Four Page Colored 16 Pages Today Comic Section Two Sections WOODRRIDGK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOYKMBJilK n, \\r.\\ PRICE THREE ...VOL. Xltl, No. 36 One of the Utter* picked out of the Who'i Who mail buket this morning >• io good we want lt> share It with yu. lti writer hat lived Question Raised Bandits Raid Rahway New Contract For here all hit life and everyone knowi thh tame "Old Timer." "To the Who'i Who Editor: Where do yon And all theis people you ara writing about? Over Township Job I've lived here over fifty jtmrt and never before heard of a num- Bank;Jake $81,01 RahwayValley Sewer ber of them. It'i a good thing "Who'i Wh«" came along to ac- One Report Shows Tax Collec- quaint ut with our own folk* here and through Middlesex County. Daring Hold Up Early Today In Neighboring Town — Many New Advantage. For Township Contained In Supple- tor C. Albert Larson Reelect- Keep up the good work. It's waking us up as never before, and Armed Men Enter Bank, Drive Patrons and Clerks mental Measure — Ordinance Relating To Finance AUo 1 guett ire needed it. ed; Another Indicates A Tie Your* for the public good, Vault and Escape With Two Payrolls That Had Just Introduced — Committee To Take Up Relief Work. (Sfened) OLD TIMER." Vote With Edgar. Good for you, Old Timer. That's just what we want to do—place Delivered In Arpiored Car — Bandits Escape In Sh An ordinance containing a sup- Benjamin avenue, Iselln, concrete the friendly Who's Who spotlight on every business, professional, and After the results of the election, Hudson Swlan That Was SMD Following Armored Car plemental contract on the hi* Rah- urbs, gutter and penetration maeft- industrial interest in this Community, so that every reader will appreciate in Woodbridsa had been tabulated dam improvement, $7,50t); Grove their "own folk* more. Come and see us often. Wf likevour spirit. That and published last week, and it was It Entered Rahway — Had New Jersey Registration. way Valley trunk sewer enterprise accepted as fact that all of the- Dem- was introduced anH passed on first avenue, Woodbridge, curb, gutter and goes, too, for every letter- that finds its Way to the Who's Who editor's j cinder pavement, |4,700; Wedgwood basket. ' ocratic candidates had been elected Rahway, Nov. 13—Five .i When the alarm was given a . reading Monday afternoon at the 1 except Frank P. Edgar, candidate bandits entered tho- Citizen's Nation- minutes later by employees who - meeting of the Township Committee.. avenue, Woodbridge, seweT, $2,000.; And stilt another letter.from Wi Osswii•• em first prize winner today: AUIIT fiveUUc, Woodbridge, concrete for tax collector, there came a re- al Bank of Rahway at 8.20 o'qkck anaged, to get out of the vault,•] Th* new contract embodies many ad- "Answering the Who's Who in Middlesex Couaty, Is to my this morning, herded the clerical :ar wag gone. Police made a fri ditional advantages to the township. curb, gutter ' and concrete cinder mind, most instructive. I find I rtevftr rjerdre* knew my home pavement, $26,000. force and two customers into .ifie iflTnrt to obtain some descrfptio The complete ordinance with a map town people. Now, t shall really know how to intelligently an- vault and escaped with two payrolls :he car. No one had noticed the illustrating .its features appears on Hillcrest avenue, Iselin, concrete swer queries for such and such an article and lomething >s to totaling about $81,000. The Citizen's stration or the letter indicating] another page. 'urb, gutter, concrete sidewalks and qquqalqity and price, I will know more about the different mer- National, located in the old post of- ounty. But it was established Another ordinance passed on first -irrder pavement, $9,000; Fiat ave- chants. I found everyone written up most pleatant and willing fice building at Irving and* Louis hp car bore New Jersey registrat extension, $5,000; Iselin storm to answer any and all questions. reading provides for a bond issue of nue, streets opens at 8 a. m. for the ac- An alarm was sent out on the $193,000. The amount represents WiWwood avenue, Thank yon very nincerely, sewer, $8,500; commodation of commuters who ype system but the meager des the township's share bf a long list of and Maple Btraat WALTER OSMUN." mnke ilefiosits or draw cash before ;:on of the car and the men wl| improvements that have been made sewerFrankli, n$4,600 stree; tWarwick street, Ise- Today's lucky prize winners are: Walter Osmuii, first; Mrs. R. E. leaving for the day on Pennsylvania erious handicap. One man who . in the past, and for which assess- lin, concrete curb, gutter sidewalks, Andtfrson, second, and Virginia Stock, third. trains. ed through Rahway about 8 X>'c ments have been levied for the bene- grade and cinders, $16,600. Shortly after the bank opened a said that he saw an armored I fits accruing to adjacent property. Port Reading storm sewer No._ 1, 'gp armored car arrived with the nd that a shabby, dark Hudson| The committee approved a resolu- $6,600; Cove creek sewer extension payrolls for Merck & Co., and for was following it. He noticed tion to issue improvement notes tax No. 1, $3,800; Avenel spur of the Cemeteries Near Woodbridge Lions iln> Gibson-Hill Company. The latter here were five men in the Hud anticipation notes for $100,000. An- Rahway Valley trunk sewer, $29,000; ern ia electrifying the Pennsyl- and that they appeared to have othe? resolution permits the trans- Iselin sewer system, extension No. 1, f vania railroad and hes a large force ing clothes on. The same man n<j fer of $20,000 from the payment of $10,000; Iselin-Colonia trunk spur Institution Opposed In Busy Session f electricians working in the Rah- ed three men ire the armored public improvements account to the sewer, $110,000. Way district. This witness saw the two car account of interest on current loans. Woodbrtdge trunk sewer, spotion Township Committee Receives Hruska TelU Of Traffic Con- The armed guards of the armored they were approaching Rahway A long list of resolutions was a- Linden. No 3, $10,000; Columbus avenue Letter Of Protest From State fere'nee; New Brunswick car took the money bags into the dopted to authorize assessments- on street opening, $9,000; Egan avenue, Imnk, received their receipts and The Citizen's National is lands benefited by various improve- opening, $22,000; James street, open- Officials. Guests Speak left. Things were normal and quiet equipped with tear gas and ments. The improvement items list- ing, $8,000; Rahway avenue water both in the bank and on the street. clerks had no means of defenj ed in the resolutions are as follows: system, $6,000; Summit avenue, Although the permits for two cem- The Woodbridge Lions Club had No one paid any attention to five themselves with the guns under I New Brunswick ave'nue, sewer con- storm sewer, $1,700; Summit avenue eteries in the township, located near a busy business session at the week- men who entered the bank and walk- counters because the holdup was f nection, $18,000; Park avenue, Ave- curb and gutter, $1,500; Lee street, ly luncheon Monday night at Gray's ed about as though having business.. ned out so suddenly. nel, water connection, $3,200; Am sidewalk improvement, $10,000. - Menl° Park, were granted several Log Cabin, although the meeting was .Suddenly the five sprang into activ- Police are working on the boy avenue trunk sewers, $25,000 May street, Hopelawn, house con- years ago and long before the State not scheduled as a business meeting. ity. Guns were presented to the and are being assisted by stat Avenel sewer extension No. 5, $3,- nections, $1,709; Grove street, sewer had any thought of locating a soldiers Lions Qmffee and Miller of New- C. ALBERT LARSON heads of the clerks and they were liee and the staff of the prosec 800; Craske street, Woodbridge, sew improvement, $7,000; May street, ; home in that section, an effort is be- Brunswick were present and address- ordered to stick 'em! up. Qus Bar of Union. The bank is checking er improvement, $1,800; Park ave port from New Brunswick that the tells, of Elm avenue;, Rahway, one to ascertain, the exact amount of HopelawTi, curb, gutter, paving and j made now to oust the cemeteries ed the meeting in regard to a recep- vote for the two candidates for tax ol the two customers standing in the rue, Woodbridge, concrete curb, gut- grading, $17,000; Francis avenue tion and dinner for "the internation- g loss. Before noon it was belt ter, sidewalk, sanitary and surface in the interest of the soldiers home collector, C. Albeit Larson and Ed- bk fl hi hd d that only the two payrolls had storm sewer, $4,000; Ellen street, al president, Julius Hyer, to be held gar was a tie and that neither was bank felt something hard - pressed draining and penetrate macadam, which has since been established'. in Newark on November 20th. Many uKainst his ribs. He*!iaw it- was ft taken. $12,000. Hopelawn, opening, ^9,500. elected. 1 The cemeteries were there first and local Lions will attend. Jptun but at first, he said, he though The fact that the holdup -was i President Ben Jensen of the Fords it was some movinig picture stunt ed after eight o'clock indicates I have a big legal advantage in that Lions Club waB present and brought Kartells and the other customer to the bandits were familiar withj K.
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