User fees for parks President Trump’s ban on on cards immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries is un-American, unconsti- tutional and will not make us more safe. @SenSanders Wednesday, February 1, 2017 Issue No. 7279 Today’s Weather 200 Fils Max Min newsofbahrain 38444680 nob_bh 8P 05 22°C 15°C x US ‘deeply concerned’ about uptick in Ukraine Lawbreakers fined BD3.5 million DT News Network of crimes committed in 2016 administrative complaints and also said that the prosecution fighting
[email protected] as compared to the previous 3,373 felonies. Dr. Al Buainain dealt with cases involving 677 two years. also said that most offences underage victims last year. Washington Manama “The Public Prosecution occurred in the Capital The official underlined that an he United States he Public Prosecution recorded 117,790 offences Governorate, which recorded increase in exploiting children Thas declared itself collected more than BD3.5 last year, in comparison with 28, 449 cases. in rioting have been noticed “deeply concerned” about millionT in fines and bails 122,645 offences in 2015, with “15,984 offences took place recently. renewed fierce fighting from lawbreakers in 2016, a decrease of around 5,000 in the Northern Governorate, Speaking on recent events, Al between Russian-backed said General Attorney Dr. Ali offences,” he said. 12,071 in the Southern Buainain said that prosecution rebels and government Al Buainain during a press Data presented at the Governorate and 9,837 in is investigating the killing of forces in eastern Ukraine, conference held here yesterday.