rI rA~h~~e ~i~:S We Print I L, .""-=.:==:::::=:::====:::::::.:::1 _ lR£IFORNIATech_ -.!G::-=======~=:~ ________ V~(-il-Il-Ille LXXV Pasadena, CaliforIlia, Friday, Apl~~ 26~-.!2.~_,'_1___________ <~_~.I~IlII)('r 2;') Nixon Defended All This f'!!.J,5 by Loyal Special Assistant Copier Boldly Robbed by Chris Harcourt by SMC Sweeney t,lI1eouslv Illdking copies and Wednesday night. the Ciltech rvlillikdn Libr:1 first-II()()) unlocking the padlock on the Y presented another (If its copier was the viclim \11' :In change box. One 01' the youths "'Fvening Spotlight" seric's, The attempted rubbery last Friday po,iti()ned him sel f be I ween the speakel' \IdS the RL'V, John evening. TI",'() non-Techer types sdtn and the machine, tllll' McLaughlilL S.L Deputy Spec­ allegedly tried to abscund with preventing d visual discovery o!' i:Ji A,sistant to the President. over $5 in nickels. dimes and their deed. The topic of his speech wa, "'In qual"lers fl'om the cheapest copier The sitter \I:IS first dlerled Dl'fense of Ihe Presidency." on campus. when he he:1I(1 the change box I t might h:lve been good. Of The youths entered Millikan rattling. Deciding to disc'reetly (()lIrse, the initial presentation about 7:::'0 p.m. and were investigate, he got up to adjust lVas artfully disguised drivel. but immediately stopped by the the volume of the mu,ic he was then the meat of the evening libl'ary-sitter and prohibited from listeninf! to. The sitter then should have I:Ollle in the question going upstairs. They claimed they noticed (as he walked back to his and answer period. Not knowing wan ted to usc the copier. bu t desk) that the change box quite what to expect, I attended. upon discovering that it was a padlock had been tampered with. "I convey the warm personal nickel copier. asked the sitter if He immediately notified Secur­ greetings of the President," he any other copiers were on ity. which respondediust as the said. I've been drafted') campus. The sitter replied that you ths were leaving the library. From here it degenerated. the Illachine was the cheapest The two headed east after Argument, included the fact that copier around. unaware of the icaving Millikan. but the sitler. in prim Presidents have committed pair's intentions. confusion. told Security that impeachahle acts "My proposi­ DR. JOHN McLAUGHLIN pauses in his defense of the President during a After fishing around 1'01 they went west. However. most tion to you this evening is that program sponsered by the Caltech Y. Photo by R. Gruner change, the thieves began simul- of the force was already 011 the Presiden! Nixon is part of a cast en d of campus: consequen t­ group subject to vitupera­ Iy. westward-heading Security ran tion ... which he docs not de· right into the eastward-fleeing serve" and the somewhat defen­ pair. sible statement that evidenc'~ Students Make Constructive Solution Security gave cha,e and appre­ searches begin to resemble ex hended both suspects shortly post facto impeachmen 1. Studen ts seeking to alleviate board commemorative plaque b'and of hearty lot-huilders. We after sighting them. Pasadena However, when things should the Caltech parking crises swung erected to note the afore· just decided something had to be Police arrived soon thereafter and have improved, i. e. during the into action last Monday and mentioned foundry and soft­ done. and we had the choice of took the two into custody. PPD feedback, Father McLaughlin erected a parking lot on the ware's contribution to the effort. either building or wrecking a eomplimented Securi ty on their came into his own. He neatly Olive Walk.' The lot consists of Of course, this parking lot will parking lot," related the student. performance in apprehending the and efficiently made asses of several yellow lines and some do little for the average man at with a gleam in his eye. "and youths. about a hundred Techers. What car-stops. Materials were provided Caltech, but it was not designed building one was a lot easier!" No damage was done to the the Techers did not seem to through the generosity of a large to, says a spokesman for the helicopter. realize was that they were West coast foundry and software attempting to argue with a man company sympathetic with the doubly trained in sophistry he is plight of car owners everywhere. both a lawyer and a Jesuit. lie The car-stops are lettered with D.C. Elliot did not. of course, answer the names of popular Caltech - FMOTMOA questions, he rebutted them. If folk-heroes as a reminder to all Although many of this artic­ an interview. And so the debacle editor, and not coincidentally this was to be done by an of our rich heritage. Dirty Dave's le's erstwhile readers may not be began. ASCIT Secretary. The interview irrelevant fact, then it was done. blacklist and secret files con­ aware of the fact. Dr. David C. Tech.. Arc you aware that continued] The object was not to answer, firmed the iden ti ty of most of Elliot, Professor of History, was ASCIT has chosen you Facultv Tech Prime.. garblebarb Ie but to dodge and silence. Naive the names. A small ribbon­ named at a recent BOD meeting Member of the Mon th? im'entjumh/etactblark . ' members of the audience blindly cutting ceremony marked the the Faculty Member of the Dr. E: Yes--What the hell was Dr. E: A good idea-it's a followed these irrelevancies to event, but Dirty Dave was unable Month. that for? splendid thing to keep the their dooms. At one' point, a to attend; he was reportedly at In the interests of copy Teele mwnblegrumble . .. reasons dark. Techer found himself arguing home in bed at the time. generation, and in an attempt to [At this point the interviewer [Altogether, Dr. Elliot seemed that Nixon should be impeached No official thanks have been learn the BOD's motivation in realized he didn't know, and sent fairly pleased by the way things for being injudicious. forthcoming from the plush, this action, Dr. Elliot recen tly Dr. Elliot to get his mail while were proceeding.] Father McLaughlin at one marbIe-enshrined administra ti on found himself at the mercy of a he called a fellow advisee, Tech Continued on Page Four point noted that he has very offices. but in an apparently Tech interviewer. It was, of little success on college cam­ unofficial move, a security guard course, always pOSl';ible that Continued on Page Three attacked and destroyed a eard- something helpfUl would come of News Briefj Now You Can Smash It Up! The ASCIT Year Itch, includes the famous with works of Bach, Mozart, Bus Exists skirt-lifting scene. The show Joplinj Ussachevsky, and others. The ASCIT Bus is alive and starts at 8:00 p.m. in Baxter The ASCIT bus leaves 110 well and living in Pasadena. It Lecture Hall, donation S1.50. Ruddock at 7:40. holds 12 people; the driver must Special attraction for all you Two workshops arc scheduled have a Class 2 license and be an Bogart fans: Casablanca will. be for tomorrow: at I :00 p.m. for ASCIT member. To find out how screened on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. computer trolls and at 3:00 p.m. to horrow it, talk to Dick Beatty in the Lecture lIall; donation 50 for organists. (Ruddock) or Flora (Flora's cents cheap. Office). See a Digitally Square Two Marilyn Stimulated Organ There may be a square dance Monroe Biggies Prentiss Knowlton will present class starting soon. It is tenta­ Remember the final scheduled "Untouched by Human Hands," tively scheduled for Mondays show of the Free Clinic Benefit a computet-performed organ from noon to one; location will film series: tomorrow evening concert, tonight (April 26) at depend .on how many people sign Cinema tech will present two 8:00 p.m. at All Saints' Church. up. If you're interested. call .Judy more Marilyn Monroe films. The 132 N. Euclid Avenue. The Evans. x1833. Asphalt Jungle introduced Mar­ church's massive Schlicker organ KISS ME KATE played to two SRO houses in Ramo Auditorium last Friday Continued on Page Eight ilyn to a loving public; Seven will be digitally programmed and Saturday nights. Review on page 8. Photo by T. Sheehan Pa/?:e Two TilE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, April 26, 1974 ~---------------------------------'---------------- Editorial not be allowed to continue. \'t:t'I\~ r.~~»JJ One would think [hat the .. froill the largc time-sink these interviews ~.~!, take would prompt the IIlC into Let Us Elaborate " involving more people. There arc 18 committees, and generally I 0111' ('ditorial of la,;1 week l'onlTrlling Ihe iniTI,,,,,e of , cerebrum to 5 interviewers. Each person hOIl,;e dIll''; ha,; not Iwen an,;wned. ~~JjP ave rages three su bcommittees. We ,;tatl'd lhat we wantt'd to know what the financial and sometimes gets on four or "itualion of each house i,;. WI' ,;taled that we wanted 10 by Gavin Claypool that capacity. five. Since the II-lC tends to be know why a fifly percent innTa,;e wa,; jll,;tifiabk. We ,;Iated Applications for faculty com­ An example: I was inter­ brand-new each year, however, that we wanted to know whv th(~ nwmlwr,; of the ,;tlldent mittee positions close today, viewed for the curriculum com­ there may be no personal interest hOIl,;e,; didn't get thi" information Iwfore any ae!ion wa" which means the IHC should mittee last year.
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