Aatto Prihti Luke Georghiou Elisabeth Helander Jyrki Juusela Frieder Meyer-Krahmer Bertil Roslin Tuire Santamäki-Vuori Mirja Gröhn Assessment of the additional appropriation for research Sitra Reports series 2 2 ASSESSMENT OF THE ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR RESEARCH Copyright: the authors and Sitra Graphic design: Leena Seppänen ISBN 951-563-372-9 (print) ISSN 1457-571X (print) ISBN 951-563-373-7 (URL: http://www.sitra.fi) ISSN 1457-5728 (URL: http://www.sitra.fi) The Sitra Reports series consists of research publications, reports and evaluation studies especially for the use of experts. To order copies of publications in the Sitra Reports series, please contact Sitra at tel. +358 9 618 991 or e-mail
[email protected]. Printing house: Hakapaino Oy Helsinki 2000 CONTENTS 3 SUMMARY 5 Results of the evaluation 5 Future priorities 7 FOREWORD 9 1. EVALUATION EFFORT 11 2. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION PROGRAMME 15 Objectives 15 Use of funds 17 Distinctive features of projects set up using the additional appropriations 23 Assessment of intention of appropriation against actual allocation 24 3. EVIDENCE OF IMPACTS 25 Basic research 25 Cooperation networks and cluster programmes 31 Productivity and employment 37 Modernisation and regional development 41 Tekes 46 4. POLICY OPTIONS FOR THE FUTURE 47 Continue setting ambitious aims for research funding 49 Strengthen the conditions for basic research 50 Improve the cluster approach 51 Integrate the new and the old economies 51 Focus more on innovation 52 Develop the future competencies of the workforce 53