Ancestors and Descendants of Cap Benjamin Barnes and Charles Curtiss of Granville, Mass.

By Abel Tuttle Barnes Great-grandson of Capt. Benjamin Member New England Historic Genealogical Society


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There are Joyal hearts, there are spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and true; Then give to the world the best you have And the best will come back to you.

Give love and love to your life will flow, A strength in your utmost need; Have faith and a score of hearts will show Their faith in your word and deed.

Give truth and your gift will be paid in kind, And honor will honor meet. And a smile that is sweet will surely find A smile that is just as sweet.

For life is a mirror of king and slave, 'Tis just what we are and do; Then give to the world the best you have And the best will come back to you. -Author unknown.


IN this work the family heads are arranged somewhat dif­ ferently from that in common use; as the title-page implies, this is a record of the descendants of Capt. Benjamin Barnes. In the family headings the descendant, whether male or female, is placed first; hence the wife, in cases where she is the descendant, will have her name placed before that of her husband. The direct descent back to Capt. Benjamin is given in small type directly under each family heading. The family heads will be in larger, black-face type, and the direct ancestors' birth number and name in record of ancestors the same. Consecutive numbers will be given children as they appear in this book; these will be in smaller light-face type. To trace any one's descent back and find dates of births and mar­ riages, take descendant's number at family heading and turn back until you find same number under heading of children; then take the number of family head under which you will find your first number and turn back until you find that number in same manner, until you come to Capt. Benjamin. Instead of making the order by generations, as is commonly done in genealogies, I take the children in order from oldest to youngest and carry their line down to the present time. For in­ stance: Capt. Benjamin had but three children, who married and had descendants, - Elijah, Lucy, and Benjamin Jr. Their order in this book will be first, Elijah; second, Benjamin; Jr., third, Lucy and Charles Curtiss. Elijah's first child was Laura; her descendants will in their order be brought down to the present time. Then next Lucy treated in the same way, and so on down to his last child Sophia. Letters and abbreviations: b. - born dau. - daughter m.-married g.-grand d.-died g. g.-great-grand n. m. - never married g. g. g. - great-great-grand n. c.-no children g. g. g. g.-great-great-great-grand * Soldier. See War Records.



As a man's memory cannot extend back beyond his birth nor forward after his death, with some deduction at the beginning at least, all historical matters which he may produce extending outside the scope of his memory must be taken from history or the word of others. So in case of this work, while much of it is from memory and records of my own, much more is gleaned from records (many of them contradictory) and from persons living, as to their own families, and in this there are many discouragements. While a few will answer inquiries promptly and fully, much the greater part will delay for weeks or months, and some will not answer at all, even when addressed envelope and postage is sent them. The first class have my hearty thanks and gratitude; the second, my conditional thanks and sympathy; but toward the last I refrain from making any expression of my feelings here. This will be all the apology I shall make for blank spaces and errors. Many attempts have been made, and are still being made, by individuals to get up genealogies of all the people of any one name from their origin, this must of necessity prove a failure; or even of all branches of same name who came to this country, although such productions are of great value and wide interest. This will be more apparent when you apply it individually. Take yourself as one: you had two parents, a father and mother, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents and carry this on back for twelve generations ( three hundred years) and you find you had two thousand and forty-eight direct parents and grandparents. Carry this back another three hundred years to twenty-four generations and you find that in six hundred years you have had the enormous sum of eight million, three hundred eighty-eight thousand, six hundred and eight direct parents. For these reasons the writer believes that ancestral history can best be preserved by taking up, by some interested member of a family line, from grandfather or great-grandfather, bringing same down to the present, than by undertaking such a herculean task as getting all lines of any name, and a greater semblance of accuracy can be obtained. vi Introductory and A pologetical vii

My experience, extending over a period of about ten years, satisfies me that any one undertaking it will find that the labor and expense will be sufficient to satisfy his ambition in this direction. I believe that greater interest and care should be taken in keeping and preserving individual family records for the benefit of posterity. A. T. BARNES.

THE NAME BARNES Very little, I might say nothing, is known as to our direct line in England. There were many prominent men in high positions there by this name among the gentry. There were also many among the sturdy yeomanry. When in Scotland in 1899, I visited the Historic Library in Glasgow, but could find nothing to connect our ancestor, Thomas Barnes, with any of the many lines of our name which I found there. A friend of mine well versed in genealogical matters told me once that I was descended from the line of martyrs of that name, who were burned at the stake for their religious beliefs because they would not recant. Savage says in his Genealogical Dictionary," The patronymic Barnes was originally spelled 'Bainie,' probably from the Saxon 'Beoon,' or, which is more likely, from the Norse 'Bjorne,' a warrior." T. C. Barnes, in "The Barnes Family Year Book," says it "was brought to England by William the Conqueror, being the name of his trusted aide." COAT OF ARMS I have been asked many times what the Barnes coat of arms was. So far as I have been able to learn, we can lay no claim to one. While there were a number of tribes or lines of this name in England who belonged to the gentry and had them of dif­ ferent designs, none can be traced to our ancestor who came to this country, viz., Thomas Barnes of New Haven, Conn., to whom we are able to trace our ancestry with certainty. For my part, I am content to believe that I am descended from the sturdy yeomanry and to be taken for what I am, and not for what my ancestors have been. I have heard a story which I believe to be true; that some time after the Revolutionary War, Capt. Benjamin Barnes sold a cow to one who claimed to belong to the gentry, and who made out the bill. " ----Gentleman, bought of Benjamin Barnes, Yeoman, -One red cow," etc.




WAS the seventh child of Ebenezer and Mehitable (Miller) Barnes; born in Middletown, Conn., where his parents resided until some time between 1750-60, when they moved to West Granville, Mass., in which town Capt. Benjamin lived· until his death, and his remains were buried in the cemetery there, which I have visited many times in the past thirty years. Unfortunately, there is no picture of him in existence, and probably none was ever made. He, as well as his ancestors, were thrifty farmers and well-to-do in those times, all of them known to be landowners and prominent in the towns where they lived. Capt. Benjamin bought land in Granville in 1769, 1770, and 1772, the latter the tract on which he built the house, a picture of which is shown in this book. As he died two years before I was born I have no means of knowing his personal appearance only by hearsay. He was physi­ cally a strong man, of medium stature and of kind and genial temperament, ever kind but strict in his family, honorable in his dealings with his fellow men, and a Christian, - by profes­ sion a Presbyterian, but when Methodism came to Granville in 1792-95 he became much interested, but whether he ever joined that denomination I do not know. Nothing I can say will better illustrate the kind of a man he was than to copy from " The History of the Introduction of Methodism into the Towns of Blanford and Granville," by Armor Hamilton. " Soon after, the meetings were removed to Capt. Benjamin Barnes, and a class formed of Anah Barnes, Benjamin Barnes, and Edward Bancroft. He was class leader. About this time, another class was formed in Granville upon Beach Hill. This class was of :five, David Frost and wife, Rubin Farnum and wife, and the wife of Dan Robinson. This year, 1793, the :first quarterly meeting of which there is any record was held in Capt. Barnes' barn, on the 18th of June; Thomas Ware was P. R. Elder and Joel Ketchum preached in the afternoon. The Love Feast was held in a room in the Captain's house and not half full." I 2 The Barnes Genealogy

About this time Methodism began to increase and spread far and wide. The Standing Order opposed, disputed, and preached loudly against the errors of Methodism, but God blessed the work and prospered it; and while some opposed, others opened their hearts to do good. An instance of the kind I must relate. In the year 1795 (by this time Granville had become a Circuit), Lemuel Smith was appointed to Granville Circuit. He brought his family to Capt. Barnes' to stay a few days until he could :find a place for them to live. He set off to look for a place, and after spending two days, he returned discouraged, not having found a house he could get for his family. "Now," says the Captain, " you have spent two days among your Brethren and cannot :find a house. Now, we will see what an old Presbyterian can do. There is a shop; we will go and see what can be done with it." They went, and found with a little repairs it would make the family comfortable, and they moved in and were comfortably provided for. When it came time to provide hay for his horse, Smith told the Captain he wanted a place to put some hay and a stable for his horse. "Oh," says the Captain, "it will only be a bother; the hay will get mixed up; feed your horse, and we will make it all right." So the horse was fed. When the Captain made cider, Smith said he wanted a barrel of cider. The Captain said take one, but Smith said he would not take it without pay. "Well, then, pay for it." So Smith took the cider. In the spring, when Smith was about to remove, he called on the Captain for his account. " Oh," says the Captain, " I have no account only for the barrel of cider; you said you would pay for that and you may give me seventy-five cents, that's all." When twenty-two years old, he married Mary Coe of Middle­ town, Conn., daughter of Ephraim and Hannah Miller Coe, a most estimab.le lady,of a prominent family and a devout Christian woman. Reverend Timothy Cooley, who presided over the church at Granville Center for :fifty years, in the early days of his past9rate, mentioned her with others as" being of the greatest assistance to him in church work." She was the mother of all Capt. Benjamin's children. After her death in 1795 he married Lucretia Sacket, who was twice a widow; her :first husband was Day, her second Miller. She died in 1832. She was two years his senior and died two years and one day before him, both being ninety-five years old at their death. The Barnes Genealogy 3

WAR RECORDS While we have no authentic records of services rendered by the ancestors of Capt. Benjamin Barnes it is believed that some of them were engaged in some of the various " Scraps " with the Indians which were common to the early settlers and pioneers of this country.

CAPTAIN BENJAMIN BARNES, N 0. 1. While a mere lad, sixteen to eighteen years old, was engaged in the French and Indian War against this country, then under the rule of England, 1755 to 1760. One instance is given by a grandson of his as follows: "He was at Fort McHenry at the head of Lake George, when General Montcalm, with an army of French and Indians, came up by way of Lakes Champlain and George in sloopes, battoes, and canoes, capturing Forts Crown Point and Ticonderoga and sur­ rounded Fort McHenry, demanding its surrender. The garrison, not being in condition to withstand a siege, was forced to comply. It was stipulated that they should retire with their camp equi­ page, leaving their arms and ammunition." Afterwards they were attacked by the Indians and many massacred. Young Barnes, it seems, was carrying provisions to the Fort with an ox team; he was overtaken and the hamstrings of the oxen cut with tomahawks, which let them down, and report says the Indians cut steaks out of their hams and had them roasting before the oxen were dead. Young Barnes escaped and succeded in reaching Fort Edward."


Benjamin Barnes: Appears with rank of 2d Corporal on Muster Roll of Capt. Lebbeus Ball's co., Col. Timothy Danielson's regt., dated August 1,. 1775. Enlisted May 6, 177 5. Time of service, 3 months 3 days. Town to which soldier belonged, Granville. Vol. 14 : 40.

Benjamin Barnes: Appears with rank of Corporal on Com­ pany Return of Capt. Lebbeus Ball's Co., Col. Timothy Danielson's regt., dated Roxbury, Oct. 6, 1775. Town to which soldier belonged, Granville. Vol. 56 : 93. 4 The Barnes Genealogy Benjamin Barnes: Appears among signatures to an Order for Bounty Coat or its equivalent in money, due for the Eight Months' Service in 177 5 in Capt. Lebbeus Ball's co., Col. Timothy Danielson's regt., dated Rox­ bury Camp, Dec. 22, 1775, payable to Capt. Ball. Vol. 57, file ro, page 2. Benjamin Barnes: Appears in a List of Officers chosen by the several companies in Col. John Mosely's (3d Hamp­ shire Co.) regt. of Mass. Militia. Rank 2d Lieutenant, Capt. Aaron Coe's (5th) co. Commissioned, April 26, 1776. Vol. 43 and 28, pages 201 and rrr. Benjamin Barnes: Appears with rank of Lieutenant on Muster and Pay Roll of Capt. Aaron Coe's Co., Col. John Moseley's (Hampshire Co.) regt. Engaged Oct. 21, 1776. Returned Nov. 17, 1776. Time of service, 28 days. Company marched under command of Lieut.­ Col. Timothy Robinson to reinforce Northern Army. Roll dated Granville, Nov.-, 1776. Vol. 18 : 34. Benjamin Barnes: Appears with rank of Lieutenant on Muster and Pay Roll of Capt. Wm. Cooley's co., Col. John Mosley's (Hampshire Co.) regt. Engaged July 9, 11777. Time of discharge, Aug. 12, 1777. Time of service, 39 days. Company marched to reinforce Northern Army. Vol. 18 : 29. Benjamin Barnes: Appears with rank of Lieutenant on Muster and Pay Roll of Capt. William Cooley's co., Col. John Moseley's (Hampshire Co.) regt. Engaged Aug. 17, 1777. Discharged Aug. 19, 1777. Time of service, 4 days. Company marched towards Benning­ ton on an alarm. Roll sworn to at Granville. Vol. 17 : 218. Benjamin Barnes: Appears with rank of 2d Lieutenant on Muster and Pay Roll of Capt. Samuel Sloper's co., Col. Israel Chapin's (3d) regt. Engaged Oct. 15, 1779. Time of discharge, Nov. 22, 1779. Time of service, 1 month, 12 days, at Claverack. Regt. raised to re­ inforce the Continental Army for 3 months. Vol. 28 : 105. THOMPSON SACK ET BARNES, No I 0

W110 riad :nc, r-;,(c d1st:cctinn of Irving i,,, tb-re~ cPntur1es. Born Dec. 17, 1799 died Oct 17 190 I. Fr0rn photograpt1 taken when he was I C1 I )Pars old

The Barnes Genealogy 5 Benjamin Barnes: Appears with rank of Captain on Muster and Pay Roll of Capt. Benjamin Barnes' co., Col. David Moseley's (Hampshire Co.) regt. Time of ser­ vice, 6 days. Company marched to quell mob at Northampton, June r2 and June r6, r782, and was allowed horse rations. Vol. r7 : 30. ELIJAH BARNES, No. 3. At the time of the War of 1812 was residing in the northeast part of New York State with his family, consisting of wife and seven children; although opposed to war was unintentionally drawn into it in following manner. Among some boarders•his family kept was one Capt. Finney, who had come to the town to enlist a company for the war; being a foppish dude, did not take well and met with poor success. Elijah, in a joking way, said, "if he had enlisting orders he could raise a company in half the time he had been at work." The Captain took him at his word, gave him a sergeant's commission with power to enlist, with verbal promise that when the squad was formed he, Finney, would take charge and release Elijah. The company was soon enlisted; when the sergeant (Elijah) got orders from headquarters to march his company into line, there being no redress he obeyed, although it was very repugnant to him. After the battle of Plattsburg, the division to which he belonged was ordered to Niagara. The march was:made on foot. After arrival at Niagara he took part in the battles of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, when he took a severe cold, obtained a fur­ lough and started for home. His cold developed into pneu­ monia. He reached Albany, was admitted to the hospital at Greenbush across th:e river, where he died soon after, without reaching home or seeing any of his family.

DENNIS E. BARNES, No. 175. At the breaking out of the Civil War was actively engaged in business in Schroon, Essex County, N. Y. Notwithstanding he could not long resist the call of his country. He raised a company, was unanimously elected Captain, and was assigned to the 93d Regiment, New York Volunteers, as Company C, and proved himself an able and humane officer. Was in command of the regiment while tlie Colonel and Major were prisoners and at one time commanded the brigade. Was killed on the morning of May 6th, 1864, the second day of the bloody battle of the Wilder­ ness, and lies buried in an unknown grave but his fame as a kind, considerate, and Christian officer will be cherished as long as there 6 The Barnes Genealogy is a comrade of the 93d Regiment living, and his memory will go down to posterity as one of the noble martyrs who gave his life for his country. This Regiment did valiant service during the war under Gen­ erals J'vicClellan, Burnside, Hooker, Mead, and Grant. Among the principal events in which they participated were the siege of Yorktown, Lee's Mills, Williamsburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Colter Station and the Wilderness. An interesting book could be written of this man's noble nature and deeds.

CHARLES T. BARNES, No. 182. A younger brother of Captain Dennis E. Barnes. Both en­ listed at the same time and served in the same regiment and com­ pany until the death of Capt. Dennis. Both enlisted for three years or during the war. Soon after enlistment was promoted from private to 5th sergeant and again to Orderly Sergeant of the company at the time of the battle of Fredericksburg, May 3d to 5th, 1862. Reenlisting as a veteran after two years' service, he was promoted to 2d Lieutenant in 1863. \,Vas severely wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5th, 1864. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 20th, 1864, and discharged in December, 1864, on account of his wound at the Wilderness. On Oct. 23d, 1865, was promoted to rank of Brevet Captain for gallant and meritorious conduct in service. He is now a prosperous business man in Chicago.

WESLEY BARNES, No. 183. Another brother of Capt. Dennis and next younger than Lieut. Charles T. He enlisted as a private in an old regiment of cavalry, served in the department of the Gulf, 19th Army Corps, their duty being that of raiding and skirmishing more than real heavy fighting, but was in several sharp engagements. Soon after enlistment he was promoted from private to Orderly Sergeant over all non-commissioned officers, and at one time in command of the Company. They had the advance of Gen. Steel's army from Pensacola, Florida, to Fort Blakely in rear of Mobile, Ala­ bama, which was the last fort taken in the Civil War, it being on April 9th, 1865, the day General Lee surrendered. At the close of the war he returned to his home, since which he has been elected and served two terms as member of the New York State Legislature, and now resides at Olmstedville in that State. A civil engineer in active duty. The Barnes Genealogy 7

ALBERT A. BARNES, No. 313. Was among the first to enlist in the Civil War from Le Claire,· Iowa. He joined Capt. Robert Littler's company of Daven­ port, which afterwards became Co. B. of the famous 2d Iowa Infantry. He was with that regiment through all its battles and marches, of which the most important were Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth and the battles in front and around Atlanta and Sherman's march to the sea and back through the Carolinas to Washington, D. C., where he marched in the grand review, and after four years and two months' service he was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., with rank of Adjutant of his regiment. JosEPH D. BARNES, No. 314. The youngest son of Dennis Barnes, at the age of nineteen years enlisted as a private in Co. K. 20th Iowa Infantry, and for meritorious conduct at the battle of Prairie Grove in 1862 he was promoted to 2d Sergeant of his company. He afterwards participated in the capture of Vicksburg, 1863, and the siege and capture of Fort Morgan in 1864, and the siege and charge of Fort Blakely, April 19th, 1865 (which was the day that Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered), and the last important batttle of the war.. After almost three years of constant service he was pro­ moted to be first Lieut. of his company. ALBERT H. MAcCARTHY, No. 332. The third son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. MacCarthy, who was graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., in the class of 1897, and was assigned to duty on the cruiser "Marblehead." On the breaking out of the Spanish-American War in 1898he was transferred to the battleship "JVIassachusetts," and after the battle of Santiago he was transferred to the cruiser "Dixie," and participated in the Porto Rica campaign, after which the "Dixie" was put out of commission; he was then ordered to the battleship " Iowa," and with the battleship " Ore­ gon " they made the trip around the Horn to San Francisco. He was then commissioned Ensign and ordered to the cruiser " Solace," bound for the Philippines. Arriving at Manila he was given command of a gunboat, and he operated in this capacity until the year 1901, when he was ordered to the flagship "New York," in which he made trips to Japan and other countries, returning to the United States in 1903. He was then appointed instructor in the Naval Academy at Annapolis and served two years, when he was again given the command of the tor­ pedo boat destroyer " Stringham" and last the U. S. steamer "Prairie." In February, 1907, he resigned from the navy. 8 The Barnes Genealogy

RAYMOND J. BARN.Es, No. 322. Was in the Spanish-American War and was made Commissary Sergeant in the 12th United States Signal Corps and served under Capt. Frank Lyman in Cuba.

ISRAEL A. CONERY, Married Descendant, No. 179. Was in the Civil War, enlisting in September, 1862, in Com­ pany D, 26th Regiment Iowa Volunteers. He saw no active ser­ vice, as the southern climate brought on a complication of diseases which confined him to the hospital the greater part of the time, and after suffering for over a year he died, November 22, 1863.

NEWCOMB M. BARNES, No. 363. "Was enrolled at the age of thirty-one as a Captain in Com­ any (I) 101st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on the first day of August, 1862, at Tiffin, Ohio, by Governor of Ohio, and was mustered into the United States service as such for the period of three years, on the thirtieth day of August, 1862, at Monroe­ ville, Ohio, by Captain Drake, U.S. A. Mustering Officer, and his resignation was accepted Jan. 13, 1864, per S. 0. No. 13, dated, Headquarters Department Cumberland." · (Above copied from the records of Adjutant General's Office at Columbus, Ohio.) This Regiment left camp near Cincinnati for Tennessee, with about eleven hundred men, and after arriving, were sent by forced marches to Stone River, and entered that bloody battle (with but a halt long enough for coffee) in which the Colonel, Lieutenant­ Colonel, and six of the ten Captains were killed, and after which the Regiment did not muster four hundred men fit for duty. He suffered terribly from poison ivy, which abounds in that section and to which he was extremely susceptible, frequently being unfit for duty, and which caused him to resign. He was the oldest brother of the writer.

CHARLES W. BARNES, NO. 367. Was the third person to enlist in Seneca County, Ohio, under the call of President Lincoln for seventy-five thousand volunteers for three months, and although but twenty years old was urged to run for the position of Captain in Company A., Eighth Ohio Volunteers, but declined and was made Second Lieutenant of the company. At the end of the three months he reenlisted for three years or during the war, was promoted to First Lieuten­ ant and transferred to another Ohio Regiment. He was mortally wounded at the battle of Antietam, where he commanded his The Barnes Genealogy 9 company, and died at Chambersburg, Pa., Oct. 4th, 1862. He was the youngest brother of the writer, who was with him when he died and took his remains to his home in Tiffin, Ohio, where they rest under a monument in the family lot in the cemetery of that city. While home on furlough in the spring of 1862, he joined the Masons, and was duly honored by the fraternity at Chambersburg while in the hospital there and at his d.eath. JAMES McFARLANE, Married Descendant, No. 362. Was born in England, Sept. 27th, 1831. At the time of his enlistment resided in Charlestown, Portage County, Ohio, en­ listed at Ravenna, Ohio, in Company G., 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, June 20th, 1861, and was mustered out July 7th, 1864 .. This regiment was organized at Camp Dennison in Ohio, June 19th, 1861, and left for the front, June 26th, 1861. Served in the army of the Potomac and was in the battles of Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Look­ out Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, and many other minor battles and skirmishes. He returned to Charlestown and later removed to Elmira, N. Y., where he died July 20th, 1904. EMERSON G. CURTISS, No. 621. Enlisted in the Civil War in 1861, and was made Sergeant in Co. B., 2d Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and served during the four years of the war. Afterwards, broken in health, received ~a pension. Was a lawyer by profession and a most exemplary Christian. His widow, Elizabeth B., is still living in Manistee, Michigan. CHARLES E. CURTISS, No. 639. Entered the Spanish-American War, enlisting in the 34th Regi­ ment, Michigan Volunteers, and was made Sergeant; was after­ wards promoted to Lieutenant in the Signal Service. Lived through the Cuban fever and returned home. He was a gradu­ ate of the University of Chicago and now engaged in the printing business in that city. JAMES N. McCuTCHEON, No. 633. Served one hundred days in Company A., 193d Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Civil War, and nine years in the National Guard of same State. Now a prominent business man in Pittsburg, Pa. ABRAM M. HARE, Married Descendant, No. 661. In the dark days of the Civil War, Governor Kirkwood of Iowa offered him a commission as Colonel of the Eleventh Iowa In- IO The Barnes Genealogy

fantry. He accepted and left bis home and business in Musca­ tine and went to Davenport, where he took an active part in organizing the regiment, after which they were transferred to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, and thence ordered to Jefferson City and to Fulton County, Mo., where they operated against the guerrillas. In the spring they were ordered to Pittsburg Landing, taking a prominent part in that battle. Later he was assigned to the command of a brigade under Gen. J'vlcClelland, con~isting of the uth and 13th Iowa and 8th and 18th Illinois regiments. During the campaign under Gen. McClelland he was highly commended for brave and meritorious service. He was wounded in battle, after which his health failed, and he was obliged to resign and return to his home, where he lived highly respected until bis death many years later. BENJAMIN F. PITMAN, Married Descendant, No. 580. Joined Capt. Charles Cotter's gun squad at Ravenna, Ohio, as private, immediately after the firing on Fort Sumter and was mustered into the State service at Camp Taylor at Cleveland, Ohio, April 25th, 1861. After drilling there for a few weeks, the squad was sent home for some unexplained reason. They were again called together by Captain Cotter and were mustered into the U. S. service at Camp Chase, Ohio, on July 2, 1861, served in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Tennessee under Gen. Cox. He reenlisted in a battery for the rst Ohio Regiment and was mustered into the U. S. Service at Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 6, 1861, for three years as Battery A., 1st 0. V. L.A. Was discharged, Jan. 31st, 1862, by Gen. Buell to become Assistant Surgeon, U.S. V., served with rst 0. V. L. A. On May 9th, 1864, was commissioned Assistant Surgeon of the 171st Ohio N. G. and mustered into U. S. service same day for one hundred days. Final discharge at expiration of this service Aug. 20, 1864, and returned to civil life and practice of his profession as physician. In addition to thi foregoing, I have no doubt there are many others who may have served their country in some of the wars, whose records I should like to have had, but owing to failure to report am not able to give. Then, again, among the descendants and those who married descendants there are many ministers of the gospel, physicians, legislators, lawyers, artisans, mechanics, etc., who have achieved success deserving of note, and the history of which would make a large and interesting book and one which any descendant might well be proud of, while the class under the head of "worth­ less or disreputable " would be found exceedingly small. The Barnes Genealogy II

COPY OF THOMAS BARNES' WILL (Not a facsimile of the spelling) The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Barnes Senior dwell­ ing in Middletown in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut is as followeth. I being at present under consider­ able bodily weakness, yet having the use of my understanding as formerly, yet not knowing the day of my death, and being wiUing to leave peace behind me among my children when I shall be taken from them, do leave this as my last will and testament after committing my Spirit to God which gave it and my body to a descent burial, I do dispose of that portion of worldly goods which God hath given me as followeth. IMPRIMES. I give to my eldest son, John Barnes, forty acres of upland which I bought of Mr. Mose and Thomas Wheller, lying together, moreover I give to my said son that land on which his house standeth, bought of old Goodman Wheeler, to run from the front line to the rear of the lots, and I give him also a part of that land I bought of old Goodman Loe, from the front to the common road; moreover, I give to my said son a parcel of meadow beginning at the head of the two Coves and so to run west to the branch that comes out of the great pond, to Brown's line and six rods beyond that branch. IT. I give to my son Thomas Barnes that parcel of upland where he hath built his house, to lie on the south side from the crooked tree where Mr. Bracet and I parted, to the great chestnut tree and so by the bogie meadow side till they come at the old lines; moreover I give him half my shrubby plain lot; I give him a piece of land I bought of Loe and Ellis; that is from the front line to the meadow; the one half of that I give to Thomas and the other half to my son Daniel; more I give to my sa1d son Thomas the eastward side of the great meadow according as he and Daniel have divided it; as also a piece next my son John's meadow, beginning where John endeth and so running westward till he come within forty rods of the river, all these lands butted as they are already laid out and all that is between the front stake of my son John's next Eliazer Brown till it comes to Thomas More's northward from it, butting on the meadow westward. IT. I give to my son Daniel Barnes all that upland on the north side of my son Thomas is as far as my land goeth and half my lot on the shrube plain and of that I bought of Andrew Loe; I give him that part from the common road to the rear of that lot and that half mentioned by Thomas: moreover I give him, my said son, the westward side of the great meadow as Thomas 12 The Barnes Genealogy and he have divided, with that piece below, next Thomas, all butting on Brown's line abutting on the river westward. IT. I give to my daughter, Mercy Jacobs, twenty acres of upland, that is that land on which their house standeth; that is to her and her youngest son, to them and their heirs forever; moreover I give to her twenty shillings to be paid her by my son John after my decease. IT. I give to my daughter, Martha, twenty shillings, my son John to pay her it after my decease. IT. I give to my daughter Elizabeth, twenty shillings, my son Daniel to pay it her after my decease. IT. I give to my youngest son, Maibee Barnes, all my land in Middleto,vn, after my wife's decease, aII'but the house and house lot at my decease. The house and home lot I will to my loving wife during natural life; moreover I give my said wife two cows and my will is that my son Maibee shall look after and provide for the keeping of these two cows, which I give my wife; my will is my wife shall have all my movables during her natural life. IT. I give to my daughter, Abigail, three pounds and my son, Maibee to pay it her after my decease. · I give also to my loving wife all my Bees and Sheep, if there be any remaining. My will is that after my decease all my utensils belonging to the house shall be my son Maibee's, and what cattle shall be remaining after my decease I give to my son Maibee. Further, my will is that as I have done to my ability for my sons John and Thomas and Daniel, so I expect and it is my will that John and Thomas shall pay to their mother five bushels of wheat a year, yearly during the time of her widowhood and Daniel five bushels of wheat yearly during the same time.

THOMAS BARNES. February 25, 1683. Signed in the presence of us, DANIEL HARRIS, Junior, JOHN HALL, Senior. THE HOUSE BUILT BY CAPT. BENJAMIN BARMES IN I 772-1774 IN WEST GRANVILLE, MASS.

The man in the foreground is Mr. W.R. Champlin. The house was in the possession of Mr, Champiir:'s father and himself from I 850 uritil I 9G8. it has been re-covered not Jess than tnree tini~s, but the original frame- h, good for another nundred years, Photograph ta\t.en in I 909.

The Barnes Genealogy 13 MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

CAPTAIN BENJAMIN BARNES ANCESTORS The first authentic information we have of these was Thomas Barnes, who was in New Haven, Conn., when he became of age and shared in the land distribution. It is believed that he came from England in 1636, but no trace can be found of him until we find· him in New Haven, as above. "American Ancestry," page 162, says, "he was born in England about 1623, was in New Haven before 1639." He married in 1647, Elizabeth, whose family name is not known. They resided in New Haven, until 1660~6 5, then moved to North Haven and from there to Middle­ town, Conn., where he died in 1693.

01. THOMAS and ELIZABETH"(---) BARNES. CHILDREN 02. JOHN, b. ---, 1648. 03. ELIZABETH, b. May 28, 1650 04. THOMAS, b. Aug. 26, 1653. 05. MERCY, b. ---, 1655. 06. ABIGAIL, b. Mar. 16, 1657. 07. DANIEL, b. Aug. 27, 1659. 08. MARTHA, b. ---, 1661. 09. Maybee, b. Jan. 25, 1663.

09. MAYBEE BARNES married Nov. 19, 1690, ELIZABETH STOWE, daughter Rev. Samuel Stowe of Middletown, Conn. She died Feb. 21, 1738. He was a farmer and prominent man of affairs (see his father's will). He died at Middletown, Mar. 6, 1749.

CHILDREN. oro. NATHANIEL, b. Dec. 31, 1691. orr. ELIZABETH, b. Apr. 16, 1693. 012. SAMUEL, b. July 8, 1695. 013. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 19, 1697. 014. THOMAS, b. May 21, 1700. 015. JOSEPH, b. Aug. 15, 1702. 016. GERSHOM, b. Sept. 13, 1705.

013. EBENEZER BARNES married Dec. 28, 1727, Mehitable Miller, daughter of Benjamin Miller of Southington, Conn. By a singular coincidence this same Benjamin Miller was Capt. Benjamin's grandfather, and also his wife Mary Coe's grand­ father, and was three times my direct ancestor, being my grand- The Barnes Genealogy 15 MEMORANDA

...•.. t' .•..•••...•••••••••••.••...•.••• The Ba,:nes Genealogy mother Barnes' great grandfather. I have been unable to find the date of either Ebenezer's or his wife's death, but they must have died after the Revolutionary War, as he bought land of Dan Robinson in Granville in 1782.

CHILDREN 017. IsAAc, b. Oct. 9, 1728. 018. EBENEZER, b. Jan. 25, 1730. 019. AMos, b. Mar. 26, 1732. 020. RHODA, b. Mar. 24, 1734. 021. ELIJAH, b. June 6, 1736. 022. MEHITABLE, b. Apr. 1, 1739. 1. Benjamin, b. Mar. 8, 1741.* 023. PHINEAS, b. Aug. 12, 1744. 024. ELIHu, b. Sept. 7, 1746. 025. REBECCA, b. Oct. 30, 1748. 026. JEREMIAH, b. Mar. 3, 1751.


CHILDREN 2. RHODA, b. Mar. 5, 1764; d. young. 3. *ELIJAH, b. Mar. 13, 1766; d. Aug.-, 1815; m. Oct. 1, 1792, Salla Bogue. 4. ANAR, b. July 31, 1768; d. Feb. 8, 1857; a Spinster and a Saint. 5. LUCY, b. Sept. 12, 1772; d. Mar. 27, 1845; m. Sept. 18, 1794, Charles Curtiss. 6. BENJAMIN, JR., b. Aug. 10, 1776; d. Sept. 24, 1845; m. Dec. 31, 1799, Abigail Robinson; she b. June 14, 1781; d. Jan. 24, i:864.

3. ELIJAH and SALLA (Bogue) BARNES. Son of Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 7. LAURA, b. Aug. 27, 1793; d. Jan. 30, 1863; m. Nov. 30, 1819, Ezra Botsford Smith. 8. Lucy, b. Jan. 27, 1795; d. May 22, 1843; m. ---, 1812, David Hall. 9. BENJAMIN COE, b. Aug. 25, 1797; d. Apr. 8, 1830; m. Jan. 17, 1826, Lucy Farr. 10. THOMPSON SACKET, b. Dec. 17, 1799; d. Oct. 17, 1901; m. Mar. 21, 1824, Jane Potts Talbot. II. SALLY H., b. Dec. 15, 1803; d. Mar. 27, 1877; m. Nov.-, 1823, Benjamin Seamans Warren. 12. DENNIS, b. Dec. 22, 1806; d. Jan. 16, 1899; m. June 3, i836, Emily Danforth. 13. SOPHIA ANN, b. Nov. 23, 18II; d. May 24, 1859; m. Dec. 28, 1831, John Robertson. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA r8 The Barnes Genealogy

7. LAURA (Barnes) and EzRA BoTSFORD SMITH. Dau. of Elijah, g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 14. CAROLINE ADELIA, b. Feb. 4, 1821; d. Nov. 10, 1858; m. Nov. 18, 1844, Charles H. Faxon. 15. EDWARD HENRY, b. June 14, 1824, living; m. May 28, 1853, Ellen Sarah Bronson. 16. KATHARINE ELIZABETH, b. May 20, 1827; d. Aug. 22, 1843

14. CAROLINE ADELIA (Smith) and CHARLES H. FAXON. Dau. of Laura, g. dau. of Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin.

[CHILDREN 17. WILLIAM HENRY, b. Aug. 18, 1846, living. 18. CATHERINE ELIZABETH, b. July 6, 1849; d. Aug. 8, 1859.

15. EDWARD HENRY and ELLEN SARAH (Bronson) SMITH. Son of Laura, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 19. CAROLINE ADELIA, b. Dec. 3, 1854; d. Jan. 31, 1887; m. Nov. 21, 1877, Fred S. Kingsbury. 20. CARLOS BRONSON, b. Aug. 27, 1858, living.

19. CAROLINE ADELIA (Smith) and FRED STEWART KINGS­ BURY. Dau. of Edward, g. dau. Laura, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. • CHILDREN 21. ELLA, b. May 1, 1881, living.

8. Lucy (Barnes) and DAVID HALL. Dau. of Elijah, g. dau. Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 22. ELIJAH B., b. Feb. 6, 1814; d. Mar. 16, 1897; 1st m. Oct. 14, 1835, Mary Elizabeth Shaw; 2d m. Aug. 25, 1841, Mary Lorane Tupper; 3d m. Dec. 30, 1846, Mary Ann Carr; 4th m. June 28, 1855, Marsha A. Whitney. 23. LEANORA, b. Feb. 9, 1816; d. Oct. 5, 1890; m. May 30, 1833, Charles Talbot. 24. SAMUELL., b. Oct. 14, 1818; d. Oct. II, 1849; n. m. 25. JACOB C., b. Aug. II, 1820; d. Dec. 13, 1907; 1st m. Sept. 7, 1848, Mary J. Griswold; 2d m. July 15, 1860, Amelia Marshall. 26. WILLIAM H., b. Mar. 1, 1823; d. Dec. 1, 1901; m. Dec. 25, 1845, Jane A. Hinds. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA 20 The Barnes Genealogy

27. LUCRETIA, b. Nov. II, 1825; d. June 5, 1907; m. Apr. 4, 1847, Robert Wallace. 28. DAVID C., b. Aug. 3, 1828, living; m. May 16, 1859, Frances A. Howard. 29. JOEL, b. Feb. 18, 1831, living; m. Apr. 15, 1860, Mahala W. Merrill.

22. ELIJAH B. and BETSEY H. (Shaw) HALL. Son of Lucy, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN (1st marriage) 30. ROBERT SHAW, b. Sept. 3, 1836, living; m. Mar. 21, 1866, Louise A. Stewart. 31. MARY JANE, b. Sept. 27, 1838, living; m. Mar. 4, 1855, Alfred Scott. 32. BETSEY, b. Mar. 9, 1841, living; m. June 24, 1858, Jerome Pitkins. CHILDREN (2d marriage) 33. Lucy LoRANE, b. Aug. II, 1842; d. Sept. 27, 1862, n. m. 34. DAVID, b. July 22, 1844, living; m. Mar. 21, 1865, Phebe Ann Ritcherson. CHILDREN (3d marriage) 35. AMOS C., b. Jan. 29, 1849; d. Jan. II, 1902; m. ---, --, Olive Hall. 36. SARAH J., b. Oct. 14, 1850, living; m. Jan. 25, 1872, Charles Leggett. 37. NANCY ANN, b. Nov. 27, 1851; d. Dec. 16, 1865. 38. BENJAMINE., b. Sept. 8, 1853; d. Feb.-, 1856.

30. ROBERTS. and LOUISE A. (Stewart) HALL. Son of Elijah B., g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 39. LENITA, b. Mar. 25, 1867, living; m. Aug. 17, 1890, David Murphy. 40. ANNAL., b. Sept. 24, 1868, living; m. Sept. 10, 1891, George W. Fish, n. C. 41. CORA E., b. Nov. 20, 1869, living, n. m. 42. ROBERT STEWART, b. Aug. 10, 1876, living, n. m. 43. MARY A., b. Dec. 18, 1880, living, n. m.

39. LENITA (Hall) and DAVID MURPHY. Dau. Roberts., g. dau. Elijah B., g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g.g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 44. JAMES ROBERT, b. Feb. 5, 1893, living. 45. LENITA, b. Dec. 14, 1894, Uving. 46. ANNA LoursE, b. Dec: 26, 1895, living. 47. HENRY DAVID, b. June 8, 1897, living. 48. THOMAS GLENSVILLE, b. Sept. 3, 1898, living. 49. RrcHARD STEWART, b. Oct. 29, 1900, living. The Barnes Genealo[!,y 2T


...... : ...... ' ...... 22 The Barnes Genealogy

31. MARY J. (Hall) and ALFRED ScoTT. Dau. of Elijah B., g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 50. ADDIE, b. July 16, 1861; d. Nov. 28, 1904; m. Nov. 18, 1882, J. C. Whiting.

50. ADDIE (Scott) and J. C. WHITING. Dau. Mary J., g. dau. Elijah B., g .g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 5I. GEORGE ScoTT, b. Sept. 18, 1883, living. 52. FRANCIS P., b. Nov. 7, 1891, living.

32. BETSEY (Hall) and JEROME PITKJNS. Dau. of Elijah B., g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 53. JoHN, b. July 30, 1362, living; m. Nov. 7, 1883, Sarah Bogle. 54. WALTER J., b. Dec. 28, 1863, living; m. Nov. rr, 1891, Myra Girard. 55. EoAH, b. June 8, 1867; d. Apr. 20, 1894; m. Oct. 16, 1888, Fletcher Ford, n. c.

53. JoHN and SARAH (Bogle) PrTKINS. Son of Betsey, g. son Elijah B., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 56. MABLE, b. July 31, 1884, living; m. June 18, 1907, Harry S. Shorey. 57. HOWARD, b. Mar. 15, 1886, living.

54. WALTER J. and MYRA ( Girard) PITKINS. Son of Betsey, g. son Elijah B., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 58. ALSON w., b. July 15, 1893, living. 59. ALICE, b. Aug. 10, 1899, living. 6o. CoIUIS, b. Aug. 25, 1901, living.

34. DAVID and PHEBE A. (Ritcherson) HALL. Son of Elijah B., g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 61. WATSON, b. July n, 188o, living; m. May 29, 1901, Edith Fair­ field. The Barnes Genealogy 23 MEMORANDA 24 The Barnes Genealogy

36. SARAH J. (Hall) and CHARLES LEGGETT. Dau. of Elijah B., g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 62. CARRIB E., b. Nov. 1, 1873, living; m. July 1, 1908, Bert L. Starbuck. 63. CLARKSON H., b. Feb. 16, 1875, living; m. Jan. 17, 1906, Isabelle W. Rankin. 64. KATHARINE, b. Nov. 2, 1876, living, n. m. 65. ARTHUR G., b. Aug. 19, 1880, living, n. m. 66. HELEN J., b. June 19, 1890, living.

63. CLAR~SON H. and ISABELLE W. (Rankin) LEGGETT. Son of Sarah J., g. son, Elijah B., g. g. son, Lucy, g. g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 67. CHARLES R., b. Dec. 1, 1906, living.

23. LEONORA (Hall) and CHARLES TALBOT. Dau. of Lucy, g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 68. HENRY COLEMAN, b. May 13, 1834; m. June 23, 1858, Lo ise Champney. 69. MARTIN VAN BUREN, b. June 14, 1840; d. May 30, 1904; m. Aug. 16, 1862, Teresa Mulhern. 70. EDWARD HALL, b. July r, 1843, living; m. Dec. 3, 1870, Orph; E. Barber. 7r. CHARLES, JR., b. Jan. 16, 1846; m. Dec. 25, 1871, Tine Ward. 72. Lucy JANE, b. Dec. u, 1848; d. Dec. 31, 1891; m. Oct. 18, 1 11, Elmer D. Locke. 73. ELIZA SARAH, b. Feb. 28, 1854, living; m. Jan. 26, 1899, Cha les E. Wood. 74. ELEANOR, b. Apr. 23, 1856, living; m. Feb. 22, 1881, Robert Dornburgh. 75. EMMA A., b. Nov. 28, 1858; d. Mar. 4, 1880; m. Nov. 18, 1877, Charles Bissell.

68. HENRY C. and LoursE (Champney) TALBOT. Son of Leonora, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 76. FANNY, b. June II, 1859; d. Sept. 2, 1874. 77. LENA, 'b. June 22, 1863, living; m. May 29, 1881, James A. Bissel. 78. ARcHY, b. Sept. 28, 1868; d. Sept. 14, 1900, n. m. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

77. LENA (Talbot) and JAMES A. BrssEL. Dau. of Henry C., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 79. TALBOT, b. Apr. 27, 1888, living. So. LOUISE, b. July 21, 1896, living.

69. MARTIN V. and TERESA (Mulhern) TALBOT. _ Son of Leonora, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 81. EnwAfill C., b. Apr. 17, 1863, living; m. Aug. 7, 1903, Cora Louise Bicknell, n. c. 82. RosE, b. Oct. 10, 1864; d. Apr. 26, 1896; m. Dec. 24, 1886, Elmer E. Waddle. · 83. ELIZABETH, b. July 2, 1866, living; m. Feb. 10, 1892, Thomas Cheney. 84. ALIDA, b. Dec. 12, 1867, living; m. Sept. 1, 1894, Eugene S. Bruce. 85. IRVING M., b. July 23, 1870, living; m. Nov. 6, 1896, Mary Mosier. 86. W,ILLIAM H., b. May 1, 1872; d. Dec. 27, 1872. 87. KATHERINE, b. Dec. 7, 1873; d. Aug. 13, 1874. 88. THOMAS T., b. Jan. 24, 1875, living; m. Oct. 7, 1906, Elsie Robins. 89. LucY, b. Aug. 1, 1877, living; m. Dec. 18, 1895, Herbert C. Smith.

82. RosE (Talbot) and ELMER E. WADDLE. Dau. Martin V., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, ilk.._ g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 90. EnwAfill M., b. Aug. 22, 1887; d. Nov.-, 1902. 91. ROSCOE A., b. Mar. 22, 1889, living. 92. HowAfill T., b. Feb. 23, 1891, living.

83. ELIZABETH (Talbot) and TuoMAs CHENEY. Dau. Martin V., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 93. A. MARIE, b. Feb. 17, 1893, living. 94. JAMES M., b. Dec. 27, 1898, living.

84. ALIDA (Talbot) and EUGENE S. BRUCE. Dau. of Martin V., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 95. CARRIE T., b. June rr, 1895, living. 96. THOMAS G., b. Aug. 23, 1896, living. The Barnes Genealogy 27 MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

85. IRVING M. and MARY (Mosier) TALBOT. Son of Martin V., g. son Leonora, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 97. MADGE H., b. July 23, 1900, living.

89. LucY (Talbot) and HERBERT C. SMITH. Dau. Martin V., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 98. HAROLD T., b. Apr. 17, 1894, living. 99. FREDERICK T., b. Apr. 11, 1897, living. 100. HELEN, b. Nov. 12, 1898; d. Sept. 10, 1899. 101. HENRY M., b. Aug. 3, 1900, living.

70. EDWARD R. and ORPHA E. (Barber) TALBOT. Son of Leonora, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 102. GRACE GREENWOOD, b. Feb. 5, 1875, living; m. June 24, 1897, Leon H. Coonsardt. 103. GLENDOLIN BENEDICT,b. Nov. 21, 1878, living; m. Mar. 10, 1902, Samuel J. Bens. 104. ROSCOE CONKLING, b. Nov. 27, 1881, living.

102. GRACE G. (Talbot) and LEON H. CooNSARDT. Dau. of Edward H., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 105. PAUL TALBOT, b. Mar. 20, 1898, living. 106. ALFRED BURTON, b. Feb. 21, 1902, living.

71. CHAI

72. Lucy J. (Talbot) and ELMER D. LOCKE. Dau. of Leonora, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA 30 The Barnes Genealogy

CHILDREN no. MARIAN ELIZABETH, b. June 29, 1873, living; m. Apr. 6, 1898, Ernest A. Wood. in. CHARLES, b. May 30, 1877; d. Jan. 29, 1878. u2. ADDIE, b. Feb. 12, 1879; d. Jan. 13, 1896. u3. LEONORA, b. Oct. 5, 1883, living; m. Sept. 29, 1902, George T. Bailey.

110. MARIAN E. (Locke) and ERNEST A. Woon. Dau. of Lucy J., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN n4. CHARLES ELMORE, b. Dec. 12, 1902, living.

113. LEONORA (Locke) and GEORGE T. BAILEY. Dau. of Lucy J., g. dau. Leonora, g. g. dau. Lucy, g.'g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CIDLDREN u5. MARIAN LORENA, b. June 28, 1904, living.

74. ELEANOR (Talbot) and ROBERT DoRNBURGH. Dau. of Leonora, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN n6. CARRIE E., b. Sept. 18, 1884, living. n7. LEONORA, b. Apr. 25, 1887; d. July 25, 1893. u8. LUCILE, b. May 1, 1890, living.

75. EMMA A. (Talbot) and CHARLES BISSELL. Dau. of Leonora, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN n9. ISABELL T., b. July 27, 1878; d. Nov. 10, 1887.

25. JACOB C. and AMELIA (Marshall) HALL. Son of Lucy, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 120. CHARLES C., b. Oct. 7, 1861, living; m. Oct. 3, 1887, Jennie Myers. 121. MARY J., b. Oct. 7, 1861, living; m. Dec. 31, 1882, Fletcher A. Smith. . 122. LuCY E., b. Oct. 7, 1863, living; m. Sept. 14, 1882, Fred L. Ford. 123. ]ANNETTE, b. Oct. 27, 1872, living; m. Nov. 21, 1888, Wesley Bailey. The Barnes Genealogy 31 MEMORANDA 32 The Barnes Genealogy

122. Lucv E. (Hall) and FRED L. FoRD. Dau. of Jacob C., g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 124. ELSIE L., b. July ro, 1883, living; m. Sept. 14, 1903, Herbert L. Wood. 125. CLIFFORD H., b. Apr. 27, 1885, living, n. m. 126. ELLA L., b. Aug. II, 1889, living; m. Dec. 25, 1907, George Braley.

124. ELSIE L. (Ford) and HERBERT L. Woon. Dau. Lucy E., g. dau. Jacob C., g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 127. FREDRICK J., b. Sept. 14, 1904, living. 128. BEATRICE· E., b. Apr. 6, 1907, living.

26. WILLIAM H. and JANE A. (Hinds) HALL. Son of Lucy, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 129. WATSON B., b. Sept. 6, 1846; d. Sept. 9, 1846. 130. FRANK P., b. Sept. 1, 1848, living; m. Aug. 15, 1886, Ida May Taylor. 131. WILLIAM J., b. Oct. 27, 1856, living; m. Oct. 29, 1878, Mary A. Stanard. 131. WILLIAM J. and MARY A. (Stanard) HALL. Son of William H., g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 132. CECIL, b. June 22, 1880, living, n. m. 133. ETHEL C., b. Aug. 21, 1886, living, n. m. 134. HowARD, b. Dec. 29, 1889, living, n. m.

27. LUCRETIA (Hall) and ROBERT WALLACE. Dau. of Lucy, g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 135. LANFORD, b. Feb. 27, 1848, living, n. c.; m. Sept. II, 1870, Laura Carr. 136. SARAH, b. Jan. 6, 1851; d. Jan. 23, 1851. 137. DAVID, b. Sept. 3, 1852, living; m. Aug. 22, 1876, Captola F. Jenks. 138. LucY, b. Aug. 25, 1854, living; m. Dec. 23, 1880, F. W. Morton. 139. WILLIAM M., b. Aug. 2, 1856, living; m. Sept. 8, 1878, Jennie A. Hicks. 140. CHARLES H., b. May 3, 1859; d. July 19, 1906, n. c.; m. Dec. 2, 1883, Laura Damon. 141. }AMES C., b. Sept. 22, 1861, living, n. m. 142. KATIE, b. Sept. 23, 1863, living; m. Dec. 25, 1890, Owen James. The Barnes Genealogy 33

Attach to page 33 opposite 137.

137. DAVID and FLORENCE C. Uenk.s) WALLACE. Son of Lucretia, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 137A. MABEL ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 21, 1878, living; m. June 24, 1903, Burns A. Stewart. r37B. ETHEL, b. Aug. 22, 1881; d. July 29, 1882. 137c. CECILE GERALDINE, b. May II; 1884, living; m. Oct. 29, 1908, Albert C. Fisher.

137c. CECILE G. (Wallace) and ALBERT C. FISHER. Dau. of David, g. dau. Lucretia, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 137n. WALLACE, CHARLES, b. Oct. 8, 1910, living .

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138. LucY (Wallace) and F. W. MORTON. Dau. of Lucretia, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 143. liARRIBTT LUCRETIA, b. Sept. 20, 1881, living; m. Feb. 27, 1906, Albert Foor. 144. MARTHA ELIZABETH, b. July 27, 1882, living; m. Feb. 25, 1902, George Borough. 145. JAY WALLACE, b. Sept. 6, 1887; d. June r9, 1907. 146. JESSE JAMES, b. Feb. 13, 1890, living.

143. HARRIET L. (Morton) and ALBERT FooR. Dau. of Lucy, g. dau. Lucretia, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 147. VELMA LUELLA, b. Sept. 16, 1907.

144. MARTHA E. (Morton) and GEORGE BOROUGH. Dau. of Lucy, g. dau. Lucretia, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 148. CORA LucEAL, b. June 30, 1903, living.

139. WILLIAM M. and JENNIE A. (Hicks) WALLACE. Son of Lucretia, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 149. WILLIAM H., b. Jan. 29, 1880, living; m. June 8, 1902, Elizabeth Frasier. 142. KAnE (Wallace) and OWEN JAMES. Dau. of Lucretia, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 150. WALLACE OWEN, b. Feb. II, 1893, living. 151. OWENA CATHERINE, b. June 18, 1895, living. 152. THELMA GWENDOLINE, b. Feb. 20, 1897, living. 153. MADALIN JAMES, b. Aug. 30, 1899; d. May 26, 1900. 154 ADELAIDE ALMA, b. Aug. 23, 1901, living.

28. DAVID C. and FRANCIS A. (Howard) HALL. Son of Lucy, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 155. ANNA J., b. Apr. 29, 1860; d. Dec. 15, 1886. 156. JANE E., b. Jan. u, 1861, living. 157. HowARD W., b. June 4, 1863, living. 158. WALTER J., b. May ro, 1866, living. 159. SARAH M., b. Oct. 13, 1871, living. 160. CHARLES T. B., b. Oct. 28, 1874, living. The Barnes Genealogy 35 MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

29. JOEL and MAHALA W. (Merrill) HALL. Son of Lucy, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 161. CHARLES L., b. Jan. 21, 1861; d. July 14, 1896; m. Dec. 24, 1892, Ellen H. Bullion. 162. ELLA M., b. Mar. 26, 1864, living. 163. ALBERT E., b. June 14, 1868, living; m. Oct. 12, 1897, Lettie Clarisa Farwell.

161. CHARLES L. and ELLEN H. (Bullion) HALL. Son of Joel, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 164. RALPH B., b. Mar. 18, 1894, living. 165. JoEL L., b. Apr. 2, 1897, living.

163. ALBERT E. and LETTIE C. (Farwell) HALL. Son of Joel, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 166. ELLA F AB.WELL, b. Oct. 26, 1898, living. 167. ANNA FARWELL, b. May 25, 1900, living. 168. HENRY JOEL, b. Feb. r, 1902, living. 169. CHARLES ARTHUR, b. Aug. 16, 1906, living.

9. BENJAMIN C. and LucY (Farr) BARNES. Son of Elijah, g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 170. BENJAMIN ORSON, b. Oct. 5, 1828, living; m. Mar. 17, 1851, Mary F. Weeks.

170. BENJAMIN 0. and MARY F. (Weeks) BARNES. Son of Benjamin C., g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 171. THURMAN F., b. Sept. r, 1860, living; m. Nov. 20, 1883, Phebe W. Whitney.

171. THURMAN F. and PHEBE W. (Whitney) BARNES. Son of Benjamin 0., g. son Benjamin C., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 172. HELEN EDNA, b. Sept. 14, 1884, d. June 13, 1'892. 173. FREDERICK RUSSELL, b. May 20, 1892; d. May 30, 1895. The Barnes Genealogy 37 MEMORANDA

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10. THOMPSON SACKETT and JANE POTTS (Talbot) BARNES. Son of Elijah, g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 174. EDWARD MARTIN, b. Sept. 17, 1825; d. May 2, 1902; m. July 6, 1852, Adeline E. Willis. *DENNIS EDWIN, b. Aug. 22, 1827; d. May 6, 1864; m. May 12, 1853, Cornelia E. Foster. SAMUEL CooK, b. Sept. 25, 1829, living (twin with Sarah A.); m. Sept. 22, 1859, Margaret Hare. SARAH ANN, b. Sept. 25, 1829; d. Dec. 17, 1875 (twin with Samuel C.); m. Nov. 10, 1852, Woodard Willis. BENJAMIN CoE, b. Jan. 19, 1832, living; m. July 1, 1858, Rosanna Johnson. 179. MARGARET THOMPSON, b. Mar. 23, 1834; d. Dec. 20, 1885; m. Jan. 1, 1854, *Israel Conery. 180. LAURA AMELIA, b. Mar. 6, 1836; d. Dec. 4, 1883; m. Dec. 27, 1855, Charles A. Rice. · 181. Lucy JANE, b. Aug. 13, 1838; d. Mar. 14, 1871; m. Nov. 14, 1860, Joseph S. Little. *CHARLES TALBOT, b. July 24, 1840, living; m. June 24, 1867, Marion Ashby. *WESLEY, b. Aug. 14, 1842, living; m. Dec. 9, 1863, Julia A. Vosburgh. WILLIAM HALL, b. Aug. 31, 1844, living; 1st m. June 25, 1882, Minerva J. McKoun; 2d m. Nov. 4, 1894, Mary Eliza­ beth Taylor.

174. EDWARD M. and ADELINE E. (Willis) BARNES. Son of Thompson S., g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 185. ELLA AMELIA, b. Nov. 30, 1853, living; m. Feb. 24, 1875, Andrew Johnston. 186. MARY FRANCIMA, b. Apr. 27, 1857, living, n. m. 187. LAURA RrcE, b. Mar. 6, 1864, living, n. m. 188. WILLIS EDWARD, b. Apr. 29, 1872, living; m. Apr. 28, 1898, Anna R. Carman. 189. CHARLES WESLEY, b. May 6, 1876, living; m. Oct. 28, 1909, Ella Euel Morrow.

185. ELLA A. (Barnes) and ANDREW JOHNSTON. Dau. of Edward M., g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 190. EDWARD THOMAS, b. Feb. 8, 1883, living, n. m. 191. WALTER ANDREW, b. Aug. 28, 1885; d. Nov. 4, 1885. 192. ADELINE LAURA, b. Mar. 24, 1889, living, n. m. 193. WILLIS ARTHUR, b. Nov. 25, 1891, living, n. m. The Barnes Genealogy 39 MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

188. WILLIS E. and ANNA R. (Carman) BARNES. Son of Edward M., g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 194. FLORENCE CARMAN, b. Mar. 6, 1899, living. 195. WILLIS EDWARD, JR., b. Aug. 5, 1901, living.

175. DENNISE. and CORNELIA E. (Foster) BARNES. Son of Thompson S., g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 196. JANE FRANCES, b. Feb. 23, 1854, living; m. Dec. 18, 1879, George Carson Patterson. 197. THOMPSON SIDNEY, b. Mar. 30, 1856, living; m. Dec. 16, 1905, Josephine Hunt. 198. JULIA, b. Dec. 18, 1859, d. Feb. 1, 1874.

0 196. JANE FRANCES (Barnes) and GEORGE C. PATTERSON. Dau. of Dennis E., g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 199. MABEL BARNES, b. Oct. 2, 1880, living. 200. ROBERT EDWIN, b. Jan, 17, 1882, living. 201. NINA LOUISE, b. July 23, 1884, living. 202. CHARLES THOMPSON, b. June 23, t886, living.

197. THOMPSON s. and JOSEPHINE (Hunt) BARNES. Son of Dennis E., g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 203. NINA ALICE, b. Nov. 16, 1908, living.

176. SAMUEL C. and MARGARET R. (Hare) BARNES. Son of Thompson S., g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 204. CHARLES, b. Nov. 7, 1861; d. Apr. 10, 1863. 205. ALBERT, b. Nov. 1, 1864, living; m. Dec. 24, 1903, Mrs. Annette E. Anna. 206. IDA BELL, b. Aug. 22, 1870, living; 1st m. June 16, 1897, Logan KiIIJ.mel; 2d m. Dec. 20, 1905, Charles Barker.

208. IDA BELL (Barnes) and LOGA~ KIMMEL. Dau. of Samuel C., g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 207. MARGARET, b. Aug. 22, 1899, living. The Barnes Genealogy 41 MEMORANDA 42 The Barnes Genealogy

177. SARAH ANN (Barnes) and WooDARD WILLIS. Dau. of Thompson S., g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 208. WATSON LEANJRD, b. Sept. 28, 1853, d. Apr. 17, 1892; m. Dec. 4, 1878, Helen V. Raymond.

208. WATSON L. and HELEN V. (Raymond) WILLIS. Son of Sarah Ann, g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN

209. GEORGE WATSON, b. May 2, 1879, living, n. m. 210. ANNA, b. May 7, 1887, living, n. m. 211. BEULAH PAULINE, b. Mar. 21, 1889, living.

178. BENJAMIN COE and RosE ANN (Johnston) BARNES. Son of Thompson S., g. son of Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 212. CHARLES, b. Sept. 16, 1859; d. at birth. 213. CARRIE LILLIAN, b. Mar. u, 1861, living; rn. Nov. 7, 1883, Upton S. Miller. 214. JANET, b. Nov. 8, 1862, living, n. m. 215. LAURA ADELADE, b. Apr. 7, 1864, living; m. June 23, 1891, James A. Smalley. 216. Lucy RosE, b. Oct. 29, 1865, living; m. Dec. 23, 1891, Fred E. Bourne. 217. ADA SKINNER, b. June 24, 1869, living; m. June 21, 1899, Frank D. Miner. 218. MARIAN C., b. Aug. 20, 1872; rn. Aug. 26, 1898, William J. Jerome.

213. CARRIE LILLIAN (Barnes) and UPTON S. MILLER. Dau. Benj. Coe, g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 219. NINA RosE, b. Aug. 31, 1884, living; m. May 29, 1907, Robert Lee Hoffhine. 220. FREDERIC HUGH, b. Aug. 14, 1887, living. 221. ADA MADGE, b. July 9, 1893, living. 222. MILES BENJ., b. Aug. 12, 1896, living.

219. NINA R. (Miller) and ROBERT LEE HOFFHINE. Dau. Carrie L., g. dau. Benj. Coe, g. g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 22.1. BURT EUGENE. b. Mav r~. 1008. The Barnes Genealogy 43 MEMORANDA 44 The Barnes Genealogy

215. LAURA AnELADE (Barnes) and JAMES A. SMALLEY. Dau. Benj. Coe, g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 224. CARROLL BARNES, b. Aug. 28, 1892, living. 225. HAROLD ALBERT, b. Jan. 13, 1894, living. 226. \VALTER ELMER, b. May 18, 1895, living. 227. RosE ADA, b. Dec. 14, 1898, living. 228. ESTHER HANNAH, b. Dec. 3, 1902, living.

216. Lucy ROSE (Barnes) and FRED E. BOURNE. Dau. Benj. Coe, g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 229. WILLARD STEWART, b. Jan. 9, 1893, living. 230. MILDRED }ANET, b. May 21, 1894, living. 231. DONALD ELLSWORTH, b. Jan.· 20, 1896, living.

217. ADA SKINNER (Barnes) and FRANK D. MINER. Dau. Benj. Coe, g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 232. PAUL, b. May 17, 1901; d. May 17, 1901. 233. DOROTHY ESTHER, b. July 12, 1903, living. 234. DONALD BARNES, b. Feb. 9, 1905; d. Apr. 29, 1906.

218. MARIAN C. (Barnes) and WILLIAM J. JEROME. Dau. Benj. Coe, g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 235. VINCENT BARNES, b. Aug. 4, 1900, living. 236. MARGARET RosE, b. May 20, 1904, living.

179. MARGARETT. (Barnes) and ISRAEL A. CONERY. Dau. of Thompson S., g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 237. ADELAID, b. Nov. 3, 1854, living; m. Nov. 17, 1878, Edward A. Lela,nd. 238. EMERSON DUDLEY, b. Feb. 9, 1857; d. Mar. 17, 1862. 239. ALBERT BARNES, b. July 13, 1859; d. June 5, 1895, n. m. 240. BYRON CHARLES, b. Nov. 14, 1861, living, n. m.

237. AnELAID (Conery) and EDWARD A. LELAND. Dau. of Margaret T., g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. The Barnes Genealogy 45 MEMORANDA

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CHILDREN 241. HARRY BROOKS, b. Jan. 8, 1880, living, n. m. 242. EDWARD LINWOOD, b. Feb. 15, 1881, living; m. Sept. 12, 1906, Florence A. Brown. 243. GRACE ADELAIDE, b. Aug. 15, 1883; d. May 23, 1885. 244. HowARD CONERY, b. May 29, 1885, living, n. m. 245. LAWERENCE NEWTON, b. May 12, 1887, living. 246. ELLA, b. Nov.-, 1888; d. Mar. 18, 1889. 247. ARTHUR TEMPLETON, b. July 5, 1890, living. 248. LESTER FISKE, b. Aug. 14, 1891; d. Nov. IO, 1891. 249. HARRIET ALICE, b. Mar. 21, 1897, living.

242. EDWARD L. and FLORENCE A. (Brown) LELAND. Son of Adelaide, g. son Margaret T., g. g. son Thompson S., g. g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 250. RALPH BROWN, b. June 6, 1907, living. 251. EDWARD BARRON, b. July 22, 1909, living.

180. LAURA A. (Barnes) and CHARLES A. RICE. Dau. Thompson S., g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 252. EMMA LOUISE, b. Oct. 18, 1856; d. May 24, 1896; m. May r, 1877, Fred D. Shriver. 253. LESTER BARNES, b. Aug. 26, 1860, living; m. June 13, 1886, Wilmetta Conn. 254. CHARLES BARNES, b. Nov. 2, 1864; d. Apr. 19, 1871. 255. MARIETTA ARvILL, b. Aug. 18, 1866, living; m. Dec. 23, 1885, Charles H. Ellis. 256. HERBERT BARNES, b. Oct. n, 1871, living; m. Apr. 28, 1892, Winnifred Morse.

262. EMMA L. (Rice) and FRED D. SHRIVER. Dau. Laura A., g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN CHARLES FREDERICK, b. Jan. 21, 1878, living; m. Oct. 17, 1900, Katharine Danforth. GLENN RICE, b. Dec. 4, 1879, living; m. Mar. 2, 1904, Susan M. Weeks.

261. CHARLES F. and KATHERINE (Danforth) SHRIVER. Son of E=a L., g. son Laura A., g. g. son Thompson S., g. g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 259. ELIZABETH, b. Apr. IO, 1903, living. 260. LomsE, b. Feb. 13, 1905, living. 261. FREDERICK D., b. Sept. 24, 1906, living. The Barnes Genealogy 47 MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

258. GLENN R. and SUSAN M. (Weeks) SHRIVER. Son of Emma L., g. son Laura A., g. g. son Thompson S., g. g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 262. MARY LOUISE, b. Nov. 2, 1907, living.

253. LESTER B. and WILMETTA (Conn) RICE. Son of Laura A., g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 263. EMMA Wrr.METTA, b. June 5, 1887, living. 264. RAYMOND CoNN, b. July 19, 1889; d. Dec. 10, 1890. 265. Lucy MARIETTA, b. June 26, r89r, living. 266. HERBERT JoHN, b. Mar. r2, 1893; d. Dec. 28, 1893. 267. FRANK LESTER, b. May 3, 1895, living.

255. MARIETTA A. (Rice) and CHARLES H. ELLIS. Dau. of Laura A., g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 268. LAURA MELISSA, b. Oct. 10, r886, living. 269. FRED HOWARD, b. May 29, 1888; d. May 25, 1892. 270. LOUISE MARIETTA, b. Mar. 5, r89r, living. 271. Rum WINNIFRED, b. July 5, 1895, living. 272. CHARLES HowARD, b. Mar. 5, 1902, living.

256. HERBERT B. and WINNIFRED (Morse) RICE. Son of Laura A., g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 273. MARION WINNIFRED, b. Dec. 23, 1897, living. 274. EDGAR MORSE, b. July 1, 1899, living.

181. Lucy J. (Barnes) and JOSEPHS. LITTLE. Dau. of Thompson S., g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 27 5. JOSEPH E., b. Apr. 26, 1862, living; m. ---, --, Catherine

275. JOSEPH E. and CATHERINE(---) LITTLE. Son of Lucy J., g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 276. HARRY J., b. ---, --. 277. FRANKLIN B., b. ---, --. 278. WALTER D., b. ---, --. 279. HELEN LUCY, b. ---, --. The Barnes Genealogy 49 MEMORANDA

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182. CHARLES T. and MARION (Ashby) BARNES. Son of Thompson S., g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 280. WILLIAM EVANS, b. Nov. 3, 1877; d. Feb. 22, 1906; m. Apr. 6, 1898, Mary Burton.

280. WILLIAM E. and MARY (Burton) BARNES. Son of Charles T., g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 281. MARION BURTON, b. Mar. 5, 1902, living.

183. WESLEY and JULIA A. (Vosburgh) BARNES. Son of Thompson S., g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 282. KATIE ELIZABETH, b. June 29, 1864, living; m. Apr. 28, 1886, William Henry Sullivan. 283. ADDA LAURA, b. June 19, 1866; d. Sept. 18. 1893; m. Nov. 4, 1891, Charles P. Sullivan. 284. CHARLES THOMPSON, b. Jan. 26, 1868, living; m. June 15, 1904, Margaret M. Sullivan. 285. JOSEPH LITTLE, b. June 1, 1873; d. Mar. 12, 1891. 286. JULIA AUGUSTA, b. Sept. 9, 1875; d. Oct. 12, 1877. 287. Lucy JANE, b. Dec. 12, 1878; d. Feb. 13, 1879. 288. WESLEY, b. Feb. 18, 1880; d. Feb. 12, 1881. 289. HELEN, b. June 1, 1881, living. 290. FLORENCE, b. Jan. 20, 1886, living; m. Sept. 17, 1908, William Brannen.

282. KATIE E. (Barnes) and WILLIAM H. SULLIVAN. Dau. of Wesley, g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 291. ADDA ALBERTA, b. Mar. 12, 1887, living. 292. ClIA.R.LES WILLIAM, b. Feb. 22, 1888, living; m. Nov. 26, 1908, Lucy Burnell. 293. MORTON JOSEPH, b. Apr. 5, 1889, living.

283. ADDA L. (Barnes) and CHARLES P. SULLIVAN. Dau. of Wesley, g. dau. Thompson S., g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 294. WALTER JosEPH, b. Mar. 16, 1893, living.

284. CHARLES T. and MARGARET M. (Sullivan) BARNES. Son of Wesley, g. son Thompson S., g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. The Barnes Genealogy 51 MEMORANDA 52 The Barnes Genealogy

CHILDREN 295. MARGARET HELEN, b. Dec. 29, 1905, living. 296. CHARLES WILLIAM, b. July 31, 1907, living.

184. WILLIAM H. and MINERVA J. (McKoun) BARNES. Son of Thompson S., g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 297. STAR M., b. May 1, 1883; d. Feb. 4, 1891. 298. EDWARD T., b. May 1, 1885; d. at birth. BY SECOND MARRIAGE, MARYE. TAYLOR. 299. WALTER LEE, b. Aug. 2, 1895, living. 300. WILLIAM Tuo:MPS0N, b. Aug. 24, 1896, living (adopted). 301. BENJAMIN RAYMOND, b. Nov. 16, 1901, living. 302. CHARLES TAYLOR, b. Mar. 2, 1906; d. Oct. 15, 1909.

11. SALLY H. (Barnes) and BENJAMIN S. WARREN. Dau. of Elijah, g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 303. DAMERIES, b. ---, 1825; d. Apr. 23, 1841. 304. CHARLES, b. ---, 1826; d. Dec. 21, 184r. 305. LAURA, b. July 26, 1831; d. July 27, 1851. 306. MARRIETTE, b. Mar. 8, 1838; d. Mar. 30, 1866; m. Oct. 22, 1857, Edwin Warren. 307. CATHARINE, b. --· -, 1845, living; m. June 14, 1866, William G. Leland; 2d m. ---, --, Ruggles W. Clapp. 308. CORINTHIA, b. Mar. -, 1849; d. ---, 1860. 309. SARAH, b. Oct. -, 1850; d. Mar. 28, 1851.

306. MARRIETTE (Warren) and EDWIN WARREN. Dau. Sally N., g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 310. ARCHIE, b. Oct. 6, 1859; d. June 25, 1884. 311. ]ESSIE, b. Mar. 29, 1864, living.

12. DENNIS and EMILY (Danforth) BARNES. Son of Elijah, g. son of Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 312. NORMAN LESLIE, b. Mar. 19, 1837; d. Aug. 2, 1838. 313. *ALBERT AucusTus, b. Jan. 21, 1841; d. June 3, 1908; m. Mar. 31, 1868, Ella Marinda Taylor. 314. *JOSEPH DANFORTH, b. Mar. rr, 1843, living; m. Feb. 27, 1873, Florence E. James. 315. LAURA ANN, b. June 29, 1847, living; m. Feb. 3, 1870, Cornelius G. MacCarthy. The Barnes Genealogy 53 MEMORANDA 54 The Barnes Genealogy

313. ALBERT A. and ELLA M. (Taylor) BARNES. Son of Dennis, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 316. CLARENCE TAYLOR, b. July 17, 1871, living, n. m. 317. EUGENE ALBERT, b. Dec. 23, 1873, living; m. Apr. 17, 1895, Alice Carey Norris. 318. GEORGE GUYER, b. Sept. 30, 1880, living; m. Oct. 4, 1906, Lucille A. Patch.

317. EUGENE A. and ALICE C. (Norris) BARNES. Son of Albert A., g. son Dennis, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.) CHILDREN 319. NORRIS HunsoN, b. Sept. 1, 1897, living. 320. EUGENE ALBERT, JR., b. Oct. 13, 1899, living. 321. HELEN CAREY, b. Nov. 13, 1907, living. 314. JOSEPH D. and FLORENCE E. (James) BARNES. Son of Dennis Barnes, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 3-22. *RAYMOND JAMES, b. Nov. 12, 1874, living; m. Dec. 16, 1903, Bessie Young. 3-2.3· FANNY ALBERTINE, b. Oct. 30, 1877; d. Mar. 30, 1907; m. Dec. 23, 1905, George Bissick. 324. LAURA IRENE, b. Mar. 19, 1880; d. Nov. 27, 1887. 325. F.RANK STEEL, b. June 27, 1884; d. Nov. 15, 1899. 326. ROLLA TuoMAs, b. Sept. 22, 1890, living .

. 322. RAYMOND J. and BESSIE (Young) BARNES. Son of Joseph D., g. son Dennis, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 327. JEWELL MAY, b. Sept. 8, 1904, living.

323. FANNIE A. (Barnes) and GEORGE BrssrcK. Dau. Joseph D., g. dau. Dennis, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 328. FLORENCE ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 20, 1906, living.

315. LAURA ANN (Barnes) and CORNELIUS G. MACCARTHY. Dau. of Dennis, g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 329. CLARICE ELIZABETH, b. Nov. II, 1870, living; m. May 25, 1897, Dr. Luther MacNaughton. 330. WILTON BARNES, b. June 18, 1872, living; m. Feb. 24, 1897, Georgia Bell. The Barnes Genealogy 55 MEMORANDA 56 The Barnes Genealogy

331. MARION SUMNER, b. Apr. 2, 1874, living; m. June 9, 1907, Florence A. Whitaker. 332. *ALBERT HENRY, b. Jan. 1, 1876, living; m. May 30, 1905, Eliza­ beth Larned. 333. CHARLES FRANKLIN, b. June 14, 1889, living, n. m.

329. CLARICE E. (MacCarthy) and DR. LunrnR D. MAC­ NAUGHTON. Dau. of Laura A., g. dau. Dennis, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 334. MERRYL EMERSON, b. Oct. 3, 1898, living. 335. LAURA CHURCH, b. June 7, 1901, living.

330. DR. WILTON B. and GEORGIA (Bell) MACCARTHY. Son of Laura A., g. son Dennis, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 336. CoRNELms GEORGE, b. Dec. 15, 1897, living.

331. MARION S. and FLORENCE A. (Whitaker) MACCARTHY. Son of Laura A., g. son Dennis, g. g. son Elijah, g. g. g. son, Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 3.37. ALICIA, b. Oct. 5, 1908, living.

13. SOPHIA ANN (Barnes) and JOHN ROBERTSON. Dau. of Elijah, g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 338. CHARLES HENRY, b. Mar. 16, 1833; d. July 5, 1854. 339. CATHARINE ELLEN, b. Mar. 22, 1835; d. Mar. 17, 1852. 340. JENNETTE ANN, b. July-, 1838; d. June 7, 1858. 341. CHARLOTTE, b. June 3, 1840; d. July 29, 1851. 342. HELEN MARGARET, b. July 19, 1843, living; m. Dec. 18, 1867, Robert Kingsley Evans. 343. , b. Jan. 27, 1846, living; m. Dec. 2, 1876, Margaret Morrison. 344. JoHN, b. ---, --; d. in infancy. 345. ISABELLA, b. ---, --; d. in infancy.

342. HELEN M. (Robertson) and ROBERT K. EvANS. Dau. of Sophia, g. dau. Elijah, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 346. JEANETTE ROBERTSON, b. Aug. 9, 1871, living; m. June 24, 1896, Guy Everet Maxwell. 347. JESSIE HELEN, b. Feb. 10, 1878, living; m. Sept. 21, 1899, Roy H. Benham. The Barnes Genealogy 57 MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

346. JEANETTE ROBERTSON (Evans) and GUYE. MAXWELL. Dau. of Helen M., g. dau. Sophia, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 348. ROBERT EVANS, b. Mar. 30, 1901, living., 349. RICHARD BARNETT, b. July 15, 1903, living.

347. JESSIE HELEN (Evans) and RoY H. BENHAM. Dau. of Helen, g. dau. Sophia, g. g. dau. Elijah, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 3 50. DONALD, b. Mar. 18, 1901; d. Mar. 20, 1901. 351. HELEN MARGARET, b. Aug. 26, 1903, living.

343. GEORGE B. and MARGARET (Morrison) ROBERTSON. Son of Sophia, g. son Elijah, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 352. DONALD MORRISON, b. Sept. 20, 1878, living, n. m. 353. ALICE JEANETTE, b. Nov. 29, 1880, living, n. m. 354. Rum, b. Dec. 2, 1882; d. Dec. 24, 1882. 355. KATHARINE HELEN, b. Apr. 30, 1887, living, n. m.

6. BENJAMIN, JR., and ABIGAIL (Robinson) BARNES. Son of Capt. Benjamin.


356. JOHN WESLEY, b. May 10, 1803, d. Feb. 22, 1844; m. June 20, 1820, Amanda Gowdy. 357. MARY AcENETH, b. Aug. 7, 1807; d. Nov. 24, 1845; m. May 1, 1828, Loring War.field. Heb. Feb. 17, 1808; d. Dec. 21, 1886. 358. CHARLES CURTISS, b. Nov. 28, 1813; d. Nov. 28, 1846; m. May 12, 1840, Sarah Sophia Whitcomb. 359. ARErus BENJAMIN, b. May 28, 1826; d. Jan. 8, 1847.

A little romance regarding the marriage of Benjamin, Jr., and Abigail Robinson is worth relating. Benjamin was courting Abigail's sister while another young man was courting Abigail. These young men were friends, and the story goes that a few weeks before the weddings were to take place one of the young men proposed to the other that they swap girls, to which the other agreed. When the girls were consulted they also agreed, and both couples were married shortly after this exchange at the same time, New Year's eve, 1799. The Barnes Genealogy 59 MEMORANDA 60 The Barnes Genealogy

366. JOHN WESLEY and AMANDA (Gowdy) BARNES. Son of Benjamin, Jr., g. son of Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN ELIZA, b. May 25, 1825; d. Dec. 19, 1863; m. Aug. 29, 1846, Mansir Darius McIntyre. CLARISA, b. Oct. II, 1827; d. June 22, 1838. ABIGAIL, b. Apr. 15, 1830; d. Mar. 22, 1906; m. July 6, 1862, *James McFarlane. *NEWCOMB MARTIN, b. May II, 1831; d. Dec. 1, 1874; m. Nov. 4, 1857, Samantha Smith. RUBEN PEASE, b. Nov. II, 1833; d. June II, 1850. ABEL TUTTLE, b. June 1, 1836, living; 1st m. Sept. 1, 1856, Mary Margaret Haas; 2d m. Nov. 17, 1874, Emma Celia Mewhorter. PHEBE AMANDA, b. Oct. 18, 1838; d. Aug. 6, 1851. *CHARLES WESLEY, b. Feb. 26, 1841. Mortally wounded at battle of Antietam, d. at Chambersburg, Pa., Oct. 4, 1862.

360. ELIZA (Barnes) and MANSIR D. McINTYRE. Dau. John W., g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN CHARLES CURTISS, b. Sept. 4, 1848; d. Nov. 16, 1910; m. Nov. 18, 1884, Fannie E. Jennison. LoRANUS CROWELL, b. Dec. 29, 1850, living; m. Dec. 25, 1873, Henrietta 0. Shepard. GEORGE WESLEY, b. Sept. 28, 1853, living; m. June 25, 1884, Alma Jane Felt. 371. FRANK HENRY, b. Mar. 7, 1856; d. June 3, 1879. 2 37 • RUFUS JENNISON, b. Apr. 3, 1860, living; m. Mar. 12, 1893, Inger B. Gunderson.

368. CHARLES C. and FANNIE E. (Jennison) McINTYRE. Son of Eliza, g. son John W., g. g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 373. WALTER LEROY, b. Dec. 18, 1887, living. 374. ERNEST ROLAND, b. Nov. 8, 1891, living.

369. LoRANUS C. and HENRIETTA 0. (Shepard) McINTYRE. Son of Eliza, g. son John W., g. g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. "" ,,_ .•. CHILDREN 375. WILLIAM OscAR, b. May 12, 1875, living. 376. RALPH EMERSON, b. Sept. 29, 1878, living; m. Sept. 29, 1908, Ruby Irene Blackburne. 377- ALFRED JENNISON, b. June 20, 1880, living; m. Sept. 6, 1905., Sara Matilda Watson. 378. MAURICE CHESTER, b. July .28, 1882, living; m. Aug. 31, 1904, Louise Mayer. The Barnes Genealogy 6r MEMORANDA 62 The Barnes Genealogy

379. ALMA MAY, b. June 24, 1886; d. Dec. 3, 1904. 380. BENJAMIN HowARD, b. Oct. 28, 1889, living; m. Aug. 23, 1909, Caroline Johnson. 381. LEONARD WESLEY, b. June 30, 1893, living. 382. OLIVE MYRTLE, b. July 14, 1896, living.

377. ALFRED J. and SARA M. (WatsonrMclNTYRE. Son of Loranus C., g. son Eliza, g. g. son John W., g. g. g. son Ben­ jamin Jr., g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 383. SARAH MIRIAM, b. June 1, 1906, living. 384. JoHN WATSON, b. June 3, 1908, living.

378. MAURICE C. and LOUISE (Mayer) McINTYRE. Son of Loranus C., g. son Eliza, g. g. son John \V., g. g. g; son Ben­ jamin Jr., g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 385. ALTON MAURICE, b. Feb. 14, 1906, living. 386. ADA LOUISE, b. Oct. 5, 1908, living.

370. GEORGE W. and-ALMA J. (Felt) McINTYRE. Son of Eliza, g. son John W., g. g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. ,,,,, \ CHILDREN 387. Mu.LIE ELIZA, b. Oct. 17, 1893, living.

372. RUFUS J. and INGER B. (Gunderson) McINTYRE. Son of Eliza, g. son John W., g. g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 388. ANNIE ELIZA, b. Nov. 24, 1895, living. 389. MABEL LUCINDA, b. Nov. 8, 1901, living.

362. ABIGAIL (Barnes) and }AMES McFARLANE. Dau. John W., g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 390. TwIN SoNs, b. May 6, 1865; d. at birth. 391. MARY AMANDA, b. Feb. 12, 1867, living; m. Apr. 26, 1893, Charles L. Jones.

391. MARY A. (McFarlane) and CHARLES L. JONES. Dau. of Abigail, g. dau. John W., g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 392. GRETTA ELEANOR, b. Jan. 14, 1896, adopted Jan. 28, 1896. Dau. of Mr. Jones' sister. 393. SHERMAN BARNES, b. May 2, 1901, living. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

363. NEWCOMB M. and SAMANTHA (Smith) BARNES. Son of John W., g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 394. FLORENCE MELVINA, b. Apr. 5, 1861, living; m. May 29, 1883, John Livezey. 395. NELLIE TUTTLE, b. Jan. 4, 1865; d. Aug. 30, 1866. 396. DELLIE TUTTLE, b. Jan. 4, 1865; d. Aug. 30, 1866.

394. FLORENCE M. (Barnes) and JOHN LIVEZEY. Dau. Newcomb M., g. dau. John W., g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 397. FLORENCE, b. May 1, 1884, living; m. Apr. u, 1904, Dr. Adam J. Simpson. 398. JOHN BARNES, b. Apr. 9, 1887, living. 399. HENRY NEWCOMB, b. Apr. 2, 1890, living. 400. CLARA, b. Apr. 30, 1892; d. Feb. 23, 1898. 397. FLORENCE (Livezey) and DR. ADAM J. SIMPSON. Dau. of Florence M., g. dau. Newcomb M., g. g. dau. John W., g. g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 401. FLORENCE JOSEPfilNE, b. Mar. 29, 1905, living. 402. MARY SYLVIA, b. Nov. u, 1906, living.

365. ABEL TUTTLE and MARY M. (Haas) BARNES. Son of John W., g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 403. ANNA AMANDA, b. Jan. 18, 1858, living; m. Sept. 15, 1878, Frank J. VanLoo. 404. CLARA AMELIA, b. Sept. 27, 1859, living; m. June 29, 1892, George W. Davis. 405. MARY ABIGAIL, b. Dec. u, 1862, living; m. Apr. 26, 1888, Charles A. Potter. 406. NELLIE TUTTLE, b. Apr. 20, r868, living; m. June 4, 1906, Walter R. Moulton. 407. DELLIE TUTTLE, b. Dec. 7, 1871; d. Apr. 13, 1873. BY 2D MARRIAGE TO EMMA C. NEWHORTER. 408. MABEL ORA, b. Oct. 19, 1875, living; m. June 29, 1903, L. Gardner Pettee. 409. CHARLES OscAR, b. Dec. 2, 1877, living; m. Oct. 5, 1903, Mary E. Holmes. 410. ABEL TUTTLE, JR., b. May 18, 1881; d. Oct. 19, 1881.

403. ANNA A. (Barnes) and FRANK J. VAN Loo. Dau. of Abel T., g. dau. John W., g. g. dau. Benjamin Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA 66 The Barnes Genealogy

CHILDREN 4u. JoHN NEWCOMB, b. Nov. 10, 1879, living; m. Aug. 6, 1903, Lida T. Harpster. 412. CLARA LUELLA, b. Jan. 26, 1882, living. 413. WILLIAM FRANK, b. Aug. 17, 1889, living; m. Dec. 25, 1907, Hazel M. Shovar. 414. FRANK EDMUND, b. Apr. 20, 1902, living.

404. CLARA A. (Barnes) and GEORGE W. DAVIS (widower). Dau. of Abel T., g. dau. John W., g. g. dau. Benjamin,Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 415. IoNE McDONALD (step dau.), b. Nov. 1, 1880, living; m. Dec. 18, 1902, Clarence C. S.mith. 416. MARY ALICE, b. June, 18, 1895, living. 417. Jmrn MICHAEL, b. June 4, 1898, living.

415. loNE McD. (Davis) and CLARENCE C. SMITH. Dau. of George W. Davis by first marriage.

CHILDREN 418. ROBERT LINDEN, b. Mar. 29, 1907, living.

405. MARY A. (Barnes) and CHARLES A. POTTER. Dau. Abel T., g. dau. John W., g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 419. MARGARET ADAMS, b. June ro, 1890, living. 420. ELIZABETH TUTTLE, b. Sept. 26, 1894, living. 421. ROBERT BARNES, b. Feb. 14, 1897, living.

408. MABEL 0. (Barnes) and L. GARDNER PETTEE. Dau. of Abel T., g. dau. John W., g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 422. LEMUEL GARDNER, JR., b. Oct. 3, 1905, living. 423. EMILY BARNES, b. Aug. 8, 1907, living.

409. CHARLES_ 0. and MARY E. (Holmes) BARNES. Son of Abel T., g. son John W., g. g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 424. HELENE, b. May 9, 1906, living. 425. ALBERT TUTTLE, b. July 14, 1909, living. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA

...... ·...... ······ 68 The Barnes Genealogy

357. MARY AcENETH (Barnes) and LORING WARFIELD. Dau. of Benjamin, Jr., g. dau. of Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN THERESA ALMIRA, b. Oct. 14, 1830; d. May 21, 1866; m. ---, 1860, Charles Crum. MINERVA ACENETII, b. Jan. u, 1834; d. Aug. 18, 1910; m. May 27, 1852, Lester H. Blair. ELECTA ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 10, 1835, living; m. May 28, 1854, Lyman S. Tyrrell. LORINDA ELVIRA, b. May 6, 1842, living; m. Sept. 1, 1862, Charles W. Coggin. Divorced and assumed maiden name, Sept. 26, 1879.

427. MINERVA A. (Warfield) and LESTER H. BLAIR. Dau. of Mary, g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 430. HIRAM LESTER, b. Mar. 30, 1858, living; m. Nov. 17, 1875, Emma Baker. 431. ALMIRA MINERVA, b. Dec. 6, 1866, living; m. Nov. 24, 1891, John G. Belding.

430. HIRAM LESTER and EMMA (Baker) BLAIR. Son of Minerva A., g. son of Mary, g. g. son Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 432. RAYMOND LESTER, b. Oct. 13, 1888, living. 433. CLARA MABEL, b. June 12, 1891, living.

431. ALMIRA M. (Blair) and JOHN G. BELDING. Dau. of Minerva, g. dau. of Mary, g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 434. HAROLD LORING, b. July 30, 1893, living. 435. ROBERT JAMES, b. June 2, 1896, living.

428. ELECTA E. (Warfield) and LYMAN S. TYRRELL. Dau. of Mary, g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 436. MARY EMMA, b. July 21, 1858, living; m. July 6, 1882, Arthur H. Terrell. He d. Apr. 14, 1910. 437. FRANK LYMAN, b. Mar. r, 1862, living.; m. June 6, 1888, Madge Kirwin. 438. CHARLES AVERY, b. Aug. 1, 1864, living; m. Nov. 10, 1887, Florence M. Stone. She d. June 1, 1888; m. 2d, Jan. 20, 1894, Hellen M. Hawe. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA The Barnes Genealogy

436. MARY EMMA (Tyrrell) and ARTHUR H. TERRELL. Dau. of Electa, g. dau. Mary, g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 439. HERBERT ARTHUR, b. June 22, 1883, living. 440. NELLIE EMMA, b. Dec. 21, 1884, living. 441. ALICE ELECTA, b. June 28, 1890, living.

358. CHARLES C. and SARAH S. (Whitcomb) BARNES. Son of Benjamin, Jr., g. son of Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 442. ELLEN DORINDA, b. May 24, 1841; d. Aug. 14, 1871; m. Jan. 15, 1860, James P. Spencer.

442. ELLEN D. and JAMES P. SPENCER. Dau. Charles C., g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 443. SARAH ADELIA ALBERTINE, b. Dec. 31, 1860, living; m. June 7, 1880, Albert I. Streeter. 444. LEVI TREMAINE, b. Oct. 6, 1862, living.

443. SARAH A. A. (Spencer) and ALBERT I. STREETER. Dau. Ellen D., g. dau. Charles C., g. g. dau. Benjamin, Jr., g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 445. ALBERT BoYD, b. June 14, 1883, living. The Barnes Genealogy MEMORANDA


(From Mr. Frederic H. Curtiss' Genealogy of the Curtiss Family.)

Most of the historians have supposed that William Curtiss, -who came to New England in the ship" Lyon," which sailed from London June 22, 1632, landing in Boston on Sunday, Sept. 16, 1632, -to have been the husband of widow Elizabeth Curtiss of Stratford, Conn. (I have positive proof that this is not correct, although he had sons named William and John, but they lived and died in Roxbury, Mass., where their father settled; and their mother's name was Sarah). The husband of Elizabeth, or Widow Curtiss, was John, and believed to be a brother of the above William of Roxbury, who came from N azing, England. The N azing records also show the following entries: John Curtiss, baptized Sept. 15, 1577. John Curtyce married Elizabeth Hutchins, April 19, r6ro, and the following baptisms supposedly those of their children: John Curtiss, Feb. 26, 1614-,15; William Curtiss, June 21, r6r8; Thomas Curtiss, March i2, 1619-20.

John Curtiss, aged 2I, sailed in the ship "Safety" Aug. ro, 1635. In 1639 John Curtiss was a resident of Wethersfield, Conn., and owned land in that town, on what was then called "The North Road to the Great Meadow." John Curtiss left Wethersfield in 1640 for Cuphag (now Stratford) and his name disappears, but we find the name of widow Elizabeth Curtiss and her two sons on the earliest records of Stratford. It is therefore probable that the father died soon after arriving at Stratford, or on the journey. The Curtiss family was, from all accounts, one of the most prominent among the first settlers of Stratford, and it has been claimed that they suggested naming the town Stratford, after Stratford-on-Avon, England. That the name Curtiss was well known in Shakespeare's town is shown by the fact that that poet used it as one of the characters in" The Taming of the Shrew." A. T. BARNES. 73 74 The Curtiss Genealogy ELIZABETH CURTISS, or as she is generally called on the Strat­ ford Town Records, " Widow Curtiss." Died, June, 1658, and her will was proved Nov. 4, 1658, at Fairfield, Conn., and reads as follows:


(Fairfield Probate Records, Vol. 1648-56, Page 17.) The Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Curtiss, . . . being weak yeat perfect in her minde as is. . . . INPRIMIS. Unto her two Sonns John Curtiss and William doe give my Mare and Coalt. . . . IT. Unto John Curtiss & Jonathan Curtiss ye Sannes of my Sannes John & William my Grandchildren I doe give the Coalt that my young Mare hath: And after the sayd young Mare hath up her :first coalt, Then I doe give ye sayd young Mare to the Rest of my Grandchildren, Sonns an Daughters of my aforesd Sonns, John & William: IT. I doe give one house and Lott to my Grandchildren, John Curtiss & Israel & Jonathan & Sarah Curtiss y 0 children of ye said John & William: And they to enjoy it when they come to y0 age of twenty: IT. I doe give unto my Grandchilde Mary Curtiss y 0 daughter of Thomas Curtiss, forty shillings & to bee paid unto her by my sonns John & William Within a yeare after my desesase: IT. I doe give unto my Sonns John & William Curtiss my two cowss, one hiefer, one bullock and a calf after my decsas: provided yt if my sayd young mare before given to my Grand­ children should miscarry. Then my Will is if my two sonns John and William Curtiss should give foure pounds each of them to there Children yt have no share in my house and Lott to be paid att ye Age of twentie:- lT. I doe give my Bible to John Curtiss my Grandchilde the Sann of John Curtiss allso my desire is i there be so much of my Corn sould as may buy a bible for Jonathan Curtiss ye Sann of my Sann William and given to him: - The rest of my goods Within y 0 house that are moveable goods I doe give to me sonns John & William Curtiss to be equally divided betwixt them, My two Sonns John Curtiss & William Curtiss I doe make executors: my will is i John Burdseye Henry Wakelyn and The Curtiss Genealogy 75 Joseph hawly shall bee overseers of this my Last Will and Testa­ ment. In ye presence of JOHN BRIMSMAID l ELIZABETH CURTISS. JOHN WASHBORN. f

This will is proved by John Curtiss and William Curtiss to bee y• Last Will and Testant of Elizabeth Curtiss of Stratford: Andy• Court approvs of it: it being attested to: 4th : 4th: (58).

JOHN MINOR. The Curtiss Genealogy


In the archives of the College of Heraldry in London, England, records of arms borne by persons of the name of Curtiss spelled as follows: Curtis, Curtys, Curtes, Curteis, Curteys, Curties, Curtyes. (Originally the name was spelled with an o in place of u). These records show that a coat of arms was confirmed to John Curtis of London, Gent. (supposed to be the husband of Eliza­ beth and father of John and William of Stratford, Conn.), son of William of Hatton, in the County of Warwick, Gent., son of Eustace of Malestock in the said County, Gent., son of William, who was son and heir of John of Malestock aforesaid, Gent., by Sir Richard St. George Clarencieux, the 9th of May, 1632, in the 8th year of the reign of King Charles I, and that a crest was granted at the same time. In the visitation of London in 1633, the name of John Curtis does not appear, so it is probable that he left for New England soon after having these arms confirmed. The following-quotations are from the report of the Committee on Heraldry of the New England Historic Genealogical Society of Boston regarding the bearing of arms: i;; "As there is no person and no institution in the United States with authority to regulate the use of coats of arms, your Com­ mittee discourages their display in any way or form." " The mere fact that an individual possessed a painting of a coat of arms, used it upon plate, or as a bookplate or seal, or had it put upon his gravestone, is not proof that he had a right to it." "A coat of arms did not belong with a family name, but only to the particular family, bearing the name, to whose progenitor it had been granted or confirmed; and it was as purely individual a piece of property as a homestead. Hence it was as ridiculous The Curtiss Genealogy 77 to assume arms without being able to prove the right, as it would now be to make use of a representation of the Washington man­ sion at Mt. Vernon, and claim it as having been the original property of one's family, unless bearing the name of Washington and being of the line of those who owned it." The above imprint is believed to be a facsimile of the coat of arms confirmed to John Curtis of London, Gent., as previously explained. The curious descriptions of these arms on the records is as follows: "Azure a fesse dancette between three ducal crowns or, Crest: A Lion in his ppr. co11ers Issuing forth of his co11ers Or an Azure & thereon a fesse dancette Or Mantled gules double argent." & This cut was kindly loaned the writer by Mr. Frederic Curtiss of 63 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass., author of "A Genealogy of the Curtiss Family: being a record of the descendants of Widow Elizabeth Curtiss who settled in Stratford, Conn., 1639-40." This book contains much information of the Curtiss family in England and gives the different branches of the family from Widow Elizabeth down to r900. These books can be had by applying to Mr. Curtiss, who still has a few copies for sale. To the kindness of Mr. Curtiss the writer is indebted for valuable information herein. 78 The Curtiss Genealogy


050. ELIZABETH CURTISS, or, as she is generally called on the Stratford, Conn., Town Records, "Widow Curtiss," first appears on these records in a list of property owners (about 1650), with her two sons. CHILDREN 051. John, b. in England, 16n; d. Dec. 6, 1707; m. Elizabeth Wells. She d. Mar. 9, 1681-2. 052. WILLIAM, b. in England, 1618; d. Dec. 21, 1702; m. 1st Mary, 2d Sarah Morris,.,idow of William Goodrich. She died 1702. 053. TuoMAS, b. in England; no record found of him on records of Stratford, Conn.

051. JOHN CURTISS. Son of Elizabeth. His name appears among the original patentees of Stratford, Conn., and also on the list of property owners of 1650. He was made a freeman in May, 1658. He was a prominent citizen and took an active part in the work of settling the town, but was not as much of a public man as his brother William. In 1678 he and his brother William were on the committee to build a new meeting-house. Sergeant John Curtiss was elected Town Treasurer, Dec. 29, 1675. He served as a soldier in King Philips War and attained the rank of ensign (second lieutenant). CHILDREN 054. JoHN, b. Oct. 14, 1642; d. Sept. 17, 1704; m. Hannah, widow of Abraham Kimberly. 055. ISRAEL, b. Apr. 3, 1644; d. Oct. 28, 1704; m. ---, --, Rebecka, ---, --. 056. ELIZABETH, b. May 2, 1647, d. ---, --. 057. TuoMAs, b. Jan. 14, 1648; d. about 1736; m. June 9, 1674, Mary Merriman. 058. JOSEPH, b. Nov. 12, 1650; d. ---, 1742; m. Nov. 9, 1676, Bethia Boothe. 059. Benjamin, b. Sept. 30, 1652; d. ---, 1733; 1st m. Mar. 23, 1680, Esther Judson; 2d. m. Dec. 1, 1714, Bethsheba Stites. 060. HANNAH, b. Feb. 2, 1654-5; d. ---, 1728; m. ---, 1671, Benjamin Lewis. The Curtiss Genealogy 79 MEMORANDA

... ······················ ·········· ························.'"•'"''••···· 80 The Curtiss Genealogy

059. BENJAMIN CURTISS. Son of John, g. son Elizabeth. He was an original settler in Huntington. He was a promi­ nent man in the society of the place, and held many positions of trust. He was a representative from Stratford for many years. In May, 1714, he was appointed "Naval Officer" of the port of Fairfield. The inventory of his estate was filed at Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 4, 1733. CHILDREN 061. JoHN, b. Feb. 18, 1680; d. ---, --; 1st m. Feb. 19, 1706-7, Margaret Picket; 2d m. Nov. 3, 1715, Hannah Johnson. 062. DAVID, b. ---, 1682; d. ---, --; 1st m. Nov. 26, 1719, Dinah Weakley; 2d m. Nov. ro, 1725, Esther Hurd; 3d m., ---, 1735, Mehitable Hubbell. 063. Rum, b. Jan, u, 1683; d. Apr. 23, 1721; m. Nov. 15, 1705, John Thompson. 064. James, b. May 4, 1686; d. ---, 1766; m. Sept. 6, 1709, Hannah Coe. 065. HESTER, b. ---, 1691; d. Aug. 26, 1701. 066. HESTER, b. Feb. -, 1706; d. ---, --; m. Dec. 3, 1724, Daniel Beech.

064. JAMES CURTISS. Son of Benjamin, g. son John, g. g. son Elizabeth. He was an original proprietor in Durham, Conn., in 1708. His will was filed in Middletown, in 1766, and dated at Durham. CHILDREN 067. JAMES, b. in Durham, Conn.; m. Sept. 12, 1734, Hannah Buel. 068. Rum, b. in Durham, Conn.; m. Dec. -, 17 28, Ezra Baldwin. 069. SARAH, b. Mar. 15, 1712-13, ---; m. ---, --, Ithamer Parsons. 070. ESTHER, b. Mar. 22, 1715; m. ---, --, Parsons. 071. MARY, b. July 4, 1717, ---. 072. PHEBE, b. Oct. 4, 1719, m. ---, --, Matoon. 073. JoBN, b. Nov. 21, 1721, ---; m. Nov. 18, 1747, Dinah Norton. · 074. David, b. July 5, 1724; d. June 7, 1782; m. Jan. 22, 1747, Thank- ful Thompson. HANNAH, b. Oct. 8, 1727; m. Moses Austin. ABIGAIL, b. Sept. 17, 1732, m. -- Robinson. EUNICE, b. June 23, 1734, ---; m. Mar. 21, 1755, Samuel Sutliff.

074. DAVID CURTISS. Son of James, g. son Benjamin, g.-g. son John, g. g. g. son Elizabeth. The Curtiss Genealogy 81 MEMORANDA The Curtiss Genealogy

CHILDREN 078. EBENEZER, b. Jan. 17, 1749, Durham, Conn. 079. David, b. May 19, 1750; d. Nov. 15, 1815; m. Dec. 27, 1770, Prudence Bishop. 080. ESTHER, b. Nov. 15, 1751, Durham, Conn.; m. Dec. 5, 1771, Phineas Bates. 081. HELEN, b. Nov. 15, 1751, Durham, Conn. 082. DANIEL, b. Oct. 7, 1753, Durham, Conn. 083. SARAH, b. May 7, 1755, Durham, Conn ..

079. DAVID CURTISS, 2d. Son of David, g. son James, g. g. son Benjamin, g. g. g. son John, g. g. g. g. son Elizabeth. Soon after the birth of David 2d, about 1756, his father, with his family and several other prominent families, left Durham and settled in West Granville, Mass. He was in after years one of the foremost settlers and called Esquire Curtiss, and was a devout Christian. He died in Gran­ ville, and on his tombstone is this verse: "In his life we saw the Christian virtues shine; In his death the Christian hope appeared divine." CHILDREN 5. Charles, b. July 31, 1771; d. Apr. 25, 1813; m. Sept. 18, 1794, Lucy Barnes. 084. Lucrus, b. Nov. 21, 1773, in Granville, Mass. Probably others of which I have no authentic record. I have unauthenticated information that he had a son, David, a lawyer, who married Mamie Static Curtiss, a cousin. He was a drink­ ing man. They had one daughter, and he afterward ran away and was never heard of afterward. Later his wife (probably divorced) married a wealthy man named Seymour of Otis, an adjoining town.

5. CHARLES CURTISS. Son of David 2d., g. son David, g. g. son James, g. g. g. son Ben­ jamin, g. g. g. g. son John, g. g. g. g. g. son Elizabeth. Was born in Granville, where he resided until 1807, when his son Chauncy B. (my step~father, who married my mother as his second wife) was ten years old, when he sold the old homestead and removed to Portage County, Ohio, the town of Charlestown (so named then or afterwards), where he died six years later. A story of their trip I have heard father Curtiss tell, in re­ lating the trials of the journey with ox teams. One day, just after entering the State of Ohio, one of their wagons got mired (which was not an uncommon occurrence) and could not be The Curtiss Genealogy MEMORANDA The Curtiss Genealogy

pulled out by the oxen, so they had to resort to cutting poles to pry it out. As they were at work a man on horseback came along, and seeing the desperate situation they were in, dismounted and gave a helping hand, with energy and good judgment. After succeeding and seeing them ready to proceed on their way, he mounted his horse to ride on, with the grateful thanks of the whole party, when the father, Mr. Charles Curtiss, said to him, " I would like to have your name, that I may know to whom I am so greatly indebted." "My name is William H. Harrrison," was the reply, who at that time was a general in the army and thirty-three years later was elected President of the United States.

6. Lucy (Barnes) and CHARLES CURTISS. Dau. of Capt. Benjamin Barnes. CHILDREN 500. POLLY, b. Oct. 14, 1795, d. Dec. 21, 1885; m. Oct. 27, 1816, Leverett Norton. 501. CHAUNCY BAKER, b. Sept. 4, 1797; d. Dec. 17, 1877; 1st m. Jan. IO, 1821, Clarisa Loomis; 2d m. Aug. rn, 1852, Amanda Barnes; 3d m. Jan. 21, 1869, Anna C. Soule. 502. LUCRETIA SACKET, b. May 20, 1799; d. Aug. 5, 1858; 1st m. June 5, 1824, Homer Austin; 2d m. ---, --, Alva Hart. 503. CHARLES LEwrs, b. July 31, 1801; d. Mar. 21, 1848; m. Feb. 7, 1825, Aurelia Loomis. 504. DENNIS BARNES, b. July 31, 1803, d. young. 505. HARRIET, b. Junes, 1805; d. July 19, 1845; m. Sept. 21, 1825, Charles G. Austin. 506. ANAH MARIA, b. July n, 1807; d. Jan. 19, 1864; m. Mar. 7, 1833, Alpheus Dickinson. 507. WILLIAM HENRY, b. Mar. 28, 1809; d. Feb. 26, 1858; m. Aug. 1, 1838, Laurena 0. Wilcox. . 508. Lucy ANN, b. Oct. 20, r8n; d. Aug. 17, 1877, n. c.; m. June ro, 1837; Ammi M. Nichols.

600. POLLY (Curtiss) and LEVERETT NORTON. Dau. of Lucy, g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 509. ANN ELlZA, b. Sept. S, 1820; d. July IO, 1904; m. May 19, 1847, Albert Austin. 510. CLARISA, b. Aug. 21, 1822; d. Aug. 28, 1883; m. ---, 1843, William McCutcheon. 5n. CHARLES AUGUSTUS, b. Dec. 15, 1826; d. Feb. 12, 187~; m. Sept. 30, 1858, Lucy Bond. Shed. Jan. 21, 1909. 512. HELEN, b. July 10, 1829, living; m. May 31, 1850, James Mc­ Cutcheon. 513. HENRY LYMAN, b. Nov. 28, 1831, living; m. rst Dec. 29, 1859, Adelaid M. Gillette; 2d m. -- -, --, Elizabeth Whitney. The Curtiss Genealogy MEMORANDA 86 The Curtiss Genealogy

609. ANN ELIZA (Norton) and ALBERT AUSTIN. Dau. of Polly, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 514. FRANCES CAROLINE, b. Mar. 28, 1848, living; m. Jan. 17, 1872, Webster E. Burbank. 515. CLARA MARY, b. Nov. 2, 1849; d. July 14, 1870; m. June 13, 1870, Dwight Loomis. 516. ALBERT OzIAs, b. June 20, 1852; d. Apr. 10, 1855. 517. HELEN MARIA, b. Aug. 5, 1854, living; m. Dec. 30, 1874, Dwight Loomis. 518. LEVERETT NoRTON, b. Dec. 29, 1856; d. Mar. 22, 1900. 519. POLLY CURTISS, b. Aug. 18, 186!; d. Jan. 9, 1909; m. Dec. 26, 1900, Amos B. Crane.

614. FRANCES C. (Austin) and WEBSTER E. BURBANK. Dau. of Ann E., g. dau. Polly, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 520. CLARENCE DWIGHT, b. Nov. 25, 1872, living; m. Feb. 15, 1899, Harriet M. Lord. 521. CLARA AUGUSTA, b. Aug. u, 1875, living; m. June 4, 1905, Thomas Edwin Couch. 522. HELEN FANNY, b. Dec. 25, 1877; d. Jan. 6, 1884. 523. META NoRTON, b. Jan. 25, 1880; d. Jan. 13, 1884. 524. CURTISS LESTER, b. Oct. 14, 1885; d. Dec. rs, r888.

620. CLARENCE D. and liARRIET M. (Lord) BURBANK. Son of Frances C., g. son Ann E., g. g. son Polly, g. g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 525. JUDITH LORD, b. Nov. 24, 1899, living. 526. BERNICE LORD, b. Aug. 14, 1903, living. 527. DOROTHY LoRD, b. July 22, 1906; d. Dec. 5, 1908.

617. HELEN M. (Austin) and DWIGHT LOOMIS. Dau. of Ann E., g. dau. Polly, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 528. PAUL HENRY, b. Dec. 5, 1876, living; m. Nov. 18, 1903, Mary Ellery Trask. 529. DAN AusTIN, b. Apr. 6, 1882, living. 530. LYNN ALBERT, b. May 22, 1884, living.

528. PAUL H. and MARY E. (Trask) Looms. Son of Helen, g. son Ann E., g. g. son Polly, g. g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 531. ELLERY TRASK, b. Aug. 8, 1904, living. The Curtiss Genealogy MEMORANDA

Attach to page 87 opposite No. 52r.

CLARA AUGUSTA, m. June 14 (not 4), 1905. 88 The Curtiss Genealogy

510. CLARISA (Norton) and WILLIAM McCuTCHEON. Dau. of Polly, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN

53 2 • EMILY, b. June 25, 1844; d. Oct. 15, 1845. 533. *JAMES NORTON, b. July 7, 1846, living; m. June 12, 1884, Orrie S. Williams. 534. CHARLES LEVERETT, b. July 22, 1848, living; m. Sept. 17, 1874, Lida C. Hayes. 535. CLARA NORTON, b. Sept. 8, 1850, living; m. Mar. 28, 1878, Andrew N. Martin. ' 536. ADA, b. Feb. 2, 1853, living; m. Nov. 22, 1877, Charles H. McCracken. 537. HETTY PARMELEE, b. Oct. 16, 1855; d. Nov. n, 1879. 538. HELEN VELOIS, b. Mar. 4, 1858, living, n. m. 539. ANNA MARY, b. Jan. 9, 1861; d. Dec. 12, 1861. 540. WILLIAM: ALFRED, b. Mar. 1, 1863, living; m. Oct. 31, 1889, Belle Tomer. 54I. LucY CURTISS, b. Apr. 3, 1868, living, n. m.

533. JAMES N. and ORRIE S. (Williams) McCuTCHEON. Son of Clarisa, g. son Polly, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 542. PHYLus ORRIE, b. Apr. 3, 1885, living; m. Nov. 5, 1906, George W. Lutz. 543. CHARLES HOWARD, b. Feb. 22, 1888; d. June 22, 1888. 544. GERTRUDE HELEN, b. Apr. n, 1890, living. 545. JAMES NORTON, JR., b. July 31, 1892; d. Dec. 2, 1893. 546. WILLIAM: PAUL, b. Aug. 25, 1896, living. 547. CHESTER SAMPLE, b. Oct. 27, 1897, living. 548. BENJAMIN STEWART RALSTON, b. Oct. 21, 1903, living.

542. PHYLLIS 0. (McCutcheon) and GEORGE W. LUTZ. Dau. of James, g. dau. Clarisa, g. g. dau. Polly, g. g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 549. FANNIE KATHLEEN, b. Dec. 10, 1908, living.

535. CLARA N. (Mccutcheon) and ANDREW N. MARTIN. Dau. of Clarisa, g. dau. Polly, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 550. GEORGE BENJAMIN UPFOLD, b. Dec. 15, 1879, living; m. Nov. 12, 1907, Mary Elizabeth Johnson. 551. HATTIE McCuTCHEON, b. Mar. 9, 1882, living; m. Oct. 31, 1905, George Heber McCandless. 552. CLARA, b. July 30, 1886, living. 553. CHARLOTTE CURRY, b. May 24, 1888, living. 554- ANDREW NOBLE, JR., b. Mar. 7, 1890, living. The Curtiss Genealogy MEMORANDA The Curtiss Genealogy

551. HETTIE McC. (Martin) and GEORGE H. McCANDLESS. Dau. of Clara N., g. dau. Clarisa, g. g. dau. Polly, g. g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CIDLDREN 555. MARY RANDOLPH, b. May 10, 1906, living. 556. WILLIAM DoNAW, b. Mar. 23, 1908, living.

636. ADA (McCutcheon) and CHARLES H. McCRACKEN. Dau. of Clarisa, g. dau. Polly, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 557. CHARLES HASKEL, JR.,'b. Mar. 24, 1879, living; m. Jan. 27, 1907, Anna Charlotte Hanner. 558. CLARISA NORTON, b. Jan. 3, 1883, living. 559. ELIZABETH DANA, b. May 31, 1885, living.

557. CHARLES H. and ANNA CHARLOTTE (Hanner) McCRAC­ KEN. Son of Ada, g. son Clarisa, g. g. son Polly, g. g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.) CHILDREN 560. ELIZABETH HANNER, b. Jan. 27, 1907; d. Aug. 27, 1907.

540. WILLIAM A. and BELLE (Tomer) McCUTCHEON. Son of Clarisa, g. son Polly, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 561. WILLIAM NORTON, b. June 16, 1891, living. 562. KENNETH CHARLES, b. Oct. 23, 1892, living. 563. JAMES DoNAW, b. Jan. 16, 1894, living.

511. CHARLES A. and Lucy (Bond) NORTON. Son of Polly, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 564. CHARLES LEVERETT, b. Aug. 13, 1859, living; m. Sept. 8, 1896, Lora L. Bassett. 565. OzIAS CLAR.ENCE, b. Dec. r, 1860; d. July 1, 1870.

512. HELEN (Norton) and JAMES McCuTCHEON. Dau. of Polly, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 566. MARY ELIZA, b. May 21, 1851, living, n. c.; m. ~~ov. 12, I.;;79, George W. B. Taylor. 567. WILLIAM, b. June 12, 1855; d. Nov. 26, 1859. 568. HELEN NoRTON, b. Mar. 12, 1860, living; m. Feb. 18, 1886, Robert Cresswell, Jr. 569. CLARISA CURTISS, b. July 7, 1864, living, n. m. The Curtiss Genealogy 9r MEMORANDA

Attach to page 9l opposite No. 557.

ANNA CHARLOTTE (Hanner) should be (Harmer). CHAIU.:Es HASKEL JR. and Anna C. Harmer, m. Sept. 27, r905. 560. ELIZABETH~ (not Hanner), d. Aug. 22, t907. 92 The Curtiss Genealogy

568. HELEN N. (Mccutcheon) and ROBERT CRESSWELL, JR. Dau. of Helen, g._dau. Polly, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 570. MARIAN HELEN, b. May 3r, r887, living.

513. HENRY L. and ADELAIDE M. (Gillette) NORTON. Son of Polly, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 57r. CHARLES GILLETTE, b. Jan. r, r86r, living; m. Nov. 24, r884, Emma E. Marston.

571. CHARLES G. and EMMA E. (Marston) NORTON. Son of Henry L., g. son Polly, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Ben­ jamin.. CHILDREN 572. TuoMAs MARS'I:ON, b. Aug. 9, 1887, living. 573. HENRY LYMAN, b. June r8, 1890, living. 574. MARY ADELAIDE, b. Oct. 8, r893, living.

501. CRAUNCY B. and CLARISA ( CURTISS. Son of Lucy, g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 575. OLIVE, b. Dec. 16, 1821; d. Feb. 28, 1822. 576. HARVEY WILLARD, b. Feb. 22, 1823; d. Apr. 30, r902; m. Feb. r9, r845, Olive B. Rood. 577- WILLIAM, b. Jan. 27, r825; d. Nov. 22, r903; m. June 23, r853, Elizabeth B. Vance. She d. May 13, 1909. 578. LAVINA, b. Dec. 10, r827; d. Nov. 3r, r83r. 579· CORNELIUS, b. Dec. IO, r83r; d. Jan. 16, r892; m. June 26, 1864, Louise Wheeler. 580. SARAH ALICE, b. Oct. 18, 1834; d. Mar. 4, r902; m. Sept. 26, 1858, *Benjamin F. Pitman.

576. HARVEY W. and OLIVE B. (Rood) CURTISS. Son of Chauncy B., g: son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN DWIGHT WILLARD, b. Mar. 20, r846, living; m. Feb. 17, r870, Maria A. Tenny. DAN PARMELEE, b. Dec. 10, 1855; d. Dec. r9, r867. PAUL, b. Jan. 10, 1857, living; 1st m. Mar. 16, r889, Viette M. Andrews; she d. Aug. 5, r900; 2d m. Dec. 6, r902, Mae Robison. VIRGINIA, b. Aug. 10, 1867., living, n. c.; m. June 1, r882, Frank P. Smith. The Curtiss Genealogy 93 MEMORANDA

...... -...... ······ ...... 94 The Curtiss Genealogy

581. DWIGHT W. and MARIA A. (Tenny) CURTISS. Son of Harvey W., g. son Chauncy B., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 585. LLOYD HENRY,. b. Aug. 28, 1873; d. July 30, 1893. 586. HARVEY WILLARD, b. Mar. 14, 1881, living; 1st m. Nov. 17, 1899, Grace Akers; 2d m. Jan. 20, 1909, Helen Lang.

586. HARVEY W. and GRACE (Akers) CURTISS. Son of Dwight W., g. son Harvey W., g. g. son Chauncy B., g. g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 587. ALFRED LLOYD, b. Jan. 17, 1901, living They were divorced Apr. I2, 1904, and custody of Alfred Lloyd given to the mother.) BY 2D M. TO HELEN LANG 588. Rum JOSEPHINE, b. July 2, 1910, living.

583. PAUL and VIETTE M. (Andrews) CURTISS. Son of Harvey W., g. son Chauncy B., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 589. OLIVE MATILDA, b. Aug. 3, 1894, living.

577. WILLIAM and ELIZABETH B. (Vance) CURTISS. Son of Chauncy B., g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN

590. WILLIAM HOWARD, b. Mar. 21, 1854, living; m. July 24, 1882, Lillie Somers. 591. CHAUNCY, b. Oct. 17, 1856; d. Oct. 6, 1906; m. Oct. IO, 1881, Minnie Waters, n. c. 592. AGNES, b. Oct. 21, 1859, living; m. Apr. 18, 1882, Henry S. Mustin. 593. CLARA, b. Nov. 21, 1861; d. Oct. 3, 1893; m. Jan. 15, 1885, Augustus T. Dobson. 594. MARTHA, adopted, July 3, 1899; b. Feb. 18, 1886. 595. ELIZABETH, adopted, July 3, 1899; b. Oct. 28, 1888.

590. W. HowARD and LILLIE (Somers) CURTISS. Son of William, g. son Chauncy B., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 596. LILLIAN SOMERS, b. Feb. IO, 1883, living; m. Aug. 7, 1909, Clarence Clark Martin. 597. JOHN SOMERS, b. Jan. 23, 1885, living;:m. Apr. 24, 1909, Maude Marckwald. The Curtiss Genealogy 95 MEMORANDA

Attach to page 95 opposite No. 590.

590. m. Jan. 24 not July. 96 The Curtiss Genealogy

598. DoRATHEA, b. May 31, 1887, living. . 599. WILLIAM HowARD, JR., b. Dec. 3, 1889; d. June 26, 1890. 600. KATHERINE SOMERS, b. Nov. 8, 1892, living. 601. WILLIAM, b. Mar. 8, 1896, living.

597. JoHN S. and MAUDE (Marckwald) CURTISS. Son of W. Howard, g. son William, g. g. son Chauncy B., g. g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 602. MARY HALSTED, b. June 9, 1910, living.

592. AGNES (Curtiss) and HENRY S. MusTIN. Dau. of William, g. dau. Chauncy B., g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 603. EMILY JANVIER, b. May 13, 1883, living; m. Apr. 16, 1906, George W. Simons.

593. CLARA (Curtiss) and AUGUSTUS T. DOBSON. Dau. of William, g. dau. Chauncy B., g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 594. MARTHA, b. Feb. 18, r886, living. 595. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 28, 1888, living. Both adopted by William Curtiss their grandfather and given his name by order of Court, July 3, 1899.

580. SARAH A. (Curtiss) and BENJAMIN F. PITMAN. Dau. of Chauncy B., g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 604. CHARLES WALTER, b. Aug. 12, 1859, living; m. Oct. 6, 1885, Edith Cartwright. 605. CLARISA EumcE, b. Mar. 4, 1864, living, n. m.

604. CHARLES W. and EDITH (Cartwright) PITMAN. Son of Sarah A., g. son Channey B., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 606. MARJORIE, b. Aug. 12, 1886, living. 6o7. Loi:s, b. Feb. 9, r888; d. Sept. 16, 1889. 608. HELEN, b. July 6, 1892; d. May 5, 19ro.

502. LUCRETIA S. (Curtiss) and HOMER AUSTIN. Dau. of Lucy, g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. The Curtiss Genealogy 97 MEMORANDA

Attach to page 97 opposite 601.

6or. WILLIAM, b. Mar. 27 not 8. The Curtiss Genealogy

CHILDREN 609. MARIA, b. Sept. 25, 1825; d. Apr. II, 1901, n. m. 610. JULIA, d. young. 611. HELEN, d. young. BY 2D MARRIAGE TO ALVA HART. 612. HOMER CURTISS, b. Jan. 7, 1842; d. Feb. 24, 1906; m. Dec. 28, 1868, Elizabeth E. Page.

612. HOMER C. and ELIZABETH E. (Page) HART. Son of Lucretia, g. son Lucy, g. g._son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 613. BLANCHE PAGE, b. Oct. 27, 1870, living, n. m. 614. BELLE BRADLEY, b. July 14, 1872, living; m. May 7, 1903, Henry F. Leach. 615. ALVA AUSTIN, b. June 30, 1874; d. Apr. ro, 1897. 616. GUY PAGE, b. Aug. 23, 1877; d. Jan. 29, 1878. 617. HOMER CURTISS, JR., b. Jan. 4, 1879, living; m. Apr. 30, 1903, Hildore Olberg.

617. HOMER C., JR., and HrLDORE (Olberg) HART. Son of Homer C., g. son Lucretia, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN/ 618. DOROTHY MILDRED, b. Mar. 12, 1904, living.

503. CHARLES L. and AURELIA (Loomis) CURTISS. Son_of Lucy, g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN, 619. CAROLINE AMELIA, b. Apr. 17, 1834; d. Jan. 6, 1907. 620. CHARLES LEWIS 2d, b. Feb. 13, 1836; d. Dec. 9, 1906; 1st m. Aug. 21, 1857, Sarah Greenleaf; 2d m. June 1, 1873, Addie S. Noble. 621. *EMERSON GEORGE, b. Nov. 2, 1838; d. Feb. 9, 1904; m. Nov. 29, 1865, Elizabeth G. King. 622. AUSTIN P., b. Apr. II, 1841; d. Nov. 2, 1909; m. Oct. 3, 1870, Amelia H. Bostwick.

620. CHARLES L. 2d and ADDIE S. (Ntible) CURTISS. Son of Charles L., g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 623. TELFORD NOBLE, b. Dec. 6, 1874, living; m. Oct. 3, 1896, Mattie Kerr. 624. CHARLES LEWIS 3d, b. Aug. 18, 1876, living; m. Aug. 12, 1898, Elsie Kirk. 625. GERTRUDE ELENA, b. June 27, 1878, living; m. Sept. 23, 1908, Thomas B. Lewis. 626. VERGIE LUELLA, b. Oct. 31, 1880; d. Dec. 18, 1897. 627. FRANK SHERWOOD, b. Jan. 24, 1884, living; m. Apr. 22, 1906, Blanche Sassaman. The Curtiss Genealogy 99 MEMORANDA IOO The Curtiss Genealogy

623. TELFORD N. and MATTIE (Kerr) CURTISS. Son of Charles L. 2d., g. son Charles L., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 628. MARGUERITE LUCILLE, b. Aug. 28, 1897; d. Mar. 22, 1902. 629. VIRGIB LUELLA, b. July 27, 1899; d. Oct. 16, 1905. 630. HELEN LEONA, b. Sept. 14, 1904, living. 631. GERTRUDE LORENA, b. Mar. 12, 1908; d. Apr. 19, 1909.

624. CHARLES L. 3d and ELSIE (Kirk) CURTISS. Son of Charles L. 2d., g. son Charles L., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 632. FLORA LILLIAN, b. Mar. II, 1899, living. 633. Infant son, b. July 5, 1900; d. July 5, 1900. 634. VERNA EVELYN, b. Nov. 4, 1901, living. 635. ALVIN Lours, b. Mar. 14, 1907, living.

625. GERTRUDE E. (Curtiss) and TuoMAs B. LEWIS. Dau. of Charles L. 2d., g. dau. Charles L., g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 636. CHARLES THOMAS, b. Oct. 7, 1909, living.

627. FRANKS. and BLANCHE (Sassaman) CURTISS. Son of Charles L. 2d, g. son Charles L., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 637. ELEANORA LUCILLE, b. Mar. 5, 1907, living. 638. Rum ILEEN, b. Sept. 23, 1909, living.

621. EMERSON G. and ELIZABETH G. (King) CURTISS. Son of Charles L. 1st, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 639. *CHARLES EMERSON, b. Nov. 8, 1872, living; m. Oct. 2, 1901, Louise V. Bucher. 640. PAUL LEWIS, b. June II, 1874; d. Sept. rs, 1876. 64r. GEORGIB ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 25, 1880, living, n. m.

639. CHARLES E. and LOUISE V. (Bucher) CURTISS. Son of Emerson G. , g. son Charles L. 1st, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 642. CHARLES AUSTIN, b. Nov. 25, 1902, living. 643. EMERSON FREDERICK, b. Dec. 28, 1904, living. 644. LOUISE GENEVIEVE, b. Oct. 17, 1906, living. 645. ROBERT PAUL, b. Feb. -, 1908, living. The Curtiss Genealogy IOI MEMORANDA 102 The Curtiss Genealogy

622. AusTIN P. and AURELIA H. (Bostwick) CURTISS. Son of Charles L. 1st, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 646. PAYSON LEWIS, b. Dec. 30, 1871, living; m. Sept. 28, 1905, Grace Elizabeth Erwin. 647. RoY DELYEN, b. Mar. 17, 1874; d. Sept. 10, 1876. 648. RAY BURTON, b. Sept. ro, 1880, living. 649. ZADA AURELIA, b. Nov. 12, 1883, living.

646. PAYSON L. and GRACE E. (Erwin) CURTISS. Son of Austin P., g. son Charles L., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN

650. ELIZABETH ERWIN, b. July 21, 1909, living.

606. HARRIET (Curtiss) and CHARLES G. AUSTIN. Dau. of Lucy, g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 651. EMELINE PHEBE, b. June 16, 1826; d. Aug. 23, 1882; m. Oct. r, 1844, *Abram M. Hare. 652. LucY ANN, b. Apr. 7, 1827; d. ---, 1899; 1st m. -- - --, Thomas Isett; 2d m. -- -, --, Harry C. Campbell. 653. EDWARD GRISWOLD, b. July 22, 1832; d. Aug. 2, 1845. 654. MARY ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 24, 1835; d. young. 655. CHARLES HEROIC, b. May 23, 1838, living; m. Dec. 26, 1859, Henrietta Van Yoast. She d. at Lineville, Iowa, Jan. 14, 1907. 656. WILLIAM ALFRED, b. Feb. 6, 1842, living; m. Sept. 8, 1861, Mary Anna Glen.

661. EMELINE P. (Austin) and ABRAM M. HARE. Dau. of Harriet, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 657. AUSTIN JuNOT, b. June 12, 1846, living; m. Feb. 14, 1871, Dora Laµi.p. 658. MARY ELIZABETH, b. June 14, 1849; d. July 20, 1850. 659. WILLIAM PENN, b. Aug. 2, 1852; d. Feb. 8, 1859. 660. HARRIET CURTISS, b. June-, 1855; d. June-, 1855. 661. InA BELL, b. June 4, 1856, living; m. Jan. 16, 1878, Frank War­ field. 662. ROBERT WALLACE, b. Nov. 23, 1869; d. July 2, 1870.

667. AUSTIN J. and DoRA (Lamp) HARE. Son of Emeline P., g. son Harriet, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. The Curtiss Genealogy 103 MEMORANDA 104 The Curtiss Genealogy

CHILDREN 663. ROBERT ABRAM, b. Aug. 4, 1874, living; m. Dec. 15, 1897, Charlotte Winnemore.

663. ROBERT A. and CHARLOTTE (Winnemore) HARE. Son of Austin J., g. son Emeline, g. g. son Harriet, g. g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 664. CHARLOTTE, b. ---, --, living. 665. ROBERT AUSTIN, b. ---, --, living. 666. DOROTHY, b. ---, --, living.

-661. IDA BELL (Hare) and FRANK WARFIELD. Dau. Emeline, g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 667. HowARD 'DAVID, b. June 14, 1879, living; m. Sept. 4, 1902, Eva Irene Brandenburg.

667. HOWARD D. and EvA I. (Brandenburg) WARFIELD. Son of Ida B., g. son Emeline, g. g. son Harriet, g. g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 668. MARIAN AucE, b. Aug. 8, 1907, living.

662. LucY ANN (Austin) and THOMAS ISETT. Dau. of Harriet, g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 669. CLARA, o. -- -, --, living; m. -- -, --, William Marsden. 670. HALLIE, b. -- -, --, living.; m. ---, --, --­ Hancock. BY 2D MARRIAGE TO H. C. CAMPBELL. 671. EMILY, b. Feb. 10, 1867, living; m. June 25, 1890, John Russell Kennedy.

669. CLARA (Isett) and WILLIAM MARSDEN. Dau. of Lucy A., g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 672. WILLIAM, b. ---, --, ---. 673. CLARENCE, b. ---, --, ---.

671. EMILY (Campbell) and JoHN R. KENNEDY. Dau. of Lucy A., g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 674. JoIIN RusSELL, JR., b. Feb. 9, 1892, living. c' The Curtiss Genealogy 105 MEMORANDA 106 The Curtiss Genealogy

666. CHARLES H. and HENRIETTA (Van Voast) AUSTIN. Son of Harriet, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 675. EDWARD CAMERON, b. Oct. 16, 1860, living; m. Aug. 15, 1884, Louise Laughlin. 676. CARL GRISWOLD, b. Oct. 14, 1862, living; m. June 18, 1892, · Sonora Foster. 677. MERRELL EUGENE, b. Aug. 2, 1866, living; m. Oct. 21, 1891, Elizabeth De Noon. 678. CLARA EMILY, b. Oct. 18, 1869, living; 1st m. Sept. II, 1890, Frank H. Glover; 2d m. Jan. 1, 1901, Keith Cresap. 679. MARIE LoursE, b. Aug. 15, 1872; d. Feb. 8, 1903; m. Dec.-, 1901, Frederick C. McCutcheon. 680. CHAsSIE ELINOR, b. July 1, 1875, living; m. Oct. 9, 1895, Yancy Bailey Wasson. 681. WILLIAM IVAN, b. Mar. 12, 1882; m. Oct. 28, 1902, Lurline J. Belvel.

676. EDWARD C. and LOUISE (Laughlin) AUSTIN. Son of Charles H., g. son Harriet, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 682. Tru:o SIBYL, b. Nov. 9, 1885, living; m. Jan. 21, 1909, Elbert Hazen Brooks.

676. CARL G. and SONORA (Foster) AusTIN. Son of Charles H., g. son Harriet, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Ben­ jamin. CHILDREN 683. DOROTHY, b. June 28, 1893, living. 684. CARL GRISWOLD, b. Sept. 4, 1908, living.

678. CLARA E. (Austin) and FRANK H. GLOVER. Dau. of Charles H., g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 685. KATIE AusTIN, b. Dec. 1, 1891, living. 686. AUSTIN CHAMPLAIN, b. Nov. 12, 1896, living.

680. CHAsSIE E. (Austin) and YANCY B. WASSON. Dau. of Charles H., g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 687. CHARI.Es AUSTIN, b. Sept. 13, 1896, living. 688. KEITH CuRT1ss, b. June 21, 1904, living. 689. LILY DORIS, b. Mar. 28, 1906, living. 690. YANCY BAILEY, JR., b. June 1, 1909, living. The Curtiss Genealogy MEMORANDA

Attach to page ro7 opposite No. 676.

676. m. SONORA FOSTER, 1902 not 1892.

Attach to page 107 opposite No. 683.

683. DOROTHY, b. 1903 not 1893. 108 The Curtiss Genealogy

681. WILLIAM I. and LURLINE (Belvel)AusTIN. Son of Charles H., g. son Harriet, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 69r. CHARLES RANKIN, b. Oct. 1, 1906, living. 692. A.NITA MAY, b. Nov. 12, 1908, living.

656. WILLIAM A. and MARY A. (Glenn) AusTIN. Son of Harriet, g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.


693. NELLIE LomsE, b. Mar. 2, 1864, living; m. Oct. IO, 1886, James Roberts. 694. WILLIAM EDWIN, b. Oct. 21, 1866; d. Aug. 14, 1889. 695. GERTRUDE HANNAH, b. Aug. 26, 1869; d. Dec. 28, 1871. 696. ANNA BERTRICE, b. May 15, 1873, living; m. Nov. 18, 1896, Leroy Emery Daniels. 697. CHARLES GRISWOLD, b. Jan. 6, 1876, living; m. May IO, 1899, Ida Blanch Watson. 698. FRANK GLENN, b. Aug. u, 1878, living; m. May 8, 1901, Bessie E. Barclay. 699. MARY PEARL, b. July 28, 1881, living; m. Jan. 6, 1904, Harry Oliver Teed. 700. ETHEL EMELINE, b. July 15, 1887, living.

693. NELLIE L. (Austin) and JAMES ROBERTS. Dau. of William A., g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. .. CHILDREN 7or. MARY MILDRED, b. July 26, 1893, living.

696. ANNA B. (Austin) and LEROY E. DANIELS. Dau. of William A., g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 702. WILLIAM EMERY, b. Apr. 30, 1898, living. 703. CARL EDWIN, b. Mar. 31, 1901, living. 704. ROLAND AusTIN, b. Oct. 13, 1903, living.

697. CHARLES G. and IDA B. (Watson) AusTIN. Son of William A., g. son Harriet, g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 705. CHARLES KEITH, b. Dec. 8, 1899; d. Feb. 23, 1900. 706. MARY MADGE, b. Apr. 8, 1902, living. 707. MAXWELL WATSON, b. Jan. 6, 1904, living. 708. MARGERY PEARL, b. Apr. 23, 1907, living. The Curtiss Genealogy 109 MEMORANDA IIO The Curtiss Genealogy

699. MARY P. (Austin) and HARRY 0. TEED. Dau. of William A., g. dau. Harriet, g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 709. WILLIAM KEITH, b. Apr. 26, 1907, living.

507. WILLIAM HENRY and LAURENA (Wilcox) CURTISS. Son of Lucy, g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN 710. ELLEN JANE, b. Feb. 25, 1842; d. Nov. 3, 1885; m. Nov. 23, 1863, Benjamin F. Knapp. CHARLES, b. ---, 1844; d. young. CLARA, b. ---, 1846; d. young. ALFRED BARNES, b. Nov. II, 1848, living; 1st m. Sept.-, 1869, Ellen A. Knowlton; 2d m. Dec. 9, 1881, Mary L. Hinman. FRANCES CLARISA, b. Feb. 18, 1851, living; m. Jan. 7, 1872, Charles A. Munyan. EMILY liAMMoND, b. Dec. 16, 1852; d. June 14, 1867. CHARLES HENRY, b. Sept. 12, 1855, living; m. Dec. 15, 1881, Mary E. Mahan. •

713. ALFRED B. and ELLEN A. (Knowlton) CURTISS. Son of William H., g. son Lucy, g. g. son Capt. Benjamin.

CHILDREN LAURENA ORILLA, b. Feb. II, 1871; d. Sept. n, 1904, n. m. CARL HENRY, b. July 25, 1872, living; m. Feb. r, 1896, Bessie Copeland. EMMA VALINDA, b. Oct. 8, 1877, living; m. Aug. 30, 1904, Melvin 0. Carter. BY MARY L. (HINMAN) CURTISS. 720. ANSEL BEECHER, b. Jan. 18, 1883, living. 721. WILLIAM li:rNMAN, b. Nov. 20, 1886; d. Sept. 5, 1905. 722. EDWARD GEORGE, b. Nov. 7, 1889, living.

718. CARL H. and BESSIE (Copeland) CURTISS. Son of Alfred, g. son William H., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 723. HA.Rom COPELAND, b. Aug. 16, 1898, living. 724. JAMES ALFRED, b. Oct. 5, 1901, living. 725. MARJORIE ELLEN, b. Sept. 9, 1905, living.

714. FRANCES C. (Curtiss) and CHARLES A. MUNYAN. Dau. of William H., g. dau. Lucy, g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. The Curtiss Genealogy III MEMORANDA 112 The Curtiss Genealogy

CHILDREN 726. HENRY AUGUSTUS, b. Apr. 8, 1875, living; m. June 28, 1893, Emma M. Youngs. 727. CHARLES ERNEST, b. Nov. 23, 1878, living; ro. May 24, 1906, Maud Eliza Mines. 728. ELLEN CECELIA, b. Feb. 4, 1885, living; m. Aug. 3, 1909, Howard John Steere.

726. HENRY A. and EMMA M. (Youngs) MuNYAN. Son of Frances C., g. son William H., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 729. IRAN CURTISS, b. May 6, 1894, living. 730. RAYMOND ERNEST, b. July 15, 1902; d. Aug. 16, 1904. 73r. KENNETH AUGUSTUS, b. Aug. 3, 1910, living.

727. CHARLES E. and MAUDE. (Mines) MuNYAN. Son of Frances, g. son William H., g. g. son Lucy, g. g. g. son Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 732. RUTH EMILY, b. Apr. 7, 1907, living. 733. HELEN FRANCES, b. Aug. 2, 1908, living. 734. CLARENCE MINES, b. Jan. 17, 1910, living.

728. ELLEN C. (Munyan) and HOWARD J. STEERE. Dau. of Frances C., g. dau. William H., g. g. dau. Lucy, g. g. g. dau. Capt. Benjamin. CHILDREN 735. FRANCES LUCINDA, b. Aug. 23, 1910, living. The Curtiss Genealogy rr3

Attach to page u3 opposite No. 727.

m. Maud Eliza Miner not Mines. INDEX TO ANCESTORS OF BENJ. BARNES

NO, NOo Barnes, Abigail...... 06 Barnes, Martha...... 08 Amos ...... 019 Maybee...... 09 Benjamin...... r Mehitible...... 022 Daniel...... 07 Mercy...... 05 Ebenezer ...... 013,018 Nathaniel...... ore Elihu...... 024 Phineas ...... 023 Elijah...... 021 Rebecca...... 025 Elizabeth ...... 03, on Rhoda...... 020 Gershom...... 016 Samuel...... 012 Isaac...... 017 Thomas ...... or,04,014 Jeremiah...... 026 Miller, Mehitible...... 013 John...... 02 Joseph...... 015 Stowe, Elizabeth ...... 09



NO. NO. A Barnes, Florence C...... 194 Anna, Annette E...... 205 Florence M...... 394 Ashby, Marion...... 182 Frank S...... 325 Frederick R...... 173 B George G...... 318 Barnes, Abel T...... 365 Helen...... 289 Abel T., Jr...... 410 Helen C...... 321 Abigail...... 362 Helen E...... 172 Ada S...... 217 Helene...... 424 Adda L...... 283 Ida B...... 206 Albert...... 205 Jane F...... 196 Albert A...... 313 Janet...... 214 Albert T...... 425 Jewell M...... 327 Anah...... 4 John W ...... 356 Anna A ...... 403 Joseph D...... 314 Aretus B...... 359 Joseph L...... 285 Benjamin, Capt...... 1 Julia...... 198 Benjamin C ...... 9, 178 Julia A...... 286 Benjamin, Jr...... 6 Katie E...... 282 Benjamin 0...... 170 Laura...... 7 Benjamin R...... 301 Laura A...... 215,180,315 Charles ...... 204, 21 2 Laura I...... 324 Charles C...... 358 Laura R...... 187 Charles 0...... 409 Lucy ...... 5, 8 Charles T ...... 182,284,302 Lucy J ...... 181, 287 Charles W ...... 189, 296, 367 Lucy R...... 216 Carrie L...... 213 Mabel 0 ...... 408 Clara A ...... 404 Margaret H...... 295 Clarisa...... 361 Margaret T...... 179 Clarence T ...... 316 Marian C...... 218 Dellie T ...... 396. 407 Marion B...... 281 Dennis...... 12 Mary A ...... 357,405 Dennis E...... 175 Mary F...... 186 Edward M...... 174 Nellie T ...... 395,406 Edward T...... 298 Newcomb M...... 363 Elijah...... 3 Nina A...... 203 Ella A...... 185 Norman L...... 312 Ellen D ...... 442 Norris H...... 319 Eliza...... 360 Phebe A ...... , . . . . . 366 Eugene A...... 317 Raymond J...... 322 Eugene A., Jr ...... ·.... 320 Rhoda...... 2 Fanny A...... 323 Rolla T...... 326 Florence...... 290 Ruben P ...... 364 II5 II6 Index to the Barnes Descendants

NO. NO, Barnes, Sally H...... II Brown, Florence A...... 242 Samuel C...... 176 Bronson, Ellen S...... 15 Sarah A...... 177 Bruce, Carrie T...... 95 Sophia A...... 13 Eugene S...... 84 Star M...... 297 Thomas G...... 96 Thurman F...... 17r Bullion, Ellen H...... 161 Thompson S...... ro, 197 Burnell, Lucy...... 292 Walter L...... 299 Burton, Mary...... 280 William E...... 280 William H...... 184 C William T...... 300 Carr, Laura...... 135 Wesley...... r83 Mary A...... 22 Wesley, Jr...... 288 Carman, Anna R...... 188 Willis E...... 188 Champney, Louise...... 68 Willis E., Jr...... 195 Cheney, A. Marie...... 93 Bailey, George T...... II3 James M...... 94 Marian L ...... II5 Thomas...... 93 Wesley...... 123 Clapp, Ruggles W...... 307 Baker, Emma...... 430 Coe, Mary...... r Barber, Orpha E...... I 70 Coggin, Charles W...... 429 Barker, Charles...... 206 Conery, Adelaid...... 237 Belding, Harold L...... 434 Albert B...... 239 John G...... 43r Byron C...... 240 Robert J...... 435 Emerson D...... 238 Bell, Georgia...... 330 Israel...... 179 Benham, Donald...... 350 Conn, Wilmetta...... 253 Helen M ...... 351 Coonsardt, Alfred B...... 106 Roy H...... 347 Leon H...... 102 Bens, Samuel J...... 103 Paul T...... 105 Bicknel, Cora L...... 81 Crum, Charles...... 426 Bissell, Charles ...... 75 Curtiss, Charles...... 5 Isabell T...... rr9 James A...... 77 D Louise...... So Talbot...... 79 Damon, Laura...... 140 Bissick, Florence E...... 328 Danforth, Emily...... 12 George...... 323 Katharine...... 257 Blackburn, Ruby I...... 376 Davis, George \V...... 404 Blair, Almira M...... 431 Ione McD...... 415 Clara M ...... 433 John M...... 417 Hiram L...... 430 Mary A... _ ...... 416 Lester H...... 427 Dornburgh, Carrie E...... rr6 Raymond L...... 432 Leonora...... rr7 Bogle, Sarah...... 53 Lucile...... rr8 Bogue, Salla...... 3 Robert...... 74 Borough, Cora L...... 148 George...... 144 E Bourne, Donald E...... 23 r Ellis, Charles H ...... 255, 272 Fred E...... 216 Fred H...... _. . . 269 Mildred J...... 230 Laura M...... 268 Willard S...... 229 Louise M...... 270 Braley, George...... 126 Ruth W...... 271 Brannen, William...... 290 Evans, Jeanette...... 346 Index to the Barnes Descendants n7

NO. NO. Evans, Jessie H...... 347 Hall, Jacob C...... 25 Robert K...... 342 __ Jane E...... 150 Jannette...... 123 F Joel...... 29 Fairfield, Edith...... 6r Joel L...... 165 Farr, Lucy...... 9 Leonora...... 23 Farwell, Lettie C...... 163 Lenita...... 39 Faxon, Charles H...... 14 Lucretia...... 27 Catherine E...... 18 Lucy E...... 122 William H...... 17 Lucy L...... 33 Felt, Alma J...... 370 Mary A ...... '. 43 Fish, George W...... 40 Mary J...... 31, 121 Foor, Albert,...... 143 Nancy A...... 37 Velma L...... 147 Olive...... 35 Ford, Clifford H...... 125 Ralph B...... 104 Ella L...... 120 Robert S ...... 30, 42 Elsie L...... 124 Samuel L...... 24 Fletcher...... 55 Sarah J...... 36 Fred L...... 122 Sarah M...... 159 Foster, Cornelia E...... 175 Walter J...... 158 Frasser, Elizabeth...... 149 Watson...... 61 Watson B...... 129 G William H...... 26 Girard, Myra...... 54 William J...... 131 Gowdy, Amanda...... 356 Hare, ~fargaret ...... 176 Griswold, Mary J...... 25 Hawe, Helen M...... 438 Gunderson, Inger B...... 372 Harpster, Lida T...... 4II Hicks, Jennie A...... 139 H Hinds, Jane A...... ::16 Haas, Mary M ...... 365 Hoffhine, Burt E...... n3 Hall, Anna F ...... 167 Robert L...... ::119 Anna]...... 155 Holmes, Mary E...... 409 Anna L...... 40 Howard, Frances A...... 28 Albert E ...... 163 Hunt, Josephine...... 197 Amos C ...... 35 Benjamin E ...... 38 J Betsy ...... 32 James, Adelaide A...... 154 Charles A ...... 169 Florence E...... 314 Charles C ...... 120 Madaline J...... 153 Charles L ...... 161 Owen...... 142 Charles T. B ...... 160 Owena C...... 151 Cecil...... 132 Thelma G...... 152 Cora E ...... 41 Wallace 0...... 150 David ...... 8, 34 Jenks, Captola F...... 137 David C ...... 28 Jennison, Fannie E...... 368 Elijah B. .. . 22 Jerome, Margaret R...... 236 EllaF...... 166 Vincent B...... 235 Ella M .. . 162 vVil1i.1m J.... 218 Ethel C ...... 133 Jones, Ch::tr!es L...... 391 Frank, P ...... 130 Gretta E...... 392 Henry J...... 168 Sherman B...... 393 Howard ...... 134 Johnson, Rosanna. 178 Howard W ...... 1 57 Caroline...... 380 II8 Index to the Barnes Descendants

NO. NO. Johnston, Adeline L...... r92 M Andrew...... 185 MacCarthy, Albert H...... 332 Edward T...... 190 Alicia...... 337 Walter A...... 191 Charles F...... 333 Willis A...... 193 Clarice E...... 329 Cornelius G.. . . 315, 336 K Marion S...... 33 1 Wilton B...... 330 Kimmel, Logan...... 206 MacNaughton, Laura C...... 335 Margaret...... 207 Luther...... 329 Kingsbury, Ella...... 21 Merry! E...... 334 Fred S...... 19 McFarlane, James...... 362 Kirwin, Madge...... 437 Mary A ...... 39r McIntyre, Ada L...... 386 L Alfred J...... 377 Larned, Elizabeth...... 332 Alma M ...... 379 Leggett, Arthur G...... 65 Alton M ...... 385 Carrie E...... 62 Annie E...... 388 Charles...... 36 Benjamin H...... 380 Charles R...... 67 Charles C...... 368 Clarkson H...... 63 Ernest R...... 374 Helen J...... 66 Frank H...... 37r Katharine...... 64 George W...... 370 Leland, Arthur T...... 247 John W ...... 384 Edward A...... 237 Leonard W...... 38r Edward B...... 251 Loranus C...... 369 Edward L...... 242 Mabel L...... 389 Ella...... 246 Mansir D...... 360 Grace A..... 243 Maurice C...... 378 Harriet A...... 249 Millie E...... 387 Harry B...... 241 Olive M...... 382 Howard C...... 244 Ralph E ...... 376 Lawrence N...... 245 Rufus J...... 372 Lester F...... 248 ·Sarah M...... 383 Ralph B...... 250 Walter L...... 373 William G...... 307 William O...... 375 Little, Catherine ...... 2 75 McKoun, Minerva...... r84 Franklin B...... 277 Marshall, Amelia...... 25 Harry J...... 276 Maxwell, Guy E...... 346 Helen L...... 279 Richard B...... 349 Joseph E...... 27 5 Robert E...... 348 Joseph S...... 181 Mayer, Louise...... 378 Walter D...... 278 Merrill, Mahala W...... 29 Livezey, Clara...... 400 Mewhorter, Emma C...... 365 Florence...... 397 Miller, Ada M...... 221 Henry N ...... 399 Frederick H...... 220 John...... 394 Miles B...... 222 John B...... 398 Nina R...... 2r9 Locke, Addie ...... II 2 Upton S...... 2r3 Charles...... II 1 Miner, Donald B...... 234 Elmer D...... 72 Dorothy E...... 233 Leonora...... u3 FraRlc D...... 217 Marian E...... II0 Paul...... 232 Index to the Barnes Descendants II9

NO. NO. Morrison, Margaret...... 343 Rice, Emma L...... ·...... 252 Morrow, Ella E ...... 189 E=a W ...... 263 Morse, Winnifred ...... 256 Frank L...... 267 Morton, F. W ...... 138 Herbert B...... 256 Harriet L...... 143 Herbert J...... 266 JayW...... 145 Lester B...... 253 Jesse J...... 146 Lucy M...... 265 Martha E ...... 144 Marietta A...... 255 Mosier, Mary...... 85 Marion W...... 273 Moulton, Walter R...... 406 Raymond C...... 264 Mulhern, Teresa ...... 69 Ritcherson, Phebe A...... 34 Murphy, Anna L...... 46 Robertson, Alice J...... 353 David ...... 39 Catharine E...... 339 Henry D ...... 47 Charles H...... 333 James R...... 44 Charlotte...... 341 Lenita ...... 45 Donald M...... 352 Richard S...... 49 George B...... 343 Thomas G ...... 48 Helen M ...... 342 Myers, Jennie ...... 120 Isabella...... 345 Jennette A...... 340 N John ...... 13,344 Norris, Alice C .... 317 Katherine H...... 355 Ruth ...... · 354 p Robins, Elsie...... 88 Patch, Lucile A ...... 318 Robinson, Abigail...... 6 Patterson, Charles T .. . 202 George C ...... 196 s Mabel B. .. 199 Sanders, Winifred...... 107 Nina L...... 201 Scott, Addie...... 50 Robert E ...... 200 Alfred...... 31 Pettee, Emily B ...... 423 Shaw, Mary E ...... :...... 22 L. Gardner ...... 408 Shepard, Henrietta 0...... 369 L. Gardner, Jr...... 422 Shorey, Harry S...... 56 Pitkins, Alice ...... 59 Shovar, Hazel M...... 413 Alson W ...... 58 Shriver, Charles F...... 257 Cortis ...... 60 Elizabeth...... 259 Edah ...... 55 Fred D...... 252 Howard ...... 57 Frederick D...... 261 Jerome ...... 32 Glenn R...... 258 John ...... 53 Louise...... 260 Mabel...... __ 56 Mary L...... 262 Walter J...... 54 Simpson, Adam J...... 397 Potter, Charles A ...... 405 Florence J...... 401 Elizabeth T ...... 420 Mary S...... 402 Margaret A ...... 419 Smalley, Carroll B...... 224 Robert B ...... 421 Esther H...... 228 Harold A...... 225 R James A...... 215 Rankin, Isabell W ...... 63 Rose A...... 227 Raymond, Helen V ...... 208 Walter E...... 226 Rice, Charles A ...... 180 Smith, Carlos B...... 20 Charles B ...... 254 Caroline A ...... 14, 19 Edgar M ...... 274 Clarence C...... 415 I20 Index to the Barnes Descendants

NO. NO.· Smith, Edward H...... • 15 Talbot, Martin V. B...... 69 Ezra B...... 7 Roscoe C...... 104 Fletcher A...... 121 Rose...... 82 Frederick T...... 99 Talbot, Thomas T...... 88 Harold T...... 98 William H...... 86 Helen...... 100 Ella M...... 313 Henry M...... 101 Ida M...... 130 Herbert C...... 89 Mary E...... 184 Katharine E...... r6 Terrell, Alice E...... 441 Robert L...... • . . . . • 418 Arthur H...... 436 Samantha...... 363 Herbert A...... 439 Spencer, James P...... 442 Nellie E...... 440 Levi T...... 444 Tupper, Mary L...... 22 Sarah A. A...... 443 Tyrrell, Charles A...... 438 Stone, Florence M...... 438 Frank L ...... 437 Stanard, Mary A...... • 13 1 Lyman S ...... 428 Starbuck, Bert L...... 62 Mary E ...... 436 Stewart, Louise A...... 30 Streeter, Albert B...... 445 V Albert I...... 443 Van Loo, Clara L...... 412 Sullivan, Adda A...... 29r Frank E...... 414 Charles P...... 283 Frank J...... 403 Charles W...... 292 John N ...... 4rr Margaret M ...... : . . 284 William F...... 413 Morton J...... 293 Vosburgh, Julia A...... 183 Walter J...... 294 William H...... 282 w T Waddle, Edward M...... 90 Talbot, Alida. : ...... 84 Elmer E...... 82 Archy...... 78 Howard T...... 92 Charles...... 23 Roscoe A...... 91 Charles, Jr...... 71 Wallace, Charles H...... 140 Edward C...... 81 David...... 137 Edward H...... 70 James C...... 141 Eleanor...... 74 Katie...... 142 Eliza S...... 73 Lanford ...... 135 Elizabeth...... 83 Lucy...... 138 Emma A...... 75 Robert...... 27 Emma L...... ro8 Sarah...... 136 Fanny...... 76 William M...... 139 Frederick E...... ro7 William H...... 149 Glendolin B...... 103 Ward, Tine...... 71 Grace G...... ro2 Warfield, Electa E...... 428 Helen E...... 109 Loring ...... , ...... 357 Henry C...... 68 Lorinda E...... 429 IrvingM...... 85 Minerva A...... 427 Jane P...... ro Theresa A...... 426 Katharine...... 87 Warren, Archie...... 3ro Lena...... 77 Benjamin S...... u Lucy...... 89 Catharine ...... 307 Lucy J...... 72 Charles...... 304 Madge H...... 97 Corinthia...... 308 Index to the Barnes Descendants I2I

NO. NO. Warren, Dameries...... 303 Whitney, Phebe W...... 17I . Edwin.... 306 Willis, Adeline E...... I74 Jessie...... 3n Anna...... 2l0 Laura...... 305 Beulah P...... 2u Marietta...... 306 George· W...... 209 Sarah ...... - -- . . . . . 309 WatsonL...... 208 Watson, Sara M...... 377 Woodard...... 177 Weeks, Mary F...... I70 Wood, Beatrice E...... r28 Susan M...... 258 Charles E ...... 73, n4 Whitaker, Florence ..\.. . . . 331 Ernest A...... no Whitcomb, Sarah S .... _. . 358 Frederick J...... 127 Whiting, Francis P...... 52 Herbert L...... r:24 George S...... 51 J. c...... 50 y Whitney, Marsha A...... 22 Young, Bessie. 322

Attach to page r2r opposite David Wallace.

Wallace, Cecile G ...... r37c Ethel ...... r37b Fisher Al~abeb E · · · · · · · · · · · . 137a , ert ...... I37c Stewart, Burns A...... 137a INDEX TO ANCESTORS OF CHARLES CURTISS

NO. Nd. Austin, Moses...... 07 5 Curtiss, Ruth ...... 063, 068 Baldwin, Ezra .... _...... 068 Sarah...... 069, 083 Bates, Phineas.. 080 Thomas ...... '.053, 057 Beech, Daniel. . . . . 066 William...... 052 Bishop, Prudence. . 079 Coe, Hannah ...... 064 Boothe, Bethia...... 058 Goodrich, William...... 052 Buel, Hannah..... 067 Hubbell, Mehitable...... 062 Curtiss, Abigail...... 076 Hurd, Esther...... 062 Benjamin...... 059 Johnson, Hannah...... o6r Charles.... 5 Judson, Esther...... 059 Daniel..... 082 Kimerly, Abraham...... 054 David...... 062,074,079,085 Hannah ...... 054 Ebenezer. . . . . 078 Lewis, Benjamin...... 060 Elizabeth...... 050, 056 Matoon, ---...... 072 Esther...... 07c,080 Merriman, Mary...... 057 Eunice...... 077 Morris, Sarah ...... 052 Hannah...... 060,075 Norton, Dinah...... 073 Helen..... o8r Parsons, Ithamar...... 069 Hester...... 06 5, 066 Picket, Margaret...... 061 Israel...... 055 Robinson, ---...... 076 James ...... 064,067 Stites, Bethsheba...... 059 John ...... 051, 054, o6r, 073 Sutliff, Samuel...... 077 Joseph...... 058 Thompson, John...... 063 Lucius...... 084 Thankfull...... 074 Mamie S...... 085 Weakley, Dinah...... 062 Mary...... 07r Wells, Elizabeth...... 05r Phebe...... 072


NO. NO. A B Akers, Grace...... 586 Barclay, Bessie E...... 698 Andrews, Viette M. 583 Barnes, Amanda...... 501 Austin, Albert...... 509 Lucy...... 5 Albert 0...... 5r6 Bevel, Lurline J...... 681 Anita M ...... 692 Bond, Lucy...... 5n Anna B...... 696 Bostwick, Amelia H...... 622 Carl G...... 676, 684 Bassett, Lora L...... 564 Charles G ...... 505,697 Brandenburg, Eva I...... 667 Charles H...... 65, Brooks, Elbert H...... 682 Charles K...... 705 Bucher, Louise V...... 639 Charles R...... 691 Burbank, Bernice L...... 526 Cha--ssie E...... 680 Clara A...... 521 Clara E...... 678 Clarence D...... 520 Clara M...... 515 Curtiss L...... 524 Dorothy...... 683 Dorothy L...... 527 Edward C...... 675 Helen F...... 522 Edward G...... 653 Judith L...... 525 Emeline...... 651 Meta N...... 523 Ethel E...... 700 Webster E...... 514 Frances C...... 514 Frank G...... 698 C Gertrude H...... 695 Campbell, Emily...... 671 Helen...... 6rr Harry C...... 652 Helen M...... 517 Carter, Melvin 0...... 719 Homer...... 502 Cartright, Edith...... 604 Jul)a...... 610 Couch, Thomas E...... 251 Leverett N...... 518 Copeland, Bessie...... 718 Lucy A...... 652 Crane, Amos B...... 519 Margery P...... 708 Cresap, Kieth...... 678 Maria...... 609 Cresswell, Marian H...... 570 Maria L...... 679 Robert C., Jr...... 568 Mary E...... 654 Curtiss, Agnes...... 592 Mary P...... 699 Alfred B...... 713 MaryM...... 706 Alfred L...... 587 Maxwell W...... 707 Alvin L...... 635 Merrell...... 677 AnahM ...... 506 Nellie L...... 693 ~sel B .. , ...... 720 Polly C...... 519 Austin P ...... 622 Theo S...... 682 Carl H...... 718 William A...... 656 Caroline A...... 619 William E...... 694 Charles ...... 5, 7n William I...... 681 Charles A...... 642 123 124 Index to Descendants of Charles and Lucy Barnes Curtiss

NO. NO. Curtiss, Charles E...... 639 Curtiss, Ruth I...... 638 Charles H...... 716 Ruth J...... 588 Charles L ...... 503,620,624 Sarah A...... 580 Chauncy...... 591 Telford K...... 623 ChauncyR ...... 501 Vergie L ...... 626,629 Clara ...... 593, 712 Verna E...... 634 Cornelius...... 579 Virginia...... 584 Dan. P...... 582 William ...... 577, 601 Dennis B...... 504 \Villiam H ...... 507, 590, 721 Dorothea...... 598 Vdlliam H., Jr...... 599 Dwight W...... 581 Zada A...... 649 Edward G...... 722 Eleanora L...... 637 D Elizabeth...... 595 Daniels, Carl E...... 703 Elizabeth E...... 650 Leroy E...... 6_96 Ellen J...... 710 Roland A...... 704 Emerson F...... 643 William E...... 702 Emerson G...... 621 DeNoon, Elizabeth...... 677 Emily H...... 715 Dickinson, Alpheus...... 506 E=aV...... 719 Dobson, Augustus T...... 593 Flora L...... 632 Elizabeth...... 595 Frances C...... 714 Martha ...... 594 Frank S...... 627 Georgia E...... 641 E Gertrude E...... 625 Erwin, Grace ...... 646 Gertrude L...... 631 Harold C...... 723 F Harriet...... 505 Foster, Sonora ...... Harvey W ...... 576, 586 Helen L...... 630 G James A...... 724 John S...... 597 Gillette, Adelaide M...... 513 Katherine S...... 600 Glenn, Mary A...... 656 Laurena 0...... 717 Greenleaf, Sarah...... 620 Lavina...... 578 Glover, Austin C...... 686 Lillian S...... 596 Frank H...... 678 Lloyd H...... 585 Kate A...... 685 Louise G...... 644 Lucy A...... 508 H Lucretia S...... 502 Hancock,---...... 670 Martha...... 594 Hanner, Anna C ...... 557 11argueriteL...... 628 Hare, Abram H ...... 651 Marjorie E...... 72 5 Austin J...... 657 MaryH...... 602 Charlotte ...... 664 Olive ...... 575 Dorothy ...... 666 Olive M...... 589 Harriet C ...... 660 Paul...... 583 Ida B ...... 661 PaulL...... 640 Mary E...... 658 Payson L...... 646 Robert A...... 663, 665 Polly...... 500 Robert V•l •...... 662 Ray B...... 648 William P ...... 659 Robert P...... 645 Hart, Alva ...... 502 Roy D ...... 647 Alva A ...... 615 Index to Descendants of Charles and Lucy Barnes Curtiss r 2 5

NO. NO. Hart, Belle B...... 614 McCutcheon, Ada...... 536 Blanche P...... 613 Anna M ...... 539 Dorothy M...... 618 Benjamin S. R.. . . . 548 Guy P...... 616 Charles H...... 543 Homer C...... 612 Charles L...... 534 Homer C., Jr...... 617 Chester S...... 547 Hayes, Lida C...... 534 Clara N...... 535 Hinman, Mary L...... 713 Clarisa C...... 569 Emily...... 532 I Frederick C...... 679 Isett, Clara...... 669 Gertrude I;I...... 544 Hallie...... 670 Helen N ...... 568 Thomas...... 552 Helen V ...... 538 Hetty P...... 537 J James...... 512 Johnson, MaryE...... 550 James D ...... , 563 James N ...... 533 K James N., Jr...... 545 Kenneth C...... 562 Kennedy, John R...... 671 Lucy C...... 541 John R., Jr...... 674 Phyllis O...... 542 King, Elizabeth G...... 621 MaryE...... 566 Kerr, Mattie...... 623 William ...... 510, 567 Kirk, Elsie...... 624 William A...... 540 Knapp, Benjamin F...... 710 William N...... 561 Knowlton, Ellen A...... 7r3 William P...... 546 L Lamp, Dora...... 657 M Lang, Helen...... 286 Mahan, MaryE...... 716 Lau!);hlin, Louise...... 675 Marckwald, Maude...... 597 Leach, Henry F...... 614 Marsden, ·Clarence...... 673 Lewis, Charles T...... 636 William ...... 669, 672 Thomas B...... 625 Marston, Emma E...... 571 Loomis, Aurelia...... 503 Martin, Andrew 535 Clarisa...... 501 N...... Andrew N., Jr...... 554 Dan A...... 529 Clarence C...... 596 Dwight ...... 515, 517 Charlotte C...... 553 ElleryT...... 531 Clara...... 552 Lynn A...... 530 George 550 Paul H...... 528 B. U...... Hattie McC...... 551 Lord, Harriet M...... 520 Mines, Maude E...... 727 Lutz, Fannie K...... 549 Munyan, Charles A...... 714 George W...... 542 Charles E...... 727 Clarence M...... 734 Mc Ellen C...... 728 McCandless, George H...... $57 Frances L...... 735 Marv R...... 555 Helen F...... 733 William D...... 556 Henry A ...... 726 McCracken, Charles H ...... 536, 557 Iran C...... 729 Clarisa N...... 558 Kenneth A...... 731 Elizabeth D...... 559 Raymond E...... 730 Elizabeth H...... 560 Ruth E...... 732 126 Index to Descendants of Charles and Lucy Barnes Curtiss

NO. NO. Mustin, Emily J...... 603 Smith, Frank P...... 584 Henry S...... 592 Somers, Lillie...... 590 Soule, Anna C...... 501 N Steere, Howard J...... 728 Nichols, Ami M...... 508 Noble, Addie S...... 620 T Norton, Anna E...... 509 Charles A...... 5 u Taylor, George W. B...... 566 Charles G...... 571 Teed, Harry O...... 699 Charles L...... 564 William K...... 709 Clarisa...... 510 Tenny, :Maria A.. . 581 Helen"...... 512 Tomer, Belle...... 540 Henry L ...... 513, 573 Trask, Mary E.... 528 Leverett...... 500 Mary A...... 574 V Ozias C...... 565 Thomas M...... 572 Vance, Elizabeth B... . . 577 Van Yoast, Henrietta...... 655 0 Olberg, Hildore...... 617 w Warfield, Frank...... 66! p Howard D.. . . 667 P~e, Elizabeth E...... 612 Marian A. . . . . 668 Pitman, Benjamin F...... 58o Wasson, Charles A...... 687 Charles W...... 604 Keith C.... 688 Clara E...... 605 Lillie D..... 689 Helen...... 608 Yancy B..... 680 Lois...... 607 Yancy B., Jr...... 690 Marjorie...... 6o6 Waters, Minnie...... 591 Watson, Ida B...... 697 R Wheeler, Louise...... 579 Roberts, James...... 693 Whitney, Elizabeth...... 513 Mary M...... 701 Wilcox, Laurena 0.. . . 507 Robinson, Mae...... 583 Williams, Orrie S...... 533 Rood, Olive B...... 576 Winnemore, Charlotte...... 663

s y Sassaman, Blanche...... 627 Simons, George V,{...... 603 Youngs, Emma M...... 726 INDEX MISCELLANEOUS

