
THE STETSON REPORTER Sixth Year—No. 26 DELAND, FLA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941 2103 Price Five Cents FLORIDA STUDENT GOVERNMENT PRESIDES CAPT. W.D. PULESTON, RETIRED AND PRESS GROUPS CONVENE TO BE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Stetson Represented in Confab at Miami; Oleda Dyson, Dorothy Lou Burgman and Former Director of Naval Intelligence Has Had Aubrey Vincent Elected to Offices Wide Experience; Is Author of Books and Articles: Dr. Thomas McCaul is Baccalaureate Preacher NEXT CONVENTION IN ST. PETERSBURG Captain W. D. Puleston, United States Navy retired Oleda Dyson, Junior Sanford student, was elected and author of Lake Wales, will be the speaker for about 100 secretary-treasurer of the Florida Intercollegiate Press graduates at their Commencement exercises schedul­ Association at the joint convention of these two organic' ed for June 2nd., according to an announcement made late tions held in Miami this week-end. Dorothy Lou Burgman, last week.. At the same time it was disclosed that Dr. Daytona, was selected by the Stetson delegation to act as Thomas V. McCaul, pastor of campus representative in the the First Baptist Church of Press association while Aubrey REPRESENTATIVE Gainesville, will deliver the bac­ Vincent, Lynchburg, S. C, was Low Grades Decline calaureate sermon on Sunday, made Stetson representative for ; June 1st. the Student Government Asso­ of Male -fll Top The commencement! speaker is ciation. They will serve as vice' Director of the Music School a graduate of the Naval War presidents of their respective Dr. W. E. Duckwitz will pre­ Co-eds On D" List College and the Army War Col' groups. side over the Florida Music lege, and has served on the staffs Five otlier students repre­ Teachers convention to be held 150 Students Making "D" of the two institutions at seper- sented xfrie University in the in Miami, Is Decrease From 200 ate times. Active in naval conv Miami confab which is held an­ Reported For Nov. Period mand, he headed a destroyer di* nually for the purpose of discus­ vision during the World War sing problems of the press and DUCKWITZ *RULES CO-EDS 65, MEN 85 protecting American troop trans-- government of the various col­ ports. xAiter the war he conv leges in the staie. Other dele­ OVER CONVENTION A little more studying is be­ manded a destroyer squadron in gates included: Jimmy Dyson, ing done these nights if the "D" the Pacific, and subsequently retiring president of the FIPA, list figures recently released can served as assistant chief of $taff Joy Reese and' Bill Crissey rep­ OF MUSIC PROFS be taken as a criterion. A total on the U. S. battle fleet. From resenting irhe press and Johnny Is President of Florida number of 150 students are re­ 1932 to 1934 he commanded the ported, which is an appreciable Cicero, retiring secretary-trea­ Association Which Meets bajtjtleship Mississippi, and as* surer of the joint association, drop compared to the 200 un­ sumed the post of director of In Miami March 30 Carolyn Massey representing fortunates getting the low Naval Intelligence in 1934 for a grades reported tor the six- the student government. Dr. W. E. Duckwitz, Director three year period before retire* Dorothy Lou Burgman, As­ weeks ending last November. of the School of Music, will pre­ ment. St. Petersburg was selected as sociate editor of The Stetson The decrease would have been the site for the next convention Reporter, was elected a Stet­ side over the Florida Music Captain Pulesjfon is expected Teachers' Association's Seventh greater if the boys had matched to draw on his vast store of wljich will be held under the au­ son representative at the Flor­ the performance of the co-eds as spices of the St. Petersburg ida Intercollegiate Press and Annual Convention to be held knowledge and experience with March 30, 31, and April 1st in November's figures revealed the naval forces for material in Junior College of that city. Student Government Associa­ 100 of each sex on the unpopu­ The meet opened with a join* tion meeting held in Miami Miami. He is president of the his Commencement 'talk. association. lar list while this time finds 85 Besides his actual experiences session of the F. S. G. A. and last week. boys and but 65 girls listed. the F. I. P. A. on Friday after­ The purpose of the Associa­ he also has gained an. admirable "F's" reported for the spring noon and included a round of tion is to enroll all public and degree of recognition as an au> six-weeks is but about half the •discussions, open forums, and First Solo Flight private music teachers in the thor, - having written* four full number for last semester, in ac­ speeches, closing Saturday even­ state and thus have greater in­ length books in addition tb oc­ Made By Ellzey tual figures 74 to 40. ing with a formal banquet) at fluence for good on the art and casional articles for national the Columbus hotel roof, at profession. At the first meeting The College of Liberal Arts (Continued On Page 8) The first solo aeroplane flight came in for most of the "D" "which time the group heard Mr. of the current Civilian Pilot six years ago, one hundred mem- Arthur Griffin of «tie Miami (Continued on Page 4) list appointees with 102, 61 of Training Program was made which were boys and 41 girls. Herald as a guest speaker. The last Monday morning by Cecil DEBATERS LEAVE delegates were also privileged to The School of Music found 14, Clarence Ellzey, of Daytona the only division in which the (hear Joe Chappel, noted editor Becah. He was under the.tute­ GLEE CLUB SINGS FOR TWO MEETS and author, who spoke in the girls had more than the boys, '8 lage of Aubrey Spaulding. to 6. 18 boys and 16 girls in absence of Walter Winchell who From the point of instruct­ iv a s originally scheduled to RETURN CONCERT (he School of Busisess got those IN NEAR FUTURE ion time several other flight stu­ nasty red letters. speak, according to the Miami dents will be eligible to take Invitation is Result Team Will Debate 'Convention chairman. Freshmen topped the list for their solos within the next few Of Previous Program At Montreval, Ala., on Conventionites were the in-:days. Eight hours of dual in­ volume in "D" students with 95. P K D Question vited guests of the Gamma struction is required by the Civil x-\s a result of a program The sophs had 36 and the Jun­ Sigma Epsilon's Kampus King)Air Regulations before a solo given before the Federated iors dropped down to a measley Stetson's debate squad will Kapers at the Coral Gables flight can be made. Music Clubs at their convention 8 The Semors found 6 and even enter twtwoo separate flecision Country Club Friday nigh,t, and Nineteen other prospective in Daytona Deach last February the special students had 6. I tournaments between the first of the Tau Epsilon Phi formal flyers are being groomed by in­ fhe Stetson Glee Club and its The gruesome details of how rand the fifth of April. John at the Casa Loma Hotel on Sat­ structors Wes King find Spauld­ director, Harold M. Giffin, have many subjects some chosen few Lewis, sophomore from Miami, urday night. ing for their solo flights. been invited to sing for ,the managed to "D" folows: 1 sub­ Florida, and Vance Graham, Palmeto Musicale of that city ject, 44 boys, 49 girls: two sub­ senior from Bristol, Tennessee, next Friday evening". jects, 22 boys, 13 girls; three will travel ko Montreval, Ala­ Symphonic Band and Orchestra The travelling squad of forty subjects, 12 boys, 2 girls; 4 sub­ bama, to debate the Pi Kappa To Give Program In Orlando voices will present the program jects, 2 boys; and 6 subjects. 1 Delta question: Resolved, The in the Peninsular Club at 8:00 boy. Nations of the Wes>t>ern Hemi- Instrumentalists of Both Organizations o'clock. Vocal selections will be sphere Sfjould Form a Perma­ given by Professor Giffin and nent Union. Will Play on Regular Children's the smaller groups within the Concert Series Next Saturday John Kurtz Elected Ruby xAihory, senior from club will give some numbers. Newport News, Virginia, and Tlie invitation for the return The Stetson Symphony Orchestra will present a joint Irma French, sophomore from engagement is considered an Commerce Club Head Jacksonville, Florida, will com­ concert with the Symphonic Band in the Orlando Municipal honor for >the group as they were John Kurtz was elected to pete in the Southern Association Auditorium on Saturday, March 29, on the regular Chil­ asked on the merits of their pre­ of Teachers of Speech question: dren's Concert Series in that city. Instrumentalists of the vious program. head the Commerce Club in a meeting held last Thursday Resolved, The United States orchestra and band will be featured on the program The Glee Club will'also sing evening. Other officers elected Should Enter the War Immedi­ Arrangements are also pro- nex,t Monday night as a part ately on the Side of Great Bri­ of the Religious Council pro­ were Eleanor Hillman, vice reeding for an exchange concert appeared with the orchestra each president; Frances McGarrah, tain. Both teams will debate two with the University of Florida year. gram which will be held in the rounds. One time they will pre- Stover Theatre. secretary; and Fred Cooke, Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra functions in treasurer. (Continued on Page 5) These two concerts follow the many events besides its own MOVIES! x Formal pledging was held last main program of the year which concert programs. Every year ELECTED A movie showing the man­ week for Cecil Jones, Mary El­ rook place on February 11 in the operetta, oratorio, cantata. len Nicholson, Annie Lee Coe- Dr. Frances G. Thornton^ Elizabeth Hall. The orchestra Stover Theatre plays, and other ufacture of Nylon in beautiful professor of French, vva? technicolor will be shown in field, .. velyn Ogletree, Agatha has performed a number of special events all require orches­ DeBella, Edna Houghton, Kath- elected president of the Flor> classical symphonies and over­ tral background. For these oc­ the Commons lounge tomor­ ida Division of the American row nigmr promptly at 7:00 ryn Sandusky, and Ed Dail. tures, tone poems, modern casions the number of players Following the ceremony the Association of Teachers of o'clock. John Kurtz, newly French at their meeting held works, student transcriptions, is generally reduced, and the group was entertained at Hie elected president of the club, in conjunction with the Flor- and original compositions. A nucleus of the smaller group has home of Dr. ,R. C. Larcom number of student conductors been organized as the Stetson expends a cordial welcome to t i d a Educators Association all who are interested to see ifacufry ajdvisor, where Coca- convention in Tampa recent­ have led the orchestra in con­ Little Symphony Orchestra, un- Colas and the famous Larcom (Continued On Page 5) this fine film. ly. certs and student soloists have chocolate cake was enjoyed. Wednesday, March 26, 1941 THE STETSON REPORTER Page Two DR. ALLEN SPEAKS IN ST. PETERSBURG Many Roads Are Traveled Dr. W. S. x\llen addressed members of the First Baptist To Reach Success In Radio Church of St. Pettrsburg, Flor­ Radio Actors and Executives All Have Different ida at the eleven o'clock preach­ ing service Sunday morning. Tale to Tell of How They Broke into Big Time The subject of Dr. Allen's ad­ When college students and others who want to get into dress, which he delivered to a crowded house, was "Chirstian radio ask radio actors and executives, how to go about it, Citizens an a Democratic Civili­ they rarely get a simple answer. zation." The president spoke at A recent round-up of CBS personnel reveals why. The the invitation of Dr. Dayid Gardner, pastor of the St. Pet­ success stories of radio people show that while the roads to ersburg church and father of a radio career all end at the David Gardner, freshman stu­ same place, they would be as dif­ dent at the university. ficult to catalogue as the roads Legal Language to Rome. By MAC FERGUSON DELAND Santos Ortega, CBS actor on BEAUTY SHOPPE the Columbia Workshop got into x\nother member of the radio acting because someone Harriet S. Fagan, Prop. faculty interview. LAW: Law 119 E. Indiana Ph. 152 misunderstood his name, and is a means of social engineering though he was Spanish. Actually. and its object is to do the most Ortega was born in New York good to the most people (the COMPLIMENTS City. When he was offered the I pragmatic Theory). It is not an [end in itself but thru it we can role of a Spaniard on a radio do and have most anything we Shown above is part of the cast which will present a radio Roberson-Clark play, Ortega had to buy a Span­ wish. For example, take the dramatization, "Boston Turnpike," over station WMFJ this Furniture Co. ish dictionary. He bluffed his labor situation. For a long time afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. On top row is, left to right Vance 120 S. Blvd. Phone & way through the first rehearsal, it was the employer who was on Graham and Jack Bluemke, on lower low is xMvis Herring and and played the part perfectly. top: He dictated to the laboring man and the contracts were Arthur Estes. Tom Watson, Jr. will be narrator for the presen­ Others actors, directors, and really unfair. In fact, there was tation and Aaron Rutledge and Mary Lou Garrett will be other engineers have not found it as no real freedom of contract. characters. All are students in Dr. Irving C. Stover's radio easy as Ortega. All have used Jewelry , thru the NLRA, it's the speaking class. Dr. Stover is the director. different methods to break into union, who controls. The next radio. Some have had luck. Most phase should see somewhat of an have succeeded by hard work approach toward the ideal. This Mrs. J. W. Shands. - and knowledge of the industry. is only one example of law, Tri Deltas Attend Stetson was also represented All have managed to be alert works to bring about social by many of its alumni, some of when the break came. equality. This couldn't have been State Day whom were charter members of the Stetson chapter. • IJohn Tillman, announcer of accomplished thru any other so­ 25 Co-eds From the Major Bowes Capitol Fam­ cial agency, nor would revolu­ Local Sorority ily program and other CBS tions have made any progress. shows, is one of Columbia's We can .thus see that, many Journey to Jax. youngest announcers. But he had law is not only the best, Stetson Tri Deltas were I times, ia» xx, " . - x._ „,,_ to worlds k hard for the job he now ' - but the only real means to our among the guests of the FOUNTAINS! FOR EASTER I holds. aville Alliance ioi 5 When John was in college, he social ideal. POLITICS: We ^mcmDelta g Delttnae Deltgucaua .Stat «e. Da- y *Ringfr *Compacts j worked in the local radio station must recognize the right of a JacksonvillSaturday, eMarc Allianch 15e. foArt thithes *Crosses , *Watches j between classes. He often work- man to work. We shall always elta elta Uelta -btat? D,a7 state meet alumni from various *Bracelets *Lockets i ed more than twelve hours a have a certain number who are parts of the state met with day—without pay. unable to work — thru no fault representative of the Tallahas­ HON AGENCY. INC. The station manager of WH of their own—and these must be T see and Stetson chapters. NSURANCE F. N. DeHuy&Son AS, Columbia's station' in Louis- given some constructive work, Twenty-five girls representing Jewelers and Watchmakers ville, Kentucky, chanced to hear Thi1 111s5 wilWill fulfilXXXXxxxlx their righ^ t and Stetson made the trip Saturday REAL ESTATE Since 1873 "• i u:.v, o inh t?ivgive the rest of the people somesome- 220 N. Blvd. DeLand, Fla. Tillman and offered him a job. The State Day program with Tne M..Mostt Interestininteresting Store in thing at the same time. The a luncheon held at the Timau- Town When John thought he had ac- capitalistic system is the only quired the necessary experience s st etI con istent Country Club. Following he made a recordinS""".-'?g of his voice' systey . m. consisten/ t witwithh numahumann Co ^uu> A.ou Have You Tried That and sent it to CBS executives in initiative, for we are basically thfi luncheon was an inIormal TT GRILLBURGER NeJNeww Yorkxoux.. H e was -~I-=askedJ +tno selfish and will work more for gram of music and skixs b AT THE come to New York for a live ourselves than anything. _ De- the Stetson and Tallahassee col, audition. It was a success and mocraqy, law and Christianity w;ate chapters. Mrs. Frank L. CURB DINER John joined the CBS staff. go hand in hand, for each looks p,rown State President con- Joe Gratz of the CBS produc- upon the individual as supreme ducted' the ^^^ meeting. tion department, graduated from On this basic principle is based Mrg Alexander Grant, nationa' Harvard determined to find a our legal and political system, treasurer, and Mrs. Charles V place in radio, even though he We, too, recognize the indi- Vercer, district president were Easter IS was not sure in what branch, vidual as supreme. On this basic speaker for the occasion. He came to New York and had principle is based our legal and Saturday night the out FLOWER TIME! an interview with the CBS per- political system. We, too, recog- town visit0rs were honored with sonnel manager. He was told mze the individual as the basis a supper party at the home of Get Them From I STATIONERY I that there was nothing available of society for we would surren- THE at the time, but that his applica- der our property rather than GOOD ——«——.««».WORK! * Distinguished stationery I is a mark of individuality tion would be kept in the active our (dearest) civil liberties, and good taste . . . and file. Thus we see the fallacy of the Stewarts STETSON your own personal sta­ • 1 totalitarian systems: they fail tionery is always im­ « initiative pressive! Make writing Joe, however, needed a job to recognize human Shoe Shop FLOWER SHOP to your friends a real immediately. He haunted the and the desire of man to do 103 E. Rich Ave. pleasure by having fine paper and envelopes on personnel manager. He was for the State. THE WAR: hand for all occasions! given a job as apprentice in the, America's error was in failing •sound effects department. This ' to recognize a fundamental DRINK i vvas not precisely what he want­ principle underlying the last New—Attractive Stationery Special! ed to do, but it gave him a way i war, viz.: If you teach the Embossed with Your Name to learn something about radio. Europeans to appreciate de He stayed in this department a mocracy they won't trade it for Stetson or Monogram i year, and then was offered a anything else. It's the whole c job in the production department, anymuig uov. — Emblems 89c per box He is now one of Columbia's race> not Just Hitler et al- that busiest production men. we must educate to the ways of James Kenny, CBS engineer, ^om- ™\mlst Sive ^ aid 10c i worked hard to get into radio. to EnSland ,to keeP ™ar ^ Allen-White Co. o Kenny came to New York from from <"f *°res> PerhaPs for' 0 T-X . -.. ... m . „ „ _ „„^, ever. But whether we even Collegiate I Detroit with a motor car com- ,. , ,ir- pany. The company closed down ent<* the war; remember: We its New York office and Jim must perpetuate a just peace Stetson founnindu himselmiuDxjLf withou,. x.- t a job FREE! Light Bulbs His roommate was a CBS en "Radio Station Finder" Shirts gineer named Irving Reis who FOR YOUR EVERY NEED! has since become a Hollywood Showing writer and director. Reis got New Station Settings 69c Westing house Ma.da Silverbowl, Daylight, and \\ esuiife Ordinary Bulbs him a job as clerk in the office After March 29 of Henry Grossman, CBS East- "LET US PROTECT YOUR SIGHT" ern Division Engineer. Kenny CALL FOR YOUR COPY AT ORANGE BELT spent all his free time watching', RICHARDSON 8C Brandon Electric Company ^ Broadcasts and learning the1 PHARMACY POOLE technical side of radio. He fol­ Phone 555 We Deliver lowed this prodeduVe 'for two (Opposit Post Office) and a half years. Then he be came a staff engineer m Wednesday, March 26, 1941 THE STETSON REPORTER PageThrie William Bailey, Mrs. Harold Mrs. Davis Gives Giffin, Mrs. Hugh McEniry, Mrs. John F. Conn, Mrs. Leigh* SOCIETY Dessert Bridge ton Lafuze, Mrs. J. E. Summer- Scintillations Mrs. Claude Brown was com­ hill, and Mrs. T. F. Hahn. plimented with a dessert bridge K.> By Adelaide Key Friay evening by Mrs. Benson Davis. Guests spent the evening EASTER CARDS Eleanor and Ruth Hillman Tliomas Barton of Jacksonville. playing contract games, with spent last week-end at their Those invited from the Univer­ Mrs. John Conn winning the REEVE & HOWARD home in Orlando. sity to be her guests were Polly high score prize and Mrs. Rob 105 W. Indian Ave. Pasteur, Phyllis Fre'eburg, Mary ert Morris, Jr., received the con­ * * * solation prize. A sweet course A group of girls who enjoyed Treadway, Nor m a Gardner, Ruby Prevatt, Jean Douglas, was served to the guests preced­ the day in Daytona Beach Sat­ ing the bridge games. Spring is Here urday horse-back riding included Kay Jordan, and Gwendolyn and TIME FOR A Mary Schaffcr, Joan Saunders, Voncille Powell. Enjoying this affair with the HAIRCUT Betty Parkins, and Glenda Dale. * * * hostess and her honoree were Peggy O'Donial, student of Airs. , Mrs. CLIFTON'S * * * James R. Wilson, Mrs. Henry Dorothy Loveless was called last semester who has been visit­ BARBER SHOP ing on campus, left Monday for Fox, Mrs. Russell Larcom, Miss to return to her home in Mount Olga Bowen, Mrs. Robert Mor­ Dora last week due to the death her home in Lakeland. She is Marzee McDonald (above) planning to be married soon and ris, Jr., Mrs. Harvey Savely, of her grand faher. is chairman of the Theta Mrs. W. E. Duckwitz, Mrs. * * * make her home in Atlanta, Ga. Alpha Phi intramural play A number of the professors * * * committee which arranged the -3. ATHENS at the University attended the Eight delegates from the Uni­ competition staged last Satur­ Ctjnvention of the Florida Edu- versity who attended the joint day night in the Stover Thea­ JONES oationl Association which was conventions of the Florida Inter­ tre. «* Shoe Shop THEATRE held in Tampa last week. The collegiate Press Association and PLEASING YOU KEEPS US Phone 94 total number of teachers present the Florida Student Government IN BUSINESS at this convention was seven x-\ssociation in Miami this week­ 139 N. Boulevard thousand. Those attending from end were guests of the Gamma Sorority Side-lights Wednesday, Thursday Sigma Epsilon Fraternity at a March 26, 27 Stetson University were Dean By Dorothy Burgman Benson W. Davis, Miss Mary dance at the Miami Country Frederick March S. McCurdie, Miss Maude E. Club Friday night, and were Dr. R. L. Knox ( King, Mrs. Sue B. Burns, Dr. feted with a banquet at the hotel Alpha XI Delta— IN Boyce F. Ezell, Dr. Doris K. Columbia on Saturday night. OPTOMETRIST "SO OUR NIGHT The Alpha Xi's had a formal | 111 West Indiana Avenue Arjona, and Professor Howard picture taken Wednesday night ENDS" L. Bateson. frlBl Town Women before the regular meeting in * * * the Chapter Room. MM^M>«»«4 Friday, Saturday George B. Ehlhardt left Friday Receive At Tea I March 28, 29 to spend a week in South Flor­ Margaret Barbe, who was THE ida where he will address vari­ The University Town Women initiated March 19, was the LOG CABIN Tommy Dorsey ous Schools and organizations. honored their mothers with a tea honor guest at a weiner roast GOOD FOOD IN given last night by Mrs. West. He plans to be at the University in Chaudoin parlors Wednesday NORTH BOULEVARD "LAS VEGAS Other guests were Lois Johnson of Miami for several days, help­ afternoon. Receiving the guests PHONE 9184 NIGHTS" ing the students there to organ­ were Marian Merrill, president and Kelly McLemore. ize an Episcopal Group similar of the town women's council, i >^»« to the one at Stetson University. Nell (Mires!, retiring president, A lad looking through the MULLENS Sunday, Monday He will also visit in West Palm Miss Barbara Rowe and Miss telescope on top of the Botany GULF SERVICE March 30, 31 Etter Turner, deans of the Uni­ Btach and Fort Lauderdale. building the other night mutter­ Corner Short St. and S. Blvd. , Mickey Rooney versity. Joy Reese, Patricia Bai­ ed, "Gawd!" Among those leaving on Fri­ GOODRICH TIRE8 Lewis Stone ley, and Edith Knox acted as Pretty good telescope! GULFLEX LUBRICATION day afternoon to spend the hostesses for the occasion. Under New Management IN week-end at home were Dorothy Pope of Orlando, Miriam Wald- Welcoming and serving the THE "ANDY HARDY'S en of Palatka, Virginia Scar­ guests were Marjorie Willis, PRIVATE borough of Lakeland Louise Jean Botts, Elsie Hooker, Don­ HOB-NOB ORLANDO na Hoyt, Rita Gross, Elizabeth SECRETARY" Hensley of Tampa, Mary Louise 5 blocks south of town of Blvd. LINEN and TOWEL j Rehbaum of Mount Dora, and Brandon, Patsy Stubbs, Barbara PURE BEEF HAMBURGERS Winn, Jean Elliot and others. COLD DRINKS — DANCING SUPPLY CO., Inc. Tuesday Only, April 1 Brooks Walker of Eustis. luesday Unly, April 1 f Mrs. Edith Merrill and Mrs. "A Florida Institution" ( Branon presided at the tea ta­ Bargain Day 1 Mrs. Raymond C. Spaulding ble. Birthday Telegrams J Admission 20c All Day j entertained a large number of BY friends at tea Saturday after­ Elizabeth Branch played love­ noon to announce the engage­ ly incidental music during the WESTERN UNION NEW BAGS ment of her daughter, Helen, to tea hours. DeLight Seig was in 25c 20c Locally I charge of serving arrangements. Special Blanks at Book Store BELTS, GLOVES & JEWELRY Stetson Lodge Chaudoin Hall THE GIFT SHOP DREKA Baptist Group MUSIC FRATERNITY I y&*o^m«mt**mi>4mmt*4 INITIATES THREE Has Rodeo Party Arthur Lane At THEATRE Phi Beta, music fraternity, in­ mr Jbaneiltfency Phone 16 Novel Games Are itiated three new members last Insurance - Real Estate Appropriate to Theme NEW Friday at midnight in the Music Rentals Tues., Wed., Thurs. School. Jean Botts, Jean Rogy, i 12114 NN.. BlvdI . — Phone 618 Hy-shy-ny Union of the Bap­ and Olive Lord were the new March 25, 26, 27 tist Young People's Union en­ initiates. tertained with a Rodeo party last Katherine Hepburn Friday evening at their student Following the ceremony a THE Gary Grant house. The event was given to party was held in the recrea­ tion room. James Stewart acquaint more of the students Sugar Bowl IN with the house and the organ­ "THE DELTA SIGMA PHI I ization. MAGAZINES c PHILADELPHIA Katheryn Ward, social chair­ HAS OPEN HOUSE man, planned many novel games COLD DRINKS STORY" Delta Sigma Phi entertained i for the occasion, all of which SANDWICHES were appropriate to the general about 40 persons at an open FridaySaturday house held last Friday evening theme of the party and concern­ Model Aeroplane Kits I Regular Western ed cowboys and all the wild west from 7:30 until 10:30. Dr. and FROCKS AND COSTUME features. Refreshments of hot Mrs. W. N. Baer were chape- 130 N. Boulevard Program chocolate and weiners were rones for the ocasion. Admission 20c served and then the guests i o grouped around the large fire­ FOR EASTER SundayMonday place to roast marshmellows. Sunshine The smartest, cutest, bests The whole evening proved to be Dry Cleaners Allen-Summerhill styled and fitting line of March 30, 31 ! i Peter Lome one of delightful entertainment SERVICE IS OUR for all included. IN FIRST THOUGHT Funeral Home JUNIOR FROCKS "THE FACE BERIND Phone 20 109 E. New York Ave. Sizes 9 to 17 f REAL AMBULANCE PRICED MODERATELY THE MASK" Campus Agents f SERVICE 3.99, 6.50, 7.95, 10.95 ALSO GEORGE SLATON f PHONES: Day 62; Boris Karloff Conrad Hall IN j Night 490, 228, 662 * BILL CRISSEY I Established 1877 THE VOGUE "THE DEVIL Stetson Hall 102 North Boulevard COMMANDS" j DELAND MRS. SARAH CEELY

Phone Phone 31 CONRAD LUMBEFTca 31 Corner of Delaware and Michigan Avenues mmammm

'^Plage Four THE STETSON REPORTER Wednesday, March 26, 1941 THE STETSON REPORTER IVOLUME 6 NUMBER 26 CAMPUS CAMERA A published weekly by the students of John B. Stetson Uni­ versity during the school year under the direction of the bureau of Publicity. Printed by the Stetson University Press, Flagler Science Hall, Corner North Boulevard and Minnesota Aye. in DeLand, Florida. . "THE TRUTH SHALL. MAKE YOU FREE" AND ON THE LEFT IS A PAWIN& OF THE U. OF THE STATE1 A&eebie Jeebies Subscriptions, for the school year (S4 issues) J1.50. Price each copy 5 cents. "OFHra YORK! '-mK'SEMQOU'HAB. Entered as second-class matter March 2, 1939, at the post office at NEITHER CAMPUS NOR- FACULTY DeLand, Florida under the Act of March 3, 1879. NOR STUDENTS. IT CONSISTS EN­ The recent statements by the STAFF TIRELY OF A BOARD OFRE&ENTS \AM0 ADMINISTER THE STATE'S Attorney General of the State «OBERT HEEBNER, JR EDITOR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM.' Tom Watson before a meeting" OOROTHY LOU BURGMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR JOY REESE - NEWS EDITOR of American Federation of La- -WILLIAM M. CRISSEY ADVERTISING MANAGER bor delegates has been comment­ HELEN ANDERSON PROOFREADER ed on favorably by some menv ARTHUR ESTES r. CIRCULATION MANAGER ,& bers of the press for its cour­ •ELIZABETH FISHER STAFF CARTOONIST /V* age. We are glad tos see this SOCIETY WRITERS comment because at the time Glenda Dale, Adelaide Key. of reading the news article de­ SPORTS WRITERS scribing the speech we were fill­ Ed Dail, Sam Holch, Bob Sample, Jack Bluemke. ed with an instant admiration STAFF WRITERS for a man whom we knew very Mary Elizabeth Bostick, Vernon Sanderson, PxUth Hillman, Sylva Xiandress, Mary Beasley, Jean Garrard, Jerque x\nderson, Barbara Burgman. little about before. fe: He told the union members to Member t?RE5HrAEN AT THE UNIVERSVTtf their face that a democratic OF HCLLAND ARE REQUIRED system did not allow a labor un.» ftssocided Golle&iate Press TO (WE THEIR HEADS SHAVED ion to dictate to an employer"the TO A HIGH POLISH, AND ARE NOT management of his business, Distributor of PERMITTED TO USE THE DOORS IN ENTERING CAMPOS BUILDiNSS who he could hire and who he Golle6iaie Di6est DURING THEIR ENTIRE FIRST could fire. We agree with this- YEAR./ statement, but even if it were / not so it is graifying to see a Keeping Our Verve BUCKSHOT holder of public office say what A #500 SCHOLARSHIP he thinks instead of currying "Abolishment of Intercollegiate Athletics" is a familiar OFFERED BY HAMILTON the favor of every organization expression as a result of recent developments but it carries *fc^ COLLEGE IS OPEW TO which might be an aid in his po­ ALL MEN IN AMERICA BY THE litical career. The statements of -added import as the first repercussions make way for a more NAME OF LEAVENWORTH/ 5A..CP. Mr. Watson brought a storm of (expansive point of view. We are confronted now with a dissention from the labor men new situation.which can be expressed best as a fear that Class—Sophomore. but he held to his point. The Stetson will degenerate into a girls finishing school with a Elizabeth Fisher. still has her courage and frankness with Ministerial department. S. P., namely Carl Parsons, of which he expresed his convic­ CAMPUS the Zephyrhills Parsons. The tions will strengthen his politi­ Although the type of student enrolled here has improv cal position far more than the ed steadily we may be faced with a future student body of affair is one-sided, however, as COLLECTIONS Carl is completely oblivious to labor votes which he undoubtv drips and sissys if nothing is done to attract versatile fresh' the whole situation. ably lost by his speech. men. Frank Buchanan will un' Johnny Cicero and Carolyn Ex-candidate for governor Without a football team to attract red-blooded can­ doubtedly spend next weekend Massey were among those pres­ Francis Whitehair might have didates to bolster the verve of the student body we may in wondering just what a fra- ent at the joint convention of the done much better in the election find ourselves with a bunch of girls and male "A" students ternity pin really means. Mean­ Florida State Press Association by making a clear stand on is­ who are both excellent as a part of the whole but do not while, Ruby, escorted by a gen- and the Student Government sues of this sort instead of trying tleman from Tavares, will be Association held this past week­ to please all sides. make in themselves a well balanced student body. enjoying the Military Ball at end in Miami. Those who are This is a University. People come here primarily to in Gainesville. "in the know" tell us that this learn and to study. But a check on those who do nothing but Bobby Meddock, a frosh at charming couple saw more of Duckwitz Rules study would exclude all but a few of the present students, Gainesville whose charms so Mami than the convention halls nevertheless they all want to get an education. In other captivated Pat Sweet several and Johnny helped show Carolyn Over Convention months ago that she gave how to get around the town. (Continued From Page 1) words, besides the student who likes to do nothing else but George Slaton a decisive buz- We've heard of numerous bers were present, however* study we want the one who likes to do things, one who ging, was recently invited by love triangles popping up now over 400 members are anticipat­ takes an interest in other activities and strives toward Suzanne Goddard to spend Pan- and then on our fair campus, ed this year. proficiency in them. In addition an education in other sub' Hellenic day at Tally. Suzanne, and a quadrangle or two isn't Dr. Duckwitz states: "This jects is acquired. by the way, is wearing George's a rare oddity. However, when pin. year we have have been in closer So besides our admired super-students we hope that five people get tangled up in contact with district chairman This may possibly be only a one affair, that's news. This Stetson continues to get an annual crop of freshmen among rumor, but we hear that one of and we have been sucessful in r e c o r d-breaking phenomenon greatly increasing enrollment. whom can be found many with varied interests and talents. the Stevens Hall cuties doesn't started when Barbara Peden and The character and accomplishment of the school depends on know whether "lettuce"- is 1 As director of a school of music, Jimmy Albritton broke up. affiliated with the individuals of the student body. We can do little more vegetable or asuggestion. Carolyn Massey, feeling sorry What was formerly a more or Association School of Music, I than hope that the present personality of our group will at' for her good friend, Barbara, have the opportunity of know­ less one-sided affair seems to asked Dick Sauls to date Miss tract those who will perpetuate it. have developed into one of ing more definitely, the trend of Peden a time or two. Dick, al­ music education. I have urged Stetson's most promising ro­ ways willing to aid a lady in What Have We Here? mances. In this instance Balti- music teachers to sponsor the distress, cheerfully complied. All accrediting of all teachers in the j went well until Carolyn realized A happy sun dodged puffy clouds. Pines and palms ™re and West Palm Beach are state, for I believe that unless waved and nodded in a balmy bree e. An axure springj»-™f ««;- | ihat Dick was paying a bit more S i attention to 'Barbara than she vvc take the first step and sug­ bubbled cooling, crystal water which reflected the clouds j niascui;ne fidelity we recom- [had planned on. This in itself gest methods under which the above until disturbed by carefree swimmers who frolicked \ d Fred Keisling. Such i teachers are to lie accredited, the mcn I would be a situation for Dorothy | . y \ ,ich about its chores. I faithfulness to his sweetie in Jax jDix to work on; but Dick Mate niay a(lopt a m( t )( wr I further complicates the mess by would make it difficult for many This picture can be painted before the eyes of Stetson j as he has displayed is truly re, of the older teachers to become mar ble I dating one of the Orlando love­ students because within a short drive from the campus can • ^ - incident • lies quite regularly. Try to solve accredited. be found beautiful places of recreation which are unmatched prances Twitty, one of the that one on your ouja board. "We are fortunate in having by any college in America. faithful B.S.U.ers, insisted that educators such as Mr. English The above description is of Juniper Springs, a natural Wally Smith go to the B.S.U. and Mr. Carothers who arc in­ PERSONAL NOTICE terested in the cultural side of phenomenon which has been. enhanced by the CCC in its shindig last Friday night when In the Daily Iowan, education on the Board," con­ efforts to beautify the spot. A 30 mile drive brings this ideal ^^f ^ age°£ tinued Dr. Duckwitz. "This swimming and picnic grounds within easy reach ot irazxle',^ reports that Frances had a "JOHN — After this when Jiducational Board has cooperat­ nerved students and profs seeking the quiet and rest which j marvelous time although Wally you borrow my pants bring ed with the efforts of private them back the next morning. I teachers and has approved of they SO deserve. | insists that they were involved have 8 o'clock class." FURTH­ High School credit for instruc­ Another Spa is Sanlando Springs which is a little closer in the local kindergarten party Culpepper pin-hanging dep: ERMORE, it's hard for the av­ tion taken under a private teaclv and offers facilities for dancing and picnicking as well as an Name—Estabrook. erage college man to have any j er." excellent swmmin hole. Landscaping done in all its tropical Home—Chicago. class at all these days, without The three-day program will loveliness provides a setting for recreation unexcelled in any Local address—Stevens. trousers. include speakers of many fields. tether locality. At the luncheon on Monday, the beach is the arena for campfires, sports, and other college Mayor of Miami will speak; Still closer to home we have DeLeon Springs where Stetson's String Ensemble will smost of Stetsons srious swimming is done. What other col' activities. play in the afternoon. Mr. Kal- dege has a sparkling pool of absolutely fresh water bubbling The most outstanding warm weather luxuries of Stet' teborn of radio fame, will talk -•up from a hole in the ground within a bull'slingers throw son have been mentioned. They are described here not to on "The Effect of Radio on of the dormitory door. encourage students to neglect their studies and spend all Music," at the Banquet Tuesday Then of course there is Daytona Beach, a mecca for their time enjoying them but to point out the recreational evening. Miss . .Ila S. Opper- man, Dean of Music at Florida Stetson students since the days of that institutions infancy. advantages which our University has to offer. There are State College for Women, and Twenty three miles away lies the most famous beach in the more, but even if we had just those mentioned what other Miss Bertha Foster, Dean of world where one can drive to the water's edge in one's car location can presnt to the student or professor gifts of Music at the Miami Conserva­ .and wallow in the luxury of a surging surf. An expansive nature like we have to help us enjoy life! tory of Music will also speak. ! PageBvfe "Wednesday, March 26, 1941 THE STETSON REPORTER SYMPHONIC BAND Fine Performance of Good Play PRESS CLUB TAPS AND ORCHESTRA TO J. McDowell Richards GIVE PROGRAM FIVE NEW MEMBERS (Continued From Page 1) Is Vesper Speaker Wins First Place For Alpha Xis der the direction of Glenn D. Initiation Ceremony President of Columbia Flonnie Anders Stars in "Perfect Ending" Swan. For the past two years, Planned for April 2 Theological Seminary For Winners of Women's Intramural Play Contest the Little .Symphony has pre­ sented a separate concert pro­ Here Monday Five students tapped for-mem­ By Elizabeth Fisher gram. bership in Jhe Steson Press Dr. J.- McDowell Richards, We can't find enough good adjectives that havent The Stetson Symphony of 45 Club, honorary journalism or­ players, is in its fifteenth year President of Columbia Theolo- already been overworkd to describe Ronnie Anders' per' ganization, at a dinner meeting on this campus, and in its 5th g i c a 1 . Seminary at Decatur, formance in "Perfect Ending," the Florence Ryerson-Colin of the club last week. year under the direction of W. Georgia, will speak at vespers on Clements play with which the Alpha Xis took first place in Newly elected members who H. Bailey. Stetson is' remark­ Monday evening at 6:30 in Eli­ the intramural contest for women held Saturday evening in were selected from students who ably rich in its' diversity of zabeth Hall. Dr. Richards is have distinguished themselves in music attainment and organiza­ being sponsored by the Presby­ the Stover Theatre. literaray circles on campus, in­ terian Student AssocialtSon of As a harrassed scenario writer tion. Together ;with -the Glee Stetson Graduatesclude: , Ed Dail, Phiadelphia, Pa., Clubs and Symphonic Band, the 'this campus. with a Ribalaisian wit, Miss An­ Sam Holch, DeLand, Mary Eli­ ders turned in the finest piece of .Symphony Orchestra contrib­ He is also a member of the Engaged To Wed zabeth Bqstick, Wauchula, Ade­ utes to the best in music on this Board of Directors at Davidson comedy acting among a lot oi laide Key, Tangerine, and Mar­ comedy acting for the evening, campus. College. Charles Richards, fa­ The engagement of Miss gie Willis, DeLand. ther of the speaker, is professor and was well bostered by the Helen Spaulding, Stetson grad­ The Press Club is semi-pro­ of Bible and Church History at naive stupidity of Betty Powers uate, to Thomas B. Barton, of DEBATERS LEAVE fessional in nature and was or­ Davidson. as her secretary, and the fine bit Jacksonville, was announced by FOR TWO MEETS ganized for the purpose of fur­ of dullness displayed by Frances Mrs. Raymond Spaulding at a (Continued From Page 1) Dr. Richards will arrive late thering journalism both on and Chandler. tea given at her home in DeLand sent the affirmative argument; Monday afternoon so that Con­ off the campus. Plans for an ini­ ."The only thing we can't un­ last Saturday. the nexit, they will present the ferences may be secured by in­ tiation meet for ittie tappees on derstand is how Miss Chandler Miss Spaulding was a member negative. terested students. All wishing a recognized the slippers and bath­ April 2 were also discussed at At Montreval, John Lewis conference please see Victor of Pi Beta Phi sorority, The the meeting. robe of the producer in the Honor, Torch and Scroll, and will also enter the oration and Baer, president of Presbyterian apartment when she turned out Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish fra­ impromptu speech contest and Student Association. not to be his wife after all. But ternity. She has served as presi­ BARNETT SPEAKS Vance Graham will participate then technicalities always did dent of her sorority and in 1936 ON AID PROGRAM in the extemporaneous speech ture, and pubic welfare. worry us. And we might beat was chosen Homecoming hostess Bob Barnett addressed two tournament. Lydia Theurer, de­ Windy's Spyglass to the draw, for the University. bate coach will accompany Gra­ After the tournaments the hundred women on the subject next debate activity will be on by saying the yellow blouse with Mr. Barton is a son of Mr. of seeing eye dogs at a British ham and Lewis to Montreval. the full sleeves that Miss An­ Ruby Amory will also repre­ April the ninth when the Steson and Mrs. W. S. Barton of Jack­ x-\id program given last week. radio hour will be comprised of ders wore was simply very very. sonville. He attended the Uni­ Xylophone selections by Donna sent Stetson in the aftter dinner Second award went to Pi Beta and impromptu speech contests a debate on the Southern Asso­ versity of Florida and was gra- Smith, accomplished Stetson ciation Teachers of Speech ques­ Phi for George Savages "Grati­ uated from the College of Law musician, were also a part of of tJhe Southern Association of tude" in which the audience was Teachers of Speech Association tion. The speakers in this debate of Sjtetson University. He is a the program. have not yet been announced. grateful to Betty . Smith, the member of Pi Kappa Alpha, in Birmingham, Alabama. Mrs. pocket edition co-ed, for her Dee Mclntire who will attend social fraternity; Sigma Nu Phi, ence Gillman, who was one of performance as the feather-head­ the speech teachers convention Evidence that human beings legal fraternity, and Theta his contemporaries he was never ed neighbor in the play. Voncile will have charge of the tour to witnessed formation of Crater xMj.ha Phi dramatic fraternity. completely satisfied. Powell, Pauline George, and He was also a member of Ye Birmingham. Lake thousands of years ago is Mr. Sanborn also had a re­ Patsy Cloward did efficient Mystic Krewe ait Stetson. At the close of the Birming­ under stilly by University of markable memory, and this was emoting, while Jean Douglas ham convention Ruby Amory Oregon scientists. very noticable with his under­ had a role that fitted her ample and Irma French will participate standing of detail. His memory . . . er talents. in the (t,hird annual Congress of was accurate with respect to Patronile our x\dvertisers The Tri Delts won recogni­ Human Relations which is a history. A friend of his who tion in third place with their MUSIC NOTES model legislative body. It func­ has written of him says that he presentation of " .Attack" By GRAFTON FYNE, Jr. tions as a regular legislature had a complete mastery of not by Frances Homer, with the and passes on industry, agricul- only the history of music but honors divided between the Pitts Sanborn giddy grandma, played by Helen for history in general. McCormick, and the colored There are many men in the Mr. Sanborn took great pains maid, presented by Ann Burrell. world as there have always been in his writing and was never Jane Shaw, Frances McGarrah, in the past who.have long cher­ afraid of the expression of oth­ ished an ideal, and some of After Jessie Beth Longino, and Patty ers who worked with him. He Bailey filled out the rest of the these have achieved the goal freely discussed the merits of a cast in .this number. they set out to meet. One of thing with others, and felt that "Low Bridge" by Grace Gran- these was John Pitts Sanborn, another person's point of view March natt was given by Zeta Tau one of America's outstanding was valuable. In reading his Alpha provided some lively authors and Music Critics. writing one is conscious of this, comedy over the tribulations of Sanborn was born in Fort as well as his clearness of think­ 29th habitual bridge morons. Mary Huron, Mich, on October 19, ing, and preciscness of expres­ Mock was sweetly bungling as 1879. From youth his desire was sion. Many of your favorite radio thc amateur player, while Irene to become a critic of music, and Mr. Sanborn was the author stations will change wave he worked along those lines. of a number of books. He took lengths. Let us change Nassau was good and hateful as your radio dial settings the addict. Mary Elizabeth Bos- Graduating from Harvard in a great interest in history, litera­ so you won't miss any of tick and Lillian Williamson 1900 and receiving his A.B. de­ture and poetry, also an accomp- your regular pragrams. capably handled the other parts. gree he remained there two ished' and fluent linguist, having "Entre Act" by S. Sylvan more years and received his the 'mastery of several foreign A FREE Station Finder M.A. degree in 1902. From 1905 languages. He was made a cava- Simon, presented by the Alpha is ready for you at Deksiomas, completed the even­ to 192x3 be served as Music Edi­ liere-bf the crown of Italy by tor of the New York Globe, and that'government in 1932, and re­ ing's program with some good : old ham dialogue arid perhaps in the summer of the latter year ceived a decoration of Knight of fjhe best drama handed in by served as European Correspon­ the liegion of Honor from, the 1 Folsom k Owens Hilda Sweat as the avaricious dent of the New York Evening Fren&f}-, government in 1936. 111 W. INDIANA AVENUE Mail, becoming its music editor, stage star. Nell Mires, Wanda In literature Mr. Sanborn dis­ PHONE 173 DeLand Coca-Cola Austin, and Claudia Cini round­ until the paper merged with the tinguished himself as author of ed out the cast. Xcw York Telegram. This New a volume of verse entitled '"Vie Bottling Company York evening paper later merg­ de Bordeaux" published in 1917. ed with the New York World A two volume novel "Prima What Do You and is now the New York Donna"' in 1929, and "Greek World-Telegram. Mr. Sanborn Night" in 1933 and "The Met- Mean Sports? remained the music editor of the rooolilan Book of thc Opera" in Systematic Saving Shows Sense! It has been tradition at Notre latter paper until the day of his 1937. • Dame, says Thc .Scholastic, to death March 7th. He was sixty- 1-Ic succeeded the late Lawr­ one years old. confine stories of intellectual ence Gillman, as program anota- Your little penney bank is an indication of greater things and scholastic aberration to the Mr. Sanborn was an author tor for the Philharmonic-Sym­ to come. It doesn't matter if you put away a penney or a members of thc English depart­ aswell as a journalist and music phony Society of New York., nickel a clay in a little bank or several dollars a week in a ment and their followers. How­ critic, and poetry captured his and was a contributor to the savings account—the idea is to have a regular savings pro­ ever, the phy ed boys should be fancy as well. He was a clear Christian Science Monitor and gram. brought out of their gymnas­ thinker, and detail was never the Cyclapedia of Music and iums and exposed, sweat-shirts Jacking in his work. Like Lawr- Musicians. THU FIRST STATE BANK will help you plan such a program; and all. to public scrutiny. help you to budget your money so that you can put away. . In a recent exam a prof ask­ a regular amount each week. There's no time like the pre­ ed: "Name two ancient sports." sent to start saving, so open an account ! To his astonishment one lad, PICNIC SUPPLIES! who like Gene Tunney had a fondne s.s for Shakespeare, answered: "Anthony and Cleo­ "EVERYTHING YOU NEED" THE patra." MEATS — SALADS — FRUIT — BREAD FIRST STATE BAINK One of the nation's foremost OF DELAND Jesuit institutions, Fordham uni- V versity, is in its 100th year and has graduated more than 20,000 • NA VAR Y'S MEMBER FEDERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION students. CORNER RICH AND NORTH BOULEVARD Pige Six THE STETSON REPORTER Wednesday, March 26, 1941

.... Worst scare he ever received was spending a night in a hobo = ^ jungle with another boy while they were hitch hiking around . Clifton Brothers Senio -Syncrasies Florida. Scared because they were outnumbered. Garage By Elisabeth Fisher ... Suppressed desire is to tell some of the windbag students^ who OLDSMOBILE DEALERS Mow off during student body meetings in chapel to sit down. SALES SERVICE .... Doesn't go for the Camel and Four Roses combination, but 117 E. New York Ave. has a harder time to keep from cussing. .... Name Lanier received from his great-great-'grandpappy, GET YOUR PICNIC SUPPLIES Sidney Lanier, the poet. Remembers at least one poem written by from him. .... Prettiest sight outside of girls is the Hialeah Park race track. Grocery and Market .. .Happiest moment was the night Stetson beat Florida in foot­ ball. Just had a feeling we would win that night. .... Likes Charlie Freeback's orchestra, Collier's Mag, Madeleine BOLEY Carroll and Superman. .... Dislikes the ban on dancing at Stetson, people who don't like WATCHMAKER 'I'll Never Smile Again," Dean of Women, mountain music, and Since 1870 119 W. IndHtwa iish. .... Worst mistake was dating up a girl once who insisted upon ) y^^ LOVE *V*- spending the evening talking about Einstein's fifth dimensional theory. FUGLE'S for Six Attend Patronize our Advertisers Religious Meet Six University students journeyed to Gainesville Friday to attend the state convention of the Presbyterian Student Association which Fugle's Extra Rich convened at the University of Florida. The week-end pro­ Milk is plentiful in ST^TJOhJ gram was composed of various BONNIE — DOON . the "sunshine" vi­ discussion groups and devo> ANKLETS tamins. Be sure you '£$ tional meetings. Delegates at­ tending the two-day meet were 50c order some today! Victor Baer, president of the Value local Presbyterian Student As­ NOW 35c Sold at Book Store sociation, Mary Beasley, Orlan­ 35c do, Harry Brownlee, Sanford, Value and Commons Lanier Smith ... Dorothy Widdersheim, Miami, 20c Member of the varsity football, basketball, and baseball teams, Ruth White, Dade City, and 1 lhe S Club, and past warden of Pi Kappa Phi. Manager of the Karl Kesmodel of Birmingham , FETH'S SHOP FUGLE S DAIRY football team when he was a sophomore, and twice winner of the Alabama. Opposite Court House Pharm. sportsmanship award in the Florida AxAU tournaments. Born in Tennille, Georgia, with a population of 1803 and a Lambert Addresses cow pasture on the main street. , Has one brother, also at Stetson, and his father is manager Sanford Group The "Cafeteria" of a lumber company in Daytona Beach. His mother is a past Professor Thomas F. Lam­ Across from the Baptist Church matron of the Eastern Star and raises canaries. bert, of the University law fac­ Thinks the best thing about Stetson naturally is the girls. ulty address members of the Sanford Rotary Club last Mon­ .....Favorite pastime is hitch hiking. Uses the thumb method to day on "The Case for Aid to travel around the circuit visiting past girl friends, most of whom Britain." Professor Lambert are married by this time and raising families. spoke at the request of T. Brad­ ... .Expects to coach in high school after graduation. ford Byrd, chairman of the Sportwill Hats Not particular about what he eats if there's plenty of it, but groups International Service Committee and his address of has a decided deference for tapioca pudding as dessert. one of a series of talks on cur­ Isn't at all interested in what he wears and usually manages The sport hat for all around wear. Light rent world topics being sponsor­ tan aridex shower proofed twill—stitched to jump into a varicolored outfit. Feels at home in sweat shirts tho, ed by the Sanford organization. brim, pork pie shape. Especially at home hut a tux makes him feel as if he were in an Iron Lung. c ! for informal sports wear—tough enough :.... Was so excited during the homceoming game this year he for "roughing it"— 98 sat down in the water pail. At the age of 13 he hit the son of the Daytona mayor smack DELAND'S in the face with a green orange one Hallowe'en night. Nearly got LARGEST hocked for the offense but got out of it by some praiseworthy running. ... .Mickey Mouse is his favorite comedian. Goes for serious ad­ venture pictures but love movies bore him. Perfers the real stuff in that line. .... Admits he was the best curb hopper the Red Pig in Daytona ever had. Has also worked in garages, groceries, carrying mail, jerking sodas, selling papers and magazines, driving a truck, and sawing wood in a lumber mill. ... .Has been to two coaching schools in the summertime. Met Frank Leahy, coach at Notre Dame, and was impressed by his knowledge of line plays and everything else connected with football...... Has a fox terrier he named "Snerd" after Benny Smith. Something to Talk About -...First fell in love at the age of 11. Doesn't remember much MA about the girl except that he gave her a box of stationery. AM '*»*" If you want to talk about something pleasant, talk about .... Has never missed any of Sir Malcolm Campbell's races on • All the radio you want—at an the reason why POINSETTIA ICE CREAM is so extra the beach. Saw all the records broken from Seagrave in 1928 to unbelievably low price! 5 tubes delicious and wholesome. You'll soon agree you should try including rectifier, AC/DC 1935. (Worst tragedy was seeing Lockhart killed in 1929, because Superheterodyne. Exquisite over* some today. he was young and poor and a favorite of the people. Car turned lay cabinet of selected Walnut over mostly due to bad tires because he couldn't afford new ones. veneer. "Aero-Vane" Loop an­ tenna, powerful speaker. Ultra­ SERVED AT THE BOOK STORE AND Doesn't like his women sophisticated or with lines, at least not sensitive and sharply selective. lines in the way of talk. Is 5'3" tall, but once went with a girl Motorola's famed concert-quality COMMONS tone. New, thrilling tone and re­ -'•who was 6T" and thought she was all right. ception that hits a new high in «... .Is called "the old man" around school because he's been here radio entertain­ i'or 5 years. Has been told he's the only student that ever played ment. On EasyAAQ EA Budget Payments. * ftOiVV on the first and last Stetson football team. Special Only (.._.. Made good grades in all the Bible courses he took. ....His idol in high school was his cousin, "Catfish" Smith, who J. F. Allen made the AU-American football team in 1932. Likes most any fiction he isn't required to read for his courses Furniture Co. in school. o^mm+o-mmo-^aH.) Wednesday, March 26, 1941 THE STETSON REPORTER Page Sevett story or article could affect you* Geology Class ! Dean Davis Speahs Seven Suggestions 6. USE newly acquired inform Weekly To Scroll and Key mation socially. Discuss the; How To Remember topic with someone. Groups Has Field Trip Scroll and Key, honorary might work out their own inform HOMILY scholarship and leadership or­ mation quizzes. Overcome Obstacles By GEORGE AVENT, Jr. ganization, held initiation last News of the World 7. COLLECT materials on To Observe Rock Monday afternoon. This was topics. If you have a special in­ How Much do You Formations followed by a banquet in the terest, clip material from papers There is today an unprece­ University Commons for the Retain From Your and magazines to make an in­ By Kay Ward dented interest being shown by members and new initiates to Daily Reading? formation file.. Rain and cold could not stop students in aviation. A student which the faculty members of Dr. Vance's geology class as on our campus was telling sev­ the organization were also in­ AUSTIN, Texas—(ACP)— * they climbed into the school bus eral boys of a new bomber. This vited. How's your memory? I Have It Cut Right! If you forge as easily as the last Saturday at eight thirty to ship supercedes ''anything yet Dean Davis addressed the I EXPERIENCED-COURTEOUS average reader, but want to re­ I BARBERS go on their geology trip. constructed. Its range, carrying group on the appropriate sub­ I AT tain some of the vast ­ The bus seemed inclined to powers, and general ability to ject of "Some Limitations of tion you encounter each day in j HERRINGS choose the bumpiest and rockiest destroy is astounding. Democracy." Two of the initi , magazines, and roads. The first of which led One boy said, the way things ates also took part in the pro­ j BARBER SHOP books, try these "seven keys to them to Crows Bluff where rock are going now it won't be any gram. Nancy Rossiter gave a wisdom/' suggested by Dr. B. formations were studied. civilization left. xA.nother an­ reading, "Education" and Dick F. Holland, University of Texas * swered, "In another five years Feasel entertained the group MONTE SMITH The second stop, the high professor and expert on reading. light of the trip, was at Rock they'll be pulling a 'Buck with a musical number. j * ALTERATIONS 1. INTEND TO REMEM­ Springs. x\s they looked around Rogers' on us and be making { * REMODELING BER. Read with. the intention they saw tables and chairs un­ rocket ships." in the infinite wisdom of God, I * DRESSMAKING of remembering rather than of der large spreading trees — a During war time pessimism sin is permitted. That war is sin. I * DESIGNING amusing yourself. perfect picnic scene which re­ runs high. Every infamous That God's will is that "neither I 107 East Rich 2. Read according to topics. minded them of their hunger. tyrant is regarded as a threat to death, nor life, nor angels, nor Follow all war news, all defense civilization. Without falling into principalities, nor powers, nor They resisted the temptation plans, all state legislation, rather a sense of like .despair it is well things present, nor things to to eat, but instead took a short than jumping from a story on to consider certain facts. Modern comt, nor height, nor depth nor walk down hill which brought one topic to one on another. CITY CABS them to the springs. It was an instruments of destruction were any other creature, shall be able never known before. Some to sq>arate us from the love of 3. QUIZ YOURSELF. Ask ideal place to swim. It looked yourself what you know of a very shallow because of its clear­ scientists believe that science is God, which is in Christ Jesus. PHONE 160 in its infancy. Wonders, they If this last be true then God topic. before you start reading ness but it was in reality 18 feet and then after you have read. 4g»M»0. deep af the diving board. say, will be wrought which must have a way to keep us would seem fantastic today. from falling. Indeed He has! 4. STUDY all pictures, maps, I f«>« They crossed a bridge over "There is no temptation taken graphic illustrations. If none is FRESH the spring and Dr. Vance took The general psychological re­ action of wartime is definitely you but such is common to man: supplied,v try drawing your own a picture of the class. They did but God is faithful, who will not diagrams. not stay at the "swimming pool one of negation and despair. ORANGE JUICE Unless something very definite suffer you to be tempted above 5. RELx\TE material to your Large long, however, for they knew that you are able; but will with own experiences. Ask how the their lunch was awaiting them. is done about it our military Glass 5c camps will manufacture whole­ the temptation also make a way After lunch they started on sale cynicism. War makes men to escape, that ye may be able to All You their way home and arrived doubt the good of living, the de­ bear it." Can Drink 10c about twelve thirty ati the back cency of woman, the worst of Admitting all the ineffable CAKES of Chaudoin. human trust, and the goodness horror of war, one hing is con­ Logue Brothers of God. clusive. It is possible for a FOR Fruit Market Many Stetson boys will be en­ Christian to go thru anything— *BIRTHDAYS i By Baptist Church rolled in camps next year. The even war at its worst—and still *WEDDINGS camp's outlook on life might retain his wholesome optimistic easily become yours unless you outlook. *ANNIVERSARIES take a strong measure to guard The young men who take a BAKED TO ORDER At Jo Ann's Spy Glass against it now. sane Christian optimism as their By Majorie Willis If you are a Christian, and philosophy will return from will think this thing thru thor­ camp, or war (may God forbid CITY BAKERY News today: the "lipstick oughly, I believe you will arrive the latter) still fit to take their Ihats" made by Sally Victor with at these general conclusions: place as useful, happy and well swirling facings to echo Eliza­ That there is a God. That God adjused citizens. ! beth Arden's lipstick shades. A is good. That for some reason, AN OUTSTANDING mew lipstick, "Cuzco Red," a JUST RECEIVED LARGE deep, ruby-red—snatched out of ing gold skirt.. .We seem to be SHIPMENT brilliant backgrounds of South getting a habit of mis-monicker- Nunnally's Candies VALUE xAmerican tropics and temples— ing people—This time we men­ Don't Forget Mother on Easter as vivid and turbulent as tioned Miss Rowe as Miss Turn­ 1 BOX DOROTHY GRAY Gojd's 'jewels, deepfy dramatic er in our last column.. .We POWDER on you... the new "bra sweater" stand corrected... Incidentally, Volusia Pharmacy i from California—even briefer at a banquet recently we saw 1 TUBE DORITHY GRAY than last summer's "third rib" Miss Rowe (we're sure) in a [BUSHNELL & BUSHNELL LIPSTICK length.. .and Kay Hepburn's lovely flame chiffon blouse with 1 DOROTHY GRAY Fried Chicken slack suit in pebbly navy with crescent pockets of gold and MUSIC SHOP huge white pockets at the top black sequins just below the The Home of ROUGE Jointed, Southern Style with Gravy •of the jacket, which is faced in neck.. .and Nell Mires Grecian Mathushek 8C Wurlitzer All In Your Shade! red and white stripes and worn in simple white trimmed in gold PIANOS A $2.00 Actual Value Hot, golden fried chicken over a white silk shirt... Del- kid. with light biscuits piping man's matchbox pumps in Seen at the Policeman's Ball Now the hot and fresh, rich gravy. smooth brick calfskin...I. Mil­ in Daytona St. Patrick's Day: Dr. William W. Jones Complete Set $1.00 What a treat! Order this ker's navy blue calf pumps with black net—very deollete with delicious dish tonight! with gold embroidered eagles on white lace over-bodice... black DENTIST the toes... a black and white i STETSON STUDENTS princess taffeta with white se­ Phone 145 ALWAYS WELCOME crepe dinner dress with the non­ quin panels.. .white net, long 217 Dreaka Building COURT HOUSE chalance of a sports dress. Down full sleeves, high neck—penciled Residence Phone 534 JO ANN'S 'the shoulder runs a wide white in narrow silver horizontal lines PHARMACY •band, white monogram embroid- | ... a former school friend, Mary Phone 5 We Deliver Coffee Shop •ery on the front bodice. ."ermine j Louise Pettit, looking gorgeous Silque HAIR TONIC tails" printed on a simple, pale i ts usual in a white crepe with Use'it to remove hlue jacquard crepe with new pink jacket and a Juliet cap over dandruff scales ""pinning" neckline. her shiny black page-boy. and to groom the GET THAT Faculty Furbelows: M i s s Seen at tea: Delight Seig hair. Improves "GOOD GULF" SERVICE your appearance. Staff looktd fresh and chipper charmante in a sun-tan and Economical. —AT— •one fine morning in a simple white rayon jersey street dress white crepe .sports dress with —simple top, skirt pleated all- r 6 or WINN'S GULF SERVICE belt of Guatemalan embroidery, around and , showing white 39s SIZE Ph. 9165 "Winn With Gulf" Cor. Fla. & N. Y. topped with a dusty pink soft under pleats when she walked.. REXAIL QUALITY wool jacket—she's also one of Elsie I-Iooker "bloomin" (I'm /?= those rare people who doesn't serious, bud!) in an amethyst look sloppy in saddle-backs. taffeta evening dress with sweet­ Seen around: Jeanne Vance in heart neckline and cascade of a blue sailor dress trimmed in pert little bows at the faintly Sold at The l£} ELE&altZGAS the proverbial white braid... "bustle" back. Adelaide Key in a long-sleeved Masculine Magnificence: We white silk shirt and cotton skirt think we know why girls "fall of polka-dotted red, white and for a uniform"—our govern­ blue stripes, if you get what I ment enforces rigid, and most T0UCHT0N mean...Ann Burrell "sparkled" becoming, standards of neatness out of the Glee Club background and cleanliness and S. T. D. DRUG COMPANY in Chapel one day—she wore a (Since the Draft) you "glimmer yellow silk shirt and light blue boys'' will really have to keep jumper.. .Mildred Ratliff in a step! Phone 71 We Deliver navy blue shirt with gold em­ Here's looking at you, and I LET US SERVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE AND ELECTRICAL NEEDS broidered emblem on it match- do mean you! Page Eight THE STETSON REPORTER Wednesday, March 26, 194!

CAPT. PULESTON RACQUET WIELDERS TOP FURMAN, IS SPEAKER FIRST CALL ISSUED Florida's "Pygmalion" (Continued From Page 1) TAMPA TEAM IS NEXT OPPOSITION periodicals. The latest of these FOR INSTRUCTORS Stars Lydia Theurer are Mahanl, published in 1939, ; Lose to Florida Gators, 4 to 3, and to University and Armed Forces of the Pad' SWIMMING CLASS Stetson's Eliza Doolittle Of Georgia, 6 to 0; Players are Improving fie, which is now in the. hands Asked to Substitute of. the printer. Will Meet Tomorrow for The varsity tennis team of Stetson University rang the Dr. McCaul, the baccalaureate Preliminary Organization Lydia Theurer, graduate stu­ bell for the first time in the 1941 tennis season last Wednes' speaker, is described as one of dent of Grantwood, N. J., jour­ neyed to Gainsville Monday to day as they downed Furman University five to two. This the outstanding Baptist leaders The first class for Instructors in. Florida* and according to and Seniors in Lifesaving will play the part of Eliza Doolittle match was the third of the year for the Hatter stars. In President W. S. Allen, wel­ meet Thursday, March 27 (to­ in the play "Pygmalion" which their first two starts they were downed by Florida, four comed, the opportunity to ad­ morrow) at 3:30 in the Girls' was presented by the University games to three and blanked by, dress the Stetson graduating Gym. Enrollment for either of of Florida actors. the snapping Georgia Bulldogs, | CAPTAIN class. these awards is still open, and Miss Theurer received the losing six matches and winning j those wishing to join this class invitation Sunday from Director none, • j should attend the meeting to­ Paul E. Geisenhof, following This week the Hatters hit thc • HATTER COURTMEN morrow afternoon. the sudden illntss of the Miss road in a swing around the Gulf. ' In order to take the Senior Jane Crane who was originally Their first opponents will be! INDEPENDENTS course, the applicant must be cast for the role. the Spartans of Tampa Univers- , over 17 years of age, and have ! "Pinky" expertly placed the at least an average swimming I same part recently in the play ity. These matches will be played : IN STATE FINALS 1 Friday afternoon in Tampa j abiljity. No previous .lifesaving when it was given in the Stover with neither team conceded an Hawkins and Purtz training is necessary. For the Theatre. edge. The following afternoon Chosen for All-State Instructors' course, the appli­ maining three and a half weeks . will find the team in St. Peters-. Court Team cant must be over 20, and have burg, dueling the Junior College | had the Senior course. | period. racquet weilders who are not j The greater part of Stetson's The lifesaving classes will |.: The fee for the Instructors expected to give much trouble, | fine basketball team, playing meet jointly twice a week on course will be $2.00, the local under the colors of the Barnes- Tuesdays and Thursday for Chapter of the Red Cross paying Captain Billy Davis has been I Jennings Transfer, were nosed the remaining cost. The class to­ playing the best tennis of his ' three and a half weeks, at which out in the state A. A. U. finals time the Instructors' class will morrow will be for the purpose career, his only loss being a last Saturday night in Lakeland. of organization, and it will not heart breaker to the No. 1 man be taken over by Mr. Harry \fter trouncing the troublesome Kenning, Field Representative be necessary to bring suits. from Georgia. George Slaton, Orlando xAir base five in the Hatter sophomre who sizzled of American Red Cross, and that semifinal test 43-34 they found course will be concluded with last year, has been slow getting lhe going too speedy and lost started this year, but he is ex­ one .week of intensive training. THERE IS to the Florida Pipe Supply team The Senior class will continue pected to hit the win column this 49-33. weekend. Carl Purtz, Stan meeting twice weekly for a re- Rathbun, Bob Brown, and Har­ "Had" the Iboys been fresher ,«

Do your traveling by bus and save money, time and S&fllplt One Wt.| energy 1 With bus fares less than the cost of driving you ,„ ,. .,. . „ „ THIRSTY aDdlTRED? • .i i> j • x t -± i_ Jacksonville .$ 1.70 can go iarther, more often and in greater comfort by Florida Motor lines and Greyhound streamline buses. Drink a bottle of real 7up and feel re­ NEW YORK • CHICAGO • DETROIT LIMITED freshed. It's pleasing flavor and Three deluxe streamliner buses daily to New York and the East. Two deluxe streamliners daily to Chicago, Detroit, and Cincinnati. All seats sparkling goodness will leave you reserved in advance, steward service, NO local stops, hours saved over regular schedules. $1.00 extra iare. ready to finish your day's work. 7up likes you. You'll like it. BUS STATION ORANGE BELT PHARMACY 7»P BOTTLING CO. Tor. N. Blvd. and Rich PhoriP S.=>^ Daytona Beach, Florida