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s R A & a e B e T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Publlshed by A uthonty of the R epubllc of (Reostered as a Newsm lxr at the G P O ) Vol. LXXT- NO. 22 , 23rd M ay 1969 Pnce Sh 1/50 ZLU2.- - - i - - C O N T EN T S GAZEW E NOTICES GAZETTE No'rtcEs- tfbnftf ) PAGE PAGE The Oaths and Statutory D eclarattons Act 460 Industnal Court A w ards 475 The Probatlon of Olenders (Case Commlttees) Rules- Patents 476 A ppom tments 460 TNe Prtsons Act- cancellatlon and A ppolntment 460 Trade M arks 477 n e Advocates (Admlsslon) Regulatlons- N otzce 460 Llquor Llcenslng 480 The Natlonal Assembly Blectzons fElectlons) Regulatzons Probate and Adm lnlqtratlon 480 1964- Result of Bp electlon 460 Bankruptcy Jurlsdlctlon 483 V acancles 461 The Com panles A ct- D lssolutlons, etc 483 The Governm ent Lands Act- N otlce of Breach of Condltlon 462 The Socletles A ct lg68- cancellatlons, etc 485 The R eglstered Land Act- Loss of Pohcles 4S6 Plots for A llenatlon 462 Local Governm ent N otlces 486 Issue of Provlslonal Certé cate 465 M lnlstry of W orks- A ppolntm ent of Auctloneer 488 The W elghts and M easures A ct- N otlce to T1 aders 465 Buslness Transfers 488 K enya Stock 465 Change of N am e 488 Hlgh Com mlsslon Stock 465

E A Rallways and H arbours- Tare of H arbour D ues SUPPLEM EN T N o 3: and Chargos N o 2 465 Legtslatkve Supplem ent E A Custom s and Exctse D epartm ent-r ustom s Tanf Interpretatlon 465 LBGAL N oTlcE N o PAGE A 1r Servlces Llcenslng 466 137- T% Forests (Arabuko-sokokl Forest) (Revœ catlon) Rules 1969 419 The W ater A ct- A ppllcatlons 467 138- Tho W ater (W ater Development Dem rtment) Transport Llcenslng 467 (General) (Amendment) Regulatlons 1969 419

1459 460 TH E K EN Y A G AZEU E 23rd M ay 1969

CORRIG EN D UM G AZETTE N oerfcE N o 1483 GAZE'I'''I''B Netlce No 282 of 31st Jamuar) 1969, tbe (28/5/4/1* 1 IIIj Schedule, last colum m Survey Fees jor Sh 50 subntttute Sh 164 ln each case TH E I>Rlsox s AC T W ap 90) G AZE'ITE N W ICE N O 1480 CANCELLATION AND A PPOINTM ENT OF W STTING JUSTICES

THE OATHS AN D STATIJTORY DECLAR ATION S A CT IN EXERCISL of the powers conferred by sectlon 72 (1) of the Pnsons A ct, the Perm anent Secretaa *, V ce-presldent's (Cap 15) Oë ce and M m lstry of H om e Affalrs hereby- A CoMsflssloN (c) cancels the appolntmentt of- To AIl To W hom These Presetlts Shall Com e, Greetïng Godfrey W aluohl M ahlnda, and BE IT known that on 1he kth dav of M ay 1969- N.ANINCHANDRA CHUNIBHAI PATEL (d8 appomts- an advocate of the H lgh Court of K enya, was appom ted to The Provlnmal Comm unlty Developm ont O K cer, N yarlza be a Conm ussloner f or Oaths under the above A ct f or as long Provlnce as he contm ues to pradlse ms such advooate and thls Com- mlsslon ls not revoked as V sltm g Justlces to K lbos Pnson, K lsumu Rem and Prlson, K lsum u Short Sentence Prlson and Klsum u M am Prlson, m the Gwen under m y hand and the Seal of the Court, thls R h day Central Nyanza Dlstnct, N yanza Provm ce ef M ay 1969, at N alrobl M K M W EN D W A, D ated thls 14th day of M ay 1969 Chfej J'vxç/lce Htgh Court 0/ Kenya A J OM AN GA , Perm anent Secretary, GAZET'm NoncE No 1481 Vtce-presldent's O'ce and (PSISAIM Ij4) M lnl4fry ol H ome ad.& lr? THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS (CASB COM M ITTBBS) *L lf 692/63 IG N 379/69 RU LES W ap fW, Sub Leg ) AeeolxzM sNrs IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred by nzlo 3 (1) of the G AZETTE N o'ncE N o 1484 Probatlon of Ollbnders (Case Commlttegs) Rules, tho Porm ane'nt Secretary*, V ce-presldont's Oflice and M m lstry of H ome M mrs, hereby appom ts.- THE ADVOCAW S (AD M ISSION) RBGULATIONS 'I'he Dlstrlct Commlssloner, (Chœrmanlt W ap 16, Sub Leg ) The Labour Oëcer, Eldorett PURSUANT to regulatlon 20 of the Advocates (Adnusslon) The OKcer-m-charge, Pohce Statlon, Eldord t Regulatlons, lt ls hereby notz ed that- 'l'he Dlrector of Soclal Servlcesl Father-m-charge, Cathohc M lsslon, Eldoretl JAvwsoN D M W ACHARO K UBo Chlef Hena Toot W llllam Chemwenoû has, f or the purposes of sectlon 13 of the Ad , duly com pleted t selwlce under artlcles ln accordance wlth Part 11 of the above to be members of the Eldoret (Uasln Glshu) Probatlon Case I Regulations, satlsfactorlly com pleted a course of legal educatlon C om m lttee 1 ln accordance wlth Part Ill of the above Regtzlatlons and has J passed the exammatlons held under Part IV of the above D ated thls 5th day of M ay 1969 I Regulatlons A J OM AN GA , l Perm anent Secrcfcry D ated thls 30th day of M ay 1969 Vbce-prestdent s OFce and M lrllzrry of Home zl#tur.ç *L N 69168 I'G N 1528/66 tG N 2130/64 :G N 75/66 N J M OU G OM ERY, Secretary Counol oj Legal Educatton IR/kZETTE NoncB No 1W 2 (PSISAIM I 16) THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS (CASE COM M ITTEES) R U LE S GAZET'I'E N ozqcB N o 1485 W ap 64, Sub Leg ) A PPOINTMENTS THE N ATIONAL ASSEM BLY ELECVION S (ELEG IONS) IN EXERCISE of the m wors conferred by rule 3 (1) of the REGU LATION S 1964 Probatlon of Osenders (Case Commlttees) Rules, the Permanent (1, N 19 oj 1964) Secretary*, OK ce of the Vlce-presldent and M lm stry of H om e Atfalrs hereby reappolnts- RSSULT olz BA-ELECTD N 'The Dlstnct Commlsmoner, Nakunzt (Gem Constttuencyj The Oëcer-m-charge, Nalvasha Pollce Statlonf IN PURSUANCE of regulatlon 41 (2) of the Natlonal The Labour Olcer, Nawashat Assembly Electtons fEledlons) Rew latlons 1964 1 hereby gwe M rs M ary Rose Bunnys notlce that- W llllam Oluka Ochlengt Paul M wanglt W ASONGA SIJEVO to be m em bers of the N awasha Probatlon Case Com mtttee has been eleded a m em ber of the N ataonal A ssem bly for the D ated tlus 15th day of M ay 1O 9 G em Constltuency A J OM AN GA , Permanent Secretary D ated ttns 2()th day of M ay 1% 9 Vtce-prestdent s OF ce and M lnizfry 0/ Home oo trlr.ç I'G N 1528 IV N J M ONTGOM ERY, *L N 69/68 Supervtm r 0/ Electtons 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 461

GAD TIE NorlcE No 1486 Persortal Secretary Grade 11 (Three PtMfJ), M tmstry o! Agrkculture (No 150/69) PU BLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION OF K BN YA S alary xctzle - f 696 to f 1,020 PEN SIONA BLF or A G RBD W co czas M EN T A pphcants m ust have passed a recopztze.d exam m atzon m A PPLICA TIONS are m vlted for the followm g post.s and m ust Shorthand and Tym wntlng at speeds of 120 w p m and 50 be subm lttod to the Secretary Publlc Senqce Com m lsslon of M p m resm ctw ely In addltlon they m ust have oonslderable Kenya, P O Box 3(095 N alrobl, to reach lum by 13th June secretanal exm nence Two posts are m Nalrobz and one at 1% 9 Clvll servants m ust com plete appllcatlons ln tnphcate on the V etennary R esearch Laberatones, K abetey but the successful I-orm PSC ?.A , the onglnal should be submltted to the Heads candldates are llable for postm g anywhere m K enya of Departm ents at least seven days bd ore the closlng date and the dupllcate andxtnpllcate coples to be sent by the appllcant dlrectly to the SecreG ry Other apphcatlons to be mzbnuttod ln 1 echmcal OFcer Grade 11 M ipzyrry oj Am culture (No 151 /69) tnpllcate on Form PSC 2 obtalnable from the Socretary A ppllcants m ust quote the num ber show n agam st the post m Salarl scale - f 708 to f 9% PEN SIGNA BLE or A G REF.,- the advertlsement KIEN E Appllcants should have the Cambndge School Certé cate or Permlts Supervtsor Senytzzuzcrlon ol /5 rsonnel Bureau 1ts equw alent wlth em phasls on M athem atlcs and Physlcs n ey (No 146/69) m ust have had at least three years' sm table tralnm g and oon- Salary Jctzlc - f 810 to f 1,710 PEN SION A BLE or A G REE- slderable G pomence m cm l enm eenng survey or dewslgn m th an M ENT approved com pany or G overnm ent Dem rtm ent preferably B ater Supplles W orks 'Thoy should be able to undertake the A ppllcants should be expenenced m rsons holdlng resm nslble sun ey and plannmg of sm all schem es on thelr own Ablhty to posts elther m the Pollce or m the Imm lgratlon Dem rtm onts vnte and speak Enghsh and Swaluh ls essentlal The successful and m ust be conversant wlth lm m lgratlon procedures and regula- candzdates wzll be expeded to carry out engm eerm g surveys for tlons D utles w111 lnclude, llalsmg clasely wlth Department of dam s, plm llnes and other wato'r w orks and lyrem re slm ple Inlm lgratlon and othel's engaged on m anpow er reglstratlon and deqlgns and drawm gs n e work ls requlred ln a11 1:m.r1 of K enya placement of K enyans ln Jobsz m order to advlse the W m rtm ent and wlll lnvolve llvmg undez cam p ln rem ote areas for long of Im mlgratlon on matters regardlng apphcatlons and renewal m nods of entry pernuts for non-cltlzens The succœsful œ ndldate m 1l also be rm ulred to suporvlse a large staff engaged on keeplng Foreman (Ffec/rlccfl (Ten Postsj, M lmstry oj W orks records for nonr ltlzens holdlng perm1ts where accurac'y and (No 152/69) integrlty are essentlal requlrem ents Salary scale - f603 to :828 PBN SIONA BLE or A G'REE- Senlor Forester, W lnlsfry. oj Ncfurtzl Resources (N'o 147/69) M EN T Salary scde - f 1,104 to f 1,356 PEN SION ABLE or A GREE- Appltoants should hold a Grade I W lrmnan Trade Test M ENT Certé cate havc expenence of m am tenance and repmr or lnstal- Appllcana should be cm l servant.s wlth at least 5ve years latlons and apphances ln addltlon to thmr exm nence of expenenco ln Forestry work and m ust be selwlng m the grade construdlng new msGllatlons, and be cam ble of supervlslng of Foreseor Prd erence m ll be pven to those who have suc- m romen Preferonce m 1l be mven to candldates who hold cessfully com pleted a recogntzed course ln Forestry A ppllcants addltlomal trade test certtticate m allled skllls or who have should have a strong sense of responstblllty and be capable of Chargehand exm nence runm ng a large Forest D lstnct oontrolllng one or m ore non- accountlng forest statlons They should be fully conversant wlth Execuhve O' cer Grade 111, M ïmstry oj Educahon (No 153/69) the practlcal mspects oî forest m anagem ent and be fanullar wlth G ovem ment regulatlons adm lm stratlve proce ures and account- Salaty sctrle - f678 to f 828 PEN SIONA BLE er A GREE- 1ng Exponence m the sum rvlslon and m anagm g a large labour M EN T force ls essentlal Postlng m ll be to any Forost Sv tlon m K enya A ppllcants m ust be mvzl selwants, prderably of C-am bndge kxecuttve OFcer Grade 11 (Four Postsj M lnlyfry oj Home School Certllicate standard of educatzon m th at least three years' ao frlr.& qone Postj, Department oj Immlgrahon (Orle Post ), expenence of Govornment routlne and knowledge of stores M kntstry o! Agrlculture (One Ptxçrl and Jutflc';tzl Department procedures Knowledgo of repstry work and ablllty to control (One Postq (No 148/69) stalf ls an advantage n e selected candldate wtll be m ltlally statloned at the Head Oë ce of thls M lm stly but ls llable to be Salary scde - f 858 to f 1,M PEN SION XBLE or AGA EE- transferred elsewhere M EN T N Appllcants must be clwl servants of Cam bndge Schoel Executlve O' cer Grade fff Department oj the Reg-çfrcr-Genertzl Certé cate standard of educatlon and m ust have SeI'VOII for not (No 154/69) less tha11 one year at the level of Executw o Oflicer G rade III or ln C.aD CItIeS provldm g slmllar expenence Successful completlon Salary xctzle - f678 to f 828 PEN SIONA BLE or AG RED of an executlve course at tlle K 1 A or M aseno would be an M EN T advantage They m ust have conslderable expenence of oë ce m anagem ent and m rsonnel w ork, sound knowledge of G overn- Appllcants m ust have a hosm tal or publlc 11* 1th background Regulatlons, accountlng procedures, n nanclal Ordezs and ablhty and be able to classlfy and allocate cause,s of death whero only to conduct correspondence and control stas are essentlal lndlcators of death are avallable Pnactlcal exm nenœ m the Apphcants for the post ln the Judlclal D om rtm ent m ust also prem ratlon of statlstlcal data and knowlodge of the Internatlonal have exm nence of a H lgh Court and M apstrate's C ourt Statlstlcal C'lasslfitratlcm of causes of deaths would be an Cnm mal and Cm l Reglstry advantage 'T'he post ls sultable for a candldate who has had O llv eXW FIG ICC R.S a. N IIFSIng Slstôr Apphcants m ust state the post they are applym g for and subm lt separate qets of appllcatlon forms for any addltlonal pcst they Supplles O'cer Grade 111, M lrlly/rz 0/ Lands and Settlement m ay apply (No 155/69) Sentor Inspector (Water Supplkes) (N,?z: Paytsj, l'Fcft'r Salary xctzle - f 678 to f 828 PEN SION A BLE or AG REE- Deweloplneut Department M lmstry 0/ Agnculture (No 149/69) M EN T Salary scale - f 858 to f 1,Y 8 PEN SIONA BLE or AG REE- Appllcants must be clvll servants wlth at least tho Cam bndge M EN T School Certé cate stzndard of educatlon They must be Stm phes A ppllcants m ust have fve years progresslvely responslble (V ice.r G rade IV who have satlsfaotorlly com pleted thelr m oba- expenence m the constm ctlon, operatlon and m alntenance Of tlonary penod ln that grade or t'hey m ust be storem en Grade I the usual ty> of water supply and a good standard of educa- wlth a m lm mum of two years' qatlsfadory servlce ln that grade tlon preferably a G eneral Certé cate of Educatlon er !ts equlvalent Account m 11 be taken of relovant tram m g coursœ Prtnter (M onotypej Grade 1, M lnlylr.'àz o! Pfnfzer and that the candldates have attended Successful candldates w1l1 be C'oznrnunlccaon,ç (No 156/69) deallng ln detml m th the constructlon, operatlon and m am ten- ance of water supply m stallatlons of all tyN - m am s, engm es, b'alary zctz!e - f 603 to f 828 PEN SIONA BLE or AGREE- pum ps, boreholes treatm ent Thoy m ll lye resm nslble to the Supenntendent x to Bnm nm rs of W ater Supplles and w 11l be reqm red to sum m se num ber of techm clans, m clxlzllng on-tho- Appllcants should have sel'ved an apprentlc> lup or recewed Job tram lng The dutles m ay lnvolve takm g charge of D lstnct equlvalent techm cal tralnlng as a M ono Keyboard Om rator and W ater Organlzatlon The work may be in any m rt of K enya, be qualllied m a1l aspects of M onotym K eyboard work partlcw gcnerally based on Provlnmal and D lstrld Centres, and be larly tabular work A trade test m 11 be held pnor to fmal selec- concerned m tlz urban or nzral supphes as rm m re,d and m ay tlon and apphcapts are oxpected to prtxluco 5,0* correded ens lnvolve extenslve travelllng and lm ng m emm p Ixr hour + 462 Tc K BN Y A G A ZE'IT E 23rd M ay 1969

W co clss- puBuc Sn vlcE CouuïsuosM contd ) GAM T'I'E Nm qcE No 1488 Supplleg OFccr Grade 111, K enya Xzr Force (N o 157/69) THE REG ISTERBD Le AW Salary wctzle G 678 to f 828 PEN SION A BLE or A GREE- (Cap 300) M BN T A ppllcants m ust be cm l servants m th at least Cam bndge LARI/M AGINA M ARKET PETROL SERW CE STATION SITE School Corté cate standard of educatlon They m ust be Supplles THE County Councll of K lnm bu glves notlce that a plot Oë cors Grade IV who have satlsfactonly com pleted thelr proba- at M agm a M arket as descnbed m the Schedule hereto ls tlonary m nod m that grade or they m ust be Storem en G rade l avallable f or ahenatlon and apphcatlons are lnvlted f or the wlth a m mlm um of two yearq' satlsfactory sem ce m that grade dlrect grant of the plot Candldates should possess a thorough knowledge of the K enya A1r Force stores and accountlng procedures and a sound w ork- 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the County Ol ces, m g lcnowledge of the composltlon alzd om ratzon of alz alrcraft P O Box 170, K lnm bu techm cal store The successful apphcant 3m11 be em ployed as 3 A pphcatlons should be subm ltted to the Clerk to the Omcer-m -charge of the Alrcraft Englneenng Squadron, Techm cal Councll, K lam bu County Counctl, P O Box 170, K lambu, so as Stores Seotaon not to reach htm later than noon on 30th June 1969 Executtve OFcer Grade IV Mi/llâ'fr.y oj Agnculture (Nb 158 /69) 4 Each appllcant m ust enclose wlth hls appllcatlon a cheque f or Sh 1,000 as deposlt drawn on the appllcant's own bankm g Salary scale - f 528 to f 648 A GRELM LINT ON LY account (no other cheques m 1l be accepted) made payable to A ppllcants m ust be cwll servants, preferably of Cam bndge the Clerk to Councll, Klam bu County Councll, whlch w111 be School Corté cate standard of educatlon wlth at least two years' dealt wlth as follows - expenence of G overnm ent oK ce routm e and accountm g proce- (X If the appllcant ls offered and takes up and pays f or dures A thorough knowledge of G ovornm ent Regulatlons, vote the plot wlthln a penod of 14 days as requlred ln para- control and the ablllty to control staf and conduct correspon- graph 5 below, the deposlt w1l1 be credlted to htm denco ls essentlal Preference wzll be glven to candldates who have suczessfully comploted a courso m Oflice M anagem ent or (bj If the appllcatlon ls unsuccessful, the apphcant's deposlt A ccounts at the K enya Jnstltute of Admm lstratlon, or M aseno w111 be refunded to him G ovem m ent Tratm ng lnstltute 'T'he successful candldate m 11 be (c) If the appllcatlon ls successful and tlle appllcant fmls to posted lnlttally to Em bu but ls hable to be posted anywhere ln to take up and pay for the plot olered to lllm wlthln Kenya Servm g penslonable oflicers wlshm g to apply should be a penod of 14 days as requlred m the followm g para- acqualntedl m th the provlslons of Personnel Clrcular N o 30 graph, the Clerk to the Counctl m ay declare tlle deposlt ef 1965 forfelted and the apphcant shaill have no further clalm therd o Receptkonlst tb clp.eel t7=wo Posts), M imstry of Power and 5 rrhe allottee of the plot w111 pay to the U erk to the Commumcattons (No 159/69) Counml wtthln 14 days of nottficatton that hts appltcatton A pphcants should be wom en, possessm g at least the Cam budge has been approved the assessed stand prem mm and proportlon School Certtticate or General Certttk ate of Educatlon Knowlodge of annual rent together m th the fees payablo m respeot of of a contlnental language would be an advanV ge Candldates the preparatlon and reglstratlon of the grant (Sh 35) In m ust bo at least 20 years old, of sm art appearance and have dofault of paym ent m thttl the specé ed penod, the Clerk to good com m and of wntten and spoken Enghsh and Swnhlll The the Counml m ay cancel the allocatlon and the appllcant shall m ltlal tramlng penod w11l be for one year and successful ct)m - have no further clajm to the grant of the plot pletlon and passlng the nocessary exam m atlons should lead to appomtm ont as art Atrport Recepttom st on the Scale of f 603 6 A pphcants other than recognzzed oll com pam ees should to :828 Tram ees w11l be Tssued m th untform s and wlll be forward docum entary evldence to m dlcate the source of reqm red to undergo a m lcrophone test and to obtm n A dult potroleum products n rst A ld Certtficate of the St John Ambulance Assomatlon The successful candldate m ll m ltlally be appom ted on temporary Geno al Condtttons tozm s at :276 per annllm m the Scale f 252 to f450 for those 1 'I'ho ordlnaly cenditlons apphcable to grants of thls nature, wltit G m bndge School Cel4m cate, or at f 360 m the case of except as varled, shall apply to thls grant those m th Hlgher Schoel Certdicate D utles m clude the provlslon of m f ozm ahon sorvlces to tlw pubhc, vomm latlon of mrcraft 2 The term of the grant m 11 be 33 years f rom the first schedules and ltmerant m ovement, mam tenance of lhght p'rogress day of the m onth f ollowm g the noté catlon of the approval reports, com m latlon of dat.a on a11 submcts of m terest to the of the grant publlc and operatlon of the alrport sponsonng system The Alrport om rates on a sluft basls for 24 houl's a day Spectal Condtttons 1 Tho lessee shall com plete tlle orectton of approved butldm gs on tlle land m tlun 24 m onths of the com m encem ent of the GAZE= NcncE No 1487 term TH E GOVBRN M EN F LAN D S A W 2 The erçctlon of butldm gs shall not be com m enced unttl plans (mcludlng block plans shom ng the posltlons of the (Cap 280) bulldm gs and a system of dram age for dzsposal of sewage, N oTlcs surfaco and sullage water), drawmgs, elevatlons and spectfi- To Chhotabhaf G ovtndlï Patel, P O M au Summ tt catlons thereof have been approved m wntm g by tlle lessor and by any authonty whose approval zs requlred by 1aw Such W H BREA S by a grant repstered oa 24th July 1958 all plans, dram ngs, elevatlons and specdkatlons shall be subm m ed that ptece of land sttuated ln Londtant Townslu.p of K enya f or approval m duphcate contalnlng by m easurem ent 0 0918 of an acre or thereabouts that s to say Land Reference N o 584/132 whtch sald pece 3 The lessee shall m am taln the butldmgs and the dralnage of land ls delm eated on the plan azm exed to the sald grant system ln good repalr and condltlon to the satlsfactlon of the and m ore partlcularly on Land Survey Plan 57424 deplslted m lessor the Survey Records OK ce at N alrobl was granted unto Cllhota- 4 N o addltlons shall be m ade to the approved bulldm gs bhal Patel of M au Summ lt to hold for the term of 99 years wlthout the prlor consent m wrltlng of the lçssor from 1st January 1958 at an annual rent of Sh 280 and sublect (1-- altaj to the f ollowmg speclal condltlons, namely - 5 Tlw land shall only be used f or a petrol servtce statton (c) General Condttton ttgl- 'T'he payment ln advance on the and the lessee shall, throughout the term and to the satlsfactlon 1st day of January m each year of the annual rent of of the lessor, m ake substantlal use of the land for such Sh 280 purposes (bj Spectd Con#lflo?z l- 'lnhe grantee shall ered comglete for 6 Tho land shall not be used m any m anner whlch the occupatlon m thln 24 m onths of the comm eneement of lessor conslders to be dangerous or ofenslve to the publlc or the term buyldm gs of approved desjgn on proper foun- the nelghbourhood dattons constructed of stone, burnt-bnck or concrete m th 7 The land shall not bc subdm ded roofing of tlles approved by the Conmusm oner of Iaands and shall mamtam the same (mcludlng the external palnt- 8 'l''he land shall not be charged, sublet, or subleased or work) m good and substantlal tenantable repalr and transferred wlthout tlle pnor consent of the lessor m wntlng condltlon No apphcatlon for such consent (except m resped of a loan I hereby glve you notlce that a breach has been comm ltted requlred f or bulldmg purposes) w1ll be consldered untsl Speclal of the sald condltlons and that lt ls m y m tentlon after one Condltlon 1 has been perform ed m onth from publleatlon of tlus notlce to com m ence an actlon 9 'I'hc lessee shall pay all sum s that m ay from ttm e to ttm e be ln the H Ig,h Coul't for the recovery of the plot qnd am ounts dem anded by the lessor ln respect of the cost of construc- outstandm g m respect of nnnual rent f or the years 1965-1969 tlon, m alntalnlng, repalnng, tm provm g and renewm g a1l roads, nm ountm g to Sh 1,314 m clusive of penalty dralns and sewers selwlng or adlotmng the land

D ated at N alrobl thqs 14th day of M ay 1969 10 'I'he lessee shall be responslble for a11 rates, taxes, charges or dutles or whatever descnptlon that m ay be levled, m m osed J A O 'LOU G HLIN , or charged by the G overnm ent or any local governm ent Commïsaoner ol Imnds authorlty upon the land or tlae bulldlngs 23rd M ay 1969 Tc K EN YA G AZETTE 463

11 n e lessee shall on recelpt of notlce m wntm g m that 5 The land shall only be used for a petrol sem ce statzon behalf from the lessor forthwlth adequateb fence or hedge the and the lesseo shall, throughout the term and to the satls- land and shall G ereafter m am tam such fence or hedge to the factlon of tlle lessor, m ake substantlal use of the land f or such satlsfactzon of the lessor Purposes 12 The lessor or such person or authonty as m ay be ap- 6 Qnhe land shall not be used m any m alm er whlch the lessor pom tod for tllo purpose shall have the nght to enter upon conszders to bo dangerous or osensw e to the pubhc or the the land and 1ay and havo access to water m am s, sem ce plpes nelghbourhood and dralns, telephone and telegraph wtres and electnc m am s of all descnptlons elther overhead or underground 7 The land shall not be subdlvlded 13 The lessee shall com ply wlth the prlzvzslons of the 8 'T'he land shall not be charged, sublet, or subleased or Petrolellm Act (Cap 304) and any amendment thereto or re- transferred wzthout the pnor consent of the lessor m wntm g enactment thereof for the tlm e bem g m force and tlw Rules No agpllcatlon for such consent (except m respect of a loan m ade from tlm e to tlm e thereunder requlred for buttdmg purposes) m 11 be conndered untll Speclal Condltlon 1 has been perform ed D ated at N alrobz thls 23rd day of M ay 1969 9 The lessee shall pay al1 sum s that m ay from ttm e to tlm e SCITEDULE be dem anded by the lessor m respect of the cost of constm c- tlon, m am tamm g, repalnng, tm provm g and renewm g al1 roads, Plot No - T 380/2 drams and sewers sezvm g or adlolnlng the land Area --0 069 hectares (approxlmately) Stand prem tum - Sh 4,000 10 Tho lessee shall be responslble for all rates, taxes, charges A nnual rent .--sh 800 or dutles of whatever descnptlon that m ay be lewed, mzposed Stamp duty - Sh 90 or charged by the G overnm ent or an'y loc'al governm ent Survey jees - payable on demand authonty upon the land or the butldm gs 11 The lesseo shall on recelpt of notlce m wntm g m that behalf f rom the lessor f orthm th adequately fence or hedge the GA= lfolAcE lfo 1489 land and shall thereafter m amtam suclz fence or hedge to tlle satzsfactlon of the lessor REGISTERED LAN D A G 12 n e lessor or such petson or authonty as m %y be ap- (Cap 3(X) pom ted for the purpose shall have the nght to enter upon the KIAMBAA/M IJCHATHA PETROL SEIWICE STATION land and 1ay and havo access to water m am s, servtce plm s and TH E County Councll of K lnm bu mves notlce that a plot dram s, telepilone and telemaph m res and electnc m mns of all at M uchatha M arket as descnbed lll the Schedule hereto ls descrtptlons etther overllead or underground avallable f or allenatlon and appllcatlons dtre lnvlted for the 13 The lessee shall com ply m tll tlze provlslons of the direot grant of the plot Petroleum AG (Cap 304) and any amendment theroto or re- 2 A plan of tlle plot m ay be seen at the Cotm ty Ol ces, enactment thereof for the ttme belng m .force and the R ule,s P O Box 170, K lambu m ade from ttm e to tlm e thereunder 3 A ppllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Clerk to the Councll, K lambu County Councll, P O Box 170, K zam bu, so Ilated at 'falrobl tbls 23rd day of hfay 1969 as to reach h1m not later than noon on 30th June 1969 4 Each appllcant must enclose wlth hzs apphcatlon a cheque ScHnnurE for Sh 1,000 as deposlt drawn on the appllcant's own banklng Plot N o - T 381 /17 account (no other cheques wzll be accepted) made m yable to A rea --0 097 hectares the c erk, K lambu County Councll, wlllch wtll be dealt wzth as follows - Stand premtum - Sh 10,000 (c) lf tho appllcant ls offered and tetkes up and pays for A nnual rent .-xs'h 2,000 the plot m thm a perlod of 14 days as requlred ln para- Stam p duty .--xsh 220 graph 5 below, the deposlt wzll be credlted to htm Survey jees - payable on demand (bj If the apphcatlon ls unsuccessful, the appllcant's deposlt w111 be refunded to hlm (c) If the apphcatzon ls successful and thz apphcant fatls to take up and pay for the plot osered to 14lm m tbln a GAZE'I'I'E N on cE N o 1490 penod (yf 14 days as requlred m the f ollowm g para- graph, the Clerk to the Counml m ay declare the dem slt THE REGISTERED LAN D A CT 1963 forfelted and the apphcant shall have no further clatm thereto (No 25 0/ 1963) 5 The allottee of the plot wsll pay to the Clerk to the M IRANGINB TOW NSHIP SEH LEMF.NT SCHEMB N 0 204 Councll m thm 14 days of noté catlon that hls appllcatlon PsraoL SERVICE STATION ProT 'fo 111 has been approved tlte assessed stand m em lum and m oportton of annual rent together wlth the fees payable m resm ct of TH E Com m lssloner of T mnds glves notlce that the pltyts m the preparatlon and reglstratlon of the grant (Sh 35) In the M lrangm e Townshlp, N yandarua D stnct, as descnbed m default of paym ent m thm the specé ed penod, the Clerk to the Schedule appended hereto ls avatlable for allenatlon and the Councll m ay cancel the allocatlon and the apphcant shall appllcatlons are lnmted f or the dlrect grant thereof have no further clalm to the grant of the plot 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the oK ces of the 6 A ppllcants other than recognlzed o1l com panles should Ixstnc! Com mJsszcmer and the Loaetl Settlem ent Ol cer forward decumentary evidence to lndlcaate tho source of 3 A pphcatlons should be subm ltted to the Com mlssloner of petroleum products Lands through the D lstnct C om m lssloner and not dlrect so as ' to reacll tb.e D tstnct Comm lssloner not later than 28G Juno Gencral Condtttons 1% 9 1 The ordm ary condltlons appllm ble to grants of thls nature, 4 A ppllcants m ust enclose m th tllelr appllcatlons the sum except as vaned ;shall apply to thls grant of Sh 500 as a deposlt, wh cll w11l bo dealt wlth as follows - 2 n e term of the grant w11l be 33 years from the flrst day of the m onth followlng the notlficatlon of the appraval of (c) If the apphcant ls olered and takes up and pays for a plot wlthm a perlod of 30 days as reqm red m para- the grant graph 5 below the deposlt wz2 be credlted to hlm Speaal Cbntfl/iorl.ç (b) If the apphcatlon ls unsuccessful the appllcant's deposlt 1 n e lessee shall com plete the erectlon of approved w11l be refunded to hlm bulldm gs on tbe land wltlun 24 m ontlu of tbe com m encem ent (c) If the appllcatlon ls successful and the applzcaat fatls to of tho term take up and pay for the plot osered to h1m m thln a 2 n e erectlon of bulldlngs shall not be com m enced unttl penod of 30 days as requlred m paragraph 5, the Com - plans (mcludmg block plans showmg the pomtzons of the m lsszoner of Iaands m ay declare the depont f odelted bulldlngs and a system of dralnage for dlsposal of sewage, and the appllcant shall llavo no further clalm G ereto surface and sullage watcr), drawmgs, elevatlons and spectfi- catlons thereof have been approved m wrttm g by the lessor 5 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Com m lssloner of and by any authorlty whose approval ls requlred by law Such Lands wlthm 30 days of the noté catlon that hls apphcatlon plans, drawm gs, elevatlons and specé catlons shall be subm ltted has been approved, the assessed stand prem lum and proportjon for approval ln Jupllcate of amm al rent together wlth suw ey feeg, also tho feos pay- able m respect of prem ratlon and reglstratlon of the p'ant <- 3 The lessee shall m am taln the bulldlngs and the dralnage and stam p duty assessed at 2 per cent of the stand prem wm system ln good repalr and condltlon to the satlsfactlon of the and anmxal rent, m default of papnent of whlch m thln the lessor specé ed tlm e, the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay cancel tllo 4 N o addltlons shall be m ade to the approved buzldlngs allocatlon and the appllcant shall have no further .clalm to m thout the pnor consent ln wntm g of the lessor the grant of the plot oFered 464 Tc K EN YA G A ZEW E 23rd M ay 1969

General C'onffi/zozz.ç 5 'I'he allottee of the plot wzll pay to the G erk to the The ordmary condltlons appllcable to townshm grants of thls Councll m thln 14 days of noté catlon that hls appllcatlon nature as varled hereby shall apply to 11* grant - has beon approved the assessed stand prem lum and propolton of annual rent together wlth the fees payable ln resped of ça) The grant shall be m ade mltlally f or a term of 33 yoars the preparatlon and regtstratlon of the grant (Sh 35) In default convertlble to 99 years zn due course ln cases where of paym ent wlthln the specé ed perlod, tho Clerk to the Counml developm ent has taken place to the reqm red standard m ay cancel the allocatlon and the appllcanl shall havo no as shown m fb) below further clalm to the grant of tho plot (bj The grantee m 1l be requlred to erect wlthm 24 months of the com m encement of the lease bulldlngs ln tradlttonal 6 Appllcants other than recogntzed oll com pam es should style m accordanco m th plans prevlously approved m f orward dooum ontary evtdence to m dycate the sourcp of wrltlng by the Local D lstnct Councll and tho Com m ls- petroleum products sloner of Lands Should the bm ldm gs be of perm anent m aterlals and of an approved deslgn and erected m thln General Condlttons two years of the comm encem ent of the lease to the satlsfaction of the authorlty concerned, the term of the 1 The ordlnary condltlons apphcable to grants of thls nature, lease, m ay, on apphcatlon m ade pno'r to the exptry of except as vaned, shall apply to thls grant tlm 33-year lease be extended to 99 years at such rental 2 n e term of the grant m 11 be 33 years from the lirst and condltlon as m ay then be prescnbed day of 1he m onth followlng the noté catlon of the approval of (c) 'I'he grantee shall malntam m good and substantlal repalr the grant a11 bmldm gs at any tlm e erected on the land (#) To provlde on the land to the satlsfactlon of the Local Speaal Condtuons A uthonty, a prom r system for the dlsposal of sewage and sullage water 1 The lessee shall com plete the erectlon of approved bm ldlngs on the lan+ wlthm 24 m onths of the com m encem ent of the (e) The grantee shall ered a fence or plant a hedgo on the boundanes of the land other than the frontage and shall tenn keep such fence or hedge m good repalr 2 The erectlon of bm ldlngs shall not be com m enced untll (/) 'nm grantee shall use the Iand for the purpose of busmoss plans (lncludmg block plans shom ng the posltlons of the (excludlng the sale of m trol except where spemlically bulldings and a system of dram age for dlsposal of sewage, penmtted) and resldence and shall not lndulge ln any surface and sullage water), drawm gs, elevattons and specé- trade or buslness whlch the Comm lssloner of tzands catlons thereof have been approved ln wntlng by the lessor connders dangerous or osenszve and by any authonty whose approval ls requlred by law Such plans, drawlngs, elevatlons and specllicatlons shall be subm ltted (g) 'I'ho grantee shall not transfer, charge or part m th the possesnon of the land wlthout the prevlous wntten con- fer approval m duphceate sent of the Com mlssloner of Lands 3 'I'he lessee shall m alntaln the bm ldm gs and the dram age qh) 'Fhe Commlssloner of Izands or such person or authonty system m good repmr and condltlon to the satlsfactlon of 1he as m ay be appomted f or the purposo shall have the lessor rlght to enter upon the land and 1ay and have access to water m alns, service mpes and dram s, telephone or 4 N o addltlons shall be m ade to the approved bm ldm gq telegraph wlres and electrlc m alns of a11 descnptlons m thout the pnor consent m wntm g of the lessor whether overhead or underground and tho grantee shall 5 'I'he land shall only be used f or a petrol servlce statlon not erect any bulldm gs ln such a way as to cover or and the lessee shall, throughout the term and to the satls- m terfere wlth any exlstm g allgnm ents of such lnstallatlons f actvon of the lessor, m ake substanttal use of the land f or such (;) 'I'he grantee m l1 be requlred to pay hsuch rates, taxes, PUFPOS/S charges, dutles, assessm ents or outgom gs of whatever descnptlons as m ay be lm posed, charged or assessed by 6 n e land shall not be used m any m annor whlch the any G overnm ent or local authonty upon the land or lessor conslders to be dangerous or offenslve to the pubhc or the bmldm gs erected thereon m cludlng any contnbutlons the neighbourhood or other sum s pald m lieu thereof 7 n o land shall not be subdm ded SCHEDULE 8 'I'he land shall not be charged, sublet, or subleased or Plot N o - 111 transferred wlthout the prlor consent of the lessor m wntm g A rea - 0 445 hectares N o apphcatlon for such consent (except m reespect of a loan Road c&zrg'e.g -..O n demand reqmred for bmldmg purposes) w1l1 be consldered untll Speclal s:and premtum .-xsh 3,000 Condltm n 1 has been pedorm ed Annual rent - Sh 600 9 The lessee shall pay a11 sum s that may from tlm e to tlm e Survey /Fe.ç - Sh 50 be dem anded by the lessor m respect of the cost of construc- tlon, m alntalnlng, repalrm g, tm provm g and renewm g a11 roads, dralns and sowers servlng or adm m lng tlle land Gxzbrn's Norrcs No 1491 10 'I'he lessee shall be reesponslble for a11 rates, taxes, charges or dutles of whatever descnptlon that m ay be lemed, lm posed TH E REG ISTERBD LAN D A CV or charged by the G overnm ent or any local governm ent authonty upon the land or the bm ldlngs (Cap 200) 11 The l-see shall on recem t of notloe m wntm g m that NGENDAJKAM .TU M ARKET PETROL SERVICE STATION SITE behalf from the lessor forthm th adequately fence or hedge the THE County Councll of K lam bu glves notlce that a plot land and shall thereafter m alntaln such fence or hedge to the at K aratu M arkot as descnbed m the Schedule hereto ls avall- satlsfaction of the lessor able f or ahenatlon and appllcatlons are mvlted for the dlrect 12 Tho lessor or such person or authonty as m ay be ap- grant of the plot polnted for the purpose shall have the nght to enter upon the 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the County O m ces, land and lay and have access to water m am s, servlce m pes and P O Box 17Q, K lamim dralns, telephone and telegm ph wlres and electno m am s of a11 3 Appllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Clerk to the descnptlon elther overhead or underground Councll, K lam bu County Councjl, P O Box 170, K lambu, so 13 'I'he lessee shall com ply wlth the prow slons of the as to reach h1m not later than noon on 30th June 1969 Petroleum Act tCap 3(M) and any amendment thereto or re- 4 Each apphcant m ust enclose wlth hls appllcahon a cheque enactment thereof for the tlm e belng m force and the Rules for Sh 1,000 as deposjt drawn on the appljcant's own bankm g m ade from tlm e to tlm e thereunder account (no other cheque m 11 be accepted) made payable to tlle Clerk to Counml, K zm bu County Councll, 'wluch w11l be D ated at N alrobl tlus 23rd day of M ay 1969 dealt m th as f ollows - (c) If the appllcant ls osered and takes up and pays for the plot m thln a penod of 14 days as reqm red m para- SCHEDULE graph 5 below, the deposlt wl11 be credlted to hlm Plot No - T 365/22 (bj If the appllcatlon ls unsuccessful, the appllcant's deposlt w111 be refunded to htm Area --0 (847 hedares (c) If the appilcatlon ls successf'ul and the apphcant falls to Stand prem tum - Sh 3,e take up and pay for the plot osered to %pm wtthln a penod of 14 days as requlred m tho followlng pam graph, A nnual rent - Sh 600 the Clerk to the Counctl m ay declare t,lle deposlt for- felted and the appllcant sllall ltave no further clatm Stam p duty - Sh 70 thereto Sun'ey lee.ç - payable on demand 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 465 GAzA'f'rE NoncB No 1492 l GAV'I'I'E NcncE No 1496 THE REG ISTERED LAN D AW ' EAST A FRICAN RAILW AYS A ND H A RBOUR S W ap 300, sectlon 35 (3)) vxpjss os Hwpsotm ouss Axo cyvAkoss No 2 Isstls ob. Paovlsloxu CBRTIEICA'I'E I W HEREAS M mportlExport Through Palletued Cargo standards and ohamed b1n M zee of M ombasa ls the regls- conditu)na p r Rebates on zguatfjysg charges tered propnetor of a11 that plece of land sltuate m M om basa IT IS Dlstnct known as M ombasa/Block XXA IV/46 freehold by notéed for general mformatlon that the followmg vlrtue of a Land Certlficate and whereas sul clent evldence addltlons to the Tarzl of H arbour D ues and Charges N o 2 ha w111 come mto esect from the dates specé ed as under - s been adduced to show that the sald Land Certtticate has been lost notlce ls hereby glven that after the explratlon of CuAusE 24 60 (slxty) days from the date of publlcatlon of tlus notlce a 1 - IMPoRTs Provlslonal Land Certzflcate w111 be lssued l)y m e provlded that Add te the exlstm g notes the followlng note - no obledlons have been recelved wlthm that penod I 4 Rebates on Handltng charges D ated at M ombasa thls 23rd day of M ay 1969 y' (1) A febate of 20 per cent of the tare rate per ton on 1 handhng charges m respeot of palletlsed cargo m ay be S H SHA H, mven en apphcatm n Charges to be based on net Land R emstrar welght or m easurem ent Thts concesslon ts sublect to the condltlons lald down by the A dm m lstratlon, detalls of w iuch m ay be obtam ed from the Port M anagem ent G AZE'I-I'E NoncE No 1493 t on apphcatlon THE W EIGHTS AND M EASURES AG 'k (11) NO rebate W11l be glven when the palletzsed unit ls (C E broken down or bullt up ln the port ap 513) Effectw e date 1 1 69 N oTlcE To 'rlu oim s '! A N Inspector of W elghts and M easures :/111 open a stam plng C'LAUSB 25- ExN RTs

statlon at the places m entloned hereunder, for the purpose of x dtl to the exjstm g notes the followlng note - asslzm g and stamp ng traders' welghlng and m easunng appa- A ratus rebate of 25 per cent of tlle tare rate per ton on , on the dates stated handlm g charges m respect of palletlsed cargo m ay be gw en 2 A11 traders, wlthm a radm s of 12 lnlles of the places on appllcatlon Charges to be assossed on net welght or m entloned, are rm ulred under the provlslons of the W elghts measurem ent Thzs eoncesslon ls subloct to the condltlons and M easures Act (Cap 513) to produce to the Inspector of Iald down by the Admlmstratlon detalls of whlch may be w elghts and M easures, a1l welghts m easures of length and obtam ed from the Port M anagem ent on appllcatlon N o capaclty, and welgiung lnstrum ents whlch they have m use for rebate wtll be glven when the palletlsed um t ls broken down trade, for veré catlon and stam plng or bullt up m the port 3 Only welglung m stnzm ents the welghm g eeapamty of whlch Effectwe date 1 12 67 exceeds 1,0* lb or whlch are of a perm anently flxed nature * or dehcate constrtzctlon wlll be asslged pn atu Traders m C TAM A LE, possesslon of such lnstrum ents m ay com ply m th thls notlce by D lrector-General notlfylng the Inspector of W elghts and M easures m wntlng as J Harbours Corporatton to type, maxlmum welghmg capaclty and ) ocatlon of the sald I Dar es Salaam , Omce oj the Dtrector-General lnstruments later than one week precedtng the date noté ed 16th Apnl 1969 P 0 Box 9184 D ar es Salaam , not - ln the colum n hereunder - coLusfw 1 1 CoLuvx 2 COLUMN 3 GAz,mq's NoncE No 1497 I i Date on whlch ! Addressoflnspector EAST AFRTCAN CUSVOM S Ar EXCISE DEPARTMENT Place j abppe aprraotduus clesd t o tuon dwehrt cpha raatpgllr-/aipcthzn (t3)?)l j CUSTOMS TARIFF INTERPRETATION t should be sent j IT IS notdied f or general mfennatlon that the followm g Klsl, 3rd to 5th June am endm ents have been m ade to the m terpretatlon of the M azwaewa 6th Juno I Custom s Tanl Schedule promulgated m the Tarzs Inter- MKaor-goukn ag' -a 1 7th 9atnhd Ju8ltyh July P o Box 331, j pretatlon Book (Revlsed October 1965) Kam agam bo i 10th July Klsum u R F J OXLEY Kebm go 22nd July for ctm -ixwouer-senertzl 0/ cus'toma N yam mya 23rd July l and Exctse, Ftzâ'/ Ajnca, custom a H ouse, M oralw tz Eldoret 7th to 11th July P O Box 269, I 1 A MENDMENTS N akuru Page A rttcle = - -- P E PH ILLIPS - -- 9 :: Eugynon Ny add :# FaD y, , Supenntendent 0/ W etghts and M easures z osssnoxs I pgge w ttcte GAZE,TTE NOTICE No 1494 1 15 D elete ççM epyramlne M aleato'' from the hst I KEN YA GOVERNM EN T 41 PER CEN'I STOCK 1971/78 ' 3 Ax m oxs N OTICE l Insert the followm g ln alphabetlm l order on tlw pages IT IS noté ed for general 1nf orm atlon that the total am ount m dlcated of the above-m entloned stock held on the Local Reglster on ra e operatw e date ls 'tExlstm g'' except where otherwlse 15th M ay 1969 was as follows - j shown f 1,441,178 19 Ljd j page xdwiae CENTRAL BANK OF KEN YA, 4 Blomycetm Drops 5/69 P 0 Box 3* 3 Natrobt 4 Butaœ yseen Hommel 5/69 9 Enzlcyclme 5/69 GAZE'I-I'E NoncE No 1495 10 Flagyl 5/69 14 Ketrax 5/69 EAST AFRICA H IGH COM M ISSION (RAILW AYS 15 M acsoralen 5/69 AN D HARBOURS) 517 PER CBNT STOCK 1977/83 16 Navane 5/69 Loss og S'rocK (lxnlncàaœ 16 Neocycllne Eye Olntment 5/69 sq'ocK certécate No 0016 for :500 (f ve hundred pounds 16 xlfurantln 5/69 only) of tho above-mentloned stock rems-teled m the name of M rs Evelyn M argaret Gzlbert llas been reported lost 19 Prnnostat 5/69 'Ihe pubhc ls hereby warned agalnst fmudulent use of the 20 Rtfadm 5/69

< sald certécate whlch, tf found, should be retum ed to the 23 Tncofuron 5/69 . underslgned 24 U cychne Syrup, Drom 5/69 R W M ACDONALD , 25 vasosulf 5/69 Ch'ej Accountant fJa/ Ajrtcan Ratlways J?W Harbours l No/e -No amendment was lssued m 1he month of Apnl P O Box 3(Y , N œrobï h 1969

N 466 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 23rd M ay 1969

Gm rzE NoncB N o 1498 (c) Notlces wore publlshed m Kenm Gazette as Gazette N otlce N os 781, 782 and 783 of 1* 9, Tanzanla Gazette EAST AFRICAN LICEN SIN G OF A lR SERV IG S as General N otlce N os 608, 609 and 610 of 1969 arzd REGU LATION S 1% 5 U ganda G azette as G azette N otlce N t)s 248, 249 and N OTICE OF T'Hls D I-CISIONS (JF THE EAST M RICAN CIVIL 260 of 1969 AvlA'rlox Bou o (HEREINAFI'F,R REFERRED To As 'K'I'HE (d) Each hcence was renened for a further five years BowRD'') IN RESPI-C'T ol7 APPLICATIONS P()R LICENCBS TO OPERATII A lR SBRVICES 8 (J) J A STORY ANo PARTNF-RS (E A ), P O Box 40 2, Nalrobl PURSUA N T to the provlslons of regulataon 13 of the East (b) Tym of servlce applled for Aonal photography for Afrlcan Llcensm g of A lr Sem oes Regulatlons 1965 # notlce Js qulwey purposes, ln conlundlon wlt.h the apphcants hereby glven of the declqlons of the East Afncan Cm l A vlatlon speclallzed plottlng m m pm ent Board m respect of the iollowlng appllcattons heard and con- (( ) Notlces were pubhshed m Kenya Gazette as Gazette slaered by the Board at 1Ls 34th m edm g held m Parllam ent N otlce N o 969 of 1* 9, Tanzam a Gazette as G eneral Bulldlng, K ampala, on W ednesday, 30th A prll 1969 - N otlce N o 737 of 1969 and Uganda G azette as Gazette 1 (a) TANMNIAN A1R SERVICES LIMITED, P O BOX 364, Dar es N otlce No 305 of 1969 Salaam (#) n e appllcatlon was turned down by the Board (bj Type of servlces apphed for- 9 (t7) CABROMR LIMITED, Belfast Road, P O Box 180'72, (tz) A1r charter and aerlal survey werk throughout East N alrobl Afnca basod m D ar es Salaam , and (bj Type of servlces apphed f or- Lbj ab Inl/zo iymg mstructlens (up to PPL standard) at (c) Aenal surv'ey work, cahbratlon of radlo beacons and l7ar es Salaaam landm g alds and transportatlon of apphcant's stas (c) Notlces were pubhshed m Kenya Gazette as Gazotte and matenals (lncludlng those of assoclated and N otlce N o 58 ef 1969 Tanzam a G azette as General subsldlary companles), N otlce N o 53 of 1969 and U ganda Gazette as Gazette (bj advanced llymg tralnlng for purposes of gamm g an N otlce No 34 of 1O 9 Instrum ent Ratlng (#) The appllcant was pantod a three year hcence to operate (c) Notlces were publlshed m Kenya Gazetto as Gazette the servlces apphed for m th 19 passenger seats N otlce N o 1046 of 1969, Tanzanla G azetto as General 2 (c) Du Es SALAAM FLYING CLUB, P O Box 804, Dar es N otlce N o 738 of 1% 9 and U ganda G azette as G azotte Salaam N otlce N o 329 of 1969 @) Tym of servlces applled for Flymg mstrudlons and hlre (J) The hearlng of the apphcatlon was postponed to tho next of alrcraft to club m em bers Board M eetmg (1 e 1st August 1* 9), due te tlze fact (c) Notlces wero pubhshed ln Kenya Gazette as Gazette that Ihe above G azette N otlces om ltted a m atenal N otlco N o 59 of 1969, Tanzam a Gazotte as G oneral portlon of the servlces applled for (1 e 1 (c) (aj above) N otlce N o 52 of 1969 and Uganda Gazette as G azette (e) A corngendum has been publlshed 1n, lnter tzàc Tanzanla N otlce N o 33 of 1% 9 Gazette as G eneral N otlce N o 930 of 1% 9 * (#) The appllcant was granted a hcence for five years to om rate the servlces apphed for 10 (J) PzkNEsu CIvIL ENGINERRING COMPANY LIMITED, P O Box 1150, K lsum u, K enya 3 (c) Z BosKovlc AIR CHARTERS LIMITEIN P O Box 5646, N alrobl (bj Tym of servlces applled for- (#) Type of appllcatlon Renewal of Llcenco N o CAB 21 (a) a1r charter and aenal selwlces based at Klsumu , (c) N otlces were publlshed ln K enya Gazette as Gazette (bj hlre of alrcraft to qualttied pllots , and N otlce N o 385 of 1* 9, Tanzam a Gazette as G eneral fc) flylng mstruotlons at Klsumu N otlce N o 305 of 1969 and U ganda G azetto as Gazette (c) Notlces were pubhshed ln Kenya Gazette as Gazette N otlce N o 136 oi 1969 N otlce N o 1045 of 1* 9, Tanzanla G azette as General (J) The Board renewed tacence No CAB 21 for a further N otlce N o 738 ot 1% 9 and Uganda Gazette as hve years G azette N otlce N o 329 of 1% 9 (cl) The hearlng of the apphcatlon was postponed to the neext 4 (c) BOSKOVIC AIR CHARTERS LIMITED, P O BOx 5646, Board M eotm g (t e 1st August 1969) duo to the fact N alrobl that the above G azette N otlces onlltted a m atenal (bj I'ym of appllcatlon Renewal of Llcence No CAB 22 portlon of the servlces apphed for (c) Notlces were mlbllshed m Kenya Gazette as Gazette (e) A corngendum has already been sent for publlcatlon m N otlce N o 450 of 1969, Tanzanla G azette as General the Terntonal Oë mal Gazettes N otlcc N o 324 of 1969 and Uganda G azette as Gazdte 11 (c) SPARTAN AlR SERVICES LIMITED, 2827 Rlverslde Drlve, N otlce N o 149 of 1969 ûttawa 8, Ontano, Canada (d) Llcence No CAB 22 was renewod for a further five years (à) Type of sef'wwes applled for Aenal photography for (c) TIc AlR C'HARTERS LIMITED, P O Box 146, M ahndl, m applng purposes m Southern Tanzam a and transporta- Kenya tlon of appllcant's persozm el and equlpm ent for the sald (bj Tym of servlctz applled for Coach Charter Servlce for m applng purposes passengers and frelght, lncludlng the rlght to sell Indlvl- (c) The appllcant was granted a llcence for two years dual seats, from M allndl to vanous places ln East M nca (a) W ESTF..RN KExyw AlR CHARTF..R COMPANY LIMITBD, P O (c) Notlces were publlshed ln Kenya Gazette as Gazette Box 190, Eldoret, Kenya N otlce N o 686 of 1969, Tanzam a G azette as General @j Type of senqce applled for A1r charter work through- N otlce N o 552 of 1969 and U ganda Gazette as Gazette out East Afnca based at Eldoret N otlce N o 223 of 1% 9 (c) Notlces were publlshed ln Kenya Gazetto as Notlce No (d) The appllcant was granted a one yea'r coach servlce 1173 of 1969, Tanzanla Gazette as G eneral N otlce N o llcence prowdod that no qem ces would be opozated, 833 of 1% 9 and U ganda G azette as G azette N ottce #or hlre and reward, on the followlng sectors - N o 365 of 1969 M allnd/M ombasa and v v (J) n e appllcants wero granted a provlslonal llcence to M allndl/Nalrobl and v v lemaln m f orce untll thelr apphcatlon ls heard by the M allndl/lmla and v v Board or untll thelr appeal agalnst the Board's declslon M almch/M urchlson Falls and v v of 1 5th Odober 1968, ls determ m ed by the Apm al M almdl/Kasese (M weya Lodge) and v v Tnbunal M allndl/Arusha and v v M ahndl/Dar es Salaam and v v (tR) Aa tcwx SAFARI Amwwvs LIMITED, P O Box 6020, M almdl/pemba and v v Nalrobz 6 (c) W ILKENAIR LIMITBD, P O Box 30357, N alrobl (!)) Type of servlc> applled for 26 charter fhghts from East A frlca to London and 25 charter fhghts from (b) Tym of appllcatlon Vanatlon of Llcence N o CAB 1 14 London to East A frlca between M ay 4 and Septem ber to nclude an extra route (Nanyukl/Nalrobl/Nanyukl) to be operated once weekly on W ednesdays 30, 1969 (c) N otlces M ere publlshed ln Kenya Gazette as Gazette (c) The Board approved the appllcatlon ln toto N otlce N o 784 of 1969, Tanzanla Gazotte as General N otlce N o 551 of 1969 and U ganda G azette as Gazette 14 (c) BIUTISH UNITBD AIRWAYS, P O B0x 2724, Nalrobl N otlce N o 247 of 1% 9 (b) Type of servlces applled for Fortnlghtly 'fspllt'' charter Illghts from U K jswltzerland to East Afnca and v v (#) The llcence was amended as roquested between 10th June and 25th N ovem ber 1% 9 7 (c) W ILKENMR (M OMBASA) LIMITED, P O Box 970% M ombasa (c) The Board approved tho appllcatlon prowded that the fb) T& e of apphcatlons Renewal of Llcences No CAB 18, operatlon of the sald charters does not extend beyond CAB 19 and CA B 20 16th Ocotbor 1969 23rd M ay 1969 THE KENYA G AZETTE 467 15 (* SABFNA BSLGIAN w olu.o Alm-zxa , P O Box 3966, GAZS.'I'I'S No'rzcs No 1501 K am pala (b) Type of sem ces applled for Once weekly embarkatlon THE w A'I'ER ACT of 7,000 K g of fresh Uganclan praduce from Entebbe to Europe on F'hght SN 496 of Tuesdays W e 372) (c) n o appllcatlon was approved by the Board and a hcence Aw sjtxwoxs granted for one year 16 (c) S'ra uxo Alltwwvs, Copenhagen Alrport, Denmark APPLICATIONS for dlversion of water, plans of whwh may (A) Type of setwlces applled for Retum student charters be Seen at the W ater Development Dwlslon, Nalrobl, or the from D enm ark to K enya and 'Ianzanla dunng the Oë ce of the Local W ater Bazld concerned, have been subm ltted summer season of 1% 9 Y the followlng (c) The Board approved the applicatloyl provlded that the m tul m ver, N dunzm oln W ater A ssoclatlon, Km nyaga , 13,800 appllcant/operator shall not land 111 or overlly Uganda gallons per day dom estlc, 138,000 gallons per day power Terntory wlthout pnor clearance Erom the competent U ganda Authontles Central Gully Tnbutary of M olo m ver, Rongal Farm s Ltd , N akuru , dam 14 feet hlgh, 12,000 gallons per day 1'7 Pz-&cr, DATE ANo TIME oF THE N ax'r Bowlœ M EETIXG - dom estlc 'I'he Board agreed to hold 1ts next m eetmg (35th) at M almdl, Trlbutary of K am akolwa m ver, L R N o 11437 , M engo Kenya, on Frlday, 1st August 1969, coram enclng at 9 a m Farm Ltd , Kltale , 700 gallons per day dom estlc, 2,000 Dated at Arusha thls 13th day of M ay 196t) gallons per day lrrlgatlon R S N YA GA , K anyaga Stream , L R N o 833, M M asm, Fort Hall, welr Secretary 4 feet hlgh, 100 gallons per day dom estlc, 6,000 gallons per East azl/nctzrl t'Jlwf Amahon Board day lrrlgatlon Ragatl m ver, K N garange and Partners,K lnnyaga, 538,000 GAZErI'I'E N oencs N o 1499 gallons per day power TH E EA ST A PR ICAN COM M IJN ITY Ruguthu Rwer, L R N os 125, 126 and 127 , S M unukl and Partners, M eru, 700 gallons per day dom estlc, 66,000 gallons THE EA ST AFR ICAN LICEN SIN G 0F A 1R SERV ICES per day lrngatlon M GU LATION S 1965 Edzava m ver, J M anono, K akam ega, 1,080,900 gallons per NOTICE og A PPLICATION FoR A LlcExcs To OPBRATE AN AJR day pow er SERVICE Edzava Rw er, Ezekla Lundu and Partners, K akam ega , PU RSUAN T to the prowslons of regulatlons 6 and 7 of the 1,080,900 gallons per day poper East Afncan Llcenslng of A1r Sezvlces Regulatlons 1965, notlce ls hereby gw en that Tanzanla A lr Serwce Llm lted, P O Box 813, Lake Vlctona , Dunga Quarry, Dunga, 2,000 gallons per day Arusha, Tanzanla, has applled to the East Afrlcan Cm l A vlatlon m dustrlal Board f or a llcence to operate the followm g servlce - Kaplel m ver, L R N o 9678 , Sergolt Farm s Ltd , Eldoret , Alr charter work f or passengers and f relght (m th a capa- 2,200 gallons per day dom estlc clty of 30 passenger seats) mto, ouf- of and wlthln Ertst Afnca K arorlm a m ver , N yakl Farm ers Co-operatlve Soclety Ltd , based at A rusha, for a penod of five years M el'u , 60,000 gallons per day mdustnal (80 per cent return- It ls further notlfled that any representztlons or oblectlons able) wlth regard to tlus apphcatlon m ust be m ade to the East M unxmba Stream , Nkuene Farm ers Co-operatw e Soclety Ltd , Afncan Clvll A vlatlon Board at the oflice of the East Afncan Com munlty, P O Box 1002 Arusha, Tanzanla, no1 later than M eru , 60,000 gallons per day zndustnal (80 per cent return- 16th June 1969 Every such representatlon ()r oblectlon shall be able) made m wntlng, shall state the specé c grounds on whlch lt ls Tlm au Rwer , H D H m de, Lalktpla y 40,000 gallons per day based, and shall speclfy any condltlons whlt-h lt m ay be deslred mdustrlal (100 per cent returnable) should be attached to the llcence lf granted A copy of evely G lkurungl Stream , Consalata M lsslonaly Slsters > M eru # welr such representatlon or oblectlon shall be sent by the person 3 feet m helght, 2,000 gallons per day dom estlc, 57,600 m aklng the sam e to the apphcant of the llcence at the sam e gallons per day power, 1,100 gallons per day lrrlgatlon tlm e as lt ls sent to the East Afncan Clvll Avlatlon Board Knm ara Rlver, E N alvasha and Partners, M eru , welr 3 feet D ated at Arusha tlus 16th day of M ay 1969 m helght, 1,800 gallons per day dom estlc, 30,000 gallons R S N YA GA , per day power, 1,100 gallons per day lrngatlon, 3,000 Secretary, gallons per day spraylng colfee /2* / Ajncan Clwl Amahon Board Bwatheronp m ver, M eru N atlonal Park, M enz , 10,000 gallons per da'y dem eshc CIAZETTE lfoTlcE lfo 1500 Oblectlons statm g specé c grounds therd or should be filed m THE BA ST A FR ICAN COM M IJN IW trlpllcate wlt.h the W ater Apportlozunent Board, P O Box 30521, THE EAST A FRICAN LICEN SIN G OF A IR SERVICES N alrobl, m thln 30 days from the publlcatlon of thls notlce REGU LATION S 1965 NOTICE OF A PPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO OPERATE AN O R SERVICE PU RSUAN T to the provlslons of regtzlatlons 6 and 7 of the IIAZETrE ifoTlcs lTo 1502 East A frlcan Llcenslng of A1r Servlces Regulatlons 1965, notlce ls hereby glven that Tanzanla A 1r Servlce Lllnlted, P O Box 813, TH E TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G A CT Arusha, Tanzama, has applled to the East A fncan Clvll Avlatlon Board f or a llcence to operate the followlng servlce - W ap 404) Coach chartels, wlth the rlght to sell lndivldual seats, from TH E appllcatlon, reference T L B N o 493, approved by the A rusha to Taranglre, M anyara, Oldeanl, N gorongoro, Eyasl, Transport Llcensmg Board m eetlng held m N alrobz Ts here- Serengetl, K llenscam p, K eekorok, L ollondo, M ondull, Lon- under am ended after erroneous mcluslon of Part Two (2) whlch gldo, N am anga, Ambosell, M om ella, K llalw nl, Cottars Cam p, had been deleted from the appllcatlon The Kenya Ol cta.l Vol, Tavtta, M oshl, Jlpe, M kom azl, M om bo, Pangam , Zan- Gazette N otlce No 1374 of 9:h M ay 1969 rd ers zlbqr, M bulu, Sm gfda, Tabora, U gala, K lgoma, M wanza and Shlnyanga and vlce versa wlth the optlon to operate m any R OAD SERVICE LlcF-llcE ordor and at any tzme, and to omlt any pom tts) menûoned above, for a penod of five years TLB 493--..f11:tck Bus Servlce, P O Box 198, Nalrobl (1) It ls further notéed that any representatlons or oblectlons Route M wmgl-N dolo's Corner-rfhlka-Nalrobl ffwo m th regard to thls appllcatlon m ust be m ade to the East vehlcles, 62 passengers each ) No plcklng up or M rlcan Clvll Avlatlon Board at the office of the East A frlcan settmg down m thm Clty boundary (3) Route Com rnunlty, P O Box 1002, Arusha, Tanzama, no1 later than K atse - Tselkuru - M wlngl - M lgwam - N dolo's 16th June 1969 Every such representatlon or oblectlon shall be Corner - K ltm - K lsasl - Ikanga - K avm gom - M uto- m ade m wrltm g, shall state the specdic grounds on whlch lt ls m o - - Athl m ver - K alulm l - K lbwezl - M tito based, and shall speclfy any condltlons whlch lt m ay be deslred Andel - M anyam - Vo1 - M acklnnon R oad - M ana- should be attached to the llcence lf granted A copy of evel'y kanl-M ombasa (Two vehlcles, 62 passengers each ) such representatlon or objedlon shall be sent by the person And (4) Route M wlngl - Garlssa and to operate m aklng the same to the apphcant of the llcence at the snm e under co-ordlnated tlmetable (Four vehlcles, 62 tlm e as lt Ss sent to the East M rlcan Clvtl Avlatlon Board passengers each ) Dated at A rusha thls 16th day of M ay 1 969 R S (NYA GA, M M M IJLU Y E, Secretary, Executïve OFcer East ad./rlccrl O ml Amatton Board Transport D cenlzng Board 468 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 23rd M ay 1969

GAZETTE N (7rlcE No 1503 THE TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G AG fcap 404) f H E undermentloned appllcatlons were approved by the Transport Llcenslng Board m eetm g held at the Embu County Councll Hall hmbu, on 14th and 15th A prll 1969 M M M ULW EYE, Execuhve Olcer Transport n ccpxnng Board, P O Box 30440, N atrobk RoAo SERVICE Llcsxcs,s TLB 7699-4+ er1 H11l Bus Servlce, P O Box 78, Nyen 39/69- Changu K llonzo, P O Box 30135, N alroh Route V arlaklon of rcute to add 01 K alou - D undorl - Kltul - K lsasl - Ikanga - M utom o - lkutha - N akuru P.reqent route Between Thom son's Falls Klbwezl (KGV 199, 7 passengers ) and Nyerl (KKV 441, 49 passengers ) 40/69- James Gachlbl Klnunp, Kutus M arket, P O FM /R /2 /69- E K aranla G achlaka, P O Box 42 Em bu K utus R oute Kutus - K erugoya - Sagana - K lJn- Route M algalnl-sagana ('/-passenger vehlcle ) blmbl - Klanyaga - M ukarara - Embu (KKY O 1, l68- M etdaraka D ally Bus Servlce, P O B ox 80, K eru- 6 passengers ) qoya R eute M wea - Em bu - K utus Sagana - 2650- GeoJrey G N dungu, P O Eox 176, K lkuyu To M ulang a f46-passenger vehlcle ) Increase the passenger-carrpna capaclty from 15 to 5/69- Tf.l1noro Bus Servlce, P O Box 206 M enz R oute 32 passengers Present route G atuanabu - Gltaru - N anyuki - lslolo - A rcher's Post - Lalsam ls - Rum l Rwa Blrlgl-N alrobl N o plcklng up or settlng M arsabht - Choba - Kubl - Fanda - Elama - down passengers m thm Clty boundary (KHP 327, M gyale (32 passenger vehlcle ) 15 passengers ) 6/69- Char1ey N vaga Nglrlrl, N N amu and Company, 13125- Joseph lnngo lm athm , P O Box 156, M enz P O Box 70 Embu R oute lrangl Forest K lan- Varlatlon of route to &dd N tuql - Kltm a - M en! - Iokom a Em bu - Runyenles - lslara - Chogona - Kathen - N kubu - Egoll - M utham bl - Chuka - M eru (32 paqsenger vehlcle ) Em bu - Ont111l1 - N anyukl Present route N tugl - 8/69- James N Klvlu and Famlly P O Box 105 Embu K lbm chla - M purl - M el'u - M ltunguu - M ana- R oute M buborl - K lbugu - K lanlokom a - Runyen- mantl-Gatunga-Galtu (KKV 603, 26 passengerg ) !es - M anyatta - lshlara - Kalrun - Embu (7- 11200- Hesh1m a N ew M unyaka Bus Servlce, P O Box 250, paqqenqer vehlcle ) Em bu Varlatlon of route to add Runyenles-lshlara- 9/69- Kanqundo Day and N lght Servlces P O Box 59, G'hlokange Present route N guka - Embu - Port M asqr u R eule K anfzundo - M wala - Y atla - H all - N yerl - 01 K alou - N dundun - Thom son*s Kltul v1a Tlva Rlver Brldge (One vehlcle, 6 Falls-N akuru (KM C 456, 57 passengers ) pas-engers ) 772& -Trave11ers and T ours Bus Sew lce. P O Box 287, 14/69- M btzth1 Famllv P O Box 266, M eru Route Thlka Route M urang a - Nyerl - N anyukl - ltlblrlchla - K llrua - M eru - Rulru - N corolboro - Thom son's Fall (KKW 799, 51 passengers ) M alqnla Tlm au N anyukl f52 passenger vehlcle ) 8362- D aoug1as G Gakungu and .1 M uraya, P O 17/69- Harun Toel M alna P O Box 1 K erugoya Route Box 1012, K lanvaqa Chanqe of present tlm etable K lqnfeqe K aratlna - K lblrlgul - Saqana - K aglo - to a new tjm etable Presenl route M ukarara - K u ua K eruczoya - K utus - Sam son C orner - Kutug - Em bu - Sagana - K aratm'a - N lerl - Klmblmbl W anguru (15 passenger vehlde ) Nanyukl-Tlmau-M eru (KM D 890, 52 passengers ) 19/69- M 1 > Rogmarv M wcngera P O Box 222, M eru 7535- A N leru and Com pany, P O Box 250, Em bu R c'u e K lanlal - M eru - K lrua - M uthara - Islolo Varlatlon of route to add K athungurl-Runyenles (KK M 244 12 passengers ) (2) To lncrease the passenger-carrylng capaclty from 14 to 42 passenaers Present route Em bu - 20/69- M lchae1 Nzlolxa M bopdo P O Box 1 M anyatta - Klrltyn - lshlara - K lm blm bl - K evote R oute N dlncllruka - K lm blm bl - Sam son Corner - (KHB 660, 14 passengers ) Kutus - Kapo - Sagana - Karatlna Oz-passenger vehlcle ) 41/69- M ukora Nyaqa Karuangl Vlllage M unnduko, P O Embu R oute M unnduko - K artzanm - M u- 22/69- K1bol M v anlhl and Companv nnduko - Embu - M anvatta - M urtzrl - K lanyam - M zrket P O Slakaco Em bu R oute Ishlara - K utus - K eruaoya - Barlcho - K aglo - N guka - Kathanlurl Ruqyenles Embu (32 passenger vehlcle ) Irangl Forest-sagana Cs-passenger vehlcle ) 23/69- Ben>on Karunde M lq'wl P O Pox 2, Kerugoya 1952- Just1n Ndyga, P O Dox 1018, K janyala Route R eute K eruqoya - K ltum bl - K ancalta - K agum o - Glthure - Embu - Kerugoya - K'aratlna (K -passenger Kjbaru - Barlcho - Kutus - Embu (KHP 82 7 veluele ) passengers ) 10689.-.M wea Publlc R oad Servlces C om pany, P O Box 24/69- Just1n Ka1 lukl Nloqu Kabare Locatlon, P O 80, K erugoya To lncrease the passenger-carm ng K lanvaq;z R oute K lanyaaa - Em bu - Ishlara - capaclty from 25 to 42 passengers Present route Chlokarlge M eru-lsiolo-Garbatulla (lz-passenger N dlndlruku - K utus - Sagana - K aratlna - M u- q ehlcle ) rang'a Thlka (KHW 344, 25 passenger: ) 25/69- M M avete M 'Thluru P O Box 40 M eru Route 10580- W on1 wa K latunl W estem D lvlslon Co P O M eru - Katherl - K llrua - K lblrlchla - K lslm a - Box 227, M achakos Route M buam - M lkono - Ordonyo - Tlmau - Nanyukl (9 passenger vehlcle ) Llunl-Klatunl-M akavetl-M achakos Olpmssenger 28/69- A K Norman and A Nyagah Farmers Ltd , vehlcle ) Rombla Cathollc M lsslon, P O Slakago R oute Slakago - Em bu Townshlp - M uchonoke - K - 149& -N gom en1 Eus Sem lce, P O Box 13, K ltul Route nnga Kirlllrl lshlara (15 passenger vehlcle ) Ngunl-Ngomenl Yselkuru (s7-passenger vehlde ) 31/69- 5 K Gallhl P O B()x 364, Nyen Route Othaya- 3729- Tu!1us M 'M arete, P O Box 211, M enl Route Nyerl (7 passenger vehlcle ) M lklndun - M lathene - K lanjal - Rulru - M eru - Galtu - Glakl (zGpassenger vehlcle ) (2) Change 32/69- K1bugu Road Service P O Box 178, Embu of present tlmetable to a new tlm etable Present Route Klbugu Embu C-passenger vehlcle ) route M lklndurl - W araka - M aua (KKA 25, 30 33/69- RunyenIes Road Servlce, P O Box 178, Embu passengers ) Routc Runyenles-Embu (-/-passenger vehlcle ) 43/69- S1mon Nyaga and M athew Kamurl. P O Klanyaga 34/69- S1men N 'age Benlamln, A C Thumalta School, Route Kevote - Klanyaga - Kutus (7-m ssenger P O K lrtnyaqa R oute Thum alta - Klanyaga vehlcle ) Kerugoya - Kutus - Embu - Sagana (KGV 969, 7 passengers ) 10128- J K K ahnga P O Box 250, Em bu V anatjon of route to add to 'nuka vla Sagana and M urang'a 36/69- Bcn Ndsga K agunda, Kutus M arket, P O Kutus Townshlp Present route K lndarum a - Em bu - R oute M wea - Klanyaga - M utara - Kutus - Thlka v1a Lower Tana Bndqe (KKS 485, 61 pas- Keruqova - Bancho - Kamo - Sagana (J7-passenger sengers ) And to add to n lka Present route vehlcle ) M aua - M enz - Cimka - Runyem es - Em bu - Fort 37/69- Harr1son M uehlra M aguh and Sons, c/o J'ustus N Hall (KKV 827 36 passengers ) N yaga P O Bov 50, K erugova R oute G athun- 1 2688- K 1be G atumbl and Com m ny, P O Box 174, n lka gurl - G lthure - K lam utugu - N glnam bu - M urun - To lncrease the passenger-carrym g capamty from 31 Kutus - Kerugoya - Sagana (l8-passenger vehscle ) to 66 pmssengers for KFM 384 23rd A4ay 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 469

Rowo SBuvlcE Lïcv-scts--fcontd ) 'I'LB 5707- M utIra Bus Servlce, P O Box 15, K erugoya 47/69- Sekete Express Taxl Servlce, P O Box 6, Kltul Varlatlon of route to add N yerl-Embu Present R oute K ltul - 'lhlka - N ajrobl N o pjcklng up or route K agum o - K erugoya Sagana - K aratlna settlng down passengers en toute (Two vehlcles, IKM J 508, 30 passengers ) 7 passengers each ) EM /R/44/69- Kenya Safans (Tours), P O Box 1 1981, Nalrobl 49/69- N gwe1e M ukungl and Company, P O Box 118, Carrlage of tounsts wlthln K znya, sublect to pro- K ltm R oute K anlngo - K athurl - K lmela - N go- ductlon of tourlst-operator's llcence (Ten vehlcles, menl - Kalanag - Ngtznl - M wlngl (42 passenger 7 passengers each, and f our m ore vehlcles of 14 vehlcle ) passengers each ) 13955- K 1rlnyaga Tours and Company, P O Box 130, 46/69- John G Kamau, P O Gatundu vIa Rulru Route Fort H all Carrlage of tourlsts wlthln Kenya, K agum om l - Turu - Gatundu - M uklnye - K iora - subject to productlon of tourlst operator's llcence Jula-Rulru (Gpassenger veluclt ) (Fwe vehlcles, 7 passengers each ) n e follow m g appllcatlons w ere refused - F.M /R/I J6g- Bernard Glthu Ndaru and Blothers, c/o Ngandun 884- G atun N ow Bus Servlce, P O Runyenles vla Em bu M arket, P O Slakago v1a Em bu lsoo- Runyenles Bus Company, c/o P O Box 44 Embu 3/69- K1thu Jason, C Nlagl and B Njue, P 0 Box 149, 7481- Ph111p K erem a Tharam ba, P O Box 228, M eru Em bu 10689- M wea Publlo Road Servlces Co , P O Box 80, 7/69- Bernard Ndll and Edward rf erah and Co , P O K erugoya Box 149, Em bu l0/6g- K lrlnyaga Prlvate H lre Cars, P O Box 80, 42/69- A1exander M unp N gondl, P O Box 24, Embu K erugoya 10335- Irer1 M M buehl and Sons, P O Runyenles, Embu 11/69- Samwe1 Jonah and Sons, Kathanlun M arket, P O 7886- N guka Bus Servlce, P O Box 65, K erugoya R unyenles 1462- K1anJokom a Safarls Servlccs, P O Box 250, Embu 12/69- Job M Ixawrenoe Ndegwa :nd Bros , Kerugoya 10128- J K K abm ga, P O Box 250, Embu County Councll, P O K enzgoyA 12688- K.1be G atum bl and Com pany, P O Box 174, 13/69- Kaglom1 Transport Compally, P O Box 10, Thlka K erugoya 5707- M ut1ra Bus Servlce, P O Box 15, Kerugoya 15/6%-Peter M lchacl M Kasalu, P () Box 39, M eru 12/68- Stan1ey Nglabl Gachogu, P 0 Box 12, Kerugoya 16/69- Erasto Klura and Sons, K:bugu M arket, P O 5/7- E Afrlcan Road Servlces Ltd , P O Box 30475, Embu Nm robl 18/69--S1mon Nleru Nloanl, P O Box 77, Embu 13094- Zakayo W aweru, P 0 Runyenles, Embu 27/69- K1man1 Kogl and Famlly, P O Box 179, Nanyukl 45/69- Joseph Kanka Gatacha, P O Box 127, Rulru 30/69- Ibrah1m M ohamed and Bros , P O Box 248, Embu 48/69- Hezek1ah K W amugunda, P O Box 95, 35/69- M M wlla s/o Gacoora, P O Nkubu, M eru K erugoya 38/69- Embu Pnvate Hlre Sem ce, P 0 Box 248, Embu 26/69- T Charles Nleru, Kathathanl M arket, P O Chuka, TLB llzo - H eshlm u N ew M unyaka Bus Scrwce, P O Box M eru 250, Em bu 4/69- Reuben M uthamla, P O Egoll vla M eru 12051- R shuah W agltl Nlukl, P O llox 2, K erugoya 29/69- Kaara W aweru, P O Box 27, M eru The follom ng appllcatlons were deferred - EM /R /21/69- Gathua Karuru, P O Box 6, Nyen 17/68- George Gtchoht M uraya, P O Rurmga, Nyerl TI,B 2815-M'Im athlu Balthm , P O Box 28, M eru 1 <

EEB'' CARRIBRS' Llcw cvs--jcontd ) EM /B/ 17/69- Kyambat1 M arete, P O Box 116, Kltul Carnage 5350..-Gatundun Farm ers Com pany, P O Box 161, of all goods and hvestock m thm Eastern, N orth- Em bu Carnage of m anure, hvestock, country Eastem and Central Provm ces and to N alrobl produce and shop goods wlthln Em bu, M eru, W KF 744, 18,590 lb and two m ore vehlcles of Islolo, Lalhpla and Km nyaga ('/-ton vehlcle ) 10 to 15 tons each ) 53/69- M ahamud M uhumud M lrreh, P O Box 14, W allr 18/69- Rnmadhan1 N loka, P O Box 19, Embu Cam age Carnage of all goods between W ajlr - G anssa - of a11 goods wlthln Eastern and Central Provm ces 'Ihlka - N alrobl, G arlssa - M ahndl - Galole and (7- to lo-ton vehlcle ) to M ombasa (Not to use M ombasa-Nalrcbl maln 2158- N)ag1 Rurlma, c/o M anyatta M arket, P O Box 21, road ) (Two vehlcles, 7 to 10 tons each ) Em bu Carnage of a11 goods wlthm Em bu, K hrl- 57/69- Dav1d Nvaga James, Kagongo Faotory P O nyaga, M urang'a and Nalrobl (KKB 93, 10,650 lb ) Klanyaga Carrlage of al1 goods wlthln Eastern 'I'LB 8937- A11 M oham ed, P O Box 234, Thlka Carnage of and Central Provmces and to Nalrobl C-ton a11 goods and llsestock Mlfhln N orth Eastern, vehlcle ) Centlal and Eastern Provlnces and Nalrobl (KM E 3lgl- Eutychus M uthul, P O Box 70, M eru Carnage of 911, 9 tons, two vehlcles of 9 tons each and one al1 goods wlthln N orth-Eastern, Central Provmces, vehlcle of 12 tons ) Lalklpla and Nalrobl (KKY 556, 12,592 lb ) 22/69- Gerrard M unganla and Elmd M 'lkabu, P O Box 8, 13148- Reuben M Gathungu, P O Box 37, K erugoya M enz Carrlage of a1l goods wltlun Em bu M eru, Varlatacm of condltlon to add N F D (Garbatulla) Islolo and Nanyukl Dlstrlcts (KGH 184, 6,940 lb ) N anyukl - Fort H all - Nyen - rfhlka and N alrobl 24/69- n son M 'Twerandu and Jeremlah M wongera, D lstrlcts Present condlthon Carnage of a11 goods G zthangan School, P O Nkubu wa M eru Carrm ge and llvestock wfthln K lrm yaga - Em bu and Kltul of a11 goods wlthln M eru, Em bu, Islolo, M arsabxt Dlstrlcts (KHV 189, 12,360 lb ) and M oyale Dlstrlcts ('M on velucle ) 62/69- Erastus M 'Thuranna, P O Box 2X , M ertz Carn- M /6g- thlbert Klgua and Sons, P O Box 6, M eru age of all goods botween M em - Islolo - M arsablt - Carnage of farm prcduce and lwestock between W allr and Garbatulla - M andera - Garlssa - Islolo M ol'u - lslolo - W allr - M arsablt - N anyukl - (s-ton venlcle ) M aralal and to M oyale (7-ton vehlcle ) 63/69- M uth11 s/o M lthamo, P O Box 30, Kenzgoya 27/69- A1fred m ntan, P O Box 58, M eru Carnage of Carrlage of a11 goods wlthm K ertzgoya, K lrmyaga, shop goods, tlm ber and farm produce between N yerl, Lalklm a, M eru, Em bu, Fort Hall, Tluka M el'u - Embu - Sanaga and M enz lslolo Nanyukt (7-ton velucle ) and N alrobl Dlstnds (5- to 9-ton vehlcle ) 29/69- K1angua Transportlng Co Ltd , P O Chogona vla 65/69- Jas(m M 'Tuerandu, P O Nkubu v1a M eru Cearn- M enz Carnage of a11 goods m thln M eru, Lalkmla, age of tobacco, shop goods and goats wlthln Islolo, Nyen and Embu Dlstrlcts (J-ton vohlcle ) N alrobl-r uka, Port H all, Em bu, M eru, Islolo, 1165G-H unyo rnurlkwa, P O Box 114, M enz Carrlage Nanytzkl and W allr D lstncts (Fton vehzcle ) of all goods between M eru - Islolo - Nanytzkl - 66/69- Runyen)es General Transport Czompany, P O Nyen-Klrmyaga and to Sagana (tk on vehlcle ) Runyenles Carnago of a1l goods and petroleum 13234- N yaga K am wea, P O Box 275, Em bu Carrlage products wlthln M ertz, K lrmyaga, N yerl, N anyuka, of all goods wlthm Eastern Provmce (KKW 5, Fort H a11, Embu, Tluka - Sagana and N alrobl 4,050 lb and one more vehlcle of 5 to 1 tons ) (KKV 144,, 10,900 lb ) 32/69-T M M walwa and Co Ltd , P O Box 8367, 69/69- Kltonga N gunzu, P O K araba, Emlm Carnage N alrobl Carnage of a11 goods wlthm K ltul N akuru of farm produce and llvestock wltlun Bm bu, and Nalrobl Dlstrlcts (Two vehlcles, 8 tons each ) M eru, K m nyaga, K lambu, Islolo, K ltm and 13371--Snmwe1 K N zlu, K araba M wea Locatlon, P O Nalrobl (6- to 9-ton vehlcle ) K araba-Embu Carrlage of a11 goods lncludlng 74/69- K1bara M utabo, c/o M wea Im gatlon Settlement, bulldm g m atenals wlthln Em bu, Kltul, M achakos P O Box 80, Kerugoya Carrlage of farm produce, and Nalrobl ('/-ton velucle ) wood and charcoal between N dorom e > N guka - 35/69- Josegh M utuna, P O Box 274, M cru Carrlage K aglo - Sagana - Bancho - K agum o - K erugoya - of a11 goods wltltln M em , Em bu and M achakos Kutus - K tm blmbl - N gunzbam and wlthln Em bu Dlstrlds and to N alrobl vla Sagana and Thlka Dlstnct (5- to 'M on vehacle ) ffwo velucles, 7 to 10 tons each ) 2506- M uchm K trmnda, P O Box 80, K erugoya Carnage soll- M oham ed H assan Yarow, P O Box 33, W allr of a11 goods wlthln K lrmyaga, Bm bu D ,stncts, Converuon of $'C'' Llcencc to <

$çB'' CARRIBRS' LICENCBS--ICOFI/J ) The followm g apphcatlons were refusml - EM/B/2/69-New Klandegwa G Transport and Argent Co , 47/69- Rufus Km gusl, M acharla Kamau = 4 Partnem P O Box 369, Thlka P O Box 8, M aragua 5/69- Ayubu M 'Inott s/o M 'M utllaura, P O Box 78, 48/69- M zee Ndege, P O Box 65, M em M em 49/69- J K M 'Chaban M ungama., P O Box 42, M oru 'I'LB l3l66--Stephen M bogo G lkono, P O Box 63, Embu 50/69- Pau1 K N abea, P O Box 23, M lklndun wa M enz 9/69-=M usa M , P O Box 62, M enl 51/69- Joseph Kamanya M 'M uklra, P O Box 245, M ertz 10/69- Pau1 Kage,a and Company, P O Box 130, M oru 55/69- Paul M utlritha, M lk4ndun M arket, P O Box 31, 12/69--Samue1 Kum ara and o Rmpany, Kathanlure M eru M arket, P O vza Em bu 56/69--Edward K Ithangatha, c/o Dlstnct Comml=loner, 8596- .1 D M bogon and Company, P O Box 51, M enz M el'u 13/6%-S11as tta s/o M uruanlamm, brthawa Locatlon, P O 13561- A nd1ka Kunyanyl, P 0 Box 383, rrhlkn Slakago v1a Embu 58 p6g- rrontler Transporters, Pnvate Bag, Gans'sa 14/69- E11sha W ambugu, Glcheoho /lllage, P O Runyen- 59/69- Stephen Km ma Sllas) c/o Dlstrlct Commlsmoner's les, hmbu O/ ce, M eru 16/69- K1b1nc1ua Trazlsport, P O Btnx 156, M eru 6O/69- M art1n M unungt and Andrew Kunonyo, P O 18/69- Ramadhan1 Njoka, P O Box 19, Embu K lbinchla, M eru 20/69- Akamba Transporter and Commerclal Company, 61/69- Isaak N Nloroge, c/o P O Box 80, K erugoya P O Box 116, K ltul 11613-Jed1e1 Hezeklall Nyagah, P O Box 20% M enz 5231- Abdu1a1 K allm wande R am atlham , P O Box 19, Em bu 64/69- K urua Potatoes Transporters, P O Box 38, M enl 67/69- K a1mba M angara and Galchu Knmsz'a, P O 8937- A 11 M oham ed, P O Box 234 Thtka Box 20, M eru 21/69- Franms K M uchla P O Box 50, M eru 68/69- Festus M utlga Rukum, P O Box 237, M eru 23/69- Gerrard M arde Nlaray Itulru Soclety, P O 70/69- N genge W abu and M bau Gacambay P O Box 37, Box 6, M ezu K erugoya 13451- N Jeru N gongo and Com pam , P O Runyenles vla 13350- Jere1m ah M 'M bul, P O K lbm chla, M enz 'F'œnbtz 71/69- &1vane M 'M unthz slo Km gon, # O Box 58, 11757--Sam ue1 Kunyara, K athanjure M arket, P O M eru Runyenles 72/69- Peter M usyoh Ngotlua, P O Karaba, Embu 25/69- Nyaga s/o Kanthl, C'iakarlka M arket, Pnvate Bag, Tharaka 73/69- Karmkt Bothers, P O Box 54, Kom goya 5263- 0m ar A bd: A bdlllahl, P O 13ox 7599, N alrobl 75/69- Festus M urm a, P O Box 30, M em 28/69- M 'Bunm Rwlto M atm , P O Chogorla, M eru 78/69- Festus Rukarla, S Km yuwa M M urnga and N Thuram ra, P O Box 110, M eru 30/69- Joseph Kmyua Chababl, P O Box 42a M eru l6stf- M utlna M 'M bm and M 'Klrera M 'M ungam a, P O 31/69- So1omon M wanm and Ndonlsa Kurla, Klnzn, P O Box 156, M eru K angcm a 33/69- Festus M ucheke, Klangua M arket, P O Box 8, 79/69- Benson M 'Rlmberta, P O Box 145, M eru M eru 8355- Hassan Sahm Bam ragba, P O Box 9, M oyale 36/69- Ju11us M W llljamson, P O Box 101, M eru 81/69- M oham ed Hassan Sallm, P O M arsablt 5013- M ohamed H assan Yarow, P O Box 33, W allr 82/69- Benson M wlthlmbu, P O Box 258, M em 83/69- W 1l11am Klanzl M atmba, P O Karaba wa Bmbu 37/69- Jul1us K Safan, P 0 Box 42, M enz 84/69- Patr1ck M ata and Reuben Kangara, P O Box 316, 39/69- Edward M ulrurl W althaka, 11 O Box 21, M aragua N alrobl 40169- 5 Kablro Klragu and Paztners Co Ltd , P O 84A /69- 8 Kubal and O M ugendl, M wea Farm , P O Box 7, Fort H all Chogorla, M eru 44/69- Kamau s/o Paul Nlema, M uchma Bros , P O lll8zl- Gathlm a Traders, P O Box 229, Fo14 HV Box 4, M aragua 13258- 8 N lega and Com pany, P O Box 100, Em bu 46/69- M 'Inotl M 'Itmm u, P O Chogona v!a M oru 6ytzl- lkancls Nyaga s/o J M 'M c:ara, P O Cimka, 3852- M usa M 'Rlmbena and M 'M ugam bl M 'M uga, P O M enz Box 79, Islolo 19/69- Peter M ucekeh M wanne, P O Box 70, Embu

rI'he followm g apphcatlons were deferred - TI,B 235> M rs M argaret W am bup, P O Box 229, Bm bu 14335- Joseph Gttuam m a and Company, P O Box 176, M eru Bu lk /54/69- M ut1sya Ngutl, P O Karaba vla Embu

G AZETTE N olqcB No 1504 fsxzEaqv èkoTlcB 'fo 1505

1 TH E TR AN SPORT LICBN SIN G AW TH E TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G ACT T ap 404) ?' W ap 404) THE appllcatlon, NB/B/49/69, approved by the Transpol't TH E lzndelm entloned appllcatlon w 's approved by the Llcensm g Board m eetmg held at N agobl, and appeared m the Transport Llcensmg Poald m eetlng held at the Ism azl K enya OK clal G azette N otlce N o 1374 of W.1: M ay 1969, Rahlmtulla Trust Llbrary H all, N atrool, thn 26th M arch 1969 has been am ended to read as below - T LB 14390- K enya R oad Transporters Ltd , P O Box 10098 fCB'' C &auyER's Llc> cB N alrobl Carnage of a1l goods and petroleum pro- ducts R oute E astern Prov,nce, C oast Provm ce N B/B/49/69- T Reuben Y M sla and A Itael: P O Box 653, and Nalrobl (Three vehlcles and three trallers, Artzsha Carrlage of all goods between N amanga- 8 to 10 tons each ) Kallado - Athl Rwer - N atrobl frwo vehlcl- , 9 toni each and one tratler of 16 tons )

M M M U LW EYE, M M M U LW BY E, Eh-ecuttve Omccr Execuhve Omcer, Trtfnsport Zlcc?lylzlg Board Trcpaporf rlcenang Board 472 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 23rd M ay 1969

GAZETTE N olqcls N o 1506 I'H S SPORT IJCEN SIN G A CT (Cap 404) TH E underm entloned appllcatlons w111 be consldered by the Tlansport Llcenslng Boald at the Nyerl U rban Councll H all, N yen, on the followlng dates (1) lviond ty, 9th June 1969, at 10 a m , apphcatlons m reqpect of Road Serflce Llcences (2) Tuesdsty, 10th Junc 1969, at 9 a m , appllcatzons zn respect of # B Carners' Iacences Eveiy obluctlon ln l espect of an appllcatlon shall be lodged w lth the llcensm g authorlty and the dlstnct cem m lssjoner of the dtstllut ta whtch such appllcatlon lb to be l,eald and a t-opy theleof shall be sent to the appllcant not less than seven days belole tl e date of tlze m eetm g at whlch such appllcatlon ts to be heurd Oblectlons ecclved late w11l not be consldered Except whel e otk elwlse stated, the appllcatlons are fol one vehlcle Evely oblector shall lnclude tlle stze and R egtstratlen Numuer ot hts Nehlcle (together wtth tlmetables where apphc tble) opelatlng on the appllcant s proposed route Those who suèm lt appllcatlcnq ln tlze nam e ot pa1 tnershlp and com panles m ust bzlng certm cate of 2 eglst atzcm to the T L B m eetlng A ppllcants who are K enya, Tanzanla or Uganda cltlzens of non-Afrlcan ongln m ust pl oduce thell cltlzenshlp certé cates or any other docum entary proof of thetr cttlzenshlp M M M U LW EYB, Executïve Oycer Transport Llcensm g Board P O Box 30440 N akrobl R oAo SsltvlcE LlcExcEs NY/R/ 1/ 69- Ka la Qulck Bus Servlce Co , c/ o Duncan 23/69- Jackson Karua, P O Box 1008, Klanyaga Route K atm ga, P O Gtakama vla N yerl Route Nyerl- Glthuchlt - M ukalara - Kutus - K erugoya - K lganlo - K allchem - W araza - N aro M oru - M t Klanyaga Kagumœ sagana (KCT 987, 7 passengers ) Kenya Nqnyukl M ukogongo (K -passenger vehtcle ) 24/ 6g- Ndamblrz Gakuya, P O Box 59, Kerugoya Route 2/ 69- Paul M tgwl M ama, (. / o P O Box 29, Karatma Kum yaga - M ukarara - Kutus - K erugoya - R eute W araza - N dathl - R agatl Forest - Sagana - Embu - Klanyaga (40- to so-passenger Galkuyu - Klgqnlo - Klamarlga - Karatma (18- vehlcle ) passenger vehlcle ) 3/69- NJer1 M wangl and M oaes Ngururl, P O M aralal 25/69- Josphat Ndeml, M Nllru, J Nyamu, P O Box 50, Route Balagot - M aralal - W amba (sz-passenge.: K erugoya Route K lam utugu-lklanyaga Kutus- vehtde ) Embu-Klbugu Kerugoya (6-passenger vehlcle ) 4/ 69- C G Amos Nloroge, P O Box 486, Tluka 26/69- M onika W 'znllru M unene, c/o M unene Gathla, R oute Glchagm l - Glturu - Thlka - M alagua P O K utus v1a K erugoya Route K utus- M urang a (6z-passenger Nehlcle ) K tm utham bt N jegas - K utus - K tm btm bl - 5/69- G1wkanJa Tlanspol t Co , P O Box 353, Nyell K lol ugarz - W anguru - R lakanau - K erugoya R oute G lakanla - G achatha - K landu - N yelt - (7 passengel vehlcle ) Gathuthl Tusha Gtthelere (42 passengel vehtcle ) 27 /69- K 1ru t M um gl Bus Servlce, P O Box 130, 6/69- M wang1 s/o W awertl, c/o K N T C , P O Box M urang'a Route Nazrobl - Folt H all - N yen - 30587, N alrobl R oute N yell - O thaya - N yen - Nanyukl M eru (Ten vehlcles, 52 to 60 passengers Sagana - Fort H all Thlka - N allobl (-lwo each ) vehlcles, 7 passenge s each ) 7/69- A1ex M Amanla, P O Bot 145, M eru Route 28 / 69- K 1hato G1a lchagl Farm els Co Ltd , P O Box M eru - N anyukt - N yert - Em bu - Sagana - Fort 541, N yert R oute N yerl-N alrobl-N akulu-Eldoret- H all - Thlka - Klam bu - N alrobl (Four vehlcles, K ltale - N aktzru - Thom son's Falls - N yelz - M eru 7 passengers each ) (6z-paqsengel vehlcle ) 8 / 69- M ulal1a s/ o Glkungl, P O Box 80, Kerugoya 29/69- G eoSrey G ltuzu G atam a, P O K lanyaga Route R cute K anylnl - Em bu - K utus K erugoya - K m nyaga - Thlka - Fort H all - Sagana - K utus - Khmblmbl Klanyaga Sagana (8-passenger vehlcle ) 9 / 69- G1tiu Bus Servlce, M lhutl M arket, P O M ukurwe- Kmmutugu - M ulull - Embu - Nalrobl (12- m l R oute M lhutl - K aratlna - M urang'a - Thtka - passenger vehlcle ) N allobl (Two vehlcles, 52 passengers each ) 30/69- M ary W atulz Harun, c/ o P O Box 242, Nyen 1û/ 69- W agu a K alm gu, P O Box 44, M wmga Route R oute N yeri - K am akwa - K agundum l - K m unga M welga - N yerl , M welga - N anyukl - A m bonl (lz-passenger vehlcle ) Klganlo (lz-passengel vehlcle ) 31/69- Runyek1 Bus Servxce, P O Box 210, Port H all 11/ 69- Joel Kum Tru M urokl, P O Box 127, Rmru R oute N all ob1 - 'fhtka - R ulru - M aragua - Fort Route Gatundu - M utom o - K tm unyu - Junla - Thtlva Rulru (6 pasoengel vehlcle ) Hall - Glkoe M alkut - Gachapageml (sz-passenger 12/69- G 1ace W am nu N derl, P O Box 41, N yell R oute vehzcle ) G qthuthl - M ukalala - W am agana - Gmkanla - 32 / 69- Jam es Kllngatl P O Box 41 1, Nyen Route K lam w athl N wen - G atltu - M arkwa - G lagatlka - M ulrungl - K aglcha - Glchlchl - Othaya Karatma (20- to 30 passenger vehlcle ) Glathenge Klandu-Nyerl (lz-passenger 'veincie ) 13/69- Jane W anllku, P O Box 130, Fort Hall Route 33 /69- Sam uel K arlukl, M G ate, M M am a and W K llru, K qnyenyam l - M urang'a - Thlka - N alrobl - c/o P O Box 289, Nyen Route M ukurwemt- Llmuru N azvasha Gllgll-N akuru (Two vohlcles, 69 Nyezl-N all ob1 No plckmg up or settm g down passengers eacb ) 14/69- Supa Le ttl'er W olks, P O Box 727, Thlka Route passengers en route (S1x vehlcles, 6 passengers Thlk'.t - N a1 obl - Tinka - Fol't Hall - K aratm a - each ) Nyerl (KKZ 712, 6-passenger vehlcle ) TLB 3501- G lkond1 A frlcan Bus Servzce, P 0 Box 413, N yen 15/69- G1ch1go M waula Ngondz, P O Box 1003, Klanyaga To delete the condltlons of no plcklng up or R oute K lam /athl - K tanyaga - K utus - K ertzgoya - settm g dow n passenge s between M urang'a and K agum o Sagana - K lam utugu - K tm btm bl - N alrobl , and to add no plcklng up or settmg down G athzglllr! - Em bu , K lm blm ol N gurubanl 52 passengers w lthln the C lty boundary Present passenge: veblcle ) route N yell South Tetu - M ukul - Gakmdu - 16/69- G Kalmkl, P O Box 31, Embu Route Embu- K lnalnl - K au eru - F ort H all - M aragua - Thlka - Eastern Provm t,e - Cent al Provm ce - N anobl, for Rmlu-Nalrobl (KKZ 963, 51 passengers ) prlvate izll e only (S1x vehlcles, 6 to 7 passengers 493- Qu1ck Bus Servlce, P O Box 198, Nalrobl Route each ) Kltul Thlka Nazrobl (Two vehjcles, 62 passengers 17/69- K1Iru Kagna, P O Box 275, n omson's Falls each ) (2) Route Nan obz--fhlka Nye l-Nanyukl- R oute N anyukl-M ukogodo N anyukl R um ulutl- M eru - lszolo - M arsablt - M oyale - Kenya/ M aralal (54 passenger vehlcle ) Ethlopla border for nlght servlces only (Four 18/69- Petel Kello and Son, P O Box 17153, Nalrobl veluclcs, 62 to 80 passengers each) and to operate Route Nalrobl - M urang a Nlumbl (7-passenger en a co-ordmated tmletable (3) Route Nalrobz- vehlcle ) Thlka - Nyen - N anyukl - M eru - Islolo - 19/69- Kqn1nl Kega Bus Servlce, P O W anguru v1a M arsabtt - M oyale Kenya yEthlopla border (Elght K el ugoya R oute K lrlnyaga - M wea - Gatlzlgl 1r1 - vehlcles, 62 to 80 passengers each) and to eperate W angulu Kutus - Kerugoya - Klumbu (52- on a co (y dm ated tm zetable paqsengel venlcle ) 20/ 69- W 1111am W M unokl, P O Box 272, Karatlna NY /R / 12 / 68- Nyen Tramspolt Servlce Co , P O Box 477, R oute K aratlna - Nyen - Klganlo - Kabalu - N yerl R oute N yerl K aratm a-Fort H all-N alrobl W alaza - Naro M oru - Kahurula Forest (42- (F1ve vehlcles, 7 passengers each ) (2) Route passenger veblcle ) Nyen - Klganlo - N aro M oru - Nanyukl (Fwe 21 / 69- Nnga Kagunda, Kutus Tradmg Centre, P O vehlcles, 7 passengers each ) (3) Route Nyen- K utus R oute K lam utugu-K a-um ande-M ukarara- Thomson's Falls (F1ve vehzcles, 7 pasco lgers ltharelnl Kerugoya (7-passenger Nehlcle ) each ) (4) Route Nyen-n omson s Falla- 22/69- W est Klrlnyaga Dalry Servlce, P O Box 45, (Flve vehlcles, 6 passengers each ) (5) Route K elugoya Ro'lte K agum o - Kerugoya - Central Nyen-K aratlna-Em bu (Four vehlclec, 6 passengers Provmce-Eastern Plovlnce-Nalrobl (Four vehcles, each ) 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 473

ROAo SatvlcE Iacv-scts- lcontd ) NY/R/18/68- Agutht Bus Sem ces, P O Box 33, Nyen Route 13120- Tours W ay, P O Box 162, N anyukz C arllage of N yerz - fhom son's Falls - Ndzkuru (l8-passenger tourlsts Route Kenya G en vehlcles, 7 passengels vemcle ) each ) 26/68- M 1chael Klmaru, P O Box 13093, Nalrobl Route Nalrobl-Nyen IKIQJ 845, p-passenger vehlcle , 6623- Jam es M w angl M agulu, P O B ox 5, Thlka R oute KIRM 421, 7-passenger vehlcle ) Nyerl - Fozt hall - Thlxa - Rull u - Nxlrobl (Two 8 passengers each ) vemcles, 50 to t4 passengels each ) 29/69- Georgo M athenge and Co , 11 O Box 180, Nyen Roate Nalrobl-b'ol't Hall-Nyerl (lwo vehlcles, ' 7 passengers eeach ) ll8zl- R wegetha Bus Servlce, P O Box 160, N alvasha 64/ 68- M ateo M achana Ndm tu Celestmo, P O Box 191, R oulte N yanda ua-N ew Schem e N orth K lnangop- Nye l Route Kagum o - Othaya - Gaklndu - Nyen - N alvasha - N lablne 0 1 K abou - N dundo 1 - K aratm a - Sagana - Fort H atl - Thlka - R ulru - Nakulu (Fcul Nehlcles, 60 oassergels each ) (2) Natrobl (40 passenger vehlcle ) R o Lte M alvela - N gunyt m u - K cnsonl - M akoqgo - l LB 61 l8- M oham ed A 11 and Co , D oldol, P O N anyukl Nanasha (.t î o pehlcles, 52 pas-engezs eaclz ) (3) Varlatlon of route to add D oldel-K aratm a Present V arlatlcn ct loute to adcl N aundo-l--fhom -on s route Doldel-Nanyukz (KEB 360, 14 passengers ) Falls G l K alou N orth K lnangop-N labl N alvasha for 1148- M bz1lm Tradlng Syndlcate, 12 O B ox 1030, K u J 520 > al d (o lnclease the passenge callylng K angundo Change of presenl ttm etable to a new capaclty llom 14 to 52 passe zgels (4) Varlatlon tlm etable Present route M bllm l-loom a R ock- of loate to add N llleka Enga e N alvctsha-N allobl- N alrobt , M bzhnl-K angundo-M achakos , M blhnl- Thlka-lduraqg a-Em bu for s1x vehlcles (5) f'o Tala-n lka (KHN 189, so-passenger vehlcle ) Gpelate the slx A ehlcleo on a co-ordlnated tim e- Present route M blhnl M a ket-N alrobl v1a K om a table Plesenu loute D undo,l C eatre Chum aka Rock , M bzluu--fhlka (KM I 618, s6-passenger Forest 01 J oro 01 ok--i-hom son s Falls (KGJ 520, vehlcle ) 14 passengel s ) Preseqt loute Nalvasha South 2827- M urungt M 'A rm ll, P O Box 162, K lam bu V arl- Klnangop - Nol th Klnangcp (KKN 61 1, 52 atlon of route to add N alrobl (2) Change of passengels ) Present ,oute Kiplplll-Gllgll (KHL present tam etable to a new tlm etable Present 378, 41 paasengers ) Plesent 1 oute N oith and route M eru - N kubu - K anyakm e - Chogorla - Soath K lnangop N al&qsha-R oulnd tl7e Lake K lplplll- n lka - K lbuglna - R unyenles Em bu and to 01 Kalou (KKH 74:, 42 passengevs ) Plesent Klambu vla Sagana-Fort Hall-Rulru (KM E 332, route N dogo Schem e-R okoo-Farm Logcnot Dablbl 57 passengers ) Farm Nauot;l (KGH 90, 42 passengers ) Present 3775--Ch1nga Transport Co , P O Box 323, Nyerz To 1 oute N alvasha-N orth K 3nangop-south K lnangep- m c ease the passenger-carrym g capaclty from 7 to M alalguco - Karatl - Glthlo o (KKC 318, 51 12 passengers and to replzce K K V 849 by passengels ) K M K 88, 12 passengers Prestmt route R urugutz- Othaya-Nyert (KKV 849, 7 passengers ) 3729- Jullus M M arete, P O Box 211, M eru V ctllatlon G lg- W arazo K abaru Bus Servlce, 1: O Box 279, N yen of roate to add M utuatl M elu-N anyukz Islolo- V anatlon of route to add N anyukl Present route K lblllchla M aua Present loate M utuatl-tare- W arazo Schem e - M w elga - N yen - M uthlnga - Karacme Rulru-M eru-lvllklndull (KKU 220 31 K aratm a - Bancho - G atlthl - Sagana - K utus - passengels ) Embu-lterugoya (KHX 225, 3s-passenger vehlcle ) 2842- K anara R oadway Servlce and Transport, P O 13499- Pau1 M lgwl W am ugunda, P O Box 29, K aratlna Box 393, Ihtka Route G lturu-Tluka (Three V arlatlon (yf oute to add K aratm a-N yerl K lganfo- vehlcles, 42 passengers each ) (2) To mcrease the Nyerl Naro M oru-Nanyukl (2) To lnclex-e the passenger-carrym g capaclty from 5 to 26 passengers passenger carlymg capaclty from 17 to 35 and to replace K GC 474 by K HX 948, 26 passenkers Present R oute N dathl-N letl Farm - passengers P esent route n tka - Km nyu - Ragatl Hom ce-Nyerl Nalo M oru Karatjna (but not G ltunam ba - M ukarara - K lhum bum l - K lunyu - to use Klgaqlo, Nyell and K aratlna l oute) Thlka-Gakaara-M rwara IK GC 474, 5 passengers ) (KHR 353, 17 passenge s )

iB ' CARRIERS' Llcsxcr,s

TLB l68- M adaraka D ally Bus Servlce, P O Box 80, K eru- 1277- A dan Jlran M usse, P O Box 3, W allr To delete goya Carnago of a1l goods Route K trmyaga- the whole exlstm g condltton and to eal ly ail goods Em bu-M enz , Rlft Valley and Central Prcvlnces, and llvestock R oute M om basa-N airobl Rhlka-

Nalrobz and to M ombasa (T$vo vehlcles, 10 tons N anyukl and N xlrobl-M wzz g.l nnd M oyale, M ar- each ) sablt Plesent ccndjtlon Carrlage of sheep a d goats only between W allr-lslelo-N anyukl and Athl 13269- 1.1aJ1 Ahm ed Shelkh A ll, P O Box 175, N anyukl Rlver (2) Fo carllage ot al1 gocds only betwet.n G rrlage of all goods, petroleum products and llve- W allr Ganssa Galole - M alindl - ldom basa stock R oute N anyukl-R lft V alley, Central, (3) For carllage of general gca..s lnetwezn Nanyukl Eastern, N orth-Eastern antl Coast Provm ces and Istolo-W alkr and M aadera (4) Alço foI earllake cyf Na1 ob1 (13 vehtcles, 10 tons l ach, and 13 trallers, tlm ber, potatoes between M eru and W alTr 12 tons each ) (KM E 356, 13,505 lb ) lozll- Baragw e Farm e-s C o-ooeratlve Soc Ltd , P O 456/ 1-.X K Gathecha, clo Klgwe Lmuted, P O Box 57, Box 1609, K lanyaga Ca rlage of coiea palchm e'qt R ulru C arrlage of a11 goeds R oute K lam bu seedllngs, bulldm g m atellals, farm prcduce and D lstrlct-c entral, Eastern, N yanza, R lft V alley Pro- fa m lng m lterlc ls R otlte K ulnyaga, N yerl, Em l u vm ces and N atrobl, N erth-Eastern Provmce (Three Dlstrlcts and to Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 7 to 10 tons ) velucles, 10 to 15 tons eacll ) (2) Carrlage of coRee cberry parchment and mbunl, factory m achlnerles, farm produce and zm plem ents, 456- K 1gwe Llnuted, P O Box 57, Rulru Carrlage of anlm al fertlllzers, lnsectlcldes plus an m a1 feeds al1 goods R oute N akurtz-lttft Valley, N orth- and bulldl'qg m aterlals R oute K lrlnypga, Em bu, F-astern, Eastern and Cent-al Provlnces and Klam bu, N yerl and M u ang'a D jstrlcts to Nallobl Nalrobl (n ree vehlcles, 10 to 15 tons each ) v1a Thlka (KHL 874, 11,510 lb ) NY/B/ l/6g- W ambugu Glthaga, Thegenge Eocatlon, P 0 7112- H M K lbe, P O Box 33, M urang'a Carrlage of Gza.kanja Carrlage of falm produce, shop goods, a1l goods Reute Central, Eastern, Coast Prcy- bulldlng m aterlals and llvestock R oute N yen vmces and to Nakuru IKIQX 366 and KM E 8, 8 tons each, and two m ore vehtcles of 10 to 15 tons D strlct Fort H all Thzka N alrobl and to M ombam each ) (8-ton vehlcle ) 2/69- M urung1 M 'AIM I, P O Box 162, Klambu Carn- 5038--G race M otor Transport Co , P O Box 76, K aratlna age of a1l geods R oute N alrobl Eastern Plo- V anatlon ef condltlon to add N alrobz, Lalklpla, vm ce-central Provlnce Rlft V aliey P ovm ce and N akuru, M achakes, K ltul and N yandanza Present Nolth-Eastern ProMmce (Two vehlcles, 7 to 10 condltlon Carrlage of a1l goeds wlthm N yen tons each ) D lstnct to K aratlna-N anyukl, F ort H all, lslolo, 3/69- NgunJ1r1 M ulga, P O Box 272, N anyuk! Carrlage M eru, Embu, Klrmyaga Dzstncts (KM J 869, of a1l gcods R oute Lalklpla, N yerl, N alrobl, 14,630 lb ) N akuru, M eru, IsTolo and N yandarua D lstllcts 1342- K anyek: K arlukl, P O Box 84, N yen Varlatlon ('/-ton vehlcle ) '* of condltlon to add N orth-Eastern and Rlft V alley Y 4/6Q- Kar1uk1 K lruthu and Sons, P O Box 32, Karatlna . Provm ces and to M ombasa Present ccmdltlon Carrlage of all goods R oute K a atlna Klrlnycga, '-carnago of al1 goods R oute N yerl, N yanda-ua, Fort H all, K lam bu D lstrlcts, M eru Townshlp, Ee bu, Km nyaga, M urang'a, Kmm bu and N atrob.t N anyukl, Thom son's Falls, Em bu T ow nshlp, N yerl Dzstncts (KM E 504, 13,740 lb ) Dlstnct and to Nazrobz (8-ton vehzcle ) 474 THE KENYA GAZETTE 23rd M ay 1969


U- 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN YA G AZET TE 475 GAZETTE NoncB No 1507 GAZB'ITB kolqcB No 1508 TH E IN D U STR IA L CO U R T TH E IN D U STRIAL CO URT Pat /Ie.ç CAuss No 9 oF 1969 CAusE No 5 oF 1969 K enya Chenucal W olkers' U m on and Parttes M etaplastlcs Ltd Issues In dtspllte - K enya Chem lcal W orkers' Unlon 1 Retlrem ent benefits 2 Pnnclples of prom otvon and 3 D uratlon of recogm tlon agreem ent Afncan Chemlc-qlq Ltdi 1 The K enya Chem lcal W orkers' U m on shall herelnafter be referred to as the Clalm ants and M etaplastlcs Lm uted shall Issues I?z D tspute herelnafter be leferred to as the Respondents 2 The partles were heard m M om basa on the 16th day of 1 W ages Aprll 1969, and rehed on thelr wntten and verbal subnnsslons ' 2 Efectlve date A w Alto 'I'he lndustnal R elatlons Charter has com e to bo accepted m 3 D uratltm of agreem ont K enya as the M agna Carta of relatzons between em ployers and tbelr workers sm ce 15th October 1962, when zt was drawn and 1 The K enya Uhem lcal W orkers' U m on shall herem after be slgned by the Federatlon of K enya Em ployel s, the K enya referred to as tho Clazm ants 8.nd Afncan Chem lcals Llm lte,d F'ederatlon of Labour and the then M m lster for Labour Tlus shall helclnafter be referred to as the R espondents Charter has lndeed com e to be accepted as an enhghtened docum ent and ls bem g used as a basls fer regulatlng m dustrm l 2 Thc partles w ere heard ln M om basa on the 16th day of relatlons m other countnes as well A ttached to thls Charter zs A prll 1969 and relled on thelr wntten and verbal subm lsslons a model agreement whlch under clause 2 (J) states as follows - t4'l'ho asords full recognltlon to the U nlon as a properly constltuted and Tepzesentatzve body and the sole labeur A wu o organlzatlon representlng the lnterests of worktrs who are m The partles have agreed that the duratlon penod of thelr new tbe em ploym ent of the concernm g rates of pay and overtlm e, hours of work, m ethod of wage paym ent patd agreem ent should be three ymars The raatters m dlspute are leave, duratlon of em ploym ent, collectm n of um on , dues m crease m wages, the G ectlve dato of such lncrease and retlrem ent benefits, m edlcal benelits, prm clples of prom otlon whether the em ployees should get furtlu r lncreases, lf at all, prm clples of redundancy and other generally accepted, at yoarly m tervals or after 18 m onths tenns and condlkons of servlce Thls shall not m clude super- vlsory stafl cts defined from tlm e to tlm e by the F'K E and D urlng negotlatlons the R espondents h&d m ade -an oller of a KFL (now COTUIKII '' wage lnurease of Sh 12/50 w e f 1st Apnl 1968 foT a penod And under the headlng 'tM odlficatlen to and term lnatlon ef thts of 18 months and a further amount of Sh 12/50 w e f 1st agreem ent'' > it provldes as follows - Ocyobvr 1969, for a furthur perlod of 18 m onths Thls was not accepted by the C'lalm ants who had asked for a 15 por cent éd-rius Agreem ent sball com e m to forco on and sllall yearlv lncreasu for three years The linal posltlon reached by rem am ln force for a penod of not less than 12 m onths the partles pnor to referrelng the dlsputr to the Court was as n ereafter the Agreem ent shall contm ue ln force but m ay be f ollows - m odé ed or resclnded by m utual agreem ent SsAfter 12 m onths, elther party wlshlng to am end or m odlfy the Agreem ent shall gw e two m onths' wrltten notlce to the Clmm ants D emand - other party wlth detalls of the proposed am endments ln the Sh cts event of lt provm g lm posslble te obtam m utual agreem ent to 1st year 10 per cent racrease 313 50 am endm ent ef the Agzeem ent, then ezther party m ay refer the dlspute for form al actlon m term s of the Trade D sputes znd Aear 9 per cent lncrease 341 70 Act 1965 '' 3rd year 9 per cent lncrease 372 45 The C eurt ls satlssed that thls m odel recognltlon agreem ent

has beeq used as basls for alm ost a1l the recognltlc/n agree- m ents m the country and wlule acceptm g the R espondents' Respondents tM er - subm lsslon that at the m ost the m odel recognlton agreem ent Sh cts could be consldered as a gulde, the fact rem am s titat there 1st year 300 00 have to be exceptlonally strong reasons to val'y or depart from the sublect m atter recomm ended m thls m odel agreem ent 2nd yea.r 315 00 On the m atter of lehrem ent benefits the Respondents sub- 3rd year 330 00 mltted that tf the Clalm ants were grante,d the nght to negotlate on thls m atter then lt would autom atlcally lead to thclr havmg R'he Court ls satlslied that the delay of about 5ve m onths to grant a benefit llke a gratulty schem e to thelr workers The between the ttm o the Clatmant.s subm ltted thelr dem ands on 25th Court sees no m ent m tins subm lsslon as lt sllould be obvzous M arch 1968 and tho date the Respondents declared a trade by now to the R espondents representattve that dlsputes that dlspute wlth the M mlstz.y of Labour on 71 August 1% 8 was com e before the Court are A, ery carefully consldered by the prlmanly caused by the Clnlm ants m slstenco over the Jntroductlon Court on thelr own m erlts and clrcum stances There would be of a gradm g system The Court feels that there ls no Justtficahon no certalnty that the Court would m ake an award m favour of at thls stage for a gradm g system to be mtroducod by the the Clam mnts on a m atter whzch was negotlable The Court Respondents A nother delay of fve m onths occurred when the further overnzles the R espondents' subm lsslon that the grantm g m atter was yn the hands of the M mlstry of Labour for whlch of rlght to negotlate on retlrem ent benelits would lead to con- tht Court can nelthor blam e the Respondents nor the Clmmants traventlon of sectlon 42 of the N atlonal Soclal Secunty Fund In these mrcum stances the Court has com e to tho concluslon Act (NSSF Act) For one reason btcause tbere ls no restnctwe that the m ost m ultable elfectl&e date M ould be 1st Odober 1968 clause m the N SSF A ct , jf an em ployer chooses to grant and so awards, the partles havm g agreed that the duratlon addltlonal retlrem ent bonelits to the ones under N SS Fund then he s perfectly entttled to do so The other reason bemg penod of the agreem ent would be three years that the NSS Fund as yet ls not apphcable to female workers Under sectlon 9 (1) of the Trade Dlsputes Act 1965 On the questlon of wages, after a careful conslderatlon of Ind , an a11 the subm lsslons m ade by the partles the Court awards that ustnal Court has been establlshed by the Presldent of the tht. present wage of Sh 285 congolldated p m should be lncreased Republlc for the purpose of the settlem ent of trade dlsputes and as iollows w e f 1st O ctober 1968 - m atters related thereto It ls m concezvable that a dlspute on recogm tlon agreem ent from whwh stem a1l tlle obllgatlons of For 12 m onths Sh 305 p m consolldated the partles, ! e the em ployers and trade um ons on m atters relatm g to wages, term s and condltlons of servtce For the next 12 m onths Sh 325 p m consohdated , could not be term ed a trade dlspute wlthm the definltlon of the Sçtrade F or the next 12 m onths Sh 345 p m consohdated dlspute ' m the Trade Dtsputes Act 1965 The Court rules that lt has Junsdlctzon over dlsputes relatm g to recogm tzon agreem ent In thesc clrcum stances and after a careful conslderatlon of all G iven yn Nalrobl thls 1% h day of M ay 1969 the subm ssslons, the Court awards that the Clalm ants are entltled to have the wordm g as suggested m the aforesald m odel recogmtzon agleem ent under clause 2 (+ wlllch ls reproduced SAEED R COCK AR herem above, ln the proposed recogm tlon agreem ent between the Prendent partlG The srst two ltem s m dzspute havm g been dlsposed of , the Court rules on the lssue of duratlon of recognltmn agreem ent J CARROLL, that here agaln the wordmg of the m odel recognltlon agreem ent LESLIE M FA RR A, whzch xs also reproduced herem above should be lncorporated m M em bers the proposed recogm tm n agreem ent between tlle partles 476 TH E K EN YA G A ZEW E 23rd M ay 1969

The Court would ltke to add on the questlon of prm ctples of Catenng Crew prom otlon that the final say on thts lssue m ust be the pre- rogatlve of the m anagem ent In fact the Clazm ants conceded Butler 510 thls pom t durm g the hearm g Cook Grade 1 ttt The Court feels that lt would not be desnable at thls Juncture Cook Grade 11 306 to depart flom the prm clples enunciated and lald down m the Cook G rade III Industrlal Relatlons Charter whlch has m ade such a tlem endous 267 unpact on the sm ooth m dustnal relatlons m the country If Pantlym an 282 the em ployers now leel that any provlslons of the Industnal Laundrym an 267 Relatlons Charter haA e got to be m odltied then ploper course su ely ls for the Federatlon of K enya Em ployers, the Central G S I 267 243 Organlzatlon of Trade Umcms (Kenya), and the Government to G S 11 237 212 em bark on such an exercsse Galley Boy 198 G lven m N allobl thls 20th day of M ay 1969 'rhe Coul-t awards that tlle above rates should be m creased SAEED R COCK AR, by Sh 30 wzth esed from 1st January 1969 for a penod of Presldent 12 m onths and further that these rates should be m creased by another Sh 30 m th eEeçt from 1st January 1970 f or another J CARROLL, 12 m onths LESLIE M FA R R A , M em bers The Court further awards that a sanm an should get Sh 10 per day European allowance, payable from the day a shm first touches a European port unttl tho date of departure from GAZZITS NorncE N o 15œ the fm al European port of a1l A s far as ltem s concernm g paym ent of dangerous cargo and TH E IN D USTRIAL COU RT short-hand m oney are concerned, the Court was left wzth 1n- G usE No 11 oF 1969 adequate and m com plete lnform atlon on these ztem s n ere Parttes appears to bo connderable m ent ln the Resm ndents subm lsmon N atlonal East A fnua Seam ens U m on that the Clalm ants' dem ands are vague and that m fad no discusslons had taken placo on these m atters durm g negotlatlons and and conclhatlon In these clrcum stances, the Court feels that Shlppm g Em ployers' Group lt would not be approprlate to m ake art award on theso two m atters m the preesent dlspute They are accordlngly rejeded Issues In Dtspute Tho Clamm nts can, tf they so wlsh, brlng up these ltem s durm g 1 W ages tho next rew slon of thelr agreom ent 2 Paym ent for dangerous cargo As stated herem above under the award on tho lssuo of wages, 3 Short-hand m oney- caterlng and engm e room the Court rules that the electlvo date of the agreem ent should 4 Electwe date be 1st Jazm ary 1969, and that zt should rem am m force for 5 D uratlon of agreement a penod of two years from that date 1 The N atlonal East M rlca Senm ens Unlon shall heremaf ter The Court rules that tlus award shall be appllcable to those be referred to as the Clalm ants and Shlpplng Em ployers' Group stam en only who are on a current oontrad of em ploym ent or shall herelnafter bo referred to as the R espondents who are osered fresh contracts dunng the ljfe of thls award 2 The partles were heard m M om basa on the 15th day of Aprll 1969 and relled on thelr wrltten and vorbal subm isslons Gtven m N atrobt tlus 15th day of M ay 1969

Aw ARn SABED R CO CKAR The Court has vea cardully consldered the subm lssions m ade weakent. by the partles on the varlous m atters tn dlspute There ls no doubt that shlppm g m dustzy ln East A fnca has expanded J CARROLL, over the last few years and the futuro also appears to be falrly brlght In 1965 there were 147 seam en workm g on LESLIE M FARM , 10 vessels whereas now m 1969 there are 371 seam en workm g M em bers on 19 vessels Em ployment opportunltles have been created and the Court ls conhdent that further opportunltles wlll arlse provlded a favourable cllmate ls created under whlch the partles can get down to stabllclng and zm provm g m dustrlal relatlons m G = TIB N ozqcE N o 1510 the m dustry The Court has come to the concluslon that the present baslc rates bem g pald to the varlous categorles of seam en have to TH E PATEN TS REG ISTM TION ACT be exam lned wlthout brm glng m the questlon of the paym ent W ap 508) of a European allowance The Court feels that lt would not be falr to m 1x these two m atters together ln arrm ng at a wage ORIGINM- ENTRY m crease to be granted on the baslc rate It ls qulte clear that IT IS hereby noté ed for general lnform atlon that a letters the European allowance would be pald to seam en from the day patent partjculars of whlch appear ln the Schedule hereto was a shlp frst touched a European port untll the date of departure registered as N o 1787 of 1969 m the K enya Reglster of Patents from the Iinal European port of call Thls, the Court was told, on the 13th day of M ay 1969 would happen once ln every f our or five m onths f or about 20 days ln the 1967 Agreem ent explrm g on 31st M ay 1968, the f ollowm g wage standards are provlded - SCHEDULE Deep Sea Coastal No 0/ appltcatton - 1787 E z1. Sh E .4 Sh Date 0/ appltcatton - 13th M ay 1969 D eck Crew Name 5/ appltcant - pechlney-propl B osun 513 465 Regkstered addresa -m uartle de la Dragolre, 69 Lyon (9e), r rance Carpenter 429 2nd Bosun 357 Parttculars of the grant In the Umted Kkngdom - N o - 1,+ 0,832 Storekeeper 327 Date .-41th O ctober 1967 Quarter M aster 357 Date oj Jlin.j' complete xçpecz#cc/zon - 271 Febnmry 1963 Able Seam an 282 252 Complete âwecl/icc/zorl publlshed - 1st September 1966 Ordlnary Seaman 246 212 N ature ol tnventton - l-lerblcldal composltlons D eck Boy 186 168 Documents, etc . #le# ;n reglstry - (c) One certéed copy of the specé catlon (of letters Engtne Room C'rewz patent) of the Umted Klngdom patent Engmo R oom Serang 51 0 (b) Certttkate of the Comptroller-General of the Umted Storekeeper 327 K lngdom Patent Om ce D onkeym an 327 (c) Authorlzatlon ln favour of M essrs Kaplan & Stratton., G reaser I 297 267 P O Box 111, N atrobt Greaser 11 258 240 Flrem an 249 N alrobl Z R UH ESON I, Ca aner 195 16tu Qay 1x9 Asststant Rew frcr oj Patents 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 477

CIAZEITB 'IOTICE 'q0 1511 CtAss I6--SCHZDULE 1II TH E TR AD B M AQK S AW PH UL O PA K Lcap 506) 16410 - A11 goods m cluded m Class 16 To be assoclated wlth N OTICE zs hereby glven that any person who has grounds TM A N os 16409 and 16411 of opposlllon to the reglstratzon of any of the trade m arks advertlsed herem accordlng to the classes m ay, withln 60 days from the daLe of thls GazeLte, lodge notlce of opposltlon on CLAss I9--SCHEDULE III Form T M No 6 (1n dupllcate) together 3/1th a fee of Sh 50 PILL O PA K N otlce ls also hereby glven that ol clal oblectlon wtll be 16411 - Al1 goods m cluded m Class 19 To be assoclated 'wlth taken under rule 21 (3) to a21 appllcatzons m whlch the TM A N os 16409 and 16410 speclilcatlon clalm s a11 the goods lnduded m any class unless the R eglstrar ls satlslzed that the clatm ls Justz ed by the use of the m ark whlch :he appllcant has m ade, or lntends to m ake The underm entloned appllcatlons are proceedm g m the nam e tf and when lt ls reglstered W here an appllcanr conslders that of THE Scilot.t- M o ulucrum xG Co LIMITED, a Brltlsh Com - a clazm zn respect ot ali tho goods m cluded m a class can be pany, m apufacturers and m erchants, of 182-204, St Johrz Street, Justttied zt wtll save unneœ ssary delay m etamm lng apphcatlolls London, E C 1, England, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby lf a clalm ls filed sm m ltaneously wlth tho apphcatlon, accom - & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa 19th Decem ber pam ed m approprlate cases by supportmg docum ents 1968 The penod f or lodgm g notlce of opposltlon m ay be extended by tlm Reglstrar as he thlnks fit and uplnn such term s as he # % 1 @ â VN' t% e. A *e' wV ' '* <' '*, '- q.* $ m ay dtrod Any request f or such extenskon should bo m ade to ** ,e 4 - . .4 the Regzstrar so as to reacà blm before the exptry of tho penod t#* , e & efj pt $ v *.> . .e *' . .ê. xx.% - .-x0 .an m'-- - ,w. œ5j 'wse 1# .y%4# allowed *P .$ 4 l ...- .v,. *r: %f w : u > .+ Form al opposltlon should not be lodged lm tll after reasonable : ..- w'Akf.u , l .,. 4 ( ,...- > -. -N JJ .$' 4 .), notlce has been glven by letter to the appllcant for reglstratton : . - .- . e w . v . * -*t' so as to asord h1m any opportunlty of wlthdrawm g lus apphca- e e v .,.....>. .- .> + : tlon bef oro the expense ol preparm g the notlce of opposztlon ls * - x f -x. ''w-.w r z * : , * wy:. * ' .. 9 1 , l >. œ et p *%* q, z q + .1 * * 4* lncurred Fallure to glve such notlce m ll be taken m Lo account % w e <. a . :z* ' 1 G 1 .. * ee . V ê .p m consldermg any appllcatlon by an opponent for an ordor f or costs tf the opposltlon ls uncontested by the apphcant Cl-Ass 3--SCI.m DtFLE I1I W here lt ls stated m the advertlsem ent of the applzcant that 16308 - N on-m edlcated tollet preparatlons f or the feet To be the m arky upon 1ts reglstratlon, ls to be lum ted to certam assoclated m th '1M A N os 16309, 16310 and 16311 colours, the colours are, as far as posslble, m dlcated m the accom panymg representatlons of the m ark m tlze usual heraldzc m anner CLAss 5--ScHEoucE 1II Representatlons of 'tho m arks advertzsed herem can be seen 16309 - pharm aceutlcal preparatlons and substances for hum an at the f rade M arks R eglstly, State Law OK ces, Nalrobz and veterlnaly use, all f or external appllcatlon , m edlcated Apphcatlons for reglstratlon m Part A of tlze Repster are and surglcal plasters and bandages , and m edlcated pads f or shown wlth the ofliclal num ber unaccom pazued by any letler the feet and medlcated socks (msoles) To bo assomated wlth Applltatlons f or Part B aro dlstm gulshed by tlze letter B TM A N os 16308, 16310 and 16311 prefzxed to the ol clal num bor Cu ss IO--SCHEDIJLE 1II The underm entloned apphcatlons are proccedmg m the name 16310 - A pparatus and m struments m duded m Class 10 for of D EHYDAG D EUTSCHE H YDRIERw IRRKF. G m b H a lmuted use m cluropody To be assomated wlth TM A N os 16308, llabthty Com pany lncorporated m W est G erm any, m anufacturers 16309 and 16311 and m erchants, of Henkelstrasse 67, Dusseldorf-H olthausen, Germany, and c/o M essrs Daly & n ggls, advocates, P O CtAss 25--ScHEDuLB 1II Box 34, N alrabz 3rd January 1969 16311 - Footwear bem g artlcles of clothlng and parts and C'LAss I- SCHEDULE IlI âttm gs therefor To be assoclated m th r.rM A. N os 16308, 16309 and 16310 D EH Y D A T 16327 --chemlcal products for use m m dustry, especlally CtAss S--SCHBDULE III thlckenlng and em ulslfylng agents to be uscd m the m anu- facture of palnts and lacquers, but not mcludmg boron and/or O H SE C SER IA L 28 1ts com pounds Reglstratlon of thls trade m ark shall glve no nght to the D EH Y C O N T excluswe use of the word <'senal and the num erals 2 and 8'' per se 16328 .- chem lcal products to be used m the m anufacture of 14172 - M edlcmal and pharm aceutlcal preparatlons BD H cosmetlcs, but not mcludmg boron and/or 1ts compounds Cc Mlcwt.s LIMITED (prevlously known as THB BRITISH DRUG D EH Y FLEX HousEs, LIMITED), wholesale drugglst, of 16-35 Graham Street, Clty Road, London, N , England, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, 16329 .-f hem lcal products f or use m m dustrs especlally Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P 0 Box 29, M om basa To be thlckenm g and emulslfym g agents to be used ln the m anu- assoclated wlth TM N o 12844 20th July 1966 facture of pamts and lacquers , but not m cludmg boron and/or 11 com pounds N A LD E 16307 - M edlclnal and pharm aceutlcal preparatlons, m spray form BRISTOL-M YERS COMPANY, a corporatjon of the State of The underm entloned appllcatlons are proceedlng m the nam e D elaware, m anufacturers and m erchants, of 630 F1f th Avenue, of PERMACEM PM NT CoMlaAlne LIMITED, Brltlsh Com pany, Clty of New York, State of New York, U S A , and c/o M essrs m anufacturers, of 58 K m gs Road, Readlng, Berkshlre, England, Atklnson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocatos, P O To lyo assoclated m th '1M A N o 16304 19Lh D ecem ber 1968 Box 29, M om basa 10th Februaly 1969 Cf-Ass I- SCIIEDIJLE III The underm entloned appllcatlons are proceedlng m the nam e of FERODO LIMITBD, a Bntlsh Company, m anufacturers and PER C EM merchants, of Asbestos H ouse, 77/79 Fountaln Street, M an- 16412 - A1l goods m cluded m Class 1 To be assoclated m th chester 2, England, and c/o M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & Satchu, 'IM A N o 16413 advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa 10th February 1969 CtAss G -SCHEDULE II1 Cu ss z--scz.IEotq.B H 1 FE R O D O 16420 --stalrtreads, stalrtlles, floor ttles, non-sllp edgm gs , PE R M A C EM protectwe, non-sllp coverlngs for stalrs, steps, foors, road and 16413 - A11 goods m cluded m Class 2 To be assoclated m th sunllar surfaces , steps belng parts of or littlngs for stalrcases, I'M A N o 16412 catches and bushes for wmdows and hlnges , a1l the aforesal4 goods bem g m ade wholly or pnnclpally of m etalllc m alerlals , PTLLO PA K and artlcles lncluded m Class 6 m ade wholly or prlnclpally of 16409 - A t1 âgoods lncluded m Class 2 ro be assoclated wlth smtered m etals To be assoclated wlth TM A N os 16421, 16422, 134/k lfos 1b110 and 16411 1* 23 and 16424 478 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 23rd A4ay 1969

CtAss 7--ScHFoULB lII 16292 - preserved, f rozen, drled and cooked frm ts and vege- tables, jelhes, frult sauces) dalry products, edlble otls and fats, FER O D O soups, m eat extracts, m eat stews, salad dresslngs # camwd and 16421 - Brake blocks, brake shoes, brake llnlngs and Sttmgs frozen sea foods, vegetable Julces for cookmg To be assomated theref or, shock absorblng pads, bearlngs, bushes, and parts wlth TM A N os 16293 to 16295 of gears, all bem g parts of m achlnery , parts of m achmely m ade of fnctlon and antl-frlctlon surfacm g m atenal, artlcles m cluded m Class 7 m ade wholly or prm clpally of sm tered m etals , drm ng belts, dnvm g ropes and dnvm g bands a11 for IN CLxss 3O-ASCHEDtmB III m achm ery , a11 bem g goods m cluded m Class 7 To be asso- clated wlth TM A Nos 16420, 1642% 16423 and 16424 L'u ss 12- ScHEotu H1 FER O D O Fe4 . athned1r6 e4afp2 ona2rtz 'l,t- sf nBbocroft aldokgyne aprsbasul,od rfcsaak, lc1s ls,n bhgbeo lrcnmakgk aetpa ebarslrhsatoosl r,eb som,df ngbv vremaphkalgecd lserl,som pmbeesapa, dsn edn angnovsfdm, fgfbn tuctbmstehiolgetns , and drm ng bands, a11 f or vehlcle propulslon system s , artlcles m cluded m Class 12 m ade wholly or pnncmally of sm tered Remstratlon of thls trade m ark shall mve no nght to the m etals , all belng goods m cluded ln Class 12 To be assoclated excluslve tlse of the letter 'SA'' apart from the m ark as a wlth TM A N os 16420, 16421, 16423 and 16424 whole CtAss I7--SCHEDULE III 16293 .-f olee, tea and substltutes thereof, llour and pre- paratlons m ade from cereals, biscults, pastry and cortfectlonery, FE R O D O vm egar, saucesy splcesy eondlm ents, sugar julces y syrum , honey 16423 - A rtlcles and m aterlals lncluded m Class 17 m ade and treacle To be assoclated wlth TM A N os 16292, 16294, wholly or pnnclpally of asbestos , plastlcs ln sheet f onn, clutch 16295 llnlngs , o11 well r1g llm ngs and heat and sound m sulatm g m aterlals To be assomated wltll TM A N os 16420, 16421, 16422 and 16424 CLAss 32--ScHEouLE Il1 CtAss I9--SCHEDULE lll FER O D O 16424 --stalrtreads, stalrtlles, lloor tlles, non-sllp edgm gs, protectlve, non sllp, non-skld coverlngs f or stasrs # steps, floors, roads and slm llar surfaces , steps bem g parts of or fittlngs for stalrcases , catches and bushes for wlndows and hlnges , all the aforesald goods bmng m ade wholly or prm clpally of non- m etalllc m atenals and m cluded ln Class 19 To be assoclated 1N4 ! wltlz TM A N os 16420, 16421, 16422 and 16423

Ctwss 22--ScHEDuLE I1I Repstratlon of thls trade m ark shall gtve no nght to the T O R AR O N excluslve use of the letter CW '' apart from the m ark as a 16416 - staple fbres Tovo RAYON K M tlsm lcl KM SHA, a whole corporatlon orgam zed under the laws of Japan, m anufacturers and m erchants, of N o 2, z-chom e, N lhonbashl-M urom achl, 16294 - N on-alcohollc beverages, vegotable Jm ces, fnut lulces, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & syrups and other preparatlons for m akm g such beverages m - Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa To bo assoclated cluded m Class 32 To be assoclated wsth TM A N os 16292, wlth TM A N o 15748 10th Fobruary 1969 16293, 16295

The underm entloned appllcatlons are proceedm g m the nnm e of K LOPMAN M lt,Ls, INc , a corporatlon organlzed and exlstlng CtAss 33--ScHEDuLE I11 tm der the laws of the State of Delaware, m anufacturers and m erchants, of Lmk D nve, Clty of R ocklelgh, State of N ew Jersey 07647, U S A , and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa l0th February 1969 CLwss M --SCHEDIJLE III IG .O P 16414 - rfextlle plece-goods , bed and table covers , and house- Tft * 1 : hold furnlshlngs (textlle) To be assomated m th TM A - N o 16415 Reglstratzon of thls trade m ark shall glve no nght to the CtAss 25--ScHEouLE III excluslve use of tlle letter C'A '' apart from the m ark as a K IUO P whole 16415 - Artlcles of clothm g To be assoclated wlth TM A 16295 = A lcohollc beverages and preparatlons for m akm g the N o 16414 sam e m duded m Class 33 To be assomated wlth TM A N os 16292, 16293, 16294 The underm entloned apphcatlons are proceedm g m the nam e of TI.IE AMERICAN ToBAcco COMPANY, a corporatlon of the State of N ew Jersey, U nlted States of A m enca, m anufacturers and m erchants, of 245 Park Avenue, Clty and State of N ew Cu ss 34--SCHEDtJLE III York, Unlted States of Amerlca, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, N alrobl 11th D ecem ber 1968 IN Cf-wss 29--ScH17nuLE IIl

T4 * 1 # @ -

l Regzstratlon of thls tm do m ark shall glve no nght to tlle excluslve use of tlle letter 'W '' apart from the m nrk aa a w hole Reglstratlon of thls trade m ark shall glve no rlght to the excluslve Izse of the letter ççA '' apart from the m ark as a 16296 - rrobacco, whether m anufactured or urm anufactured , wholo clgarettes and clgars , and sm okers' artlcles 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN YA G AZEW E 479

(lu ss 33--5c- 1.q,8 II1 CM A RTELL

i w. (

F O N D E E E N l 7 1 5 l

G e A f 'Z M

l C O G N A C P R O D U C E D W FR A G C E

I l Contents are guaranteed pure Grape Brandy ddstllled In Pot Stllls from s& lne pfoduced exclklslvely In the Cognac dlstrlct of France A w oe' < .%

Reglstratton of tlus trade m ark shall gtve no rtgb.t to the exclustve lzse of the num erals 1715 per se

16365 - Brandy SoCIE'l'E DE I.A M u quE J & F M ARTEI-L, a soclete a responsabthte lmutee, organlzed under the laws of France, of F-l&cognac, France, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates P O Box 29, M ombasa 18th January 1969 ,

Tltxos M u Ks ltEu w lm TRADE M ARKS INTENDED To BB REMOVED FROM THE REGTSTIR THROTJGH N ON-PAYMENT ov THz5 R ENSMZAL Frrs TM No Class Trade M ark Nam e TM N o Class D ade M ark N am e 1358 26 H and & D evlce Barbour Threads Llmlted 1359 49 H and & Devlce Barbour Threads Llm lted 5999 39 Lyco H arald Lyche & Co 1360 50 H and & D ovm o B arbour Throads Llrm ted 6621 8 Ray-o Vac Tho Electrlc Storage Battery 11246 25 D ecton Cluet t ,Poabody & Co , lnc Com pany 6829 17 A rdex A nclonno Socloto Etornlt 6622 23 Sm lor s H oad H agem ayœr Tradlng Co 1 1 164 30 Frlsco Spoon Fmsco Foods Corporation Dowcœ (M alaya) Llmlted Labol 6623 R ay-o -v ac E S B fneorporate,d 11233 5 Agallol Farbonfabrlken Bayor Aktl- 6651 Hlbltol Afncan Exploslves and onîoesellschaft C h e m I (1 a 1 I n d u s tr le s 1 1234 5 Baylusmdo Farbenfabrlken Bayer Aktl- Llnuted engesellschaft 1 1235 O co Farbtm fabrlken Bayer A ktl- enpesellschaft 11216 17 Revertox Rovertex Llm lted 1 1217 17 R evultex Revertex Llm ltœd A PPLICATJON A ovsRl-fsEp BIJr NoT PROCEEDING 1 1296 5 D oloxeno E11 Lllly and Com pany 11299 5 N oguvon Frabonfabrlkon Bayor, A G 'I'M 16131 - CKCINA RY L'' zn Class 5, zn tlze name of THEMIS 2685 8 R adlotron R adlo Corporatlon of PITARMACEUTICALS (Advel-tlsed under Gazette Notlce No 3688, A m erlca page 1176, Kenya Gazette, dated 8th N ovember 1968 ) 11041 4 Avlatlon Em b- Com pagnle Francalso Des 1em Polrolos 11147 4 A vlatlon Em b- Com pagm e Francalse D os lem Po1 rolos 11220 34 D ophenol B A r K enya D m ftod 6783 41 Safarl Safarz tam lted 6868 3 Bongor Flsons Pharm aceutlcals Llmlt:d ltEGlslxm px REsrroltlm To THE REGISTER 6869 Ascu H lck:on's Tlm ber Im preg- natlon Co (G B ) Llnutod 2559 - ET 1onl'' m Class 42, m the nam e of DBtrrscc 86914 Phlllps N V Phlhps' G loellam pon- H EFEM RKB GBssa sc-Aw'r M lT BESCHRANKTER HAFI'IJNG and fabrloken 691 5 Phlllps Carcle N V Phlllps G loellam pon- c/o M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O fabrlokon Box 29, M om basa (A dvertlsed under G azette N otlce N o 362, 691 8 Em blem Clrcle N V Phlllps' Gloellam pen- page 269, K enya Gazette, dated 7t.11 M arch 1939 ) I farblken 6919 13 Emblem 1 N V Phlllps Gloellampen- i1 fabrlekon N alrobl Z R C H ESO N I l 1186 Prlntll j L Oraal 16th M ay 1969 Asnstant Reglstrar of Trade Qarks 480 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 23rd M ay 1969

G u m'l'E N o'ncB N o 1512 GAZB'I'IB NoencE N o 1515 THE E M ARK S A G 'I'HE LIQUOR LICENSIN G ACT (Cap 506) (Cap 121) REGISTERED U SER TAITA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT IT IS hereby noté ed for general m f orm atlon that the (Speclal M eetlngj f ollowlng was on the 5th day of D ecem ber 1967 reglstered D U LY authorlzed by the Provlnclal Comm lsqloner, Coast as the Reglstered U ser of the trade m ark m entloned below and Provlnce, under the provlslon of sectlon 6 (2) of the Llquor entered ln the reglhter ln respect of the goods stated Llcenslng A d, a speclal m eetlng of the Taita Llquor Llcensm g Regtstered prop?lcft?r - G eneral Foods Corporatton, of 250 Court m ll be held on M onday, 9th June 1969 a.t 3 p m ln N orth Street, W hlto Plalns, State of N ew Y ork, U nlted States the om ce of the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, W undanp, to conslder of Am enca an appllcatlon f or W holesale Llquor Llcence subm ltted by Regtstered user - G eneral Foods ftzlm lted, of M axwell H ouse, M essrs Talta G eneral Dlstrlbutors Banbury, Oxfordshlre, England C W C M URA GE, Address ior servtce .- clo M essrs Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, W undanyl, A ctlng lhcyl#en/, P O Box 111, N alrobl 15th M ay 1969 Taïta D quor Tucçndlng Court Condtttons or resfnctfons - 1 The trade m ark ls to be used by the Reglstm ed U ser GAZETTE N OTII'E N o 1516 ln relatlon to the goods only so long as the Reglstered Propnetor owns suK clent share capltal of the Reglstered THE AFRICAN LIQU OR AW U ser to enable the Reglstered Proprletor to appolnt or elect (CJ# 122) a m alorlty of the D lrectors of the Reglstercd U ser TURKANA ArlucAx LIQuoR LICENSING BOARD 2 'I'he proposed perm ltted use ls m thout llm lt of penod N OTICE ls hereby glven that the next statutory meetlng of Trade M a'rk N o 15399 'CG OOD SEA SON S and D EVICE'' m the Turkana A fncan Llquor Llcenslng Board w1ll be held ln Class 30 (Schedule 111) ln respect of mlxtures for m aklng the D lstrlct Com m lssloner's Om ce, , on 2nd June 1969 salad dresslng, sauces and grawes , pastry and confectlonery at 10 a m qour and cereals and products and preparatlons m ade there.- from (Advertlsed under Gazette Notlce No 4007, page 1270, A 11 appllcatlons to be consldered whether renewals, transfers, rem oval or new llcences, m ust reach the D lstrlct Com m sssloner, dated 6th D ecember 1968 ) Lodwar, not later than 10th M ay 1969 A representatlon of the above m entjoned trade m ark can be seen at tlte Trade M arks Reglstry, State Law Ol ce, N aarobt, A1l appllcants for new llcencos, transfers and rem ovals m ust and also ln the publlcatlon of the K enya Gazette m dlcated appear before the Board ln person A Ltendance ln Board above of appllcants f or renewals of llcences ls optlonal unless there Z R CH ESON I, are oblectlons m whlch case attendance ls deslrable Asastant Regutrar o! Trade M arks A 11st of apphcants m ay be m spected ln the D lstrlct Com m ls- sloner's notlce board G M M U GU CHU , GAZBT'I'E N oTIcE N o 1513 Lodwar, Ior Presïdent 6th M ay 1969 Turkana Lïquor D cenllnr Board TH E TM D E M ARK S AW Lcap 506) GU ETTE N o'ncE N o 1517 REGISTERED U SER IT IS hereby notllied for general mform atlon that the THE AFRICAN LIQUOR ACT f ollowlng was on the 9th day of M ay 1969 reglstered as the fcap 122) Reglstered U ser of the trade m ark m entloned below and entered BARINGO AFRICAN LlquoR LICENSING BOARD ln the reglster ln respt'ct of the goods stated N OTICE ls hereby glven that a statutory m eetlng of R egtstered proprtetor - Amencan Tlre M achm ery Inc , of 724 Barlngo Afrlcan Llquor Llcenslng Board w11l be held ln the South Elllott Strect, M uncle, Indlana, U nlted States of D lstrlct Com m lssloner s Oflice, K abarnet, on 4th June 1969 at A m erlca 10 a m Reglstered user - vacu-laug Tractlon Tyres (E A ) Llmlted, of A l1 appllcatlons to be consldered whether f or grant, new, Blrm lngham R oad, P O Box 5041, N alrobl transfers or rem ovals m ust reach the om ce of the D lstrlct Address l()r servtce .- zlo M essrs Atkmstm , Cleasby & Satclm , Com m lssloner, Barm go D lstrlct, K abam et, on or bef ore 30th advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa M ay 1969 Condtttons or rcuîf?lc/ion.T N ew appllcants m ust appear before the Board ln person or 1 The proposed use of the trade m ark m ade by the U ser be represented by an advocate ls subject to the agreem ent m ade on the 25th day of July 1966, between the Proprletor and User A N N JU GU N A N D ORO, Chatrm an 2 Sublect to the rlghts of term m atlon are set out ln the , Banngo d/rlctz?z D quor D censlng agreem ent between the partles m ado and dated the 25th day 12th M ay 1969 Board of July 1966 3 The proposed U ser shall be the sole R eglstered U ser and ls to be wlthout llm lt of perlod G AZE'I'I'E N o'ncE N o 1518 Trade M ark No 6369 ''VACU LUG'' m Class 40 (Schedule II) ln respect of E

THE LIQUOR LICEN SIN G ACV Tpl uusbteltey , 1 p age n state Cause of or T ap 121) No Name of Deceased Address Death Intestate TSRKAXA LIQUOR LlcExslNG COURT D IJLY authorlzcd by the Provlnclal Com m lssloner, Rlft Valley Provlnce, N akunl, a speclal m eetm g of the Turkana 33/69 Abdalla Omar Abdalla M ombasa 2-12-68 Intestate Llquor Llcenslng Court w111 be held on Fnday, 30th M ay 1969 36/69 N ahashon K N dero M ombasa 12-10-68 Intestate at 10 a m ln the D lstrlct Com m lssloner's Oflice, Lodwar Partlculars of the appllcant m ay be m spected at the D C 's 37/69 Y u s u f M o h a m e d 19-3-69 Intestate notlce board Kasakwa j G M M U GU CHU , Lodwar, lor Prestdent, M om basa, B P PATEL, 9t* M ay 1969 Turkana Ltquor fzcenalng Courf 14th M ay 1969 Publlc Trustee 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 481

G- TTE NcrrrcE N o 1519 GAZE'I'I'E N oTlcs N o 1521 PROBATE AND AD M IN ISIRATION IN TH E H IGH COU RT OF K EN YA TAK E NOTICE that after 14 days from thq date of tlus Gazette. 1 lntend to apply to the H lgh Court at N alrobl AT M OM BASA D ISTRIW REG ISTRY for reprosentatlon of the estates of the persons named m the second colum n of the Schedule hereto, who dled on the dates PROBA TE AND AD M IN ISTM TION respectlvely set forth agalnst thelr nam es TA KE N OTICE that an apphcatlon havm g been m ade m A nd further take notlce that al1 m rsons havm g any clalm s thls Court m - agalnst or m terests m the estates of the sald deceased persons are requlred to prove such clalms or lnterests before m e CAuss N o 18 or 1969 wlthln two months from the date of thls G azette, after wluch date the clalms and lnterests so proved w111 be pald and satlshed By Zarlne K ekl Talatl of P O Box 2402, M ombasa m K enya, and the several eqtates dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw the wldow and sole executrlx nam ed ln the w111 of the deceased, thrcugh M essrs Talatl & Talatl, advocates, of M om basa, for Sclœ out.s reseallng ln Kenya, the grant of probate granted by the H lg: Court of Zanzlbar at Zanzlbar of the wlll of K alkhushroo Publlc 1 Date Testate Shavakshaw Talatl of M om basa aforesald who dled at London Trustee's I of or on the 25th day of Septem ber 1967 Cause No l Name of Deceased 4ddreçs I Death lntestate Thls Court w1ll proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered 50/69 1 Khama Nelson Andale Nalrobl 1 13- 4-69 Intestate m thln 14 days from the date of the publlcatlon of thls notzce 51/69 1 M u h o y a K a g u mb a lhuru) u 12-3-68 lntestate ln the K enya Gazette (! V lllage, x Xe n 1 P N K HAN N A, 1 A cttng D eputy R ew trar, M om basa, fllkg/l Court oj Kenya 52/69 lj Stephen Klome Kanlu GKlthlaumnbuur l 30-1-67 1Intestate 29th Aprll 1969 rtzw Courth M om basa 53/69 R o b t n s o n W anlohl M urang'a 20-4-69 i Intestate G achlra GAZETTE N olqcE No 1522 Nalrobl K AM LA M AD AN , 16th k:ay 1969 Asststant Publtc Trustee IN THE H IGH COU RT OF K EN YA AT M OM BASA D ISTRICT REG ISTRY G AzErrs NoTlcs No 1520 PROBATE Ar AD M IN ISTR ATION IN THE H IGH COU RT OF K EM A AT N AIROBI PROBATE AND AD M IN ISTRATION TA KE N OTICE thar apphcatzon hawng been m ade zn tlus Court m - TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlons havlng been m ade m thls Court ln - CADSE N O 19 OF 1969 (1) CAUSE No 161 oF 1969 By Bardays Bank D C O fthrough 1ts attorneys, John By (1) Jayantllal Lakhamshl Shah, (2) Nemchand Karman G raham M lles and John H ayes Clayton W hlcker, b0th of P O Shah and (3) Hemral Bhcqa Shah, a1l of M om basa ln Kenya, Box 30356, Nalrobl ln Kenya), the exectltor named ln the w1ll the executors nam ed ln the w1ll of the deceased, through M essrs of the deceased, through M essrs K aplan & Stratton, advocates, A B Pa+el & Patel, advocates, of M om basa, for a grant of of N alrobl, f or a grant of probate of the wl11 of Leonard probate of the w1ll of the late Lakham shl K aram shl Shah of G eorge Jackson of N alrobt aforesald Mho dled at Sllem a m M om basa ln K enya, who dled on the 24th day of N ovem ber M alta on the 11th day of M arch 1969 1967 at M om basa ln K enya (2) CArsE No 162 oF 1969 Thls C ourt w111 proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be By Raslklal Devshl G udka of P O Box 11274, N mrobl m shown to the contrary and appearance ln tlus respect entered K enya, one of the sons of the deceased and the executor nam ed wlthln 14 (fourteen) days from the date of publlcatlon of this ln h1s wlll, through M essrs Trwedl & Trwedl, advocates of notlce m the K enya Gazette N alrobl, for a grant of probate of thc m ll of D evshl Ralpar Gudka of N alrobl aforesald who dled at N alrobi on the 20th P N KH AN N A, day of January 1969 A cttng D eputy R eglstrar, M om basa, Htgh Court oj Kenya, (3) CàrsE N o 163 oF 1969 7th M ay 1969 facw Courts, M om basa By (1) Percy James G1l1 of P O Box K , Nalrobl m Kenya, and (2) James Henry W llkmson of P O Box 34, Nalrobl afore- N ote - 'l=he wlll m entloned above ls deposlted and open to sald, the executors nam ed m the w1l1 of the deceased, through lnspectlon at the Court M essrs D aly & Flggls, advocates, of N alrobl, f or a grant of probate of the w11l of M ayence Ellen Tate of H ove, Sussex ln England, who dled at H ove aforesm d on the 17th day of M arch 1969 GAZE'I'I'B N ozqcE N o 1523 (4) CwtlsE No l61. oi? 1969 By Arthur Alexander D lesbecq, of P O Box 12648, N alrobl IN THE H IGH COU RT OF KEN YA ln Kenya, the executor nam ed ln the w11l oî the deceased, through M essrs K aplan & Stratton, adlocates, of N alrobl, for AT M OM BA SA D ISTR IC F REG ISTRY a grant of probate of the w11l of Ernest Fredrlck Adam s of PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION N alrobl aforesald who dled at Nalrobl on the 31st day of October 1968 TAK E N OXICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade m tlus (5) CArsE No 166 oF 1969 Court m - By Babulal Tulsldas M och of P O Box 343, N alrobl m K enya, the attorney of Terence Thom as D aws of Clacton-on-sea, Essex CAusE N o 20 oF 1969 ln England, the brother of the deceasecl and the adm lnlstrator By M anllal Popatlal Shah of M om basa ln Kenya, the executor of h1s estate, through B T M odl, Esq , advocate, of N alrobl, nam ed ln the w111 of the deceased, through M essrs A B Patel for reseallng m K enya, the grant of letters of adm m lstratlon & Patel, advocates, of M ombasa, for a grant of probate of the jntestate granted by the D lstnct Probate Rem stzy of the H lgh wtll of the late Shah Popatlal Telpar of M om basa ln K enya, Court of Justioe ln England at Ipswlch of the estate of Albert Henry D aws of London m Bngland wlzo dled at London on who dled on the 17th day of July 1967 at M ombasa m Kenya the 12th day of Septem ber 1967 Thls Court m ll prccced to lssuc the qam e unless catzse be n ls Court w11l proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered shown to 1he contrary and appearance ln thls resm ct entered wlthm 14 (f ourteen) days from the date of publlcatlon of thls on or bd ore the 6th day of June 1969 nouce ln the K enya G azette D ated at N alrobl thls 19th day of M ay 1969 P N KH AN N A, M P PATEL, A cttng D eputy Repd/rfm D eputy R egtstrar, M om basa, Hlgh Court 0/ Kenya, Nlg/l Court o! A'erfy/ Natrobz 7th M ay 1969 faw Coults M om baaa N B - n e wllls mentloned above havlz been deposlted m and N ote - '1Ye w11l m entloned above ls doponted and open to are open to mspedlon at the Court m spectlon at the Court 482 TH E K EN YA G AZERV E 23rd M ay 1969

GAZBTTE N crncs N o 1524 GAM TTE N oencB N o 1528 IN TH E H IGH COU RT OF K BN YA POPATLAL KESH AVJI PA TTN I, D ECBASED AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISTRY N OTICE Ts hereby glven pursuant to sedlon 29 of the PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTR ATION Trustee Act (Cap 167) that any person havmg a clnlm agalnst TAKE notlce that an appllcatlon havm g been m ade m thls or an m terest m the estate of the late Popatlal K eshavp Pattm Couzt ln - of P O Box 375, N akuru, who dled at N akuru on the 30th CAuss N o 24 olv 1969 day of January 1966, ls hereby requlred to send partlculars ln wntmg of h1s or her clalm or m terest to the underslgned, By K ulsum bal G ulamhusem Ism all lbrahtm of P O Box 35, Zanzlbar m the Republlc of Tanzanla, the sole executrlx nam ed bef ore the 30th day of June 1969, after whlch date the estate m the wlll of the deceased, through S N D ossa, Esq , advocate w111 be dlstnbuted am ong the persons entltled thereto havm g of M om basa, fcr leseallng ln K enya, the grant of probate regard only to the clalm s and lnterests of whlch the adm lnl- granted by the H lgh Coul't of Zanzlbar at Zanzlbar, ef the strator m ll have had notlce and w111 not as respeds the property w1ll of late G ulam huseln Ism all lbrahlm of Zanzlbar aforesaxd, so dlstrlbuted be llable to any person of whose clamz he shall who dled at D ar es Salaam zn Tanzam a, on the 5th day of not then have had notlce D ecem ber 1965 D ated tlus 15th day of Apnl 1969 Thts Court w111 proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance m thls respect entered SM ITH & PATEL, wlthm 14 days from the date of the pubhcatlen of thls notlce Adsoctttes Jor the Intended Admïmstrator m the K enya G azette P O Box 20, N akuru P N K HAN NA , A ctm g D eputy R egtstrar M ombasa, Hlgh Court oj Kenya l0th M ay 1969 Iww Coults M om basa G xzn= N oaqcB N o 1529 W ILLIA M BERN ARD GIFFORD GARN ER, D ECEASED G AZR'JTE N olqcE N o 1525 N OTICE ls hereby glven, pursuant to sedlon 29 of the IN RTIB H IGH COU RT OF K EN YA Trustee Act (Cap 167) that any person havlng a claml agamst or an lnterest m the estate of the late W tlllam Bernard Ge ord AT M OM BA SA D ISTRIG REG ISTRY Garner who dled ln Znm bfa on the 5th day of D ecem ber 1967, PR OBATE AND A D M IN ISTRATION Is hereby requlred to send partlculars m wntm g of h1s or her TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havm g been m ade ln thls clalm or m terest to A rcher & W llcock, advocates, P O Court m - Box 10201, N alrobl, before 23rd July 1969, after whlch date CAusE N o 26 og 1969 the executon wtll dlstrlbute the estate am ong the persons entltled thereto havm g regard only to the clalm s and lnterests By (1) Kassun bm M ohamed and f2) Bzdala bmtl Abdalla of of whlch they have had notlce and m ll not as rospects the M om basa ln K enya the executors nam ed m the wtll of the proporty so dlstnbuted be llablo to any person of whose clalm deceased through K M Karlmbhal, Bsq , advocate, of M om- they shall not then have had notlce basa ln K enya for a grant of probate of tho w11l of the late Sulem an bm Shetkh of M om basa who dled on tho 71 day of Dated thts 23rd day of M ay 1969 Decem ber 1968 at M om basa A RCH ER & W ILCOCK , 'I'he Court w111 proceed to zssue the sam e unless cause be Advocates jor the Executors shown to the contrary and appearance m this respect entered m tlun f ourteen (14) days from the date of the publlcatlon of thls notlce m the K enya G azette P N K H AN N A , G AAR'I'I'R NOTICE NO 1530 A cttng D eputy R ekwlrrcr, M ombasa, Iltgh Court ol K enya ESTATE OF THE LA'I'E ALBBRT TH OM A S SIM M ON DS 5th M ay 1969 I.lw Courts, M om basa TAK E notlce that a11 persons havlng any clalm s agam st or N ote - The wlll m entloned above has been deposlted ln lnterest m the estate of the above nam ed deceased late of and ls open to m spectlon at the Court M ombasa who dled on 18th July 1968, at M om basa, are requested to lodge and prove detalls thereof wlth M rs S J D ean of P O Box 1258, M om basa, on or before l0th July 1969, G AZEI'I'E N OTICE N o 1526 after whlch date the executrm wttl dlstrlbute the estate havmg regard only to vahd clalm s then notttied I'N THE M A TIER O F TH E ESTA TE O F D EVRAM N ATH OO TRIK IM JI BH A'IT , D ECEA SED D ated tlle 15G day of M ay 1969 N OTICE ls hel eby gw en, pursuant to sectlon 29 of the BRYSON IN AM DAR & BOW YER , Trustee Act (Cap 167), that any person or colporatlon havm g Advocates jor the Executrlx any clalm agam st or lnterest m the est te of the late Devram P O Box 154, M om basa Nathoo Tnklm lt Bhatt of P O Box 519, Eldoret, who dzed on the 14th day of Decem ber 1968, ls he1 eby requlred to send partlculars of hls, her or 1ts clalm to the underslgned, before 1st August 1969, after whlch date the petttloner wzll dlstnbute GAZRT-I-R N OTICB N o 1531 the estate am ong the persons entltled thereto, havm g regard to the clanns and m tel% ts of whlch they shall have had notlce ESTATE OF THE LA'I'E JOH N GRIN DON STRICK LAN D and wtll not, m respect of the property so dlstrlbuted be hable TAK E notlce that all persons havtng any datm s agam st or to any person or corporatlon of whose clalm or m terest they m terest m the estate of the above nam ed deceased late of Tlwl shall not then have had notlce near M om basa, who dled on 13th August 1968 at Lanet near D ated tlzls 1st day of M ay 1969 N akuru, are requested to lodge and prove detatls thereof w lth the underslgned on or before 10th July 1969, after whlch date N ARBDABEN w /o DEVRAM NATHOO BHATT, the executrlx w1ll dlstnbute the estate havm g regard only to Petttloner valld clazm s then noté ed P 0 B ox 519 Eldotet D ated the 15th day of M ay 1969

G Azs,rl'E N olqcE N o 1527 BRYSON IN AM DAR & BOW YER, Adpocates for the fxecufzla D UD LEY AU GU STIN E M U RRAY KEEFE, D ECEA SED P 0 Box 154 M onlbasa N OTIC,E ls hereby glven pursuant to sectlon 29 of the Trustee Act (Cap 167), that any person hawng a clalm agalnst or an lnterest m the estate of the late D A M K eefe, G xzg,rt'B N oncE N o 1532 of P O Box 4598, N alrobl, who dled at N alrobl on 8th July 1968, Ts hereby reqm red to send partlculars m wrltm g of h1s ESTATE OF TH B LA'I'E CH ARLF,S CH ARRIN GTON COBB or her clalm or lnterest to N atlonal and Grlndlays Bank Ltm lted, T A K E notlce that all persons havlng any clam zs agam st or Trustee D epartm ent, P O Box 30402, N ajrobl, before 14th July m terest m the estate of tlae above-nam ed deceasvd late of 1969 af ter whlch date the A ttorneys for Executors w111 dlstrlbute M om basa, who dled on 23rd Decem ber 1968, m London the estate am ong the persons entltled thereto havm g regard only England, are requested to lodge and prove detalls thereof wlth to the clalm s and lnterests of whlch they have had notlce and the underslgned on or before 10th July 1969, after whlch date w1ll not as respects the property so dlstrlbuted be llable to any the executor wlll djstnbute the estate havlng regard only to person of whose clalm they ehall not then have had notlce valld clalm s then noté ed D ated the 14th day of M ay 1969 D atod the 15th day of M ay 1969 NATION AL AN D GR IN D LAYS BAN K LIM ITED , BRYSON IN AM DAR & BOW YER Trustee D epartm ent Advocaks for the Execlktor P O Box 30402, N tzlrtplq P 0 & xx 154 M om basa :3rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN YA G AZFW E 483

GAZEITE N tm cE N o 1533 G AZFm Ncncs N o 1537

THE BAN KRU PTCY A W IN TH E H IG H COURT OF KEW A AT N AIROBI (Cap 53) W ap 53) N orncE oF D IVIDF.ND N OTICE ()l? R ELEASE or TRUSTEE D ebtor's ZJZZZZZF - ladlben, tradmg as Iiadhar N arbhernm D ebtor'a ncpze .-K aram Sm gh, a partner m the flrm of Bam s Address - P O K edowa Plumbm g W orks Address - P O Box 897, N akuru D escnptton - rfrader Descrtptton - plumber/mason Court - H 1gh Court of K enya at K lsum u Court - The H lgh Court of K enya, P O Box 30041, N alrobl No 0/ matter .-'B C 4 of 1959 No o! m atter = B C 68 of 1959 Trustee's nam e - n e Ol clal Recelver A mount per J - cents 71 A ddress - P O Box 30031, N alrobl Ftrst or #r?zI1 or otherwtse - lhrst and fmal D ate oj release - 13th M ay 1969 W hen payable - 20t: M ay 1969 W here payable --oë ce of the OK clal Recewer. State Iaaw D ated thls 13th day of M ay 1969 Oë ce, H aram bee Avenue, N m robl M F PA TEL, D eputy R em strar, K l1su3tm1, uQay 1969 A l H PATEL, gent 0/ the OFC'IJI Recewer Hïgh Court o! Kenya, Nclroàv

G= 'I'I'E N cncs N o 1538 GAzsrrE N oncs N o 1534 IN 'FHE H IGH COU RT OF KEW A THE BAN KRU PTW h b':f AT M OM BA SA D ISTRIG REGISTRY (Cap 53) BAXKRUN CY Jtnusm cnox CwusE N o 4 or 1% 5 N ozqcE op INTENDED D IVIDF.ND Re M amlal Chhaganbhat dggcrwtz/ also known z?a M amlal D ebtor's nzzzz:e - valentlne X awer D a Costa Chhaganbhat A ggarvat, debtor Address .-'P O Box 6217, N alrobl N o'ncE To OFFICIM. RECBIVER AND R'Rus'rsE oF APPLICATION D escnptton - Em ployee FoR D ISCHARGE Court - H 1gh Court of K enya at N alrobl 'I'H E above-nam ed bnnlcnm t hawng applx d to the Court îor No OJ matter - B C 11 of 1965 hls dlscharge, the Court has flxed Fnday, the 6th day of June Last day ytv recelvtng proojs - 10th June 1969 1969 at 9 o'clock m the forenoon at the Resldent M ap strate's Name // trustee - oKclal Recelver Court N o 5 at M om bmsa, for heanng the sald appllcatlon Address = P O Box 3* 31, N alrobl D ated at M om basa thls 30th day of Aprzl 1969 Na1l6rto:b liTay 1969 DepMuty LO FHcwAlN RDeAce,lver P N KHANNA, A cung D eputy Rdgufrcr Htgh Court oj Kenya, M om bœm GAzs'l'm N crrcs N o 1535 TH E BAN KRU PTW A CT Gm TTE N OTICE N o 1539

fcap 53) IN TH E H IG H COURT OF K EN YA N on cE oF INTENDED D IVIOEND A T M OM BA SA D ISTRIW REG ISTRY D ebtor's n= e - Balubhal lshwarbhaz Patel, tradm g as M om basa BANKRIJPTCY Julusolcnox CAusE N o 5 oF 1966 Ratlon Stor> Re H useln Jerc/. debtor Address - lom o K enyatta A venue, M om basa N oncE To OFl?IclAL RECEIVER ANo 'FRUSTEB oF APPLICATION D escnptton x M erchant F(m D ISCHAQGE Court - H 1gh Court of K enya at M om basa No 0/ matter - B C 19 of 1961 TH E above-nam ed bankrupt havmg applled to the Court for hls dlscharge, the Court has fixed Fnday, the 61 day of June Last day Jor receiwng proojs .-42th June 1969 1969 at 9 o'clock m the forenoon at the Resldent M aglstrate's Name 0/ trustee '--officlal Recelver Court N o 5 at M om basa, for hearm g tho sald appllcatlon Address - P O Box 366, M om basa D ated at M om basa thls 30th day of Apnl 1969 M om basa, B P PATBL, 14th M ay 1969 ror Omctal Recever P N KHAN NA, Actlng D eputy Rdgly/m r, Htgh Court 0/ K enya, M om basa G wzpm N olqcE N o 1536

THE BAN K RUPTW A G GAzsrrE N olqcE No 1540 (Cap 53) THE CO M PAN IES AW ORDER M ADE ON APPIJCATION FoR D lscluucœ W ap 486) D ebtor ,r nam e '-x obert H enry D aubeny PURSUAN T to sectlon 339, subsedlon (3) of the abovc Act, Address - P O Box 7523, N alrobl lt ls hereby noté ed that at the explratlon of three m onths D escrtptton - lndustrlal Relatlons Ol cer f rom the date hereof , the nam es of the underm entloned com - Court - n e H lgh Court of K enya, P O Box 30041, N alrobl panles w111, unless cause be shown to the contrazy, be strtlck off the Reglster of Com panles and the com panles w1ll be No 0/ matter - B C 13 of 1967 dissolved - Date 0/ order - 18th Aprll 1969 Date oj tssue - 16th M ay 1969 Reg N o N am e Nature oj order made - Dlscharge of banknzpt granted sublect 3855 G B I Investment.s Lmuted to h1s consentmg to Jddwnent belng entered agamst hmz m 6382 Coast G as Supplles Lm uted the H lgh Court for the sum of f 500 D ated thls 16th day of M ay 1969 M F PA TEL, D eputy R egkstrar, O M SA M H A , Htgh Courl oj Kenya, Natrobl Asslstant Regtstrar oj Compames 484 TH E K EN Y A G AZETT E 23M M ay 1969

GA% 'I'I'E N on cE N o 1541

T H E CO M PA N IES A CT (CJ# 486) IT IS notlied for general lnform atlon that the followlng companles have be'en lnçorporated m K enya dumng the perlod 1st Aprll to 30th A prll 1969 - PltlvA'lœ COMPANIES N om tnal Name of Company Capttal Address of Regtstered O' ce Sh Nmrobl Afrlcan Flshm ongers Llm lted 50,000 Plot No L R 129/2911 , Rala Bulldlng Bazaar Street, P O Box 30755 N alroby Rellable Hardware Llmlted 100,000 Plot Nos 186/187 Sectlon No XX Soud Streeet, M ombasa Nyerl Plumbers (Kenya) Llmlted 10,000 Plot N o 11, Sectlon 24, M eghll Rupsh! Road, P O Box 227, N yerl Nyanza Nyght Club Llmlted 30,000 Plot N o 9, Sectlon X L, N ew Statlon R oad, K lsum u P O Box 71 K lsum u M erchandlse Dlstrlbutors (Kenya) Llmlted 100,000 W lndsor H ouse, M ulndl M bm gu Street, N alrobl, P O Box 4675 N alrobl K anauru Bus Servlce Llm lted 50 000 Plot No 209/197/1/5, Park Road P O Box 1443 Nalrobl K enya Industrlal Plastlcs Llm lted 400,000 Queensway House, York Street, P O Box 30158, Nalrob! M uranga Bus Servlce Llm lted 20,000 Plot No 209/197/1/5 Park Road, P O Box 415, Nalrobl Llngwal F'arm ers Com pany Llm lted 180,000 L R N o 11225, U asln G lshu D lstrlct K enya, P O Box 998, rldoret Subukla Valley Farm ers Llm lted 100,000 Plot N o 1, Sectlon V II, N atlonal Bank Bulldlng, N akuru M ldland Traders Llm lted 50,000 Plot N o 17, Sectlon Il, Kakam ega Ruaraka kancll Llm îted 51,000 W arner's Bmldlng, Lawry Avenue, P O Box 73, N akuru Y oung G ltura Farm ers Com pany Llm lted 300,000 W arner s Bulldlng Law ry A venue, P O Box 73 N akuru Bem am ln Traders Llm lted 60,000 Plot No 209/1635/3, Falrvlew Road, P O Box 8113, Nmrobl K abatl General Store Llmlted 50,000 L R No 4953/93, Kenyatta Hlghway Thlka, Townshlp Thlka N golsa Farm Llm lted 130,000 Farm L R 8384, Eldoret P O Box 705, Eldoret V o1 Industrles Llm lted 200,000 Plot N o 31, Sectlon I Pandlt N ehru Avenue, N akuru A nglo Kenya Tradlng Company Llmlted 40,000 C/o Clty Reglstrars, College House, Unlverslty W ay, P O Box 6578 , N m robl U nlversal Rellance Em porlum Llm lted 50 000 Shop No 1, Duke House, L R No 209/667, Dlzke Street, Nmrob, Punla H lrJl N anda and Com pany Llm lted 20,000 Plot No 209/197/1/5, Park Road, P O Box 1443 Nalrobl G llgarl Llm lted 50,000 Plot N o 3035 Trans N zola, K ltale, P O Box 747 K ltale Across A frlca Safarls Llm lted 140,000 Caxton H ouse, K enyatta A venue N alrobl, P O Box 9420, N alrobl A froplum Llm lted 50,000 C/o Queensway Trustees Llmlted Queensway House, York Street Nalrobl, P O Box 30158, N mrobl M asop Farm ers C om pany Llm lted 150,000 L R No 6876/1 ln the Uasln Glshu Dlstrlct Kenya P O Box 537 Eldoret Avls Rent A Car (Kenya) Llmlted 2,000 2nd Floor, Queensway House, York Street, Nalrobl, P O Box 30158, N alrobl Plullp A gencles Llm lted 20 000 L R No 209/4914, Room 219, Esso House, Queensway, P O Box 7848, N alrobl K ulnet Llm lted l50 000 Farm L R N o 91481 N orth of Eldoret M unlclpallty, U asln G lshu D lstnct, Kenya, P O Box 523, Eldoret N ew Contlnental Hotel Llmlted 20 000 L R No 1870/162/IV, Davldson Road, Nalrobl M anll s Llm lted 60 000 L R N o 77 8 ,Plot N o 1 1 , Sectlon XX , Oglnga Odlnga Street, Eldoret, P O Box 243, Eldoret N yanza Enterprlses Llm lted 50,000 Plot N o 3, Sectlon LXIX , Oglnga Odlnga Road, K lsumu, P O Box 1 l2, K lsum u W G M urathe & Com pany tam lted 30,000 Barm g A rcade, 2nd Floor, Room N o 24, N alrobl, P O Box 12676 N alrobl N uranl G arage Llm lted 100,000 Room s 28-33 H alee M anslon, G ulzaar Street, P O Box 258, N m robl V tw anda Leo Llm lted 100,000 L R. 209/683 8 ,Bardays Bank Bulldlng, Mumdl M blngu Street, P O Box 5875, N alrobl Plum s H otel Llm lted 100,000 Equltanal Reglstrars Llm lted, IPS Bulldlng, P O Box 7323, N alrobl Twentsche Overseas Trading Company (Electronlcs) Llm lted 2 000 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Government Road P O Box 30038, N alrobl Twentsche Overseas Tradlng Company (Kenya) Llmlted 2,000 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Government Road, P O Box 30038, N alrobl Sotlk H aullers Lkm lted 200,:00 Plot N o 193, Sectlon V il, M acahster Street, P O Box 1 1572, N alrobl Eldoret Cold Storage Llmlted 20,000 L R No 7789/327 Eldoret, W est Uasln Glshu Dlstrlct, P O Box 552 Eldoret Lawrence Transporters Llmlted 10 000 Plot N o 43, Gakorom one M arket, Angalne Road, M eru Townshlp, P O Box 78 M eru Endao C om pany Llm lted 200,000 The O x ces of B C F Llm lted, Plot N o 1 Sectlon V II, N atlonal Bank Bulldlng, N akuru Professlonal Em clency Experts Llm lted 3 000 5th F'loor, Com m erce H ous e, G overnm ent R oad, Plot N o L R 2û9/4281, P O Box 9580, Nalrobl Otto Hansel (Servlces) East Armca Llmlted 20 000 C/o Scrlveners Llmlted Esso House Queensway P O Box 30333 N alrobl Van Rees (East Afmca) Llmlted 20,000 1st Floor, Sadler H ouse K olnange Street, N alrobl Caps (Kenya) Llmlted 100 000 E A R eglstrars, M anslon H ouse, W abera Street, P O Box 6l2 N alrobl Prlm ax Prlnters Llm lted 100 000 L R No 209/1892 P O Box 11590, N alrobl

FoasleN CoMpAxlss It ls further notlfied that the followlng compames lncorporated outslde Kenya, havlng establlshH a place of buslness ln Kenya, have dellvored partlçulars for reglstratlon - K lran Industrles Llm lted Sh 500,000 Tanzanla Ferrobeton-sllm Socleta ltallana Per A zlonl Llre 2, 100,000,000 Italy Invçstors Overseas Senlces (Sterllng Llmlted) - Baham as Islands

16th M ay 196-9 O M SA M EJA Xbkslstqllt WeFll/rcr of CO2l#J&/F3 23rd M ay 1969 TH E KEN YA G A ZEW E 485

GAM T'I'E N on cE N o 1542 GU E'I'I'E Non cB N o 1545 IN TH E H IOH COU RT OF K EN YW AT N AIRO BI IN 'I'HE M ATTER OF THE COM PAN IES A G M rscc LAxsous CAusE N o 61 or 1O 9 W ap 486) IN THE M ATIER OF TH E N EW A RU SH A H O'FEL LIM ITED IN THB M ATIYR OF Appom 'l'c N r OF LIQUIDATOR M D M EMBBRS' VOLIJNTU Y W INSlxo U P IN 'IM E M A'I'IER OF TH E COM PAN IF.S A G (rule 51 (2)) W ap 486) Name o/ company - M orogo Farnzs Lmuted NOHCE OF PEH TION TO THE H IGH COURT Addresn 0/ regtstered o'ce - Natlonal Bank Bulldmg, Nakuru NOTICE ls hereby glven that a m tltlon presented to the Regtstered Jxurcl Address - P O Box 45, N akum HIglz Court on the 5th day of M ay 1969 for contim ung the Nature 0/ bumness - Farmlng reductlon of cap tal of the above-nam ed Com pany from Ltquldator's pwzz;e - W yndham K m loch Forbes Sh 1,(Xq 0(X) to Sh nll by cancelllng camtal whlch ls un- A ddren - ? O Box 45, N akuru represented by avallable assets ls dlrectud to be heard on Date oj tzlwtxnfzne?zl - 2nd M ay 1% 9 Fnday, tl;e 13th day of June 1969, at 10 30 a m at N alrobl By whom cpptzlrlzed - M em bers A ny credltor or shareholder of the saxd Com pany deslnng D ated thls 12th day of M ay 1969 to oppose the makm g of an Order for confrm atlon of the sald reduçtlon of captal should apm ar at the tlm e of heanng W K FORBES, by blm self or by hls advocate for that purpose D qutdutor A oopy of the petltlon wtll be furm shed to any person requlnng the sam e by tho tm derngned on paym ent of the regulated charge f or the sam e G AZETI'E N tyncE N o 1546 Dated th s 14th day of M ay 1% 9 'I'H B SOCIETILS AW 1968 HAM ILTON HARRISON & M ATHEW S, (No 4 oj 1968) Advocates /tv the Company PURSUANT to sedton 14 (3) of the Sx etle's Act 1968, fxqço Rouse. Queensway, bmng satll ed that the soclety llsted ln the Schedule hereto N œrobt has ceasod to ev st, I hereby nottfy that the repstratlon of the sald soclety ls cancelled from the date hereof

GAZETI'E N olqcE N o 1543 SCIV DULE N ow Sllver Star c ub IN T H E M A TTER O F TH E COM PAN IRS ACT D ated thls 16th day of M ay 1969 W ap 486) J M LO N G, AND Deputy Regllrrtzr o! Stv efiez IN TH E M ATTER OF PELE FARM LIM ITED N OTICE (M embers Voluntary Wtndtng Upj GAD TTE N oaqcB N o 1547 N OT IC E zs hereby glven that at an extraordm ary general m eetm g of the shareholders of Pele Fann Lm ltted, held at the TH E SO CIETIF.S AG 1968 oëces of M essrs D unstan Adam s, M ay & Story, Pearl A uur- (No 4 (7/ 1968) ance H ouse, W abeza Street, N alrobl: on 19th M ay 1969, the PURSUANT to sectmn 14 (2) of the Socletzes AG 1968, followlng specm l resolutlon was duly passed - belng satlslied that 1he somety hsted m the Schedule hereto THAT ln ternw of sectton 271 (b4 of the Companles Act, has ceased to exlst, I hereby notlfy that the reglstratlon of the the Com pany be wound up voluntarlly and that Denm s sald somety is cancelled from the date hereof A rthur M ay be and ls hereby appom ted llquzdator for the purpose of such wm dlng up '' Sca otu Credltors of the Com pany are hereby rcquzred to send partl- N akurue Unlon Bunyore Branch culars of thezr debts or clalm s to the lzquzdator at P O Box 1500, Natrobl, on or before 30th June 1969, or m default D ated thls 16th day of M ay 1969 thereof the assots wlll be dlstrlbuted wlthout takmg m to account thelr clalm s J M LON G , Deputy Aepw/rcr oj xo c/erze' Natrobl D EN NIS ARTHU R M A Y 2œh klay 1969 Ltquâator GAZB'I'II N cncs N o 1548

GAD TTE N o'ncs N o 1544 TI'IE SG XETIES RU LES 1968 (L N 61 o/ 1968) IN TH E M A'I'TER OF TH E CO M PA N IES AW PU RSUAN F to rule 14 of tlle Socletles Rules, notlce 1: fcap 486) hereby glven that- IN THE M ATTER OF M OROG O FARM S LIM ITED (c) the soclety hsted m the n rst Schedule hereto has been reglstered , and (M embers Voluntary W tndlng Up) (bj the soclety hsted m the Second Schedule hereto has been refused reglstratlon , and NGTICE OF BXTRAORDINARY G ENERàT. M EETING (c) the name of the soclety exempted from repstratlon named NOTICE ls hereby gwen that at an extarordm ary general ln the n lrd Schedule hereto has been changed mettm g of the M em bers of M orogo Farm s Lmm ed held at Nakuru on the znd M ay 1969, the follom ng speclal resolutzon FIRST ScnRnut,E was duly m ssed - D ate 'ç'l'hat the com pany be wound up as a M em bers Voluntary Name 0/ Somefy R egu/rtm tzn W m dlng U p and that W yndham Km loch Forbes, Chartered Enected Accountant oî P O Box 45, N akum be appom ted Ltqutdator for the purpose of the wm dlng up '' o nn W elfare Assoclatlon, N alrobl 1*5-69 Credltors of the com m ny are requtred on or bd ore the 15th SEcoxo SCHEDULE July 1969, to send full partlculars of a11 clalm s they m ay have agamst the com pany to tlze underslgned, txe Llquldator of tlle Date 0/ sald company, and lf so requlrod by notlce m wntlng from the Name 0/ Soctety Relusal Llquldator, personally, or by thelr advocates, to com e m and Sabato M aler M ar N yasaye K anlsa 115.69 prove thelr debts or ch tm s sot out m such notjco or m dd ault thereof they m ay be exduded from the benefit of any dstnbu- THIRD SCHEDULE tlon m ade before such debts are proved Jersey Cattle Soclety of East Afrlca to Jersey Cattle Somety of D ated thls 12th day of M ay 1969 K enya D ated tlus 16th day of M ay 1969 W K FOR BBS, Ltqukdator J M LON G , P O Box 45, N tlk?m f Deputy Rep&frcr 0/ Sc ehe' 486 TH E K EN YA G A ZEU E 23M M ay 1969

GAD 'I'I'S N on cs N o 1549 G AZEeI'I'S N cncs N o 1552

THJE JU BII EE IN SURANCE COM PAN Y LIM IRX D (Incolpolated I?J Kenyaj TH E K ISU M U COU NW COM M ISSION Loss oF PolalcY Re Ll/e Poltcy No 37069 Jo/zn M acharïa s/(? Nluguna of THE LOCAL GOVBRNM ENT (ADOPTIVE BY-LAW S) P O frlgrline v;c Thlka (BUILD ING) ORDBR 1968 APPLICATION has been m ade thls Com pany for the lssue (r N 15 oj 1968) of duphcate of the above num bered pollcy, the orlgm al havm g been reported as lost or m lsplaced N otlce ts hereby gwen that unless oblectlon ls lodged to the contrary at tbe offke of lhe THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT IAX PTIVE BY-LAW S) Com pany wtthm 30 days from the date hereof , dkmhcate (GRADE 11 BUILDIN G) ORDBR 19V pohcy wtll be lssued (L N 16 oj 1968) M R HOSAN GA DY, Executrve D ttector N oTICE oF M om lox or BY-LAw s N atrobl Head O'ce 13th qlay 1969 P O B ox 30376 N turobt PURSUAN T to regulatlon 203 (1) of the Local Government Regulatlons 1963, the K lslzm u County Com m tsslon hereby gwes notlce of zts lntentlon to adopt the above-m entloned by-laws m GAD '= N olqcE No 1550 accordance m th regulatlon 210 of the Local G overnm ent Regu- latlons 1963 after the explratlon of 14 days from the date of publlcatlon of thls notlce 'ITIE JUBILEB IN SURAN CE CO M PANY LIM ITED (Incorpolated In Kenyaj The general purpose of A doptlvo By-laws are to 1ay down a country-m de approalh to butldmg standard and the replace Loss (AF PoI tcY the eMstlng By-laws relatlng to bulldm gs Re Za/e Pöllcy No 42952, Edwln arap Kechel oj P O Box 61, Sotlk (Kenyaj Com es of the By-laws have been deposlted at the Com m ls- slon's Oë ces, Klsumu, and are avallable for publlc lnspedlon APPLICATION has been m ade thls Com pany for the lssue durm g tho norm al oK ce hours of dupllcate of the abeve num bered pohcy, the ongm al havm g been reported as lost or m lsplaced N otxce ls hereby gwen that Oblectlons agamst the Adoptlve By-laws should be lodged unless oblectlon ls lodged to the contrary at the oë ce of the wlth the C'lerk to the Com m lsslen, P O Box 86, K lsumu, Company wltbln 30 days from tile date hereof , dupllcate m thln 12 days after publlcatlon of thls notlce pollcy w 1ll be lssued

M R H OSAN GAD Y, Executlve D trector JOIIN O SAN GA , Nalrobl, Head OFce, K lsum u Clerk to the Corzlzrll/llon, 13th M ay 1969 P O Box 30376 N atrobï 14th i

GzzsrrE N o'nœ No 1551

THE ELD ORET M UN ICIPAL COU N CIL No'ncE OF RESOLUTION G AZB'I'I'E N OTICE N o 1553 THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (AD OPTIVE BY-LAW S) (BUILDING) ORDER 1968 (r N 15 of 1969) THE M UN ICIPAL COU N CIL O F K ISU M U > D THE RATIN G A G THE LOCAL GOVBRNM ENT (AD OPTIVE BY-LAW S) (GM DE 11 BUILDIN G) ORDER 1968 Lcap 266) (L N 16 oj 1969) 1969 ïtxTss W HEREAS the M lm stor f or Local G overnm ent has by Order m ade the f ollowlng By-laws m exerclse of tho powers conferred PU RSU ANT to the provlstons of sectton 35 of the Ratm g upon hlm by regulatlon 210 (1) of the Local Government Act, notlce ls hereby gwen that the M um clpal C ounctl of Regulatlons 1963 (L N 256/1963) - K lsum u has levled ln respect of the year 1969 the ratees specé ed (&) The Local Government (Adoptlve By-laws) (Bulldmg) below on the untm proved value of lands e.s appearm g m the Ordor 1968 (L N 15/69) V aluatlon R oll 1957 and V aluatton Rolls supplem ontary (:) Tho 'Local Governmont (Adoptwe Bplaws) (Grade 11 thereto - Bulldlng) Order 1968 (L N 16/69) (c) A General Rate of 5 per cent A nd whereas the Eldoret M unlclpal Councll at the Councll M eetlng held on the 31st day of M arch 1969 has Irassed the @) A Speclal Rate of 31. per cent ln resped of rateeable followlng resolutlon- propertles sztuated m thln the area known as Spemal Area N o 2 and a Speolal Rate of 3 per cent m respect Laj that Counctl's exlstmg Bmldmg By-laws be revoked , of rateable propertles slttzated m tlun the area known as (b) that the Local Government fAdoptwe By-laws) (Bulldlng) Speclal Area N o 3, the expenses of constnzctm g roads Order 1968 fta N 15/1969) be adopted and apphed to ln these two areas hawng been declared spemal expenses a1l areas wlthln the jurlsdlctlon of the Eldoret M um- by the M lnlster f or Local G overnm ent clpal Counctl wlth the exceptlon of the Slte and Servlce Scheme (Shaurl Yako) area, and that the Local Govern- n e G eneral R ate shall becom e due and pam ble on 30th m ent (Adoptlve Bplaws) Grade 11 Bujldlng) Order 1968 June 1969 wlth mterest of 1 per cent per m onth or part of (L N 16/1969) be adopted and applled to the Stte and a m onth from 1st July 1969 payable on a11 general m tes unpald Servlce Scheme (Shaun Yako) area only wlthln the Juns- on that date dlctlon of the Eldoret M unlclpal Counml, and The Speclal Rate m respect of Speclal A reas N os 2 and 3 (c) that the Local Government (Adoptlve By laws) (Buzldmg) shall becom e (lue and payable on 30th Septem ber 1969 wlth Order 1968 (.t, N 15/ 1969) and the Local Government m terest of 1 per cent per m onth or part of a m onth from (Adoptlve By-laws) (Grade 11 Bulldlng) Order 1968 1st O ctober 1969 payable on all Spemal R ates unpald on that (L N 16/1969) shall come mto operatton on tho 14t11 date day of A pnl 1969

D ated thls 1st day of Aprll 1969 OJW AN G K 'OM BU D O, Town Clerk R A SzE'oMwaB Oçherk Kl1s6utmh ul4 Town H all, ay 1969 P O Box 105, Ktsum u 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEU E 487

GAZBTTE N OTICE N o 1554 G M BTIB N m ql;E N o 1556


N oTlcEs TH E LO CAL GOVBRN M EN T BLEG ION S RU LES 1966 Rates- (L N 101 0/ 1966) PURSUANT to the provlslons of sectlons 15 (1) and 16 (3) of lioTlcs oF ELECnON ANo oF THE TIME AND PLACE FOR the Ratlng Act (No 20 of 1964), notlce ls hereby glven that - l#oMINATIoNs The M unlulpal Councll oi-rrhlka wlth the approval of the M m lster for Local G overnm ent has levled the underm entloned rates for 1969 A'N eledzon ls to be held to determlne the cotm ctllor to These becam e due on 1st January 1969, and are payable at Tow n se'rve m the K lam baa County D m slon of K lam bu County H all, Thtka on or before 30th M ay 1969 lf any rate rem am Counml m respect of the f ollom ng vacanl seat m the unden unpald after 30th J'une 1969 lnterest at the rate of one p=r centum per m onth, or part thereof, wlll be payble to the M unlclpal Councll m entloned electoral area - on tho am ount unpald R ates can be pald by m onthly lnstalm ents by arrangem ent provtded tlw total am ount due ys fnally pmd Electoral adz'Ew .-x lam bu R um l before 30th June 1969 No 0/ Seats Vacant --one (a) Slte Value Rate- N om lnntlon pam rs m ay be delwered by the candtdate to the A m ount of rates on unlm proved land appearlng ln 1969 Returm ng OK cer at the D lstnct Com m lssloner's OK ce, Klam bu, Valuatlon Roll ln pursuance of sectlon 6 (1) of the Ratlng between the hours of elght o'clock m the m orm ng and noon Act (No 20 of 1964) - on W ednesday, 28th M ay 1969 T hree per centum of the values zn the R oll Form s of nom m atlon m ay be obtam ed at 1he D lstnct Comm lsmoner's OK ce, K lambu, and the D zstrlct OK cer's Ol ce, (bj Spectal Sewage Rate- K lambaa, on any week-days between the hours of nlne o'clock H alf per centum of the values In the Roll m pursuance of ln the m ornlng and noon The Roturnlng O/ cer m ll prepare sectlon 9 of the Ratlng Act (No 20 of 1964) a nom matlon paper for slr ature at the request of a voter If the electlon ls contestod, tlle poll m ll take place on 2 Graduated Personal Tax- Tueasday, the 17th day of June 1% 9 ln accordance wlth the Gazette N otlct N o 4126 publlshed ln the K enya G azette on 24th N ovem ber 1967 the rates at w hlch G raduated Personal Tax shall be payable for, the year 1969 ln the D ated thls 13th day of M ay 1969 area wlthln the Jumsdlctlcm of thls Councll shall be as follows -

STEPH EN M TIM OTH Y, SCHEDULE Returmng Oscer, K kam bu Ixcous Annual IMonthly N ote - 'IYe attentlon of candldatos and persons nom lnatm g Exceedlng N ot Exceedtng Tax Tax Is drawn to the m les for filllng up nom pnatlon m pers and . - .. payagte yuajos other m ovlslons contamed trl the Local G overnm ent Blectlons A nnual M onthly A nnual M onthly Rules 1966 f Sh f Sh Sh Sh 48 80 24 2 48 80 96 160 48 4 96 160 144 240 72 6 144 240 204 340 108 9 204 340 312 520 156 13 G Azsrcm N on cE N o 1555 312 520 420 700 240 20 420 700 516 860 360 30 516 860 600 1,000 480 40 600 1,000 -- -- 600 50 TH E M U N ICIPA L COUN CIL OF TH IK A THB LOCAL GOVBRN M EN T (ADOm IVE BY.LAW S) (BUILDING) ORDER 1968 3 Estlmatez of Expendltu, e 1969 - T he estlm ated net expendlturo on w hlch these rato lew es have (L N 15 0/ 1969) been based ls sum m arlzed below- THE LOCAL GOVERNM EN T (ADOPTIVE BY-LAW S) Servlce E xpendlture Incom e N et Cost (GRADE 11 BUILDIN G) ORDER 1968 f f f (r N 16 0/ 1969) A dm lnlstratlon 18,266 11,412 6 854 7 5 General Servlces 18,270 2,805 15,465 17 5 N on cE Publlc W orks and Servlces 65,748 50 041 15,707 18 PURSUANT to regulatlon 203 (1) of the Local Government H ea1th and T own Regtzlatlons 1963, notlce ls hereby glven that the n lka M unl- Plannlng 30,057 9,975 20,082 23 5 clpal Councll wlll, after the explratlon of 14 days from the Soclal Servlces 25,170 22,965 2,205 3 date of publlcatlon of tlus notlce, adopt the above-m entloned H ouslng 44,500 44,500 - By-laws m accordance m th regulataon 210 ol $he Local Govern- m ent Regulatlons 1963 W ater Supply 51,039 51,039 Educatlon 41,322 15,146 26,176 30 5 'I'he general purpose of the A doptwe By-laws zs as f ollows - 294 372 207,883 86,489 l00 X (1) To lntroduce countrpwlde bulldmg standards (2) To replace Counctl's exlstmg Butldmg By-laws D efklt 3,889 4 Com es of the By-laws have been deposzted at Town H a11, Net Expendzture to be met from G P T and Rates 82,600 96X n lka, and are avallable for publzc m spedlon, free of charge, dunng the norm al oK ce hours Comes of these By-laws wlll be supphed on request on payment of the appropnate fee f % R ates 2û,600 24 A ny oblectlon agalnst the A doptlve By-laM s should be lodged G raduated Personal Tax 62,000 72 m th the Town Clerk, P O Box 240, Tluka, wlthln 12 days after the publlcatlon of thls notlce 82,600 96 X

T own H all J E K TH IM B A, P O Box 240, n lka, rowrl clcrk, Thlka J E K TH IM BA 16th M ay 1969 Town n all, n lktr 1st M ay 1969 rown tker/c 488 TH E K EN Y A G A ZE'IT E 23rd M ay 1969

GC TTE N cnqœ No 1557 G AzRrrr N orrcE N o 1560

M INISTRY OF W ORK S N OTICE OF G IAN G E OF N AM F. N olqcs No 109 / 69 1, Jolm Bdward D 'Souza s/o Klbet arap Chemoran G P O Appomtment oj Aucttoneer Box 5515, N alrobl, hereby gwe pubhc notlce that by a deed poll dated the 12th day of M ay 1969 duly executed by m e APPPLICATION S are m vlted from reglstered aucttoneers for and wltnessed by L Vadgam a, advocate, of N alroh , I f orm ally appom tm ent as G ove nm ent A uctloneers for dlsposlng of surplus assum ed the nam e of Yusuf K lpklnu and surnam e of arap Beet or redundant stores/ vehlcles as and when requlred m the for a1l purposes whatsoever and I hereby authorlze and request N yanz.a for the penod 1st July 1969 to 30th June 1970 all persons to deslgnate and address me by such assum ed name of Yusuf Klpklnu arap Beet Those mterested should apply m wntmg for Questlonnalre, to be lssued by and returned to the Chlef Purchasm g OK cer, Dated at N mrobl thls 15th day of M ay 1% 9 Supplles Branch, M m lstry of W orks, P O Box 30346, N alrobl Preference ln appom tm ent w 111 be glven to K enya cttlzens Y USU F K IPK IRU I AR AP BEET, n nal tlme and date f or submlsslon of the QuestlM nalre Forraerly John Fdwcrd D 'Souza 9 a m on 6th June 1969 R J OU KO , Permanent Secretary ytpr W arks NO W O N SALE

GAZETI'E NoencE No 1558 R EP O R T O F TH E Y SSIO N TH E TR AN SFER OF BUSIN ESSLS AC T O N LA N D C O N SO L D A TIO N W ap 500) NOTICE Ts hereby glven that the buslness of dramrs oarned A N D R E G ISTM TIO N IN on by N aralndms D ayaram and Vasantz wldow of Gagandas D ayaram under the firm nam e or style of M om basa Sllk K EA A 1965/66 Em pcm um on Plot N o 1, Sectlon XXIV, Salzm Road, M om - basa, ls as from the 26th day of A pnl 1969 sold and trans- Chalrm an' J. C . D . Lawrence ferred to Ram yxnah M agan V sram who w11l carry on the sald busm ess at the same place under the sam e 51.n1 nam e The address of the transferor ls P O Box 937, M om basa The address of the transferee zs P O Box 8501, M om basa Prlce Sh 15 (Postage Sh 1) Al1 the debts due and owm g by the transferor m respect of the sald buslness of M om basa Sllk Em ponum up to and m cludlng the 25th day of A prll 1969 w1ll be recelved and pald by the transferor A F O R E ST P O L IC Y n e transferee does not assum e nor does ho m tend to assum e any llablhtles whatsoever m curred m the sald busmess by the transferor up to and m cludlng the 25th day of Apnl 1969 F O R K EN Y A SACHD EVA & COM PAN Y, Advocate& jor the Trcru/eror Pollcy restated to #/ the clrcumstances t# the Republlc R AM ZAN ALI M A GAN VISRAM , Traujeree lssued Ja Sesstonal Paper No 1 of 1968

GAZEITE NolqcE No 1559 Prlce Sh 1 (Postage 30 cts )

'I'ltE TRAN SIRER OF BU SIN ESSES AG W ap 500) NoucB T R E A T Y N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the busmess of caterers heretœ fore carrled on by K artar Sm gh M ahm dru of P O Box 467, K lsumu m the Repubhc of Kenya, under the 511n nnm e of Cool Inn at Plot N o 635, New Statlon R oad, Ktsum u, has, F O R wlth eFect from the 15th day of M arch 1969, been sold and transferred to H anvant Sm gh and Job M artm Ondego of P O Box 252 and 240, K lsum u aforesald, respectwely, who wlll carry on the sald busm ess under the sam e nam e or style of E A ST A F R JC A N Cool Inn at the sam e address The address of the transferor ls P O Box 467, K zsum u C O -O P E M H O N

n e add-ess of the transferees ls P O Box 252 and 240, K lsum u, respectlvely signed at K am palw U ganda on 60 June 1967 on bellalf of the G overnm enl of'- A 11 debts and m oneys due to or owlng by the transferor up to and m cludm g the 15th day of M arch 1969, wlll be TH E U N ITED R EPU BLIC O F TA N ZA N IA recmvod and pald by the transferor The transferees do not TH E SO VKIQEIG N STATE OF U G AM A a.: assum e nor do they m tend to assum e any llabtltty mcurre.d by the transferor m the sazd busm ess up to and m cludm g the TH E R EPU BLIC OF K EN Y A 1st day of M arciï 1969 Dated at K lsumu tbls 8th day of M ay 1969 K ARTAR SING H M AH IN D RU . Prlce Sh 20 Lpostage 1 / 50) Transferor H ARW ANT SINGH, D B M ARTIN ON DBGO: Transferees O btam able frol the Governm ent Pnnter. Nalrobl 23M M ay 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 489


THE followm g noto are for the guldnnce of pc sons sub K EN Y A D G E C T O R Y m lttm g '*copy'' for lnclx on m tbe K enyg G azette Supplem ents etc - O F T H E (1) K enya Gazette centm ns notlces of a general nature and whlch do not all'ect legBlatlon and may be subm ltted dlrx t to the G overnment Pnnter D V L O M A T IC C O R P S (2) Legulattve supplement contalns Rules and Regulatlons whlch are lssued by the Central G overnm ent, and m ust D ECEM BER 1968 ED IH ON be subm ltte through the fe ce of the Attorney-General (3) Btll Supplement contnms Bllls whzch are for lntre uctlon lnto the N atlonal A ssem bly only (4) Act Supplement contams Ads passed by tl:e Natlonal Prlce Sh 5 Lpostage 50 cts ) Amqembly M x4copy'' subzm tted for pubhcatlon should be prepared on one slde of a foolscap sheet no m atter how small the notzce or Act, * c.11 page bœng num bered, and should be typewntten wlth double spacmg Copy should be cl- r, leglble, and contam Report OJ the Commtsslon on the frw W a m m lm um of alteratlons Partlcular attentlon should be pald to the followlng polnts - (l) Slgnatures must be clarlfied by means of rubber-stamplng M ARR IAGE Ae D W OR CE 1968 or typmg the nam e of the slgner m capltal letters Chalrm an J F Spry (tl) Dates mmst be correct and lilled ln where necessary (111) G re should be * e,11 to ensu're thll' a1l headlngs to notlces and referenco to leglslatlon are up to date and conform m th the Revlsed Edltlon of the Laws of K enya Prlce Sh 10 Lpostage Sh 1) Extract from the Code of Regulatlons, sK tlon D - K enya G azette D 41 (1) Communlcatmns for the Kenya Gazette should reach the G overnm ent Prm ter not later than 12 noon on Report // the Com mlsslon on the Tuesday of the week tbat pubhcatzon ls deslred The G overnm ent Prm te m ll not publlsb com m unlcatlons recmved LAW OF SU CCESSION 1968 after tbat hour unttl the next subsequent lssue of the Gazette (2) It w111 faolhtate work at the Pros lf Permanent Chalrm an H Slade Secretane,s w1l1 forward G azette notlces to the G overnmeat Pnnter when ready It ls em phaslze that these notes are for gm dance only, but lt ls requested that persons subm lttm g copy for publlcatlon first O tlsfy them selves that such copy ls com plete ln eve!'y Prtce Sh 10 Lpostage Sh 1) res;MxJt

K EN Y A EC O N O M IC SUBSCRRMHON AND ADVERDSEG CHARGES Ratœ of sub= ptlon to the K enya Gazette and advertlsem enl SU RV EY 1968 charges are as follows - Sh er# Prepared by the Stahe œ D l- on of Annual Subscrlptzon (mcludmg postage ln East M nca) 120 00 M lm stry of Econom lc PlM alng and D evelopm ent Half-yearly Subscnptlon (mcludlng postage ln East Afrlca) 60 00 Jlm e 1968 Slngle copy wlthout Supplem ents 1 50 Slngle copy of any supplem ent to the Kenya G m tte - Postage la

Prlce Sh 10 (Postage Sh 7) Sh cra. Sh cts U p to 2 pages 0 25 0 15 U p to 4 pages 0 50 0 l 5 U p to 8 pages l * 0 l 5 Up to 12 pag- 1 50 0 15 Up to 16 pages 2 (X) 0 20 A G R E E M E N T U p to 20 pages 2 50 0 25 Up to 24 pages 3 (X) 0 25 Establlshm g an A ssoctatlon U p to 28 pages 3 50 0 25 U p to 32 pages 4 G) 0 25 between Up to 36 pages 4 50 (dependlng Up to 40 pages 5 (X) on welght) Tlv EIJRO PEAN ECO NO M IC CO M M U NITY Each addltlonal 4 pagees'or part thereof 0 25 A DVBRTISEMENT C HARGKS- Sh cts Full page 180 00 TIW U NITED REPU BLIC OF TAN ZAM A, Fu1l slngle colum n 90 00 n reu uarter colum n 70 00 TIIE R EPU BLIC O F U GAN D A AND Half colum n 50 00 T H E REPU BLIC OF K EN YA Quarter column or less 30 00 Subscnbers and advertlsers are advlsed to remlt subscrlptlons or advertlsem ent chgrges by chm ue, postal order or mpney order drawn ln favour of un e G overnm ent Pnnter, Nalrobl'' Revenue Prtce Sh 61 50 (By Post Sh 7/50) stam ps cannot be a= pted Subscnptlons and advertlsement charg- must be pald In advance

S W S M U CHILW A , O btam able Jröm the G overnm ent Prlntprm' N alrobl G overnm rnt rrla/er

tèj 490 TH E K EN YA G A ZEU E 23rd M ay 1969


KSh cts KSh cts A nnual R eports Geolopcal KepoAs- qcontd ) Agrlculture Department Vol I 1966 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Bulletm No 4, Berylhum ln Kenya (post I f f 50 cts ) 00 Comm unlty Developm ent and Soclal Servlces 1965 Bulletln N o 5, Prospectlng for M lnmrals ( ptlxtago (postage 30 cts ) 3 00 25 cts ) 5 00 Bulletln No 6 ,'lGraphlte ln Kenya'' (postage 40 ct> ) 4 00 Economlc Survey 1968 (postage 1/-) 10 00 Bulletln N o 7, Geology of the Contact between the Econonuç Survey of Central Provlnce- 1963/64 N yanza Shed and Th* M ozam blque Belt ln W estern (postage 1/-) 50 Kenya (postage 50 cts ) 15 00 Estlmates Revenue 1968/69 (postage 50 cts ) 00 Bulletln No 8, M lnerals of Kenya'' (postage 75 ds ) 10 00 Estlmates Development 1968/69 (postage 1/-) 00 M em olr N o 2, G eology and Asbostos Deposlts of the Estlmates RecurrentExpendlture 1968/69 (postage 1/50) 00 Talta Hllls (postage 50 cts ) 50 Flshenes Kenya 1966 (postage 30 cts ) 00 M em olr N o 3 , Geology and M meral Resources of the Forest Department 1965 (postage 50 cts ) 00 Seychelles A. rchlpelago (postage 80 cts ) 20 00 Forest Department 1966 (postage 20 cts ) 00 M emolr No 4, Copper ln Kenya (postage 2/-) 30 00 Game Department 1964/65 (postage 50 cts ) 00 Geolopcal Reports Nos 21 to 69 are also avallable (11st Immlgratlon Department 1967 (postage 30 cts ) 00 on apphcatlon) Judzclal Department 1964/65 (postage 50 ctas ) 00 No 70, Kallado Area (postage 50 cts ) 20 00 Kenya Annual Report 1962 (gostage 40 cts ) 50 No 71, Loltal-hlls Area (postage 1/-) 20 00 Labour and Soclal Servlces 1964 (postage 75 cts ) 00 No 72, Karasuk Area (postage 75 cts ) 15 00 Labou rœ Mlnlstry of 1965 (postage 30 cts ) 00 No 73, Fort Hall Area (postage 50 cts ) 12 00 Lands Department 1966 (postage 50 cts ) 00 No 74, Loperor Area (postage 50 cts ) 20 00 Local Government Loans Authorlty 1966 (postage No 75, Chanler's Falls Area (postage 50 cts ) 25 00 30 cts ) 2 00 No 76, Lall Hllls-Dakadlma Area (postage 50 cts ) 7 00 M lnes and Geologlcal Department 1966 (postage No 7 7, M cher's Post Area (postage 50 cts ) 25 00 30 cts ) 3 50 N o 78, N akuru-Thom son's Falls-Lake H anm ngton M mlstry of Educatlon Trlenmal Survey 1964/66 and Area (postage 1/-) 30 00 Annual Report 1966 (postage 1/-) 8 00 No 79, M ount Kenya Area (postage 50 cts ) 20 00 M lnlstry of Educatlon 1967 (postage 50 cts ) 10 00 No 80, Area (postage 50 cts ) 15 00 M lnlstry of H ealth and Houslng Annual Report 1964 No 81, Klnna Area (postage 50 cts ) 13 50 (postage 30 cts ) 7 00 Gulde to Industrlal Investment (postage 1/-) 10 00 M lnlstry of Houslng 1966/67 (postago 30 cts ) 3 00 Gmde to The Natrobl Arboretum (postage 20 cts ) 50 M lmstry of Informatlon 1966 (postago 50 cts ) 3 00 Hlgh Level M anpow er, Reqmrements and Resources Natrobl Alrport 1967 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 1964/70 (postago 50 cts ) 00 Natrobl Standlng Commltteo 1964 (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Hlghway Code Engllsh (postage 20 cts ) 50 Natlonal Assembly 1967 (postage 35 cts ) 2 00 Hlghway Code Klswahlll (postage 20 cts ) 50 Pollce Department 1962 (postage 35 cts ) 2 00 Houslng Pollcy for Kenya (Sesslonal Paper No 5 of Probatlon Servlce 1966 (postage 20 cts ) 3 00 1966/67) (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Publlc Accounts Commlttee 1965/66 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Index to M anufactures and Products (Trade Index 19663 Publlc Accounts Commlttee 1966/67 Part I (postage (postage 50 ds ) 00 30 cts ) 5 00 Investlgatlon of the Blology and C ulture of an East Publlc Servlce Comnusslon 1967 (postage 20 cts ) 1 00 Afncan Oyster (Caranostrae Cucullata Born ) (postage Reglstrar-General 1966 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 50 cts ) 27 50 Reglstrar-General 1967 (postage 50 c'ts ) 5 00 Kenya Coat of Arms (postage 30 cts ) 2 00 Settlement Department 1966/67 (postage 1/-) 5 00 Konya Flag (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Soclal Servlces Department 1966 (postage 30 cts ) 3 00 Kenya Natlonal Anthem (postage 20 cts ) 3 00 Statlstlcal Abstract 1968 (postage Sh 2) 15 00 Kenyanlzatlon of Personnel ln the Prlvate Sector (postage Treatment of OFenders Report 1967 (postage 35 cts ) 3 00 30 cts ) 1 50 Vetennary Department 1963 (postage 50 cts ) 6 00 Kupanda Chal (ln Swahlh) (postage 50 cts ) 2 50 Vetermat'y Department 1965 (postage 50 cts ) 6 00 Law Reports of Kenya and Court of Appeal Law Reports W m ghts and M easures D epartm ent R eport 1963 (llst avallablo on appllcatlon) (postage 20 cts ) 1 00 Law Supplement for 1967 (postage 5/-) 160 00 Afrlcan Agrlcultural Sample Census 1960/61, Part I Lzst of Kenya Grasses Revtsed 1958 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 (postage 80 cts ) 8 00 Local Government Electlons Leglslatlon (postage 50 cts ) 2 50 Afncan Agrlcultural Sample Census 1960/61, Part 11 Luo Custom ary Law and M arnage Law Custom s (postage 1/-) 00 (Luo) (postage 80 cts each) 00 M ncaa Soclallsm and lts Appllcatlon to Plannm g ln Luo Custom ary Law and M arnage Law Cussom s Kenya Sesslonal Paper No 10 of 1963/1965 (postage (Enghsh) (postage 1/50) 20 00 30 cts ) 5 00 Natlonal Cash Cropg Pohcy for Kenya (postage 1/-) - 10 00 Agreem ent Establlshlng an Assoclatlon between the N ote Book on Pathology ln K enya Forest Plantatlons European Econom lc Com m unlty apd the U nlted (postage 50 cts ) 4 00 Republlc of Tanzanla, the Republlc of U ganda and Post Handbook (postage 30 ds ) 3 00 the Republlc of Kenya (postage 1/-) 6 50 Polson Book Form 16 (postage 1/-) 5 00 Ammal Husbandry Syllabus for Afrlcan Students (post- Pollcy on Trade Unlon Orgamzatlon ln Kenya (postage age 50 cts ) 5 00 20 cts ) 1 00 Approprlatlon Account s ,Other Publlc Accounts and the Populatlon Census 1962, Vo1 III (postage 1/50) 14 00 Account of the Funds for the Year 1967/68 (postage Populatlon Census 1962, Vo1 IV (postage 1/50) 11 00 95 cts ) 40 00 Prospects for M uslc m Educatlon ln Kenya (postage Blology of Trout m Kenya (postage 80 cts ) 30 00 50 cts ) 2 50 Budget Speech 1968 (postage 20 cts ) 1 00 Qmnquennlal Advlsory Commlttee Report (postage Bulldlng Code L N 15 and 16 of 1969 (postage Sh 1) 10 00 30 cts ) l 00 Catalogue of Kenya Tlmbers, by S H W lmbush (postage Rent Book for Dwellmg-houses (postage 15 cts ) 50 25 cts ) 50 ent Book for Shops H otels and Caterm g Establlshments Code of Regulatlons, 7th Edltlon (Reprlnted 1967) (postage 15 cts ) 2 00 (postage 1/50) 15 00 Report of the Agrlcultural Educatlon Com m lsslon 1967 Constltutlon of Kenya 1969 (postage 1/50) 20 00 (postage 1/-) 10 00 Dellmltatlon of Constltuenc'es Report (postage 20 cts ) 4 00 Report of the Comm lsslon on the Law of Successlon D evelopm ent Strategyfor A fnca Problem s and Proposals (postage 1/-) 10 00 (postage 20 cts ) 00 Report of the Comm lsslon on the Law of M arnage and Dlgest and Gulde to the Crlmlnal Law of Kenya (Ken- Dlvorce (postage 1/-) 10 00 nedy) (postage 1/50) 20 00 Report of the M alze Commlsslon of lnqulry 1966 (post- D lrectory of the D lplom atlc Corps, December 1968 age 50 cts ) 6 00 (postage 50 cts ) 00 Report of the M lsslon on Land Consohdatlon and Dlrectol'y of the G overnment of the Republlc of Kenya Reglstratlon ln Kenya (Lawrence Report) (postage November 1967 (postage 50 c'ts ) 2 50 1/-) 15 00 East Afnca Royal Commlsslon 1953/1955 Report Préms Report of the Salanes Revlew Commlsslon 1967 (postage (postage 30 c:s ) 2 00 75 cts ) 10 00 East Afncan Tax Case s sVo1 IV, Part I (postage Sh 2) 45 00 Reseedlng Denuded Pastoral Land ln Kenya (postage Educatlon Commlsslon Repon, Part 11 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 50 cts ) 00 Electnclty lndustry m Kenya (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Rural Tannlng (A Gulde for Tanners uslng slmple Exchange Control Adm lnlstratlve N otlces and Instnzc- methods and home-made equlpment) by Dr I M ann tlons $4th Edltlon) (postage 1/-) (w1th Amendments) 21 00 (postagl 50 c'ts ) 5 00 Famlly Plannlng ln Kenya 1967 fpostage 75 cts ) 4 00 Soclal W elfare and 1ts Role m the Dovelopm ont of Farm Economlc Survey Unlt Reports (11st of avallable Kenya (postage 1/50) 00 reports on appllcatlon) Statement on Appllcatlon of the N ew Im m lgratlon Act n nanclal Orders Revlsed 1968 (postage Sh 1) 10 00 (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Flscal Commlsslon Report 1963 (postage 50 cts ) 10 00 Stock Reglster of Oplates (M ed 553 (postage 2/-) 15 00 Flora of Troplcal East Afrlca, a1l parts that have been Study of the Plant Ecology of the Coast Reglon 1960 lssued to date are avallable (11st on appllcatlon) (postage 1/-) 10 00 Formgn Investment Protectlon Act 1964 (postage 30 cts ) 2 00 Syllabus for Prlmary Schools (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Forest Pollcy for Kenya, Sesslonal Paper N o 1 of 1968 Three Years of Independence (postage 50 ds ) 3 00 (postage 30 cts ) 1 00 Towards a Better Future for Our People (postage 50 cts ) 3 00 G eologlcal Reports Treaty for E A Co-operatlon (postage 1/50) 20 00 Bulletm N o 2, G eologtcal and M m eral R esources of Tuberculosls ln K enya by W S H aynes, M A , M P Kenya (Revlsed) (postage 50 ets ) 5 00 (postage 80 cts ) 17 50 Bulletln No 3, Shape of the Sub-M locene Eroslon Unlted Natlons M lsslon to Kenya on H ouslng, Report Bevel ln Kenya (postage 35 cts ) 3 50 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 PRINTED BY THE GOVO M ENT PItlN'I'ER, NAIROBI