rI rA~h~~e ~i~:S We Print I L, .""-=.:==:::::=:::====:::::::.:::1 _ lR£IFORNIATech______-.!G::-======~=:~ V~(-il-Il-Ille LXXV Pasadena, CaliforIlia, Friday, Apl~~ 26~-.!2.~_,'_1______<~_~.I~IlII)('r 2;') Nixon Defended All This f'!!.J,5 by Loyal Special Assistant Copier Boldly Robbed by Chris Harcourt by SMC Sweeney t,lI1eouslv Illdking copies and Wednesday night. the Ciltech rvlillikdn Libr:1 first-II()()) unlocking the padlock on the Y presented another (If its copier was the viclim \11' :In change box. One 01' the youths "'Fvening Spotlight" seric's, The attempted rubbery last Friday po,iti()ned him sel f be I ween the speakel' \IdS the RL'V, John evening. TI",'() non-Techer types sdtn and the machine, tllll' McLaughlilL S.L Deputy Spec­ allegedly tried to abscund with preventing d visual discovery o!' i:Ji A,sistant to the President. over $5 in nickels. dimes and their deed. The topic of his speech wa, "'In qual"lers fl'om the cheapest copier The sitter \I:IS first dlerled Dl'fense of Ihe Presidency." on campus. when he he:1I(1 the change box I t might h:lve been good. Of The youths entered Millikan rattling. Deciding to disc'reetly (()lIrse, the initial presentation about 7:::'0 p.m. and were investigate, he got up to adjust lVas artfully disguised drivel. but immediately stopped by the the volume of the mu,ic he was then the meat of the evening libl'ary-sitter and prohibited from listeninf! to. The sitter then should have I:Ollle in the question going upstairs. They claimed they noticed (as he walked back to his and answer period. Not knowing wan ted to usc the copier. bu t desk) that the change box quite what to expect, I attended. upon discovering that it was a padlock had been tampered with. "I convey the warm personal nickel copier. asked the sitter if He immediately notified Secur­ greetings of the President," he any other copiers were on ity. which respondediust as the said. I've been drafted') campus. The sitter replied that you ths were leaving the library. From here it degenerated. the Illachine was the cheapest The two headed east after Argument, included the fact that copier around. unaware of the icaving Millikan. but the sitler. in prim Presidents have committed pair's intentions. confusion. told Security that impeachahle acts "My proposi­ DR. JOHN McLAUGHLIN pauses in his defense of the President during a After fishing around 1'01 they went west. However. most tion to you this evening is that program sponsered by the Caltech Y. Photo by R. Gruner change, the thieves began simul- of the force was already 011 the Presiden! Nixon is part of a cast en d of campus: consequen t­ group subject to vitupera­ Iy. westward-heading Security ran tion ... which he docs not de· right into the eastward-fleeing serve" and the somewhat defen­ pair. sible statement that evidenc'~ Students Make Constructive Solution Security gave cha,e and appre­ searches begin to resemble ex hended both suspects shortly post facto impeachmen 1. Studen ts seeking to alleviate board commemorative plaque b'and of hearty lot-huilders. We after sighting them. Pasadena However, when things should the Caltech parking crises swung erected to note the afore· just decided something had to be Police arrived soon thereafter and have improved, i. e. during the into action last Monday and mentioned foundry and soft­ done. and we had the choice of took the two into custody. PPD feedback, Father McLaughlin erected a parking lot on the ware's contribution to the effort. either building or wrecking a eomplimented Securi ty on their came into his own. He neatly Olive Walk.' The lot consists of Of course, this parking lot will parking lot," related the student. performance in apprehending the and efficiently made asses of several yellow lines and some do little for the average man at with a gleam in his eye. "and youths. about a hundred Techers. What car-stops. Materials were provided Caltech, but it was not designed building one was a lot easier!" No damage was done to the the Techers did not seem to through the generosity of a large to, says a spokesman for the helicopter. realize was that they were West coast foundry and software attempting to argue with a man company sympathetic with the doubly trained in sophistry he is plight of car owners everywhere. both a lawyer and a Jesuit. lie The car-stops are lettered with D.C. Elliot did not. of course, answer the names of popular Caltech - FMOTMOA questions, he rebutted them. If folk-heroes as a reminder to all Although many of this artic­ an interview. And so the debacle editor, and not coincidentally this was to be done by an of our rich heritage. Dirty Dave's le's erstwhile readers may not be began. ASCIT Secretary. The interview irrelevant fact, then it was done. blacklist and secret files con­ aware of the fact. Dr. David C. Tech.. Arc you aware that continued] The object was not to answer, firmed the iden ti ty of most of Elliot, Professor of History, was ASCIT has chosen you Facultv Tech Prime.. garblebarb Ie but to dodge and silence. Naive the names. A small ribbon­ named at a recent BOD meeting Member of the Mon th? im'entjumh/etactblark . . ' members of the audience blindly cutting ceremony marked the the Faculty Member of the Dr. E: Yes--What the hell was Dr. E: A good idea-it's a followed these irrelevancies to event, but Dirty Dave was unable Month. that for? splendid thing to keep the their dooms. At one' point, a to attend; he was reportedly at In the interests of copy Teele mwnblegrumble . .. reasons dark. Techer found himself arguing home in bed at the time. generation, and in an attempt to [At this point the interviewer [Altogether, Dr. Elliot seemed that Nixon should be impeached No official thanks have been learn the BOD's motivation in realized he didn't know, and sent fairly pleased by the way things for being injudicious. forthcoming from the plush, this action, Dr. Elliot recen tly Dr. Elliot to get his mail while were proceeding.] Father McLaughlin at one marbIe-enshrined administra ti on found himself at the mercy of a he called a fellow advisee, Tech Continued on Page Four point noted that he has very offices. but in an apparently Tech interviewer. It was, of little success on college cam­ unofficial move, a security guard course, always pOSl';ible that Continued on Page Three attacked and destroyed a eard- something helpfUl would come of News Briefj Now You Can Smash It Up! The ASCIT Year Itch, includes the famous with works of Bach, Mozart, Bus Exists skirt-lifting scene. The show Joplinj Ussachevsky, and others. The ASCIT Bus is alive and starts at 8:00 p.m. in Baxter The ASCIT bus leaves 110 well and living in Pasadena. It Lecture Hall, donation S1.50. Ruddock at 7:40. holds 12 people; the driver must Special attraction for all you Two workshops arc scheduled have a Class 2 license and be an Bogart fans: Casablanca will. be for tomorrow: at I :00 p.m. for ASCIT member. To find out how screened on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. computer trolls and at 3:00 p.m. to horrow it, talk to Dick Beatty in the Lecture lIall; donation 50 for organists. (Ruddock) or Flora (Flora's cents cheap. Office). See a Digitally Square Two Marilyn Stimulated Organ There may be a square dance Monroe Biggies Prentiss Knowlton will present class starting soon. It is tenta­ Remember the final scheduled "Untouched by Human Hands," tively scheduled for Mondays show of the Free Clinic Benefit a computet-performed organ from noon to one; location will film series: tomorrow evening concert, tonight (April 26) at depend .on how many people sign Cinema tech will present two 8:00 p.m. at All Saints' Church. up. If you're interested. call .Judy more Marilyn Monroe films. The 132 N. Euclid Avenue. The Evans. x1833. Asphalt Jungle introduced Mar­ church's massive Schlicker organ KISS ME KATE played to two SRO houses in Ramo Auditorium last Friday Continued on Page Eight ilyn to a loving public; Seven will be digitally programmed and Saturday nights. Review on page 8. Photo by T. Sheehan Pa/?:e Two TilE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, April 26, 1974 ~------'------

Editorial not be allowed to continue. \'t:t'I\~ r.~~»JJ One would think [hat the .. froill the largc time-sink these interviews ~.~!, take would prompt the IIlC into Let Us Elaborate " involving more people. There arc 18 committees, and generally I 0111' ('ditorial of la,;1 week l'onlTrlling Ihe iniTI,,,,,e of , cerebrum to 5 interviewers. Each person hOIl,;e dIll''; ha,; not Iwen an,;wned. ~~JjP ave rages three su bcommittees. We ,;tatl'd lhat we wantt'd to know what the financial and sometimes gets on four or "itualion of each house i,;. WI' ,;taled that we wanted 10 by Gavin Claypool that capacity. five. Since the II-lC tends to be know why a fifly percent innTa,;e wa,; jll,;tifiabk. We ,;Iated Applications for faculty com­ An example: I was inter­ brand-new each year, however, that we wanted to know whv th(~ nwmlwr,; of the ,;tlldent mittee positions close today, viewed for the curriculum com­ there may be no personal interest hOIl,;e,; didn't get thi" information Iwfore any ae!ion wa" which means the IHC should mittee last year. Unfortunately, in the matter once it's over with. taken. begin the long in terviewing pro­ my interviewers apparently did Involving more people should cedure shortly. It is my conten­ What we got wa,; a Idln from two hOIl"t' president" that not know the distinction be­ speed up the selection process. tion that the IHC needs to tween the duties of that commit­ "tates that t'ach of the hOIl,;es wa" polled by its president. since more interviews could be revamp their procedures, or get tee and the academic policies conducting simultaneously. Be­ We know that alreadv. . out of the business. committee. My opinions were sides keeping people in suspense w(~ I\lr. Presidl'nt (a gt'nnie term), suppost' makt' it a Generally, the interviewing asked concerning questions total­ for a shorter period, it would little c1earn to YOIl. We ohjee! to thl' Iwavy-handt'd mannn subcommittees consist of the ly irrelevant to the curriculum (just possibly) get the names to in which yOll made yom decision. We Ohjl'c1 10 the fae! house presiden ts, IHC chairman committee (like about A-B-C-No the ASCIT Board of Directors that yOIl pn'';llnwd to ask the opillion of peopll~ who had and secretary, house vice pres­ credit, and Pass/Fail grading). for final approval before every­ no icit'a whatsoever of Ihl' tnw financial sitllation,; of the idents, and one or two others. This type of interviewing must one leaves for the summer. other hOllse. We objee! to the fae! that yOIl didn't cart' The house presidents and vice ellflllgh to distrihllte quantitive explanations of your ae!ion. p residents are a reasonable choice, since they will undoubt­ \'11'. President, wlj(~n VOII com(' to liS and ask II'; wlwlhn we would prdl,(" to haw' hOllse due,; raised to fifteen dollar,; edly know most of the members Frosh Pick Their Poison·, of their house, and probably a a tt'rrn or wind IIp with financial prohlems rH'xt \Tar \ 011\(' goodly number of other houses. aln~ady loaded the question. What Ihe hcll do ) OIl l'\)ie('[ Hopefully, the IHC chairman and Engineering_ Beats Out the an,;wn to Iw'[ secretary will be as similarly Mr. Pre,;ir!t-nt, you were dee!ed to repre,;ent II';. yl'l yllli qualified. by Alan Silverstein Among the dark horses of take it IIpon .\"fJllrselj' 10 make deci,;ion,; witholtt any rea! However, I see no reason why There was a surprising upset Humanities, History was OIlP t'cedbaek at all. YOllr attitude is not that '01' a the subcommittees should be in this year's nth Annual Frosh better the in the last lap, with representative, bill rather that of a die!ator of policie,;. Iimi ted to these few, and several Pigeonholing Tourney as Engin­ two, while Economics and Eng­ iVlon' to the point, didn't anyone do some kind of reasons why not. A change in the eering overwhelmed Physics, lish showed a typical one apiece. analvsis of the financial ,;ituation of HI(-' house,;'? H not. structure to include some of the Biology, Chemistry, and Math Social Sciences was hardly in the why' not; how doc,; anY0fl(~ actually know that Ihl' inclTa,;c student members of the appro­ 42-33-24-23-23, respectively. As running again; it appears that no was needed'? If so; why didn't people set' it: do you priate faculty committee is im­ of this Tuesday, 194 of the 204 one has ever opted for it as a frosh. pn~suml' yourselves to Ill' the only competent IIndl'Q1;;ad,; perative. It seems ridiculous not Frosh surviving from the 217 to include someone who has starters had turned in their Not to be forgotten here is 011 camplls': actually served on the faculty option choices, with two absten­ the one courageous soul who In casl' VOII don't realize it. Mr. Presidt'nt. vou're ('ithr~r committee and knows what the tions (not returning term) signed up for and presumably was damlwd wav. position is all about. I feel that and eight delinquents (you know allowed to major in the Inde­ ~DenTlis L MalloTlee they are certainly more qualified who you are). Eng&AppSci im­ pende.nt Studies Program. R. Gruner to conduct an interview than proved 10 over last year's score; slUe Sweenev' someone who has never served in the only other major league gainers were Ph and Ch, with slight increases. Astronomy, in its UlIFORNIATech fourth year of exponential Friday, April 26, 1974 growth, brought in 16, a good Volume LXXV Number 25 four more than its traditional Published weekly except during THE CALTECH FORUM ] vacation and examination periods f dozen. APh and AMa held the by the Asso<;iated Students of the " line with 12 and 5, in that order; CAlifornia I nstitute of Tech- Presidents' Reply Houses with respect to the treated on page 1 of your issue ChE and Ge suffered sharp blows nology, I ncorporated. Opinions financial situation of their respec­ number 24 of The Cal~fornia with 6 and 2 each over last expressed in all articles herein are As Presidents of Houses whose tive Houses, and from this strictly those of the authors and Tech, Friday, April 19, 1974. I year's 9 and 7, but these are do not necessarily reflect the treasuries are adequate, we take arrived at a decision whether or have never said, "There's nothing rtlOre a return to normal than a opinions of the editors or of the issue to the editorial of last week not to support the proposition. as useless as physics except for serious decline. Meanwhile, GePh corporation. All rights reserved. concerning the raising of House If this is an incorrect assumption, chemistry." What I do say is interested three, a 300% better Editors-in-Chief Richard S. Gruner dues. The vote in favor of then we would suggest that the (when I'm talking about biology) showing than in the last tvvo increasing House dues was 5-2-0; ·: Dennis L. Mallonee editors communicate with their "that's just chemistry, and there­ years, but GeCh probably scared · SMC Sweeney we voted against it. respective House Presidents. fore it's uninteresting," and 'em off with its name, receiving Associates Peter W. Beckman The vote itself was postponed -Russell Desiderio; Fleming alternatively when the worth of no votes this year (nor the last). ·" Eric H. Eichorn so that public opinion could be John S. Best; Ruddock Continued on Page Seven Entertainment Editor Marc Donner gathered. Our House members Features Editor Greg Simay Sports Editor Bob Kieckhefer were, and are, fully aware of the Tech Is Inaccurate FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank financial situation of our Houses; Staff David I we would assume that the other I have been maligned, mis­ Callaway. Flora Constanten. Tim House Presidents polled their quoted, and generally miserably Groat, Mama Gronkel, Chris Har­ court, Karl Kuhlmann, Phil Mas­ sey, Jim Mullaney, Dan Muzvka. THE ASCIT FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE Mary Beth Ogilvie, Dick O'Malley, Peter Pathe, Etaoin Schroedlu, Alan Silverstein, Nick Smith, I. M. Wett.

Photographers Ray Green Berets Feeney, R. Feldman, Gerald Laib, Dave Peisner, C. N. Pow, Terry Sheehan.

Business Manager. Gavin Claypool fit 7:30 find 9:30 p.m. Associate Dave Peisner in 8f1xter lecture Nflll Circulation Manager .. Rob Olshan The California Tech Publ ication Offices: 107 & 115 Winnett Center (105-51). California Insti­ tute of TEchnology, 1201 East Admission: 50C-ASCIT members and Cal iforn ia Boulevard. Pasadena, CA 91109. Telephone: (2131 their guests; $1.00-anyone else 795-6811, x2154. Printed by News-Type Service, 1506 Gardena Avenue. Glendale, CA. Repre­ sented for national advertising purposes by National Educational Next Week: 'WE'RE OFf DUTY NOW - LET'S GO Advertising Services, Inc. Second class postage paid at Pasadena, HECKLE SOME STUDENTS fOR ACHANGE!' California. only Loveman knows for sure SUbscriptions ...••$1.50 per term · $4.00 per year (DCOLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411·BERKELEY, CA94709 Friday, April 26, 1974 TIlE CALIFORNIA TECH Page Three Scurves Catch Sl-ll'f "'AN. l-IA\J€rJ'f Qf>'1. JU~i ~ IN YOIl E.v€.R. Sf.a1 A YOuR. MoNoty A'-lt:> 1>\l-l~"\..\... M"'C~J"~ Possible Thief 'i'\I'&~ i+-ll<: 8u1'-ONS. ~ot,? Last Wednesday by Alan Silverstein Two youths about sixtecll years old have been identified as possible campus thieves. One was apprehended Wednesday nigh t in Ricketts and later released by campus security after question­ ing. Members of the house Quotations of the Special Assistant reported that one black and one white were seen leaving an by David Callaway Dr. John McLaughlin, Deputy too ... brother turned against part of a group subject to upstairs alley and were ·followed "I convey the warm personal Special Assistan t to President brother ... impeachment faced vituperation ... which he does to the Athenaeum lawn, where greetings of the President," said NLxon, Jesuit priest, and holder Andrew Johnson ... " not deserve." the black disappeared. The other of degrees from various prestig­ "Washington was dubbed by "My mail surprises me. Of you th was stopped by several McLaughlin ious institu tions to begin his his subjects as a Caesar ... Jeffer­ forty or so letters I receive every . Scurves while removing a Continued from Page One presentation in Winnett Center. son was called a coward, mulat­ day, thirty-five are in support of from a rack, and pinned to the puses. Given the opposing tracks "The United States is facing ro, Mad Tom, philosopher. the President. Although the ground after giving some resis­ of rhetoric on which he and his adversity today at the time of its Andrew Jackson was called the President was favored in only tance. He was turned over to audiences run, this is not at all bicentennial, but it faced adver­ wild man of the frontier. Lincoln 3170 in the polls, Truman was campus security for trespassing. surprising. sity at the time of its centennial was called a baboon... Grover favored in 2270, and our Congress Lee Chapman, Director of Cleveland was accused of in ,about 2 J to 2270. If we call Security, told The Tech the nex t at the ICE HOUSE fathering an iJlegitimate child. upon Richard Nixon to resign, day that the youth could not PASADENA Franklin D. Roosevelt was caJled we should caJl upon Congress to properly identify the bicycle he Now Thru Sunday 24 N. Mentor the megalomaniac in the White resign first, if we judge upon the was taking as his own. He was Reservations Phone House. David Lawrence called basis of the poll." released after identifying himself Mag Wheel & The Lug Nuts 681-9942 flatly for Truman's impeach­ "There is real annoyance at and his friend and receiving his MUSIC Monday: Toshiko & Lew Tabackin's ment." Watergate and the aftermath, bu t "first and last warning abou t and COMEDY 16 Piece Jazz Orchestra "My proposition to you this it h-as been bloated by the trespassing." Chapman said that evening is that Presiden t NIxon is unsympathetic media ... " the dctails of the case were ,'>lay April 30 5: Randy Boone "In the New York Times passed on to Pasadena police, several weeks ago, there was a who are chccking to see if the three column headline accusing bike has been reported stolen. If Nixon, and a refutation on an so, either or both of the suspects inside buried page ... I call that may be rearrcsted for theft and corrupt journalism." prosecu ted. "A tax isn't a voluntary Several Techers have said that contribution but enforced exact­ the you ths have been seen ion ... the Presiden t did not around campus over the last few have to pay the taxes as the days, and there have been a statute of limitations had run numbcr of thefts recently, in­ out ... if it were myself I would cluding motorcycles and tool­ have fought it to the Supreme chests. So far nothing has been Court." established exccpt that the "Richard Nixon is being treat­ you ths were trespassing. All You Can Eat ed unjustly ... he doesn't even know what he is being charged with. There is no definition of an impeachable offense. You rum­ mage around in a person's files for putative eVidence, then you define a crime, then you hold a trial ... it is a violation of the 2.10 Constitution." "How do you stop this Hydra? How do you say stop at the 70th tape ... they would say that the 71 st would have nailed in Chandler him to the wall ... it's like virginity, you do it once then you do it again, and it gets easier and easier." 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. "This country stands on the Wednesday, May 1 premise of equal justice for all~l ...... : I· Did you enjoy The Festival of Light? I i The Glee Club is back with an:/Inew program! i FOREIGN STUDENTS SHIPPING SPECIALISTS OF BAGGAGE HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES ASPRING JUBILEE i COMMERCIAL CARGO I AIR. OCEAN. TRUCK Pick Up & Delivery Packing & Crating i at featuring Friday, May 17 & I Insurance Documentation Estimates given without obligation : Beckman : 10% off with Cal tech 10 ANYWHERE-ANYTIME I Auditorium Saturday, May 18 i A REGISTERED AGENCY a tradition of perso"al • • SINCE I'" service in • • freight : : forwarding • • Martin Lewin Transcargo, Inc. • • 2240 N. FiguerOi St. • General Admission: $2.00, Students: $1.00 - For more information, call extension 1652 i Los A.aes. CA 9.5 :. .. (213) 225-2347 Page Four THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, April 26, 1974

Take Me Out To The Ba//6ame...

Plwtos by C. N. Pow

It's Your Own Fault Techer Helping Space Venture Seniors Are Symptomatic Former Caltech student Ray in which he was responsible for F. Larson has been appointed the management of division work by Tim Groat options, and force them to take units has the problem that vice president and command and on the spacecraft for the Apollo The rapidly incre3;sing number an unreasonably heavy load of students will tend to take the service module spacecraft pro­ 9 earth orbital flight, and for the of petitions by seniors lacking courses. bare minimum which is not in gram manager at Rockwell Inter­ Apollo 12, 13, 14, and 15 lunar some minor graduation require­ Changes are occuring in this keeping with the Institute's pol· national Corporation's Space missions. He held that post until ments indicates that many prob­ structure. The Curriculum Com­ icy of excellence at any expense. Division. being named vice president of lems exist with the current mittee is pressuring the divisions Those divisions which require A graduate of the U.S. Naval Assurance Management in Janu­ structure of option requirements. to clarify just what their require­ more than 516 units don't want Academy at Annapolis, Larson ary, 1970. According to Dr. Floyd Humph­ ments and suggested subjects are to have their program watered did post-graduate work in engin­ In October, 1969, Larson was rey, the requirements are so ("You would have to be a down, either. eering at Caltech in 1946 and presented a Naitonal Aeronautics vaguely expressed that it is often Constitutional Lawyer to under­ Currently, the revision of the 1947. He resides with his family and Space Administration Certifi­ impossible to know exactly what stand that catalogue."). graduation requirements is in the in Fullerton. cate of Appreciation for "his courses one should be taking. Changes in the actual require­ hands of the Academic Policies In his present post he will be outstanding contributions to the Inequities in the present system ments, however, are likely to responsible primarily for division Committee. The final results will Apollo program, culminating in focus on specific individuals, come along slowly. A suggested not be felt for a long time to work on the spacecraft for the the world's first lunar landing." such as those who have changed Institute-wide standard of 516 come. Apollo/Soyuz Test Project­ history's first international space years, right? •mission. Scheduled for mid~ D.C. Elliot Dr. E: Yes, on July 1. UNIVERSAL·' (110-220 VOLT) APPLIANCES 1975, the flight calls for a Continued from Page One Tech & Tech Prime: Ohwow. - MAJOR AND SMALL United States' Apollo spacecraft Tech: With what projects are Tech Prime: How has Caltech docking in Earth orbit with a you currently concerned? changed since your arrival? ELECTRONIC - ELECTRIC Soviet Union Soyuz. The two Dr. E: Two, one is the Dr. E: Caltech has grown ... spacecraft will remain docked for WESTINGHOUSE G.E. MARANTZ PIONEER "California Arms .Control Sem- in its organization ... Things MAYTAG CALORIC SONY DUAL as long as two days, with the mar. " ... have gotten more formalized. If AND MANY MORE! crews exchanging visits and pos­ Tech: California is armed??!? you will, more beauracratised. sibly performing joint scientific Dr. E: No, "California 'Arms There's more red tape I think DUAL VOlTAGE experiments. Control' Serllinar." [Dr. Elliot's that's the major change And PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIP. ACCESSORIES. Larson came to Space Division concern being British Arms Con­ yet it's still small compared with CALCULATORS TRANSFORMERS in 1954 and worked in a number trol and Foreign Policy.] The other schools. of engineering assignments on other project is the politics of Tech: Have you any sage missle programs and study pro­ during the restoration of words for the next Faculty ~COSMOS jects until joining the division Charles II-It's a fun thing. Member of the Month? TRADING Apollo team in 1962. He subse­ Tech Prime: You will soon Dr. E: Don't enquire too 88'3 Wilshire Boulevard quently was named Apollo Assis­ have been here for twenty-five deeply into the reasons for it. : Beverly Hili" CA. 902" tant program manager, a position. 652-7370 .


...... DOWN JOHN BOORMAN "27 DELIVERANCE JOHN BOORMAN . '. . .- ~\~ :291 ~ Oor«ll!dby~~\JCaS"W IIDELIVERAKE ~ VlsittheM... ~.~ BEATLES where love " is the ultinNItecrime. .MJI/EIIT1lE0f0RD IGffEHACKMAN I~R --,CAMUA S1IlIIYQIIfQUl'/·oowrMJ.IlACER__.tCIIE~ Friday, April 26, 1974 THE CALIFORNIA TECH '. I· • .SALES & SERVICE DIRECTORY ANSWERING SERVICE ARTIST - DRAFTING DENTAL LAB TRAINING NURSERY - PET FOOD TRAVEL Over 40 years experience Fine Arts-Oil Paint-Water Colors-Clay_ LIN'S Brushes-Acrylics- Pencils- Fine Papers­ Private Sehool for t;OODES SEED & FEED ~TORE HAS H.B. BENNETT ANSWERING SERVICE Ink-Gouache - Poster Board - Presentation the training of Ill. }'()l' JUU, f;VFR M'~FfJ '-DR }'()f/f{ GARIJf,',\ Albums - EaseIS-i!!(harts- Pens- Malle Dental Laboratory Technicians I"SIDL OliTSIDF TRAVEL AGENCY * 24 Hour Service Board-~'t. -Sprays-Graphing Live PLwts Landscaping Airline tickets Steamship * Equipped L·cross connect Materia i arlm9- apes-Overhead Co-Ed Day & Evening dasses Fcrtiltzers B.B.O,:; * * Bird Seed Flagstone Patios * Emergency help for stalled elevators Projection- Markers- Tables -Drafting Tours & Cruises * Radio paging (Beepers) approved for veterans Pet Supplies Sprinkler systems * M achines-Lamps-Slide Rules * Vacation Service call 714-532-4241 Potteries Cdn. lighting Information & Reservations * Wake up Service Campus Ext. 2226 * T OIN Service FJ6graphics. inc. Dental Technology Institute Horse, Chicken. & Duck·,Feed J2i2 N. LAKE AVE. 797-1611 681-9229 796-0151 1292 E. Colorado Blvd 969 N. Tustin - Orange County 795-0291 We have the sweetest girls in town 793-4173 690 E.Green St. Pasadena ARCHERY AUTO SUPPLI ES ELECTRONIC PARTS OPTICIANS TRUCK RENTALS

ARCHERY HEADQUAR1ERS ALLIED AUTO SUPPLY Parts & Accessories OF SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Dow Radio THE TRUCK Ml!.'1'4~7 YOU NEED jf, ~'ORTH ,\,1.o\DISON ,A.\,t'NlH Indoor "hootiIH! I ,;:Ul('.~ at lowest discount prices * p..o\S!\Dr~,,,,, Ck 91101 WHEN YOU Jn~trudioll * b\ rnlifi(',lli'd T('adH'r:­ Your Electronic Shopping Center. 7 Complete Service Department 213-79f,-Q17 NEED IT * Compld,' lin;' of equipml'lIt Electronic parts. Hi-Fi. Salf'~ Hi'llfal ... - .'\C('i'.":,ori(':- 'jl,cl [Aq CRfE:'-.' STREff call for FREE copy of * Open Daily 9 AM - 9 PM Auto st~reo - C.B. Equipment P·\'-,AllFN/I, CA fJill)f, HERTZ GUIDE TO DO-IT YOURSELF We invite you to join one ~ featuring Jensen Sound Producers }ll-~4(J·11'jil Sunday 9 AM 3 PM MOVING call central Reservation of our leagues. Watch for our big complete stereo 1060 E. Colorado Blvd. - Pasadena "J[\\,PORT (1::"1 ER DR 628-1255 & components dept. opening soon. NE\\'PORT HlACH, CA 'J2660 4591 North Peck main office 2300 E. Olympic (3 Blocks East of Lake) 1759-67 E. Colorado 793- 1195 714·640-847S EI Monte 448-4165 793-1893 681-6822 ART GALLERIES AUTO WRECKING FLOWERS PHARMACY TYPEWRITERS

POULSEN (] BROWN & WELINPRESCRIPTlON'--­ * TYl'l'\\ri!n,,, * El('(·. Caklllat()r.~ PHARMACISTS * Adding i\-lachirH'", GALLERIES~ Stationary f)llplicating Mach. \\ ('ddill;! Sp('('i,tli",l" FAST DELIVERY * * ~}._-'~~" SALES-SERVICE-RENTALS Original Oil Paintings .•.:... MONROE FI()\\I'J'.:-' f(JI' illl (lI"1"r:_~lMnIt i' ON LAKE AVE. 910 SAN PASQUAl ST. 1090 1.il1l'olll·\\'·. l'a,..':Hklw \11 llIajor ('I"!'dit ('arcl", "'~'i:co~ 7(r"j 1111 • IV) :n~o 64 SLake. 0 •• 0 .. 0 ".0" 0 ...... 793-3121 PASADENA, CALIF. 793·7126 :l."i .'-'. 1.0;< R()hk.~ AVl'. Pa.~St cstahlishfOd Visit your nearest location railroad cars. ·Areadia -146-2111 - 1216 s. flaldwin Ave: import ..ar deal,..r 1726 E. Colorado, Pasadena 684-0457 Open every day Open Man. and Fri. nights til ,9 p.m. Telephone: 795-8835 317 S. Arroyo Parkway - Pasadena Take life a little easier! Telephone 795-9145 FIAT JEWELRY - WATCHES RIDING STABLES WALL SYSTEMS - GIFT

Arroyo Seco Stables * Modular Wall Systems for every SALES Fine Jewelry· Gems· Watches Specializing in riding room ill tht' hou~(' SERVICE ~OUSEL.~ la~tt'ful ~ifb {loaf] Expert Jewelry Design and Repair instruction. * Ext'cutive arrav of tEASING "WORLD'S LARGEST? Watch Repair by Master Cratrmen & decorator la'rnp..- PETER SATORI CO., LTD: Horses rented for trails * Contemporary furniture designed ,No, just seems like it!" B. D. Howes & Son 325 West Colorado Blvd. & boarded to blend with all~ dp('orating 350 on display - over 1000 in stock Fille Jewelers For Tbree (;eller<1ti011s schemc~. Pasadena, California Riding equipment Free assembly -Life guarantee 336 SOlltb Lake Avelllle INTERIOR SYSTEMS Los Angelp,~ longest established import car df'uler Pasadena's only authorized Dealer for Pasadella 796-2653 Arroyo Seco Park 500 South Lake Avenue Raleigh" - Motobecane - Italvega - Starfire Tel: 796-2564 Telephone: 795-8835 255-4333 256-9888 1726 E. Colorado, Pasadena 793-1141 FORD CAMERAS MARKET & CATERING SAVINGS & LOAN WATERBEDS

LEE-MAC CALTECH We Love You -+ ~LENl4LE FEDERAL WATERBEDS, INC. R~ItL- Gxc~antje..!Jnc. BII:t.LI"1'I'O 7'ORD CAR... TRVc:..X. Camera ... Complete· Super Market FOR TWO O.M.AAT .. O .... Eyt'rything Photographic * Catering Service • SALES • PARTS .. Near Eastern Specialties \VE hu~"·.-;('Il-trad(·-r(,llt 'I"y Us • SERVICE • TRUCKS (including shieh kabob, grape leaves, etc.) •SOllY tape rc('order..,; SHEETS· HEATERS' CUSTOM FRAMES· • LEASING • USED CARS * Call us at 795-77:1-1 Credit terms available 'Color finishing sp('('iali:,t~ 1355 fAST COLORADO BLVD., PASADfNA. * 4 blocks from CALTECH at 1720 E. Colorado 722 E. Colorado Boulevard CATER-CORNERED FROM PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Special discounts to OPEN MON.:"'FRI. TILL 9:00 P.M. 795-9531 . CALTECIl Students & Faeuity GERTMENIANS SA TURDA Y 10:00 A.M. - 8 P.M. 681-7614 39 S. Los Robles, Pasadena (Corner of Colorado and Oak Knoll) IN PASADENA 796-6171 793-3154 792- -4:14:1 681 -B961 . Corner of COLORADO & MENTOR MAZDA CAMPING - SKIN DIYING MEN'S CLOTHING SHOES WEIGHT CONTROL

New and used cars Sales and Service ~lta ~port HACKETTS crx:: gBaarbra E//eck MAZDA thl' car that givl's ~ A NEW BEGINNING supl'r pl'rformancl' with KELLY BACK P·\CKS Men's clothing and sholls F.\MILY FASHtON SHOES Down :-It'l'pill~ ba~... Featurin/;l; REGISTERED PHYSICAL THERAPIST super l'conomy. !hil·d food:- an·l·:-.~Ofll'" High Quality, Low Prices ~ REGISTERED ELECTROLOGIST ;a; PASADFNA MAZDA Facial Contouring - Individual Eyelashes Skin Di\"ing Cla:-~w~ Food Supplement~ - Wigs 1285 East Colorado Blvd. :-lut \larch :~rd In Pasadena Beauty Products - Fitted Custom Bras 793~7t43 for Mn! CALL 449-t231 FilII lillt' of Fqllipllll'lll 62 S. Lake Ave. 811 Fair Oaks Aye 799-4077 South Pasadena 1065 East Green St. - Pasadena Open 7 days a week . fJO:lllllllllill;rtol! l)r". <;lrl ~;il"rJl'I ~H:- 07:17 915 E. California Blvd, V.W. - BMW CAR RENTAL MEN'S HAIR STYLIST TENNIS If you need help TRANS-OCEAN MOTORS Mr. D.C. Men·, Stylist Has no gas problems call 795-8088 Night or Day Service Rent a 5 barbers to serve yOIl 24 Hour drop-olf Vega Hair Colorill/!: W'~:rtn..~ After hours pClrk & lock your car Capris Budnet Stulighlt'liing. maninlre Fill out eafly bird forrn sti1tinq Cui & Sid.. onh SH."'O We need your help too-­ service needed, drop in box V.W. RentaCar The complete tennis shop plll:-< .... hafHpoo if n'quin'cJ keys Pinto Where the "service" is always Donations desperately needed 8:30 5,30 Daily Sat. t!~ 4p.n!. Open Mcnd-1;/ & Thursday lill 8:00 For as little as FOOTHILL FREECLJNIC n::;;EE TAXI or RUS horne when $6.00 a day & Mileage .i\pPolrltrner11 or1ly' 449--8110 IN! 49 S Ma,'pnSju (between Colorddt) & Cireen) vou ICJVC car' durinq lcgul{lr hours 424 E. Green St. Pasadena 516 S. Lake Ave. 795---3456 ,10 N. Haymond, Pasadena 130 N. Sierra Madre Boulevard 449--0221 795-9581 Mon.-Sat. 10:00 - 6:00 All Over The Flaqr lRlIFORNIATech SPORTS Page Beats In Basketball

by Bob Kieckhefer 32~28 win over an inspired Interhouse Basketball Results For the nth consecutive year, Dabney team. If Fleming had not Page 6-0 Page House has won lnterhouse scored eight points while Dab­ Fleming 5-1 lasketball, giving the Dudes a ney's Gary Frankel was being Dabney .4-2 16Y2-point lead in the year's patched up on the sidelines. Blacker 3--3 lnterhouse Trophy standings. things might have been different. Ruddock 2-4 Page completely dominated pre­ (But then, if Frankel hadn't bled Ricketts 1-5 viously undefeated Fleming in all over the gym floor, Dabney Lloyd 0-6 Wednesday's showdown for the might not have been so inspired.) title, with the score standing at Dabney finished third again Interhouse Trophy Standings 53-30 at the final buzzer. this year, after surviving a couple Page 253.5 Second-place Fleming looked of hair-raising games (a 37-36 Fleming 237 Page Six Friday, April 26, 1974 good in the rest of its games, win over Ruddock and a 35-32 Ruddock I 51 with the only close call being a victory over Blacker). Blacker B1acker. 143.5 It's Been 20 l'etlr.~ nnished fourth in basketball to Dabney .140 retain fourth place in the year's Lloyd I 11.5 Interhouse Trophy standings. Ricketts 83.5 Records Fall, Redlands Crushed Ruddock, Ricketts, and Lloyd took the bottom three spots in by Creswell heave of 151-\4 in the discus ran 15: 16 to win the three-mile basketball. But even UCLA has a Alien Space In Al Kleinsasser and Doug Her­ broke a previous record of and took second in the mile. bad year now and then. bert set school records in the 146-7)6, thrown in 1963 by Greg Hoit took second behind Interhouse competition con­ Page Saturday mile and discus and Haywood George Radco. Herbert also had Krupnik of Redlands in the 440 tinues with Interhouse Swimming Robinson tied the 1DO-yard dash a winning 44-1)6 throw in the intermediate hurdles, but filled next on the agenda. Swimmers The Caltech Gaming Club will record as the Caltech track team shot. out our winning relay teams. .can work out from now until meet this Saturday (April 27) at stomped Redlands on Tuesday The Fast Get Faster Dale Bredeson and Duane Boman May 7, with nve practices being 7:30. The game will be "Alien for the first time in 20 years, Robinson, whose winning 220 took second and third in both required of all competitors in the Space" with experimental tiring 87-57. time 21.7 was only 0.2 off his long jump and triple jump. 1DO-yard freestyle and the 100 rules, and will take place in the Kleinsasser, running 4: 10.8 own school record, tied the Bredesen also ran both relays and individual medley. The swimming Page library. (compared to his previous 4: 12.5 100-yard mark set by Boman took second to Grant of meet will be held on Wednesday, Th . record), also ran his usual good Schultz in 1927 by placing to LaVerne in the high hurdles. Thursday, and Friday, May 8, half-mile to take a 1:58.7 victory first in the 100 in 9.7. He also (LaVerne also showed up to the 9, and 10. CAlIFORNIATech and anchored a winning mile ran in both winning relays. meet to get beated, 111-27.) is our friend' relay team. Herbert's gargantuan In other events, Greg Griffin A Five-Man Relay? Tom Creswell took third in the highs, hung on to take Anitf/ BrYf/nt SpfJrts Menu second in the 440 ten minutes Friday. April 26 later, and ran in the mile relay. All Day Tennis Ojai Tournament Away Carl Lydick assisted in the 440 Saturday. April 27 by taking third. Finishing up, All Day Tennis Ojai Tournament Away Don Hamasaki took second in 12:00 noon Baseball (db!.) Pacific Christian Away the pole vault and Ole Nielson 1:30 p.m. Varsity Tennis Whittier Away and Brad Page went 2-3 in the Home 1:30 p.m. JV Tennis Whittier high jump. 1:30 p.m. Track Whittier Home The track team takes on Tuesday. April 30 Whittier at home this Saturday X Rated 12:30 p.m. Golf Whittier Home to decide third place in the 3:00p.m. Baseball La Verne Home conference. Wednesday. May 1 1:00 p.m. Golf La Verne Away DAILY 1~ am to 2:30am SUNDAY 12 noon to Midnight Friday. May 3 8:00 a.m. Golf So. Cal if. Intercollegiate Tournament at Torrey Pines 1:00 p.m. Tennis SCIAC Prelims at Claremont-Mudd 3:00 p.m. Track SCIAC Prelims at La Verne

Saturday. May 4 10:00 a.m. Tennis SCIAC Finals at Claremont-Mudd 12:00 noon Baseball (db!.) La Verne Away 1:30 p.m. Track SC lAC Finals at La Verne News Briefs AlA CONDITIONED Continued from Page One for your comfort plenty of free parking Interhouse Bridge Tournament DON'TGO There will be an interhouse bridge tournament held on May 11 and May 18. Four-man teams. ON A DIET Now Showing: Experience and registration nec­ essary. Contact Henry David (Bl) or Pat Hagan (Da). UNTIL Build A House YOU READ Tryouts for the Caltech GO Also playing: Team are in progress. For information contact Don McAl­ THIS BOOK. ister, 313 Noyes (x2577) or 351 Crellin (x2030). ~~Hot Summer Night"

Eat Your A completely new show every Tuesday Liver, Texas The National Educational Advertising service, advertising (a/tech students - $1.50 off representatives of a large number of college publications (including regular admission with this ad The Tech) currently claims to represent five student newspapers in the state of Canada. (NEAS A ~lublic Service ot This Newspaper & The Adverlising Council 2226 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena US, Departments of Agriculture and HeJlth, Education, & Welfare rm National College Newspaper Di­ A. Grocery Manufacturers of America ~I ~dmiJted rectory). Do they know some­ No One Unlkr 18 thing we don't? Pa~e Friday, April 26, 19H THE CALIFORNIA TECH Seven Summer Grants for Math

The Mathematics Departmen t Dean before May 3. More details summer the Caltech participants has announced that a few grants are available from him (x1357) were J ohl1 Abbott, David will be available to undergradu­ or from Mathematics Secretary, Dummit, Wolfgang Franzen, Greg ates to support research in Virgene Bellin (253 Sloan, Gibbons, Ross Miller, Carl Muel­ mathematics during the next x1335). ler, Steve Pohorsky and Jim The Three i'vluskeleers has lad who sets out from home summer. Stipends will be at the These grants mark a contirlU­ Shearer. always been one of the books bearing his father's swurd, off to rate of $80 per week for a ation of the undergraduate called "classic" by literature join the musketeers. D'Artagnan maximum of ten weeks. Inter­ research program sponsored by instructors, and known by name is the prototype for :111 such ested students should submit a the Mathematics Department to ten times as many people as heroes, brave and strong, bu t written request to Professor R. over the last four summers. Last who actually read it. The book naIve. Richard Chamberlain is dealt with political and social Aramis, a skilled musketeer and intrigue during the time of ladies' man beyond compare. Cardinal Richelieu and of the Charlton Heston is Richelieu, the TWO Of E Huguenots in France. Most of man who controlled France and the book dealt with the exploits its king. Raquel Welch is Con­ YEAR'S FUNNIEST <\ of members of the King's stance. one of the Queen's ladies. Musketeers. an elite unit of the These and the rest of the cast FILMS. French army, and also very much turn in a superb j()b of acting in out of favor with Richelieu. roles that include both the drama Alexandre Dumas wrote a book and comedy of life. capable of being both moving Richard Lester is the director and humorous when appropriate. who put this film together. His Unfortunately, poor translations previous claim to fame comes BOOKS and cheap film and television from having directed the Bea tIc films which, whether one enjoys Breakfast in the Ruins (New versions have left most with the the Beatles or not, were good English Library, $1.50) by ide," that "The Three Musket­ comedies. The screenplay was Michael Moot'cock, is not exactly eers" means either Errol Flynn written by George Macdonald science fiction, bu t there is or a candy bar. Faser, author of the Flashman nowhere else to classify it. It is The new filmed version of novels. (For those of you who sort of a sequel to his award­ The Three Musketeers pu ts to­ have seen neither the books nor winning Behold the Mall, in that gether a cast of proven talent, a the Playboy serializations, Flash­ it involves the main character screenplay writer known for his man is a British au thor whose from the latter. The fact that a ability to make heroes into men, WOODY ALLEN'S fictional biographies take place in sequel seemed physically impos­ and a director best known for the Victorian empire, and whose sible is beside the point. making insane comedies. The "BANANAS" exploits were more a result of Breakfast in the Ruins takes result is an excellent film, one cowardice than heroism.) Be­ place in times and places from which is drawing people to see it tween them, they combined a 1871 to 1990, in , Calcutta, many times over (one friend of story of drama and intrigue with Havan, Kiev, , Shanghai, mine has seen it fourteen times so fad. the humor that arises from real London, and other places. Karl B'ouga B'ouga people trying to behave in a Glogauer is at all of them; as a heroic fashion. For example, six year old boy in Paris, 1871, Michael York plays the part what do you think would really as an eighteen year old prisoner of D'Artagnan, the Gascon farm happen if you tried to swing across a road on a rope (a la Errol Flynn) to attack someone'! Or if you tried to jump out of a tree at a moving horseman') At least occasionally. you'd blow it. The basic plot of the film revolves aruund the efforts of [)'Artagnan and friends to pre­ vent Richelieu from proving to the king tha t the queeen is having an affair with the Duke of Buckingham, Prime Minister of England. Since England and France were nut on the best of This isyourkey to unprecedented calculating terms at that time. such indis­ capacity. Only Hewlett-Packard offers it cretion might be cunsidered not It lets you "speak" to your calculator with total consistency, because just infidelity, but treason. a it lets you load data into a 4-Register Stack. This means: (1) you always rather unforgiveable offense for a enter and process your data the same way, no matter what your problem; queen. There are chases and (2) you don't have to re-enter data; (3) you can see all intermediate data fights enough to satisfy the anytime. swashbuckler fan, well done Our HP-45 is one of two pre-programmed scientific pocket-sized comedy, skilled drama, and even computer calculators with this key. That's one reason it's the most pow­ erful pre-programmed pocket-sized scientific computer calculator. Here a little bit of sex thrown in are three of many others: (tastefully, of course; PG rating 1. It's pre-programmed to handle 44 arithmetic, trigonometric and and all that). The visual nature logarithmic functions and data manipulation operations beyond the of the film is excellent, the basic four (+, -, x, +) costumes fantastically done. An 2. It lets you store nine constants in its nine Addressable Memory overall attention tu detail helps Registers, and it gives you a "Last X" Register for error correction or make this one of the hetter films mUltiple operations on the same number of the last few years. Overall. I 3. It displays up to 10 significant digits in either fixed-decimal or scientific notation and automatically positions the decimal point through­ strungly recummend it. out its 200-decade ran~)e. Nick Smith Our HP·35 is the other. It handles 22 functions, has one Addressable Memory Register and also displays up to 10 digits in eiHler fixed-decimal or scientific notation, It's the second most powerful pre-programmed Bonner pocket-sized scientific computer calculator, Both of these exceptional instruments are on display now. If you're Continued from Page Two looking for unprecedented calculating capacity for your money, by all chemistry comes in doubt, I say means see and test them "a little chemistry can do no harm." I never men tion physics. • Hewlett-Packard makes the most The only thing I do ahout HEWLETT [ftp] PACKARD advanced pocket-sized computer _ calculators in the world. physics is to quote Willy Fowler, who used to say to me in the early days, "Biology? How are you ever going to make a science out of that?" --James Bonner Professor of Biology Pa~e Ei~hl THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, April 26, 1974 <-----_. ------by Mare Donner The people doing the ASCIT The Night's Not All That Was Hot! Musical this year decided to take a gamble and abandon Gilbert and Sullivan in favor of the more technically demanding and dilTi­ cult Kiss !'vfe Kate. The gamble paid otT! The show was a success, playing to SRO houses both perrormances. Kate had a larger cast and chorus and orchestra than any previous production. The slww W:IS longer, more cOlllplex and more demanding. Each individual had to produce more and work by Oave Peisner and the chme0t:'raphy (by harder. The facl that it came oil !\iss Me !\ate by Cole P\)rter, ('h~lrles allli Nick) was a nice as well as it did is testimony to this year's ASCiI Illusical. was interlude from the rest of the how hard people worked. presented in Raillo Auditoriulll show, Here a Glitch last weekend and was better than Otller actors/actresses of iln­ Despite a few glitchcs here previous year's musicals. Stand­ portance were Greg Griffin, and there (a forgotten line, a ing-mol11-only audiences gave the Delores Walker, Flora ('onstan­ misstep when dancing) Kate DANCERS Bob Brown and Judy Lovell star in an exciting number from perforillers en thusiastic applause ten, Bob Brown. Chris Ilarcourl, came across very smoothly. The the ASCIT Musical Kiss Me Kate. Photo by T. Sheehdn both nif'hts. Ken Underwood, allli Rich Gru­ orchestra wasn't outstanding but across to me was the idea Ihat The director, Shirley Marneus, ner. All did excellent jobs though they did a respectable job· or Books mankind is destruclive for the making music. worked under almost unbearable Flora had a little singing trouble Continued from Page Seven sheer hell of it. Breakfast ill lite conditions: a sillall stage, no in Allotller OP'llill', Another Jim lIugg put in a rine at Auschwitz in 1944; as a ten Ruills is not a book for the backstage