MIRADON FPO Brand of Anisindione Tablets
R 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 F-16099775 1898 ® MIRADON FPO brand of anisindione Tablets DESCRIPTION MIRADON Tablets contain a syn- thetic anticoagulant, anisindione, an indanedione derivative. Each tablet contains 50 mg anisin- dione. They also contain: corn starch, FD&C Red No. 3, gelatin, lactose, and hydrogenated cotton- seed oil. ACTIONS Like phenindione, to which it is re- lated chemically, anisindione exercises its thera- peutic action by reducing the prothrombin activity of the blood. INDICATIONS Anisindione is indicated for the prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis and its extension, the treatment of atrial fibrilla- tion with embolization, the prophylaxis and treat- ment of pulmonary embolism, and as an adjunct in the treatment of coronary occlusion. CONTRAINDICATIONS All contraindications to oral anticoagulant therapy are relative rather than absolute. Contraindications should be evaluated for each patient, giving consideration to the need for and the benefits to be achieved by anticoagu- lant therapy, the potential dangers of hemor- rhage, the expected duration of therapy, and the quality of patient monitoring and compliance. Hemorrhagic Tendencies or Blood Dyscrasias: In general, oral anticoagulants are contraindi- cated in patients who are bleeding or who have hemorrhagic blood dyscrasias or hemorrhagic tendencies (eg, hemophilia, polycythemia vera, purpura, leukemia) or a history of bleeding dia- thesis. They are contraindicated in patients with recent cerebral hemorrhage, active ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcerative colitis, or open ulcerative, traumatic, or surgical wounds. Oral anticoagulants may be contraindi- cated in patients with recent or contemplated brain, eye, or spinal cord surgery or prostatec- tomy, and in those undergoing regional or lumbar block anesthesia or continuous tube drainage of the small intestine.
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