
Defender Knight, , Warrior Protect others from harm through bravery and service.

Brands: U.S. Army or Greenpeace Explorer Seeker, Wanderer Learn what’s constant in life by always changing your environment

Brands: North Face or Jeep Thrill Seeker Gambler, , Adventurer Achieve great rewards through great risks.

Brands: X Games or Mountain Dew Achiever Athlete, Hot Shot, Strongman Prove yourself through amazing acts.

Brands: Nike or Ford Traditionalist Conservative, Old School, Restore the world through a return to old-fashioned values.

Brands: Wendy’s or Procter & Gamble Nurturer Mom, Mother Earth, Healer Help others feel loved by providing for their needs and wants.

Brands: Campbell’s or Volvo Connector Networker, Politician, Talker Make things happen by knowing the right people.

Brands: Facebook or Linkedin Artist Creative, Creator, Craftsman Create something of enduring beauty and value.

Brands: Adobe or Lego Philosopher Sage, Prophet, Guru Help people understand the world by seeing things from a different perspective.

Brands: Calvin Klein or Nikon People: Dreamer Magician, Sorcerer, Wizard Help people achieve supernatural experiences by promoting transformational faith and wonder.

Brands: Disney or Rock Band Motivator Mentor, Preacher, Promoter Achieve amazing goals by getting people excited about a cause.

Brands: Truth, (RED) or MoveOn.org Ruler King, Leader, Father Lead people to a common destination through confdence, determination, and infuence.

Brands: Rolex or Daniel’s Maverick Rebel, , Rogue Achieve freedom from the establishment through defance, disobedience, and nonconformity.

Brands: Harley Davidson or Virgin Everyone Average Joe, Bond with others by being humble, hard-working, and friendly.

Brands: Miller High Life or Sonic Entertainer , Jester, Performer Make friends (and avoid making enemies) through humor and fun.

Brands: Hulu or Doritos Bad Guy, , Vampire Satisfy internal drives or passions through whatever means necessary.

Brands: Hot Topic Intellectual Sage, Genius, Expert Find the truth through research, objectivity, and diligence.

Brands: Ask.com or MIT