
z- -< tI N Z > />< ' vosï ) - N s R A & a e B e T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Publlshed by A uthonty of the R epubllc of Kenya (Reostered as a Newsm lxr at the G P O ) Vol. LXXT- NO. 22 NAIROBI, 23rd M ay 1969 Pnce Sh 1/50 ZLU2.- - - i - - C O N T EN T S GAZEW E NOTICES GAZETTE No'rtcEs- tfbnftf ) PAGE PAGE The Oaths and Statutory D eclarattons Act 460 Industnal Court A w ards 475 The Probatlon of Olenders (Case Commlttees) Rules- Patents 476 A ppom tments 460 TNe Prtsons Act- cancellatlon and A ppolntment 460 Trade M arks 477 n e Advocates (Admlsslon) Regulatlons- N otzce 460 Llquor Llcenslng 480 The Natlonal Assembly Blectzons fElectlons) Regulatzons Probate and Adm lnlqtratlon 480 1964- Result of Bp electlon 460 Bankruptcy Jurlsdlctlon 483 V acancles 461 The Com panles A ct- D lssolutlons, etc 483 The Governm ent Lands Act- N otlce of Breach of Condltlon 462 The Socletles A ct lg68- cancellatlons, etc 485 The R eglstered Land Act- Loss of Pohcles 4S6 Plots for A llenatlon 462 Local Governm ent N otlces 486 Issue of Provlslonal Certé cate 465 M lnlstry of W orks- A ppolntm ent of Auctloneer 488 The W elghts and M easures A ct- N otlce to T1 aders 465 Buslness Transfers 488 K enya Stock 465 Change of N am e 488 Hlgh Com mlsslon Stock 465 E A Rallways and H arbours- Tare of H arbour D ues SUPPLEM EN T N o 3: and Chargos N o 2 465 Legtslatkve Supplem ent E A Custom s and Exctse D epartm ent-r ustom s Tanf Interpretatlon 465 LBGAL N oTlcE N o PAGE A 1r Servlces Llcenslng 466 137- T% Forests (Arabuko-sokokl Forest) (Revœ catlon) Rules 1969 419 The W ater A ct- A ppllcatlons 467 138- Tho W ater (W ater Development Dem rtment) Transport Llcenslng 467 (General) (Amendment) Regulatlons 1969 419 1459 460 TH E K EN Y A G AZEU E 23rd M ay 1969 CORRIG EN D UM G AZETTE N oerfcE N o 1483 GAZE'I'''I''B Netlce No 282 of 31st Jamuar) 1969, tbe (28/5/4/1* 1 IIIj Schedule, last colum m Survey Fees jor Sh 50 subntttute Sh 164 ln each case TH E I>Rlsox s AC T W ap 90) G AZE'ITE N W ICE N O 1480 CANCELLATION AND A PPOINTM ENT OF W STTING JUSTICES THE OATHS AN D STATIJTORY DECLAR ATION S A CT IN EXERCISL of the powers conferred by sectlon 72 (1) of the Pnsons A ct, the Perm anent Secretaa *, V ce-presldent's (Cap 15) Oë ce and M m lstry of H om e Affalrs hereby- A CoMsflssloN (c) cancels the appolntmentt of- To AIl To W hom These Presetlts Shall Com e, Greetïng Godfrey W aluohl M ahlnda, and BE IT known that on 1he kth dav of M ay 1969- N.ANINCHANDRA CHUNIBHAI PATEL (d8 appomts- an advocate of the H lgh Court of K enya, was appom ted to The Provlnmal Comm unlty Developm ont O K cer, N yarlza be a Conm ussloner f or Oaths under the above A ct f or as long Provlnce as he contm ues to pradlse ms such advooate and thls Com- mlsslon ls not revoked as V sltm g Justlces to K lbos Pnson, K lsumu Rem and Prlson, K lsum u Short Sentence Prlson and Klsum u M am Prlson, m the Gwen under m y hand and the Seal of the Court, thls R h day Central Nyanza Dlstnct, N yanza Provm ce ef M ay 1969, at N alrobl M K M W EN D W A, D ated thls 14th day of M ay 1969 Chfej J'vxç/lce Htgh Court 0/ Kenya A J OM AN GA , Perm anent Secretary, GAZET'm NoncE No 1481 Vtce-presldent's O'ce and (PSISAIM Ij4) M lnl4fry ol H ome ad.& lr? THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS (CASB COM M ITTBBS) *L lf 692/63 IG N 379/69 RU LES W ap fW, Sub Leg ) AeeolxzM sNrs IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred by nzlo 3 (1) of the G AZETTE N o'ncE N o 1484 Probatlon of Ollbnders (Case Commlttegs) Rules, tho Porm ane'nt Secretary*, V ce-presldont's Oflice and M m lstry of H ome M mrs, hereby appom ts.- THE ADVOCAW S (AD M ISSION) RBGULATIONS 'I'he Dlstrlct Commlssloner, Eldoret (Chœrmanlt W ap 16, Sub Leg ) The Labour Oëcer, Eldorett PURSUANT to regulatlon 20 of the Advocates (Adnusslon) The OKcer-m-charge, Pohce Statlon, Eldord t Regulatlons, lt ls hereby notz ed that- 'l'he Dlrector of Soclal Servlcesl Father-m-charge, Cathohc M lsslon, Eldoretl JAvwsoN D M W ACHARO K UBo Chlef Hena Toot W llllam Chemwenoû has, f or the purposes of sectlon 13 of the Ad , duly com pleted t selwlce under artlcles ln accordance wlth Part 11 of the above to be members of the Eldoret (Uasln Glshu) Probatlon Case I Regulations, satlsfactorlly com pleted a course of legal educatlon C om m lttee 1 ln accordance wlth Part Ill of the above Regtzlatlons and has J passed the exammatlons held under Part IV of the above D ated thls 5th day of M ay 1969 I Regulatlons A J OM AN GA , l Perm anent Secrcfcry D ated thls 30th day of M ay 1969 Vbce-prestdent s OFce and M lrllzrry of Home zl#tur.ç *L N 69168 I'G N 1528/66 tG N 2130/64 :G N 75/66 N J M OU G OM ERY, Secretary Counol oj Legal Educatton IR/kZETTE NoncB No 1W 2 (PSISAIM I 16) THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS (CASE COM M ITTEES) R U LE S GAZET'I'E N ozqcB N o 1485 W ap 64, Sub Leg ) A PPOINTMENTS THE N ATIONAL ASSEM BLY ELECVION S (ELEG IONS) IN EXERCISE of the m wors conferred by rule 3 (1) of the REGU LATION S 1964 Probatlon of Osenders (Case Commlttees) Rules, the Permanent (1, N 19 oj 1964) Secretary*, OK ce of the Vlce-presldent and M lm stry of H om e Atfalrs hereby reappolnts- RSSULT olz BA-ELECTD N 'The Dlstnct Commlsmoner, Nakunzt (Gem Constttuencyj The Oëcer-m-charge, Nalvasha Pollce Statlonf IN PURSUANCE of regulatlon 41 (2) of the Natlonal The Labour Olcer, Nawashat Assembly Electtons fEledlons) Rew latlons 1964 1 hereby gwe M rs M ary Rose Bunnys notlce that- W llllam Oluka Ochlengt Paul M wanglt W ASONGA SIJEVO to be m em bers of the N awasha Probatlon Case Com mtttee has been eleded a m em ber of the N ataonal A ssem bly for the D ated tlus 15th day of M ay 1O 9 G em Constltuency A J OM AN GA , Permanent Secretary D ated ttns 2()th day of M ay 1% 9 Vtce-prestdent s OF ce and M lnizfry 0/ Home oo trlr.ç I'G N 1528 IV N J M ONTGOM ERY, *L N 69/68 Supervtm r 0/ Electtons 23rd M ay 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 461 GAD TIE NorlcE No 1486 Persortal Secretary Grade 11 (Three PtMfJ), M tmstry o! Agrkculture (No 150/69) PU BLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION OF K BN YA S alary xctzle - f 696 to f 1,020 PEN SIONA BLF or A G RBD W co czas M EN T A pphcants m ust have passed a recopztze.d exam m atzon m A PPLICA TIONS are m vlted for the followm g post.s and m ust Shorthand and Tym wntlng at speeds of 120 w p m and 50 be subm lttod to the Secretary Publlc Senqce Com m lsslon of M p m resm ctw ely In addltlon they m ust have oonslderable Kenya, P O Box 3(095 N alrobl, to reach lum by 13th June secretanal exm nence Two posts are m Nalrobz and one at 1% 9 Clvll servants m ust com plete appllcatlons ln tnphcate on the V etennary R esearch Laberatones, K abetey but the successful I-orm PSC ?.A , the onglnal should be submltted to the Heads candldates are llable for postm g anywhere m K enya of Departm ents at least seven days bd ore the closlng date and the dupllcate andxtnpllcate coples to be sent by the appllcant dlrectly to the SecreG ry Other apphcatlons to be mzbnuttod ln 1 echmcal OFcer Grade 11 M ipzyrry oj Am culture (No 151 /69) tnpllcate on Form PSC 2 obtalnable from the Socretary A ppllcants m ust quote the num ber show n agam st the post m Salarl scale - f 708 to f 9% PEN SIGNA BLE or A G REF.,- the advertlsement KIEN E Appllcants should have the Cambndge School Certé cate or Permlts Supervtsor Senytzzuzcrlon ol /5 rsonnel Bureau 1ts equw alent wlth em phasls on M athem atlcs and Physlcs n ey (No 146/69) m ust have had at least three years' sm table tralnm g and oon- Salary Jctzlc - f 810 to f 1,710 PEN SION A BLE or A G REE- slderable G pomence m cm l enm eenng survey or dewslgn m th an M ENT approved com pany or G overnm ent Dem rtm ent preferably B ater Supplles W orks 'Thoy should be able to undertake the A ppllcants should be expenenced m rsons holdlng resm nslble sun ey and plannmg of sm all schem es on thelr own Ablhty to posts elther m the Pollce or m the Imm lgratlon Dem rtm onts vnte and speak Enghsh and Swaluh ls essentlal The successful and m ust be conversant wlth lm m lgratlon procedures and regula- candzdates wzll be expeded to carry out engm eerm g surveys for tlons D utles w111 lnclude, llalsmg clasely wlth Department of dam s, plm llnes and other wato'r w orks and lyrem re slm ple Inlm lgratlon and othel's engaged on m anpow er reglstratlon and deqlgns and drawm gs n e work ls requlred ln a11 1:m.r1 of K enya placement of K enyans ln Jobsz m order to advlse the W m rtm ent and wlll lnvolve llvmg undez cam p ln rem ote areas for long of Im mlgratlon on matters regardlng apphcatlons and renewal m nods of entry pernuts for non-cltlzens The succœsful œ ndldate m 1l also be rm ulred to suporvlse a large staff engaged on keeplng Foreman (Ffec/rlccfl (Ten Postsj, M lmstry oj W orks records for nonr ltlzens holdlng perm1ts where accurac'y and (No 152/69) integrlty are essentlal requlrem ents Salary scale - f603 to :828 PBN SIONA BLE or A G'REE- Senlor Forester, W lnlsfry.
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