Undergraduate A-level Equivalencies COUNTRY QUALIFICATION AAA AAB ABB N/A International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma 32 with 666 at HL 32 with 665 at HL 32 with 655 HL European Baccalaureate 84% with 9 in relevant subjects 80% 77% Study Group Royal Holloway International Foundation Year 75% 70% 65% Cambridge Education Group Foundation Programme (CATS, OnCampus) AAA (Major modules) AAB (Major modules) ABB (Major modules) University of London International Foundation Programme (Also offered by Oncampus butDisctinction different (70%) grading system) Merit (65%) Merit (65%) David Game College A overall B overall B overall Bellerbys College 75% 70% 65% BTEC D*D*D* with AAAAA D*DD with AAABB DDD with AAABBB Please check directly with the Admissions team by emailing All other foundation programmes
[email protected] Azerbaijan Students require foundation N/A Austria Reifezeugnis/Maturazeugnis 1 1.5 2 Bahrain Students require foundation N/A Bangladesh Students require foundation N/A Belgium 8/10 or 18/20 8/10 or 17/20 7/10 or 16/20 Certificate D Enseignement Secondaire Superieur or Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs Brazil Students require UK foundation N/A Brunei Students require UK Foundation N/A Bulgaria Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie 5.7 5.6 5.5 Canada Canadian High School Diploma 85%+ 83% 80% Chile Students require UK Foundation N/A China Students require UK Foundation N/A Colombia Students require UK Foundation N/A France Baccalaureat 14/20 13/20 13/20 Ghana Students require UK Foundation N/A Germany Abitur 1.3 1.5 1.7 Greece average