Telephone Glasgow Kelvin College +44 (0)141 630 5000 Springburn Campus 123 Flemington Street Fax Glasgow G21 4TD The Board of Management of +44(0)141 630 5001 Glasgow Kelvin College is a Scottish Registered Charity, Registration no. SC021207 Email
[email protected] LC: 1940117 + 13 January 2017 4 4 ( mailto:
[email protected] 0 Ms Jennifer Kelly ) 1 Dear Ms Kelly 4 1 6 Thank you for your request for an internal review based on the information we3 provided in response to your request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 0(2002). 5 I can assure you that there were no attempts to be evasive in our response to0 you; it was a mis- interpretation of your request. I have provided a response below and overleaf0 which, I trust, will meet your information requirements. 1 E m Glasgow Kelvin College pays £5k per year as a sponsor and partner of the Glasgowa Rocks Basketball Team. The College receives a wide range of benefits from this relationship suchi as 52 free tickets for each of 18 home matches and 212 free tickets for 2 other specific games duringl the season. The College receives no income from ticket sales for the game. Other benefits fromi this relationship include marketing, work placements for College students to gain experience, ninvolvement of professional athletes in sports programmes and health and well-being events.f Please refer to overleaf for an extract from our College newsletter in relation to this sponsorship.o @ I trust the above response meets your request for information in full.