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E1290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 28, 2017 Wheat Ridge auto repair team takes pride in CICILLINE, and Mr. ZELDIN, Co-Chairs of the American Leadership Award recipients. These their ability to outperform local dealerships.’’ Congressional Portuguese Caucus, to recog- individuals are exemplary leaders who con- I applaud Seyfer Automotive for being the nize the recipients of the 21st Annual Por- tinue to inspire the next generation of Por- recipient of this well-deserved honor by the tuguese-American Leadership Awards as be- tuguese American Leaders. City of Wheat Ridge, and I congratulate them stowed by the Portuguese American Leader- f on their success. ship Council of the United States (PALCUS). HONORING CLARIBEL LOUISE f These recipients are unique individuals who have accomplished much throughout their ca- LEMM HILL AND HAROLD MIL- IN RECOGNITION OF D/F/LT. MARY reers and continue to uphold their cultural tra- LARD ‘‘BUD’’ HILL KAPP FOR HER DISTINGUISHED ditions and lead the next generation. CAREER IN THE MICHIGAN Receiving the Leadership in the Arts Award, HON. MIKE THOMPSON STATE POLICE DEPARTMENT Ms. Ana Ventura Miranda founded the Arte In- OF CALIFORNIA stitute on April 11, 2001, an organization dedi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DEBBIE DINGELL cated to promoting Portuguese culture, high- Thursday, September 28, 2017 OF MICHIGAN lighting multiple aspects of Portuguese art in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluding literature, music, dance, and film. This Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Thursday, September 28, 2017 institute serves as a platform for Portuguese I rise today to honor Clair and Harold Hill upon the occasion of their one-hundredth birthdays. Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to artists to connect and showcase their work in Clair was born on August 14, 1917 and Harold recognize Detective 1st Lieutenant Mary Kapp New York. In 2011, Ms. Ventura Miranda or- ganized the first New York Portuguese Short was born September 16, 1917. for over 33 years of distinguished service to Clair and Harold were born and raised in the Michigan State Police Department. She Film Festival showing a total of twenty films, providing Portuguese film directors an oppor- Chico, California where they graduated from has worked tirelessly to help keep Michigan Chico High School. They were married on communities safe through her career as a law tunity to share their work. Receiving the Leadership in Scholarship September 4, 1938. Harold enlisted in the enforcement officer. United States Air Force during World War II, Lieutenant Kapp has served in the Michigan Award, Dr. Francisco Cota Fagundes of the serving from December 1943 to January 1946. State Police Department since the 1980s. University of Massachusetts Amherst is in his He attended radar school, and they moved to Prior to becoming a trooper, she was an ath- thirty-ninth year of teaching. Dr. Fagundes’s Boca Raton, Florida where he worked as a letic trainer in Lansing; she chose to pursue studies are focused on contemporary Por- radar instructor. In 1956, Clair and Harold her dream career as a police trooper after the tuguese literature, specifically of the Por- moved to Santa Rosa, California, where they Michigan State Police Department dropped its tuguese North American diaspora. At the Uni- have lived ever since. height requirement. She has served in various versity of Massachusetts Amherst, he is a Pro- Harold started a successful insurance busi- capacities at the Michigan State Police De- fessor of Spanish and Portuguese Studies. Dr. ness and Clair became an artist. She sold her partment, including as commander of the Mon- Fagundes has also written over thirty books beautiful landscape paintings all around roe Post, as administrative leader of the Mon- and numerous articles on a wide array of top- Sonoma County. She also started a popular roe Area Narcotics Team and Investigative ics. Receiving the Leadership in Entrepreneur- costume rental business, designing and sew- Services, as a law enforcement officer over- ship Award, Ms. Maria Lawton ‘‘the Azorean ing the costumes herself. They have three seeing Detroit casinos and as leader of the Green Bean’’ is known for her authentic, Azor- daughters, Patricia, Janet and Barbara, nine Downriver Area Narcotics Organization. The ean cooking. With her popular cookbook Azor- grandchildren and seventeen great-grand- initiatives and programs implemented by Lieu- ean Cooking: From My Family’s Table to children. Their home is a gathering place for tenant Kapp has helped to make Michigan Yours, Ms. Lawton continues her quest to family, friends and neighbors who enjoy their communities safer to live and work in. Throughout her tenure, Kapp has been a recreate her family recipes for everyone to warm hospitality. Clair and Harold have been valuable mem- tireless advocate for drug reform and commu- enjoy. Receiving the Leadership in Education bers of our community and have served as nity outreach, especially to high school stu- Award, Mr. Alan Tenreiro is the President of strong mentors to our young people. Clair vol- dents. She was named the 2016 Prevention Mt. Saint Charles Academy, a Catholic Junior unteered with the P.T.A., Campfire Girls and Person of the Year by the Michigan Preven- and Senior High School located in the 4–H Club. Harold was a member of the tion Association, in honor of her work collabo- Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Over the years, Lions Club and Elks Club. For many years, he rating with local organizations and coalitions. Mr. Tenreiro has been recognized for his lead- volunteered in an elementary school class- Successful programs ran by Kapp include the ership work as a principal. During his tenure at room and as an after school mentor for chil- Downriver Anti-Trafficking Coalition, Stop Un- Cumberland High School, the school saw a dren who needed extra support. derage Drinking and Drugs Coalition, and reg- significant rise in test scores, major drop in Clair and Harold have enjoyed watching ular visits to local high school classrooms. disciplinary issues, and an increase in the their family expand and have continued to de- Kapp is committed to educating community amount of advanced placement classes of- velop their interests and skills. Clair was an members about substance abuse and aided fered. avid flower gardener and was active in the the department in collecting over 990 pounds Receiving the Leadership in Community Redwood Garden Club. She is a talented cook of prescription drugs in 2016. She has per- Service Award, Ms. Rosa Leal is the Founder and baker. Harold enjoys growing vegetables, formed the critical work of ensuring that Michi- & President of the Daughters of Portugal. Ms. and reading and writing poetry. He is a lifelong gan residents remain safe at great personal Leal is the founder and main organizer in the golfer, hitting a hole-in-one at the age of 98. risk. She is loved in our community, and her Mineola Portugal Day Parade. This year she Mr. Speaker, Clair and Harold Hill have led hard work and expertise will be missed. was honored as the Grand Marshal of the Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me long, wonderful lives. Their service during event. In addition, Ms. Leal also serves as the in honoring Detective 1st Lieutenant Mary World War II, entrepreneurial spirit and lifelong Vice President of the New York Portuguese- Kapp for her service to the state of Michigan. community service epitomize what Tom American Leadership Conference. She has helped make the community safer Brokaw has called the Greatest Generation. It Receiving the Young Portuguese-American through her work and outreach. is therefore fitting and proper that we honor ‘‘Promessa’’ Award, Mr. Adam Costa is also a them on their one hundredth birthdays this f 2017 United Kingdom Fulbright Scholar recipi- year. HONORING THE 2017 PORTUGUESE ent. As a graduate of Bridgewater State Uni- f AMERICAN LEADERSHIP AWARD versity in 2017, Mr. Costa will be using his RECIPIENTS Fulbright Scholarship to begin a master’s pro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION gram in politics abroad in England at the Uni- HON. JIM COSTA versity of Manchester. He will continue his HON. KATHERINE M. CLARK OF CALIFORNIA comparative research which he started at OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bridgewater State on youth violence reduction IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES programs. Thursday, September 28, 2017 Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that we Thursday, September 28, 2017 Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today along ask our colleagues to join us in recognizing Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, with my colleagues, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. and honoring the 21st Annual Portuguese- I was regrettably detained and missed Roll VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Sep 29, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28SE8.008 E28SEPT1 September 28, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1291 Call vote number 538. Had I been present, I More so, we encourage you to adopt a more KATHRYN BARGER, would have voted no. comprehensive measure, such as H.R. 3440, Supervisor, Fifth Dis- the DREAM Act of 2017, sponsored by Reps. trict. f Ros-Lehtinen (R–FL) and Roybal-Allard (D– f MIKE STITES CA). This bipartisan bill would create a path- way to permanent legal status for students IN MEMORY OF MR. ALTO ‘‘BUD’’ and military service personnel who call the ADAMS, JR. HON. ED PERLMUTTER United States home. In doing so, this more OF COLORADO comprehensive measure would communicate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that students’ and veterans’ efforts to work HON. THOMAS J. ROONEY Thursday, September 28, 2017 hard, protect our nation, graduate from col- OF FLORIDA lege, and find meaningful and gainful em- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr.