Arctic and North. 2011. № 4 (November) 1 UDK [332.14+338.532.61](985)(045) The Russian region policy in the Arctic in the XX−ХХI centuries: problems of strategic continuity © Timoshenko Albina, senior scientific worker of sector social- economic history of the Institute of History SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Ph. D. in History. Priority re- search topics: social and economic history of Siberia, including the Arctic territories, government regional policy. Contact phone: 8-383-333-81-80, 8-913-772-54-60. E-mail address: timoshen-
[email protected]. Abstract The report considers problems of continuity in the Russian state’s policy towards the Arctic region and the Northern Sea Route. Traced the main strategic directions of the state interests in the northern territories in the twentieth century and expansion them to XXI century, associated with the preservation of the Russian Federation the status of a major Arctic power. In the regional Arc- tic policy is permanent, regardless of changing political regimes. Keywords: Russia, Arctic, policy, strategy, state interests. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has increasingly become a northern country. Ac- cording to various estimates the Arctic region, including the continental shelf, is not less than 5 million square feet. km. The length of the Arctic spaces in latitude of the Arctic Circle is measured in 7250 km coastline of the marginal seas of the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean and the Ber- ing Sea are 10,400 km, or 68% of the length of the marginal seas of Russia. Territorial comple- mented by an abundance of wealth of other natural resources, including water, energy, minerals and raw materials.