Third OECD World Forum on “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy” Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life 27-30 October 2009, Busan, Korea

Agenda with confirmed speakers

In co-operation with:

The Bank of Korea European Commission Organisation of The UNDP World Bank

In association with:

Glaser Progress Foundation Inter-American International Inwent - Capacity Partnership in Statistics Development Bank Statistical Building for Development


Busan Metropolitan City SQIsoft UniCredit Group Media Partners:

Agence France-Presse euronews Financial Times Maeil Business SEED Media Group Sigma Orionis (AFP)

Tuesday, 27 October 2009 Day 1 - How is the World Progressing? 8.00 - 9.30 Registration Workshops on Measurement Issues and Meetings of Associated Networks 1.1 9.30 - 11.00 Parallel Sessions Key National Indicators in the System of External Audit in co-operation with International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Chair: Alexander A. Piskunov, Auditor, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation PDF 1.1.a Session 1 Bernice Steinhardt, Director, Strategic Issues Team, United States Government Accountability Office PDF Wojciech Misiag, Adviser to the President of the Supreme Chamber of Control, Poland Gusztáv Báger, Senior Adviser to the President of the State Audit Office, Hungary PDF Ulrike Mandl, Economist, Austrian Court of Audit PDF Measuring Progress; New Evidence, New Initiatives Chair: Young-Sun Lee, President, Hallym University, Korea Anat Itay, Project Leader, Israel's Progress Index, The Israeli Society for Sustainable Economics PDF 1.1.b Session 2 Wai Kee Yuen, Economics and Well-being Project Co-ordinator, Hong Kong Shue Yan University PDF Aygen Aytac, Coordinator of the Turkey National Human Development Report on Youth PDF Prathurng Hongsranagon, Assistant Dean in Academic Affairs, College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand PDF Henning Hansen, IFEH project manager, Denmark PDF The Future of Human Development Measures in co-operation with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Chair: Frances Stewart, Professor, Development Economics, Oxford University, United Kingdom 1.1.c Session 3 Isidro Soloaga, Coordinator-LAC Regional Human Development Report, Professor, Mexico Milorad Kovacevic, Senior Statistician, Human Development Report Office of the UNDP, USA Armin Sirco, The winner of 2009 Human Development Award for excellence in measurement innovation, Bosnia and Herzegovina Discussant: Johnson Kagya Owusu, Head of Analytical Studies/Ghana Info Section, Ghana Statistical Service Fostering the Measurement of Societal Progress: the Role of ICT and Training Chair: Savas Alpay, Director General, SESRIC, Turkey Daniel Byk, Special Advisor, National Statistical Institute of , STATEC 1.1.d Session 4 Babar Kamal, Manager, Public Finance and Trade, The United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR PDF Thierry Karsenti, Director, Interuniversity Research Centre on Education and the Teaching Profession, CRIFPE, Canada Cesare Furlanello, Senior Researcher, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy PDF

Measuring Multidimensional Poverty and Prosperity Chair: Paul-Henri Lapointe, Canadian Ambassador 1.1.e Session 5 Mohamed Doudich, Head, Observatory of Living Conditions, Direction of Statistics, Morocco Sabina Alkire, The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), UK Jiehae Choi, Research and Program Analyst, Legatum Institute, UK PDF Discussant: Ola Awad, Acting President, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Measuring Time Use and Well-Being Chair: Eduardo Pereira Nunes, President, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, IBGE 1.1.f Session 6 Paul Jelfs, Assistant Statistician, Health and Social Analysis Branch, Australian Bureau of Statistics Heli Jeskanen-Sundström, Director General, PDF Michael Wolfson, Assistant Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada PDF Discussant: Andrew Sharpe, President, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada What do People Know about the Progress of their Societies? Chair: Eric Martin, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OECD 1.1.g Session 7 Richard T. Curtin, Director, Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, Institute of Social Research, USA PDF Enrico Giovannini, President, Italian National Statistics Institute, ISTAT, Italy Marco Malgarini, Director, Survey Unit, Institute for Studies and Economic Analyses, ISAE, Italy PDF Discussant: François Ndengwe, Founder and Chairman, African Advisory Board, France 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee Break

1.2 11.30 - 12.10 Opening Session

Opening Remarks: Insill Yi, Commissioner, Statistics Korea Welcoming Address: Jeung-Hyun Yoon, Minister of Ministry of Strategy and Finance Welcoming Address: Angel Gurría, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Congratulatory Speech: Government of Korea - to be determined Keynote Speech: Danilo Türk, President of Slovenia 12.10-14:00 Lunch (including short presentations) 1,3 12:20 Tape cutting ceremony for the opening of the World Forum Exhibition

Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life: In A Time of Crisis 1.4 14:00 - 16:00

Keynote address: Angel Gurría, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Bader Omar Al Dafa, Under-Secretary-General, UNO, Executive Secretary of ESCWA Round table Sergey Stepashin, Chairman, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation PDF Frances Stewart, Professor, Development Economics, Oxford University, United Kingdom Vikram Nehru, Head of poverty in East Asia region, World Bank PDF 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break

1.5 16:30 - 18:00 Progress For People Through People

Chair: Choongsoo Kim, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Korea to the OECD Jeni Klugman, Director, UNDP Human Development Report Office Fiona Stanley, Director, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Australia Round table Katsuji Imata, Deputy Secretary General of Programmes, CIVICUS, South Africa PDF Ahmed Lahlimi Alami, High Commissioner for Planning, Morocco PDF Juan Díez-Nicolás, President of ASEP, Spain PDF 18:30 - 21:00 Welcome Reception - Cultural Event Wednesday, 28 October 2009 Day 2 - New Measures, New Policies

2.1 9:00 - 10:30 New Paradigms to Measure Progress

Chair: Enrico Giovannini, President, Italian National Statistics Institute, ISTAT, Italy Keynote speaker: Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, Columbia University, USA Discussant: David Gruen, Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group, The Treasury, Australia PDF Discussant: Oh-Seok Hyun, President, Korea Development Institute, KDI Discussant: Pali Lehohla, Statistician General of South Africa and Co-Chair of PARIS21 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

2.2 11:00 - 12:30 Parallel Sessions

Measuring Trust, Building Trust in a Time of Crisis Chair: Patrick Watson, Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Trinidad And Tobago John F. Helliwell, Professor, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, and member of the National Statistics Council, Canada PDF 2.2.a Session 1 Daniele Fano, Head of Economic Reasearch, Pioneer Global Asset Mangement, UniCredit Italiano Banking Group, Italy PDF Subho Banerjee, Executive Director of the Strategy and Delivery Division, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australia PDF Tania Guzman, Central America Human Development Report, UNDP, Colombia PDF Discussant: Yong-Hak Kim, Professor of Sociology, Yonsei University, Korea National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in OECD Countries Chair: Paul Schreyer, Acting Director, Statistics Directorate, OECD 2.2.b Session 2 Ken Prewitt, Vice-Chair, The State of the USA Brian Pink, Australian Chief Statistician, ABS Mariano Rojas, Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico, FLACSO, and UPAEP, Mexico PDF Jaeyeol Yee and Dukjin Chang, Professors, Dep. of Sociology, Seoul National University and Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Korea PDF Human Capital and Building Capabilities Chair: Juraj Riecan, Director, Statistics Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission, UNESCWA 2.2.c Session 3 Paolo Sestito, Deputy Director, Department for Structural Economic Analysis, Bank of Italy, and Co-Chair of the PIAAC / OECD PDF Paul Cappon, President and CEO, Canadian Council on Learning PDF Dae-Bong Kwon, President, Korea Research Institute for Vocation Education and Training, KRIVET PDF Discussant: Ikbal Sayah, Head of the Studies Department, National Observatory for Human Development, Morrocco Can We Talk About Progress when Inequality is Growing? Chair: Heba Handoussa, Leading Author of the Human Development Report of Egypt 2.2.d Session 4 John Martin, Director, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate, OECD PDF Gary Marks, Researcher, Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia PDF Milorad Kovacevic, Senior Statistician, Human Development Report Office of the UNDP, USA Discussant: Yun Hi Won, President, Korea Institute of Public Finance, KIPF

From Poverty to Power Chair: Rebecca Blank, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce Duncan Green, Head of Research, Oxfam GB, UK PDF 2.2.e Session 5 Sabina Alkire, Director, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, OPHI, UK PDF Andrea Brandolini, Head of the Economic Structure and Labour Market Division, Department for Structural Economic Analysis, Bank of Italy and Chairman of the PDF International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) Discussant: Jeni Klugman, Director, Human Development Report Office, United Nations Development Programme, UNDP Measuring and Fostering Well-Being and Societal Progress with the Involvement of Citizens Chair: Yves Franchet, President, Political and Ethical Knowledge on Economic Activities Reseach Programme, PEKEA, France 2.2.f Session 6 Gilda Farrell, Head of the Research and Social Cohesion, Development Division at the Council of Europe, France PDF Glenda Gallardo, Principal economist for the UNDP, Honduras National Human Development Report Michel Renault, Faculte des Sciences Economiques, France Discussant: Deanna Zachary, Project Manager, Applied Survey Research, USA The Role of Think Tanks Chair: Leigh Gatt, Managing Director, Gatt Consulting Ltd, New Zealand 2.2.g Session 7 (Round table) Irene Mia, Director, World Economic Forum, Switzerland Nic Marks, Head of Well-being Research, New Economics Foundation, UK PDF Maja Göpel, Director, Future Justice Programme, World Future Council, Germany

12:30 - 14:30 Lunch (including short presentations)

2.3 14:30 - 16:00 New Measures, New Policies

Chair: Shailaja Chandra, Vice President, Initiatives for Change-Centre for Governance, India Geoff Mulgan, Director of the Young Foundation, UK PDF Round table Soogil Young, President, National Strategy Institute, NSI, Korea Fabrizio Barca, Director General, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Italy Mark Orkin, Director General, South African Management Development Institute, SAMDI PDF 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break

2.4 16:30 - 18:00 Parallel sessions

The Role of Official Statisticians Chair: Paul Cheung, Director, United Nations Statistics Commission, UNSD Session 1 Gerardo Leyva, Deputy Director General of Research and Development, INEGI, Mexico PDF 2.4.a (Round table) Pieter Everaers, Director, , European Commission Pronab Sen, National Chief Statistician of India Geoff Bascand, Chief Executive and Government Statistician, New Zealand PDF Jae Chang Lee, President-elect, International Statistical Institute, ISI, and Professor Emeritus, Dep. of Statistics, Korea University PDF Low Carbon, Green Growth in co-operation with Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) Chair: Sung Jin Kang, Professor, Department of Economics, Korea University, Korea 2.4.b Session 2 Soren Hermansen, Director, Samso Energy Academy, Denmark Jayoung Koo, President and CEO, SK Energy, Korea PDF Stephan Albrechtskirchinger, Director of Communications and Outreach, World Energy Council, UK The Role of The Parliaments Chair: Hye Hoon Lee, Legislator, National Assembly, Korea Session 3 Anders Wijkman, Vice President, Club of Rome, President, GLOBE-EU, Board member, Tällberg Foundation, and Expert Group Chairman for the Commission on 2.4.c (Round table) Climate Change and Development Andrew Ellis, Director for Asia-Pacific, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, IDEA PDF Antonio Armellini, Italy's Permanent Representative to the OECD Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Member of the European Parliament for the 2004–2009 parliamentary term Decent Work and Well-Being at the Workplace Chair: Ralf Jacobs, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission 2.4.d Session 4 John Evans, General Secretary, Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD, TUAC PDF Rafael Diez de Medina, Chief Statistician, Director, Department of Statistics, International Labour Office, Geneva PDF Wayne Kim, Executive Vice President of Corporate Support Division, LG Electronics, Korea PDF Does Evidence Change People's Behaviour? Chair: Jil Matheson, National Statistician, UK Statistics Authority Eva Jespersen, Deputy Director Human Development Report Office, UNDP-HDRO PDF 2.4.e Session 5 Magued Osman, Chairman, Cabinet of Ministers' Information and Decision Support Center, IDSC, Egypt PDF Ken Prewitt, Vice-President for Global Centers and Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Columbia University, USA PDF Discussant: Denise Lievesley, Former President of ISI, Professor of Social Statistics and Head of School of Social Science and Public Policy, King’s College London, UK Measuring Societal Progress: From Philosophy to Practice Chair: Makoto Atoh, Member Statistics Commission of Japan/Professor Waseda University 2.4.f Session 6 Jon Hall, OECD Manager of the Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies Laszlo Pinter, Director, Measurement and Assessment Program, International Institute for Sustainable Development, IISD, Canada PDF Ulla Rosenström, Project Manager, Prime Minister’s Office, Finland PDF Discussant: Stephen Hall, Sustainable Development Indicators, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK Measuring Governance and Democracy Chair: Bjørn Førde, Director, UNDP Olso Governance Centre 2.4.g Session 7 Romulo A. Virola, Secretary General, National Statistical Coordination Board of The Phillippines, NSCB PDF Paul Graham, Executive Director, Institute for Democracy in South Africa, IDASA PDF Francesca Recanatini, Senior Economist, Public Sector Governance unit, The World Bank Discussant: Mike Salvaris, Director, Applied Human Rights Research Unit , RMIT University, Australia PDF Thursday, 29 October 2009 Day 3 - How Can We Improve the Way in Which Evidence on Progress Promotes Change?

3.1 9:00-9:30 Evidence, People and Behaviour

Keynote address: Pier Carlo Padoan, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD

09.45 - 11:00 Why Evidence is Not Enough to Change Policies and Behaviours: 3 Case Studies

Quality of Life Chair: Cae One Kim, Chairman, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Science, NRCS, Korea 3.1.a Session 1 Richard Layard, Professor, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK PDF Insill Yi, Commissioner, Statistics Korea PDF Robert Cummins, Professor of Psychology, Deakin University, President, International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies, ISQOLS, Australia PDF Climate Change Chair: Prosanto Pal, Senior Fellow, Industrial Energy Efficiency Division, The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI, India Fulai Sheng, Senior Economist, United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP PDF 3.1.b Session 2 Anders Wijkman, Vice President, Club of Rome, President, GLOBE-EU, Board member, Tällberg Foundation, and Expert Group Chairman for the Commission on PDF Climate Change and Development Paul Dickinson, CEO, Carbon Disclosure Project, UK PDF Discussant: Rae Kwon Chung, Ambassador for Climate Change, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, MOFAT, Korea PPT Health Chair: Chris Murray, Institute Director, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, IHME, USA 3.1.c Session 3 Steve Lim, Assistant Professor, Department of Global Health, University of Washington, USA PDF Tran Van Son, Department of Public Expenditure and Administration, Ministry of Finance, Vietnam Andres de Francisco, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH), Italy PDF 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

3.2 11:30 - 12:45 Parallel Sessions

The Role of Economic and Social Councils Chair: Serge Allegrezza, President, Economic and Social Council, CES, Luxembourg 3.2.a Session 1 Philippe Le Clezio, Economic, Social and Environmental Council, France PDF Seoghoon Kang, Professor,Economics Sungshin Women's University, Korea Antonio Marzano, President, International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions, AICESIS, and President, National Economic and PDF Labour Council, CNEL, Italy National Initiatives to Measure Well-Being, Societal Progress and Sustainable Development in non-OECD Countries Chair: Agnes Ssekiboobo, Director, ISAE - Makerere University, Uganda Tshoki Zangmo, Media Officer, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 3.2.b Session 2 Xianchun Xu, Deputy Commissioner, National Bureau of Statistics of China PDF Luay Shabaneh, President, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Palestine PDF Seeta Prabhu, UN Development Programme, UNDP, India PDF Discussant: Byron Villacís Cruz, Director General, National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, INEC, Ecuador

Childhood Well-being Chair: Fiona Stanley, Director, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Australia Yanghee Lee, Professor, Dep. of Child Psychology and Education, Sungkyunkwan University and Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Korea PDF 3.2.c Session 3 Paul Schreyer, Acting Director, Statistics Directorate, OECD Asher Ben-Arieh, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Co-Chair, International Society for Child PDF Indicators, ISCI Nicolas Pron, Project Manager, DevInfo Flagship Project, UNICEF, USA PDF Discussant: Yehualashet Mekonen Abegaz, African Child Policy Forum, Ethiopia Impact of Measuring Progress on National Strategies for the Development of Statistics in co-operation with Paris21 Chair: Mohamed-El-Heyba Lemrabott Berrou, Manager, PARIS21 PDF Session 4 Shailaja Chandra, former Executive Director of the National Population Stabilization Fund, currently Vice President of Initiatives for Change-Centre for Governance, 3.2.d (Round table) India Margaret Kakande, former PRSP Coordinator, currently Head of the Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda Pieter Everaers, Director, External Cooperation, Communication and Key Indicators, EUROSTAT The Millennium Development Goals: Lessons for Improvement Chair: Eric Swanson, Program Manager, DEC Development Data Group, The World Bank Jon Hall, OECD Manager of the Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies 3.2.e Session 5 Geoffrey Nwaka, Abia State University Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria PDF Charles Lufumpa, Director, Statistics Department, African Development Bank Group, AfDB, Tunisia Pali Lehohla, General Statistician, Statistics South Africa Discussant: Paul Cheung, Director, UN Statistics Division Measuring and Addressing the Vulnerability of our Societies Chair: Francisco Lopez-Bermudez, Policy Director, ADA, Ecuador 3.2.f Session 6 Romain Duval, Head of the Structural Surveillance Division, Economics Department, OECD Susan Burns, Chief Executive Officer, Global Footprint Network, USA Jacques Freyssinet, President, Scientific council, Centre for Employment Studies, France PDF Discussant: Shlomo Yitzhaki, Government Statistician of Israel, and Professor Emeritus of Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

12:45 - 14:30 Lunch (including short presentations)

3.3 14:30 - 16:00 Parallel sessions

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Session 1 Chair: Carol Tappenden, Managing Director, GreaterGood South Africa 3.3.a Seung-Kyu Rhee, Professor and Director, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Research Center at KAIST Graduate School of Management, Korea PDF Janvier Alofa, National Economist, Benin National Human Development Report Team Eliza Lanzi, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy PDF The Role of Civil Society Chair: Jan Robert Suesser, Director, International Cooperation Agency for Economic and Finance Ministries, ADETEF, France 3.3.b Session 2 Anders Hingel, Head of Unit, Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission PDF Buzz Schmidt, Chief Executive, GuideStar International, UK PDF Heisoo Shin, Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University and Founder, National Movement for Eradication of Sex Trafficking, PDF Korea Can We Measure Peace? Does it Help in Achieving it? in co-operation with the Institute for Economics and Peace Chair: Steve Killelea, Chairman, Integrated Research Ltd, founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace, and of the Global Peace Index, Australia Toshiya Hoshino, Professor, School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan 3.3.c Session 3 Kevin Clements, Director of the New Zealand National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, NCPACS, at the University of Otago, and Secretary General of the PDF International Peace Research Association Sang-Hyun Lee, Director of Security Studies Program, Sejong Institute, Korea PDF Jurgen Brauer, Professor of Economics, Augusta State University, USA

Cities: a Place for Well-Being or Ill-Being? Chair: Mario Pezzini, Deputy Director, Public Governance and Territorial Development, OECD 3.3.d Session 4 Christine Ruyters, University of Liège, Belgium PDF Charlotte Kahn, Director, The Boston Indicators Project, The Boston Foundation, USA PDF Eduardo Lora, Chief Economist and Manager, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, IADB PDF Discussant: Anindita Mitra, President, Community Indicators Consortium, USA Keeping Policy Makers Accountable Chair: Rolf Elm-Larsen, Director, National Audit Office of Denmark 3.3.e Session 5 Mark Friedman, Director, The Fiscal Policy Studies Institute, Santa Fe, USA PDF Eitan Felner, Independent International Consultant on Economic and Social Rights, Spain Sam Nyambi, African Monitor Board of Trustees, South Africa PDF The Role of Communicators Chair: Jose de Jesús García Vega ,professor, Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico Session 6 3.3.f Peter Simlinger, Director, and Veronika Egger, Deputy Director, International Institute for Information Design, IIID, Austria PDF (Round table) Chungsoo Kim, Correspondent for Economic Affairs, Joongang Ilbo Daily Newspaper, Korea Donato Speroni, Journalist for East, Europe and Asia Stategies PDF Anthony Gooch, Director, Public Affairs and Communications, OECD The Role of Foundations

Session 7 Chair: Amir Dossal, Executive Director, UN Office for Partnerships 3.3.g (Round table) Martin Collier, Executive Director, The Glaser Progress Foundation, USA PDF Marcello Palazzi, Founder President, Progressio Foundation, Netherlands and Board Member, Tällberg Foundation, Sweden PDF William P. O'Hare, Senior Fellow, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, USA PDF 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break

3.4 16:30 - 18:00 New Policies, New Behaviours, New Institutions

Chair: Tae-shin Kwon, Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Korea Antonio Marzano, President, International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Instituions, AICESIS, PDF and National Council of the Economy and Labour, CNEL Round table Ohm Collins Chabane, Minister of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Presidency of South Africa Rebecca Blank, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce PDF Roger Ricafort, Director, Oxfam Hong Kong PDF 18:30 - 20:30 GALA Dinner Friday, 30 October 2009 Day 4 - Taking this Forward - The Next Steps

4.1 09:00 - 09:30 Award Ceremony - Awards for Contributions to the OECD World Forum

4,2 09:30 - 10:15 Wiki-Progress Enrico Giovannini, President, Italian National Statistics Institute, ISTAT, Italy Johannes Jütting, Head of Unit, Poverty Reduction & Social Development, OECD Angela Hariche, Project manager, Wiki-Progress, OECD Discussant: Ruut Veenhoven, Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam , Netherlands 10:15- 10:45 Coffee Break

4,3 10:45 - 13:00 Next Steps: Commitments and Conclusions

Chair: Pier Carlo Padoan, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD Enrico Giovannini, President, Italian National Statistics Institute, ISTAT, Italy Jin-Gyu Kim, Vice Commissioner of Statistics Korea Pronab Sen, National Chief Statistician of India Statements from the floor Paul Cheung, Director, United Nations Statistics Commission, UNSD Mike Salvaris, Director, Applied Human Rights Research Unit , RMIT University, Australia Nic Marks, Head of Well-being Research, New Economics Foundation, UK Deanna Zachary, Project Manager, Applied Survey Research, USA Martin Collier, Director, Glaser Foundation, USA Fiona Stanley, Director, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Australia

Other Background Papers These papers have been submitted by conference delegates and will be of interest to all those attending the conference BANIK Nilanjan, Does Trade Actually Helps to Build Capabilities: The Case of Asia PDF BARTOLINI Stefano, Trends in Social Capital as a Major Predictor of Subjective Well-Being Trends in the Long-Run PDF BEČIĆ Emira and Jadranka Švarc, Sustainable development: what are the measurement challenges? PDF BLEYS Brent, Classifying Alternative Measures for Policy-Making PDF BRANDOLINI Andrea, Asset-related Measures of Poverty and Economic Stress PDF BROWN Denise, Good Practice Guidelines for Indicators Development and Reporting PDF DE JONGE Tineke, HUPKENS Christianne, BRUGGINK Jan-Willem, Living a happy, healthy and satisfying life PDF FERRIERI Gaetano, Measuring development assistance from donor countries. PDF GUTIÉRREZ SAXE Miguel, The State of the Nation is a research and capacity building centre focusing on the appraisal and promotion of sustainable human development (SHD) PDF HAN Yuanyuan, What’s Chinese Overseas Students’ Choice: Return or Stay? PDF HONGSRANAGON Prathurng, An Application of Sufficiency Economy in the Health Sector in Thailand PDF HUFFMAN E. Wallace , Does Information Change Behavior? PDF JAGANNATH Harish P., Measuring Progress of Tribal Education PDF KITTIPRAPAS Sauwalak, Subjective-well-being: New paradigm for measuring progress and public policies PDF LIDDLE Ruth, KUMARIS Brahma, MEASURING AND FOSTERING WELL-BEING IN SOCIETIES PDF MANNING Richard, Using Indicators to encourage Development, Lessons from the Millennium Development Goals PDF OHASHI Terue, Democracy as the indicater of sustainability from the research of "Questionnaire on Ideal Society Part 2" in Japan and Sweden PDF RENAULT Michel and FRANCHET Yves, Building together local indicators of societal progress PDF PILON André, Living Better in a Better World: An Ecosystemic Approach to the Problems of Difficult Settlement or Solution in our Times PDF RITTER Waltraut, Are Think Tanks an Indicator for Societal Progress? PDF ROJAS Mariano, "Measuring the Progress of Societies: Reflections from Mexico" PDF Celia Russell , Paul Murphy and Islay Gemmell , What do academics want? Research requirements for cross-national data PDF SHABANE Luay, Measuring Progress in the Arab region: Aspirations and challenges PDF SHUBERT Renate, More Bioenergy for Less Climate Change? Binding Minimum Standards to Assure Sustainability PDF SCHWARTZ Gilson, Iconomics: Challenges for Theory and Policy PDF