International Conference on Narrative the Swissôtel Chicago, March 5 Through 8
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International Conference on Narrative The Swissôtel Chicago, March 5 through 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Program Overview 4 Acknowledgements 5 The International Society for the Study of Narrative 6 Awards: Call for Nominations 2016 Perkins Prize Nominations 7 Best Graduate Student Essay 8 Keynote Speakers John Brenkman 9 Caitlin Fisher 10 Thomas Pavel 11 Swissôtel Chicago Event Center Maps 12 Schedule 13 Index 60 PROGRAM OVERVIEW Thursday 7:30 – 8:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 AM Contemporary Narrative Theory I March 5 10:15 – 11:45 AM Concurrent Session A 12:15 – 1:15 PM Pedagogy Brownbag 1:15 – 2:45 PM Concurrent Session B 3:00 – 4:30 PM Concurrent Session C 4:45 – 6:15 PM Concurrent Session D 6:30 – 8:00 PM Newcomers’ Dinner 8:00 – 9:30 PM Plenary – John Brenkman 9:30 – 11:00 PM Opening Reception Friday 7:30 – 8:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 AM Concurrent Session E March 6 10:15 – 11:45 AM Concurrent Session F 12:00 – 1:00 PM Graduate Student Lunch 1:00 – 2:30 PM Concurrent Session G 2:45 – 4:15 PM Plenary – Thomas Pavel 4:30 – 6:00 PM Concurrent Session H Saturday 7:30 – 8:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 AM Concurrent Session I March 7 10:15 – 11:45 AM Concurrent Session J 12:00 – 1:30 PM Awards Lunch 1:30 – 3:00 PM Concurrent Session K 3:15 – 4:45 PM Plenary – Caitlin Fisher 5:00 – 6:30 PM Concurrent Session L 9:00 – 1:00 AM Narrative Party and Dance Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast 9:00 – 10:30 AM Concurrent Session M March 8 10:45 AM –12:15 PM Concurrent Session N 12:30 – 2:00 PM Contemporary Narrative Theory II 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Host Proposal Review Committee Purdue University Calumet Antje Anderson, Hastings College (NE) Alice Bell, Sheffield Hallam University University Sponsors Shalyn Claggett, Mississippi State Univesity Northwestern University Michael Ginsberg, Northwestern University The University of Chicago David Gorman, Northern Illinois University The University of Illinois at Chicago Christopher Kilgore, University of Texas Press Sponsors Arlington Duke University Press Magali Michael, Duquesnne University The Ohio State University Press Edward Maloney, Georgetown University The Scholar’s Choice Kelly Marsh, Mississippi State University Taylor and Francis Bill Nelles, University of Massashusetts The University of Chicago Press Dartmouth The University of Nebraska Press Ruth Page, University of Leicester The University of Wisconsin Press Laura White, University of Nebraska Wayne State University Press Kristianne Vaccaro, Westminster College John Benjamins Publishing Website Design Conference Coordinator Mark Mabrito, Purdue University Calumet Daniel Punday, Purdue University Calumet Conference Program Steering Committee Michael Dobberstein, Purdue University Calumet Michal Ginsburg, Northwestern University Frances Ferguson, University of Chicago Visual Design Jules Law, Northwestern University Yueqi Zhang, Purdue University Calumet Daniel Punday, Purdue University Calumet Graduate Student Conference Assistants Joseph Tabbi, University of Illinois at Chicago Jonita Davis Hosting Committee Purdue Calumet Tiffany Dewell Karen Bishop-Morris, Purdue University Jessica Groen Calumet Chris Kuiken Renee Conroy, Purdue University Calumet Daniel Punday, Purdue University Calumet 5 THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF NARRATIVE The International Society for the Study of has been held at sites across the United States, Narrative (ISSN) is a nonprofit association of Canada, and Europe. At each conference, ap- scholars dedicated to the investigation of nar- proximately 350 speakers address issues of rative, its elements, techniques, and forms; its narrative from a variety of positions and per- relations to other modes of discourse; and its spectives. power and influence in cultures past and pres- There are currently approximately a thou- ent. sand members in ISSN, and new members are “Narrative” for us is a category that may always welcome. Membership in the Society include the novel, epic poetry, history, biog- includes a subscription to Narrative (winner raphy, autobiography, film, the graphic arts, of the 1993 award for Best New Journal from music, performance, legal writing, medical the Council of Editors of Learned Journals), case histories, and more. as well as to the Society’s newsletter, which The Society sponsors the International Con- contains information about the annual con- ference on Narrative each year. The first con- ference, MLA sessions, the online discussion ference was held at Ohio State University in group, and other activities. For more informa- 1986, and in subsequent years, the meeting tion about the ISSN, please visit our web site at: Executive Board Executive Committee Executive Council President: Susan Lanser, Brandeis University Frederick Luis Aldama, The Ohio State University, 2013-2015 First Vice President: Brian McHale, The Ohio State University Liesbeth Korthals Altes, University of Second Vice President: Jan Alber, University Groningen, the Netherlands, 2013-2015 of Freiburg Paul Wake, Manchester Metropolitan Past President: Richard Walsh, York University University, 2014-2016 Secretary-Treasurer; Editor, Narrative: Jim Kay Young, UC, Santa Barbara and the Phelan, The Ohio State University Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 2014-2016 Conference Liaison: Alan Nadel, University of Kentucky Amy J. Elias, University of Tennessee, Electronic Communications Coordinator: Knoxville, 2015-2017 Edward Maloney, Georgetown University Sue J. Kim, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 2015-2017 6 AWARDS: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 2016 Perkins Prize Nominations announced at the Austin MLA Convention in 2016, and the prize will be presented at the Established in 1994, the Perkins Prize hon- Narrative Conference in Amsterdam in June ors Barbara Perkins and George Perkins, the 2016. founders of both The Journal of Narrative Technique and the Society itself. The prize, To nominate books with a copyright date awarded to the book making the most signifi- of 2014, please send an email with “Perkins cant contribution to the study of narrative in a Prize” in the subject line to the Chair of the given year, consists of $1,000 plus a contribu- judging committee: Richard Walsh (richard. tion of $500 toward expenses for the winning [email protected]). Publisher, third-party, author to attend the Narrative Conference and self-nominations are appropriate. Please where the award will be presented. indicate in the email whether the publisher, the author, or the Chair of the judging com- The Perkins Prize is conceived as a book mittee is to be responsible for ensuring that prize rather than an author prize. Thus all books are sent to the judges. Copies of books books on the topic of narrative, whether ed- must be sent to each of the three judges. The ited collections, collaboratively written books, deadline for nominations and for receipt of or monographs, are eligible to compete. If an books by the judges is June 1, 2015. edited collection or collaboratively written book is selected, the prize goes to the editor(s) Books should be sent by authors or their or the collaborators. The winner of the com- publishers directly to each of the three mem- petition for books published in 2014 will be bers of the judging committee. Judging Committee Richard Walsh Henrik Skov Nielsen Dept. of English Centre for Fictionality Studies & Related Literature Institut for Æstetik og Kommunikation University of York Aarhus Universitet Heslington, York YO10 5DD Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7 UK Bygn. 1485 / lokale 318 8000 Århus C Robyn Warhol Denmark 36 Larch Rd. South Burlington VT 05403 USA 7 AWARDS: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Best Graduate Student Essay All graduate students who present papers at the conference are in- vited to compete for the prize for the best graduate student essay. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be encouraged to expand the winning paper for consideration by Narrative. In addition, the 2015 award winner will be eligible for $500 toward expenses to attend the 2015 conference. Submit papers electronically as attachments (Word or PDF) to both of the judges: Amy Elias ([email protected]) and Sue J. Kim (sue_kim@ Papers must be received by April 1, 2015. Papers must be unrevised conference presentations. While formatting changes, cor- rection of typos, and the addition of a Works Cited page are accept- able, changes to the substance of the argument are not. 8 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Presentation title: John Brenkman is Distinguished Professor of comparative litera- ture and English at the CUNY Graduate Center and Baruch College, World and where he also directs the U.S.-Europe Seminar. His publications in- clude Culture and Domination, Straight Male Modern: A Cultural Critique Novel of Psychoanalysis, and The Cultural Contradictions of Democracy: Politi- cal Thought since September 11. He is currently working on a study of Henry James’s late novels. Professor Brenkman’s work on the theory of the novel includes “Innovation: Notes on Nihilism and the Aesthet- ics of the Novel” (The Novel, Volume 2: Themes and Forms, 2007), “On Voice” (Essentials of the Theory of Fiction, 2005), and several essays for the journal L’Atelier du roman. He was a founding editor of the journal Social Text and edited the literary magazine Venue. He is a senior fel- low of the School of Criticism and Theory. 9 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Presentation title : Caitlin Fisher is associate professor in the Department of Film and Canada Research Chair in Digital Culture at York University. Immersive Professor Fisher’s primary research investigates the future of nar- rative through explorations of interactive storytelling and interac- Storyworlds tive cinema in Augmented Reality environments. Dr. Fisher is a and Future co-founder of the Future Cinema Lab, dedicated to the exploration of new stories for new screens, and director of the Augmented Re- Fictions ality Lab in the Faculty of Fine Arts at York.