February 14, 2020 In This Issue ESSEESSENGERNGER M Serving the Diocese of Covington, Kentucky since 1926 Special Section: Marriage and Weddings pages 11-18 2 Deacon candidates installed as lectors 2 Priests’ Continuing Education Day 3 Obituary: Father Josiah Booth 10 Waxed culinary creations at Bishop Brossart High School 21 Obituary: Sister Mary Paulla Henneken, OSB Father Gerald Thatcher photos Reinersman, pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Cold Candlelight Mass draws young Spring, celebrates the Candlelight Mass adultstoholiness, fellowship for the young Young adults reminded those present of the growing Church in their midst. adults at Divine from around The Diocese’s Young Adult Ministry, a ministry of the Office of Mercy Parish, the Diocese of Catechesis and Evangelization, hosted a social following Mass with Moving? Wrong address? Bellevue, Feb. 7. Covington gath- food and drinks in the hall beneath the church. Call the circulation desk, ered Feb. 7 for a The next young adult event will be a Fat Tuesday Feast at Buona (859) 392-1570 monthly Candlelight Mass at Divine Mercy Parish, Bellevue. Father Vita Pizzeria, Ft. Mitchell, Feb 25, 6:30 p.m. Live music will be provid- Gerald Reinersman, pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Cold Spring, was the ed by Will and Catie Panagakos. celebrant. The event was well attended and small children’s voices The next Candlelight Mass will be March 6 at 7 p.m. Bishop’s Schedule . .3 Commentary . .4 People and Events . .8 Join the
[email protected] Saint Snippet . .9 Allegra Thatcher cific concerns to lawmakers. It is hoped that this year an even Entertainment .