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COCK of the NORTH RESULTS 15.Indd 100 days to go: North Hockey Association The 100 Club Cock Of The North 13.05.2015 North Women’s County Championship Today (13 May) we have Saturday & Sunday 16&17 May 2015 at Wakefi eld HC reached the milestone of 100 days to go until the Unibet EuroHockey Championships 2015. With the brightest and best talents Europe has to offer Saturday 16 May 2015 descending on Queen Elizabeth 10.25 - Match 1 (Blue Pitch) Olympic Park, scene of the Cheshire v Yorkshire 0-11 London 2012 Olympics to do battle to be crowned the best team in Europe it promises to be 10.25 - Match 2 (Green PItch) an exciting summer of hockey. To mark the occasion of 100 days to go, we’ve compiled our Cumbria v Lancashire 0-1 very own “100 club” some interesting stats and facts about some of the stars you will see this summer. (The number 100 features heavily!) 12.20 - Match 3 (Blue Pitch) Kate Richardson-Walsh won her 100th Great Britain cap against Korea at the London Lancashire v Isle of Man 2-2 Prepares series on 01/05/2012. The England captain has since gone on to amass 336 caps for England and Great Britain combined. 12.20 - Match 4 (Green PItch) Ashley Jackson, England and GB’s record goal scorer netted his 100th international Cheshire v Cumbria 2-3 goal in the opening game of the Commonwealth Games against Trinidad and Tobago on 24/07/2014. Jackson currently has 112 internataional goals, surpassing the 110 scored by 14.10 - Match 5 (Blue Pitch) previous record holder Calum Giles. Yorkshire v Isle of Man 9-1 Jackson won his 100th international cap alongside Adam Dixon against Belgium at the World Cup on 10/06/2014. England’s Ali Brogdon won his 100th cap in the Champions Trophy against Argentina on 13/12/2014. Sunday 17 May 2015 Ireland’s Alan Sothern won his 100th cap against Germany in a test match, on 11/05/2015. 10.30 - Match 6 (Blue Pitch) Sothern marked the occasion with two goals. Cheshire v Lancashire 1-4 Jill Boon and Tom Boon, the famous brother and sister combination for Belgium have both collected over 100 caps with their combined total now swelling to over 350 international 10.30 - Match 7 (Green PItch) appearances between them. Isle of Man v Cumbria 1-5 Lidewij Welten and Marie Mavers of Netherlands and Germany won their 100th caps when the two sides met at the Champions Trophy on 4/12/2014. Welten will have emerged the happier of the two as her side ran out 1-0 winners. 12.20 - Match 8 (Blue Pitch) Isle of Man v Cheshire 5-2 Despite an average age of just 24, the Belgium men’s provisional squad contains ten players with over 100 caps: John-John Dohmen, Jerome Truyens, Cedric Charlier, Thomas Briels, Felix Denayer, Simon Gougnard, Elliot Van Strydonck, Tom Boon, Vincent Vanasch 12.30 - Match 9 (Green PItch) and Florent Van Aubel have all surpassed the mark. Lancashire v Yorkshire 0-5 100 is undoubtedly a very special number for internatioanll athletes and a special number for us as we lead up to the big day on 21 August. Why not Tweet us @Eurohockey2015 14.10 - Match 10 (Blue Pitch) your favourite 100s using #100daystogo or tell us what you’re looking forward to most Yorkshire v Cumbria 6-1 about the tournament. If you’d like to buy tickets to the Unibet Eurohockey Championships 2015, you still can. Just visit and make sure you secure your seat at the hottest ticket in town this summer! North Hockey Association North Hockey Association Cock Of The North Cock Of The North North Women’s County Championship North Women’s County Championship Saturday & Sunday 16&17 May 2015 at Wakefi eld HC Saturday & Sunday 16&17 May 2015 at Wakefi eld HC Saturday 16 May 2015 Sunday 17 May 2015 10.25 - Match 1 09.55 - Match 6 Cheshire (0) 0 - 11 (7) Yorkshire Cheshire (0) 1 - 4 (0) Lancashire Cat Horn 9-F Rebecca Loonan 68-F Emma Gaunt 7-F Heather Stafford 11,33,48-F,F,PS Remi Wood 25-F Tori Wensley 15-PC Sarah Ingham 30,43-F,F Linda Kotter 17,48-F,F Rachel Doherty 25,61-F,F 09.55 - Match 7 Roise Tootell 31-F Isle of Man (1) 1 - 5 (4) Cumbria Rachelle Le Bourdon 75-PC Dani Coombes 30-PC Nicola Conway 7-F Nicola Martindale 19-PC 10.25 - Match 2 Beth Cordukes 23,34-F,F Cumbria (0) 0 - 1 (1) Lancashire Amy Cordukes 65-F Vicky Bell 8-PC 11.50 - Match 8 Isle of Man (3) 5 - 2 (0) Cheshire 12.20 - Match 3 Dani Coombes 4,22-PC,F Mel Smith 33-PC Lancashire (1) 2 - 2 (0) Isle of Man Vicky Garner 12-F Ashleigh Jackson 58-PC Remi Wood 35,46-F,F Vicky Garner 50-F Kirsty Cooper 55-F Kim Carney 70-F Kim Carney 60-F 12.20 - Match 4 11.50 - Match 9 Cheshire (2) 2 - 3 (3) Cumbria Lancashire (0) 0 - 5 (1) Yorkshire Emma Noakes 21-PC Amy Cordukes 6,35-F,F Heather Stafford 10,62-F,F Alex Pepper 31-F Nicola Martindale 32-PC Eleanor Trafford 61-F Rosie Tootell 61-PC Tori Wensley 65-F 14.10 - Match 5 Yorkshire (4) 9 - 1 (1) Isle of Man 13.40 - Match 10 Heather Stafford 8,62-F,PS Katie Errorck 32-PC Yorkshire (1) 6 - 1 (1) Cumbria Cat Horn 11,41-PC,F Heather Stafford 31-F Beth Cordukes 26-F Tori Wensley 17-PC Rosie Tootell 54-PC Rachelle Le Bourdon 22-PC Linda Kotter 56,64-F,F Sophie Davis 58,62-PC.PC Sarah Bell 66-PC Rachel Doherty 67-PC Tori Wensley 69-F DAY 1 TABLE FINAL TABLE Yorkshire 2 2 0 0 20 1 19 6 Yorkshire 4 4 0 0 31 2 29 12 Lancashire 2 1 1 0 3 2 1 4 Lancashire 4 2 1 1 7 8 -1 7 Cumbria 2 1 0 1 3 3 0 3 Cumbria 4 2 0 2 9 10 -1 6 Isle of Man 2 0 1 1 3 11 -8 1 Isle of Man 4 1 1 2 9 18 -9 4 Cheshire 2 0 0 2 2 14 -12 0 Cheshire 4 0 0 4 5 23 -18 0.
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    Supplément gratuit à La Libre Belgique et La Dernière Heure/Les Sports du jeudi 5 septembre 2013 HOCKEY2013-2014 DEMARET © S.A. IPM 2013. Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est interdite sans autorisation préalable et écrite de l'éditeur ou de ses ayants droit. © S.A. IPM 2013. Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est interdite sans autorisation préalable et écrite de l'éditeur ou de ses ayants droit. Hockey 3 l Édito Les lampions de la fête sont éteints, place aux marches forcées Jean-François Jourdain a Belgique vient d’organiser ce qui fut, de l’avis est à peu près au stade des noces d’or, mais les autres réellement prétendre s’être renforcés. Signe des général, le plus beau championnat d’Europe médias se sont soudain réveillés à Boom : plus de 70 temps : pas moins de huit clubs sur douze commen­ L jamais mis sur pied. Le projet pharaonique accréditations rien que pour les journalistes belges. ceront la saison avec un nouveau coach principal ! d’Erik Gysels a été mené à bien et a achevé de situer la Qu’en restera­t­il demain ? Mystère. Seuls le Beerschot, le Daring, Namur et Waterloo Belgique sur la carte du hockey mondial. A la pro­ Car l’ARBH, avec ses matches en nocturne dans des garderont le même T1. chaine mise à jour du classement mondial – pour des stades dépourvus de wifi, ses doubles week­ends et Chez les Messieurs, si la quasi­unanimité se fait sur raisons mystérieuses, la FIH n’y procède que trois ou ses longues interruptions, ne donne pas vraiment les noms du Dragons et de Waterloo pour accéder au quatre fois par an – les Red Lions devraient désormais envie à la profession de suivre le déroulement de son play­off, les deux autres places seront convoitées par être 5es mondiaux, leur meilleur classement de tous championnat, si passionnant celui­ci soit­il devenu.
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