Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education http://www.orbcre.org Tiao J. Chang, PhD, Executive Director 147 Stocker Center, Ohio University Athens, OH 45701 Tel: 740-593-1462; Email:
[email protected] The Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education (ORBCRE) has actively participated in the discussion of the Ohio River Basin Alliance (ORBA, previously Summit and Initiative). Indeed, we have published and provided the white paper for the Columbus meeting (http://www.ohio.edu/orbcre/news/WhitePaperforORBA.pdf; February 23-25, 2010). In further response to ORBA’s drive, we held a retreat at Ohio University (June 18-19, 2010) to discuss what ORBCRE can do to be an integral part of the ORBA for enhancing the general mission and achieving the common goal. The two-day retreat, participated by the executive committee members (http://www.ohio.edu/orbcre/gov/index-2009.html), has made a good progress that is summarized in the following. Inputs provided by guest participants, Ms. Amy Sharp of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mr. Alan Vicory of ORSANCO, Mr. Tim Lohner of AEP, Mr. Joel Allen of USEPA, and Ms. Jeanne Wilson of Senator’s Brown’s Office are gratefully acknowledged. Summary. The following is a brief list of our attributes, strengths and accomplishments that will assist the ORBA’s drive in meeting its goals. • We facilitate a peer to peer interaction in the academic realm. • We have convening authority regarding research and education efforts in the basin. • Applied research expertise with knowledge of emerging environmental and water resources engineering problems focused on the Ohio River Basin.