Teach Hurst – bringing subjects to life An outstanding day I weekly I flexi I for boys and girls between 4-18 years Hurst offers a unique, fully-funded teacher training programme.

This three year programme provides high quality training, recognised across both the independent and state sectors, with extensive in-school experiences for aspirational individuals who want to explore teaching as a career path. FACTS, FIGURES AND INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE APPLICANTS

Three year training programme 5 Testimonials 10 Location 12 Facts and figures 14 Rising academic standards 15 Senior School highlights 16 Prep and Pre-Prep 21 University destinations 22 Good Schools Guide review and inspection reports 24 A WARM WELCOME TO TEACH HURST

Hurstpierpoint is a thriving independent school, with more than 1,100 pupils aged 4 to 18. The College has doubled in size during the past ten years, and made huge progress academically as well as in other areas, whether sporting, creative or in the broader aspects of education. We have a reputation for being innovative and ambitious in our approach.

Excellent staff have been key to our success. We have made a point of recruiting and training individuals, who have the potential to become outstanding teachers, straight from university or those who have had initial careers in other areas. The three-year ‘Teach Hurst’ programme is the result of a considerable investment in terms of time and money.

As you will see from the brief case studies in the next few pages, those who have been through the programme have not only enjoyed and benefited from the experience, but have also been able to rapidly progress their careers and move into positions of responsibility.

Whether your ultimate aim is to teach in an independent or state school, Teach Hurst will provide an outstanding start to your teaching career.

If this sounds like an attractive route for you, then I suggest that you meet with me and some of my colleagues to discuss further.

Tim Manly, Headmaster Innovative and ambitious in our approach Hurst is a collaborative and friendly community.

Each trainee will find themselves part of many different teams in which they will receive guidance and advice on all aspects of their role academically, pastorally and co-curricularly. ___ 05


YEAR 1: GRADUATE TEACHER (starting in September or January) Outside of the classroom you will play a part in the house During your first year as a Graduate Teacher you will be system by tutoring pupils and given a range of opportunities to experience all aspects being involved with house of teaching in a professional and vibrant school setting. activities and events. Hurst offers its students a rich In the classroom you will start by shadowing experienced extra-curricular programme classroom teachers and observing a range of outstanding of sporting, musical, practitioners across a variety of subjects and key stages. theatrical and academically Professional and regular mentoring will help you when based activities and you will you take your own classes. You will also work closely with be actively engaged in the colleagues in the department of your chosen subject area, delivery of this programme, building subject-specific knowledge and pedagogy. INSET using your own particular courses will help build confidence in, and awareness of, areas of interest and teaching and learning practices. expertise, where possible. 06 ___

The Teach Hurst programme is a fantastic and rare opportunity. Saffie Usher NQT I have felt supported and encouraged throughout the process, secure in the knowledge that I have received an outstanding teacher training. Katie Braithwaite

The well-being of each trainee is important to the College and throughout the period of training an individually assigned mentor, the Director of Professional Development & Performance and the Director of Staff & Pupil Wellbeing will have particular care and oversight of those following the programme. ___ 07

YEAR 2: PGCE Those Graduate Teachers who show commitment and the potential to develop into outstanding practitioners, will be sponsored through their PGCE year by the College. The PGCE year is a school-based course, provided by Sussex University or a similar supplier, and involves you working under, and receiving guidance from, a mentor. The teaching load will increase and you will be given further responsibility for teaching your own classes. Structured support will still be in place, in the form of weekly mentoring and observations, as will expectations of engagement with the tutor programme and extra-curricular activities. To widen your teaching experience beyond the independent sector, a placement in a state school will be organised.

YEAR 3: NQT During this year, NQTs will have greater autonomy and responsibility in their teaching, however; a safety net of mentoring, observations and INSET will remain in place.

Over the 3 years there is also an option to be involved in the Chaplaincy team in order to experience the Christian ministry.

Successful applicants will be fully-funded throughout the three year programme, which includes sponsorship of PGCE and NQT training, a starting salary of £21,500 per annum, on site accommodation (if required) and meals (term time only).

Should you leave the College within the training period or during the post qualification year, you may be expected to reimburse the College, with the amount dependent on the time that has passed. 08 ___

All trainees will be given the opportunity to spend time at Hurst in the summer term preceding their September start. This may vary from a few days to a couple of weeks, dependent on the availability of the trainee. This induction period enables trainees to become familiar with college routines and practices; to get to know their colleagues; to collect resources; and to start planning to enable them to make a flying start in September.

The programme is both the most intense and rewarding venture I’ve undertaken. You learn to not only become a teacher, but a role model and confident young professional. Phoebe Lewis, NQT ___ 09 10 ___ WHAT OUR TRAINEES SAY . . . After spending the best part of a decade on the forefront of research in theoretical physics and mathematics, I wanted to pass on my enthusiasm for these subjects to the next generation. The Teach Hurst program has enabled me to do this and more! As an on-the-job teaching program, it is second to none. I joined Hurst in the summer of 2018 and as I had several years of experience teaching at university, I moved straight into the second year of the Teach Hurst program. Not only did Hurst fund my PGCE, but they also provided excellent in-house mentoring. While my mentor and professional tutor were always on hand to provide assistance, there was a refreshing amount of autonomy, which was key in developing my own teaching style. Outside of the classroom, Hurst has certainly provided me with the opportunity to have a complete teaching experience. I manage the senior football team (which is something I thoroughly enjoy) and GRAHAM MOIR have been involved with three houses (two boarding and one day). Beyond this, and although I was only beginning my teaching career, I received incredible support in my pursuit to increase mathematical specialism within the student body. This support has resulted in me joining the management team within the maths department as the Head of Advanced Maths.

When I was in my final year of university looking at various job options I wasn’t yet set on teaching; but meeting Michelle Zeidler, who oversees the Teach Hurst programme, at a careers fair where I learnt about what teaching entails encouraged me to apply for the Teach Hurst program. I started as a Graduate Teacher in September 2017 and am currently studying for my PGCE whilst teaching a reduced timetable. The huge variety of components which make up the Teach Hurst program attracted me to the position as not only do you acquire a teaching qualification, you also get the opportunity to participate in numerous things such as tutoring, sports coaching and co-curricular activities. I have been a keen climber for years and have been lucky enough for Hurst to fund my training to become a climbing instructor. In addition, my love of British Sign Language has allowed me to not only teach it as an enrichment option for Year 9, but also as INSET sessions for teachers wanting to learn. Hurst has offered me so much over the last year and PHOEBE LEWIS a half and I really appreciate the mentoring and support the school has given me as I start my teaching career. ___ 11

Since joining Hurst in 2017, I have been delighted to discover how much I enjoy teaching and I feel privileged to have begun my career with the support of the Teach Hurst programme. From the beginning of my first year at the school, the programme has provided me with excellent support. The mentoring system and weekly observations meant that my teaching was constantly being honed and improved by other members of staff and I was able to ask questions whenever I encountered any challenges. Training alongside other junior members of staff has been incredibly helpful; it has been reassuring and enjoyable to learn from and share experiences with fellow trainees. Hurst has allowed me to grow and develop outside of the classroom; it has afforded me the ability to run and participate in a range of extracurricular activities and get involved in the pastoral side of teaching. I truly enjoy my role as a tutor in a boarding house and this has given me a fantastic CAROLE SEVILLE opportunity to get to know my students as well as possible. Now, at the end of my first year, I have confidence in my teaching ability and I am keen to embark on my PGCE with Hurst’s support. Alongside this, Hurst has given me a sense of career development and responsibility as I look forward to overseeing the Year 9 English course this year. It is a pleasure to teach in a school which has such a unique sense of community and purpose and I would thoroughly recommend the college and the Teach Hurst programme to anyone looking to begin their teaching career.

Having completed my degree in International Business, I returned to Hurst to join the Teach Hurst programme in 2017. The main aspect that drew me to Teach Hurst over a regular PGCE route was the way in which I was able to work in the classroom straight away. This may seem quite daunting, but I was supported by my mentor, Head of Department, Director of Professional Development and Performance and a large group of like-minded individuals who were also beginning their training. A vast amount of trust has been given to me by the College which has meant that I have already been given the responsibility of taking Year 13 pupils through their A level year. Following a year as a Graduate Teacher, I undertook my PGCE year. This gave me the opportunity to further expand my understanding and interest in teaching pedagogy whilst also gaining the experience of working at another school on placement. Having gained a Distinction in my PGCE, I am looking forward to further developing my teaching in my NQT year. Teach Hurst also allows you the opportunity to develop outside the classroom and I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to become involved in tutoring, coaching sports teams and working in a NICK CHADWELL boarding house. The biggest draw to the programme is that you are in a real life situation from day one and you can forge your own path. 12 ___

At the heart of the College, the Pre-Prep, Prep, Senior School and Sixth Form surround a central Academic Quad, adjacent to the key cultural and sporting facilities available within the superbly equipped, self-contained grounds.

Founded in 1849 by Nathanial Woodard, Hurst is a Church of School. The Christian ethos underpins school life but we are a diverse community; we welcome those of other faiths, or no faith, and pursue an inclusive approach in all that we do.



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Situated within a 140 acre campus, surrounded by beautiful Recent major developments countryside, the school lies on the border of the South include the completion of the Downs National Park, close to the village of new Academic Quad, with the in . new library complex opened in the Summer of 2014 and the Science, DT and Drama This superb location is also just 20 minutes from the vibrant extension block in 2015. We city and beaches of Brighton and Hove, and London train also opened a third Astroturf stations can be reached from or Haywards Heath and Multi-Use Games Area in in under an hour. September 2017. Our newest girls’ day house also opened in September 2017. Our impressive new Theatre was opened in November 2018. 14 ___


HURST COLLEGE PREP AND PRE-PREP (inc Prep and Pre-Prep) (4 -13 years)

HEADMASTER Tim Manly BA (Oxon) MSc (LSE) PGCE (Cantab) TOTAL TOTAL Tim joined Hurst College in January 2005 having formerly 1,194 356 taught at Oakham School where he was Deputy Head and, prior to that, at Sevenoaks School. During his stewardship, Hurst has evolved into a very attractive destination for families and, as a result, has grown significantly and 642 BOYS 552 GIRLS 178 BOYS 178 GIRLS changed profoundly without losing any of its core strengths in terms of characteristics and personality.

MIDDLE SCHOOL SIXTH FORM CLASS SIZES (13-16 years) (16-18 years) Middle School maximum class size: 23 Sixth Form maximum class size: 16

TOTAL TOTAL SCHOOL NUMBERS 517 320 The Pre-Prep and Prep are day schools only. Students in the Middle School (13-16 years) have the option to be day pupils, flexi boarders or weekly boarders.


Hurst’s recent pattern of A LEVEL RESULTS A*- B% year-on-year improvements at A-level continued in 2019, with 84.5% of grades awarded at either A*, A or B. 85 This outstanding 84.5% achievement has enabled 83.7% In short, the overwhelming majority 80 of Hurst leavers to take up 78.5% these results are places at their first choice universities, including 77.8% 77.8% 75 significant numbers heading superb overall 74.6% for Oxford, Cambridge and and comfortably the most selective Russell Group universities 70 the strongest 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 which our students have achieved at Hurst. RISING ACADEMIC STANDARDS Tim Manly, Hurst’s GCSE cohort beat all GCSE RESULTS A^-A* / 9-8 GRADES Headmaster previous records in 2019. 83% of all grades were between 7 and 9, which 63.9% equate to A and A* grades in the pre-reform currency. 60 63.9% of grades were 8 or 9 which are benchmarked 50 against the A* grade of the previous system. The most commonly awarded 40 43.3% (38% of all grades) GCSE 40.4% grade achieved by Hurst 32.2% 37.4% pupils was the coveted 30 30.9% grade 9, introduced by the government to identify the 20 very best students nationally. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

10 16 ___


Hurst prides itself on the wider range of co-curricular activities it offers its pupils and as such there is an expectation that all trainees will become involved with this aspect of college life. With so many activities to choose from, sporting, musical, drama, dance, service and academic, trainees have a variety of ways in which they can help to enrich the lives of our pupils. ___ 17

DANCE Dance is part of the curriculum for all Year 9 pupils, offered at both GCSE and A-Level. A variety of styles are taught from traditional to current genres. Each year an annual Dance Showcase is held.

DRAMA 20 separate productions and over 50 performances within the last 12 months ranging from West Side Story to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Many Sixth Form students have the chance to direct their own work. Pupils wrote, acted and produced their own contribution to the House Film Competition. Hurst has the oldest school Shakespeare Society in the country, with at least one major production annually. The Drama Department, in collaboration with both the Music and Dance Departments, produce Hurst’s annual Senior School Musical.

MUSIC Hurst has a choir of 150 pupils and a Chamber Choir of 20. In addition, the full School Orchestra, Jazz Band, Quartets, Baroque and various other Ensembles perform regularly in the Music School, the Chapel and at local venues. School performances include the Scholars’ Concert, Solo Music Competition, Hurst Unplugged, Jazz and Rock Concerts, Hurst’n’Brie and the hotly contested House ACADEMIC Music Competition. There are regular performances to the Hurst annually participate in the Engineering Education local community and beyond. At the end of the summer Scheme (ESS) - a STEM initiative and also undertake Gold term, the open air concert ‘Hurst’n’Brie’ is a quintessential CREST projects. Since 2016 Hurst have regularly won the Hurst event as musicians let their hair down and entertain National Science and Engineering competition. the whole school with their favourite music. Individual singing or instrumental lessons are taken by 200 pupils in the Senior School and Sixth Form. CREATIVE Most performances are staged in the College’s own ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY facilities which includes a new 300-seat Theatre, 120-seat Open Studios one evening and two lunchtimes a week, Drama Studio Theatre, 200-seat Music School, 600-seat along with Photography and Art clubs with expert staff College Chapel plus open air performance spaces. Pupils on hand to give students one to one tutorials and support. also have opportunities to perform to a wider audience Visiting artists and artists-in-residence hold workshops to in the local community. share their knowledge and inspiration with students. 18 ___

SPORT ACTIVITIES Hurst is committed to sport for all with ‘no-one left on the Weekly activities for the Fifth Form to Upper Sixth include bench’. As a result, in addition to our A & B teams, we run Community Service, Conservation, Recycling, the Hurst Farm many C, D and E teams who enjoy first class support, coaching smallholding plus many clubs and societies from Debating and full fixture cards. to Japanese. 12 Rugby teams Mixed Golf team 14 girls’ Hockey teams Other sports include Young Enterprise: Our award-winning teams work their way 14 boys’ Hockey teams Aerobics, Badminton, through every aspect of creating and running a business 16 Netball teams Basketball, Cross Country, throughout their L6 year, coming up with new and unique 11 boys’ Cricket teams Fencing, Gymnastics and products, during which time they have the opportunity to 4 girls’ Cricket teams Triathlon; there are also show their entrepreneurial flair, win awards and make a profit. 6 girls’ Tennis teams Senior and Junior Equestrian 5 boys’ Tennis teams teams, girls’ & boys’ Football Active charity fundraising, co-ordinated by the Chaplain, 2 Rounders teams teams, girls’ Rugby 7s team takes place throughout the year. Last year £22,000 was raised Boys’ Senior & Junior and Squash teams. from 50 initiatives across the College. Athletics Squad Girls’ Senior & Junior Athletics Squad Girls’ and boys’ Senior & Junior Swim Squad

ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS INCLUDE: RUGBY: 1st XV Champions Trophy in the semi final 2019; 1st VII last 12 in the Rosslyn Park 7s 2019; U16A last 4 in the Rosslyn Park 7s 2019; U15A Sussex Cup Champions 2019. NETBALL: U15 VII ISNC quarter-finalists in 2019; U14 VII national finalists, finishing 5th in 2019. BOYS’ HOCKEY: 1st XI Sussex Cup Champions 2019; U16 Sussex Cup Champions 2019; U15 Sussex Cup Champions 2019; U14 Sussex Cup Champions 2019. GIRLS’ HOCKEY: U18 last 16 in the ISHC National finals; U16 Sussex County champions; U15 last 8 of ISHC National finals; U14 Sussex County champions. BOYS’ CRICKET: Under 15s County Champions 2019. GIRLS’ CRICKET: Champions in the St George’s 6-a-side tournament 2019; U15s St George’s Weybridge hardball winners 2019; 2 girls in the County U17s and 1 girl in the County U13s. ___ 19

ACTION, ADVENTURE AND SERVICE TRIPS: Duke of Edinburgh Award: over 50 students have achieved Gold and in the past 3 years 240 students have achieved Silver. • Biology trip to Somerset and expeditions to Fiji and Combined Cadet Force (CCF): over 300 pupils involved in Madagascar Army, Navy and RAF. • Geography field trips to Iceland, Sicily, the Outdoor pursuits occur during games time and includee Azores and Switzerland include Kayaking, Mountain biking, Rock climbing, Sailing, • Classics trip to Greece Surfing and Paddle boarding. lndependent Schools’ Ski and Italy and Snowboard Champions for the last 5 years, Hurst won • Sixth Form French trip individual and team medals in all disciplines. to Nice and Spanish trip to Valladolid Hurst compete in many showjumping competitions as well • Art and Computing trip as competing in and sponsoring the annual Hurstpierpoint to Japan College National Schools and Pony Club Jumping • Dance, Drama and Art trip Championships at Hickstead. Hurst also host a Showjumping to New York competition at Hickstead for less experienced riders from local • Politics and Economics trip schools. to Washington D.C. • Independent Schools Hurst sponsor and compete in the Southern Indoor Surfing Championships, Bouldering competition. Cornwall and trip to Portugal • Sailing trip to the Solent • Community Project in Malawai and Zambia • Netball tours to Barbados and Malta • Rugby pre-season training in France and tour to South Africa • Hockey pre-season training in Belgium and the Netherlands • Ski trip to France and Canada • Independent Schools Ski Championships, France • CCF Army Summer Camp to Cornwall • Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition in South Wales The importance of an all-round education with a strong academic core can be seen in the wide range of activities: intellectual, creative and physical that the children take part in at Hurst. ___ 21


Freed from the constraints of Common Entrance our Year Physical activity is important 8s not only take subject exams but also give a formal for all and on Wednesday presentation, write an extended essay and take a general afternoons there will often paper as part of their academic year. They also have the be over 30 different teams opportunity to take part in master classes or after school taking part in matches. activities such as the Philosothon Club. Outside the normal major team sports of Rugby, For those wishing to be challenged creatively there are six Hockey, Football, Netball, dance companies covering contemporary, street and ballet. Cricket and Rounders there For music there are six different choirs, two orchestras and a is also a thriving Swim squad, number of different ensembles ranging from the traditional Cross Country team, Athletics jazz band and brass ensemble to a percussion group and squad and girls’ Cricket jazz strings. There are several major drama productions team. The benefits of being each taking advantage of the range of performance spaces associated with a Senior available and a number of children also take LAMDA lessons School also means we can or take drama as an activity on top of their weekly lessons. provide a superb outdoor Art itself is extremely popular and there are a number of pursuits program including exhibitions each year as well as the Arts week which brings weekend trips for Climbing, all the strands together in a number of formal and informal Kayaking, Wakeboarding events with the opportunity for everyone to participate. and Mountain biking. 22 UNIVERSITY DESTINATIONS 2018 AND 2019 Industrial Design andTechnology BRUNEL Medicine x2 Classical Studies BRISTOL withBusinessStudies Fashion Communication withFinance Business Management BRIGHTON Medicine Foundation BRADFORD Marketing Finance andBusiness BOURNEMOUTH Sport andExerciseSciences andInternationalRelations Political Science Political Science Physics Nursing Modern LanguagesandEnglish Medicine Mechanical Engineeringx2 International Business Chemical Engineering Biomedical Science BIRMINGHAM Songwriting BIMM Business andManagement BATH SPA andCoachingx2 Sport Management Social Sciences Relations Politics andInternational Mathematics andModernLanguagesx2 International Management withEconomics International Development Biology withprofessionalplacementx2 Accounting andFinance BATH Psychology BANGOR Real Estate ABERDEEN Spanish andPolitics Spanish andEnglish Literature Social PolicyandPolitics Psychology Relations Politics andInternational Physics Mechanical Engineering Japanese Italian andPolitics History French andSpanish French andItalian French Economics Chemistry Astrophysics EDINBURGH Psychology Drama Business Management EAST ANGLIA Theology andReligionx2 Primary Education Physics Natural Sciences andCulturesx2 Modern Languages andPhilosophy English Literature DURHAM Primary Education DERBY Aviation Management COVENTRY Sport PerformanceAnalysis Sport andExerciseScience CARDIFF METROPOLITAN Medicine andPolitics International Relations Human Geography Economics/Spanish Economics Architecture CARDIFF Veterinary Medicine Natural Sciences Mathematics x2 English CAMBRIDGE French andManagement Film Studies Economics andManagement KING’S COLLEGELONDON Criminology KENT Physics withTheoretical Chemistry IMPERIAL COLLEGELONDON Bioveterinary Science HARPER ADAMS Landscape Architecture GREENWICH Sports Management Music Business Film Production GLOUCESTERSHIRE Genetics GLASGOW Film Animation andVisual Effects FALMOUTH Theology andReligion Sociology andCriminology withIndustrialExperience Renewable EnergyEngieering Psychology withStudyAbroad Relations Politics andInternational Philosophy andSociology Modern Languagesx2 withIndustrialExperience Management withMarketing Law x2 Relations History andInternational withStudyAbroad Flexible CombinedHonours Flexible CombinedHonoursx2 English Entrepreneurship Engineering and Economics andPolitics Economics andFinance Civil Engineering withIndustrialExperiencex4 Business andManagement Biological Sciences Archaeology andAnthropology EXETER Veterinary Medicine ___ 23

Political Economy English Literature PLYMOUTH SUSSEX International Development Law Environmental Management Engineering with a year abroad Management (Sustainable and and Sustainability Genetics LANCASTER Ethical Business) PLYMOUTH MARJON Social Sciences English Literature Philosophy Osteopathic Medicine with a foundation year LEEDS NEWCASTLE QUEEN MARY, UNIVERSITY OF SWANSEA Biological Sciences x 2 Zoology LONDON Business Management (Biotechnology with Enterprise) NORTHUMBRIA Mathematics UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Business Management Engineering READING Chemistry Chemistry and Mathematics with Foundation Year Archaeology Computer Science Economics and History NOTTINGHAM Geography Russian and Spanish International Business Architectural Environment Real Estate UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS and Law Biochemsitry and ROYAL CENTRAL SCHOOL OF LONDON Management with Marketing Molecular Medicine SPEECH AND DRAMA Animation Social Policy and Crime Engineering Technical and Production UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF Spanish Financial Mathematics Management ENGLAND LEEDS BECKETT History and Politics ROYAL HOLLOWAY Business Management Sport and Exercise Science Mathematics Geography with Marketing LEICESTER Mechanical Engineering SHEFFIELD Product Design Technology Medicine Medicine x 2 Aerospace Engieering WARWICK LIVERPOOL Nutrition and Dietetics with a Foundation Year Automotive Engineering Classical Studies NOTTINGHAM TRENT Engineering Biochemistry Criminology Business Management International Relations English and Theatre Studies Management with Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Politics Materials Science Medicine Business Management Japanese Studies and Engineering LOUGHBOROUGH and Marketing Materials Science Mathematics x 2 Computer Science International Business and Biomedical Science Physics International Business x 2 with Spanish Mechanical Engineering Politics and International Studies Product Design Engineering Law with a Year in Industry YORK Psychology OXFORD Medicine Chemistry LSE Biochemistry SOUTHAMPTON Natural Sciences Commercial Management Biology Computer Science Philosophy and Quantity Surveying Chemistry Electronic Engineering Philosophy/Politics Criminology and Social Policy History and French History Politics Financial Mathematics Medicine Psychology x 2 and Statistics OXFORD BROOKES SOUTHAMPTON SOLENT Information Management Accounting and Finance Fashion Photography and Business Applied Languages with Design Foundation Year International Business Business and Marketing ST ANDREWS Mathematics and Accounting Management x 2 History Psychological and Behavioural Economics Materials Chemistry Science Economics, Finance Philosophy Psychology with Criminology and International Business x 2 ST MARY’S UNIVERSITY, Sport and Exercise Science Events Management TWICKENHAM Sport Management Film Sport and Exercise Nutrition and Coaching Interior Architecture Sports Coaching MANCHESTER Law St Mary’s, Twickenham Chemistry Marketing and Management SURREY Computer Science Media, Journalism International Hospitality with industrial experience and Publishing and Tourism Management Economics and Politics Real Estate Management Microbiology 24 ___


There are a number of guides for parents seeking objective information but many consider the Good Schools Guide to be the most authoritative. Its reports are based upon a rigorous independent appraisal, including an inspection and interviews with a range of current parents.

• The only head we’ve come across where pupils gave an audible ‘aaaah’ when asked for their views: ‘the best head; respectful of us as pupils; makes the effort and knows all our names; you can have a conversation with him’ • Pupils say the challenge grade system ‘helps you get to where you want to be’, and it certainly works, Hurst is in the top 10% nationally for value added. • Parents choose Hurst because they feel it provides something more than an academic education: The Good School’s Guide ‘We want (them) to do well academically but not as report is available an expression of everything else, we want them to on their website: be brought on as people’. Seen, then, as a holistic educational experience by parents. and on the Hurst website: • A parent told us this is not a school for those who want to fly under the radar and just get to the end of their school days: ‘the thing you do at this school is engage A SUMMARY FROM THE - it can be anything, there are endless opportunities’ INSPECTION REPORT, MAY • ‘Pupils are well taught and achieve their academic 2019 by the Independent potential’, said a parent. Schools Inspectorate: ‘It does its core purpose brilliantly’, said another • A strong here with separate houses • The quality of pupil’s for day pupils and boarders. A parent described their academic and other achievements is excellent child’s house as ‘a refuge, not just a place to leave books’ • Pupils have outstanding

attitudes to learning, There are lots of parenting workshops, and the views of working hard and parents on teaching and pastoral care are sought regularly: showing resilience ‘the level of engagement with parents is excellent’, said one. • Pupils develop high levels ‘I feel totally a part of the school’. ‘School go out of their of knowledge, skills and way to explain what they are doing so they can incur understanding across all support’, said another. areas of learning. ___ 25

• The Quality of pupil’s personal development is excellent THE INSPECTION REPORT CONFIRMED THAT HURST MEETS • Individualised support from teachers, who know the pupils ALL THE NATIONAL MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR SCHOOLS extremely well, ensures that work is tailored to their needs WITH RESIDENTIAL PROVISION ON THE FOLLOWING • At both GCSE and A Level, standardised measures of CRITERIA: progress indicate pupils make excellent progress • Pupils outstanding attitudes to learning are evident in • Quality of education provided lessons and beyond • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils • Throughout the school there is a tangible and marked • Welfare, health and safety of pupils positivity among pupils • Suitability of staff, supply staff, and proprietors • The school provides a wealth of extra-curricular activities • Premises of and accommodation at schools in which pupils receive excellent coaching from staff who • Provision of information have high levels of expertise • Manner in which complaints are held • Pupils are highly effective decision makers • Quality of leadership in and management of schools • Pupils demonstrate excellent moral awareness The full ISI Inspection Report is available on their website: or via the Hurst website FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE EMAIL MICHELLE ZEIDLER, DIRECTOR OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & PERFORMANCE, [email protected]


Achieving your child’s personal bests

An outstanding day, weekly and flexi boarding school for boys and girls between 4-18 years