ZHUOFAN SHEN Chemistry, Shanghai New York University 1555# Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Phone: +86 15370073076 Email: [email protected]

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ZHUOFAN SHEN Chemistry, Shanghai New York University 1555# Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Phone: +86 15370073076 Email: Zs1605@Nyu.Edu ZHUOFAN SHEN Chemistry, Shanghai New York University 1555# Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Phone: +86 15370073076 Email: [email protected] EDUCATION ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China Sep 2016-July 2020 Bachelor of School of Physical Science and Technology, Class Rank: 1/107 GPA 3.9/4.0 University of California, Berkeley, California, US Aug 2018-Jun 2019 Visiting Undergraduate Student Program(exchange program) GPA 4.0/4.0 Padova University Summer School, Padova, Italy July 2017-Aug 2017 International Summer Student Program, three weeks WORK Shanghai New York University, Shanghai, China Aug 2020-July 2021(expected) Research associate RESEARCH Theoretical computation and simulation of hydrated electron Jun 2019-Present Advisor: Prof. William James Glover (New York University, Shanghai, China) • Investigated the structure and properties of hydrated electron by calculating Resonance Raman Spectra based on mixed quantum classical simulations. Caught the science of the redshift of RR by analyzing the Hydrogen bond forming • Studied on QM/MM Molecular Dynamics, and developed a new approach to separate QM and MM particles from mixing during the long timescale simulations • Investigated the properties of hydrated electron at excited stated by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics. Theoretical computation using CCSD method Nov 2018-Jun 2019 Advisor: Prof. Eric Neuscamman (University of California, Berkeley, USA) • Studied and practiced with the computational chemistry software Molpro. Got familiar with Linux systems and High-Performance Computing. Artificial photosynthesis by electrochemical method System Apr 2017-Aug 2018 Advisor: Prof. Bolin Lin (ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China) • Did research on seeking for a suitable metal material to synthesize functional electrode, which can convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into ethylene and other recyclable materials with the method of electrochemical reduction of CO2. HONORS Outstanding graduate by ShanghaiTech University Jun 2020 2019 Scholarship of Shanghai City – Top 3 students from ShanghaiTech University Dec 2019 President’s Scholarship (top 2%) by ShanghaiTech University Nov 2017, Nov 2018, Nov 2019 ShanghaiTech University Outstanding Student Nov 2018 2017 Amgen International Exchange Scholarship Jun 2017 SKILLS Programming languages: Python, Shell Softwares: Molpro, Terachem, Q-chem, Amber Wet-Lab Skills: Electrochemical workstation, GC, HPLC, NMR, IR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Social practice in Ningbo Aug 2017 • Investigated the steering and survival status of the labor force in the Hangzhou Bay New District of Ningbo. • Visited and interviewed the local rural residents and companies to understand their living status and wrote a report with suggestions to improve their living status. VOLUNTEER SERVICE Charity national music Orchestra of Suzhou, Traditional Flute Player Sep 2011- Feb 2013 .
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