THOMUTLULUTTUS009822321B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10) Patent No. : US 9 ,822 , 321 B2 Rantanen -Kolehmainen et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent : Nov . 21 , 2017

(54 ) GASOLINE COMPOSITIONS AND METHOD ( 56 ) References Cited OF PRODUCING THE SAME U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS ( 71 ) Applicant: OIL OYJ, Espoo (FI ) 4 ,398 , 921 A 8 / 1983 Rifkin et al. ( 72 ) Inventors : Leena Rantanen -Kolehmainen , Porvoo 6 , 113 ,661 A 9 /2000 Germanaud et al. (FI ) ; Päivi Aakko - Saksa , Porvoo (FI ) ( Continued ) (73 ) Assignee : NESTE OYJ, Espoo (FI ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS DE 102010017818 AL 8 / 2011 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this EP 1 900 794 A2 3 /2008 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued ) U .S .C . 154 (b ) by 91 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21 ) Appl. No. : 14 /572 , 860 Bielansky P et al : “ Catalytic cracking of oil to high octane gasoline and olefins” , Chemical Engineering and Processing, ( 22 ) Filed : Dec . 17, 2014 Elsevier Seuoia , Lausanne, CH , vol . 49 , No. 8 , Aug . 1 , 2010 . (65 65 ) Prior Publication Data (Continued ) US 2015 / 0144087 A1 May 28, 2015 Primary Examiner — Long T Tran (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Buchanan Ingersoll & (30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data Rooney PC (57 ) ABSTRACT Sep . 11, 2011 (FI ) ...... 20110300 Gasoline fuel and method of making and using it . The fuel comprises from 5 to 20 vol. - % paraffinic hydrocarbons (51 ) Int. Ci. originating from biological oils, fats , or derivatives or com CIOL 10 / 02 (2006 . 01) binations thereof. Further, it comprises oxygenates , such as F02B 43 /02 (2006 . 01 ) ethanol present in a concentration of about 5 to 15 vol .- % ; (Continued ) or iso - butanol present in a concentration of 5 to 20 vol. - % , ( 52 ) U .S . CI. preferably about 10 to 17 vol. - % ; or ETBE present in a ??? ...... CIOL 10 / 02 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C10G 3/ 52 concentration of 7 to 25 vol. - % , preferably about 15 to 22 (2013 . 01 ) ; C10G 45 / 58 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C10G vol. - % . The content of the gasoline is at least 14 47/ 00 ( 2013 .01 ) ; Energy equivalent percentage (Eeg - % ) calculated based on (Continued ) the heating values given in the European (58 ) Field of Classification Search Directive 2009 /28 / EC . By means of the invention , fuels with CPC ...... YO2P 30 / 20 ; YO2P 30 /42 ; YO2P 30 / 446 ; a high bioenergy content are provided which can be used in C10G 2300 / 1011 ; C10G 1/ 002 ; conventional gasoline - fuelled automotive engines. (Continued ) 4 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

European test at -7 °C 0 . 020 - European test at - 7 °C MPF * MPFI AFSI 0 .018 A FSI OFFV O 0 .016 OFFV A A 0 . 014 AAAA Euro 5 limit at - 7 °C 0 .012 A HC(g/km) PM(g/km) 0. 010 0 . 008 O Euro 5 limit at O 0. 006 nomai temp. 0 . 004 0 0. 5 A 00 og modno 0 . 002

0 ,0 17 Euro 5 limit at normal temp- - . ------0 .000 0. 0 2 . 0 4 . 0 6 .0 8 .0 10 . 0 12 .0 14 . 0 0 .00 0 . 02 0 . 04 0 . 06 0 .08 0 . 10 0 . 12 CO ( g / km ) NOx ( g / km ) US 9, 822 , 321 B2 Page 2

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Fig . 3 US 9 , 822, 321 B2 GASOLINE COMPOSITIONS AND METHOD bons derived from renewable sources while still meeting OF PRODUCING THE SAME stringent exhaust emission limits . It is another object of the invention to provide a method of reducing the emissions of an automotive engine of one or BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 more pollutants selected from the group consisting of Field of the Invention unsaturated and aromatic compounds compared to combus The present invention relates to gasoline compositions ting a conventional fuel based on fossil hydrocarbons. These and other objects of the invention and benefits suitable as automotive fuels . In particular, the invention associated therewith will become evident from the following concerns gasoline compositions containing hydrocarbons 10 detailed description of the invention . derived from renewable hydrocarbon sources and methods The present invention is based on the finding that a of producing such gasolines . The present invention also gasoline fuel containing increased proportion of components relates to a method of reducing the emissions of one or more derived from renewable sources can be formulated by incor pollutants , selected from the group consisting of unsaturated porating paraffinic hydrocarbons originating from biological and aromatic compounds, such as diolefines and benzene , 15 . oils, fats or combinations thereof, optionally together with from an automotive engine . oxygenates into a hydrocarbon fuel composition . Description of Related Art Particularly suitable hydrocarbons originate from a pro Ethanol is the dominant liquid globally at present. cess wherein a feed of biological oils , natural fats or This is at least partly because it is readily available . The combinations thereof is hydrotreated in a hydrotreating step most common process for producing bioalcohols (i . e. alco - 20 and optionally isomerised in an isomerisation step . hols obtained from renewable sources ) is by fermentation of The paraffinic and optionally isomerized hydrocarbons a sugar - type feedstock using yeast. Alternative routes for are blended with other, in particular fossil derived hydro converting various to bioalcohols include ther - carbons and optionally co - blended with oxygenates to pro mochemical processing , for example gasification vide a gasoline fuel composition . followed by alcohol synthesis , or gasification followed by 25 The use of the novel gasoline provides for a method of fermentation using anaerobic bacteria . reducing the emissions of an automotive engine of one or There are a number of studies on the effects of low more pollutants selected from the group consisting of diole concentration ethanol additions on exhaust emissions. Etha fins and benzene compared to combusting a fuel containing nol generally has a positive impact on CO and HC tailpipe hydrocarbons derived only from fossil sources . emissions. Conversely , NO , emissions tend to increase when 30 More specifically, the present gasoline composition ethanol is added to gasoline . The ozone - forming potential according to an exemplary aspect includes : paraffinic hydro tends to increase with ethanol/ gasoline blends due to the carbons originating from biological oils , fats , or derivatives increased evaporative , acetaldehyde and NO , emissions of combinations thereof, and oxygenates. The ethanol content of fuel does not generally influence The method of producing a gasoline fuel composition benzene and 1 , 3 - butadiene emissions . Particulate matter 35 according to an exemplary aspect includes : providing a first emissions from gasoline - fuelled cars are typically low . The gasoline component; providing a second paraffinic gasoline major drawback of adding ethanol to gasoline is an increase component comprising paraffinic C2 to C14 hydrocarbons in emissions of acetaldehyde , which is classified as a harm originating from biological oils , natural fats or combinations ful " air - toxic ” substance . A catalyst can efficiently remove thereof, optionally obtained after hydrogenation of said oils , aldehyde emissions, but not in all conditions, for example 40 fats or combinations thereof; providing an oxygenate ; and during a cold start. blending the first gasoline component, the second gasoline The European Union requires biofuels to achieve at least component and the oxygenate to produce a gasoline fuel a 10 % share of transport energy by 2020 , and even higher composition containing a concentration of oxygen not shares are being attempted regionally . exceeding 5 mass % ; and at least 14 % of Energy equivalent The use of ethanol in conventional gasoline cars is 45 of said C2 to C14 hydrocarbons. The use of the gasoline for generally limited to 10 - 15 v / v % (vol . - % , approx . 7 - 10 as an reducing emissions according to an exemplary aspect energy equivalent percentage ) due to technical restrictions . includes: a ) introducing into said automotive engine a gaso Fuels with an oxygen content higher than approx . 4 m / m % line comprising paraffinic hydrocarbons originating from are not necessarily compatible with conventional spark - biological oils, fats or derivatives or combinations thereof, ignited cars . Today, higher ethanolblending ratios are there - 50 and oxygenates or a gasoline produced by providing a first fore possible only by using Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV ) gasoline component; providing a second paraffinic gasoline technology designed to use any proportion of, for example , component comprising paraffinic C2 to C14 hydrocarbons ethanol and gasoline in the blend . originating from biological oils , natural fats or combinations Present conventional cars will, however, continue to take thereof , optionally obtained after hydrogenation of said oils , the major share of gasoline car fleets for the next 10 to 20 55 fats or combinations thereof; providing an oxygenate ; and years at least, and it is therefore necessary to establish and blending the first gasoline component, the second gasoline assess alternative biocomponent options for them . component and the oxygenate to produce a gasoline fuel composition containing a concentration of oxygen not SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION exceeding 5 mass % ; and at least 14 % of Energy equivalent 60 of said Cyto C14 hydrocarbons ; b ) combusting the gasoline It is an aim of the present invention to eliminate at least in said engine ; c ) introducing at least some of the resultant some of the problems relating to the known technology and engine exhaust emissions into a catalytic converter ; and d ) to provide new gasolines using renewable components hav - discharging emissions from the catalytic converter to the ing a high bio - share in the gasoline and good compatibility atmosphere . with conventional cars 65 Considerable advantages are obtained by the invention . It is a further aim of the invention to provide a novel Thus , the present invention provides for fuels with a high gasoline fuel, which is at least partially based on hydrocar- bioenergy content which can be used with conventional US 9 ,822 ,321 B2 gasoline - fuelled cars . As the results discussed below show , “ originate from ” in practice is used synonymously with the bioenergy content of gasoline can be increased to up to “ obtained from ” or “ obtainable from ” . 30 % for use with conventional gasoline - fuelled car engines , In another preferred embodiment, the oxygenates are which are not necessarily compatible with a fuel oxygen selected from the group of alcohols and ethers ; preferably content higher than approximately 4 m / m % . 5 the oxygenates are selected from the group of lower ali Use of lower alcohols , such as ethanol, isobutanol or phatic alcohols , such as ethanol, n - or i -propanol , n - or n -butanol , or tertiary alkyl ethers , such as ETBE , or blends i -butanol , or from the group of tertiary alkyl ethers , such as of these together with renewable hydrocarbon components ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE ) and tertiary amyl methyl in gasoline , as discussed herein , does not harmfully impact ether ( TAME ) . emissions from conventional cars. " It should be noted that, as a gasoline component, butanol On the contrary , combinations of a renewable component in its isomeric forms has many advantages over ethanol : with oxygenates indicate a reduced exhaust toxicity when higher energy content, lower vapour pressure , lower phase compared with fossil fuel. separation risk and being less aggressive towards materials . Gasoline range bio -hydrocarbons of the present kind are There are some differences between the isomers of butanol , advantageous since they are fully compatible with conven - 15 for example the octane numbers of isobutanol are higher tional gasoline , cars and current infrastructure . than those for n - butanol. Next the invention will be examined more closely with Ethanol can be further converted into ethyl- tertiary - butyl the aid of a detailed description and with reference to the ether (ETBE ) by catalytic reaction with isobutylene, which attached drawings. 20 at present is a fossil feedstock . Similarly , methanol is BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS processed to methyl - tertiary -butyl - ether MTBE( ) . Both ETBE and MTBE have excellent fuel properties as gasoline FIGS. 1A and 1B show CO , HC , NOx and particulate components , for example high octane numbers, low vapour matter emissions levels of cars and the respective Euro 5 pressures, no phase separation risk and good performance limit values at -7° C . and at normal temperatures ; 25 with materials . As gasoline components , ethers are preferred FIGS . 2A and 2B show the difference in absolute terms over alcohols ( change g /km ) between biofuels and non - oxygenated fossil In the present context, ethyl tertiary butyl ether, isobuta fuel . 1 , 3 -butadiene and benzene emissions are compared nol and ethanol are particularly preferred oxygenates . with non - oxygenated fossil fuel over the European test cycle Thus, in one particular embodiment, the oxygenate is at - 7° C . , and FIG . 3 shows the risk factors for exhaust toxicity calcu 30 selected from lated from the regulated and unregulated emissions with ethanol which may be present in a concentration of about biofuels in comparison with fossil fuel . European test cycle 5 to 15 vol. - % ; or at - 7° C . isobutanol which may be present in a concentration of 5 3535 to 20 vol . - % , preferably about 10 to 17 vol. - % ; or DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED ETBE which may be present in a concentration of 7 to 25 EMBODIMENTS vol. - % , preferably about 15 to 22 vol. - % ; or a combination two or three of the above components . The present invention relates to gasoline fuels which In a preferred embodiment, the concentration of oxygen is comprises in combinations paraffinic and optionally isomer - 40 5 mass % at maximum , preferably about 0 . 1 to 4 . 5 mass % . ized hydrocarbons ( i. e . alkanes ) originating from biological The percentage is calculated from the total mass of the oils , fats or derivatives or combinations thereof, and oxy - composition . genates. The fuel according to any of the preceding exemplary As will be discussed in greater detail below , the hydro - aspects , wherein a bio -hydrocarbon component is incorpo carbons may be derived from a raw -material selected from 45 rated into the fuel composition , preferably in combination plant oils , plant fats , animal fats and animal oils , algae , yeast with oxygenates, has a significant bioenergy content. Pref and mould , and mixtures thereof. Examples of particularly erably , the bioenergy content is at least 14 Energy equivalent suitable biological oils and fats include fish fats and fish oils , percentage ( Eegv - % ), in particular, it is about 15 to 35 Eq % . rapeseed oil, colza oil , canola oil , tall oil, sunflower oil, The Energy Equivalent percentage is calculated based on the soybean oil, hempseed oil, olive oil, linseed oil , mustard oil , 50 heating values given in the European Renewable Energy , peanut oil, castor oil, oil, lard , tallow , train Directive 2009 /28 / EC . oil or fats contained in milk , recycled fats of vegetable and In a particular embodiment, a gasoline fuel composition is animal origin derived from the food industry , and mixtures provided which exhibits , in combination , of two or more of these raw -materials . an octane value ( R + M ) / 2 of at least 85 ; In a preferred embodiment, the concentration of the 55 a total aromatics content of 35 vol . % at maximum and paraffinic and optionally isomerized , or at least partially less than 0 . 5 mass % of benzene ; isomerized , hydrocarbons originating from biological oils , a vapour pressure of 6942 kPa ; fats or derivatives or combinations thereof in the fuel ranges a concentration of oxygen not exceeding 5 mass % ; and from 5 to 20 vol. - % , preferably from about 10 to about 15 at least 14 % of Energy equivalent of paraffinic and vol. - % , calculated from the total volume of the fuel. The 60 isomerized or at least partially isomerized C2 to C14 energy content obtained by the incorporation of the hydro hydrocarbons, in particular Cz to C12, typically C5 to carbons will be discussed below . C12 hydrocarbons, originating from biological oils , In the present context, the term " originate from ” is used natural fats or combinations thereof. to designate the source of the hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons It has been found that the novel fuels produce low are obtained from the indicated source or feedstock by 65 emissions of diolefins and benzene. This provides for a suitable processing , in particular suitable chemical process method of reducing the emissions of an automotive engine ing , as will be explained below in more detail . Thus, the term of one or more pollutants selected from the group consisting US 9 ,822 ,321 B2 5 of diolefins and benzene compared to combusting a fuel containing hydrocarbons derived only from fossil sources , Formula I. Structure of triglyceride which comprises the steps of a ) introducing into the automotive engine a gasoline com prising paraffinic and optionally isomerized hydrocarbons 5 originating from biological oils , fats or combinations thereof, and oxygenates ; b ) combusting the gasoline in the engine ; c ) introducing at least some of the resultant engine exhaust emissions into a catalytic converter ; and 10 d ) discharging emissions from the catalytic converter to the atmosphere . Preferably , the present fuels as used in an automotive In Formula 1, R1, R2 and Rz are alkyl chains . Fatty acids engine selected from multi- point 1 injectioninjection engines (MPFIMPED ) foufound in natural triglycerides are almost solely fatty acids of and direct- injection engine ( FSI) , both capable of consis - 15 even carbon number. Therefore R ,, R2, and Rz typically are tently using a fuel containing a maximum of 4 mass % C - C23 alkyl groups, mainly C11 -C19 alkyl groups and most oxygen or less . typically Cis or C17 alkyl groups . R1, R2, and Rz may The present hydrocarbon composition comprises gener contain carbon - carbon double bonds. These alkyl chains can ally or even consists of or consists essentially of C , to C14 be saturated , unsaturated or polyunsaturated . hydrocarbons. In one embodiment , the compositions are 20 The natural fat used in the invention is typically an animal based on Cz to C12 , typically C5 to C12 hydrocarbons, in or plant fat or oil (here , oils are defined as fats ) selected another the compositions comprise or consist of or consists from : the lauric - group (C12 to C14) including essentially of light hydrocarbons such as aliphatic C2 to Cg milk fats , as well as , palmseed oil, babassu oil , hydrocarbons. muscat butter oil , laurel seed oil ; from the In a preferred embodiment, the present hydrocarbons 25 group ( C ) including earth animal fats, as well as palm oil contain virtually no unsaturated compounds ( at least 95 vol. - % , preferably at least 98 vol. - % ) of the hydrocarbons and stillingia tallow ; the group ( C18) including are paraffinic . fats of earth animals, as well as cocoa butter, and In another preferred embodiment, a part, preferably a Borneo tallow ; the oleic and group ( unsaturated significant part of the hydrocarbons are isomerized 30 C18 ) including whale and fish oils as well as tall oil ( fatty (branched ) paraffines/ alkanes . In particular , at least about 15 acid fraction ), rapeseed or canola oil , olive oil , peanut oil , vol. - % , suitably at least 40 vol. - % , advantageously at least sesame oil, oil , sunflower oil , poppy seed oil, cotton 50 vol .- % , typically at least 75 vol. - % are branched , calcu seed oil and soy oil; the linolenic acid group (unsaturated lated from the total volume of the hydrocarbons . In practice , C1818 ) further including linseed oil, perilla oil and oil ; the proportion of such isomerized paraffines in the present 35 the erucic acid group (unsaturated C22 ) including whale and hydrocarbon composition derived from the biological oils or fish oils as well as rapeseed oil and mustard seed oil ; the fats or combinations thereof can be as high as 80 vol. - % or e leostearic acid group (conjug . unsaturated C18 ) including even higher (85 to 95 vol. - % ). The remaining part of the whale and fish oils as well as Chinese wood oil ; and fats with paraffines are typically linear (unbranched ) . substituated fatty acids ( ricinoleic acid , C18 ) such as castor The boiling point range of the present hydrocarbon com - 40 oil . Suitable oils or fats are also Jatropha seed oils as well as position falls into the range stipulated for gasolines . Typi- fats and oils originating from processes using microbes , cally it is from about 40 to about 220° C ., in particular about such as algae , bacteria , yeasts and moulds . 50 to 200° C ., for example about 60 to 150° C . Derivatives of natural fats include mono - or diglycerides The present hydrocarbons originate from biological oils , of C10 to C2g fatty acids , C10 to C28 fatty acids, C10 to C28 natural fats or combinations thereof. In particular, the hydro - 45 fatty acid anhydrides, non - glyceride Co to Cze fatty acid carbons are produced from biological oils , natural fats or esters , C1o to C , fatty alcohols, Co to C2, fatty aldehydes combinations thereof by a process explained in more detail and Coto C2 , fatty ketones . The Co to C2, fatty acids, their below . mono - and diglycerides , as well as their anhydrides are The feedstock may comprise or consist of or consist typically prepared by hydrolysis of the corresponding tri essentially of various oils and / or fats originating from bio - 50 glyceride. The non - glyceride C1o to C23 fatty acid esters are logical and renewable sources , for example fats and oils mainly prepared from the triglycerides by transesterification . originating from plants and /or animals and /or fish and/ or The Co to C28 fatty alcohols , aldehydes and ketones are insects and compounds derived from them as well as oils and prepared by reduction , usually by hydrogenation , of the fats and oils obtained from microbiological processes . Said corresponding fatty acids. oils and fats typically comprise or consist essentially of 55 The derivatives of natural fats also include any of the C10 -C24 fatty acids, derivatives thereof, such as esters of aforementioned natural fats and derivatives , the hydrocar fatty acids as well as triglycerides of fatty acids or combi- bon chain of which has been modified e . g . by substitution , nations of thereof. Fatty acids or fatty acid derivatives , such branching or saturation . as esters may be produced via hydrolysis of said oils and fats The natural fats or derivatives thereof can be provided in or by their fractionalization or transesterification reactions of 60 pure form or as part of a feedstock containing other com triglycerides or by microbiological processes utilizing algae ponents . Preferably , the feedstock contains at least 20 % by or microbes , such as yeasts , molds or bacteria . weight, more preferably at least 30 % by weight, in particular The basic structural unit of said oil or fat is a triglyceride , at least 40 % by weight, of pure natural fat or fatty derivative . but typically also diglycerides and free fatty acids are Contaminating metals may be removed from the feedstock comprised therein . Triglyceride is a triester of glycerol with 65 e. g. by treatment with mineral acids. Phosphorus which three fatty acid molecules , having the structure presented in mostly occurs in the form of phosphatides may be removed the following formula I : by degumming , and the amount of free fatty acids may be US 9 ,822 ,321 B2 reduced e. g. by dry distillation or steam stripping. Finally , previously discussed deoxygenation and hydrocracking the raw material may be bleached or deodorized or both . steps, is isomerised , a product is obtained having greatly The triglycerides can also be prehydrogenated in order to improved octane number. reduce unsaturation , sulphur and nitrogen content. Isomerisation of the hydrocarbons obtained can be carried A hydrocarbon composition for use in the present gasoline 5 out at a temperature between 100 and 500° C ., preferably fuel compositions can be obtained from the above biological between 150 and 400° C ., in particular at 200 to 300° C . The fats feedstock by various processes . Thus, in a first embodiment , the feedstock is subjected to pressure can be in the range of 1 and 20 MPa , more deoxygenation step . preferably between 2 and 15 MPa, in particular between 2 Herein , by “ deoxygenation ” is meant partial or complete 10 and 10 MPa . removal of oxygen from the molecules of the above -men Isomerisation of the hydrocarbons is preferably carried tioned triglycerides, fatty acids, fatty acid analogues or out in the presence of a catalyst based on a hydrogen transfer derivatives. The deoxygenation operation may involve , for component and an acid component. Advantageously , the example , hydrogenation (reaction with hydrogen ) , hydroly hydrogen transfer (hydrogenating and / or dehydrogenating ) sis (reaction with water ) , decarbonylation ( removal of car- 15 component is a transition metal selected from Groups 5 - 10 bonyl as carbon monoxide ) and /or decarboxylation (removal of the Periodic Table ( IUPAC 1990 ) , more preferably of carboxyl as carbon dioxide ). selected from Ni, Pd , Pt, Co , Mo and V , and most preferably Products of a deoxygenation step comprise aliphatic C . to is platinum . The acid selected from chlorinated alumina and C28 hydrocarbons, preferably aliphatic Cu to C24 hydrocar protonated 10 - and 12 -membered zeolites, even more pref bons, more preferably aliphatic C11 to C20 hydrocarbons, in 20 erably selected from protonated PSH - 3 , Beta - and MCM -22 particular aliphatic C15 to C18 hydrocarbons . zeolites. Most preferably the acid component is protonated According to one embodiment, which is discussed in mordenite , protonated beta - zeolite or protonated ZSM - 12 . more detail in WO 2010 /043765 , the contents of which are The preferred transition metal content of the catalyst used herewith incorporated by reference, deoxygenation using in isomerization is 0 .01 to 5 wt. - % , preferably 0 . 1 to 1 carbon monoxide as a reducing agent include a temperature 25 wt. - % . from 150 to 350° C . and a pressure from 0 .1 to 150 bar . With regard to the combined steps of deoxygenation , Preferably the temperature is from 200 to 300° C . The hydrocracking and isomerization as processing steps of a pressure is preferably from 1 to 100 bar. A metal or metal feedstock comprising biological oils , fats and derivatives carbonyl complex can be used as a catalyst, in the latter case , the pressure ranges preferably from 2 to 100 bar. Deoxy - 30 and combinations thereof reference is made to US Patent genation is typically carried out in the presence of water . The 30 Application Publication No . 2011 /0015459 , the contents of molar amount of water used is + 25 mol % with respect to the which are herewith incorporated by reference . molar amount of carbon monoxide used . Carbon monoxide Based on the above , according to one preferred embodi is used in an amount corresponding to at least the stoichio ment, the isomerized hydrocarbons of the present fuel origi metric amount calculated from the oxygen content of the 35. hanate ( in particular they are obtained ) from a process wherein feedstock . a feed of biological oils , natural fats or combinations thereof Advantageously , the reaction conditions in the deoxygen is hydrotreated in a hydrotreating step and isomerised in an ation step are selected so as to maintain the feedstock and the isomerisation step . products in liquid phase . A typical reaction time is typically In particular, the present isomerized hydrocarbons can be between 1 and 30 hours . 40 derived from a natural fat or derivative thereof by a process The products of a deoxygenation step are aliphatic C , to involving the steps of C28 hydrocarbons, preferably aliphatic Cu to C24 hydrocar providing a natural fat or derivative thereof; bons , in particular aliphatic Cu to C20 hydrocarbons, typi deoxygenating said natural fat or derivative thereof to cally aliphatic Cys to C18 hydrocarbons. yield an aliphatic C , to C28 hydrocarbon ; C , to C28 hydrocarbons obtained from deoxygenation 45 hydrocracking said aliphatic C , to C28 hydrocarbon thus typically exhibit low amounts of unsaturation and heteroa obtained to yield a product comprising an aliphatic C2 tom impurities . Such hydrocarbons are especially suitable to C14 hydrocarbon ; for hydrocracking to form lower hydrocarbons. Optionally isomerising said aliphatic C2 to C14 hydrocarbon thus the hydrocracking is carried out after a purification step . obtained into an isomerised aliphatic C2 to C14 hydro In hydrocracking aliphatic light hydrocarbons are formed 50 carbon composition , and such as gasoline. Thus , it is preferred to produce by the recovering said isomerised C2 to C14 hydrocarbon . hydrocracking step aliphatic C to C14 hydrocarbons, such as Above, the provision of a bio -hydrocarbon component aliphatic C2 to Cg hydrocarbons, i. e . light gasoline . from biolobiological oils , fats and derivatives and combinations Hydro - cracking is a cracking process which uses a cata thereof is described with particular reference to processing lyst, hydrogen pressure and moderate temperatures. Hydro - 55 primarily aiming at producing light hydrocarbons , such as cracking mainly differs from thermal and catalytic cracking gasoline , from said feedstock . It should be pointed out that in that its product contains relatively little olefins and suitable gasoline fractions are also obtainable by other aromatics . Furthermore , harmful heteroatom ( S and N ) process . For example , a suitable product is obtained from compounds are in the hydrocracking step reduced by hydro - BTL hydroprocessing as a side product of the main product gen into less harmful derivatives , such as HS and NH4 + , 60 stream comprising renewable diesel. or optionally removed . This is advantageous, because suitable process is disclosed in US Patent Application unsaturation may lead to unwanted by - products and heteroa - Publication No . 2007 / 0010682 , the content of which is tom impurities may disturb the actual cracking reactions . herewith incorporated by reference. The process for manu An aliphatic C , to C , hydrocarbon originating from a facturing diesel range hydrocarbons comprises the steps of hydrocracking step or otherwise provided is preferably 65 hydrotreating a feed and isomerising it , wherein a fresh feed isomerised in order to refine it into a high - quality light fuel. containing more than 5 wt % of free fatty acids and at least When a C2 to C14 hydrocarbon obtained , e. g ., after the one diluting agent are hydrotreated at a reaction temperature US 9 ,822 ,321 B2 10 of 200 to 400° C . , in a hydrotreating reactor in the presence tanes , isooctane and cyclopentane , along with some aro of catalyst. The ratio of the dilution agent to fresh feed is matic compounds, such as ethylbenzene , derived from fossil typically 5 - 30 : 1 . sources . The maximum concentration of aromatics in the Just as was the case in the process discussed above , the final gasoline composition is 35 vol. - % , in some embodi hydrocarbons are preferably subjected to isomerization is 5 ments about 27 to 35 vol. - % . carried out which causes branching of the hydrocarbon chain In one embodiment, the conventional hydrocarbons are and results in improved performance of the product oil at isomerized , low - aromatic linear and cyclic paraffins. low temperatures . The isomerisation produces predomi nantly methyl branches . The severity of isomerisation con EXAMPLES ditions and choice of catalyst controls the amount of methyl 10 branches formed and their distance from each other and Materials therefore cold properties of bio diesel fraction produced . The product obtained from the hydrotreatment step is isomerised The fuelmatrix included 13 biofuels and one fossil fuel . under isomerisation conditions with an isomerisation cata - The test fuels represented different bioenergy contents , lyst . 15 oxygen contents and fuel chemistries ( Table 1) . Fuels , In the isomerisation step , the pressure varies in the range except E85 market fuel, were match - blended using fossil of 20 to 150 bar, preferably in the range of 30 to 100 bar and gasoline refinery components and gasoline biocomponents . the temperature varies between 200 to 500° C ., preferably Fuels were analyzed by Neste Oil (Porvoo , Finland) . between 280 and 400° C . The biocomponents used in fuel blending were ethanol, Isomerisation catalysts known in the art can be used . 20 isobutanol, n -butanol , ETBE and a bio - hydrocarbon com Suitable isomerisation catalysts contain a molecular sieve ponent. A paraffinic , and oxygen - , aromatic - and sulphur and / or a metal selected from Group VIII of the Periodic free , Neste Oil Renewable gasoline component was chosen Table and /or a carrier . Preferably , the isomerisation catalyst to represent liquid bio -hydrocarbons from different pro contains SAPO - 11 or SAPO - 41 or ZSM - 22 or ZSM - 23 or cesses . This biogasoline component is a hydrotreated veg ferrierite and Pt, Pd or Ni and A1, 0 , or SiO2. Typical 25 etable oil product (HVO ) manufactured from vegetable oils isomerization catalysts are , for example , Pt/ SAPO - 117 and animal fats using Neste Oil ' s NEXBTL hydroprocessing A1 ,02 , Pt/ ZSM - 22 / A1, 0z, Pt/ ZSM - 23 / A1, 0 , and Pt/ SAPO - technology . The main product of the NEXBTL technology 11 /SiO2 . Most of these catalysts require the presence of ions renewable diesel, but renewable gasoline is typically hydrogen to reduce the catalyst deactivation . formed as a side product. With regard to the NEXBTL By the above process , an isomerised product, which is a 30 technology , reference is made to US Patent Application mixture of branched hydrocarbons and preferably branched Publication No . 2007/ 0010682 . paraffins boiling in the range of 180 - 350° C . , the diesel fuel The test fuel matrix was divided into two sets : high range, and having one carbon atom less than the original oxygen containing fuels ( oxygen content 6 to 30 m / m % ) fatty acid chain , is obtained . Additionally some gasoline is and low - oxygen containing fuels ( oxygen content 0 to 4 also produced having a boiling range of about 40 to 220° C ., 35 m / m % ) . and that gasoline is suitable for use in the present invention . Five high - oxygen containing fuels were tested only with Further , the present invention also provides a method of the FFV car. The low -oxygen fuel matrix contained nine producing a gasoline fuel composition , which comprising fuels and was tested using both conventional cars and the the steps of FFV car. Oxygen - free fossil hydrocarbon gasoline was used providing a first gasoline component; 40 as a reference fuel in both sub -matrices . providing a second paraffinic gasoline component com - The bioenergy content of the biofuel was a major param prising paraffinic and optionally isomerized C , to C14 eter in the fuel matrix . Bioenergy as an energy equivalent hydrocarbons originating from biological oils , natural percentage ( E % ) was calculated using the lower heating fats or combinations thereof; values (LHV in MJ/ 1 ) , given in the European Renewable providing an oxygenate ; and 45 Energy Directive 2009 /28 / EC , for both biocomponent and blending the first gasoline component, the second gaso fossil gasoline , and the analyzed biocomponent concentra line component and the oxygenate to produce a gaso - tions for each fuel blend. line fuel composition containing a concentration of Fossil energy was substituted with 7 to 56 E % bioen oxygen not exceeding 5 mass % ; and at least 14 % of ergy . Three bioenergy substitution levels ( 7 , 14 and 21 Energy equivalent of said isomerized C2 to C14 hydro - 50 Eeq % ) were used . The 7 Eeq % bioenergy level represented carbons. currently used biocomponents, ethanol ( 10 v / v % ) and The step of providing a second paraffinic gasoline com - ETBE (22 v / v % ), whereas the 14 Eeg % level represented ponent preferably comprises hydrotreating in a hydrotreat - either butanol or bio - hydrocarbon alternatives in concentra ing step and isomerising in an isomerisation step a feed of tions of 15 - 17 v / v % . The highest bioenergy level, 21 Eq % , biological oils , natural fats or combinations thereof. 55 was designed to represent both oxygenated and non - oxy As indicated above , the present gasoline component genated biocomponent alternatives. The 21 Eeq % bioenergy derived from a biological oil or natural fat of the above level was achieved either by adding 15 v / v % non - oxygen indicated kind makes up some 5 to 20 vol. - % , preferably ated bio -hydrocarbon ( 14 Eeq % ) to the oxygenated com from about 10 to about 15 vol. - % , of the total volume of the ponent or purely by increasing the fuel' s oxygenate content . fuel; and the oxygenate correspondingly 5 to 25 vol. - % . 60 Market fuel E85 represented the highest bioenergy substi Together, the bio -gasoline and oxygenate represent some 15 tution value , 56 E . % . to 40 vol. - % of the fuel . The remaining portion of the fuel, When fuels were blended , their aromatic contents, den i. e . 55 to 90 vol. - % , preferably 60 to 85 vol. - % , is formed by sities , sulphur contents and vapour pressures were kept as the conventional gasoline . constant as possible . The aromatic content of the high The conventional gasoline (above “ first ” gasoline com - 65 oxygen content fuels was 16 - 21 v / v % , whereas the low ponent) can be a conventionalmix of alkanes, straight chain , oxygen containing fuel aromatics were 27 - 35 v / v % . The branched and cyclic (5 to 12 carbon atoms ), such as hep benzene content was below 0 .5 m /m % in all fuels . The US 9 ,822 ,321 B2 11 12 density of all blended fuels was 740 to 756 kg/ m² . The higher than that of conventional, naturally aspirated engines. sulphur contents of all fuels were below 10 mg/ km . The performance of the FFV car was optimised for fuel The vapour pressure of the gasolines was 69 : 2 kPa , containing 85 % ethanol. except for the market E85 fuel ( 35 kPa ). Research Octane The tests were carried out with fourteen fuels and three Numbers (RON ) were within the measuring range of the 5 cars at - 7° C . In general, three replicate tests were carried ASTM D2699 method with low -oxygen containing fuels , out with each fuel and car combination . Fuels containing whereas the RON value of the high -oxygen containing fuels more than 4 . 0 m / m % oxygen were tested only with the FFV must be considered only indicative . Motor Octane Numbers car . Two fuels , eth ( 7 ) and nB ( 15 ), were excluded from the (MON ) in both fuel sets were from 86 to 92 and within the test matrix with the MPFI car. ASTM D2700 method measuring range . The E85 ( 56 ) was 10 Methods commercial grade fuel, and its octane numbers were not Tests were carried out in the engine and vehicle emissions measured . Typically , commercial grade E85 fulfils the test laboratory at VTT , Finland . Cars were tested on a Swedish standard SS 155480 , with the RON around 104 and chassis dynamometer in a climatic test cell . All equipment the MON around 88 . used for the measurement of the regulated gaseous emis Fuels were labelled using the biocomponent abbreviation 15 siosions ( exhaust dilution and collection , concentration analy and the corresponding bioenergy content of the blend . For sis , etc .) conforms to the specifications of the Directive example , E + eth ( 19 ) fuel is an ethanol ( E ) and ETBE (eth ) 70 / 220 / EEC and its amendments ( European test ) . In addi tion , several parameters were recorded at one - second inter blend with a bioenergy content of 19 E % . The abbrevia vals , e . g . speed , carbon monoxide (CO ) , total hydrocarbons tions iB , nB and R were used for isobutanol, n -butanol and 20 (HC ) and nitrogen oxides (NOx ). The dynamometer and the Renewable gasoline component, respectively . The generally basic equipment used for recording the test parameters are recognized labelling E10 , E30 and E85 was used for etha described in Table 2 . nol- containing fuels representing approximately 10 , 30 and The standardized tests were run according to the Euro 85 v / v % ethanol . pean exhaust emissions driving cycle . The true oxygen 25 contents and densities of the fuels were used in the calcu TABLE 1 lation of the results. Test fuels TABLE 2 Bioenergy Volume Oxygen LHV Eeg % V / v % m / m % MJ/kg 30 Test facilities for regulated emissions High oxygen content Chassis dyno Froude Consine 1. 0 m , DC , 100 kW Constant volume sampler AVL CVS 160 LD , Venturi- type E85 ( 56 ) 56 29 .8 28. 9 CO , HC , NOX , CO2 Pierburg AMA 2000 , triple bench E30 ( 20 ) 20 11. 3 38 .2 E + eth ( 19 ) 19 10 . 3 38 . 4 35 iB + eth ( 20 ) 20 36 7 . 3 40 . 1 A high -capacity sampler was used to collect a sufficient iB ( 21) 21 25 5 .8 40 . 9 mass of particles (cf . Kokko , J . , Rantanen , L . , Pentikainen , Low oxygen content J ., Honkanen , T. , Aakko , P. and Lappi, M ., “ Reduced Par Fossil ( 0 ) 00 . 1 43 . 6 ticulate Emissions With Reformulated Gasoline ” , SAE E10 ( 7 ) 33 . 77 41. . 44 40 TenTechnical Paper 2000 -01 -2017 , 2000 ) . iB ( 14 ) 3 .8 41. 6 The diluted exhaust gas for individual hydrocarbon analy nB ( 15 ) 4 . 0 41. 5 eth ( 7 ) 3 .5 41 . 5 sis was collected from the same Tedlar bags that were used R ( 14 ) O 43 . 4 for measurement of the regulated emissions . The diluted R + E (22 ) +oo 41 . 4 exhaust gas was drawn from those bags and fed to the gas R + eth ( 21 ) 3 . 4 41 . 6 chromatograph . The hydrocarbons from C1 to C8 from R + iB ( 28 ) ANNOtiune 3. 8 41. 5 diluted exhaust gas were speciated using an HP 5890 Series a E = ethanol, eth = ETBE , iB = isobutanol, nB = n - butanol, R = renewable component. II gas chromatograph ( AL203 , KC1/ PLOT column) Hydro Number in parenthesis indicates fuel bioenergy content as Eegy % . carbons were identified by retention times , and analyzed bVolume of ethanol, i- butanol, n - butanol, ETBE and renewable component quantitatively using an external standard method . The Experimental work was carried out with three cars : a 501hydrocarbons analyzed were methane , ethane , ethene, pro multi - point fuel injection car (MPFI ) , a direct- injection car pane, propene, acetylene , isobutene, 1 , 3 -butadiene , benzene , ( FSI) and an FFV car. The MPFI and FSI cars represent toluene, ethyl benzene and m -, p - and o - xylenes . conventional cars , which are not necessarily compatible Risk factors for exhaust toxicity were calculated sepa with fuels containing more than approx . 4 m / m % oxygen rately for regulated and unregulated emissions . Risk factors (corresponding to some 11 v /v % ethanol) . An FFV car 55 for regulated emissions were calculated using equation ( 1 ) . tolerates high -oxygen containing gasoline, e. g . up to 85 % Risk factors for regulated emissions were calculated using ethanol. external costs for emissions defined by Directive 2009 / 33 / The MPFI car was equipped with a DOHC , 16 - valve EC for NMHC , NO , and PM . National values defined in engine including Variable Valve Timing (Dual VVT- i ) and Finland were used for CO and HC emissions . In total, variable lifting of inlet valves (Valvematic ). These features 60 external costs used in calculation were as follows: CO enable the timing of the inlet and exhaust valves to be € 29 / tonne , HC € 62 / tonne , NMHC € 1000 / tonne , NO , adjusted , and efficient adjustment of the air flow into the € 4400 / tonne and PM € 87000 / tonne . engine . This enhances the engine 's combustion efficiency and helps to improve the fuel consumption . The FSI car was “ Regulated risk factor ” = E (Fx * Ex) ( 1 ) equipped with a low -displacement engine that combines 65 F = External costs of emission , € / tonne petrol direct injection with turbocharging . This enhances the E = Emission in exhaust gas, tonne /km engine ' s combustion efficiency, giving a power outputmuch x = CO , HC , NMHC , NO , , PM US 9 , 822, 321 B2 13 14 Risk factors for unregulated emissions were calculated butadiene and benzene become the priority compounds in using equation ( 2 ) . Unit risk factors (URF ) defined by the evaluation of the unregulated gaseous emissions risk OEHHA (“ Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency factors in this study. Factors” , California Environmental Protection Agency Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde emissions were expect Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, May 5 edly higher for oxygen -containing fuels than for Fossil ( 0 ) 2009) , were as follows: 1 , 3 -butadiene 17x10 “ , benzene fuel. The highest emissions were observed for E85 (56 ) fuel, 2 .9x10 - 5 , formaldehyde 0 .6x10 - 5 and acetaldehyde 0 . 27x with acetaldehyde emissions as high as 98 mg /km and 10 -5 . Particulate matter emissions were already taken into formaldehyde emission 7 mg/ km . With low - oxygen contain account in equation ( 1 ) (URF is 30x10 - 9 for PM according ing fuels , formaldehyde emissions were below 2 mg/ km and to OEHHA ). 10 acetaldehyde emissions below 4 mg/ km . The level of form aldehyde emissions was higher for the butanol - containing “ Unregulated risk factor " = > (URF * c) , (2 ) fuels than for fuels containing ethanol or ETBE . Acetalde URF =Unit risk factor (OEHHA , 2009) , (ug / m3 ) - 11 hyde emissions were at their highest with ethanol- and / or c = Concentration in exhaust gas , ug /m ETBE -containing fuels . x = Formaldehyde , acetaldehyde, benzene and 1 , 3 - butadi - 15 Emissions of 1 , 3 - butadiene were below 3 . 6 mg/ km for all ene fuels and cars. Typically , 1 , 3 -butadiene emissions for bio The total risk factors for exhaust toxicity for each fuel fuels were lower than or at the same level as for the Fossil ( 0 ) were calculated as the sum of the normalized factors for fuel, but with some exceptions . Higher 1 , 3 - butadiene emis regulated and unregulated emissions . The factors for regu sions were observed for iB ( 14 ) with the MPFI car, and lated and unregulated emissions were normalized separately , 20 nB ( 15 ) with the FSI and FFV cars . so the factor for Fossil ( 0 ) fuel is 1 for each car. This However, and importantly, when same amount of isobu compensates for emissions levels from different cars . tanol as in the iB ( 14 ) fuel was blended with renewable As regards calculation of HC emission for the FFV car, it hydrocarbon ( R + iB ( 28 ) ) , 1 , 3 - butadiene emissions decreased should be noted that total hydrocarbon emissions are mea - compared with Fossil ( 0 ) fuel in all three cars. As would be sured with a flame ionisation detector ( FID ) . In addition to 25 expected , this was also seen in the fuel risk factor calcula hydrocarbons , all carbon - containing compounds , as well as tions , as will be examined below . oxygenates, give a response with an FID . This matter is FIGS. 2A and 2B show 1, 3 - butadiene and benzene emis discussed by Sandström -Dahl , C . , Erlandsson , L ., Gåsste , J . sions compared with non - oxygenated fossil fuel over the and Lindgren , M . , " Measurement Methodologies for Hydro - European test cycle at - 7° C . ; the difference is indicated in carbons , Ethanol and Aldehyde Emissions from Ethanol 30 absolute terms ( change g /km ) between biofuels and non Fuelled Vehicles ” , SAE Technical Paper 2010 - 01 - 1557 , oxygenated fossil fuel . 2010 . The results indicate that the combination of the renewable The FFV car model tested requires special adaptation to gasoline component with oxygenates in gasoline has a the fuel. Instructions received from the manufacturer beneficial effect on the formation of 1 ,3 -butadiene in included driving in on - road conditions before precondition - 35 engines. ing on a chassis dynamometer. The FSI car had the highest benzene emissions at around Results 20 mg/ km . With the MPFI and FFV cars, benzene emissions Regulated emissions from MPFI, FSI and FFV cars over were below 10 mg/ km with the exception of E85 (56 ) fuel, the European test cycle at - 7° C . are shown in FIGS . 1A and which resulted in benzene emissions as high as 17 mg/ km 1B . Euro 5 limit values for light- duty vehicles are also 40 regardless of the low benzene content of the fuel. presented . The stability of two cars was screened by mea - The risk factors for exhaust toxicity were calculated suring one of the test fuels at the beginning and at the end separately using regulated and unregulated emissions. The of the two -month measuring period . The stability of the cars risk factor based on unregulated exhaust emissions toxicity was relatively good , with only the CO and HC emissions was evaluated by calculating the weighted sum of the from the FSI car increasing to some extent . 45 1 , 3 -butadiene , benzene , formaldehyde and acetaldehyde Generally, CO and HC emissions were relatively low for emissions . Particulate matter and NOx emissions were the all cars when compared with Euro 5 limits at - 7° C . CO most important regulated emissions affecting the unregu emissions were well below the limit of 15 g/ km at – 7° C . HC lated risk factor. emissionsmet the limit value of 1 . 8 g /km in cases other than Most biofuels had total exhaust toxicity risk factors lower the E85 ( 56 ) /FFV combination . CO and HC emissions from 50 than or similar to those of fossil fuel for all cars tested ( FIG . all three cars were rather similar, whereas NOx and PM 3 ). This applies to fuels containing ethanol, isobutanol, emissions were more diverse . NOx emissions for all cars ETBE and/ or renewable components . were regarded as relatively low , taking the measurement The risk factor calculated using regulated emissions was temperature ( - 7° C . ) into account. PM results varied from 3 less sensitive to emissions changes between fuels than was to 17 mg/ km , and were car -dependent . 55 the unregulated emissions toxicity risk factor. Notable risk As regards unregulated emissions it should be pointed out factor differences were therefore seen only with the unregu that formaldehyde , acetaldehyde , 1 , 3 -butadiene and benzene lated risk factor , with some exceptions in the regulated are considered carcinogenic to humans by inhalation . The emissions risk factor. combined effect of these emissions was therefore evaluated E85 (56 ) fuel was clearly more noxious than fossil gaso using risk factor calculations as explained earlier in the 60 line , with a significantly higher overall exhaust toxicity risk method section . factor ( 3 . 2 vs. 2 . 0 ) . This was mainly due to acetaldehyde , The unit risk toxicity factors , defined by OEHHA , give benzene and PM emissions. When the ethanol content of the 1 ,3 -butadiene the highest unit risk among the unregulated fuel was reduced from 85 to 30 v /v % , the exhaust toxicity compounds measured in this study . For benzene the unit risk risk factor diminished . is lower than for 1 , 3 -butadiene , but higher than for the 65 Two fuels were better than the others in diminishing aldehyde species . When the levels of emissions of these toxicity calculated using the emission risk factor. On the one compounds in exhaust gases are taken into account, 1 , 3 - hand , fuel containing a renewable gasoline component and US 9 ,822 ,321 B2 15 16 ETBE ( R + eth (21 ) ) had a lower risk factor than did fossil fuel percentage being calculated based on the heating values ( 0 .6 -0 .7 vs . 1. 0 ) in all cars , mainly due to the lower given in the European Renewable Energy Directive 2009 / 1 , 3 -butadiene and benzene emissions . On the other hand , the 28 /2 EC . Gasoline . fuel comprising paraffinic hydrocarbons origi high -oxygen containing fuel E + eth ( 19) resulted in a dimin 5 nating from biological oils , fats , or derivatives or combina ished risk factor (0 . 6 vs. 1. 0 ) in the FFV car mainly due to 5 1tions. thereof as a concentration ranging from 5 to 20 vol. - % , the low 1 , 3 -butadiene emissions . and oxygenates as a concentration ranging from 5 to 25 The results show that there are many options for increas vol. - % calculated from the total volume of the fuel, ing the bioenergy content of gasoline by up to 30 % without wherein the paraffinic hydrocarbons originating from bio increasing the gasoline oxygen content to a higher level than logical oils , fats, or derivatives or combinations thereof can be tolerated by conventional gasoline cars . This means 10 are derived from an intermediate hydrocarbon product that various fuels with a high bioenergy content and different having aliphatic C , to C28 and derived from a natural chemistries can be used with conventional gasoline - fuelled fat or derivative thereof to yield a hydrocracked prod cars . In most cases , using ethanol, isobutanol, n -butanol , uct of aliphatic C2 to C14 hydrocarbons . ETBE or blends of these together with renewable hydrocar - 3 . The fuel according to claim 2 , wherein the aliphatic C2 bon components in gasoline does not significantly or harm - 15 to C 4 hydrocarbons are isomerized and form a hydrocarbon fully impact emissions from conventional cars . composition comprising isomerised C to C14 hydrocarbons . In particularly preferred embodiments , the combination of 4 .Gasoline fuel comprising paraffinic hydrocarbons origi a renewable component with oxygenates indicated a reduced nating from biological oils , fats , or derivatives or combina exhaust toxicity when compared with fossil fuel. tions thereof as a concentration ranging from 5 to 20 vol. - % , 20 and oxygenates as a concentration ranging from 5 to 25 The invention claimed is : vol. - % calculated from the total volume of the fuel, 1 .Gasoline fuel comprising paraffinic hydrocarbons origi wherein the paraffinic hydrocarbons originating from bio nating from biological oils , fats, or derivatives or combina logical oils , fats , or derivatives or combinations thereof tions thereof as a concentration ranging from 5 to 20 vol. - % , are a side product of a hydrotreated feedstock of and oxygenates as a concentration ranging from 5 to 252 biological oils or fats or combinations thereof which vol. - % calculated from the total volume of the fuel, wherein were hydrotreated at a reaction temperature of 200 to a bioenergy content of the fuel is at least 14 Energy 400 degrees C . in the presence of a catalyst . equivalent percentage (Eeqv - % ) , said Energy Equivalent * * * * *