Minister Takes up Collection in Catholic Church Priest
GOOD THIEF WAS ‘FIRST SMALL HOST’ OFFERED The J^fisttr Has tha International News Service (Wire and Mail), tbe N. C. W. C. News Service (Includinf Radios and Cables), NON-CATHOLICS Its Own Special Service, All the Smaller Catholic Services, lotematiooal Illustrated News, and N, C. W. C. Picture Servict. PENITENT WAS Local Local When, in 1925, John Thomas Scopes, an instruct* COMMENT UPON Edition Edition USED TO SHOW or in the high school of Day- ton, Tenn., was on trial, THE charged with teaching the theory of evolution, we CHURCH GAINS CHRIST’S UNION warned that it was not safe for Catholics to side strongly Catholicity’s Advance in Holland and South with those Fundamentalists By Accepting Repentance at Crucifixion who believed they were de America Subject of Special REGISTER(Name Registered in the 0. S. Patent Office) Savior Exemplified His Suffering With fending the Bible against Agnosticism and Atheism. Articles in Papers • VOL. XII No. 11 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, MAR. 15,1936 T W O CENTS Us, Msgr. Sheen Says Our beliefs are far from Gains made by the Catholic Church in Holland and in theirs. A current magazine New York.— ^The penitent thief on Calvary was called South America furnish the subject of special articles in two God in the Unspoken Language “the first small host ever offered in the Mass” by the Rt. article by Paul Y. Anderson, Protestant religious publications. The vitality of the ad who covered the trial as a re Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen in the course of his address over vances made in Holland are not only frankly admitted but Priest - Martyr the Catholic Hour, which is broadcast over a network of porter and who now reviews described in The Protestant General Weekly for Christian the National Broadcasting company, through station it, confirms us in our judg ity and Culture, while The Christian Century of Chicago ment.
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