Radio Digest, 1929-1930
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i^Srtars in, Hollywooa — -p •- JUST LIKE MOTHER'S Smooth, glistening porcelain table top which —a little girl -size Kitchen Cabinet that isn't a C j mm gives ample to roll out thimble-biscuits. The make-believe—a Real little cabinet 40 inches high room —in green, ivory, and white—built by the makers little roll front may be quickly raised or lowered of the famous "Kitchen Maid" Equipment. to keep dust away from cooky jars—for even little girls, you know, insist upon cleanliness! "Just like mother's"—only smaller—for your little girl. It has shelves, behind the cunning Behind the swinging doors below is ample space latched doors, to hold rows of cups, saucers, for pans and bowls and the whatnots of a well ap- ' ' plates and goodies for that doll family of hers. pointed kitchen and ' just like mother' —the little There are nooks waiting to be filled with tiny housekeeper will learn as she uses this kitchen dish towels—for the little housekeeper will want cabinet that there is a ' 'Place for everything and to run her doll-kitchen just like mother does. everything in its place." When you buy a kitchen cabinet for your little MAIL THIS girl—you buy years of playday happiness for her. You buy playdays that are habit-forming days Check PLAYROOM EQUIPMENT COMPANY I playdays that will remain with her always. Color 1816 Tribune Tower, Chicago, 111. — I Enclosed find $1 2 which please ship Playroom Kitchen Cabinet Choice: Surprise her this Christmas with a Kitchen Cabi- Please ship Playroom Kitchen Cabinet, C. O. D., $12 — Q White net "just like mother's." I | Green Name Simply fill in and send the order slip below, or write a letter. | Ivory The cabinet will be sent you by express. You pay on delivery, Address plus a slight shipping I (If color is charge. Your money refunded if you arc notspecified, not completely satisfied. Check color you want in coupon. white will be shipped) City. State.. PLAYROOM EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1816 Tribune Tower, Chicago, 111. PLAYTHINGS THAT BUILD CHARACTER 1 RADIO DICES T—Illustrated Winter is JUST AROUND THECORNEI Make money now selling WEED CHAINS the necessary accessory Every winter has its "first big snowstorm." There'll be another this year, sure as fate — and it may come early. Are you going to wait for it — and then make your customers wait in line or go elsewhere for WEED Chains? Are you going to run out of stock in the inevitable rush, and lose profitable WEED sales? Don't do that. Display WEED Chains now. Start talking WEED Chains now. And you'll sell a lot of them before the first big snowstorm comes. Dress up a window. We will supply you with all the display material you need. DOMINION CHAIN COMPANY, Limited Niagara Falls, Ontario -(Sf NOV -6 1929 ^CIB 40751 THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY O <wT\0 E. C. RAYNER, Harold P. Brown, Publisher Editor November, 1929 CONTENT SPECIAL ARTICLES RUDY VALLEE—An interesting story of the life and character of this popular musician. Qene Mulholland 8 RADIO STARS IN HOLLYWOOD— The movie city appears to be the place where all good Radio Stars go. Qerald King 10 HOLLYWOOD'S RADIO STARS— Stars who have made good for both camera and mike. Xavier Cugat 16 TED HUSING—This popular announcer had PAULA HEM- JEAN ETTE early ambitions to be an athlete. Now he is the MINGHAUS LO F F who pride of the Columbia system. 18 is an outstanding combines Radio and contralto the ALBUM—The Fair of the Air. 20 of movie t a I e nt s in National Grand California. She is a PAUL WHITEMAN, MUSIC MASTER— and National Light to picture the 28 featured player on A face face of real Paul Whiteman. Jean Campbell Opera compan ies. the Pathe staff and She has a MARCELLA 69 been known to the RKO Radio artist for the audiences. Califor- VOICE OF THE LISTENER 73 past three years, nians have heard her featuring last sum- WOMEN'S FEATURES 74 overa number of mer in the NBC RADIO OFFERS GIRLS REAL FUTURE broadcast stations. Katharine Seymour 75 revivals of Gilbert See Mr. King's ar- and Sullivan. She ticle about Radio STATION comes of a talented stars in Hollywood FEATURES family, both her on page 10. AIRY GOSSIP OF THE STUDIOS—Short mother and father items of news and chatty stories of the studios. 44 being musicians. LOUNSBERRY A PIONEER IN EAST— Veteran nominated to Hallof Fame. Four pages of news from eastern stations. Qeorge Dworshak 50 EVERYBODY TURNS TO DIXIE STATIONS— Alabama Poly institute gives education by Radio. Other items from the South. 54 MIDDLE WEST GROWS IN PRESTIGE —Five pages of pictures and stories of the great Middle West and a sketch about Bobby Brown. Donald Burchard 57 WJAS HAS CRADLE ROLL—This interest- ing bit of gossip heads a list of western items. 62 PACIFIC COAST IS MECCA FOR MANY —Far West has advantage of drawing on "talk- ies" for talent. 65 CANADIAN STATION GROWING — J. Arthur Dupont, the youthful director of CKAC, has been doing wonders up in Montreal. 68 WHO'S WHO IN RADIO 77 LATEST LOG AND WAVE TABLE 81 FICTION THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. THRALE —An unusual story of a psychiatrist doctor who Wm. Almon Wolff 12 turns detective. Illustrated by W. H. Wiest THE GIGOLO MYSTERY—The second in- stallment of this fascinating mystery unfolds Arthur B. Reeve 30 TJELEN AR- thrilling details of the Green Death. Illustrated by W. H. Wiest GERDA LUND- Ll DELLE is the NIGHT ON THE BANDA SEA—A mis- BERG is one soprano whose clear chievous pirate and a string of race horses set Ralston Lattimore 40 of those merry lyric voice is a con- loose on a passenger ship make this tale thrilling. Illustrated by ]. jacobsen souls who delight spicuous feature of western audiences s o m e of the best during the Brother Roxy programs Eastern Representatives: Ingraham & Walker, 33 W. 42nd St., New York City. Phone Lackawanna 2091 -2 Bob Frolic at heard over the KTAB, the P i c k- Western Representatives: A. T. Sears & Son, 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Phone Harrison 3077-8 NBC. The Roxy wick station at programs have be- Oakland. The sta- come a Radio insti- tion has a slogan tution throughout Member Audit Bureau of Circulations that emphasises the nation and the beauty, and Miss in a m moth Roxy Lundberg, as we Radio Digest. Illustrated. Volume XXIV, No. 1, published Chicago, 111., November, 1929. Published monthly by all agree, is t h e at r e in New Radio Digest Publishing Co. (Incorporated), 510 North Dearborn Street. Chicago, Illinois. Subscription rates must York is a me c c a yearly, Four Dollars; Foreign Postage, One Dollar additional; single copies. Thirty-five cents. Entered as ample proof that second-class matter Sept. 25, 1929, at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title for all fans who Reg. U. S. Patent Office and Canada. Copyright, 1929, by Radio Digest Publishing Co. All rights reserved. these Pickwickians travel East. are justified. FORTY*THREE NOMINATIONS RECEIVED FOR GOLD (est Popular Station S THEY'RE OFF! business success. If it is a business success it can afford to With less than one week elapsed since the public has broadcast the highest grade of entertainment and thereby be- received announcement of the Gold Cup race for the come an artistic success. World's Most Popular Broadcasting Station already forty- Every broadcast station has an individuality built up by the three nominations have been posted. individual characteristics of the personalities heard through its Every indication forecasts the liveliest and most spirited channel. It may be a large station or a small station. There is contest ever sponsored by Radio Digest. always that indefinite SOMETHING that gives a station popu- A costly and beautifully engraved cup in the form of a larity. No individual in the world can tell with any degree of golden microphone will be presented to the United States or accuracy how any particular station rates with its listeners. Canadian broadcasting station Only a comparison as indi- that receives the greatest cated in a contest such as the number of votes on the part Radio Digest sponsors in the of the listeners. Gold Cup Award do the list- Six silver cups of similar eners have an opportunity to design are to be awarded to register their choice and the most popular stations in thereby prove its real popu- the six divisions of the conti- larity. nent representing the East, South, Middle-West, West, HOPE that I have the Far-West and Canada. "I honor to be the first to For the individual station place WLW at Cincinnati in gaining the greatest number nomination for the Radio of votes throughout the whole Digest Gold Cup award." North American area there writes Mrs. Russel Utley of will be the grand champion Warren, O. "We enjoy the award of the Gold Cup. That universally good programs station will be declared the coming from that station. World's Most Popular Sta- There always is variety tion, for in no other part of enough so one does not tire the world has Radio reached of any particular kind of mu- anywhere near the general sic. We just set the dial on utility and popularity that it WLW and leave it there." has on the North American "Enclosed find my nomina- continent. tion for WENR of Chicago.