The Wellesley Prelude
VOLUME I.—No. ^. CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGE. - Leader, Sarah M. Bock, '90 - - - 3fc. 65 College Notes, Theodora Kyle, '91 - - - 75 Love's Largess.—Poem, Louise ManiiingHodgkins 66 Auld Acquaintance, Edith S. Tufts, '84 - - 75 A Bird Calendar, A. C. Chapin - - - 66 Inter-Collegiate News, Mary W. Bates, '92 - 76 Jack, Rosa Dean, '90 - - - - - 67 Our Outlook, Mary Barrows, '90 - - - 76 The Greek Play at Smith, J. S. R. - - 68 Waban Ripples 77 Oxford Letter, S. Lilian Burlingame '85 - - 70 Magazines and Reviews, Mary Barrows, '90 - 77 Our Letter from Athens, Emily Norcross, 'So - 72 Book Reviews, Sarah M. Bock, '90 - - 78 The Week, Emily I. Meader, '91 ... 73 Wellesley, Mass., October 19, 1S89. Willis F. Stevens, Publisher, Wellesley, Mass. Wl^^^ rme^ (Formerly exclusively wholesale.) HIGH CLASS NOVELTIES A SPECIALTY. Direct Importations and their Own Celebrated Make. SPRINGER BROTHERS' POPULAR CLOAK ESTABLISHMENTS- RETAIL BUILDING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 500 Washington St., cor. Bedford St. Essex St., from Chauncy to Harrison Ave BOSTON. To all students of Wellesley College, as well as other educational institu- tions, Springer Brothers offer a discount of six per cent, on any purchases the} may make at either establishment. Please mention this advertisement. The Wellesley Prelude. Vol. I. WELLESLEY COLLEGE, OCTOBER 19, 1889. No. 5. something entirely different. Neither is it a loss of The Wellesley Prelude. time. Those who do it, eventually accomplish Edited by the Students of Wellesley College and published more than those who habitually allow their work to weekly during the college year. Price, )f3.oo a year, in advance. Single copies, 10 cents. crowd into their rest time.
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