying power and loss of taxes to the-state. The re- new telescope, tfnd being wider, ab- Did you get ajiy part of the company Habit. You kinds tinaent, through unjust and unnecessary interference with such storation of silver, when accomplished, will be a public service, sorbs more light and penetrates space that put out sixty-three million shares hate to lay evry- to a greater depth. of stock for lambs to digest? i thiiur onto yure &dustriea as this, and through constant broadening of its pow- paw. not only t,athis country, but to the entire world. Think of an eye with a pupil nine It will interest you to read three ers, from completely dominating our lives. feet wide. The eye itself would be a lines ot what Governor Plnchot wrote L.roa Vied Butter Saterday — pa Weaving Legend hundred feet In wrdth, requiring a face for The Nation: /•-•-• was sx telling- us :;ur- Kl'avill^ .if thiV. rl In millcp llotll. oT refrigerator plants wlH bring Swed- ' .Sunday — I ben birryinjr. all day ish butter hora and take liaek Ameri- : |hce policy. Beginning Novembw V, the National Bureau of • . . SUE - - • ; HISTORY jifeout a dream I had las nite. Wile I can frulta. Kvery package of butter was a sleep. I dremp 1 was a sitting: Casualty and Surety Underwriters announces its member com- j Classed by Th^ir Speech will contain the printed statement at ii'ible all a lone and it wa.s cover- •"allies will offer to the 258,000 churches the broadest burglary j As a yssel is knciwn by the sound, "Swe M •ei-lics, whether United States and sell then) there." THE KOREAN GIMF meliby it w n gr()0(f thinit it .wasaent a congregations desiring such protection have been compeH-L- tlii-v be M'i:'e or fiiili;i — Demosthenes. This appeal for fair tariff play, un- "Giinf" Is the nneient Korean word chalklet enny ways. fortunately, will not reach our "best fur U)e mudern (.'how Hog, a portly Monday—I was a telling teeeher to take out separate fidelity policies for their officials or i how my Ant Emmy cud pla music minds" that control the tariff, for thoae creature Inhabiting the shores ot the on the harmonick and she sed does ^financial committees, others for burglary, larceny arid theft of! minds do not unwrap package* of but- Yellow Sea. It skips up and down Church property and still others for burglary and robbery of ter. That Is iki..c: In the. kitchen. she, play by ear or by note and she 1 tho beaches looking fur turtles, which lliot 1 was ui'ktiriK smart when 1 sed itch'money and-securities; - *— — ~"~ j — It—th* -Sw««M*h-' fa-raws-'TOTTM" ar"* tin\Tr~Diwoiiw~¥xtr'emtfy-Tflrcrtii "trnir range with bootlcRKe-s to wrap their country 'on account of the glmf s fond- Teusday—ma wns a laffinjr today Now all these are combined in the one document which will tariff protests around bottles of whin- when sh« (fot to looking at sjim pit- ness for turtle soup. The Koreans chers witch was tuk of she and pa on key their complaint would attract at- prize the gltuf highly for its hum and addition, apply to the .parish house, parsonage, rectory, and tention. there weiidinjj hunnymoon and, she 'to any other building used by the church for conducting ruli- .Plftfs, and nqe nhle to capture. It easily told pa that he sure did luk Silly and by using mock turtles for decoys. pa replyed and sed Well the camerytt or educational activities. Protection is ialso granted on ; The iate Senator Morrow said, "Pros- , The t'l'if shown here Is sunpiclously dine lie none most jfenrelly and ma p'fn crime, trrWt the churches of the land suffered as well as the ' SHE HAS HEARD UNCLE JO SAY— Ing "hack Into the bank." The con- ' iind Juke tawk totri'ther enny more That down In Dixie when a hole is Bumptivo said tp his friend, "Your are ; or a munth becuuse we had a lite ijomes and business houses. . j dug in the ground and you fear the coughing better today." That la our ' and blacked up each anothers eye. This is of particular interest to small' cities and rural com- dirt will not fill it again, "jes wait, condition. i well all I can say she haa busted up chile, ontil the new moon comes a • beautiful frendahip. "Tqp many girls," says flat-footed jnities, as there is no minimum amourlt for which the new ridln* in de west, nen dat dirt will George .Bernard Shaw, who returned (welt an* sho nuff fill de hole." Florence, "buy shoes with the idea policy may be issued and the little eliurch can take protection they will do in a pinch." praluing Russia,' In tinio to sea EBgland Mirage unit Reality tG!) by McClure NewsD&ner Syndicate \ throw out every sort ot Soclalfem by an for any value, it wishes. This is.a good example of the,progress IWNU s»rvlcc.) (Couyrlifht.)—W.NU Service, Th<- re ure three differenceH by \\ lilcb orerwhi lining Tory vote, is'shocked, ilesert Iruvelers can lell wlieilier [hey He casualty .insurance industry is making in giving ^he small grieved,, annoyed and saya his native see a mlrngf of u hike of reul wiiter. the same advantage and service as the large one. StorkOvertook Mrs. Anteater EnHdute land must BOW prepare "for any sort A inliii*o Usually i|iilvei« mid churiKe* of folly." * walnut body, and popcorn ears and in hliiipc; a rial lake does ucit hnvtf It need not, fortunately, prepare for spines. The leys aud tall are cloves, thin aiipi'uruncv ul u dlUHnct;. A- retil MAKING THE GRADE the George-Bernard Shaw aort of folly. while the feet are split navy beans. lake Usually lias a dark Imml of veye- The turtle la a half-fflbert kernel with tallnn aroiind It ami iilrds fly near It H. O. Wells, now h«re, young, and a clove head, and feet and nose are nii'l ulmve IT. * No less an authority than Dr. Shirley W. Wynne, Health in the prime of his remarkable talents, made from birdseed. ' (® U«tropolUan Newspaper Service.) Commissioner of New York City, in his outline of requirements looks at Urltainmorn Intelligently, and (WNU Harvicn.) nay» tho election was no great Con- Arli igton Ccnietory Manfian 'Or flchool children, says, "Keeping your youngsters in health NBi-vatlvo victory, but "a hurried call The niilii.Miuii lu1 Arllnjiuiu'ci'ijieifry not an arduous proposition, requires ajjttle care on for thu doctor." Peanut Soad'. Vitality has IH'CII resKired Ki thu eoncHliiiii In ,your pjirt. He should have a filling- luncheon such as soup or Tho country, sick, threw out the I'eaniit growem have tliouglit lh*t which It was when a prlvatu/resldei{i'c>. flalad, aandwichfeB, macaroni and cheese, or some other easily HiKiallat-I.alior l'arty that l(ad failed HVeil Stewed Jiiore thmi H .Vi'IlL'.jOtJ.UT1L A gr

LAKSO) WOOtiBRlDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, NpVE>!BER IS, 1931 PAGE SEVEN Firit Train Tunnel •' BULGARIAN PROVERBS Tim first nillminl tunnel In tin- HARD TIMES RENEW RANKERS DEVELOP tt'iin.lhoiiil limm-l, which wild ln>Knn In WhoPvor In honlthy Is tlir spring rif is:i!>. Tin' first Iriiln I priKKoil tliroiiRli T>oi-i>i\ilipr 2, 1H4K. Tills Who ntnr KIUPS waken up In n WPII, BANKER'S OPTIMISM NEW FINANCE AID wn« nV Mini rliostor, Slicfflclii A Mnofilnnlilrp rnlt- The nest of fursts—nftor two dnys Former Bankers' Chief Find* President of American Bankers wny, now tin; H mill rxn-HH uliU llnil nuiw Irrita- view. ' • • tion whli-ll rrMilu In gcltlng up nlirtiln f. I'.It U;i-J in Court Hint have enabled them to rise uhcon- ln-r;; ii I i-ii 1 '-1 .'iPllicnrtiP. AllslriV tive in character, lie paid, to unite thf> l^mrkiullc.. (irl i 2,V t^»l IKH ,,f III -KFTTN Ha. n Ji!i'::c nf tlu> Sii'iri'tnn cntirt lls- never had to face before, or to accept entire banking system and increase (S «T. THI.II-IH) Hi.' lilwl.lrr ph'yuli tcni'il to n r ;i.-oil'i"lii :i liy n l!i!k:ii with fortitude misfortunes that were EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED TO GIVE YOU SATISFACTION from anj ilmituM, ,\fltr folly day* if .jii» li''-fu;:c. x'a.!.j;r of I'.di. n Ii I - ilmt II:'' hlcii pnilmli'v w been brought to the verge of ruin un- THOMPSON-DRAKE DRUG CO. 1 ' 'isccl in nther IrlnU I-i• Atint;-;il'-i. sources ot the country., he explained,. CHILD'S & CHILD'S & der fho difficulties that have swept by creating a national Institution over nnt only the nation hut the entire whose, funds will l>e lonn6J when nec- MISSES' $ MISSES' $ world, and that the results of events essary to banks which have assets in of this kind react, with particular di- their portfolios that are thwouehly Pumps and Pumps and rectness upon the stability ot our sound but are not eligible for Inans at Oxfords Oxfords hanks, ujd yet how few'have suc- federal reserve banks. cumbed, we may well reneV our confi- THE PERTH AMBOY SAVINGS INSTITUTION Miles last year's price $2.45 Miles last year's price $1.98 dence in the banks of 'America; when To Benefit Everybody we think also of how many ot our "There Is no citizen in the United The 62 year old savings bank. bankers have stood up under the stress States but will benefit in very practical and storms of these times and how ways from the results of the operation relatively few of them have been of this forward-looking plan of cooper- In days like these any Institution which can pay proved wanting In the series of crises ation, which may he rtgardecT'as one GENUINE GOODYEAR WELTS more interest than it promised deserves your confidence: that have assailed them, we may well of the most constructive steps that (nothing like them for lonfl wear) On December first this Bank will add to alt accounts feel a sincere pride in our fellow bank- have been taken toward revival of not only 4% annual rate, but its earnings during three ers." He added: Bound business activity," Mr. Haas BOYS' months. • "So I come out of this year of som- declared, adding: LITTLE GENTS' aa a pessimist, but "The National Credit Corporation Boots & Oxfords < Boots & Oxfords $ "mist—aa one with a renewed represents an instrumentality that l Sizes 1 to 6 faith and confidence In the spirit of should have far-reaching effect In re Sites 10 to \3 A All amounts here three months on December 1st his fellow men under overwhelming storing the confidence ot the public. Miles last year's price $2.45 Miles last year's price $2.85 | . Receive V/i% difficulties, And particularly do I come, TIJB plan not only has been formulated which would equal a 5% rate per year. out of this year as a banker who Is by the country's leading banking au- nruud of Ills fellow bankers for the un- thorities, but also will be carried out launted way in which they have met locally as well as nationally by bank It's not tho price MILES KNOCKABOUT BRAND their part ot the great teat through Ing representatives who have given — it's the value I which tho tlmen huvo put the nation. their time and thought to this under Every pair of these LITTLE GENT'S F believe that" this year has brought taking as a real public service. shoes is a quality HI-SHOES . THE PERTH AMBOY SAViNGsiNsrrruTiON new honor to our hanking traditions "The American. Bai.kers Association md our banking profession and haa convention was in session at tlie time product Sn.i 10 lo 13'j \ 210 Smith Street, Corner Maple Street won for the banker new title to the the plan was proposed and unanimous The prices are the faith and trust o? all classes of his ly endorsed It in principle. I liave ex BOYS' c'low citizens." * amlned the detailed formulition n! result of Miles the working plans as developed by tremendous OXFORDS Wise Spending Incessant labors ot Borne of the. N'a buying power, Sit" ' l0 i Mll«i la.t yeari price $1.98 i'p.reful nnd wise spending will help tion'a leading bankers who have under u>lve our economic problems and will taken to put It Into practical openitl Henry Frahme be of unt ;ld bencllt to the farmer. Our In single-minded devotian to the na ;r;;ul:les are not caused by the spend- tional welfare, and I am able to say ing ot money, hut because it was spent without reservation that (he National unwisely. Credit Corporation as set up by them SURGICAL APPLIANCES consytutea a practical, sound and eiH clent means for carrying out President Many Apple Varietiet MILES SHOES AND SUPPORTERS Hoover's proposal." There are niori; Limn MJO standim ark'ties of appes grown In orchard;- 132 Smith St., Perth Amhoy, N. j. Now In Our Own Building f the l'nlt(>d Suites. EeneRcial Morning Drink 95 Markot St., Newark 101 Broad St., Elizabeth Tin- luiei' of half a lemon In a Kl OPKN KVKNINCSI Volcano Belt of hot wMt^ytiikon before breakfas In the Alasknr peninsula V 20 West Scott PI. Elizabeth, N. J. la nnd ^Jic i'vc:y•ni.irnnflwalils health. The Juic Aleutian Ishinils tlie United p ar|. us a sMiruliint for the entire Opposite City Hall SCSM'S "in1 <:f tl'p must Important vol (•urn. hilt" In tin- wnrlil.-

ANNOUNCING GRAND OPENING SALE OF L B. GRAND 5s 10c and $1.00 STORES 85 MAIN STREET ' WOODBRIDGE, N. . SATURDAY/NOVEMBER 14, 1931 With a full line of candies, stationery, toilet articles, jewelry, notions, infants' wear, dry goods and home furnishings LISTING A FEW OF THE SPECIAL ITEMS FOR OPENING

LADIES' 100 Feet 6 Cup Ladies' LADIES' FULL-FASHIONED ATEST JEWELRY MILK CANS RUBBER APRONS HOSIERY HANDKERCHIEFS NOVELTIES Reg. 49c Value SASH CORD PERCOLATOR Reg. 25c Val. $1.00 Val 1/» each 10c 25c 29c- 45c 10c 69c MEN'S Large Size BED SHEETS OilCloth OilCloth 12 Qt. Enamel OIL MOPS •• Galvanized TABLE COVERS, Winter Weight TURKISH TOWELS DISHPAN 25c WASH TUBS 72x90 SCARFS 29c UNION SUITS 10c 5c Reg. 49c Val. Complete With Handle 25c 39c Reg.49cVaL 69c .. Value 19c Watch For Circular As Space Prohibits Listing Of All Bargains L. B. GRAND 5c, 10c and $1.00 STORES 85 MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE, N. J.

•i .••fci* # l^iiw. AL 4^u jLJ^itiijtoifetit^ ^ ~^'f£*^*'*^^fi^^tii^&f&i/fff^&fUSwuKK3BB9f^^ftV'**&B***^'*™* FRIDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1931

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,JL»81 WOODBRtt>GE INDEPENDENT Borough of Roselle Park. they have been issued ha« been car-1 benefits actuallyy received hy suchsuch. bridge, in the County of Middlesex PUBLIC NOTICE rica out and may bfc gubjWfc to «rrl~ land or real estate notwithstanding- Joke.t.r Borough of Kenilworth. and State of New Jersey: The following ordinance was in- Township Of Cranford. ier call for payment; shall bear in- that this municipality shall have paid The famous .Tnp Miller, mi Earth ant! Sky ;; BEGINNING at n point in the,troduced at a regular meeting ofl the Town of Westfield. terest at not exceeding si\ per cen-its share of the cost of construction actor, whnsp rnllprilon of Jests hni northerly line of Lincoln Highway, Township Committee of I ho Town- Township of Springfield. tum (fi'/c) per annum and all other of said improvement out of general earned for him the title of "Knther distant sixty (00) feet (measured mutters relating to the issuance and funds or at the general expense and nt right, angles) from the northeast- ship of Woodliridge, held on Novem- Township of Clark. of Jests," Is snid hy historians to hove Township rft Woodbridjj"". renewal of said notes shall be deter- notwithstanding thnt indebtedness been Incnpnble of even n single Joke By D0UQLA8 MALLOCH \ \ prly "line of MiddleseMiddl x AvenuA e anand ber H, 1931. mined hy resolution or in such man- therefor shall have been paid either II Public notice is hereby given of in substnntinlly the fiirin heruin- 1! and thnt the book frolnR under hh» running thrnrn (1) north twenty- lier as may be provided by resolu- in whole or In "part. ono degress ten minutes west (N. intention of the governing body after get forth and the l'ommlU«M>- tion. Ni»td tato|ii>l'Dfy nntnn nr-bondp I HHec . (i«. TThh e owner of ttfty lands 1) name wag written nj- * Mr. MMlley. 21° 10' W.) parallel to said Middle- of this municipality to join in caus- n-at-LargL e off thhe TownshiThip of 1! HE Bky is lieniillful, hut I, anil thereof sluill lie issued in pursuance of «nl;ipon which any assessment for said sex Avenue a distance of one hunin- g the public improvement describ- net of Legislature of thee StatStatee of improvement, shall Tiave been made II T I love the KIT™ onrth more, dred (KM)) feet to a point for a ed in the following ordinance- to beare hereby authorized anil iluwtml 1 TIIP heavoiiR scorn so very fur, in execute said contract, all of which entitled "An n act ttoo mayy pay such assessments iinn ten H.d Cl.«r Fl.ld corner and running thence (2) made, by entering into the supple- Hiitborize and regulate the issunncr ll yearly inAalrnents with legal 1 It's onr notion—take It or leave It— The world so nrnr my door. northeasterly parallel to paid Lin-. mental contract therein sot forth ii in pursuance of Hit act (,»<" t Ahovo me nre thr» spleiwlld atari islatiire of the State ot' Nr« t'f boiwls nnd other obtiKations and nterest thereon at such time in-each that Shakexpenre made a great sue- .. In Highway a distance of one hun-With the municipalities named. the ineurrinic of indebtedness, by rear as the first instalment for taxes $ So Miliantly bright. . ... entitled: "An ttet u> mithwui* two cess of literature hecaum there were U«l feet and fifty-nine hundrVdths .Such persons ns may object to said county, lity, horotiKh, villaoe, town, or snid year shall be payable, pro- if ii foot. (100.5!l) to a point for a J .-rt no copyright laws to crnnip Ms neniu« Tint hero nro pntlis, iinr] pnsture-lilin, improvement nre requested to pro-lor more •ninn»-<1>aliti, T!ie sly la beautiful, ah, yes, number one (1) one hundred (100) piration of ten days after tile date of the acts nnuMK'.uu't v C^u-^f and siitutinR Chapter 2T>2 nf the Thmph- nnee of instalments with accrued > v- ^ j\nd yt't the ^ood, peen rnrth ]lct l.itws of I ill li nml tr)« acts rrest thereon at one time; in cade Vet to a point in the northwesterly this notice,, or. to the governingg body piemrntnry thcvvie f!lves nip each di>y her loveliness. ine of Lincoln Highway; thence (1) Sl-C. l'b<- KlKl'Y timcmlntiiry t hereof nnd su|iple- unv such instiilment shall remain un- of this municipality nt iN first meet- mentnry tlit'ieto, paid for thirty days from and afj;er . Much dny n whole llfe's'wnrth. yventerly along the northerly line of ing hplil after expiration of «aid THOl'SANP IVIUrs Iluff iiiuuy of his wnu-y ones Lincoln Highway and parallel to ten days, nunwlyi on November 23. .is hyrt;U\.i»i'r»\'i!KiA'oil,.i,o.. Mix( the ! .Scv\ I, The cost of the trunk he time when the samp shall become due nnd payable the whole assess- (RRjSMOLj M The Rim linn left n thirst I course vmunbi>r three (.T) ons hun-li'.'U, nt 3:S0p.'»i.. "t tho Memorial inability of :tn< w.trtviWiu \ i*wrr nnd thiJ disposal works to lie dred feet and fifty-nino luindredths Municipal Biiililinir, at which jimp-sitid ordinal an,! >'.iyt-U-,vn^n cor, paid by tht< mimii'imilily under the ment or balance thereon shall be- But, uli. how niiiny of dor son» p f -.aiil contract (ton*'tlu'C with interest come nhd he immediately due and Old mother enrtli IIJIH nursed. !if H foot (10n.Hi)) to the point and ordinannee will he c(j'nsidi'rod for tract fjjr ,jhr »"»>*< vt k-i>n*!f.ivtu»n of U.mbm, Htm V»t Cart Ia. ,1. DUNK;AN'. 'therein piwuUM *\\A «-VA1 <\im shall bo paid by spo('.!nl 263 MADISON AVE. The sky Is lienuliful. but (low'rg mately $2,090. Township Clerk, from timl- to ti'v.o (-<• \\-ti.t t.1 the levi d, on the lands in tiie g of taxes in the municipality (W TaUphon* R«rtb Arobaf 3(00 Are bountiful to see. „. wUK,, siL.&nd...^singular •AN... OR&INANCE.. AUTWQR12UI&. J-wasMfW vf. Um. i>>)J!U.,iU»tUifi. a? ,t.hv. improvement, . or nnd. shall be collected in the mannet. . Anil nll'itifip ryete (if the hours the rights, privileges, heroditnments A SUPPLEMENTALJO1NT CON- required !.y «>ut s«vi'l.'meirt»l con- ed by saitl improvement as shall prescribed by law. Kurtli spreads n tast for mil. nnd appurtenances, thereunto be- TRACT WITH OTHER MUN1CI-' tract and by law, , In- specially beneflttod as near us Sec. 7. All assessments as col- THOMAS MEACHAM And pven when' the (hint; Is through. 1E or'in anywise appertaining. PALITIES RELATING TO THE1 The adttitumal sum of Kl.KVKN mny bo in proportion to tty.- peculiar lected shall be immediately placed in known "Local Im- ' Manager When nil of life Is pnst. BERNARD M. GANNON, Sheriff. RAHWAY VALLEY TRUNK THOt'SASP (?M.0i»0.m>» " " ' 'lunent" "', i^dvanta^e' " ' , or increas' e i"n- an accouftt Earth's Is the brenit I turn me to WILLIAM W. GIUDES, Solicitor. SEWER AND DISPOSAL WORKS hereby nppropritHcd for p»y- value which the snid rospective lands provement Aaseasment Account." S '2 4.7 H ANl> PROVIDING FOR THE ment of interest duvins th. 'true- or parcels of Innd or roal estate shall Such moneys shall be used only to And tlnd my rest, nt lnst. inbedtednesa incurred for snid <(0, I»J1. Hou|tl»« Mullnrh.)—W.VU SffTloi \V I. 10-23, 30; 11-6, 13 FURTHER FINANCING OF SAID tiuii of stiid sewer :w\d .IIJ() sal works be dremed to receive by reason ef pay IMPROVEMENT, THE LEVYING' and six months theffitftor which siiitndl improvemenpe t and in no case improvement whether by temporary OF SPECIA_. L ASSESSMENTS ! shall acaccruee on notenotes orr bondnd* i- shall nny assessment on any parcel or permanent notes nr bonds. SHERIFFS SALE AND RATIFYING THE JOINT |sued for the cost n? construction ami of land exceed in amount.such pecul- Sec, S. An ordinance of this mu- PARAMOUNT PUBLIX Not •* Old Idea 1 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY CON TRACT HERETOFORE [for the payment ef leprsl and ether iar benefit, advantage or increase in nicipality entitled: "An ordinance Prints and rutlro are nf preat an- —Between Fred J. Cox, et. als., MADE FOR SAID IMPROVE-1 expense* properly chartreable n* p»rt value. Should the total of such as- authoriiinK a joint contract with THEATRES tiquity, bin the printed rottiiu cloth Complainants, and Homer Vagelos, MENT A.ND THE ORDINANCE]ooff the coscstt off construction of said sesaments not equal the cost off said other municipalities relating to the PERTH AMBOY which Is li|glili' ..calendered and known et. als., Defendants. Fi Fa for sal? AUTHORIZING SAID CON- iimprovement t bufbfc c not payablbl e to tthh e improvemenit t tifetif n thth e rmlanel e of Rahway Vjilley Trunk Sewer and as cullco In England, uppi'iirs to have of mortgaged premises dated Octo- TRACT. Joint Meetinjr. ! the said cost over and above the Disposal Works and providing; for been first devi'lnpcd, to n point ap- ber il, 19B1. Be ft Ordained by the Township Sec. 3. For the purpose of rais- amount of snid special assessment!! the financing of the oblifrations of _ Township of jinp moneys hereby appropriated shall be paid by the municipality. said contract and the levying; of spe- proximating its present perfection, In By virtue of the above'stated writ 'ommittee of the cial assessments, finally adopted July the Klghtepiith century to me directed and delivered, I will Voodbri de•e, in the County of Mid-'temporary notes or bonds of this I Sec. B. Whenever the benefits of 23, 1928, is hereby approved, rati- !£'., " 1__(municipalit. .,_I:A y _shali ii,.....,.l be issued i. n a_...» prin-'sai_ I _,d , improvemen• • . .,t shali n l Ib _e extendei I dt expose to sale at public vendue on llesex, B'IiVfellows: j py fied and confirmed. WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH DAY OF Sec. 1. This municipality shall en- cipal amount not exceeding the ' to land and real estate in this munic- SHERIFFS S.1I.K Sec! 9. The contract known as IN I'HAM'Hm <>K SKI' .1ERSKY—Bf- NOVEMBER, A. D. 1931 r into : supplemental contract for amount"' hereby appropriate... d and ipality by the construction of any '»f«n THE F1UST NATIONAL. HANS at two o'cloefc standard time in the he Rahway ValleVl y Trunk Sewer and may from time to time be renewed lateral sewer or sewers, drain or "Contract for Rahway Valley Trunk or rinlndplil. II ciinwrntluii. Cninpimnant. afternoon of said day at the Sheriff's disposal works by and between the and said notes or bonds shall be pay- drains, such land or real estate, to Sewer and Disposal Works, dated nnil STKPHKN JlaeKMOY, nt. al.. Dcfend- October 20, 1928 by and between nntit FI Fa fur HHle nf mortgage*) prem- Office in the City of New Brunswick, ollowing municipalities, namely: abie on demand or shall mature in u-hich the benefits shall be extended ises ilnteil Oftolwr 7. 10 31. N. J. City of Rahway. not exceeding six years from the shall be assessed therefor to an the municipalities named in Section Hy virtue of the nltove stated writ to All the following tract or parcel Borough of Garwood. date when the purpose for which Inmonnt not exceeding the amount of 1 of this ordinance as the name shall me rllreiteil and delivered. I will expose to be amended and supplemented by sale Ht ptll'lle vendue on of land and premises hereinafter WEDNESDAY. THI-: 2ETH DAY OF particularly described, situate, lying the supplemental contract author- NOVEMnEll, A, I). 1931 and being in the Township of ized by-this ordinance is hereby ap- at tun r>"r](iek manilnnl time In (the nfter- proved, ratified and confirmed. noon of the nalcl day at the Sheriffs Oftlce Woodbrldge, in the County of Mid- In the,City of Krw Brunawlck, N. J. dlesex, and State of New Jersey. Sec, 10. The form of supplement- All the following tract or parrel of land BEGINNING at a point in the al contract authorized by this ordi- • nnd premlneH hereinafter particularly de- nance shall be substantially ad fol- Hcrl'K'l. sltuat". lylnR nnd beln(5 In tho northerly line of Main Street, said Ttnvnuhlp nf Woirdbrldne. In tho County of point being thr«"» hundred thirtjf- lows: illdillf-Hex a-ml ^tHte of New Jersey, shown, eleht and sixteen one-hundredtiis CONTRACT made Us of this ' known nnd designated as Lots Nos. 33 and day of , 1931, between 31 In Illiiuk 2H." on a certain map entitled, (338.16) *«et easterly from the in- GREAT VALUES IN FINE Mup of Colonla Hilts Addition,- Colonla, tersection )f the easterly line of the City of Rahway, the Borough of New Jersey. .Tune, r.121. Franklin Marftlt, School Stieet and the northerly line Garwood, the Borou(?h of Roselle fiurvoyor." which said Map waa duly filed Park, the Borough of Kenilworth, in the office of the Clerk of the County of of Main Street; running thence (1) Middlesex on the 171h day of September, north, four degrees, iorty-three the Township of Cranford, the Town minutes, thirty seconds (4° 43' 30") QUALITY MEATS of Westfield, the Township of Heinff the name land and premises con- Springfield, the Township of Clark, veyed to Stephen MucEmcy, by deed of west, one hundred (100) feet; Wendell V. Melvown nnd wife, dated De thence (2) south eighty-six de- the Township of Woodbridge, all be- cembor 11th. l'.tL'3. und recorded December grees (86°) west, twenty-eight'(28) A&P ofTers a complete variety of top quality meats at lowest ing municipal corporations organized 17th, 1!>!3, In Iii>*)k 7U2 of Deed: feet; thence (3) north four degrees, under the laws of the State of New dieflpx Cimnty on pagepg s 233, et forty-three minutes; thirty seconds prices. It includes the finest poultry that can be bought; choice Jersey. iiT(>fl amounting to aj>proximn(eiy O.00, (4° 43' SO") west one hundred and Recituli all and singular ten one-hundredths (100.10) feet to grain-fed beef; tender spring lamb; milk-fed veol; pork from hereditaments and The parties hereto have hereto- In-longing or In any-the southerly side of James Street; corn-fed hogs; and the best grade smoked and prepared fore under the date of the' 20th day thence (4) north, eighty-six de- of October, 1928 made a contract BKKNAHl) M. IJANNOV Sheriff. ' grees, six minutes, f thirty seconds EASTERN DIVISION meats. Take advantage of these "buys" this week-end. I'ODINtiTON. I1I.AT7, A SMAM.EY. pursuant to an act of the State of 113.82 Solkllors (86° 6' 30") east along the south- New Jersey, entitled: "An act to \V. I. 10-3"; 11-0, 13, 20. erly side of James Street fifty-two authorize two or more municipali- My feet; thence (5) south four FANCY FRESH MILK-FED ies in this state to jointly con«truct degrees, forty-three minutes, thirty SHERIFF'S SALE All and maintain outlet or trunk sew- seconds (4° 43' 30") east two hun- ers," constituting chapter 36 of the IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY dred (200) feet to the northerly ROASTING CHICKENS SIZES 29c laws of 1899, and the acts amenda- •—-Between Certified Bond aud side.xif Main Street; thence (6) tory thereof and supplementary Mortgage Company of New Jersout- h eighty-six degrees (86°) west, thereto, and th«,parties hereto de- sey, a corporation, Complainant, twenty-four (24) feet to the point sire to supplement and amerM'-tne nnd 'Annie McKenzie Fraley, et. or place of BEGINNING, 'aid contract as herein provided. als., Defendants. Fi Fa for sale The above premises being twenty- of mortgaged premises dated Sep- Ib. Contract four (24) feet fronting on Main LEGS OF SPRING LAMB 21c Article I. This contract is to sup- .' tember 25, 1931. Street by one hundred (100) feet By virute of the above stated writ plement and amend the contract be- deep and fifty-two (52) feet front- tween the parties hereto, dated Oc- to me directed and delivered I will ing on James Street by one hundred expose to sale at public vendue on tober 20, 1928 (herein sometimes (100) feet more or less in depth. Loin Lamb Chops SPRING LAMB Ib. 29c referred to as "the original con- WEDNESDAY, THE 18TH DA~Y OF Decree amounting to approxi tract") and from and after the exe- NOVEMBER, A. D. 1931 mately $18,520. cution hereof the two contracts shall at two o'clock standard time in 'the Together with all and singular Veal Cutlets ,^ -.r,L tb. 39c be read together. afternoon of said day at the Sheriff'? the rights, privileges, hereditaments In case of any inconsistency be- Office in the City of New Bruns- and appurtenances thereunto b tween this contract and the original wick, N. J. Ringing or in anywise appertaining Cross-Rib Pot Roast Ib. 29c contract, the provisions of this con- All the following tract or parcel r.ERNARD M. GANNON, Sheriff. tract shall govern. of Jund and premises hereinafter JOHN E. TOOLAN, Solicitor, Always A Good Show As hereby supplemented and particularly tlrsmln'il. hittuiti;, lying $27.30 Fresh Pork Shoulders SHORT CUT Ib. 13c amended the contract of October 20, and being in the Township of Wood- W.'I. 10-30; 11-C, 13, 20 'J'lX is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed, Rump of Milk-Fed Veal Ib. 23c Article II. The parties hereto rcc jointly to construct, romplete, maintain, repair and rebuild the im- lbs. provements as described in Schedule Fancy Fresh Flounders 25c X hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof, in place und instead The following notice has been given to more than of the improvements n.q described in Schedule A attached to the original 13,000 telephone employees in New Jersey: : SPECIAL COFFEE SALE-ENDING SATURDAY! contract. "— All changes heretofore made by - Theie quality coffeei ... blended from the fined cotTs« beoni lh« worfd product! .., ol- "Until the present period of distress due to unemployment h<5s pasted, the Joint Meeting resulting in con- Vdyj Com« to you frtih, flavorful and aromatic. That'i becouts we roOJi them frejh daily structing the improvements as de- no regular employee of the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company will In our modern local plant. No wonder they outiell all olhor brandi by miEliom of pounds. cribed in said Schedule instead of described in said Schedule X at- .—be kij.oW »w QCCOUBV et l«cU of wwk - -.• — _—--_..*——.~i. luulierT^tn ~ttTF" nrrpfriaT' ctititractr HTe EIGHT t)'CLOCK «W>ANDMHIOW- -. hereby -approved, ratified and con- "This will require caT*ful.planning on the port of the management in PACKED IN THE BEAN. GROUND FRESH IN THE, STORE rnieil. That part of the disposal works order to use employees at such, locations and in such occupations as RED CIRCLE RICH AND FULL-BODIED . t 23c escribed in Schedule X which is may from time to time offer employment opportunity, and may also re- PACKED IN THE SEAN. GROUND FRESH IN THE STO« herein designated for future con- tructiorf shall be constructed from " quire cooperation on the part of the force en accepting part-tjme work BOKAR VIGOROUS AMD WINEY , , me to time as the parties hereto ib tin 27c hall determine. H is not intended ot correspondingly reduced earnings, if this should be necessary. PACKED IN THE BEAN. GROUND FRESH IN THE STORE. AISO PACKED "STEEi CUT" »ereby to defer the time for the re^ rganization of the joint meeting "Actually, few employees have been laid off up to this time, and such nti! such future construction shall ic completed and such reorganiza- transfers and part-time work as have been required have been accepted .. Personal' ion shall take place upon the com- iletion of all other, parts of said im- cheerfully by our people. Tht Red'H«aded Enipren hod a good Idfto URGE SELECTED EGGS 27c irovemenU which ahall be construct- loo. In Hi* gay doyi of ih« Second Em- d forthwith. pire when A&P wai founding o fothton SUNNYFIELD-SUGAR CURED ''W« are making this onnouncement at this lime, not because it if a new The said improvements shall be for high quality food al low price, Eugenie SLICED BACON . instructed in general a» described departure, but in order that our emplt/ees, and particularly those who wai selling the itylei In feathered hat.. n the maps and plans marked "Maps ore affected by the dial cutover in Newark and the Oranges next June, Buf while Empreii Eugenie'i foihlam come WHITEHOUSE BRAND ind plans of Rahway Valley Trunk and go, AiF"i food fashion ii permanent. loll Sewer, made, and compiled as part may feel secure in their positions. Quality vlll always be EVAPORATED MILK 3 cant f the Supplemental Contract, as of the mode at AlP. March 2, 1981," and filed in the of- "Trje dial employment problem is especially difficult, and for a long time fice of the. Joint Meeting and in the ffices of the clerks of the munici- UNEEDA BAKIR5—FANCY We have only felt able to express the hope that it could be solved with- palities that are parties hereto. Graham Wafers >«•»»«• 18*: ANNPAGE Article in. The, cost of construc- out a lay-off, plus a determination to avoid one if possible. However, STRAWBERRY """"" tion of the improvement to be forth- UNEEDA 8AKIRS—OLD FASHIONED with the greater -anxiety felt by the whole community that employment with conntructed in excess of $1,- Ginger Snaps . <« •*• 17C 075,900 (which is the aggregate of should not be diminished, and the further study we have given the situ- PRESERVES he maximum liabilities of the par- MIICIQUS WHUT CEREAL otion, we now feel warranted in promising employment to all regular ies hereto under the original con- Wheatena . .*. 19« tract) shall be paid by the parties employees involved. 16 oi. jar |/v 3 jars 50c hereto in accordance with the per- SIMMONS centage of cost set after their re- Regular Price) 23c spective names in the following' table "In order to pr*v»nt misunderstanding, it should be made clear that Arrowroot Desiert 3 «*»• 25C but no municipality shall be liable our Company, like everyone else, employs some people from time to 'or more than the maximum liabil- Of WHITEHOUSt ty set after its name in the follow- time on a temporary basis, the fact that employment is not permanent Sweet Cider *.Z< ng table: being understood by the employee at the time of engagement. We pro- .! 5UNNYHEID WHITCHOUSE (No Deposit) t'oit tu t» pose ±o help out the general employment situation in this way a* much Sweet Cider Pancake or Buckwheat N'Nme pf pattl by each Maximum Uualclvallly: Uuulupallty as poM>ble in the future, but the promis* as to continuity of employment 20-MULE-TEAM C City of in such cases is limited to the period specified ot the time of engage- Borax. C FLOUR 2 pk««- 15 Rahway ... 19.860844% ""$178,748 ..**. 14 Borough of ment" A&P PURE Garwood . 10.784569 97,061 Lifebuoy Soap 3 -*« 1/e MAP)LE SYRUP . I) oi. bot. 25< Borough of November 7,1^31 i Roselle Parl 3.00980Q . 36,188 Ivory Soap . 5 .*L 21c Borough of Jl Kenilworth. 6.5?8748 59,209 Township of Bab-O . 2 *» 19c FANCY R Y. STATE Cranford .. 20.063847 180,570 med. Town of APPLESAUCE A.PBRAND tons Vice Prui&ni and General Mana victors.all afternoon, at- left The box score: Eddie was the mainstayy of the 6 Perth Amboy tempted an end run. He was hurled Woodbridge A."A. pitching staff this According to rumors circulated Zick Tetamonti VARSITY CLUB (9) '••Mg*r n. r*r |«a»i.»iug «tau tins , ° , iJ4^ i G Paterson Central for a six yard loss. Bosze kicked put iirt • i t « i 12 center G year. While his record was not >• navrecentlye bee, n four Avenel K. C. players Leonardo df danger as the hatf ended. Kosci Lomhardi Kingwood, f 0 those of former -a«a- . disqualified from partici- 13 Neptune impressive as -..~-~ ~. .v..»..». ^~*n . . - Aerial Game right guard Einhorn, f 0 sons, he wa. greatly responsible for Patron in the Rahway City league 7 Carteret 0 About midway in the third period,. De Pnlito Mucho 2 much of the success of the club. Ger- jthls year- They are To*". Jaeger, Lone Branch the Barrens reverted to an air at- right tackle Dorko, g 1 •ty won seven and lost eight. He was and Brennan. forced to pitch the first five games Haiiderhafor this nactio ann dapparentl Brennany. havReasone nost tack in an effort to get deep into) J. Lattanzio lO Evonitz | KjetlmanKjtl , g 0 0 0 been revealed to members of the Av- 57 Lonp Branch territory. After an ex- quarterback of: the season for the Brdwnies. He UNION HILL HIGH change of punts, Gerek ripped off a Barcellona , . Bartha1 3 3 lost three of these. The opening enel club. The word is passed in Won 2—Lost 4 game of the season proved to be a township basketball circles that the I Union Hill nineteen yard gain around end to> l' fullback Hughes, f >.: .0 Branch in "one of those games" af- 0 Clifton sped to midfield before he was drop- Score hy quarters: >- Jacobsen, f ."0 ter holding tha South Jersey slug- STANDINGS OF 19 Garfield 6 Herman W. Schurch ped. Jost tried the line for a yard' Americans 20 714 7—48 gers to five hits, j 0 West New York 32 Oliver, c :...'. ^ • ! Schurch, aged 29, of Hollywood, and then shot another pass to Gerek. Port Reading 0 0 0 0—0 But the clouds had silver linings It was knocked down. Gerek kicked. Summary: touchdowns, Ameri- Longstreet, jg 3 for the fair-haired Gerity. He was SCHOOL ELEVENS 32 167. Cal., automobile racing driver known the first pitcher to defeat the strong here for his daring feats of speed Cook was thrown for a loss of fo«n* cans—F. Lattanzio (3); Barcellona Rossi, g 1 Woodbridge Union Hill yards and Long Branch took posses- (2); Fitzpatrick (2). Port Reading, New Jersey Reformatory nine this Won All Games Barna at the Woodbridge and Langhorne 6 3 15year. He turned back that team, 5 Shaden speedways, was killed Sunday in asion of the ball on her own 10-yard none. Points after touchdowns, ^^HigL Schools—Class A left end line as the period ended. Americana, F. Lattanzio, A, Barcel- •to 3, in a classic that will be remem- Hacker race at Los Angeles. Schurch mar- p bered at the institution (or some Aefiuiuiy Park Collingswood Olleski ried Miss Dorothy Turner, of Staten Blow NNo. 2 lona (2); FiUpatrick (2)'; Delaney HE HAtES—HE LOVES (Dickinson South River lift tackle (2), Port Reading, none. As ardently as Jack Grossman dis- time. Aquila Ifland, at the Langhorne speedway The Ghosts doggedly stuck to likes football as a sport, one of'the In his next start, the Fords A. A. | High Schools—Class B Zacker October 18, 1930. theiir air game in thhe lasl t quartet r but Substitutions: Americans, Gallant Hackettstown Ocean City left guard it did little more than pave the way for Frank. Scarlet playerslavea the Kamet Dick defeated him, 5-4. Fords scored in Currie or Lee •The possessor of a winning smile the ninth to snatch a "sure"thing. Riverside Tenafly Sheiikpv and always the superb sportsman, to the second Long Branch score. Officials_ : Referee_, Kish_.__, ¥Brave .s_ A . Baaman, sophomore guard, thinks Prep Schools—Class A center Gerek did mo3t of the passing with C. Head linesman, P, Zick, Bravea A, j that the gridiron sport was the great- Eddie staged a comeback to turn Bosze Scjiurch. was exceedingly popular C. Tinve of quarters, 12 minutes. ' est past-time ever'devised. back the wild and wooley Bearcats St. Peter, J. C. Wenonah right guard Topeka with the members of the racing fra- Parsons and Jost on the receiving in a ''bloody" battle, 14 to 7. The Prep Schools—Class B Nelson ternity as well as with the fans. ^A ejid. . larruping Bears were held to eight (None), right tackle Fiessler skillful driver arid the holder oi Jost ran Wobley's kick to the 15- hits which were rapped out in Lk*. Pomeroy many records, Schurch ranked with yard Hhe back td his own 24-yttrd^ first three innings. After uiat^ Ger- Undefeated But Tied right end Wintyn the "cream of thu crop." stripe a few minutes after the quar- ity tettled down and refused to give High Schools—Class A Jost He last appeared at the Wood- ter opened. Gerek threw passes tov any for the rest of the game. Picardi bridge speedway in the final race of Parsons and Jost but neither was SEEN FROM THE SIDELINES Central (Newark) Long Branch quarterback completed. The Barrons were penal- One of his greatest feats of theRoselle * West Orange Jandrisevits the season here, October 18. It was Seoni his wedding anniversary. He drove at ized five yards, Gei'ek shot another .By TOM BRENNAN, Sports Editor. season was hit 3-2 victory over Steve High, Schools—Class B left halfback pass into the air. Mazza intercepted Anthony's Field Club in the firit" Madison Manasquan arsons Langhorne for ihe last time in the LONG BRANCH — WATERLOO game of the series between the two Eockaway South Amboy right halfback Olleski eastern dirt track finale there Oc- it on the Woodbridge 30-yard line Defeat, in large, ligiy letters, was written into the football records dubs. Eddie gave the Fordites four Weatfield erek tober 17. and scampered down the sidelines scattered hits in this tussle. Nay Details off the circumstances sur- for a touchdown. Cook again failed Prep Schools-aClass A fullback to kick the extra point. of Woodbridge high school Saturday afternoon by Long Branch. The un- When Long Branch failed to ap- St. Benedict rounding his death could not be forseen, unprudicUd happened. Keen-minded prognosticators were nulely pear the following Sunday, for a re- Prep Schools—Class B learned. Play Good Game ...... turn match, Gerity missed a second (None) Joe Bosze, whose injuries forced toppled from their "know it all" perches. Fohd dreams were blasted sky- crack at the South Jerseyites. The RUTGERS TO CLOSE him to the bench in the third quar- high. _ Woodbridge All Stars were dug up Not Scored On ter, was the outstanding performer ami Gerity bumped them, 10-0, giv- FORDS RECS TRIM for Woodbridge. His phenominal ing five hits. High Schools—Class A SEASON TOMORROW kicking and splendid defense work But for the bad breaks, Woodbridge would have won the game. This Keyport gave Gerity his worst (None) cut him out as a mark for the Long- High Schools—Class B Branch team. Once ^ssigned to carry is not an alibi. Smashing the defense of the Greens to smithereens in the beating, winning 6-1 and getting to New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 13 — KEYP0RTGR1HDERS v the' A. A. hurler for twelve hits in Manasquan . Westfield the ball, he ripped his way through first quarter, the Barrona began a march that was unfaltering. It was the Prep Schools—Class A lutgers will close its football season; the Green team for a lone advance. seven innings. He remained in a tem- nd Jack Grastsman, the. Scarlet's Turn Back Monmouth County touchdown -puada af.JJenkexl!s.JlsiL.Gb,p&ts. X.lieiQ, .what poraryTramp and bowed to the iNone)'', — ....- -Tta -wwk---et-Captein • Aquila and, - Prep Schools—Class B greatest ball-carrier, will close His Currie in the. line was excellent. The Plainfield Red Sox, 6-3 in hi, next ntercollegiate gridiron career when Eleven, 13-0 In'Fast Game- try on the-hill. Newark Academy Pingry ends, Barna and Pomeroy, turned in Parsons was hit hard by two taeklers on the Long Branch 40-yard Rutgers meets Lehigh -tomorrow in a Strong Opponent Sunday. creditable games. The Barron backs But he came back with a tremen- battle to keep out of the Middle l|ne. The ball flew from hjs stiff, cold fingers. Wooley, speedy Green full- dous bang by turning back the mtgh- Highest Score* clicked all through the tilt, run- Throe cellar. With Lafayette a Tony Cacciola's Fords Recreations ning off play after play without fal- back stood on the defensive waiting to dive at Parsons if the other tack- ty Perth Amboy. A, A. by the score High Schools- Class A trong favorite over Lehigh in the hurled hack Keyport Sunday after- lers missed him. The ball shot in his direction. He grabbed, the leather and of 6 to 2 In a thrilling game at the tering. Roselle 58, Summit 0. hihirdd MiddlMiddle ThreTh e contestt t nextt noon, 13-0. Keen rivalry plus sensa- Cook and Wooley were the leading- behind quickly formed interference sped sixty yards down the sidelines to City stadium. This victory oversha- I.eonia 63, Clifftfide 0. week, a Rutgers victory will shove tional .playing by1 both teams featur- dowed other wins and losses alike, lights for Long Branch. Cook, as. score. A bad break? Rather. Asbury Park 52, Central (Paters'n) 6 the Brown and White to the bottom, ed the game. sweet a broken field runner as has- and alone, would have givsn him a Collingswood 62, Bridgeton 0. while a Lehigh decision will place successful season. Sunday afternoon, the Recs will been seen in action here this year, Columbia 52, Orange 0. the Scarlet in the' cellar berth for face the powerful Cedar Brooks of was a terror. Quick to perceive open- It was late in the fourth quarter when the Red backs opened an aerial Gerit lost Mi two closing games" ^o Long Branch 52, Toms River 0. he first time since the organization Plainfield. The Brooks defeated the Union Hill and the Fords Field Club ings, he was responsible for most of attack HI an attempt to score. Mazza plucked one of Gerek's heaves out of Vineland 52, Haddon Heights 0. of the Middle Three. Varsity Club, 6-0, a short time ago. his team's long gains. principally through lack of support. High Schools—Class B GrosBman, held in check ever since y the air and scampered over for a second touchdown for the Greens. A bad In the seventeen games that he TThh e llineupsi : However, the Long Branch teamJ Hackettstown 72, St. Bernard 0. the N. Y. U. game when he smashed Fords Recs (13) Keyport (6) did not function with the smoothness, break? Hmmmmra. pitched, Gerity struck out 93 bat- Prep Schools—Class A his way to a touchdown almost ten. He walked 35 for an average ClCorryell l Leonard that was evident in the Benkert- Peripington 66, /Brown Prep 0, single-handed, isyexpected to make left end coached eleven. • Several times, the of two a game. In his first three Prep Schools—Class B One last bid for a scoring ranking, Lawson Without a doubt, the defeat came as a disappointment to Coach Ben- mound attempts, Eddie struck ou.t 33 Panconi Greens smeared plays with poorly St. Peter, N. B. 61, Good Counsel 0 Far down the list with a total of left tackle timed work behind the line. On other kert. But he masks his feeliAgs pretty well. Two or three Long Branch men which isn't to b« sniffed at in Vocational Schools fifty-five points, the man who last- Wefterfelt any man'« league. He allowed, dur- Bacha occasions they were forced to re-call players approached him immediately after the game. "Say coach," they Atlantic City 31, Tuckerton 7. year ranked third in national scoring left guard signals. ing the entire season, 107 kits for honors, although his team won only Hogan grinned, "how about -totting us have; the ball?" Benkert turned, tight-lip- an average of six a game. Thompson The lindups: four of nine contests, hope's to shake center Woodbridge (0) Long Branch (12) ped. The players rtopped. "Sure," he said, "go ahead—you earned it." At bat, Mr, Gerity faced opposing himself loose against ^he Brown and Jensen. _ B. Webterfelt pitchers 58 Jjsnes. He got fourteen^ GRAY BEES WANT Barna Ennis White. riglft guard left end hits and tccVed sever, rui s for am Along with Grossman will be five Wagner Seigal FROM THE 5O,AP BOX average of .241. Pitchers aren't sup- Hacker A. Mazza starting linemen playing their last, right tackle left tadkle Benkert'8 eleven ought to bounce Union Hill higher than the Empire posed to be good hitters anyway. In COURT GAMES HERE game of Rutgers football. Jerry CrOr 'Walling the Held, Eddie handled 28 chances Rankin Aquila (C) D'Appolito State building tomorrow.afternoon. If comparative records mean anything nin and Harry Karakas. ends; Eli right end left guard with only two miscues for an aver- Fast Passaic Club Now Ar Fischer and Geore Knabb, tackles, Allgaier at all Jim*iy kfanalio's boys will be eatey. And taking the taste of that age of .921. Campion Currie ! Rafferty^ ranging Schedule — Is Trav and Rosa Metzger, guard, are sen- quarterback center Long Branch affair but of their mouths will give the Woo. [bridge gridders , —Tom Brennan iors who will be lost to next year's Hall Fallen Editor's note: This is the second Itosze Scalzo some satisfaction. eling Team. eleven by graduation. Among the Iet^ halfback right guard of a series of short interviews with other eight lettermen who will grad- Rotella Beasick popular Township athletes. The re- Nelson. • Perth Amboy is still pulling surprises! A very much favored St. Mary's One of north Jersey's leading'trav uate Is Prenchy Julien, star end for halfback right tackle sults of the writer's talks with the eling court clubs, the Passaic Gra two seasons, who found himself in- Rybeck Vekamp team took a nice, stiff beating from the Roaenmen at the City Stadium, leading sport figures in this section Pomeroy lppolita Beds, has reorganized and within the Lafayette contest; Julien, known fullback right end Saturday, and the Thomas F. Burke trophy, symbolic of the schoolboy will appear in these^ columns from Bhoivt time will 6pen* its fourth suc- as a late season player, may replace Score by quarters: time to time. b' Cronin at right end in tomorrow's 0 0—13 Jost football championship of Pefth Amboy goes to the hallB of the Crimson. cessive season as a strictly traveling a Fords cfuarterback The awful tune was 82-0. unit. Plans «re being made to meet game. eyport 0 0— 0 Cook- the'leading semi-pro and profeseion- Jandrisevits SCOOPED,yiST FUMBLE al clubs iu the state: left half buck Those Convicts*of Tex'g Ven't doing ft wbofirjot oi winning, but they Al Chase, Reserve tackle, \a down Parsons P. Their three year record shows Gt* light halfback have spanked the two teams that wanted to beat them mighty badly — in the record books as the last man wins and 19 defeats. Only traveling SCHOOL GRID GAMES Gerek Wooley Woodb^e and St. Mary's. What'll Wdoduridfe and the Saints; do to each to "score by scooping up a fumble games were played. : fullback 1 and running for a touchdown. In the With the same men back, the Pati- SI. Ptjter'u CJ *'.) ut Hun. Scoro by qiWute.i'3: * other in a few weeks? v ,..';. Tomorrow Lehigh game, three years ago, next na ie outfit is out to better all previ- WOODHRIDUE At UNION HII.U Hitnlentowii (it IVmiliiKton, Woodb'ridge .../. 0 1)0 0-- tl ous records. They are led^ by Bob NEW HKUNHW1CK AT l'BKTIl AJ1BUV. MotPHtown ut Autiuljtlll. to the last contest of the season be- LUONAKUO AT CAKT15KKT. Hoinirvllle ut- Nurtli I'lulnfielil. Long Branch ti 0 0 H—M Here's an odd one. Five of the seven teams that have set high scor- Schwartz, former regular guard on Suulh Side v«. Cenlral at Newark Nu>t'. fie »t Jefforiiuii. Summary: Scoring, touchdown.-), ing marks in football in Class A circles have tallied 52 points in a game. fore fumbles- becamf dead, Al re- the Passaic High and St. Benedict Krh.julB1 Sladium- rffiilfwd ut Mlllbunr KklgtswuiHt at ClltlalUe i'ttrk. Woodbridg*: none. Long Branch: trieved a bad pass from the Lehigh Prep school teams. There are Sitarz, Jurtnacin Atailauiy. at at. lieno- Wooley ana P. Mftzza. Point.-- after center* and ran ninety yards for a Bednar, tfa#fcr«oskal-and Wyka, all \ Muly spirit at Atlantic: City Vocational.' Asbury Park, which U conceded the'biggest chance to win the Class former high or pr«P school perform- BujTlnft*r at fcftntclalr. lliirlliiBl.Hi at Ml Holly. touchdowns, Woodbridgt': none. tally which proved th-ra. Long Hrao'ch: none. A state championship, will meet Long Branch tomorrow. Neither team has ers. With this clan of scholastics, the Went Side at Irvlmttun. Bound Hic«k at BernurtliivlJIe. gin of a. 7 to 3 Rutgers victory. Passaic outfit is willing to meet the We«t Orange at llellevtlk>. Ca4» Mtey at tfalem Substitutions: Woodbridge—Quadt. been defeated. Picking Flynn's A. P. boys to run up" a nice atring of s}x- best in the state. Emit Orange at Columbia. Newton Academy at Klngiley. for Jandrisevits, Wukovets f o «- pointers and to spread the Green around the green. Kearny at Orange. HiulMuiRk U«l«ina at l.yudhur»t, MEET THE MASCOT Home club a seeking a good attrac- Nutley ut HluOmfloKI. Uikewoud at Freehold, Quadt, Markous for Hacker, Hutte- Bozo, so-called for lack of his giv- tion can book the Passatc Gray Bees 8T MARY'S (B. A.) AT ST. n at Dover, mann for Barn», Blair for Bosze, (N. B.) al HI. Barnaul'*. Those, famous Fleas are going to hop* Ask Ho« Bernstein to explain. en name, i« the official mascot of tha by writing Mgr. John E. Zack at 161 ^ Scutch I'lulny at Uouelle. I'lirujii at Fanualc , Burna for Pomeroy, WukoveU for Rutgers team. BOKO, a oarrier-pige- Eighth street, Passaic, N4 J., or by ltubolie Park Tit Summit. riBuualitvllle ut Hummuiiiou Jundriaevits, Hacker for M«rk#ua» Itch, itch. on, landed at Neilson Field a few phoning Passaic 2-6457 any evening. LainbertylU* al Tolas Kiver. Dumont at. Ramify: KuUierford at Ktdjelltld ['ark. PrJntetun prep at Kuttfers Prop. Quaijt for I'ai^iif, Itaku for weeks ago with an injured leg. John Kuut Kutherlonl at St. Cetllla'o. Coin Kg*;woo4 at tmuUuu Height*. The Vanity Club spoiled the three game winning streak of the Car- NesnNelson,, Scariea t trainer,, bandageg d Content I'itpe fcluj- at Sal«til, Long I!rum.'h--nont>, teret F- *C. Sunday. Kunyon's boys, looked good in winning. Herble Ben- the lel g and now thhe birbid dwil ill lno tt Thote who want much are alwu.v cuntial (P.) at I'liillllnburil. Einertftm ut Memu|-i&). Officials: Ueferee, Y.e.#ger, leave him. BQZO lives at the fluid l.conlu at Kuttstile II'.). WumUiury ut HaddunfMd. hardt was the works. much in need; liuppy the man to whou I'dillu at Blair. I'laliitlfld ut Weatfteld. Umpiifi Htone, Huston house and has only one worry, Shot, God gives with a tuiurlni; hand Anbury I'urk H.t'1-nug lirauuti. 'HBLUI liuoii(ttii, t tudiftnan,, W««tfi J^i'iy Cvynin's bird-dojli who eha Fniiikliii ft! Kvibujy tMiwi ut H(man | time ut quarter*, Ii Ud8yVjfrt«(»y tte thirteenth. Bo, hum! the pUfon whenever he sew nhn. li iiufitoeiit for his wauU. South River at Red Bank., N 'V Ulllltry Jkpajjew TEH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13,

TONITF. and TOMORROW EXTRA R. 10. RAHWAY THEATRE NEWS BENNY RUBIN THE Boyd Has Unusual MESSENGER BOY Benefit Show At "Free Soul" Holds R. K. O. NEWS Rahway Monday Nite Boards At R. K. 0. Role In New Film -^SPECIALS- TOMORROW AT 9 P. M. "Sob Sister" Will Be Shown Prince De Calais Will Appear "ThejSig Gamble" At 11:15 P. M. — All Pro- PRINCE DE CALAIS Tomorrow Night With Priz- Hill lioyd will nppear on the ceeds To Unemployment es—Other Attractions. s.-rren of the R.K.O. Rahway Thea- WILL HOLD ANOTHER GIFT NITE tte, Wednesday and Thursday, No- Fund. vmher IX - 111, in conjunction with Tlic attraction offered at the RKO "Confessions of a Co-Ed", in "The NEW Monday evening, NnviMiilicr 23, K.ihiviiy tonight and tomorrow is B ISiir (ianiMc," the story of a man 50 •lartinsr nt lVlii |). in. tin- RKO gripping drnmn of San Francisco's who gamble.-, with death and loaea, MODEL Rahway theatre will hold a Hem-lit ' high life. "Free Soul" starring Noi - only to realize that ha wants to live. NEIGHBORHOOD performance for the' Unemployed inn Shearer supported, by Leslie. In this louse muMern drama of RADIO Flind of Railway with the entire pro- ! Howard, (.'lark Gable, Lionel Harry- love dawning under the shadow of MERCHANTS' ceeds coing to the fund. The offering more and James Gle;i?on. I'rince'ne- di-ath, RKO Pathe has given Doyd Compliment^ j Calais will appear (M the KKvQ Rali- PRIZES TwilLUe James Dunn in "The-iJoU whpt i:< said to be the. greatest vehi- JAMES McCOLLUM .Sister," In addition, n number of ln- j way tomorrow ni^lit at 'J o'clock and cle of his entire career. Not even in esl stage attractions lire expected to ! \ will distribute to the patrons who me "The Volga Boatman,'" the picture 'present another group nf gifts rang- appear, announcement of which will thai, raised him to stardom, did he • _AND— be made in these columns .of our ing filmi a hag of groceries to the have such opportunities for a mov- new model radin. Reniemher you next issue. This is' for a worthy ing, powerful portrayal as are af- EVERY LADV ATTENDING WILL RECEIVE A cause and there is rtn iloiiht. those PHIS! he present to win, so keep you)' forded him in "The Big Gamble," it more fortunate will give their sup- ei.upuiis. The more often you attend j is declared. BOTTLE OF O'DELL'S AMERICAN BEAUTY , tl:e HKO Hahway theatre' the more i port as the price of admission will The star is supported by a cast HAIR DRESSING be within reach of all. The tickets foiipons you will have, the morel commensurate with the importance »re in the hands of the committees enipions you have the greater your >f the production. Dorothy Sebas- and the public is asked to give its opportunity. As each and every cou-' uiii, Boyd's bride, and a star in her support. pun you hold entitles you to nn op- | SUNDAY - NOV. IB poi turfity on the hew model radio as Bill Boyd in "Th* Big Gamble" ,wn right, is the leading woman. The Not one penny of the proceeds Jatty O'Ntil indulge) irt lomtr facial heavy is Wavnfer Oland, sinister men- ! well as fifty other neighborhood —RKO Pathe Production will be deducted for expenses, as the ymnatlki in tht tUU rule of the For I merchants' prizes. And that's not all! ace to scores of. thrillers. Comedy is theatre and screen attraction is do- ' The Brat" 1PA Every fady attending after f> p. m. provided by James Gleason, Zasu nated by the RKO Corporation. The tomorrow night will receive, a bottle Pitts -and June MacCloy while other 2BIG FEfVTURES-2 employees have all commented to do of O'Dells American Beauty Hair featured character parts are played their bit by donating their services, Old Aitronomical Belief Dressing1. New Fashions Bring by William Collier, Jr., Ralph Ince as well ae those who take part in the The must ancient ustn.tiniuers Re- and Geneva Mitchell. stage portion of the entertainment, f Sunday,'November 1 fi>.-.brings an- He tried to put her in his lieved that while the slurs themselves other unusu^k double feature pro- novel, Instead she put him were fixed by some means In the vnulf gram—dive^roofc and 'Peggy SHaM-] Back Feminine Touch of his Meaning of "Letter" | of heaven, th« plnneta had the power non in ''Silence," with Marjorie, in his place! d past to move to and fro, either as they Rambeau, adapted from Max Mar-1The new motif in fashion will help omes this Our word "letter" Is derived from cin's thrilling stage play. On the willed, or by the will of some nnseeu 1 the modern woman to reoapture fem- trirl — with a the Latin root meaning "to smear." samoi program you will find Sally O - power. For fulling stum, they be- inine technique. claim on his In ancient days letters were smeared Neil in "The Brat," adapted from That is the edict of Ina Claire, the lieved, there wns n deep pit all around carefree life! •r scrawled on parchment Instead of the stage success of the same name, stage's foremost delineator of the See being cut Into n tablet. the flat earth, into which they went with William Collier Jr., and June modern woman, who brings her tal- CoMver; ents to the screen once more in the .^"Monday and Tuesday, November RKO Pathe version of "Rebound" I 1(! and 17, the most exciting picture ecmitig to the RKO Rahway Theatre j ever filmed—"East of Borneo" with Friday and Saturday, November 20- i Charles Bickford and Rose Hobart. 21, shown in conjunction with S fl.OOQmile s into the jungle to make "Huckleberry Finn." I the most daring wild animal picture Miss Claire's qualifications to dis- ^ever brought to the screen, the cuss dress and the modern woman CCLCNI A [strangest sights ever beheld by man, are attested by her reputation as the i scenes that outstrip the imagination, best dressed woman on. the American BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION and with it all a corking love story. stage. Wednesday and Thursday, Novem- | "In Paris women have gone abso- PAYS DIVIDENDS OF 5J% PER ANNUM ON PAID UP ber 18 and 19, another excellent lutely feminine," observes Miss SHARES FROM DATE OF ISSUE TO DATE double feature program hfeaded by Claire. "One may be quaint, roman- Confessions o. f a Co-ed" with Phil- ti__c_ o_r. ,._.jurestpicturesque. , but one must be OF WITHDRAWAL. lip* Holmes, Sylvia Sidney and Nor- feminine. Tt is the best thing that 14 Allan Dinehart man Foster. The daring love drama I has happened to modern woman, and Ina Claire in "Rebound SHARES $200.00 EACH lived by an, Anonymous College Girl. | unless H woman is entirelyy, insensi- RKO Pathe Production Frank Albertson On the same program William Boyd tive to the inner effects of dress, her Dividends payable semi-annually in February and August in "The Big Gamble" an RKO Pathe viewpoint will be greatly influenced With picture with Dorothy Sebastian and b y thhe new fhfashionsi . William Collier, Sr. Serial shares are always available New Series open Warner Oland. In "Rebound" Miss Claire appears CLIVE BRpOK Friday and Saturday, November in one of her cleverest roles. The February - May - August and November of each year. THE OLD FIDDLER Virginia Cherrill Marjorie Rambeau 20 and 21, brings another double supporting cast includes Robert Peggy Shannon Get particulars from any of the following Directors or feature program headad by Mark Ames, Myrna Loy, Hedda Hopper, June Collyer Officers: Twain's famous story "Huckleberry Robert Williams, Hade Hamilton, Charles Starrett j Finn," with Jackie Coogan, Mitzi Walter Walker, Louise Cloaser Hale, John B. Tiffany, Pres., Colonia. William M. Doll, Colonia Green, Junior Durkin and Jackie and Leigh Allen, Wm. J. Byrne, Vice-P., Colonia Howard H. Jennings? Colonia Searl, And on thei same program Ina Edward H. Griffith, who made Bancroft Livingston, Sec, Coloma. v ~ • , ., u . . * -V- r- i - Louis Kromer, Colonia. Claira in "Rebound" with Robert "Holiday" and "Paris Bound," was MON. - TUE. — NOV. 16-17 J. M. McAndrews, Treas., Colonia ' .... Ames, Myrna Loy, • Hedda Hopper K I'l.AYS the tuneB we used to H, St. C. Lavin, Counsel, Wbdg. I*"!* Lintjrarten, Woodbridge responsible for the direction of this and Robert Williams, will be shown. comedy drama. H heur / SEE a lone white woman plunge through thickest jungle, Jotepli E. Corbett, Colonia Frank M. Patterson, Colonia. Thanksgiving week brings a slight The picture was adapted from the When old Tim I.ikiys the tunes that do not tire; The heart a ildrtle, from whose strings with There comes the music of old things, ZAZU THE VALUES OF CHOICE QUALITY CUTS OF 'I lie sweeter things of sweeter day*, When life, a gray oljl fiddler, plays. SAVORY MEATS ARE GREATER THIS WEEK THAN DISHES WITHOUT MEAT PITTS Rose Hobart PATHE EVER — STEP IN ANY WAGNER MARKET NOW <;g. 1931. DouglajilliJIocti.)—W!JU B«r»lo» Comedy AND SAVE ON YOUR FOOD REQUIREMENTS! f^i ETTIXG three meals a day every Charles Bickford NEWS ^-J day In the year la no small Town's Distinction amount of work,~nor does ft mean a Washington, - X. G,- has--the distinc- BEST QUALITY tion of being the first town named small amount of thought and planning WED. - THU. — NOV. 18 - 19 to maintain an adequate diet for those after Oeorge Washington. of all ages and conditions—the people Fresh HAMS lb who make up our families. Peculiar Defense 15 For those who must be sparing of Your choice whole or half, only A gray-green llsb, called the puffer, BIG FEATURES meat the following dlah will be one defends Itself when In danger by sud- that will be enjoyed: j denly assuming the appearance of a Stuffed Onioni. balloon. Who is this firl who HINDQUARTERS Genuine Select large, e\«n-slzed oulons—as loves and tells? many as there are persons to be LOVE WAS THE served. Peel and pour boiling water WINNING L4M ove,r them. Uemove the, hearts, chop THE TRUTH Hum is un exceedingly attractive PROBAK CARD— In these hindquarters yuu fiud an uppurlunity to them line and add to one and one- Jacket suit In black, with waistcoat The truth about youth — procure delicloui loin lamb chop* at this attractive half cupfuls of soft oread crumbs with one half cupful of: grated or chopped arrangement of the black Persian candidly revealed in the flam- low hindquarter price. Our clerk will be glad to c lamb triiuminga. Ives ing p»J?e« from a dia^y of start- cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Fill lint; frankness, written as it cut them off for you for that extra meal. Why the sheila and top with a spoonful of not ask him? I -shop was lived by an anonymous col- lb buttered crumbs. Bake with a small lege Rirl — 21 amount of stock poured rouuil them Gave Name to Battle until tender and brown. Serve on The .leuuy LiJid bin tie, a bottle shoving BEST QUALITY FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 19c rounds of buttered toast. with a globular body and a long slen The Intimate Story der nerk, originated in 1S50 wlien comfort) YELLOW BANANAS „ .-.._„. dozen 19c Baked Com Croquettes. Jenny l.lnd. cnine to AIIIITICII. The Her Diary Told! Take one cupful of chopped cooked bottles were first decorated with her GREEN BEANS 2 lb» 19c beef and one cupful of canned corn. at home Makes this glamorouB etory picture, but later other designs wern college life and loves! ... In a hand daalt by Add cream enough to make moist and substituted. (PROBAK BUDE) VERY SPECIAL—"KING SPUD BRAND" season to taste,with salt and pepper. death I If not lirni enough add a little thick A knave demanded POTATOES 100 lb. bag $1.19 white sauce to bind and a hit of grated his life —but a que«i; cheese uiuy be added for extra ilavor. TRAVELERS FROM EVERYWHERE saved it I Shape, roll In crumbs and egg, theu In Top or Bottom Here are a Few other I-amb PREFER Specials that will interest crumbs aKuin and bake In a moderate tiKO PATHE ROUND oven. ttfifif thoppers: Nut and Cheese Roast. HOTEL EMPIRE LEGS of GENUINE Cook two tablespoonfuls of onlou la A Paramount Picture BILL BOYD one tublespooiiful of butter, add oue-~ 14 STORIES AND 7OO ROOMS Roast 27i fourth pound of rich grated clJeese, THE OF MODERN COMFORT With one cupful of bread crumbs, ouel cup- ful of walnuts chopped, one eupfjul of Conveniently close to everything yet , BIG GAMBLE BKEAJST or SHOULDER removed from ihe noise and PHILLIPS HOLMES mills, t%e. Juice of half $ lemon, Bait, confusion of | DOROTHY SI1AS1IAN • W«(INU LOIN LAMB pepper and paprika. I'ut Intu a biilc- SYLVIA SIDNEY • JAM1S OLIASON iug dish and brown ' In a taoflerate f A OwUi R. Rum. hoducllon 1 I of Veal 14S, oven. NEW YORK!) NORMAN FOSTER CHOPS 29fb Make some of. these popcorn balls AT fur the children; they will eujoy 03" STREET LEGS or RUMPS as well as most of the 61dur ones: GENUINE SHOULDERS • Honey Popcorn Ball*. REDUCED RATES NOW FR\. • SAT. — NOV. 20-21 OF GENUINE Tuke. one und one fourth ijupfulg o( from $Q— up coin sirup, luree-fourths cupful of c •#oney, OIIB tablespoouful of butter, 2 - Big Features - 2 one hulf tablesponful of vinegar and Attractive weekly Veal 19fb IAMB, U end monthly rotes lb cook until Bllulitly brittle in cold wa- ter. Stir occasionally. AJd the but- ter at the last and pour over'three iiuurts of freshly popped coyi lightly Ina Claire saltmt. Mix well autj mold Into uulla ut onee. WAGNER MARKET CO. etc) 19J1. Wyialoru Nuwauipur Uuluu.i 100 Main Street, Woodbridge "REBOUND" — Please mention this paper to ad- . '. Phone Woodbridge H-OS22 vertvatra; it he(pi you, it helps them Robert Ames - Myrua Loy it holpa your "«n«r. —

Jt^_.^.i«i,... iltjr Loan Co. 4.07 0. A. LARSO* WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, NOVfeMBER 13, 1981 ' PAGE ELEVEN (Continued from pace 8) I Cranford Spur 67?f» the construction of the remainder of the Joint Meeting on April lfi, Joint Trunk Section 3 NOTICE Qarwood Main Spur 6.79 NOTICE Tfl HERtfflV O1VKN that In* Article IV. Hie disposal plant to b* constructed 1981, and under the provisions of Central Av. Walnut Av. P. R. W. 2322 ft 60 in. 42 N. Oarwood Spur 3.47 In the. future in accordance with the Section 2 of Chapter 19, P. I,. 1903,P. R. W. Towmttiip -nnmmft(*-•<• will hold k mpMlnir at Snrt.ion I of Art.irln IV of the South Garwod Spur 2.32 Central Av. Lineoth Av. 1271 ft. 60 in. 42 the Memorial Munlrlpn! TlulMlnir. Won.]- percentage of said cost set after and Section 7 (a) of Article XXI of Lincoln Blvd. P. R. W. Gloria St. 801 ft. 60 in. 42 brldge, N. J-, on Novfmhcr 2!rH FOR TUB ! the Joint Meeting shall be at the Park Dr. & fUlftlN-U OF tlM.00fl.iW I1V THE 1MV- ties in proportion to the average tion to said spur. Borough of GBrwobd I0.25860R rate of $2,000.00 and $1,500.00, re- ANCK OF (JKNKRAL IMPROVEMENT >anford:— River St. Church St. Linden Av. 2711 ft. 66 in. 55 HON1IH A NT! MAK1N*. ADDITIONAL number of gallons per day discharg- Borough of Roselle Park.. 3.71917G spectively, per year; the salary of Linden Av. Park Prop. Grand St. ed ititu tho entire improvement by Joint Trunk Section 1....11.35 Borough of KenilwortJi .. 6.257898 the Permanent Chairman shall be at 456 ft. 66 in. 55 ArrRomiATtoNH THKRKFOBC AND the mupicipnlities reapoctivety then 2....11.35 Township of Cranford .... 19.084858 -• — — -,--, ._~. „-__—,_— -_ __ _.„ *_~ -Gran j-j^md St. Linden Av. Penn Av. 729 ft. 55 CONK1K.M!*<1 ACTS HKRFTOFORK using the samo. Such use shall be 3. .10.25 the rate of $2,500.1)0 per year, in penn „, Grand St. Essex St 223 ft. 72 in. 55 IMINIB COVfEHNlNO THK NAME. x Town of Westfield 24.4GH525 addition to his remuneration at the' Fssex'st Penn Av. Washington St. 1317 ft. 72 in. 55 B* U Onirtiit*"! h>' (h* TftwnalHp Com- determined by flow measurements Oranford Sub Trunk 10.25 Township of Springfield .. 8.623748 rate of tl.0OO.OO per year as a spe- Washington St. Lawrence Av. mittee of th#> Township *>t Wood bridge. In taken within two months before the Also Cranford has the right Township of Clark r. 3.817959 Essex St 450 ft. 72 in. 55 tho CftWhty li"Ulf-*«pi-. / to contribute to the various cially designated represeifUtiye of Lawwence St. Washington Milton 781ft. 72 in. 55 1. ThAI II l« n^redftftry tn rnf* |l*l,- estimnto for the next calendar year Township of Woodbridge 4.877000 the Municipality! that the salaries of Milton Av Lawrence 72 in. 55 ODilOfl for th" fnllnwlnn purponpH: is made and certified. Such meas- spurs and sub-trunks within its If space be sold in the improve- Lennington St. 2166 ft. •For PnrltiR th-f Tnwnithlp's nhiir« all officers, including-the specially, Lennington St. Milton Av. River Cro?sing 474 ft. 72 in. 55 urements shall be taken simultane- limits for a total contribution ment prior to the completion of the 55 nf th* rttni t>f atr*rt pnvlnx ously and shall show substantially at a rate not to exceed 10.25 entire plant the agreement under designated representatives from the River Crossing Lennington St. P. R. W. 217 ft. 2-42 in. local 1mnr<*iv*prn*»ntii h**r*ptofnri» continuous graphs of the flow for a • M.G.D, but such contribution under which the sale is made shell Municipalities, shall cease from and i ' Joint Trunk Section 1 which hn v* b+en it til y ron- shall be made at such points as after February 29. 1932, and that p „ w River Crossing Wbdg. Line firnfkpil hfid the *r»wn«hlp'a period of one month. Provided, how- provide for a revision of the per- when the Joint Meeting shall re-or- , ' ih j. .. 1440 ft. 72 in. 55 ft ha*-* (li»t«rmln«ifNBf follfiwfi St9.4rtS.90 ever, that the Township of Wood- riot to exceed the capacity of centaga of cost to be paid by the par- For pftylnn (he Towtmhlp* ahars bridpe shall be under no obligation the improvement when added tics to the contract and the Joint ganize for maintenance after the '" wo«db»di.i Rahw»y Line Treatment Plant 685 ft. 72 in. 55 at (he triiit of N-twer local Im- to pny any part of such cost unless to the rightg of contribution to Meeting shall use such revised per- completion of the improvement there Wettfietd Spur provpmonti hfrretoforp author- such spurs, and sub-trunks of centages when additional-units are shall be no salaried officials other In Clark Townihip: l«ftf. a-flflfgiimpnta for whlrh its II rtiat of wm*r Im-al im- nicipalities for the purpose of this Cranford shall have no right Trunk 5245 ft. 36 in. 14 prcivempntu hrrptoforr autcinr- tn contribute to the Garwood Section 1 of Article V of the orig- read as follows* " IIPII, aMFimmentH fnr which section there shall first be deducted Spurs and shall have no fight inal contract, is herelyr.amended to 1. The Township, of Wqndbridge South Garwood Spur ^have been duly eonflrmul and nnd not incinded in IJie computation to contribute in excess of 175 read aa follows: in consideration of the special Xli* 'TnwnnrVip a ahnrn" JMtf- the use of said imprtvement by the The cost of unusual repairs and rights accorded to it under this Westfield Line 240S ft. 15 in. 2.5 mlnf.l an ioUnvr* JS.fl2« 84 M. G. D. to the Roselle Park Centre St. 770 ft. 18 in. 5.5 Fur paying the TnwnMilp'B shar-n said Township of Woodbridge to the Spur. •ebuilding Of the trunk sewer with tract hereby confirms the consent! of thn < nut of construe 11 n({ extent of but not exceeding 500,000 East St. 1509 ft. 24 in. 7.0 •id^Walka M local Imprnvt- lark Township:— he exception of the Woodbridge heretofore given by it and hereby j N Kf gallons per day. ipur shall bb paid by the municipali- consents that such a disposal works > Srcn,™ Myrtle Av. 285 ft. 24 in. 7.0 mentii h-arf tnfnr» author! *r«l, .Joint Trunk Section 1 . .2.01 ow 24 in. 7.0 aiNfiamonta Tor which hav-* If any municipalities, but not all, ;ie in accordance with the table of as the Joint Meeting may consider ™'" • New St. 603 ft. 1 2....2.01 s P. R. W. Willow 240 ft. 24 in. 7.0 bfen duly cmiflrm-pd and thf shnll use the • improvement before 3....2.01 Dercentages shown in Article III of ..necessary and proper;, together with 24 in. 7,0 Townahip'a nh-krf* iletermined the completion of the whole improve- his supplemental contract. I such additions and alterations there- South Av. P. R. W. 304 ft. an follDwa -, 21.H9.0I ment to be presently constructed, Also Clark Township has the The cost of unusual repairs and In Cranford: fnr paying she Tuwnahip'a nhnr^ right to contribute to the vari- to within the area acquired or to be Elise St. South Av. P. R. W. 289 ft. 24 in. at fitrf>*t opening *99 JS such cost shall be borne by the mu- ous spurs and sub-trunks with- 'cbuilding oi the Woodbridge spifr acquired therefor as may hereafter Fnr paying the Townalilp'a itharn nicipalities so using the improve- ihatl be paid by the municipalities as be made shall be located within its T. R. W. EHue Lincoln Av, joining of Uif r»Ht of departmental ment, and shall be determined by in its limits for. a total contri- 'ollowa: Garwood Main equipment i 4,7*5.»0 bution at a rate not to exceed boundaries. Spur 542 ft. 24 in. 7.0 For payinf Ihe cont o( the In- flow measurements taken as herein- 2.01 M. G. D. but such contri- Woodbridge . : 62 V4 Article X. Rtaitatlnn nf traffic lights .. 10.000 00 above provided during the period of er cent, of the total cost and the In case any parf or clause of this North GarVood Spur For payfnff the A«nt of infilng . 12.28*).47 bution shall be mode at such In Garwood: For paying the Tnwnshlp'i share such use as often as may be neces- points as not to exceed the emaining 37Via per cent, to be ap^ contract should be illegal, such il- of the coat of conatructlon of sary to determine the amount of capacity of the improvement lortioned among the municipalities legality shall not affect the other Union St. Fourth Av. Westfteld Line. 520 ft. 15 in. 1.8 a dock on Wood bridge Creek 11,766.42 such use. when added to the rights of ,3 above provided for the trunk parts, of this contract. Fourth Av. Westfield Line Union St. 701 ft 15 in. 3.6 For paying for part of the coat Fourth Av. Union Av. Walnut St. 193 ft. 24 in. 4.5 of Woortnrldse Park 50,000.00 Article V. contribution to such spurs and ewer. * In witness whereof the said mu- For paying for"part of the com Section 1 of Article VI of the orig- sub-trunks of Westneld, Gar- Unusual repairs and rebuilding of nicipal corporations, parties hereto, Walnut St. Fourth Third Av. 341 ft. 24 in. 4.5 of Ford* HsTk 11.000.00 inal contract is hereby amended to wood. Kanilworth, Springfield, the first unit of the disposal plant have hereunto caused their respec- Third Av. Walnut No. Oak St 1703 ft. 24 in. 4.5 For paying for the pout of Ave- N. Oak St. North Av. ThirF oonflrmad. ' lowing table are the parts of the im- Municipalities that are parties to this of Way. Capacities in million gal-1 North Av. 1762 ft. 24 in. 5.5 i. That there be Issued Cor tho purport ment whef added to the rights agreement to join in it and to appro- of railing such sum bonds In tha corporate provement as shown on said Plate A. of contribution of Westfield, long per day. The parts of the im- P. R- W. North & Grand St. Fifth St. 3310 ft. 24 in. 5.5 name of the Township nf Wood bridge In Garwood, Kenilworth, Spring- priate the additional funds which provement as referred to herein cor- Fifth St. P. R. W. Meeker Av. 117 ft. 24 in. 5.5 tho amount of One Hundred Ninety-threa Rnl« of flu they hereby undertake to raise and Respond to the par-ts referred to in, Meeker Av. Fifth St. Winans Av. 141ft. 24 in. 5.5 Thousand <$19X,O0O.OO) Dollars, or such lti million* field, Roselle Park, Cranford pay; it is agreed in confirmation of the same words in Plate A hereto lesser amount as upon the sale thereof and Clark Township. Winans & Bhall produce aald amount, which bonds Tartu of tlip of gallon™ Meeker Av. Improvement |)or ijay Woodbridge:— the resolution that was adopted by' attached. Lehigh Ave. P. R. W. 3389 ft. 24 in. 5.5 Rhall be designated GENERAL IMPROVE- Springfield Spur P. R. W N. Lehigh Av. Walnut Av. &. MENT BONDfl, nnd shall be In such de- Muni. ,,a||tlca: Present Woodbridge spur 3.32 Trunk Sewer 1867 ft. 24 in. 6.5 nomination and form and payable, prin- Westfield :— An additional spur shall b On From To Length Size Cap. cipal and Interest, ln such medium and constructed for the use of In Kenilworth: M.G.D. Woodbridge Spur at such times nnd plare, and shall bear Joint Trunk Section 1....16.42 PRW (Third St. Springfield In RjJiway (except a small piece): Interest at fmeh rate ur rateH as may be 2....16.42 Woodbridge (as shown by Washington St. 1277 ft. 36 in. 14 provided by resolution of this Township Schedule X) without cost to Produced) Line P. R. W. Woodbridge Line Inman Av. 3112 ft. 30 in. 5.3 lttPft. 3....15.42 1 Woodbridge and may be used Washington St. PRW Fifth 500 ft. 36 in. 14 Inman Av. P. R. W. Leesville Rd. 663 ft. 30 in. 5.3 . Raid bonds shall be signed by the Westfield Spur 11.11 by Woodbridge at a maximum Fifth St. Washington Cranford Line 1700 ft. 36 in. 14 Leesville Rd. Inman Av. Hazelwood Av. 3004 ft. 30 in. 5.3 riutlrmun of the Township Committee and Cranford Sub Trunk 4.31 rate of flow not to exceed 3.32 In Cranford: Hazelwood Av. Leesville Rd. Withersp'n St. 2975 ft. .30 in. 5.3 tiy tho Tn wash ip Treasurer ami attested Crunford Spup r 4.31, Venitia Av. Witherspoon Hazelwood P. R. W. 469 ft. 30 in. 5.3 by the TownShlp Clerk, under the seal of. 4.31 M. G. D. Fifth St. Cranford Line 568 ft. 36 in. 14 the TownHhlp, ntid If coupon* for the pay- Garwood Main Spur Woodbridge shall have the Venitia & Ext. Fifth St. Elmora 668 ft. 3< in. 14 P. R. W. * Witherspoon St. Junction M. H. 916 ft. 30 in. 5.3 ment of Interest be attached they shfrll S. Garwood Spur 1.72 Dunham . 36 in. 14 P R. W. Junction M. H. Treatment Pit. 1186 ft. 27 in. 3.5 bt executed by the fni'Mlmll? Hlgnnture of 2.5'J right to use the disposal plant F.lmora & Ext. Venitia Av. 1044 ft. the Tdw'nohip Treasurer N. Garwood Spur to be presently constructed tc Dunham Av. Elmora Av. Hanley Av. 255 ft. 36 in. 14 Disposal Works of 6 inches of gravel and 6 inches of i\. The Township Commltton of the Springfield:— the extent of 700,000 gallons Hanley Av. Dunham Riverside Av. 788 ft. 36 in. 14 sand together with necessary appur- Township of Woodbrlrigp, In the County of 3.7 Riverside Av. Hunley Av. Normandy Av. 36 in. 14 The plant is to be located in "Middlesex, hereby detcrinlnps nnrt dpr)nres; Joint Trunk Section per day (Instead of 500,000 pe 889 ft. Woodbridge Township**bn the south tenances will be constructed. (ii) That the uveiage probable unex- .3.7 day as in the original con Riverside Av. Normandy Av. Orange Av. 897 ft. 36 in. 15 (d) Necessary building with equip- ri'il period nf usefulness of the Improve- .3.7 tract); and shall have the righi Riverside Av. Orange Av. Casino Av. 461ft. 36 in. 16 bank of the Rahway River between ment to house pumps, chlorinating >ntn mentioned In Section I hereof, com- Cranford Sub Trunk 3.7 to use the completed dispose Riverside Av. Casino Av. Union Av. 967 ft. 39 in. 19 the City of Rahway and the Borough PULIMI in iLcunrdance with thn provisions of 39 in. apparatus and facilities for the oper- Chapter' 2(>2 of the L.awb of 11*11), an amende Cranford Spup r 3.7 plant to the extent of its tota Union Av. Riverside Av. Forest 151ft. 19 of Carteret on property acquired by ating employees. oil. Is thirty-three years. , 3.7 39 in. 19 .Hprinerfietifitdd SSpu r 7 maximum flow through th Forest Av. Union Av. P. R. W. 795 ft. the Joint Meeting by purchase and (e) Machinery and apparatus ne- {h) That the avei age a^enned valua- Woodbridge spur. P. R. W. Forest Av. North Av. 15. ft. 39 in. 19 condemnation. cessary for chlorination. tion B of the tHxabh? real property Includ- Kenilworth:— The rate of flow herein stated is Centennial Av. North Av. South Av. 39 in. 21 ing Improvements of snld Township com- 1....2.B: ^75 ft. 39 in. 21 The plant is to be of the type (f) Macadam .roadways around puted upon the next preceding three valua- Joint Trunk Section 2 .2.62 the maximum rate of flow permit- P. R. W. South Av. Lincoln Av. 1923 ft. known as sedimentation and disinfec- plant with the necessary concrete tion thereof. In the manner provided In ted, and no municipality shall have 30 in. 21 .Section 12 of the said Fid Is I IS,*119.369.00. " " " 3. .2.62 Lincoln Av. P. R..W. School Prop. 561ft.' tion with-sludge digestion and dry- gutters. U'» Tin1 net debt uf the. said Township: Cranford Sub Trunk 2.C2 the right to exceed such rate for Oranford Spur ing. (p) Piping and drains around (•(imputed In the manner provided In said Cranford Spur 2,00 any period of time however brief. School Prop. The portion of the^rPJant to be jplant, with appurtenances thereto. HtetUm \1 Is lt.247.3S2.3H <6.S*%). Roaelle Park Spur 0.62 (d) Tlitit the annual RIHI supplemental The rate of flow herein stated for & P. R. W. Lincoln Av. Walnut 1340 ft. 54 in. 29 presently constructed consists of: (h) Seventy-two inch pipe dis- debt Htntements required by said section Springfield Spur 2.00 any part of the improvement means P. R. W. Walnut Av. School Prop. 210 ft. 15 in. 3 (a) A battery of eight concrete charge from plant into Rahway Riv- 1^ have beet) made and filed na therein Roselle Park:— the total rate of the municipality at Walnut St. P. R. W. . Junction M. H. 847 ft. 54 in. 29 settling tanks each approximately er. required. 110 feet long, 32 feet wide and 11 7. That there shall be levied s In each Joint Trunk Section 1 ...1.85 such part including not only the con- Cranford Sub-Trunk (i) Other work necessary and in- year while any of said bonds shall be oi'.t- 2.. .1.8 tribution made to or at auch pSH Walnut & fee.t depth of water, or of equi¥alent cidental to the above. Htandiiifr, In the aame mnnner and at the 3..1.85 but also the contribution made to Lexington Junction M. H. Old Rari'n Rd. 3920 ft. 54 in. 32 capacity, mechanically equipped for Ihe portion of the plant for fu- same time as other taxes, a. tax upon all any upper parts which must pass the taxable real property of said Township Cranford Sub Trunk 1.85 In Clark Townihip: the continuous removal of Jlaaline 4ute construction — Hems (a), (b) sufficient to "produce tfi> amount of prln'*- Roselle Park Spur 1.85 through such part. Old Raritan Rd. Lexington Av. Breadway 362 ft. •«r4in. 32 nnd settleable solids, and (c) will be duplicated. clpa] and Interest to become due in the Garwood:— Article VI. Broadway Old Raritan Rd. Riverview Rd. 1216 ft. 54 in. 32 (b) Covered sludge digestion Section 12. This ordinance shall HUL'ceedlng. year. Joint Trunk'Section 1....5.7' Section 4 of Article III of the Riverview Rd. Broadway Park Rd. 543 ft. 54 in. 32 tanks, devices to collect the gas take effect at the expiration of ten tt. Thin ordinance *0iall take effect upon original contract is hereby amended Park Rd. Riverview P. R. W. 1432 ft. 54 in. 32 evolved from digestion will be pro- days from the date of its publication Itn publication aa provided by Hectlon 12 2. ...5. T of Chapter 2&2,;!ef the Lawa of IS 16 ns " " 3....5.7 to read as follows: P. R.' W. Park Rd. Walnut Av. 81ft. 54 in. 32 vided. after final passage as provided by amended together with the statement re- Cranford Sub Trunk 5,7 The municipalities shall pay for Central Av. 941 ft. 54 in. 32 (c) Sludge drying area consisting law. quired by said section, and the Township Walnut Av. P. R. W. Clerk .shall have the, power to select the newspaper In which '\C"shall be published and ti> specify the date aftm wLI. li tho bonrift shall he Uauad and delivered

SHERIFF1!* LEGEND IN CHANCERY OP NEW JEKSEV--Be- tween Cittsens fti^ftdlng and Loan Asso- rtation, a corporation of New Jfirs«y, Com- Oiam. of Pipe in Inches. plainant, and Max Wolff, et. al«.. Defemlh anta. Fl Pa for Hftle of mortgaged prem- Compo+ed Capacity in , -*a^Rd October 20, 11131. Uy vimie uf the above stated writ to me directed and delivered, 1 will expose to Million Gallons per Day sale at public vendue on WEDNESDAY, THE 9TH DAY UF DKCEMBEU. A. D. 19SL at..tWB.ft'4'JuvX standard _time In, the" efterv n«i>n of the suiil day ut thw Sborlff « Ofd^ti In the City of New BruiiBwU-k, N\ J. All the following tract or purrel of land u ml prtmlHt'H hert-lnaftcr purtlci-larly de- Ilieil. Hfttmtp. lying nn«l being in the Township of llkuHlbridHe, i» fie County of Mlddlenex and a|»ite nf New Jersey. Jieing known and ctyuiKriated «.« Ljit N'o, i4 nn a map entitled "Muy of Drt'onN Ililla, altUittt; In FurOa, Witodhridgo Tnwimhlti, Now Jersey," surveyed by Mason & Smith, Olvll BnglneerH, IVrth Aiubuy, New JIT- i^y, uml filed for rt'tonl In' the Clerk's Of- lup vt MldiUewex <"ounty. BEtil.N'NINO at a iMilut ln the mirtlierly lint* i>f Everurnen nvt'iiue tiiHtant isisteiiy "inn hundred (lUOi feet fnnu iln> nnrth*a»t corner formed by tl>« hiturHoi-tltMi ut Kvtu- green avenue; theme- (4) westerly tilong iiing tlitfiu'-j U) inu-tlierty purallt'l with the etmterly line of UldBedale ptiii'c "lie hun- dred nnd fifty (150) feet; thi'iKc- i:M t*"»t- erly parallel with the northerly llm- uf IiVfrurt-en avenue fifty 15(1) feel; them1*; I3I Htmth-^rly and para-ll«l with tlie first di^aiTlbtuI • uDUrue one hundred 'iiul fifty < 15-0> (eel to tlit; 'lorthtsrly 1 In-e of li Kieen uvenuw; thenuu li west erly uluntf the northerly line of Cversri'.tMi avtm'f, fifty (GO) fet-t to the point ur plate uf UK~ UlNNIXU. UounUt-d on the north by lot No. DS; on the east by lot No. 85; on the went by lut No. S3 ii nil on the aouth by Evergreen ave- IAJC, as laid down on said map, , He Ing the same pram lues conveytMl to it'.: said Mnx Wolff by'deed from WHU ijTunhuin, et. al«-, datsjd March 31. 1'J n|ut ret-'orded In the Office of the CL of the County uf Middlesex In book ti

E ther Adi«ctive ar Noun Kntrctiluureate 1& tin udje<:tlve or a noun, meaning *'qf op portalnifig to the dop'W of bat'heior." In the United States It has an Ultomutlc nu'HiiliiK — furuwey seriiKin delivered to grad- wntes.


NEW YORK CANDY KITCHEN Manufacturers and Dealers in Strictly Pur* CANDIES AND ICE CREAM 66 Main St. Woodbridg* Tel. 8-0048 «. GUSTAV BLAUM Groc«rio» and Proyirtion* WCSTflElLD 78 Main Si TtL PLATE: A

1 * . . ^^^ W^^MllM . M li^^M II ^ t^^ iMl Iftfrn^tf^^h'^^^ M11" I *^^M^^ft^HF.D^MTHttw»l> IMM.1 W JM^^W J^^n^BIMBO^^MHaMJ jal^j FRIDAY. NrtVRMHKU 13. 10.11 WOOIiBRIDGE INDEPENDENT PAGR'TWELVE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE TOWNSHIP Mrs. C. Barnekov Entertains Cwrd Pkrty At Iselin Iselin Woman Entertains Fords Rosary Society Women Republicans To Woodbridge Members Of Bridge Club Present Play In Iselin ISELIN Draws Large Attendance In Honor Of Her Son Scores In Card Party ISKLIN—-The rind pnrty, held tin- I.KELIN -Mrs, Tlnunns Adilinnrc FORDS—-The card pnrty which Mr. mid Mrs. John Strome, nf Mrs. 0. W. Barnekov, Jr., of; Myr- ISKLIN Th*> women brnnili (tf Mrs. ])li Rntiirioli Mini Mrs, ' Wedffpwood avenue, had as their tie nvenue, entertained the Tuesday thhe Im-lm Republican clul. will prp- j F»nul Sluk, nf Correja avenue «poM ,ielei r the nuspir-onus s of the Iselin tier- ' entertained a number of friends at Was held on Monday night under the an Society at the Rcse-. her home n 1 10 hprl Sunday guest, their son, John Afternoon Bridge Club at a covered Beent -.No Mvn Allowed" t-night at, Fi i.lay in Jersey City and New 1 ork. man Ameru- [ J '," ''"' auspices of the Rosary Soaiety was a nt Grill recently, was a very sue- son's, Thomas, Jr., thirhird birthday anan-- ' ' Strome, of the Princeton Theological dish luncheon on Tuesday Bridge the Pcrshinp avenue school. Mrs. decided success. Mrs. C. Haherkorn, Seminary. was played after the luncheon and Frorl Huher nnil Mrs. .Fnsenh Hnna- Mr. and Mr?. GeoiTfi nf oessful nffair. Seventeen tables were niversary. their guest, ir. play. Mrs. Georjre Wood was \ Those present were: Mildred Rap- Mrs. J. Levandowski and Mrs. A. _ 1 three tables were in play. Mrs. C. cioli have been coaching thp piaylFiume street, have a* men .Schicker were in charge of the affair. Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Breiwh on- W. Decker made the high score and and the cast in as follows: Two sis-JJoHn Schmidt, of Bloomheld. , awarded the door prize which was a acioli, Mildred De Nyse, Margaret .„, , „.,,-,,„ „,, narcnu- 'bushel basket of apples. Mrs. John Rapacioli, Hazel Lawyer, Evelyn Grace Hines was awarded the door tertnined a number of friends re- Mrs. C. R. Chase was awarded the ters, AnnVTlnep Martin. Mrs. Harold prize and the crucifix was awarded cently. Their guests were: Mr. and consolation prize. Mrs. Leon Camp- Mou'neey ('herr MaVtin Mrs. Harry ! Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hassey ami Mah,r won a larfce home made cake : Lawyer Grace Sluk Clara Sluk. Hil- De Nvse-.«e»=an their housekeeper, ' ^n, John, Jr., of Gorreja avenue, and Mrs. John Hall receievd the non do Gordon, Martha Andrahovitch, to John Egan, Sr. Mrs. Harry Houck. of Mt. Vernon, bell will entertain the club at her Mrs Thfi'mB? Kuiwc- Ruby the col- . were the fiundSy guests of Mr. ami players prize. A fred Thamm was Thomas Adnance, Andrew The prize winners were: Bridge— N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dunhar, home on Green street on November «re MNs Kina Saddler a do-1 — ami *'£••<• lfrl Bnnkman, president Mr. and Mn. Alfred D. Hyde •dolph Asproclas, Mrs- J. Hines, ^ r< ) w Grace A. Hines. „ , ,, . . ., .. ., , . Decker, f»f town, and Mrs. Malcolm tec-tiv.., MW Elizabeth Honm-gur, I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Furze, of of the ^.dality. Dancing and refresh- Entertain At Iselin Home Mr. and Mrs. A. h. Randolph, of McHos<)| of piainfleld l Fan Tan: Anna Sutch. Mary Gal- and Mis U-lii Proton a politician, Kennedy street, entertained a'group ments were enjoyed after the cards. " " " i»c.m ninuc ya, Agnes Antonides, Mary Buckler, Railway avenue, entertained the Sap . Mrs Kdward Toussaint. l)f friends recently. Their jruejts The prize winners were: Rummy. ISELIN—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Julia Sutch, Victoria Gauzza, Mrs* OI magundi Literary and Music Society • Point of There will b0o entertainment be-De-.'vere;' were; Mrnr.. anariud Ml".ur. . Frankri,,.m . Grapem-i-r.l Oscay--<- —r Waj'nor" «.> ••«', . Loui™»s > Farber'»»", Sr., ,',Hvd)(1ep> onff ("Ink Tree RI.P,I entprtrfin Walter Pepg, John Uhrin, Mrs*. J. A. and immediately af- and daughter, Virginia, of Belmar; John Koch. Mrs. Walter Balevre. ' , l«k li_ee Ifriad emeitam- at their home on TuendflRr night. fMs<'iissiMh him been carried CO, Im aml immul.ately «,..' ^^ ^ ^ Belm,)r; M,.s Wa,,el. Bal(?vl.e vircent Ciccone. I ed «i RToup of friends at their home• '>ambach, Jr .7. Schicker, Mrs. Ral- tween the BL'IH HUM, .M i .'• muni uoivwt, ( iiitniv Vr ll t Vrll t i Ci. 1 Mrs, William ("rug opened the pro-1 ter the play then- will lie n dance on Siaturda Games, music ney, Grace Gloff, Joseph Mazurzu , Mrs. q\inrteiH, ns to whether tt ti Edith Unite ami Edward Bolte, of Bridge. Charles Hodgkinson..,. Mrs---.. ' ' , >•' „ •-, t. P.. il . !„-.L T^ t • ..„.,^ t .1 1 •„^ oL*1i iMal r,I TMrs I . g,.amw jth a piano solo, "The Third Charles Hodgkinson. GarfieW Gro- an(i P"** werp ' h.e. l™lar™ °f the Robert Gelling C. Schicker Helen Meditation." Miss Lillian Gillis, with ,, . , Newark. even1n ancl a ul 'can. Miss Grayce Walker and Mrg. I K , delicious supper was* Buckok, Mrs, John Schmidt, Mary,MJBr^ AA pF. RaiH Handolpi0|ph ha sas%ccomp accompanistanl, 1: ''ompnny, M sennji blackberry Juice Jesse Hoft. I served tft a late hour Handerhan g "Bv the Land of the Sky Blue fro-n the ,]eple,l plntf a spnonr I The and Mrs. Pinochle: Waltor Pegg, Jphn Lgan, 3Mng v SUPERSTITIOUS Fire Prevention 1» Topic I Bunko: Mrs. Wilson Pherigo, Emil w;ate»r 'anid "PPalle MM" | «ff «>lh«>ielhff r one m»f ovi'ovi'HH. uuss ^hi> com llo. Jr., Mrs. John Koch, Mrs. N'assib Haddad, Mrs. Elizabeth Na- Sr,, Julia, Clements, Henry Moog, wat;,r» 'an,i "Pale Moon." At Meeting In Fords hass, Miss Selnia Nahass, Kamel Ka-] Michael Stumpf, Josep hPatrick, A. Charles Thilhower, superintendent j puny |-|.r me* un re Intlinite, l«p thu omasMAdriance, Mrs, Carl Brink- of the Westfielil schools, who was | |M.;, |,n,i4le «i,b tlie Up i t tlie tcinifiK>, teif~Miss Mary Katen, Miss Lillian Antonides, H. Schmidt, Frank Dan-i(h f FilHDS — The Fords Woman's t Mphnpl'CtrT Mr, P p'" j thlnet gues1t speaker, gave a very inter- „„ „„ .,,. i(;vi, ,.„, ,,ll;r,lt ,,„, 1 Katen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Still- '--- "s-i—i r>~*.;-i. M— T> r>»f l If"" ." Club ln'ld it- regular monthly tnt'et- ri.-kerW, MichaeT Al nntnlinr-Patrickh, MrsIr. Williar. ratm - !t|,,ll(i_r_ (tB i t „_ uenap „,,.„e, TrihiriDe ofi Iinn -|| -ri. ii:i« ,l,, . •, I.HKI.I, n oTr !man, Robert Stillman. Mr. and Mrs. IICK, J. n.. uaranacn, jr., vyiinani |j j ]si . Jersey. Durinn the ir. . ,.^ inir on Wednesday, at the home of Cwiek- ^red Huber. Mr., and Mrs. Lawrence ( ans n PU latricK, Mis. A. tvaminsKy, jonn 11- i«^ociAI hour refreshments w^irwere aerv8e.rv- ' , Shohfi", Hang, C. Gockel. The next meeting of the club will Mntten- Xon-players: Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. he held at the home of Mrs. William —Pleaae mention thta paper when and Mr. Crug, of Avenel, on November 24th. buying from advertise™ Stumpf, Mrs. P. W. Frey, MTS. Fee, Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. S.vt ,.1 members made reports on SegSeguun Frank Mastandrea, Mr^. Wif- p am Mrs. Patrick J. J. Geraghty, Mrs. A. , T Spencer, Miss Grace C. Huber, recent card pparty y ggive n byy th the e'' ^fi,^^C rlV u Paul ak C^ rl" Hutteman, Schicker, Mrs. Levey, Mrs. Bertha Mrs A' fi Brown Miss Sara Fitz- dub for thhe ice fundfd. MrsM . B. JenseJ n J "' " *.. ^ "I H Ketsey, Mrs. A. Quadt, Mrs. Charles ge^M ' ^ an(J „„, CnarleR Wis- ASPIRIN exBnd C e kal Ir? y cave a "report on the state confer- £! " * ' °: ^ -., Mrs. - Mrs. Julia nice of the Confederation of Wom - F A thur J ke Mrs BENHARDT FLASHES Habercorn, ,wn(l, Miss Martha SMorrow, Prof. f h Cfdi f W 'H^u *"• lett (.V ln c ent™Lon' MrS'.P; Hlanchard. I John H. Love, Mrs. William Krug, an's Clubs held in New Brunswick tt ! . , 1 ^'% ' is always SAFE recently. The club decided to send L«idew. Mw. Joseph Rapaci- Mr. and Mrs. Leland Reynolds, Miss al and groceries to two needy fam- rs Anna Davis, Mr*. Harry De- AS VARSITY WINS i Helen Pfeiffer, Rev. and Mrs. ,W. V. ilies in this vicinity. The next meet- iD. Strong, Mrs. F. G. Tisdall, Dr. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS iri; of the. club will be held in the Carteret F. C. Has Winning 'nnd Mrs. C. H. Uothfuss, Minn Anna and Ce0T e torn) of a Christmas party. i? ^: « . , , Streak Smashed At Stadium, 1 Hart, Andrew McCord, Karl Metz- MVs. P. Christensen, Mrs. Lamp, ' The consolation prize was awarded |gor, Mr. and Mrs. Behr, Miss Ada 1° Alfr^-Ttanm,. Mifl 12-0. Fullerton, Rev. and Mrs. Howard and'Mrs. Charles' Larson 'served the fuctls w"s "hairman of ^e -eommit Breisch, Miss Lillian Gillis, Mrs. E. refreshments. ?teAn ch.aree and was ably assisted Clipping off plays with machine- C. Ensign, Miss Helen Ensign, Mr. by Mrs. James Fuchs,-Mrs. Elizabeth like precision, Harold Runyon's Var- and Mrs. C. Thilhower, Miss Kath- Honneg-ar, Mrs. Winfield Hauschild, sity club eleven smashed the three ryn Spencer, Miss Daisy Rush, Miss Fran^^'n'* Lmt llnrte Mrs. Anna Davis, Mrs. Arthur Janke. game winning streak of the Carter- Elizabeth Spencer and Miss Sadie Im- -i' Iviilt I'l'lnre 17 .V liv Pen;and Carl Brinkman, president of the et Field Club at the City stadium in i Harriot. II t"r..Mi:i:ii in I'l :!:'•'• '••' I:i was society. After the games, refresh- Perth Amboy, Sunday, by metering SHE HAS HEARD THAT— i 1 ments were served by the committee out a 12-0 defeat. Herbie Benhanlt, in a ciiijrt ^ II jli r.iiiH* t" ii ''all. !! and music and dancing were enjoyed Franklin pla.-e. I'-ivi; a newcomer in the Blue and Gold Breckenridge Auxiliary If a wedding party should *e« 1 "-•<> s" by all present. many of his i] :ys In 1 :\i ranks, was almost directly responsi- Meets With Mis» Logan •treak of lightning just before th« 1, when hi- ble for the scoring of both touch- final "hitch-up." oh little *fide, jump w:is furci'd to :-..;>( ur i-,-. i. (• r,ml:'iii :lowns. for joy. Good luck is broadcasting sp.'llt his (jl Vr sures n close and interesting strug- right tackle E can neVer he sure just what c gle. V EXPERIENCED colored woman W makes an infant restless, but Among ll' citations which com Qoyuer Donovan the remedy can always lie the same. prise the Lesson-Sermon is the to' The game was arranged through right end wants general house work, or One in a Thousand Good old Castorial There's comfort in lowing from the Bible: "Who shal invitation by Dr. Brett' to Chancellor Dooley Szelag home laundry. Good references. In- every drop of this pure, vegetable prep- separate us from the love of Christ Elmer E. Brown of New York Uni- quarterback quire 14 Monteque avenue, Clifford aration, and not the slightest harm in its nhull tribulation, or distress, or per i versity, who secured immediate fav- •crity Goderstad Heights; phone Woodbridge #-1532J. frequent use. As often as liaby has a sedition, or famine, or nakedness orable decision by his Board of Ath- left halfback W. I. 11-13, BO*. fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can't or petil, or sword? Nay, in ;il'lt-tic Control. When the matter was Mortenson Galvanek sleep, let'Castoria soothe and quiet him. these thtiiKS we arc more than coll placed before acting captain Allan FOR RENT. — 6-room house with 1 right halfback hath; all improvements, garage, Sometimes it is a touch of the. colic; quorors through him that loved us Walz of the N. Y. U. team, he issued Beigert or constipation. Or dreaded diarrhea— (Romans R: 35, 37). the following statement in behalf of Stoekel near park; $50 per month. 439 a condition that should be checked his teammates: "I am only too glad fullback School st. Tel. Woodbridge 8-1299. The Lesson-Sermon also include- Score by quarters: W. I. 8-28* without delay. Just keep C.aslorin handy the i'.ilWnvinf! passage from th- to say that the entile freshman 0 0—12 and, giva-it promptly. Heliei will follow • Christian Sviencc textbook, "Sci squad is not oflly witling Iff play this Varsity 0 6 very promptly; if it doesn't you should dice LIIUI Health wlth^rfey to th game, but feel that it is an opportun- C -0 0 ROOMS FOR RENT call a physician. Scriptures" by Mar)/ Raker Ivh!\ ity to do something at this time for Summary: Scoring; •"••touchdowns', THREE ROOM SUITE, furnished, "When tin- evidi-nc* before the m:i the unemployed." Varsity—Cooper, Stockel. sitting room, bed room, bath. Mrs. r Substitutions: Varsity — Benhardt terial souses > ieldcd to spiritmi The Rutgers freshmen this season F. G. Tisdall, 539 Rahway ave., ^ensr, the a])nsth' declared that iio for Mortenson, Korrier for Hoborak, Woodbridge. Tel Woodbridge 8- are represented by a group of former Martin for Stockel, Lupo for Komar, 0207, At 999 hotob b AlUnflc CKy yo« CM 8«< *• HMM tiling cfiuhl alienate him from (iml scholastic stars who have defeated Krulikowski for Manton, Beatty for iKlna room with o< «ltho«t »««b from the sweet sense and presence the-Ryder Junior Varsity and theGerity, Stockel for Martin, Gerity W. I. 8-28 tf. CASTORIA of Life and Truth" (p. .W). Lafayette freshmen. They played a for Stockel, Holtzlieimer fur Kruli- FOR RENT—Small furnished apart- *An Original and Unique Scivk* nud* scoreless tie with the Princeton Jun- kowski, Kelly for Holtzheimer.- Car- ment; also rooms and board. Ap- ior Varsity and lost to the Lehigh teret—Conrad for Galvanek, Wadiak ply 144 Main street or Phone Wood- Carolina Crest freshmen by a single^ point. Many for Lyman, bridge 8-0003M. o NEW YORK'S INN OF HOSPITALITY Nuw Jersey boys fire included in the Oflicials: Qrsi, Colgate, umpire. W. I. 5-1 tf. Thousandth Hotel I Miuad, which is expected to add Fitzjiatrick, N. Y, U., referee. Hee- { strength to the Scarlet varsity next *Ab«d or «t your xrvict table enjoy • dclkloui Tray In the mid:.* of the city but «w.»y from ihn nett« iian, Rutgers, head linesman. ROOMS AND BOARD 611 . Barron avenue, Woodbridge. • WITHOUT CHARGE • In the pm*cy ol your o> 1,000 ROOMS WITH BATH-5 DINING ROOMS I It has been announced that after, N. J. ir'hone 892. fortebk room wtiiU you glance through your morning L deduction of expenses, twenty-five Chic Evening Dress W. I. 3-14 tf ' "" uWtl wo«d«r*M all our gueita do—how we kappened la I Neat the Oreat Department Stores. Convenient to Churches, per cent of the proceeds will be giv- yow DOOM ID DM Theatres and Transportation Lin««. en to New York University for the FOR SALE—1330 Harley Davidson unemployment fund of N'ejv York Motorcycle "74," in very good RATES City, and the remaindar will be turji- condition. Price very reasonable. CAROLINA CREST Single Twin Beds cil over to Dr. W. It. S. Demurest, Inquire Woodbridge Independent Of- wlthBa|h $2.50 to $4 chairman of the unemployment fund fice, 1H Green street. North C* lin« Arenae MM Bo«rdw«& with Bath $5 to $7 committee of New Brunswick W. I. 9-1. DoMU. $6 ATLANTIC OTY, N. J. Double i . . Parlor, Bed- . RPR SALE—F^ve room house with Every ROOM WMI PHwh B^i with Bath $4.00 to $6 room and Bath $6 to bath and all itierovements in Row- land place. Telephone Woodbridee IT'S VISE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS IN ADVANCI I NO CHARGE FOR CRIB OR COT FOR THE LITTLE TOT • -1710. FOK SALK—-Hardy., garden tulip bulbs, mixed varieties, $2.85 per PRINCE GEORGE HOTEL H)H; 55c per dozen, Imported Peat Fifth Avenue and 28th Street Moss for covering rooto, peri-nniaLi ;>iul shrubs, $4.00 per large bal^. &. Alburn M. Guttenon, Mgr, K. JANSA. NURSERY (near school) YOUR COAL Motorists from SKWAKEN. N. J. W. 1. 11-18, 20, 27; 12-4*. Jhe North -i , South LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR NOW fffi fyn( and FBLL Una of Everfrsent WOMEN: watch your Slirubi, Trees and Flowers, all local. . ; ( We*t ly xrown. J. E. JANSA, Nursery, Se- wuren, N. J. (Near bchool.) BEST READING COAL Find thii Hotel the Best W. I. 7-24 to 10-30*. . BOWELS CLEAN COAL AUTO ENTRANCES ON TWO STREETS EAST 218th and EAST 27th HOUSE FOR RENT — 6 rooms,"all CAREFULLY SCREENED Wlmt should women do to keep their improvements, garage. $45 per bowels iiiuiiiiij freely? A doctor i>liuuli) month.

P«rth Loaa Co. y 4^07 %,\n' C, A. LARSON