Vol 2, Summer 2010, Serial. No. 4 4 No. Serial. 2010, Summer 2, Vol 3

The Status of Theology and Theologian in Islam Islam in Theologian and Theology of Status The

Abdollah Ebrahimzadeh Amoli Amoli Ebrahimzadeh Abdollah Center of Islamic Studies Studies Islamic of Center Research of member Faculty

Abstract Abstract oduce Islamic theology () in in (Kalam) theology Islamic oduce intr to intended is article This the field of Islamic thought and explain the constructive and decisive decisive and constructive the explain and thought Islamic of field the role of this religious science and those engaged in it, showing as its its as showing it, in engaged those and science religious this of role distinctive role the defense of holy status of religion through well- through religion of status holy of defense the role distinctive grounded arguments in answering questions and removing doctrinal doctrinal removing and questions answering in arguments grounded doubts. It is in this way that some knowledge is reached on the crucial crucial the on reached is knowledge some that way this in is It doubts. ound for the rise of other religious religious other of rise the for ound gr the preparing in Kalam of role sciences, shedding light on the relation of this doctrinal-religious field field doctrinal-religious this of relation the on light shedding sciences, iences. Due to the importance and and importance the to Due iences. sc religious other with knowledge of nobility of Kalam as genuine Islamic science a mention is to be made made be to is mention a science Islamic genuine as Kalam of nobility s who, in addition, were urged by by urged were addition, in who, s theologian of position high the of defense of religious beliefs in in beliefs religious of defense the undertake to Imams infallible holy doctrinal arena. arena. doctrinal

theology (Kalam), Islamic sciences, , philosophy, sciences, Islamic (Kalam), theology Keywords: theologians. theologians.

4 4 Abstracts

Intermediate Position in the Thought of Ibn al- Arabi Arabi al- Ibn of Thought the in Position Intermediate

Hassan Amini Amini Hassan (Theological Center)of Qom Center)of (Theological Elmiyya Hawza in Researcher

Abstract Abstract is to be rejected on the basis of of basis the on rejected be to is determinism view al-Arabi’s Ibn In and the free will on the ground of of ground the on will free the and predestination” of “mystery the ation”. In his view each and every every and each view his In ation”. predestin of mystery the of “mystery reference to existentiation and and existentiation to reference with God to attributed is thing manifestation, and to human being with reference to receptivity and and receptivity to reference with being human to and manifestation, istentiation aspect and that of of that and aspect istentiation ex between distinction The reception. een Al-Arabi and his followers is is followers his and Al-Arabi een Al-d Muhyi of word the in reception features into eistentiative and and eistentiative into features agency of division the on based on of agent and receiver. It is is It receiver. and agent of on separati mere on based not receptive, cy and attribution of events to to events of attribution and cy agen vertical as same the not also proximate and remote agents. To Ibn Al-Arabi the “intermediate “intermediate the Al-Arabi Ibn To agents. remote and proximate some of his statements Ibn Al- Ibn statements his of some In meaning. same the has position” ism and “utterly free will” and in in and will” free “utterly and ism determin both rejects explicitly Arabi some others he puts the position of mystics in opposition to the the to opposition in mystics of position the puts he others some rites and philosophers. philosophers. and rites ‛ Asha tazilites, ‛ Mu by taken positions

termediate position, will, the the will, position, termediate in will, free determinism, Keywords: of the mystery of predestination, predestination, of mystery the of mystery predestination, of mystery existentiation, manifestation, receptivity, reception. reception. receptivity, manifestation, existentiation,

o ,Sme 00 eil o 4 No. Serial. 2010, Summer 2, Vol 5

Mulla Sadra and Avicennan Statement Statement Avicennan and Sadra Mulla of the Proof of the Truthful Truthful the of Proof the of

Hamid Parsania Parsania Hamid Assistant Professor of Baqir Al-ulom University University Al-ulom Baqir of Professor Assistant

Abstract Abstract raised against the proof of the the of proof the against raised objections of types two are There han i.e. argument provided by true true by provided argument i.e. han bor sediqqin so-called (the Truthful ce of God); some being related to to related being some God); of ce existen the for believers sincere and to whether it fulfills the conditions conditions the fulfills it whether to and proof this of name very the y truthful. Other objections, objections, Other truthful. y properl the by argument by required however, subjects the argument to criticism by calling its very very its calling by criticism to argument the subjects however, construction into question. While sees the proof not not proof the sees Sadra Mulla While question. into construction without objection from the former point of view, he regards its its regards he view, of point former the from objection without internal construction to be cogent and defensible, attempting an an attempting defensible, and cogent be to construction internal objections leveled against it. The The it. against leveled objections important most the of one to answer to demonstrate the existence of of existence the demonstrate to is proof Avicenna’s that is objection the Necessary Being from possibility which is posteriori argument, argument, posteriori is which possibility from Being Necessary the it is not so invalid. Returning the the Returning invalid. so not is it so and cause to effect from namely priori or propterquid argument, argument, propterquid or priori a to argument posteriori so-called defend the demonstration of of demonstration the defend to only not attempted Sadra Mulla to effect but also remove similar similar remove also but effect to cause from argument an as Avicenna from temporal creation or from from or creation temporal from argument the against posed objections motion. motion.

proof of the Truthful, argument from possibility and and possibility from argument Truthful, the of proof Keywords: gument, a priori (propterquid) (propterquid) priori a gument, ar (quia) posteriori a necessity, argument, essential possibility, ontological possibility. possibility. ontological possibility, essential argument,

6 6 Abstracts

A Survey on the Nature of Soul and Related Problems Problems Related and Soul of Nature the on Survey A from Fayyaz Lahiji’s viewpoint viewpoint Lahiji’s Fayyaz from

Gholamhosein Javadpur Javadpur Gholamhosein Ph. D. student in Kalam University of Qom Qom of University Kalam in student D. Ph.

Abstract Abstract Soul and related issues are among the complex, controversial and and controversial complex, the among are issues related and Soul and theology. The most important important most The theology. and philosophy in discussions pivotal its relation with the possibility and and possibility the with relation its is soul of problem the of aspect on”. Theologians differ widely in in widely differ Theologians on”. Resurrecti of Day “the of quality and most of them do not believe it it believe not do them of most and soul of nature the on opinions their time, however, distinguished distinguished however, time, same the At immaterial. be to theologians like Al-Ghazali, Fakhr Razi, and Khaja Tusi consider consider Tusi Khaja and Razi, Fakhr Al-Ghazali, like theologians human soul to be immaterial. Much of the present article is devoted to to devoted is article present the of Much immaterial. be to soul human examination of the ideas of one the greatest rational theologians in in theologians rational greatest the one of ideas the of examination Abd Al-Razzaq lahiji, who treated in in treated who lahiji, Al-Razzaq Abd late the namely centuries, recent detail the problem in his various works. The nature and immateriality immateriality and nature The works. various his in problem the detail oul) and body, temporal creation and and creation temporal body, and oul) (s mind of relation soul, the of immortality of soul, transmigration etc. from his perspective are are perspective his from etc. transmigration soul, of immortality treated as main discussions in this article. article. this in discussions main as treated

soul, immateriality of soul, transmigration, transmigration, soul, of immateriality soul, Keywords: theologians, Lahiji. Lahiji. theologians,

o ,Sme 00 eil o 4 No. Serial. 2010, Summer 2, Vol 7

Mulla Sadra’s View on Relation of Soul and Body Body and Soul of Relation on View Sadra’s Mulla

Mahmoud Shokri Shokri Mahmoud Graduate students Philosophy of Religion from from Religion of Philosophy students Graduate Bagher al-oulum (A.s) university university (A.s) al-oulum Bagher Abstract Abstract The problem of soul and body and their relation is from early time time early from is relation their and body and soul of problem The a matter of debate in philosophy in such a way that drew the attention attention the drew that way a such in philosophy in debate of matter a rters. This problem discussed as as discussed problem This rters. qua and times all in philosophers of s of thought is one the most most the one is thought of s circle western in problem mind-body serious problems in the modern philosophy of mind. Despite all all Despite mind. of philosophy modern the in problems serious sophers of mind the problem has has problem the mind of sophers philo contemporary by made efforts nd justified account. Also in Islamic Islamic in Also account. justified nd a reasonable a received far so not of the soul was given before before given was soul the of explanation reasonable no Philosophy ilosophical principles such as as such principles ilosophical ph new introducing By Sadra. Mulla ation of being and substantial substantial and being of ation grad being, of reality fundamental change in whole philosophical philosophical whole in change drastic a made Sadra Mulla motion, problems including soul and related issues, providing solutions solutions providing issues, related and soul including problems He rejected the theory of of theory the rejected He hitherto. philosophy in unprecedented eternity of soul and its spiritual origination and offered a new theory theory new a offered and origination spiritual its and soul of eternity known as “corporeal origination of of origination “corporeal as known is which being to coming soul’s on changing substance which from its its from which substance changing is soul the Accordingly soul”. the ituality is in constant change and and change constant in is ituality spir ultimate its to corporeality initial essential dynamism. On the ground of initial corporeality of the soul soul the of corporeality initial of ground the On dynamism. essential and its substantial motion Mulla Sadra envisage the relation of soul soul of relation the envisage Sadra Mulla motion substantial its and ng as reality of degrees. It is on on is It degrees. of reality as ng bei human so and organic as body and these lines that Sadra explains the mutual relations of soul and body. body. and soul of relations mutual the explains Sadra that lines these

soul, substantial motion of soul, corporeal origination origination corporeal soul, of motion substantial soul, Keywords: of the soul, organic composition of soul and body. body. and soul of composition organic soul, the of

8 8 Abstracts

An Introduction to Philosophy of Religion Religion of Philosophy to Introduction An

Waliyollah Abassi Abassi Waliyollah hawza Elmiyya of Qom Qom of Elmiyya hawza in scholar and Researcher

Abstract Abstract Philosophy of religion is methodically newcomer in philosophy philosophy in newcomer methodically is religion of Philosophy and thematically in religious studies. This article is to attempt to to attempt to is article This studies. religious in thematically and portant problems. The definition of of definition The problems. portant im its of some explain and analyze that of philosophy and of religion. religion. of and philosophy of that to subject is religion of philosophy y the nature philosophy of religion, religion, of philosophy nature the y clarif to order in reason this For some word is necessary on the definition of philosophy, religion, religion, philosophy, of definition the on necessary is word some those of philosophy of religion. The The religion. of philosophy of those finally and both of characteristics with other religious studies and and studies religious other with religion of philosophy of distinction its relation with other sciences are discussed as well. well. as discussed are sciences other with relation its

Religion, philosophy, philosophy of religion. religion. of philosophy philosophy, Religion, Keywords:

o ,Sme 00 eil o 4 No. Serial. 2010, Summer 2, Vol 9

Concomitance of Right and Obligation Obligation and Right of Concomitance

Syed Mahmoud Nabawiyan Nabawiyan Mahmoud Syed n-Research Institute of Imam Imam of Institute n-Research Educatio of Professor Assistant Khomeini Khomeini

Abstract Abstract nt subject in field of political, political, of field in subject nt importa an is “right” of issue The that the modern age is called called is age modern the that extent the to thoughts moral and legal rightful, providing his welfare is is welfare his providing rightful, is man Modern Right”. of Age “the and attaining his rights is what what is rights his attaining and to access Instead, priority. first his not can bring him peace of mind. mind. of peace him bring can confined to specific aspect of life life of aspect specific to confined not is right that held properly is It our life including moral and legal legal and moral including life our of dimensions different covers but relations of individual with family and society as well as extensive extensive as well as society and family with individual of relations with each other and with rulers in in rulers with and other each with individuals of relationships political regional and international levels. To determine the true instances of of instances true the determine To levels. international and regional ains depends on deciding many many deciding on depends ains dom different in however, right, of right, its nature and origin, origin, and nature its right, of meaning as such involved questions those who lay down and concomitance of right and obligation. One One obligation. and right of concomitance and down lay who those can dare claim that without solving these main and fundamental fundamental and main these solving without that claim dare can to the problem of “right” in in “right” of problem the to answer proper a give can man issues, . These fundamental issues are now now are issues fundamental These . ethics and law politics, of sciences dealt with in “philosophy of right” right” of “philosophy in with dealt

right, obligation, dominion, White. White. dominion, obligation, right, Keywords: