
Mie nor at bim. I won't mound lo commune with liis own heait. spoke not looked mennI. Tint : man. and 1 slopped, (laying Captain audibly respond»··! must answer he was Ves, lio must know himself. Uiil ho Aileen, you mc/* said, curse '." Oue pleach i»f»luro iiiin." Thai my ibcKMjtûw <3·Sraocrat, ••Yes, Englishman £clcct lovo Ada ί And Ailecn—what ol hor? toi tli liit hand, and bore. and cried util. Ιιυιι ι do—I Imd no £torj}. ptuiing clasping chanced to be (taining. present, no to t poctru. No\ er for a moment had ho ot You have insist—to I'ublUb. Îttrjr ·»> •• UKAX1» SKI! MON S TltlKD UN. right speak Tattda) Uoiuluj, wiilie." The lea jumped lor· thought captain The Choice of Ralph Livingston, li.u to «lie answered, *till F. E. SUA t'ruui C aul I «tu lltulil. coat lier, except as slio was—his friend, his uie," evading Hr, ward, took the Englishman by Ihe Alien I tried to get up a sermon in KDITOR AM» PKOPKIKTOK. < the ttoail llretiker*. sho would nut misunderstand In- gaze. Λ»*/·(/«·«»/' collar and him out ol doors, .-ay ing, '"· ' made three divisions,and was one of fortune's confidant; put sl- grand Ralph Livingston I to know the TKKMSTwo Uollar» per rf l^iU bis kindness, liis mother's counsel «as have, Aileen, the bt iliUkl. TKNUkKSON. lo the lio lo a minis- suu division most favored children in right tu aJvauoc "I'll teach you give then divided each grand ; young, good ut' less. Ada loved he heart ol the woman I love! Now lock was a rich. him, felt sure; M .ill a le£, ball a Ie| ter o! the tiospel." This ••religious into three sub divisions, and so had Irom health, handsome, and very Ralph lu ··«· and he had never told her at it.e, and see il I am not the ('IrtKltlluutbtiil Ι»ον···Ι'··Ι>{' Hull a 1 υ a whs although so, speaking leg iloHuntnl, sfivice" something Ver hall century lirstly to twcllthly to speak about 1 the only child of a widowed mother, (outil) t're·. All lu (Ik- ·ιμ* utift ho h .id reason to he· mull !" light the an certainly lier ago. bioke inU' llie lirst Grand Division and nnd hist representative of old and given Uvtle III. tix-ox team. licve hu loved her. lie must do m timidly raised her eyes UOKS TO THK Vaki.mv. no I broke down. race. He was » universal favor- Yes, lÎ'ttfn «/ AAvrrtininy. Turvird. the raatl breaker·! •Willi go farther. Then proud " Will answer me now, Aileen οι lite ο wh.ii was what Ada, his mother you * ».(u»r\·, t Ιι »μα4-Γ ι «««λ. il I hargr lor the tlrilta." h· aakl. lather sent Said us Alter ite. right, K.it l( »ifk. a Ill the fullness of time my I, pray." offering tul>M^iir«l Into lit*, eouiitn highway and îho world her, I up and went at it ngain, Livingston Πι ImImh 1 y coi 1ίο«Ι«· tli· »ix ux le.nu Academy. ^>ith this he '•Vou kn-iw! you know !" she sobbed, e*r.|M.H; ι M;iimt,|1L haven't was when her son would determinatiou sought te· Ul ν·ιι« M-fl «Ut wUilioiml »>l the ol α That dig- i*'lt Grand Divisions and coming marry, *' preceptor. "'J 'v !" dignity lie to his and said: 'lioëi r* Ntirit m- «inlvraol noti.gut Kalala i orwthl tu« ri>a«l breaker» Ada, told his and won her caugbt her bosom, r! when 1 eu· em since Whenever 1 and she to his choice love, promise Of tor» i>n •■•nuir, 1 V) was absent picked np get thought anticipate Will·. |H*r \\ a· tiiaig a bell lois ? nilaty preaehing to ho his. Ho own I do know! My v>u.it< liau·' I 4J a believed himsell very "My darling, Notice·, μ*r Mjuart-, uit'u came back in ihu stuck in the middle ol a sermon 1 wife lui him, his I »· V·, though tie knew le le J the school, l»ul j;et liy selecting tearing A'iwtiistralur·' au·! k\r«utur»' ûllltM, but ono his brave Aileen!" M Viuii' ou· ha·! blmulrietl ; hca11 on one not happy, marring pleas AU ο lier legal Su(h'«. »l jo |icr mu«r«, middle of the forenoon and told ihu down and pray, and tli.r Lord ulwajs ηιίχlit settle agreeable thing bo)s Mis. Livermore was tkr«M luaartiou». l'hoir· uut tu uiak· reply, ure. Could she love as another might ? sadly disappoint in the midst «>1 ni* an old clears the middle. to her. Sho felt jealous of cvfcry pretty J«It ΙΉΙΛ ΓΙ M. ol Κ vary llewiipllau cii not r«a»ou that preaching up was her and l'' tu »b), What if or of kind ed. But her boy's will law, «mû \ .«aller woman hobbled and siit'iii-cii girl town, Thai big··. up began »erceehing. sh<· ne as M. l'elU-n ill A lu lu ^lalo SUecl. Uu» would she brave all for him ? gracefully possible χ Into the wus a at But then Ailccn was not threatened, accepted \r« > -ii > Il Nlli «oiiD'ry high» ay to Il once a man in who light, homo. Uu. M1 alketl I hi· ιΐχ-υχ teaiu. no the trial came soon enough. time of and the old .V'otuh bcautilul, and ol course, she had idea Γ.χ»ι u. art· autliuru·.! revival, pud· was meddlesome. I told my no mar- A»\ mail, v( U.iud tu tue a.nt " leiercd brow, the doctor tried fa«mcul·. Slow!j ti«»> iluubel loth; lime and he It'll anxious lo have I·» s >\ the reins Γ child! was not to bo good Ι I «il tlie uieau· beloir, e.i, only don't take No, Ailccn, poor never enters his mind. ■MM "vi kl,|>, ·« soothe truth. her love M Into the ileepe>t 4|> him, and hide tho shameful testing Ibr |i4|h'i i» |t.u tbe leap, She, too, had fled—among the first. depth. if II»*· m. u. τ is t..it MHlitrd uiihiH tuo weak·, \ teaiu the school lie ahorlf> trouble Iron» learned dillicult that he wl 1'luage I the ·1Χ" nawu.| 1{αΐ|ΐι;\1ι, more |iim. him, song*, I Ada had an affection for it *„ UiouUl ου a|'p'.M*U «I it Ίι, how he autlered ! No gentle hand ltalpb, so .ι? t·» ail lier his "Ho lit} l|o UK t l'llKll a IMtl.Vhl.N'O ΜΝΝΚΙΙ. easily catch the air, and them Kla->beaothe, no voice to linger long. lo It ces ami lobiuu» to other listened to his on loving whisper I laalK'.i, a» the> -au *·1 Ihw all, used climb sl»'»il was a ruiuseller in church gills; eulogies There my words ol comfort, alone ! and wi ks it was transferred to another—ore oM li«M a tlieie, II--iu llio not·» loi "Ho O.io sweetness hying Carda, fre lt:.vl. •met· and he w as own best the grace and of Lily, and 1'rojes.sionul his customer. huauly, ot who was of his beautiful wife, A up |tjrU>. tile while then his heart knew but one wish proud ϋ>Ι·|·.ιΐ£ dai he on a * eak liuib, ten or I » elve Ro«« or Violet, whichever ho chanced to «••u.leie.l gol In .-m he used to say, w: conti nt with such love as alio u rosi .ll the "•iee-triil meeting always ear·h to see Ailecn Yet he bieatiu-d gave e>(h iiit, jiim Ι«·ι I and the limb broke, with tre· be the best with at the time. Bc- tu the ligl I -uo«« amoLu up, *■<>! I am η-real sinner." dis plowed I'luu^etl "Nobody it η >t. .She must not come near him to bin tar.· 'lril1 broke. im iidoit 4 es to the I knew nature so Counsellor at Lau % U ant a·· 1«'-' onscall>* ali. lHU'iiLAHS' U<-el|ng lit III the uhi|> (it i. kiiatt. il|ee|ii|ir, her, lie felt α solt little hand mai 11· «1 iiiit as il her little heart would break — pressing 11 d) • I,υ li:,«Ι :i ton „| weep • rie of Music ίιι i'::uiiiiâ ami >ic.iliiiii| inediy gallon keg on his brow. She was Academy Philadelphia UEOIiiiE A. WILSON. bat u Ί 1 In* 1 in·νei I i«« ι··I she even gently burning Thou Ik-'j r nl« back peιι» I It.id l· lohci»i'l|~-«vheii he would talk to her ol to hear $· Counsellor Luu\ and lound him drunk I shook llilll up, ! ! ί inu iiigcnt audiunco who gathered Attorney *' 1 Aileen Ailoen Darling, away to I lie ol th m, tlx '■·■ one \S ·I', hurt he admired so alt· r Wuk tight |·) <;·'!i d-i) lull "Il \ ou ΊΙ ill I'll the girl much. Hut, M Frederic rehearsal of his y0J>· * op^>n{t :k* .itiuHÎi* //viui -tvsl; slop inking, ! ci led. not know Douglass1 »o tlio Irlt of tin in. aw:-.} he *'J)o you ■»u«·»» Jouit on : a Ailccn could listen and for SOCTH PARIS, MK g· lling buv :.it ol new ruin ami time, smile, "l. miniscences of and Anti- su·» i»«h>ii eath here?" Slavery aitciiiletl to ••Caii'i make much ot him,' d s:.c feit his heart knew not the jiiwri.1114 prooipdT l>r.lUl, l"v )«u "λο, "fis life to l>« with .-ry." lli« "lie's too lull ol til».· Ralph, you,"' |irs«M,-d it|· an.I «ΙΐφικΜϋιΊΙ, pedagogue, "e.\ Mini was Win power, 'er tho and de· ». H. Ill l( lll>s. tli Sô cents per gallon. she nswered, her to his, reviewing inception While .n'4ti bv aii'l lell, d< »ii l'his Mas not u n liait» ι lo tho of her presaing lips ing Iv s a trade," savs Ada Whiting, daughter ν«· the anti-slavery movement, ut : hat lint i allot Χ: II |jo. an·; hi* death breath. pmentol Counsellor Lute, Ί»|1·» *ll|.t] \ :ι dialing bearing $ un tu my lather iniun dialel} dcaieat friend, was the choice of Mr*. au I Attorney t.aiuu Uie 'lull ;i|iity *<» I it out into ihn it·» ijeet ends, it-» accomplishments ttrwft'oKi», mi;. thiough big l>ix j»-t kneeling I lit a»t bound that fell on his ear Douglass «I III m. Mil. On (in- -u trail) i"t be I it*member the |U>t luue I tried I" de tl.M her j then. Μι». Whiting's health »a; t his own ι" »\, I.U.I, henrinj liquor spilling. Iroin Aileen, as strove escape. >t htm >h«l| Π ici I ta\« » fair ago. .zing cry they Counsellor at Law. ι*.·ιιΐ|ΐ I voiiMu't Iilid a to i.u ing very foeble, her advised j "W hilo existed I had rea- np« i;»-d iliow»» oj< s. and physicians to i! iw Irora slavery good Attorney $· 0. the b.g karpt Iht ut-i'iw pl.i#e pt|l hiccoughed her him. 10. «»r ( a winter South Ada wa- much averse f'KVIOJVKG, M hanils μι ν Ici I. itUctis, > " ·' it : w son for not the ol Λ!| the "•he-tii won lieuti· m.ut.** I Iiom? ere the fir-t words ol his prayer. going, easy Ai lr<.; bondage, and that great Mai l*. Ti-lj d Ralph Livingston sprang up—not tirowl at the tax th. pai'l Citizens: (ieulieiiun at:d l.ulies." An· Mr» to Mr. and Mrs. tri is l do not know rea- "Let it said I. Livingston persuade liui : over, any good M the n·\ Ι.ιΙΊ go." death—but his dream—and stood ι 1.roul to leave their to her U. D. BlkUKS, oil r pause, "l.adits and tieiillemaii : "i one of the most Β ut U He Oilvitl I Mr. tlie l|oi|so c.tiue d<>ivu. 1 it ΠΙ lo, it." returned I. Livingston'·» tainily. il, simple l«l. oaaljr, place enough,ami pay lii.-t pale and trembling, the other pale, ; Ada was in to m> Ιυ·Ί I 1 inn 1 lolled the street beautiful, truly; perfect form on stories that could be jail siipp·..·»»· iliey applaud keg into the too, iiit with a look ol firm détermina- coiumouplace su soon and with a shower ol i. KDU4K Sk. BHOW1, ÏUisffllani). ed because 1 got through an ι knocked in the head with an ax. features, golden gi· 1 was owned in Talbot Countv, lion .1 courage. On tho a few | « » ι; ν \ ι. A w a ground Α. Τ 'Γ Β Λ.Τ This was about -he ol must bu; fair, and as deli· on e eastern shore of in 183."), winding up my "We get the rum out before we ring complexion a re η Maryland, Κ λίΐ· St'9«t. pact from her feet, lay frightful No. ·0 to sea CAMP-MEETING JOHN ALLEN. educational cure···. (i"ing seliool, can gi t the in." « «i l I catcly tinted iv* the pearly shell; a in I lew years alter that time made my -PORTLAND, MAINE. gospel οιικ snake, stunned by the force with μ i·. lor a lime. ai blue as the .summer was lo η lu I'-LLEv ti>·» viiili m··, η was sky—and 1 sent Baltimore by my : culai altt'lili pabl going good This, member, Maine eye* whit ,i she had thrown it down. ese,.pe. up Nrr» Il lollow »t tlto lecture ol j.racli^l #►. 30th, ls72. I'he ing ri'|K»rt a rtmuixu'K. eu··., that ever with himskif law, law was of, languishing glowed mat ter lo a brother ol his for sale keep- before AJijino thought It. as this well known i» from the s a moment, if instinct, clergyman, the -aine lit, sweet light. Ralph, by it was a movement to send κ. € hoi wi:i r. h. d.. I bhindeied along, liually to keepr I» you will believe it, the man never ing.Out strange Lew i»ton Journal :— ^oi knew all. And Ada, in the same sweet « Never weic two uioio dissimilar me miles nearer my When r tu U «chool suci:ct'e>!ci| ^kill» a. a Wild. they I d tcrmined on I looked about fully my ico oui of si»ht. good member ol ihu church. than Ada Whiting and Ailccn escaping, liilectic Ç Surçeun, keeping igno.a to haul lor him, by hie mother'* desire, lor lie means to l'hysician a ol COMIOItT TO And saw proper accomplish my > OH M U. .folia ri»u-« ltWo my Such was as a teacher Olsc-OKlM.xr OAI.MIMS. when Mrs. Livingston them, : WAV, t'mu|>-iiioi*ti:i^ my jHjpulaiity and touud his And she had i»ose. At that time < sleeping. pin great vigilance <·· λ::·» ion ; a. t lo >cima!«* C <»n lo the l'al k near *,· »; ta! u.j'lam.» kixtien, l.cu;g ii;lroduccd thai at the end ol my lliird I as At one there was a standing together, she thought how year, g"l camp mec'.ing sing stopped down to waken him, wlieu she wa- exercised by the authorities. Fvciy- St. uudicnce ί>\ liev. Mi. Chirk, mid :is monlh. master but 1 mm·!: Ada's beauty was enhanced by the was watched, and it α slave ( !.. t: V 4 Ν S, higli $1'.' per ing present, couldn't get j discovered the dreadful snake ί body strictly a stealing wn·· the limit- of his mas- utlet* a I'htn ho says. IIOW IIK I.KAKNKI» lo I.OVK Ν. K. lit i. lead the contrast; for Ailccn was sallow found outside λ a scrimo.x, simple prayer, I pale, ran so ru rsii ι ι singing-,ίψ people round his heck. She away fright· j tei would be liable to show ••J a tit a little bourse la bul in a whom no one had ever plantation,ho MUUIVAI VII.UUK, fit.. night, l lion weiil to α Irade «vitii η W-V'. ;;t it themselves was h thing, thought 1 leatn Quo irp, curd. And Ailecn went up—although ι by what right ho was out of place. 1 was t'i t ν»ιi! ( uatt.' ular attcnliuu tw lier·.·· It·**· ninutc- I shall warm up so ths.t )nu ouo and beside the lair that man wlio w.,· .. dmukaid. lie another ll.it. One sang tunc, anoth- pretty, beauty > work in a and commenc- « the t *inl e.VR. she told her it would surely bite her— ι put ship yard, ow a t· 4 λιι lieai mi·," He I lie had determined should ο the ot o^i. ealkia reaitlMire. Ofl·-·· ho'ir· repents ijth 'Jhap· fuie ι wjis aware ol ii I louud 1 was oil er η dillorent tune, and Hie nuise vyH« >u Mrs. Livingston ed lentu business shiphed it to the |"fc' and them 1 him«ell lhit Aileen ground. int course with sailors, in J. t. 1UIMJ. Ή. I».. }uu )ii· hearing Solomon [mint- 1 ) OU When Ihu nojso pealed very plain looking, ul myself l'heii resolve·! tq ioli.ii» please.' eutiided, s dream Hashed back to hie mind th· 1 discovered a feeling of sympa- ,ile'» I Ik 11 lolluw had that would have won lor Rilph ^l.t ing \anitic. clu.pteis a I I told them it was ,4 Ides.od wc eyes any the obstacle < ANUSL'KUI·:· Ν, mi·I l.'ijie little, Ι·ι·1 tin. icaiill Wus, thought, so vividly then ! and he felt toward Aileen thy and kindness. Allhough PUV^CUN wit » t·** worn .u that had a little tack, and with > w ere (rum |':juU J α w:ird«. could all i„ one and in one insur- It I t κ»' ι κ I I», Η |·, episilis, glow ing t»n>k "iule iiiuie allei l'cihap* get key join as he had before; and much relieved to agamst my escape apparently τ l-c -»« I I \ iW.MV -ml ciitieridlnek- ami cour· the aid ol ait, the of a iu" 1 conceived an idea that 1 could ff 4· uuipb tmpC, some know the cOoot of tune, when we to Heaven. imputation beauty niable, ι- alt.n l Ιί· of "taking got be -tire that he was not bound to the at lilikOii for IVii. ju·, will you cold, st· i.i e release bv in sailor'» till \ ou Paul's self is dis- —e\es so mid d«ik, with a world my dressing «IllUe· ul that ·<&<*«· tige. imagine α A RKTOBT. |;\tgu little more." beaulilul beside him. And he be- and a re- julyM.TStl There is no el lw>u huil down girl elo'.liing making surreptitious coursing. j<-utionary .1 1 In* Λ Ml passion glowiug away I I signed pleijgo Which lip.Ul.l I was in the Christian m lieved if sho should ever bo his, it would treat. liut 1 had no papers by which iffoit, but λ in- (>{^*,10,ι in their 1»IC. U. V. JOM.fc, spontaneous complet·· a it depths. co..id from to Fortu- laid il in piivutu drawer. 1 kept per 110 Vi* ν*»iv insulted once, be i. I'liv" ! v,. ami that an old and when he Mis. Livingston was well satisfied with ! Aileen nately Ιι.ψ» ,ji ijuifii', I by surgeon, threatened sho would fly. While was liée.— DEISTTlibX uii·! 1 lie uiceiiug s.i"» who lived in Baltimore, who presence. camp < ·*· it il and be came me tho of affaira. She had but lit (lie Map·. ahead, and n^ked where I came prospect Aileen .'—ho knew resembled me in stature, and lroru ι saucily —dear, noble, loving Η<· ,0. M.· .O Hi.Il ..ml tfiv. tie doubt ot the tiuul success of her plilsO JCtlO|, anew. I "From I plan. man who hin 1 obtained a suit ot sailor's clothes, u.MSo jjhii from, replied: \yhcre she would never desert the f'Jiih-ij of lus bis flesh wim was one that Mrs. in this 144.4.1^*.. [ip» lingers quivers Tl.·'next that wn» uffcreil me. a man w Vhere however, to and apparel, V ·τ >v„ii < «;·. oto ·. !«J ViwhIm glass with Ijo thing, called her his. .She would by protection papers,and hlt*1*·! li<· all over His because i(i.juaiul.-d cling with 1 ■· siliceritj speaks » did not like aud felt the the neees-ary articles, tAil-'i jenell.'Ta-lf •*as λ ^Ι;ι>ι t.| wine by a l^iud. upiided hià own busines·, I|L. CVt.r Itiviugklon save or die with him. pitided heart is a tabcrnuele of Failli. One m )&.·*, secured my libetiy. liw·» Λ it hi tin· necessity of It .>eptLU)ber, \uil kijU'V hatd my friend aficrwardi warning Halph against. 1 to he said: to t ike i>ii. χ. (;ιαη<». \ good inning Aileen, I ; ft Isaac Blindes my bundle, ol the licit .« lh·· Η· whs that whenever ho would in- lluaws I > Λ I. Munir. this: • imager) delicate hand am) Uitul ι:οΐμι!οιι ιΐμι' *1 |-1 ΓΙΠΙΛ Thank aio a brave little ai.-ί arrangement, after lln· Haiti start- — you; you by lluioj o( title raimiiit. vials-j; to 1·>ι the cntet tainuient : and 0 X. ST5 i. if ^oitlen ut a w > > 111 a : ι. I Went lit it) ill tend read of Ada ed «ίο threw it in, and 1 ran alter -kw l·*» -i 3 ||Oim\ pled 1 have h.ul mauy hours in woman, Aileen ! You may have Hived and nil a- an ploa-αιιΐ 1 on car. It to places aureoly ground ihp iii aud his mother, he would ask the compelled buy I r| 4au liiu <1 tU iii\ pledge again, but ministerial associations. minUter invariably life." jumped One my a t. it have beeii to UbUIAMt KAU 5 bead uf thU ul ihu tabernaclu. ••where is and wait until she Uet, v\i»uid necessary ilismjily iiis ·11«·< 1 the tins < A.ilçea?α in accidentally ροιι through i I t>> mo unco ill it l 1 was like a I here was a tone ol' emotion a most ii»id examination, and all + * «il |i.u 1I1.1 MuM.it> 11 u te till on· i> rickety deep ui'tVrgo i0 W..v M>m for ami came. aui.tiu iui ti.»· »«.»|» «tr>>yed irt· wheel, which mil a k^'ted his »oice which caused Aileen to raise hcr «le riptions in the papers must Su |-*ιη· will <.· »j ar,-i ta tfiiile.tturliig to cotitvive thai the ^ •••«I olil iiuii whipped yd tu^ne really How 1IK CM.KAItXKO X. i: iCL'M. do do so, Mrs. with Ihc tuark.s on my per- ρ»: IC4 I w!•■•1* lion MrM'·' >!ial»r Ί ami then u ••Why yon Ralph?'* | eye* to his. She saw in them something pond exactly isliiiiistlf a bible, Mr. Allen hipt son. the fchemt- was (.ai- polyglot ·· acked. "Ada will think α Accordingly li. iS^'4 I went I·» Ιι··ιι·|» „:ΐΊ tin h·; a I ii. I replied, "Thai was better Livingston you | that made her heart leap with wild ».n ; "it \ou ilon'l «;i.t an} thing moic, ne <-ut, and 1 soon arrived at Wilming > a so as rather mure attentive to Aileen than is : ol was than MAINS WATER CURB. .*•1 .ι·ι Μ·υ «ciioiat ii|> than lolling icgular not to kill any bouihl joy, and she happier ton. Here I niel 1 rederic Stein, lui whom there's something I····*. r. « «ι«»ιι ι hàd'gôt temper* λΟΤ COLO WATtkK CI UK. nn re 1 to.ik an letive it) snukoi at all." under Uio circumstances. In ever in her life before. She had been in I d wot ki but I was so dis- but pledge. purl tieu-iiar) d, j.cii«ctiy *' vuinm |i like it I »««"·"' tu t tM4t· letuiliU ^crlpIiVrè lehoulboy, ns It read more > d that ho did not know inc. In a IWMtttj " the l'liiiv.a? I he ul Λ U» uilior saut lo me once ; fact, it looks you particu- λ d.~tant i>l the conservatory that gi v. out of me »ocicty. beginning ii.ipik.i part Hirtuif), viÀiînr. get lull of it and it pours lew moments the train Irom it··· for Ailcen's benefit. And last had heard much of the Philadelphia, s' H D bctlci to i "Von .MetliqJista have lou iwuvh m«- larly mousing, and Wi V. «BATTICM. Heft!" htm »l n, ami on·· will conlesi» ila) bo id south,arrived,and on this >vas C'apt. repe 1 and so must rb.Tricia· A Operating Snrgav· HI. IiKcaHK A UIKIVIltN I night noticed, Adu, that conversation between and his cutu r at Bal- ««(.ulmiAlil rig is gl>inen Ralph M«. 'Jowan, ot the revenue 'b 4» ΑΊ iattfre»t#U will plea»..· »«ιι<1 lur circular 1 the claim wul! ïîu'. so you commenced your with only mother. It was her that had when» 1 had known at lhi% lime i was ;« "Well," I "but it don't take sigh Ralph timore, intimately, 4 hen li.c iamoiÀ to» Y»-t skeptical in replied, stickler u<»iutityu one mother I. how had lile nn i who also had been with nu>H un·ι maile ol much water to run ours as it does auditor, and ucitheryour heai Oh, miserable ap· acquainted out a huions uia'Ui- *poit relig yours." me. ρ script preachm;* hauls big ru" μ| in*, but he also tailed to recognize I once knew a ro; guest." J to the poor child then ! She little UkKUTV SHERIFF. : ion. I hail a ieiua:k il>le dream, terribly dull preacher,, pen came the Dixfleld, paper, 4i;t| peuple begin tu tu oui Ion* lo ending V. iieu the conducloi through VU he was late lo tine ••Pull? i waa dictated how ioon this cloud would pass <>n all the ΊΛΜΜί·ΓΜ) ol in my com tiled among t ho Alt-ill always çjmvû.. day Well, motber, leally, trn. he rudely culled ptssen- (lltuiliil «·· too tlio droll Camp meeting being kl>r>M'l |iivyi| -i 17, ΙίΤυ. John Allen a discourse. "I've odista. «woke ami loaml all dream vv^vhi)»i text, my ! very remiss; ge reading 1 in the man- lambs." He tnlkcd an hour and a tliu but shows II was very alter their return ! ins: ul ot speaking arrogant out I to but I I 1 t!io Aletl· κ'ι ;,ι,.» j'thIi iff quar- only appreciates «abject, .!ph ·«ΐι notes, uWkwttrd W;ly.'' Vou esponded negative, V ! |u 4ity shown him the difference in (he Ids .-WWΜ Mf. l'wo altei w inK 1 wcut tu wn\< thought tbtec were ueces· I βίοι* (>1 and mother, plainly su· ise was and indignation ΛV, àee Ire ha» tried hard t«» Imj inconsistent, yeais my things eye tongue. Why, gteat χ· ■ ■> and Wi iot when I told him my dtViuAirtr Γ<> I (Μ*ν. eii' To feed *eaton, a ni a the most He was disappointed in Ada, apparent, ami Then he to the first caai|i im ,,„d t|Ust 4 was Isary: i,i little glowing descriptions, passion- girl·. ~' « l.ifc au 1 Aecitlflil limurmoru η fai.it· couldn't! proceeds was an American Lock- &Μ ale over soirii almost to dislike ont; pass Eagle. <η «M l<> (jod. 1 WCIlt, I and il to V«n warm." anil that lell liing amounting Λΐ· :* 111> I >uut.*4lj ym>«.U generous Alt Application· U-a^ii u- to tht' tie fin it ion being is I love to read to her. She abso- during the evening. After philanthropic nil <-l spcIL aiiîVgaVe' ; and wçnt bî\vk, but now I'm de- why portunity ed < itizen. While in the where I j. tu<4ui' u. the whole The lutely face, again thanking rer. dned sevei.il days, I visited r^quetuM. a w lenuiued go hog!'1 plain αοομι il. bhe is iie and woman wax this word, accenting the second good beautiful at such times," "Did you not know how deadly Ton >s and there 1 saw Isaac Hopper, syllable, Presiding Elder's eyes twinkled merrily grows really ^sevcrwas. "Wltv, Julia,'* ironically, ?" wh for the great offense of assisting Β "a· which answered while his mother the bite WALTOJf. »ieJ-i|otv. his tingcis, Ralph, gazed a in »aid kho, "you look like the through unsuccessfully reason I 'IV'in,' well known character, mak" i'vAl-tl. I4 what's u mean r" preaching at his words and manner. "Certainly. That was the "Uoy, tried to cover his face, and I have seçp rpa|iy amazed his was then •TICt lAlLK·, iCWELUV, w itl ll. " don't ye?' Thai I couldn't ing escape, undergoing "Dunno Gospel, At after a moment's she hastened to get it off," she said. CHAINS. PICTURES ί FRAMES. more But the length, pause, trial.'' SEALS, KE>S, so I held lor three congregations «jçv^iotial. the to "It's what eat between meals," •land, my peace yearn, tnid : "Hid not think ol danger Mi. said he had this Alae V0 UVNpKF-it AND KOUR CA.MP- )ou, WiUKli, A*.. KMI ft it i i\iem they'd beitpt conductor who allowed him to pass irom word "biscuit'' she pronounced bis-ju»/, ttyiiiL iolt^ t^iciu would be in duubt which of the "Oh, yes, I thought of everything." tu MEKIINUS. Ralph, Baltimore to Philadeldhia would have U VOL WKH TU bl Υ ΓΙΙ w take liai k the licence preach: "And feared not?" ••"d shetjl.j uj it t.»w.uu ω -^iopor q*it.* two joit were in love with. Let me ad you been responsible to his master lor the pe- KIR9T 1 have attended two hundred and HUlUk tJcipVtpbMf but >ο'μ think I'd better quit IIOW lit. ■fttliKD·' IN HIS SKIÏMON. Vise you. ti so.j, to be earelul. Ailcen "Only for you, Italph." can: try extent of loss sustained, and be tLIAft NOME $ΕΜΙΝβ MAUHINk ι lour all man heart not want to his ftien I now bul this n as :i of thirty camp-meetings, yenurk- be loolish to "Aileen, the who wins your catiM; he did expose ,A>U hAVE f »5.·υ, ».l for ( ircular to ui\sell, sample first trial at was a com might enough misinterpret My preaching * iloessed and because he did not want instruction ably interchips· \ U*ve many and actions, and Ada will bave a priceless jewel ! I believe Stanley, my curly lailure. 1 studied on tha sermon, your ieelings might to know that slaves had any H. plete llence I aui called loved." sla\> holders D. YOUNG, It there was in school to cou^ciaions. "Camp· withdraw her lavor." you would die for one that you lie an} body get look a text and begun, could met iod* of escape. His freedom, lee MIDDLE ST. PORTLAND regular bi^t John." (Jnooaman in Boston than usual then. a the luckless was ui}self. meeting was about to answer, when a llei lace grew paler was by British diubbiug, boy not remember t|»u ^eruioty I stammered Ralph said, honorably purchased called mo a 1). D. I told him there were to still the wild throl· been (or him ;i It was thought tale to «weir ·jΠ and the rustle of a dress his She was striving $700 having paid by always Mn>l liieii said loon..· ol the brethren—"11 sigh caught gold, and the too many ol them, but there is only one of her and hide her secret, frit d of his in England, nego m«1 )··>. «if « tit·)' upon itiy· il—1 ear, and starting up, ho said : bin;, heart, you have anything to «ay. eay But tiatmns having been conducted by Hon. ol "us"—"camp meeting." titles mother. I'll do what too. fOLtriCAL MMCAÇ1I1KM. haven't.1 Then an old up and •φα not worry, Wm Meredith of this who is at lady got amount to little. city, INSURANCE! prccious is "Would jou not, Aileen ?" he asked. oflicer of the Con- ι«· I believe tho Lord called him !" right." the presiding UK Subatffilxr, recently aiaoeifcicU will» In 1»1J. p«>hlics rag« «I liemeudou.»ly. said, pre-nt late 11. K. liuWAKit of ^lUh Far.· in tli# QOOD MCHf, He walked out of the "Would not any womau?" she return· vention lor the lie vision of the State Con- Τ 1 1'oiiiLiuber an old scu invited a ♦•Called him to do nothing at all, did conservatory IUHUraiiee lluain^a, captain stitution, which is now in session. He lu have owlv to thank lor and looked around, but no one was visi- ed lowering her eyes. will ronuuue tiit -*auit at the oOce Utelr minister to a sermon at He?" said I. The old lady was silent. closing \ you his dissertation net-up*"*! pleach political known that snake concluded by eulogizing by Mil Howaki». w here be will be .-c 1 felt to l»le. Mis mother had started a train of "Aileen, if you had Ua|>'py bis house, lie came, and took for liis 1 didn't like lo hear her tell η α I)out attention. impelled say the heroes of the anti-slavery cause, the patrons of Mr II aal trau*a»t Ut«iuc> ,or I|c, would have ft!·. Now let me iu that had never been touched be- could have bitten you, you them William (iarrieon, text, "Curse ye the inhabitants," Ac. was to my Iv-eling*. j ihese thing» urge you, thought among Lloyd He ha· all lb* folicic» ao l (taper· of M II., help death for me?" .Joshua all to the true wisdom fore, and he wandered oft' from the touched it—havo braved Lucrelia Mott, Uerritt Smith, and au.i i« autli>rue euuimue ti·* uiitiueH The preacher sni ] tùj were ι tlijrd lime I 1 gut hall your getlings. get WX. » ^de^«*i4 "fhë pleached, to catch her Leavitt. WIIEEIE«. 1 ' above. house and threw himscll down on a ho asked, eye. 'oath in came a celebrated that coiueth Iroiu shady sttiving P.rw. ik. Iku. lih 1*1 », .1» 1 j t I thosç ishotii the writer way through, ami S ·««·.«... « 4hst inspired Items. Pari» Hill Ittmg. l'ire in Uriilgton. I For Oie Ο χ IV» ri I Democrat.] il.υ milk of 400 or 500 cows, is usually is sweet ami rich iti nutriment, springing Norway ôth There w ill be :ι service S V TORIES. tinc-o riz: η luiui to mid in At tho town hold on the preaching at Πιο Xeio* couius to us this ('Ht: Κ Ε FA persons, competent up glowing spontaneously spring, meeting Ilrùl'/toH 1st church on Fust (Dïfflrb Democrat. tin· ami make the cheeso, tenacious ol its lifo and in sum· it was voted to soil the town bonds lljo Η:ΐ|·Ιi»l l):iy, by week in ml her an forui. manage lactory growth inst., abridged owing of tliis I'he Cheese Factory system with two to or a woman as mer. and in to its now in the luindâ of the Committee, and Dr. Ksles. t > ilio lact that its domestic relations girls assist; -uQiciently protected was Hist Mr. J esse Our iin«li*r ι lie ol λ US. MAIN Κ, APRIL 15. 1878. country introduce*! by with a man aud to assist; roots .«now in winter, in these es- also about $2,700 worth ol Maine Stale Acadoiny, charge Mr. were ruftloil by a warm principal, girl by «lightly dispute α with Mr. C. Williams, of Oneidu County. Ν. Υ., in a l lint uses the milk of 900 sentials Maine is well to bonds. These sales would amount, at ('lias. It. Klilrr, Itickur, us which took in its oflice on Monday lactory adapted dairying place lie is ami «»iν· .η tentorial l orrrspumlcnrr. little more than twenty years ago cows, 1 «mι arc needed ol whom Until the interest of to Tho shot-factory a**istant progressing finely, evening, the 7th inst. persons purpose?. dairying pur, nearly $ό,000. a skillful cheese-maker at a to our filitutii). I'iio Boston, 1*73. had boon ono ball or more bo females; and this Slalo is to he elevated to its is to bo lor out οΓ this and great Mtiiliiclioii Apiili·. We glean the tollowing facts from its may proper building paid time when the mass ol tho cheese mid ihere must be a over to the town term is li.ill our great the place importance, funds turned completed 1>« -itin« to fctrengthon Ixuiily •wn aoccunl «»f the 'Millie price ordinarily paid good experi- surplus unpleasant- an nt tlio EiltlCHliuihtl S >- made in I ho country was ol inferior enced dicou makers in such factories is in the (turns l>y Treasurer. Tho vote was passed with ΊΊι·' meetings n •.tin' l y a touch of Molhci Raitb which ness." A tire wa> discovered in the thorough improvement had a are in interest. I'liu iiie<-t- ami his cheese acquired Iroui to besides the cultivation Pas· little ol ihc peti- cicty gainius; live mouths* mantle of -imw hashiddtu store of R. A. Cleaves on Μοιι· quality, $50 $76 per mouth, highest possible. very opposition—some variety and found a sale. iln-n in «>11 Fliditi «·«»·IIJ» la.«l «as uni: o| good reputation ready board, and lor a wurkmiiu or tii 108, mowing mill lands, all inu.-t tioners lor joining in-j I rota our view among tho hill «·!" ol«l <>\- at about 7 o'clock In less superior tillage injunctions day evening In the of ono of his sons the most and be.-l nlleiidedo: spring 1861, woman a still is often be so thai in a lev* years twenty ; Ii stood to 17 nays. interesting lonl, we took to oui sleigh again !.i»r than ten minutes ullei the alarm was higher price paid. improved 20Q yeas, on his own season. It was decided tli.it nun j married and began farming Bui iu a new it should Cows cAii ho on the tarni where ten Tho for the shoe lac tory is the tor the train to a crowd had assemble*! on stnrliig lactory kept building e:»iiy W Tuesday morning given, large a contract lor lor Mllll Illllill'IM IIIIM! Iliotll III !«·«·!"> (III·II i|, account, and Mr. W. made be as of the utmost are now. This has been done in ι and will be ready snow ,n went to woik buck- importance kept uuaily completed, Portland. The i* the mound° and with regarded lighter ueget cheese of his own and that of (lie on thai side had the dairy Insecure a lirsl class ch·ose maker—one othor Stales, and it should he done here. 1st. The materials ami liial »|.onker* towards Portland, ami wheel* aie bring cts and such other implements as piom- occupancy by Hay son at a than dealers all on the Im-sI ol the uI.mi Next meet- his highct prieo and skilled in the Some to !>e men- lor the engine-house are nearly aigument used The train allows neat ly iscd to aid in staying the conflagration— experienced managing thing» might pcihaps morning wcni for that ol other dairi -s. lie on Kiiiluv I81I1 in^t whole concern and cheese, a* ν i il '.·> the d in v tin* add work will commenced ing cveiiinjî, an hour ami a hall's tune in P. before the there no in the paying making good tioned £!<■.til pri'jiidii giound, being engine place. his to Mr. Win. retmiieil, with his Hut the young man doubted ability whatever the Cora be. la cause the at once. The is to Ι><· "I brick Chase lîost η train. The tiailc in P. Mr. Cleaves' was soon en- may interest in general. and tin· cheese lacioty I builditig luilding ·. jobbing as a a- aUuil I■ «»iii lli'iih.im. Ma-s <>n |"i.■ make cheese of good quality whole success ot the Ihe eon.mon willi iron loof, and will be plaeeil Ι:ιΐι.ι.», is of ami a in liâmes, and it became evi- enterprise depends in pariieiilm Among them, showing sign« activity, good wrapped conn ν \V .11 ** l·· «vmiî < «I would l»o under the act, the of the cheese made. il l·· lilteen leet from the main tl.1 IjM. glad business is We t tke tin* dent that others must also be required upon ijualitv neglect to cooj the milk, exposing building destroy- ·· anticipated. was that the (' i.aeK I » hi* <Ί·Ι lioiiie, ,1» In· 1· ! and it and arranged In Vermont the cost ol in: cheese cal ν it di«laiice It was voted lo pass over :nticle Kastern cars foi lb»ton, where ed. The lire communicated to a new suggested kin;' a hot Mill while ing long -umptuotis In ■ ■ 11 r nio«t iri father's milk-room and 2 cents a and cheeso sells for Die ol money to sup e.l citizens. in the wa> is n· w blight, then to the iwo-story building in which pound; lactoiy had wall to the cow», having lilthy appropriation morning lowcry, se l-'rotii this Mi. bumner Newell, our r >1 cho ruadu there, augges in the market lor more than ι lint to milk in a echool. I!·*;{ί-. and the warm sun t\e w a» located the Xcv* oflice, enough yards unhealthy, lillliy htaidc*, port high biing* spring'* Hridgton the ol is low with I. tion anil arrangement grew plan made in dailies to the cost ot and all taints Ironi drains, ol· It was also voted that the Selectmen l'oeil··, ver) pneumonia. aln v air, an«l we com to have !>othol which wcro boon destroyed. The p:ivate pay hog pens, merged dailies to dav see mi a little heller. We also bringing the milk of several manufacture. Last cheese fill and carrion, -Iimihl ·»♦· repair the bridge near Horn's Tannery, to t λ new flames were cheeked in this direction by year, factory scrupulously atmosphere. cheese in ono as laid that Mr. America it »>-ri«n: and the I cents a > cow and to the two new ronds learn Thayer ·=· ! gcthcr making sold for I 1 2 to ΙΛ white and arelul ·11 iv of the -, accept Wo t-'ok a rinM the burnt »1 tin demolition ol a occupied by pound, avoided, ing tli(ll|k building and the of Associa ill. finally system that ol dairies sold for 1" 1 2 to careful and eh l.indii· » out by the Selectmen. ly trict, and found an condition Κ. Κ Wilder as a harness In the place, private oily milking, improved shop. now At tlio ul (It ted Dairying or Cheese Factories, 13 1 2 cent*. The reason why factory and in the cleanliness Ί he Norway Advertiser sa)»: Mrs. adjourned meeting «.t from la>t wint* r. Ihe wotk of other diiection the fire was stopped,after «piieliies» yards. things to a of Ii. A. Crockett is her store new School District in our last Nitui brought high degteu perfection cheese sells thus for a higher price than and n»a(ne-> hi < \< ty to having village, re i» <>n a small blacksmith shop, by thing pertaining building going inpully. destroying in di Qu'uni States. the Committee hoiiiu $.j«m aud widely spread other cheese is not that a dairy· the should >· lin il iir\man's ly plastered and improved. dny, reported of the various of granite, great effort on the pait ol the "tiro private dairy golden qualities a have been uiu tho lor of Ihe School Ilouve, a id the Hut lor time,—as might man cannot make as good cheese as i* rule—a rule the e.irelnl ol Shackley «fc Carpenter treating repairs s it in Boston, sut h a» the tjuim >, i 'q β brigade." billowing I ol the was a coat ol District voted down the for 1 expelled—the growth system made in the it he will use will lead to such *·« inside of their store to new proposition and Concenl. the lnttei t.tkt tlnj The by the Cleaves fnctoric*, equal Which Ann, building occupied takes time for School. This will very slow. It always skill, caie and but the Succès·» in I hi·· di ment ol Ficc High |#i«»'> for beauty, I white and sioie was valued at $ 1,4'*^— insured lor painsl iking, pail industry, paint. p.iiiu cing \eiy to out from the Mutu- the South Paris District tin· such movements pass of the cheese at home is il attained at nil inn*' be earned. It will Annual meeting ol thu Noiway nbly give «tear. Tke MMdwetef tin>ii< Oh·· £l.'NM; the next building was a new process making and uncer- on the lirst Tues- benefit ol the whole amount ol the S; <: field ol experiment, doubt, to many IroiO which not collie chance, nor unle»s al Fire Insurance Co., are now bri j;iiig into marke* η '.wo sioiy edifice valued at $2,UOO— in· subject inlcrrupiions ly by magic, pany success unless Weal Puis Dis- tainty, into that ol acknowledged in iho it is Irec, for the reason it be the ol hard work done day o| next month. benefit, (1500.00, article of tlie same Mid beauty, MNi from $1,0"0 to 1,-JiN». It was oc- factory magic by gti't Not tiil 1Η·>4 renew his lalmrs trie', has to .1 and general acceptance. that there a com 1 t is hands that are Hev. Mr. I'opc will enterprise enough get jxm. and found in the >aiue .*cction, is cupied in the iower stoty as a livery sta* pete person employ- guided hy intelligence being Mr. Williams 1 lunch in lion. The School District .-lands did tho example of begin ed and to make the cheese a* il It is a to liu and won ; l>ut it with the First Congregational meeting undoi'itMlit el a similar vein of rock. Lie, in the upper rtory by Merrill's pho- paid pri/e sought in that four tho Sabbath to next Saturday at to be copied ; and year only should lie made liom day to day. and l;c will be won onl\ those who know Norway, commencing l.ist adjourned afternoou, It vciv hautNome and work.* »·» easily, rooms and as a law oflice by by tograph wi and in tli* 4 o'clock. new factories :e siablished, lor it. The process of cheese their and and in May. a- marble. "I lie facilities lor I Λ Smith. Wilder'* harness responsible advantages opportunities almost, Chaplin shop to and in- (ioiiiant 1J·>1 of The 11. Cole lise following year.·» previous i- a rlsemical and «nie make llic most ol Ilium. Wo learn that .Mr. Register says: .Joseph it to market eual osth« was valued at V'·*1"— loss on stock $101», making pruces», getting Company other factories la*t of his cluding IsVJ, only sixteen that needs to lpting biisin»·— hcie »:ai;s la'.e, The by the Xcu s ripening publication building occupied Hut in lstiO a decided S. leader ol the Hand, it as «0011 as the roads are st illed. Vermont. impulse the factory this work is done on a largo article on ehec»e lactones in Vermont, in Walter Abbot, cupy at promises well. Tho street are dry was a nice two story building, recently was to this seventeen the new store between A. Mr. Icouard lus moved onto th given enlerpri-e; scale, under favorable circumstances, the Miliar Fnrwr, last Peer m >ci ; and has purchased Bnggs dust), :\»i! tin? rouU pule dry in the purchased ami titled up bv Maj. SI otey, new lactones wcie started in New ^oik < >. mid Ac Ciooker, and farm. and with such uniformity that sometimes becaiinc we desire loi the and Noyes, Higgins Partridge hi ot 1'. »iou. Wli e ia dordw »v at au expense of about $l,ô"0. Il was dairying and in 1866 there were live a ol conlcclionen. that ycai ; in a lot of cheese amounting to lilty cheese iulcrrst in Maine the I ng- will put in slock Ac., Maivn r ret :! t lishmcnt in »aid to be one ot the must convenient laclory Uuck/lrltl Htm*. popu and now- there are more than hundred, tons, a pt act iced eye can hardly discover c»l success. II. C. Kstks. at once. Wadiing' η sin et ;.i day. an ·ρ;»ο«!ο country ofticcs in the Slate. Most of the Λ ol the Corporators of th» otie thousand in in that State; in dealt rs can We learn Irom Mr. Daniel Cummin»··, meeting 1 operation any difference quality, and l'ai is, 10. 1*7:». occurred wot of note. in tLe ι .::ilin^ materials were removed, iiu'lud· April Bucklield Bank will be held α thy Kuly are in in a ol tho Savings sixty-seven operation \ermont; aiïoid aud are wry nilling to pay a who has kept record weather, afternoon a young e une in. with an ing one pices, though in a bad.y d.iuag- the office of (îeo. D. Bisbec, loth, .a lady have been introduced into l'ciinsvl a lor tho last lliat we ha\c had May they higher price lor cheese in large lots of t/n 1st lit lilt) 3ears, infant in her arms and sin ill satchel. ed state, fhe tonus were pied, and all the <)/}!errs «/' yiment. 1 o'clock P. Μ.,Ιο the li.1 vauia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and uniform the past winter II sriow storms. 1'ho organized She aiou id the well tilled t matter «as into Luxe*, good quality. All elceli«»n lor llie (Iioiic III ottlfOI» fol are Nathan Μ· ιι g'.ineed >tore, standing scraped Kansas, was «ml The Coiporuloia Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, There need be iit 1 le fear of overdoing most he ever knew belorc .'it, a> it to -vlcct th>· best b>r ! so taat lor souic time the '·*ill be ol no Fii -t ol held at -nbjvct her type and other tic Regiment l.ilaiitiy .was Hit 1111 Mine*, S. a lew moiucolj stock il.'.'OO. low cdto vote al the election. Γΐΐ· meeting The Hank will be promptly organize! but an assured succtss. ical than the have un- week, at the house of Merrill Howe. A while she into the cloak daunted his people geiicrady was called to order Col Klias Milli in wentjtp stair~, Maj. Shorey, nothing by souio ol b} and be in order May. From a table statistics to under- number was in attendance, and working early and dis- giving derslood, hut the) are coming goodly rooui, «he was ! lo..-s, an·ί saving quite tatigucd In the Stale of New Augu-la a time all doing go 133 cheese factories stand it belli t ; the home oj general good experienced by it :·.· <>iit. Ihe u: I m circumstance*, issue· the Sews consumption vi rte chokcii : < liarh > Γ i.| 9urtyi::g } g lady >ing that the whole Mntlocks, bu-inch* mid trade to lie un- York in 1Η,'Ί, it appear» cheese has ii-creased, since 1800, at the present. proiui.se» a«-»enicd. without lor a I this week, as usual, in a rat bet 1'ortland, Piniel White, ol active. Kent* are .til taken readily -uspicoii though of cows lactorv Irom Colonel; usually up number per ranged rate of thirteen million a l'hu Annual ol the Village .. pounds year; Meeting while, but in about houi »lir to ι aotaéiera. Β» κφι I· the "tend· Lieut Colonel, and Wm II. ol houses is begpn i"»') to with an of .>·."» to Haugor, at the and talk building dwelling 1-0·>, average there is a market to In· siij»* C01 |H>ralion will bo held Engine nil ι.u -1 ;.···· vta-un:· i«on »ic. >01" he in a lew weeks to pio· large foreign ol I he election* propose- season in most cases Fog 1er, Hell.i*l, Major current. each; that the and therefore all «ho «ill mike a House Hall, Saturday evening, April 12, In another h>ur the inn iot: u ,n w Icuiea new press, and suih plied; woe unanimous. officers neie The < "ontraetors to iMiild tin.· t upon cylinder loui ami one-halt to live Kighlccn :»t 7 lor tho election of illume ranged from liist-ralu article ι>1 1 lu-ese may reasonal)iy o'clock, officers, ii« ;· ι- « is no! :».« ex· other st«»e.> a- is neevssary. anil i--ue ihe er ol SkoM de- are it to com· that rigkt, a*d ik· that made an piocnt. I'.ipt. |)y began, school house getting ady months; they average a sale at au I to transact any other business that ;e->< -I her « î t·· "ic of the .V< as heretofore. expect icady good price. clined electieii to liehl and 1 |».ni» eleiks, cheese nay olliee, menee It will be 31x00—two amount of 2^·· lbs. ol pet cow; Tlio has been asked whether it may com ο before the meeting. operation.·». w ho. alter rt i the store for the Ail niooibet s of the question ··I Oldlown. dec lined he with all the mod ing press sympathize value of the cheese Cnpt. Kiilsom, alone» high, ol biiek, and that the average would be ndt is.tble to make iu rangements Mr. K'.en J. l'utile ol this town has 27 mother « tie lA ith 1>i Shorev in his loss, ami e a candidaie lor In ihe eve- unsuccv^lti.ly. pond hoj e>a. Since ing Major. : ern improvement.··. that year was per for thu manufacture of bullet as well as hciisthnl produced, Irom Dec. *20th to relicuie, ami lotwd some and s.»on to ste him resnrrectcd, and Col. Malli cko gave a suppe: at tile The chinch which wa- iium-d clothing however, ning or 97 do/.. Tins· Baptist that time, great improvements cheese at thu cheese ; ami we think April 1st, I,Kit eggs, I··: 1 \ »! wi ll α note her 4T:.·■ nix-like, tiso from hi* h-ashes. lactory to the (dlii ei » i<> not uiidwr contract. I ho replevin·; ru inufacturc ol Augusta llou.-e, present last tall, yet have been ruade in the eases it because the fowl are 11, and one of tho a that in many would, part Leglioi In take the « hild, ai. I would Mr. 1>. SaundctH had ied and in\ itcd 1 is coulideut lhat with the >l hoping ju*t ope facte so that a guests. and church help cheeso in tho rie>, larger c\tia »>ould not be wry gloat, number has hatched brought ιιρ her in Ii..· caie ot it The in the ol the expense An «ird«*r will t»·· issued soon Iront I fi abroad will be ab ·■ ·> young tailoiing -hop upper stor) of a better is their lend* they quatilitv, and that quality and it would afford an to seven chickens in the mean time. F ν en ir.t > whose i:amN the was and had a Le- opportunity (ieiieial'> olliee mmsiiii. I In; lady ehild building, pleasant prospect ι·Ι the Adjutant auuotineiiig commence to liuild this now pi.· lucid from given quantity make hultei instead ot Hieese at limes the Ν11 r a a\ biddies appear to lie waking pi .. d. though unmanicd. it·': .,n ttre him, win η lie wan thus uncere noni· the lit ol (»cn. (»eo I, Ileal, ί in to a 11 have i»ul»>ciibcil Ιιΐ»<·ΐαι _v. obliga· the lime, in Vermont, a|)|aiit.tim a ·>| our people milk. At present when that would be more ιιρ, like gicat tuajoiil) cili/cii*, tiou id; ·*·· d η he! \ t routed, lie advertises a new loca- profitable id Ihe as 1 few isp incident, ously cow s I Captain Norway Light ltdaiitry, wcioiigieeably surprised days the number ol per ;ctory ranges I e to see the ol more business. They Λ> lo the Iliai should · importance and took tin e!ii!d IMMM with a l this thus disjMisiiioti Aid w iih the rank ol '«dm ei, -:ntc to leceiv».· a I ι'ΐ. ιι week, tluri are bu*. de-Camp, us generou- fioui to 1»"". though made of the milk on Sunday s, «e think Mr. Ο. M. Ciimmings presented tion to care lor it. that ho does not care much lor on lli»· staff, with orders to Ιθ<> I10111 Hon. Win Ρ ; 11 s»·,•in- -houing factories tnat recene the uiuk general icpoit Frye vcrv lew it bcltci to il at home and make but- with a crop o| >ouii^ grasslioppcis, \ 1 AlMlSt. I-yi■. .-o a schorch. keep (ft-n.l'hat bet lain, vv ho will as itiât was not "Back the slight oO·.» or more than 7"0; and loMaj. he taking Pay ot less lhan lei from be nine families must m ik>· mon.in», which were discov- some ol ii, riuirsday venu a ea· The tire has taken out the liirn to ht I lie chief ol hi*'laff. Usiurd to the contrary I'"·■ WUvM Miinn mnw is alx-ul 100 cows sign his η >(e to /iVi/uiir the average probably tome butter or it. and these who aie ered by «inking tlicit way finest in the and stri- buy ot the cause who intend to he nine iti the -i .p« ol a little building* \illage. it is under- It lends ρ specitne: to a factory ; and generally at llie cln e>e IHe«I a tho top ol in·· soil round litr house plants. ι.ri ince factory •·ί>. lir-union.'' will not Llack .Ui j tUM t it kit.» Λ > ous!\ in d its ; employed Λ*. /. Ihe ol anew church, j pei.-oual appear a smaller number ot ('. the building -;|£;Κ·ίΐy stood that eows.s.iy Sunda\ as well as others Wo are informed by Mr that dut < t w iu niai \\oi tit bu*. the :itcr ρι i-uig il zens ill not Μι. Sw :ι»ι·ν*» coiiin ctioit \ν Γι Ιι Οχ h.tii a better tune to cncoui ge their peiiortiii: ζ y lui tricks long :»HJ to is better b»r tlio-.e who for the from -1<>··. »· I was in the cellar la>t fall w I lie ot llio hit m* put and a i i ; \ all· it to remain ;n this condition. pioîil» l.tcloiy tor ti Not in.11 Institute !"μ·« w it Ii t he Bucklield friends than at the display» to mu-ic the factory, than three or lour of the >oil this present. patroni/.e (nu accrue to those who ha\e purpose rcuowing .«pting, It which i- wonderful. Me w il! :uv iitaitiiy re sen I term. truly thin* lii.it number, I rcaiisu il vives lia· ρ and used lor that about three 1!< form Schools. MUall ilaii it··» ; ;ιιιιΙ Ι·\ a .«uiall we purpose lie hi to the tla· ta strain·· i,«.t t dairy w i>«> have Ιημίι »ti * i in t Ii i ·* in- 1 >iupeii»e legard {><>->111.·11 company tlio milk in All ] J a j.i.nu» xactly labor ami the tisk of injuring weeks ago. Tin y appear to be in The eoaumilea at th<· Eiaentiv· mean what nn nn u in Vermont I In· uumoilal Uucklield Branch K. IS. ii ;ru:o:iiuu» whether eeau-e !» has also in Ihey by stitution since Mr Swa»ev loo'·» cru y it a distance, ami ciiaigu condition and well satisfied with Council 1. wo returned iVoai their \ i>it to ing longer anil Now Υ· k—It >» than thirt\ or lieallliy would assume this ha« coiue to "nui -i·: in iu- -· t;'. » r in e m»»· 1 seiisi- loity of it aie cairn-si invited, ami Spring, the smallei ! telory they art· 111 «re likely iy expected, th. ii t .e lie tot iu Schools ut Ma«-acln *ett> cows. I .'ii .nan who has a •purlers. an end. i'lic ol llto tive itl »n i- t >rturc«! ne huger daily to I)·· tin· last w«-ck <>| tli» present nniuagei· orgnni/ iy it, to have enough to do their work present «iiuiiiji a «d Ni w II whither λ cut help be said in ha\c a hi* own, road as»eri (hut the· track, «nil know not. but tiic Iron» loipshire, they may laitoiyol If il», M.ιν till to lOlli. aru SortΙι Χυηνιιι/. rolling opine latter. well, and >o botter article ol May I'hey t > if »oiuc nevr produce ami .-killed t t »' :.·· .'- gaiu, po-sible, Wests in and by taking paius using block are lo be put in condition, ami W'*c tli recently hu l ironi cheese. In localities where there are c>|K*c*iaIi> uiged to be prcseti! il lin» Ho A young man by the name ot Israel good ta tho-e institut: >u*. with :i view labol lit· can η .«ko 1»i- che«.*e λ ell aiio»e. with caller, when υ! a it i·. better to have t«u οι Wilson, accident Moula), 1 hi M.t.-oachusiits school is it Wot· factory, and while tin- man with a Whitman loti λ vaiuib.>· hit ι.· "Γ.in." t.'.e terri» c it, succeed; AMM*tant will in tin.· root of a barn Ilenry W. :, ui:ucnced three factories at some distance from null) Principal# deliver si«ting propping up b and has at the ;· «· mû alar ιιιιι.Ί woik at a disadvali com* indicated Ii.tiou* The >ro\ presen» time, daiiy or front tlio l>y disease Symptom» balking y. big puppy piay· cach other, than to bting all the tin Ik. to- the Oration, Welcoming Address; which lia·I scltied badly great t \I he New school i> at taiic, un!· ·>« he can combine his Inn» bat iiu nitt-i* death examination la. ! h him, when llaiuj>>huc ol Ki^e ItawM#.··, I lie I'ociu ; ami o( mio\v on the A stoppage iuily huge paw u{k>ii in a "ingle lactory. Wt kn<><* MiKi'inic} weight building. M m> holer, ami has over 1U0 At gether w iih tliux "I his is. showed none ol tin.· lesion» characteristic at •■Triu" turned over and >ti buy». ncigiib- Mr. Sw im'V vviil give Farewell Addles*. ot limber liaii been acioss the lightened g >od towns in Vermont, where placed bv.»tl. t the are I λ it)i dairy l'he id in Vcimonlato ;i n| out .ike ».'· λ 11? I'iie these, boys provide prolit» daily ing Urchcsti ol Lew it will a screw on ol thai disease, but triangular 4. ladies present, lirst started with the intention «»I Mallard's i, ton, great beams, and jack the· piece which is found to be one of they iron fioni one half to *» :· .»:*! Ί u. # Ito wa- employment, ί.ι:χι·. One t iilci |»i i.-ing and suet es>(ul j turni-li i.iu«ie. Mii* Orchestra has been timber, and 11 liuid wood about six measuring ir^I.i. »j|.p»··.. one large factory, but now have plank jsheet the iu 'St effective tor that hiving on the was fuuoil in the iv...t_»l. lli> io;>>ter ed iuiu into the agencies good laimer, who 11 im-t\ cow»· la-t year, lo furnish mu-ie lor a set on scit-w as a h to two inches suies, clapi three instead ol one, and tiud r. an a>l kept engaged conceit, feci loug the prop can i e xerciscd. 1'unishmcnl hn ui.·»· Il w us niOst »ink, under the w:.ter jnwhere he n-ali/' d Irom lauter and cheese made, and Widm »e resorted t«» but vintage. «>l the nn-ial ha·! ·ιι revile '. : r.-l c î cal» es the sum ol ·>«>'.». 7 0 Λ ill I ·i'< <1 nnnouiiccmeiil lot (lie «ceek the to one end Mi th.it the sharp edges ·ιι.ιιι»ηι«»Ι uking IuCbittenden County,Vt ,—the County (at each) per caused p!uuk tall, iking are » lîotli school conducted I· eojts death ttluie !. it ii. ΤΙ; ..ι .t 1. -i.-t that rarily. np- cow I'lic co»t ι·! the .iter and l\ ill s" «t 1-e lliaill· IVI i'| i|i ι. the une Mr. lit u- cut causing which coutains one third ol all the cheese making lloor. the other hilling thruugliMho on the of reform, and ate nut u Κ It him thinks that the co* .»* u he luiM ut Ά» oouldn'i -ie it." punciplo elite»· lit· teckiined at 510, liich .S.niti A il 1*7;» licit fit the the skull. Mr. Whitman p.ι factories in that State,— it it understood Talis. J 12, head, tiacluiiug corn ur Unie ιιι··.ιΙ w made institutions for the puuish· ol cow bt-Miles the lowed it in her meal Λ »i· 1 e ot Κ !. ui- aiouml Maiden, penal an income $·ι0 pi j In ■ cture >n \\ uni '■> I » > l>r. I'fables, who attends lite unfortunate that a building intended to receive the 1 Suffrage, < Di i.t ot the inmates. The are as seen small in those su in- ne «fi the -t. ;r in (own* near bo>s w Some ol the ol hischeese informed us ou he hail pieces pretty milk ol 400 or 5mo cow>, should he l'K) lie) patious Itev W. II. Holster. «>| vVi-c.i -«ι, diew man, I'liui'sdny uurniug. as far as a» a t:· .v trea'.cd parent mu to hi» stall cet. liosto:;, a vit »>l the 11. uiv ele- possible, nearly up leccipts.aud a that in· had sonic ot liis £ave feet ο J or ;>l leet Aide, and two lictory oui largo audience and gave much hopes recovery, Would treat an and long by our school the io.nl on ami η erring child, kiudlj none tell below cow—Wc know of 1<ι·. was ease a critical one. In district gant pi, tuit.-'jii». uianlicroideuccs -, ol a pel Κίΐΐϊκί..· ι.·ι» though \eiy stories high, each story good height. ( with 1·>ι and effort i- » » is situated liai vt t 4 ! .. «or* bearance. every olhei «host* iiiroiiu·, >ιιιυ Irom butter ot ihu North which the school house J :..t·.·. ρ·»tiug double wails,—the inuci one lathed »c), If .«r I'ttj iv Item s. Xorwa) Debating Club, hack to a lite of virtue and tight, now ol 10 t! in tm ti. 'Usiii'l dollars i-, not »t mueh uprightness. One man lioiu anotliei county ,«* h makes Tliui 3d. ·!allies Iv. school being kepi, consoling and double windows >o ΊΊ»ι· ill/.· i»s <»l tlii* village an· ver) lay evening Apiil Ti.vM· remarks aro however, not intend plastered,—with and leali/.t- *.*<·> iht! It-mate scholar* ofilieui a cet unt hi it Man utυ wortii £ ·θ,0·.»0ΐο butter lit·m 100 tow», French First in order was pupils many that they can be opened easily ; much iulci rsleil in I lie ol erecting presiding. ed as a slur the arranged project have lo Irai cl on Γ:κ ?ti«tt> were ehitdren upon present manage· per cow, was askid in oui hearing what the ot the vet clary ; I'd. declama- y ouiix ladies snow>shoe·, dry, when nei-'trv .and .\ith means piovidcd a M< am uiili. I'll·· mill i- to lie used by report ment ot our Uofoiui School. It i> said wi le Γιοιιι the number ol lo be seen their I In ami he would do if hi> taxes higher than tion Walter ; 3d, select l ead and pairs rolling <>j playing ball, for ventilation, and lor m lin- Mcssi ». Hrown ami Harrows, for tin* by Knights the committee will recommend some thorough otic the schotd in the that are, and he m with dccluuia about the house would lake the j:i.'- playing school t control ol the i a· they piled ; chairs. ing by M is^ Belle Frosi; 4th, <> complete temp manufacturing They in the ot man- lining |iiti|M>»uol loi a hunter's retreat rather than van!-, ri »- without liuir hit-.— c~at)g« present system "I would milk more cow»/' tion F. French ; 6th, discus- place lute in both the and fating also piopuse lo run soiuc small ma- by Augustus making the "Noble lo thu We cou... but think of the little ones in agement. As to the bcsl bleed ol cows lor cbecse sion of tho ••Re- Privilege" given rooms. It should be >o situated as to be mic!i as clothes-pin or spool following question. cltineiy, to learn his native Ian· our latitude,w ; in cloak* aintelou !- there arc different solved thai the use ot drinks American youth apped Λ'ΐνίΜΐ/ Lodge, /, 1P. G', T. ol access, and convenient lor those making purposes, quite saws. intoxicating easy r. with aict ■· (Λ. i»h· .·. Thoso causes more than nil other evils." gu age.—liegistc tvcral I.'fly ·. in Oxford County: who furnish the milk Irom different direc- opiiiioiu among good dairymen. At a meeting held Tuesday evening misery Durham* would be to Aff. M. II. Κ. K. Mer- Tho Annual session of the Grand tions; on at a dis- who keep likely the 8th itist an was efttct- Mcrriam, Neg. ( onuevticut f'Uction. Lodgi standing dty ground, organization M a sun Itftns. that arc thv and those who rill. The was then voted upon *d our State occurs the 23d and 24th ol tance Iront all nui-ances, swamp or other say they best, ed, ami the following ollicers were elect question Ihe State e ec' ion in (.'»»:ιη«·«·{ΐ»·ιιΙ took and those who Nil· the members of tho which the of Samuel T. Stow thi« month, and I would all noxious exhalations, surrounded by pure keep Ayrshire, keep cil: P. <'. Fickett, President; Mark by Lyceum, By politeness urge upon to place Mon Λ·lut. I:· .s ;-1 would in like manner that these in favor of the Aff. 11 to 4 ol Bethel Hill, 1 waa lay be at à and an nbundant lives, say Chundlcr, Sect ; J. Jr., resulted ; Gili, ell, permitted ■ that comtuaiiding supply clary Bicknell, ti e Iiemocra·; e : I.od^e- they fully represented did .te lor ti veinor, arc best. l(ut the Γη sident of the Vt r· some lino Mi. the inimités υΐ snow sloruis kept l>y thi- I trust attention will Le of pure cold water—and like every private Treasi.ier Λ Committee was also raised rccess; 7th, singing by copy »\as meeting. a elected over once winter. He has by iu,i;.ait\ a ol mont Association, said I and Mrs. Geo. Shedd; 8th, declamation him lot the past kept ven to this, and that delegates will Le dairy, it should have good supply Dairymen's to dispose ol lie remaining slock, select In thefiisr nal snow storms for i'»ïngre>?i« lk;-.trief. (ieu. 1 w at a "The bent breed of Willie Towne ; 9lh, comic by record of many years, from each and every iu ice. Set ions losses ere incurred in New public meeting, the location lor a building, ami lo take by piece w:ts present Lodge on as correct : Ilavvley reelected in the M-eond. cows that I knew ol is the breed that will K. C. Walker; 10th, of the and this may be relied our County <ί. M. Twitch km.. York, in the earlier stages of this move- othei j.i>- i uinnry action. l\ C'. Fickett, rending Kci. .1 ». in the third. Si e.ithtr, ol clioeio in one sea· Mi»s Carrie snow Nov. luth. Fell in Nov County Deputy. ment, through the erection ol cheap and make 500 pounds Knoch \\ i.ilti'inore, Jr., and S 11. Locke ••Pearl," by 1'owne; 11th, First 1 ttlli Λ «. .< 42 republican ., ere re cti d. son." Thcro arc cows llnit do this and 12 business l:Uh, ad- 20 inches; December, inches; poorly constructed buildings; and it be- ; comport· the committee. $1,000 worth singing; general ; 1872, 1 iiv 11' :e:u ·. 21 ρul have a ct Toothache.—Anew consists are cheese factories in which 1873, 39 inches; Febtuary, majority remedy comes all who arc now going into this there large ut slo. k h is been suld.aml it ii thought journment January. une ii. ,1:»: > nr.te. r h l»eu>»H-r.»ts the cn ment ot introduc- i.·» more than 400 exercises were selected March, b\) inches. Whole dopth, i'io> injections business to avoid their mistake by erect- the average production there will be no dilliculty in disposing of The following inches; Iroin 12 to 1^ 1:; ij- rity ii. the liou^e. ed iuto the near the diseased tooth. ul to a cow. Hut the care inch. gum ing suitable in a good and sub- pounds cheese the remaining $1,000 worth. for Wednesday evening, April 9th, 1st, Ιό feel 1 I»ui buildings T.'.·.· 'ju.iini li.c >t.ite be· I>r. has tried these in and the cows arc ol more ot the declamation The snow is yet very deep on tl.o tapiuil Dop injections stantial m inner, and furnishing them feed of impor- The toad between this villago and report secretary ; 2d, t e η liailluui and New M u t.n defeated about one hundred ease*. in breed. Good care at all K. it has settled but very little in twenty with cn!> the best machinery. tance than the West l'aris is in such a condition that a by John Shedd; 3d, select reading ground ; Uie n puùii an candidate Ι·>ι (>»>\» rnor. ca>i> he made use of morphia, which Iced the summer, Mivs Caiiie Townc delamalion the woods, and the traveling is about a* there were conucct times, good throughout gentleman who visited our oflice on by ; 4th, l.ast New lla\eti tLe a Formerly hog-pens arc aa full 3ear, ^av icpub a tceeeded very well, but only for time. corn and ostls when the be- Willie select bad as il can be. The roads cil with the cheese factories,—at some geeen grass Wcdnvsdav, was obliged to leave his by Noble; ôth, reading by 1. le e. i. ii.! .■ 1 \ « ι· λΐ <■ and of ;,0J iilav, doroform wa* lar more successful, to fail in or and Ilattie declamation K. ol an old bachelor is full distance from them nuil on somewhat gins duly August, airly team. I.elore proceeding hail way, and Abbot; Gth, by pilch-ups&e she hini 1.7,1 \oles. liien the i» now used Dr. D. It was aie gi.o exclusively by cut hay urith roots and meal in winter, "foot it." Judkius; 7ih, recess; 8th, select reading whims. Our hay-mow» wearing lower ground,—loi the purpose of keep- den ocraiie iu ijority in the eiiy w.i- eminently successful in 02 cases out of and attention to the selection of calvès Miss Fannie 9th, declama- faster than our snow drills. Some swine and the whey to them by Townc; away η .wv It i» :>,7€:î. fiat this wu η»·ι ou i'he with the ing feeding eighty. injection is made for the Itoiu the best milkers —A ol the LewUlon tion F. French ; lOlh, read- ol our fences arc and may get but now the arc as dairy only, cor.lapoiulent by Augustus pipping, there; pens regarded s I .:rty i> >!iowu in ll.e h»ct that small used iu France success to J n.rual fray ; It it was not for llio Miss Ida but a many of grooti»l·. syiiuge commonly the will ensure good any dairy- "drug- ing of the "Pearl," by llayts; out of their shell, good needless anil a nuisance, and growing saw so li >d ·>··' in f.»r subcutaneous two much used iu Garland, we ihc Kellogg (.rep.) .joiity (iov- for injections. Only man, whether his cow s be Durhams, Ayr- llili, declamation James Ettcu ; 12th, thorn will be badly demoralized by and almost universal practice is for the thould have in by ertior in New Haren. are iu at * time. Tho needle great dilliculty obtaining dtopa put shires or Natives. sutlicient wood. break 13th, general business; 14th, weight ot snow. patrons to take their whey from tho fac- They into the J singing; great ia introduced and must remain w cut tiecs Advertiser. is as well *3 last — gradually are essential to a mii's, setup the machine, ihe , nment.—Xorway Stock not looking i'iie prohibition question i^ tory and feed it to their swine at home. Three things good adjoui agitating : t a ft w seconds Un ι do twitch them to the saw ami saw eaten too much am! withdrawing° a that vi, It ha· hay the u:i· »!. I'no m-i-t that the Also it was formerly the to dairy country: (1st) good climate, spring. Kentucky be exerted ou the practice tliem Into blocks sixteen inclics Xorth I'aria. it, pressure mui-t gum and long. not meal,—yet it is much higher friend- ol tiare to ask, i> that make the milk at the twice a is, one ol a low average temperature, iuuI then them for the and enough tempérance ν the up factory split stove, aie ith tho finger. In by far greater Andrews Oc Packard of this have it was then—COWl i*nd horses the «hah be e.osed on elec· this is done now, but rains, instead of long continued delivered at the can be Ιοί ί place than liquor shops is day, and sometimes frequent house, bought ■ η ii » number of cases, one injection enough ί I cord. been extending their business, and, as Ικ»α days, ο·ιΐ K:ng l>otiro«»u lorbidi the more and growing practice is periodical drouths; (2nd) good water, per to the toothache. general be seen their advertisement in stop as and fresh from It be well to a lew will by •vou- that, declaring thai ».ioh 1 law to make the cheese only once a day, lor that is, such Hows clean might bring along from another are to furnish —Under the head of "Dealb· wouhl be an un ? mid ι ho streams "that this We Iroui $4 to $» per , prepared outrage lie. rights ol :* —The Journal says the ice left the An- the double reason that saves work and unfailing springs, way. pay the census re- saw- in the vehicle at low rates, Accidents and Injuries," »n ! f ». or from cord foi and $1.50 foi anything line, free people. t'i p i ,i .,ient is below the Falls, Thursday makes a better quality of cheese. How among the hills" undulating green wood, droscoggin and wotk. 31 executions. a ν eise to it. sur laces such as and guarantee satisfactory ports forenoon. The help required in a factory to work ; and (3rd) good grass, ing spliimg. Newspaper Decisions. Ktlitorial and Srtrcteil Itrms. No. Waterford. BEST THING IN THE WEST. lieivare of Chasing Mice !—Last Sutur· w h- — I Au» beiooia Uk» pap ·ιιΙ>ροίΙμ*Ι «γ ·ν»ί — 14th &. Santa Fe R. R. llio store over ho Atchison, Topeka ia re»t»>u»iUI«) l'or ibu »n\ meut. room, Kami's More, It H |*T»nu onier» bu μ.ι|·«Μ JUoobtiuued. bu — ΓΙιο travel this week about here, is thought lie "snttlled mice." Being A urn mm m imu·: |«* all au curait», ur the ^ul>li>hrr uia» I...nil··.,» Iv wild it until |>a\ meal is nudr, au·I ool- not worth shaking of. courageous young man, ho iiuiucdiate'y It ·» the whole uiuoiiut whether the |ι«μ*Γ ι.- Ukra lie !ι<·ιιι the "Hi··*· or nut. —The UnivuraalUt Circle will meet at gave ; but i list end of cnthching TllltEE iHIIJJOK ACHES The ι-ourta liav· .IwiJcU Hint re!u»iug I·· take the un mouse, lie on « rusty a··* -|>. p*r. and ι»*ι lodical» Irwui thu |.o-t οΙΚον or Academy Thursday cveuing. stepped scythe, ■ Situated in and Mar the Arkansas nijv;:.,; ϊη·Ι lea» iug tbrni uavalle*! f»i iv prima a severe Valley — fee himsclt flcih /iu tc V\ lilt UCV of .lit, ulloti.ii itau.1 For "Stun.. Will Pnthhit,* gning quite v\ «>imd. Finest portion of Kansas ! "Young People's Comer," on the outside. A Itiend informs lis lie has been di»in· Mail — α Arrangements. Faritiiii^t«·ι- «-eut. reduction to Semen* who » ko· il· looking improte. Kor Portland aud Koatou.al 11 :r.tnt are— Low l'iii-c» • ;nl .·ι tlw County, Tuesday·, Thirwla;· -.«J sang mub« time. 14·h. instead ol Ô, as heretofore. hiiiI a ltebnte to «ettlers of Vuu:ifa;«, \la N»i\i«]r, at April tlaya earlier this spring than last. Ν e (,οηκ Credit, iietnly oik· foaith; a ICieh Soil, ami splendid Climate, — ri lcii'iiw l<· lite MAIM AI.H k It will be Aecii by j think lie must have been bitterly disap· »burl lud wikl Winter*; early t'l.1 nii·>κ ami »« Kuin Portland auli»rk; plenty Rainfall, jn#t we over 15 >toue rt«1 1 llrifk ·>ιι II»· 1» au uiail, %Lt t.nud Trunk, I : Ρ M ie»poiid»ul. that have had l'ei'aoiis in this arc In-ginning llieriiflitirfaiiiii; foul, « it vicinity I ινιιι Noru j» .>ud the ur ti ru )>art ul the u line, ( K ite- ou Ae. ; imlm li tbif winter. I ol khower* to limp Lumber,C'onl, at I tu Γ M ktt, to doubt ho |w»vver April owned by ^pifulnlon; llume^te· I and Pre nu·» — this Au < .ι^l«·11\ -ιιμλ kloiiu, «villi high bring loi lit Mav flowers spiiug.— iii'i.» iijw abundant; it lli^t cl e» ILillMiiil ι'ι»· S. η » liUMSOn d i/vtf^il in oil Saiuiday evening, and | Xortc«y Advertiser. line of gri-nt Through Koute: I'm.«lint- ill ) for I.nu.1.111.1 h. i> . Λ .>>··! .'nliaui... ». nil I.ni s.t^hl i··'· m!"·>··>ι». " Γ M U'tUerfoiih Jit',us*, lui «l.mu li >ia at II K> ν M I lu un,. Il Sunday mi .Monda}. <>ar correspondent writes: ΓΙιη usual· It It ;hr IIK.HT opportunity ever otTrrnl »o — are to talk about Ha; lx>en before the American without this Liniment. re- People beginning town lu he <»ue «.I activi· public Πιο money the Ptilillc tlie reeent roift- s ait· ly quiet promises through planting pea», md g mleiiei already OVER THIRTY yours. It has never yd funded unites the Liniment is «λ repre- DIRECTORY. I IV thy season. Numerous ce *ure pletliin of the Itoail. digging par-nip·» —Lin ition Jottnml. coming prii failed to pivo perfect satisfaction. ati«l liai sented. IV· and (jet the genuine residences and olhwr justly been styled the panacea for all ex- MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Sold For Circular», ami fenei.il information adrfrt »«, ol l Ικ·\ h l'en'ι ill ΟλΙοΐιΙ CoUllty. buildings· l>eing Book and Job Masonic Lodges-Time Meeting. ternal Wounds, Cats, Bums, Swelling, l>y all DrupKistg and Country Store·, at ereeted or undergoing important chang- Α. Κ. ΤΟΓΖ.4ΜΝ, ΟΧ1ΌΚΙ» 4 HAITI.U. Uitkel. -I Tktu»dajr I'lie State Sunday School Convention Sprains, Praises, &e., &c., for Man and 2 *>c, 60c. ane held at Itiddelord, in the Baptist \mlruwo);fla t'hapltr, at South has been Ιοί ν lull iu>>->u Waterlord ΚΛΧ8ΛΗ, a da» on or In ( on 20th factory TOPEKA, t'eulre, U. 1- lunch, l'uenday evening, May 3iu. UlaiiUK total. V· A Kuuil 4 to 1'. X. lo be Jau.M the iuo4ii awarded Haskell, complet- > RKWARD. u«·- l.i». ο or Wfara tin· full ol mill continue on tho 21st and 2-od. instil. Tier Χ II Elixir! $Γ>.00 .» olio Pal la Lttdg· No. Ui.a Pu ed by the 17 th ol May. The coin met lor \ dark brown Spaniel I» >jf, «i\uiouth* A. O-A^IRID, U I."·» «he full —The excellent article on Cheese Fac When tiie winds of winter J old. « iuU forward lert. He leU home the 7th K:»;Uit at chilling IOST Jrlfrraou No I·*·. Pond, 14 construction ol the hotel Waterlord Ι but rt C»pIop «η· I.odgr, liowl amid tlio leafless brauclics, Mareli bawd of MIUl. Any tlTlTH ΓΙ.ΚΛ-ΓΚΚ, I recommend tu uiy for· eri n oiiOl | ! iruf fv Il oui the of Hev. l)r. listes, ret limit Hi·· .·ι1")τ«· will rrr-'lro rcmrf PRINTING Tu<*- tories. peu > £ dojc $5 raer ami to tlie elti/en* of ;»··ιιιι· r·· Flat lot* been awarded t Messrs. ou >? patron» Bethel Vrlrutml »Ur. Ν I Tutvxlaj,. Long· When from the North the Storm King All Infoniiatinn with rcgvtl to 111- « hereabout· » all interest. It is and »·trinity, Mr. If. C. Andrew-,, :ii Ικίιι^ every •li Ih ·>'·» t'l! I III MJ ill be read with 1 wit: lie thmklulk received the anbecriber. by «Si Marches wiili hi* snowy banners,— l>jr way worthy of vour confidence ami Ht t he I, No *7 3d rh«ir~l:i> ut oa<*h lUuULli Stone.—lieyL-ler. null tr patronage. to firtint more than the sub- With ■ B18BEE. I would al*o ι haw lia.Ι4ΐ HuflUW-l Vou- worth every his while and glitening banners,— Sumner Me. Ea«t »ay opportenity l.ttaluji l.od^r, llill, (!·.«» Sumner.) to examine hi· work, an·! consider it fii »t oi»»·, in da ..u or i*·:··!-* lall ιικ-οη f« r a Denmark. And with fierce and sudden pi ice of the paper )ear. conquest evenr ret.p«Tt. Ile ha* the lai »· »t :ir*H«rtmeiit at <1 I'll Ν li. Ii\«-'nrf. M on In ίι·ίι scription Dissolution ol luujiirla». Lays all summer dead before him : l':iiliiris!ii|i. tlie be«t fut «( tarda*·* ever made iu Oxt^rd m1..w Uik.'Ill·'lull oftlir moou "ill about 11' Mis. Walker, of Denmark, in I iu^ .«r night. inat.. Mary heretofore under County. IMNKNKY ΒΓΚΝΗΑΜ dtfanl, Ν -ι* Ν,. 1·» ΜίκΙπΤ of ιιιλΙ -Monday flower and every leaflet rpilK copartnership exi-ting Kveiy I the llnunatneol ΛΙ.Ι.ΚΝ Λ l'EItllΛ M, in Ihi· lul· laoou and at one made ^.>4 coats, 81 ol yft- elvi· I Ut mutual cornent. The debts due tfnunl Tlr'eiu, N.· l£l. v> WaUrtoul. Tue»· lays tiny the knit five double mitten·, ami the cl summer (■< and from tin late linn will t>r E,C. «la*. »·μ··γ 1*Λ»Γ* the lull moon ton Falls were burned to ground. pants, pairs And singing birds udjil-l11. >lurlah. No j··. Ik'UUUik, W edneada* "Λ a Irom all the were cleared. 7 assisted Iter InisUainl Fly way Northland, J. Κ I'F.ltlt.VM. in .>u The buildings p.utiallv pairs sticking*, Piano and Coal-Box ur before lb»· full seems ol Cutunder, Yacht, on or Where the air lull arrows,— OXFORD DEMOCRAT Ν.· 1 > THE >rlia»rot. Ί. funwwr, SMvAQ I'lie hotel was occupied by Κ < (»i man. al lia) ing live weeks, besides doing lier β» sac for· full nn»·* Full of >haip and stinging arrows V. ·η orallcr lu house work. BUGGIES, It. 11*. li;, l.ovrll.T ir«»s heavy ; iiiMirance small. necessary Ueallv,Denmark That will tec us. il we venture •KHI pie Both" top and no top, »ide and η I spring. ·ΐ| seems to be a l:\iuous town loi smart Hut to outside the dor Hiram. I· lelJ \ιι '·Γ Thurad-it — Γι·· Γι liste»·» ot I lie Maine Stale step way, hinj Ag· ·« Α ΙΛΟ •r iUi lull ιιιο<·η. — Then ( fell l"r women Sews. ouMiiuption, destroyer. Ν Τ .ι,.t u. 1 hi, ij liculiui il Societv. have fixed the lime Hfi'li/lùn U hilar) Lmdge, Sallies ! mil t<> seek his \ichms. Reach, Λ CoHt ord on οι heioiu full ni.x»u and ··! tin· Nu I ni-h, I » »1 ι In « l< vent h Kxhibition Fail (iovham Χ. II. and eoM< are his fon-runnei■», PANT MAKERS! luror* I Kapl Coughs t. u I ra«. 'i ou tlie lôiii. 17th. Isib ami I'Jlh Mai kin·* where >u«ee.-s is eat.y ; • 1.1 4 ι, « ■. \ i.l Society Αι the annual ol tioiham uueting where these are not l'ant makers ran be -applied with werk by rail Job »>ti ui twturv full moon ol next i'lie total aiiloui.l And, resisted, September No. l· A held in I It*- lug upon the •abécriber, M tb<· "Bâte· More," Lodge M., Lodge Hut allowed to hold II 1». STAI Printing possession. Ρ Km T. uotiD Ti:«ri.AH>. of reuiium* ottered will be o\er ji'i.'*·*». WAGOΝS, j r Day. ol our town, vveie and Soon will make his dread from the be«t »tock the market afford-. r vi-.· «%·*■>·-··. Joseph full imiig ollim eieelt d duly appearance, !\otirr. klar, li .··; Krida* «·»·■ n·»· ol Α .Vud will seijte hi- \i. tims. T FARM A. hTOIIB ϋΙ»Ι%4 lias out the incut «tore Κ. installed lor llie Impie»» II III I I Λ ι. un ADflMM M. Ol·! de- ΜΟΓΧΤΑΙΛ, WAtiOXN, Ιί W.i' «·>.·ι bought ensuing yean wife, \Mluu«ir i.«> Would you have a *uix protection y V lin·* η ι ri loan t" rt im or cohabit with (r> «lal Ht»r· ti Uu kttel l. e»er> lhiu»J>t M«»r»e, nt and intends to iuii his A. s M or »ny kind of a Norway, Twitohell, W. Jûhn Κ Wil» foe so ended? me. without rennouahle came, n«twith*taudinj( I OFFICE. a Front this dt bvtu justly liuM· a a ol nice K»<»l home provided for lier, and have no- 1'eiu, "».-ilUi»li> fU-uiln;» « ait to our with s \V II. M ,1. W II. so Mi|>lr Κν·| village, ripply liv ; Hackwell, ; A pioteetion iinlailing tilled lier of the -aine; Dow notice i-herebyiriven ut«-r Λ R lil G I urr«t l.«kr, t llarUorU.evvi> seSunta* tie<> l< IbiM |o all not to iru»t «nid .M i.rav C Λ meat, pio\ isiolis, \ό Mr. Τιι as. l l'ban Sec* ν I'hat you neeil not tear hi> visits? per»oe* Nu^u-t» Ε, »·»··!« Osgood, ; Shorey. ; on for 1 «lull no debt* r iny account, pay of her I il» lit· Iblr. N.· fj»-4 luiuu»!, everj othi ol our (ίο and some DOW !V* MADE TOOKL.LH. liaiu, v\ ho knows the wants peo- S. Κ S. I» ; A. J. .1. buy outra· Un^ alter this date. i liartlett, (Jraham, f la> ICvming*. Some real Χ. II. l>own\> Elixir; • II.UtMCS \V. (; It A V, OK so diive. •#·Λ SPECIALTY ΜΛΙ»Κ ple well, will !► ; Mauriio West, S S ; Ν W Slew· M March .lUt. 1*71. Made ol all most Utilsams loot, U PKKPAHKb TO l>o ALLKixuaov healing Allant—T. It. s» i\. H h: I'M li l SU ill ALL ITS I 41. O. F. d tinu As- J. S S. K. 1er Ο. II. »|irs· DItAXCfWS, —The tc.ti ul the P.wltry ait, ; Drew, l'y ; Found in all the Northern lorests,— Bethel, Hare h 11, 1-73. No 4ι lavorable auspice*. near the head ol Church Sheet, To learn to ui.ik<* Hoop-Sklrt--· and llu»tlc«. l'er· //. Wry luaneiit einpIuTini'ut given. >alarv from (il.oo C. ANDREWS. 1 UKI Tfcl· w».».kl I ι:I on the fmu ol IIknuv & Johnson— the Society i» to Ik; held in Portland It) to f Γ4 .(Ml pel week. .ill on or addre-s JOB WORK, l.etlcr from Iter. John \lt » Bdl.lt Κ Κ Λ. Il tk κ»: I.L. Murray. Medicine men, well known to : llAYOKN. 111 It It Λ it I > A C< % 16th aim 1*74 many MANHOOD: Jan. ISth, 14th, llith, l:Vj ,\fitItlte atrrtt, AITUi—|iu> 4 I·' i» Jvmks I. Fellows, Ksm. And for sale at Store. every l>rug marts Portland, Maine. How Jj( )ST, How KE8TOIIKD > Amu 1 ·τιι»<1ι—Tr. The s s Shore* '* I'ic.j brings Dkau Sut: 1 have heaul Iroui TU a sale and sure a îîl.AN» VrlI.lW ·>«.·>— #ï N> β $ "· jy Major recently protection. Jn»t published, new edition of Dr. — ; .| u! the Hridgton New» ailo. it. burning great Go iind buy it. and happy. Kiuy W Α I : I > tlie radical curt without Iir m.κ i.v. j sk !;uui \mir Syrup ol Ν Τ nicdicinr) u| l iiki.>». -1·.. ,j :\κ· out, iu so a manner that the an I Compound Hypo· or .HcmiBAl Weak plucky in t'A if V^HSING AQKNT8. SpKHMATOititUihA, I iirv nV «t v»»r phosphite*, and, many other ne»*, Involuntary -eujinal l.o««e», IruTK.M'Y. not lucuient that that model local having lit li. « Neatly, ind When Promised, * «Ί H.t >- 2îi U lui paper instances marked the most bent lb ι.»I re- %|»οΐΗ«'«·μΐι>. NO RISK! LARGE PROFITS! Mrntul and PhVi-i'ul Incapacity, Impediment' to AMI UKAI.KI! IN M etc alfO. < '»>M μΓ*ΤΙον. a K·.·.»—SOi- ι«ι iui, »tii. Mirvir··». Altei this suils Iroui il» I Cannot Uui irriaffe, KriLErftV, »" ^superfluous use, Add II. ('. ► loi u— $ ·ι* a *11 legald PAINTS VAR- KLLIN, Kits, iuduced by .•ell-indulgence or aexualextrav- DRUGS. PATENT MEDICiNES· OILS, M<< ii ti — '* 14. its as a matter ot devout thank Mnlite. nuance. II 41 #!.· f $;"· xhibltloti ot tiue grit, the most dysjn>p discovery NISHES, BRUSHES AM) DYE STUFFS. CmrttBi ji·· * .· a τ ri> lulm >s to a Providence. 4^-Price, In n «ruled envelope, vulv i ccut». lie doubter " ill ιιι-t i't call benign in Una l.titii I>i>aie«tii u< il;. Ihidgtoii Books, Stationery Λ Paper Hangings, ÂMl> AT THX The celebrated niithor, admirable ei-say, VoLA>»t» 4-*·. 7'κ I have used it considerably myself, and, Ί'··ιΙ<ί Arlielf. demonstrate.·'. irom α iiii'Wm New > «luuUlui Ftith'y HtHjtli, Ptr/umfry, iff Wanted ! dearly thirty year»' nails—uïc. α ·<«·. experiment. at several rear» Apprentice lui practice.that thealarunn^ on-oi|nencei« of »«>lf mtirv:d'i during past, Jair.M IlliTlll.I. Η11,1., ΜΓ. «Ά1- 4 Vh iliO'it· may lie radically cuicd without the danger- —l«o\. 1>ι\ ol Xmw York, in traiisiiiil- u il lo koiuo lueiubtu υ| ι M1: 11 ■ iv α at· ·».·*—*««· β jji·. givt u) I. > 1 «naît, intelligent b..« \t « t'oi.rt ot piobate III·].ι at who lia- a la-!·· b»r and wbo Ibe out η no Ίο οι" cure at ο lire 4LT »ο\ίν· t-> llit· Senate ci thai Slate. » lesoln tccomuiWlded olhcis, ./"V v·'· letter*, knife; pointing ting w illiin and I Mil l ( of <)*!ord « uld Ilk·· to a ol the l v nieau* ol "»l ·. AU— 1J .( 1t. ninl m Ιυιιιι I il to be ot essential I'ttli, ounty acquire knowled^e Printing ;:iu|de,' rialn anil >·ΙΓ«·«·ΐιι:·I. ttliirb, ratably Α· Ρ W in "Ur •r a« 4^· ρ xv .>ii «>l I he Maine on the third TwwIit of Muth, It -lutr applv at othe. pvery »uflVrer, no irrittcr what lit condition majr Legislature. complain ben»·lit in i- tu ·»!' Κ. nul I'll Ιΐ,ιρί )' those complaints loi which it K. Ililltll>, ι·ιι*ι·Ιι Ourle* Pari*, March 3, lï*7-t If LOWEST PRIOES. tie, tnay cure lmn-cll' cheaply, privately an I rmli ·ι > i.« ·>1 4l lite ex tel ion ol li.ilt' pilotage Irom recommended. Γ.ι τιιι Kinsman iiiin t'hi'. !.« iiti·! rallfi e>peeially JOHN : V ! I ,:!rl t. Mllli\an KlIlL'ii; >n lal' f Λ • 4-Π11* lecture »hould be ill the haud»o| e»ery m >st· s llell when In bionehial and other chest ·( |< i-»injj ibrou^ii (iule, affections, ty ol ||IUl|l dlCMHlli klliog|MtMBtftl III- 111 ronUi ami every man in the land. in hi an.l Account oi ;;ιι ιι<Ιι.ιιι-·Ιιΐρ of ~λ»*Ι u.irfT· ·. allow A SH WANTED ! Sent under »e«»l, in a t·» ad· Jf I Κ ΚI /■*/>. lunu no set vice,rec >iuu»eiids resting incipient consumption, plain envelope, any liu'3 pilot a Wo ; lire»- ou of in the of receipt j>i\ cent-, orpo^tagv >tiU<>N White A»h Liv addressing the puhllahers, this disease in its stag· as to all pertou* InterrMcd by cauting a ct/pv t hi » Timber, lor sho\ el ilaiidh to !·.· dcllvcicd at the Al-o l)H. < l ΙΛ KKH Kl.l.'> "M.irri < η. « Mr hopeless tjje Guide," tu ι». \ R.n Λ Ui'rr Λ «■ ■ oi'.lioiiztt so and an oril> -to ! c t h r wi ek» »l -1 ·■ !y in thf SI Ι V u'loi VIcent-. fr»uk sad Mt»< FrticlUi unjust uaneighhorlv «ιΊΙ as in cases ol nervous debi'ity, in published |irice Β KUatr, ο, OxfordDmocrtl at Pari?. that tt.ey in*.» « t 1 he hulie-t pi n.»· will be paid Addrees the Publl»hcr*, 4 \ i.u ; β. |>;\..·ι lo printed ;»o>uk»!.. girln^ tone thu s) item. it !» undoubted *t a Prob.it»· "ourt to be Held .it I ovell Pill is, Maiue, Jan. Il, ltd CHAN. J. 4 KM* Ε Λ In ι:·. τ· !. ! Illr .-· ·» Kl» It. \ I>|«U Mi appeal CIECULAKS, (Ο., a valuable lu >aid County ou tin· Witt ii»y of May next Ι" Ο. Hon, 4,.V*t. 127 New Voik. Wi Ι- r« »«.·■ an·! Ali- c A I.o.iruc·1 !■ ·ιμ ·ι Mi while i> remedy. Iloweiy, John Smith, walking at 1 o'cio k iu tin· att· rnoou and » n-w cuuic i( -.my \ 1 \ 1 Mr. I: -·· ■» Κ W m l 1 dear touts Farm for Sale. aprSo'72 ly i;iMy aui, sir, truly, ttif» Il-.V w' tin· ».ltlir «ll'.llUI nul t allowed I Α II ι»ν>< t t!i of S|f\i η up Free «treet. l'ort'and, on last, Friday JOHN McMUKKAV, A.M. WALK in about three mile* from Pari» » ! '· «. W KU.Jndf* tnated Pari·, PAMPHLETS, Dissolution ol I I'ti \ §· ! !>\ llaoia >i»l. I.· —«tteil <*- Ki Copnrlnf rship. m ole ι mis and tell into a A true copy II. l>a> I», glsirr. Il II, ou the i»> id b a ling to liurkfleld and Sum· Win II IVrlrr .in ! M:- Kit·:»;. : l»< m nil of Γ step Urge Methodist Minister. i» a ne ι- Κ hereby giv» that the copartner»lup Jacob* In· >.■ where a man Has a diuiu. STATE OF ΎΙ 1ΙΛΚ. ί ir lull A<·,, call on the -nlmcrlber >T"OTIlI heretofore csiitln| bttvm Perry ft digging [larticulaim, ill*· ti the RYKII^iiN'. jf it'Mt Paris and ItrvantS Pond. i» thi* day II· o.ice taken home and ]>r. prcmi«e«. (ί£θ.C. BILLHEADS, />/*;/>. •·Ρ. Ι». Γ. Ρ." 1 KEAKL'ltl l;'i> < IKKI« t.. Fob. 1K7J. wived. J. C. PKRRV. ( JJ, S VV the Alignais, A|>r. 7,1873. F. JAI Oils ·ιΙ ealled who decided thai hip Γιιο ub· \ο ΗΓυ the * ol l>r. 3w puN the lollow ttwuhlpi or tracta of land December'.'ι, H7S. janlt u ■ Two Farms lu V>r,l. Γ«ιί« April ΐ. J.-ualh Waravr, ii|ol •int λ as dislocated and thjit Mr. Smith I'ierce's l'leaitanl relicts, or J hereinafter d>acnl>ed. the following α-κ·.-- For Sale. LARGE POSTIRS, ■χ. l'urgative Lt 1 m ·Β(ίι. 1·' lay- meut» fui statu tax υ: 1-Γ3 were aul bv tlu ].· Tiiu h mi oti wblcli Κ. II. Alerts now live·, Β·1 :> ol received a severe shock to the m »· l/oatc·!, C'oucenlrulcd Root and J. C. i 1» ink Mar .ν \ !» it II .1 1 Sugar lalaturv on the twoutv- e-routti day of Kebru.tri, formerly the PERRY, lu ta»t llrl>r<>u. 1 In' lu Μι Cdaliiiij Herbal Anli-liilious (iianulc.4—lite the in -t I i» late ΓΙιιΙ1ΐ|·», iem Mr Smith is well known in Oxfoid Juice, A I» 1-7î lia» in,' purchased ten of | nrtn« r, j».· "w »f» -, ·. :α ut .· ZIBA THAYER .it "Lilllc (liant" C'athttrlic, or iitulliini in uxnuiw cm mv. FARM. CARDS, S'. F. Jacob*, will continue the bu»ine-s hi* old In Ι'.,.ι Λ ι·1 ·'. Mr jMlfk $ I ·ι»ι-iti. lu ot which he is a «e be- Κ>Ί further A··., C mi κ I re ol the uuder* il L'ouiity. native, sic. arc AndoVcr North ."surplus, il'.'.Ό particular*, WEST PARISf 4Γ Vcar·. 1·αιvo ■ or l'It) They *:arcely larger W«>t )j υυ algl d, of BD}· V Tratx, of Siunnet. |>aifd :o execute order- loi all kinds of la toiiu»h, March ΰ, M·- Ham! Iir»y Mu.ih lieve. thai" mustard as teed, yet represent t il. " —al" υ— *^«*'1 * «·.·«' » iinl live aMinUiv ns „'rtuO AND BILLS, much calhartie power I'. surplus, Tl.· farm «>u «In it the eub*· riber ha- lived till largo repulsive U. iiio »TATK OK >1 tl\l a most seat and », I, w ill be »'dd at a bargain, if Granite Work! lUuit piiif, being citing thorough ι:. :·0 qiiile recently, good Uumforil Item. S, U.I, alli Ι ι· mob. Il not will be rented ou fa· let aid cat liar- ι., m mM, Houauif lit*, Tablet·, « in lor < rmc- gently kindly opt*ialing », u. ·.·. τ uuble tn in·, to an active and enerv'ptle tarmer. tiliig I \ui ην», Ι'κι λκγχκν r A s the snow ihu ι. u κ»uo PROGRAMMES, gradually di>.ipeais, Uu. I'lc-tMiiit to take, to cure. r. 1.111(1 IH> r. hOIIKS. tery Lot·, Ac., \u*ii-ta, K>. 1«T"J \ powerlui U. oo April ■>. S, K%1> 187.1. Im Ht ·■». -«·-- I inner that the cents Paris, Me. d the be»l It) le an! pr>< \:i -v«t· --a·· <1 •·!ΐι·! the E*vuliYe( oi:u>*i| feed 10 vial, ». H. t. .î)'<». MliliKiOl] rejoice premised per by Druggists. furnished to order .09 ν VI.I M t. ·· · 'un .1 4 luiinlic: in i«l Ιί'ΜΛΚΙΙΙ.Κ \ιΐ|Πΐ·ι». lime is like I ν to one*.· more maku us 5. U. », .VJ LETTER «•u II lb·- ί.'ϋΊ l.»v ol Al'RIL. tu-t at Λ I iur for (He Trctlt. ■s au.l Ν Κ. 1 5, U. 5. f' <0 Farm For Sale, HEADINGS, V \«·η ΓιιΙΙ Derrick To Thing i 1 ItiKp'd lot··) «'k \ M \ 3J .V> Κ 1, Itiley Plantation, situated iu llcthc!, 1} miles from KumlordCorner, I or ΛΙΙ. .Ι *Κ«·Κ G. >TA« Y. :tp|>earuncti. The SOZODON 1 h is taken u L«'l by lit* llti)- Wrok. 1«Κ· liarrant Itachelor Graul, 1!·Λ0 siv miles tioin railroad, l\ mil· trout church, sud ·«·· retan >f "tut· La,I as Me?»i« II tit 1 : tK. ;'ost OOi : addic»* J C. \Vc»t M.· Wednesday evening ni) prominent pUcc among the >?l Kryeburg \«idrmy (iiant, |i> I fi m school, oclng tin- farm recently 0CCU JUSTNESS CARDS, 1'EltitV, Pali··, ol aprIVtn WJI CALDWKLL, Trouver. br £dMB F· II .ward: cotttlltl M acre» of VV. l'urk and Benj. Edmunds, Mexic ·. H tlettliliïcvi» ul the It is pM jMdvcil day. land—13 acre» of level and produi live ΐίΙΓικ*- laud, « » \ atliclo lor llto Centaur Liniment were on their way home from Ktiiiifonl popular luilel, high· iinΙγοιι„· ii.dasthehor.se i* he eleund >t> and a.t the ol l'Ida eau bu done bv spirited :tli, eating | rogres·· .· al o\ pu nllti will be "old extremely low, If lip i« Wli.-u· «ri· ni.t.silt lioui the ι!* ·>ι· i. I'o: -ο >n. n- theow nei 1e* i.|e. oiUol tbe tute, 1 oui latSU.igc bat it Iriif. tli» j».».t- Mfl sleigh, leaving cay. ΛΙ^ΊΤΙΙ It· lot* |died Ι*ιιι«'Ιι»Η··ιμ I'l'ilit Tret·»· ûloony attendant*, mi .It tenntned to sell I».·fore the 1st of May next. BLANKS. < V IfwDtr. Il- » lî> l- an· inar»cl i- Il ha- l>iv»4ii«.·· I to lli tke the i>cst «·! lit-iι »\ .i> > iplrlti, depreaalon, tuvolautary Auiih loi information, l>v letter oi to OP 1UCIIAKI»0\ & ( 111 I .•U|>alils loaa of otherwise, 1», ()\k lieM«i:n> Ι»κλτιμ pku vvkkk in ruitaaloua, a«m*a, ip«rau« ii. uuddaud, tuorc vu,· of ιtiruaial.-m iiniulj ι. luck .Un nome on toot, a distance « I a! out stx lorrhira, loaa of power, iluy hud, >t Milt»·· Plantation, who are ·-luted Sew Vase, runiii.ig »! Ιι· tin··.»! at-.il '<··ι«Λ î I* il not av\ lui ? potence, and 1*2? ΑΓΚ1) «tabliolied in IM7. All tree- I of Hi W:!i lie W a; a Luiu-, ill lu-uni lar aclH·, Ac tii-vn the hum.il· ■i.e mile, went into α Led to \ud \ >t liait > lloreho iml ami ^ρ^ΕΪ» VoMK- ought rauteil g««»d helongi·.^ llmiiy vj i- ' any ;ii»cd or brought into the Mate. franc. .ι··' gf >tr:4. -pawn .iall- ,V« u|h.·» II. ( where he was and Jur, lit. in ut uni·, Auiild prevent sei eu FARM FOR SALE, RECEIPTS, We hate the <.tun al Agency of Oxford and Uolle, raptured the arTeata iuiii ^ffirt^tesasfs:up pysuic, the di*charg«e. and Im- Two unie* From East Stunner it. Mnnkliu t ounti·--. and h: Il II-. d tree» ni mn ·>! lins |i tj lui Nu dep apple u iu ..·.· >va tiiun Inn· all «»>h«r remplie- »« t^htli* tniily. j tor the I lie il ι|· η ·( porta \i£vr and einTyy, Ufa and vitality to th« or » 1"' |>vi I·iiι··Ir·-·!, un, I other 'r« r» ill propolΙί··κ |>l night. uiugi·» >>r I cm PHICK-Sl.i Η ><». i<.»i*l thi* ha Isantie u.iirt· man. They hare cored thouaanda of uf·. Ail ·:ιΐι υ. or itiu< IU·· ho. ,·Ι Im 1{ I- a iMUUlrr irritant nu peraOta· trees <·ηΐι ο· •ottgh of tir· boaaa and CHECKS, wanting ii.iV.N eiiietlt t itli filon >. 0 h Aveulie Price, yvt puckage large 11 trite, and »ave n- Ibe «-spi nee of calll.ig on th· m, u There ι- Hemlock. Sprue*, l- ;r, Ash tliubei aim kll-liciil nil riliitoi. < 11 !«· lin··» m.ii ·· rial, which vary m.p r.aat Uiobatiaata or oil thieh une we nill;il'· » ug ι· ρ | > lniMties*." i· >·;ι » mi exp« to the purcha»er. lu 11 e.trrii-d ι· s.ild »·\ all 1 or cord I Hi. h. lit ι.ι κ ρ a re from said lurin.if cut >ιugjjM'. Maw, f 1 per *jcgl· buz. Sold by ALL Drug· it i:it ii \i:d«on. jk their > ri.t, he the la tie italk. ikvn. u- b«!··· aru and aant mail on of and hauled to the mill and depot. t<> pa) for the |> | e stent riat·, by raoalpt price. Addreaa DEEDS, 1. \t t llll.lt. nulled this season, Name. Λ -et oi farm although ( HTJIfPHBKYfr HOMEOPATHIC MEblCIh'B complete building* being .r 1VSI >VVK'I Γ, Mouth l'ail» rcuKri·! iumiU-- aud tiir «uliailid air iii-alt'l ilin ii< nd> Fui s, ιο-ored for on tlii·larm ; school Iioii-c w ittiin [ here tie sotuu excellent orel.iids Npa dittg'e itiure,Toy JO Mi Buoadwat, Ν. Y. bend foi circular. ♦<>»>) Milton Plantation tf sugai fee a half mile of .-atue. a .-ina 11 or- July 10,1871. » t annual school meeting the t· obtain a farm. For further Information,inquire artie ever Ulore m»W. and it «-^11» kmn ιΊΐιΙνι· Notice*·. BOSTON & PORTLAND cf the owner at Va. the school house Special Manassa-, IMIMUTtlth AMI CKOWr.HH OF Jistrict voted to repait JONAS GREENE. DODGERS, ;a-l w l.at it to do. Thus* who u->w -effet STSAMEBS. pretend· 1873. >cl'oie another winter, an act which Jnn'y rt, and I iu rheum''.i-m. or ON Field Flower pant •«riling, dewrv· to MARRIAGE. Γ lie ΚΤΑΙ'ΝΓΗ and Nl'PKRIOIl Garden, to meet the approval ol all con· Ilnpp)' Itclicf fur Touug Men Irotn the ci- Hea-KOhiR PLAY BILLS. — night ♦uilcr il tiler will n..t u-c ( eiitaur l. anueni vil» ui Error. and Abu»e* in early lilt). Manhood Steamer», Mill for Sale. ■erncd. tin to rod. Nervou* debility cured Impediment* John Hrooke ami Montreal, THE Steam Mill, situated ill Milton Plantation Mu.c in ah 1 ·«< irt.il· ales uf rfnaikible run·., 11 υ marriage reinovod. New method «I treatment- Oxford ou u good road, live 1 All »eed< no about the fcnr· «"ill. until further notice, leave Atlantic Wharf lot County, Maine, only Warranteil true to name. We hear complaint iew aud rcmarktble remedies, Book' aud Ciru. mil' the Said mill«U built some 5NVELOPES, in··' fru/t η liinl (ironic rheiiniati-ΐϋ. „·οι t Itoeton, daily excepted) at 7 o'clook P. from railroad. Order» by mail will receive prompt attention 1 ar- nent in fctaled (Sunday* and ol are free, envelope. d. leave India at 7 P. M. cau be* bought at a bargain if applied for noon. It KK.NU \I I. A WIIITNKY. *ell W. A. « tu tit St., Philadelphia, Γα. mjid'Ti-Hly Thcna Steamer* have bceu uenlv illle·! with lias one of the best circular aaw board machinée BLANK Portland. Keh 11,1873. febl- .'m .»ι·ϋ·ί a «-irr ular evutaiaiugicrtitlealv, the recii* supplied. up NOTES, ■ ■■ 1 iteain tor in a-e, and a lath machine; birch machine and I 1 11· ■ t'X! apparatus heatuii; catiin* and ntate to auv une ooms, and now at!'ml the most other small Said Mill is In good re- Xvttle convenient and machinery. • XFOKD, Sa At a Court of Probate btld at I'orttr Items. means and Is an excellent chance for a •iiaiforiable of transportation between pair spool factory, Pari* within aud for tho of ul tli« wi-ai>ti*r Ceataiir Lniitnrnt la wurth w COLLECTOR'S County Oxford yellow New Advertisements. >o»ton and Portland. ith plenty of white birch and poplar lumber.— NOTICES, on lh· Λ. have been several «>1 third l'u<-»dar of March, l>. 1171, We this established line, obtain Exempt from taxation for 10 years. < one hUDdri*pavlue IS Κ l.MiRI F I 4 V. the earliest trains city, und avoid ter late of in «aid Conuly, he inconveuience of late at Ac., ào, ko. rrrvbnrg having pre >y considerable rnin of late, which has arriving night. L-nted hi* Ur»t account ol of ?aid ..-t vwnars—tin* luuiueut i« worth yuur atleu· Freedom Notice. guardianship IM9TKI0V C'Ol'KT ff THE I'NITED STATES | rard for alhmance. ■atiscd the snow to last We ν Taken at Low Rates. 1 have this tion. Ν family «Itou IJ ht· without CeatAar Liui- disappear. FOKTHB iMtrKICTOK kl à 1 k Freight rTllIlS i- to certify that day given iny Ordered, That the laid » icas ii/e l in laid Court ! minority to act and trade for himself and 1 shall r In to b<· publlahedtlire·' weekt »u c« *«m'ly in the Mi i1 .dvaacc Uv mrtil. claim none of lib and no of xford Hid many of our roads, especially llie .Varck Λ D. 3. earnings pay debts beuiocrat printed at Pari·, that thev n «y Çaxtoria i* wrre than -ut»-tuutc forCa*tor 1 JlsTKJCΤ OF MAISE, s» IV. I.. BILMM.S, AKeut. hi contracting alter this date. j. (J. WU'll. |,p» ar at a Probate (.'ourt to be held at Fryehurg ■ros> arc teams of H «aid on t},. Ir ι- tin· aritcic ίιι e\i«teuce which ones, impassable for Λ WutMrti· has becu llllld by Γ. it. t'DYI.L, Jr., Util. Agt., I'm tlaiiil. itne-s Aj.aNSUN U. HtCU. County th« 2*Λι·1 day ol Muy n»xt only >u/« Biakniptef 1673. t ten o'clock t..la : a-- aid Court the estate of Jaiue·· C. Portland, lOlli, 1S73. er my ; but the star of that have tt the rame (hould not be «I- rv « ·; .-oil ami natural alcep. It hope, t the Couuty of Oxford and suit»· of Maine in ley hy allowtd ^wJiu-e H. en Bnak- I Freedom IS'olicc. A .11. cu .! iiu- aetther iu tuerai*, ui Mphiu·: or alcoho), hall soon see bare and en- aid District; he lia» duly adjudged WALKKK, Judge. ground again of lu» and the I A 11. C. an·! i'ira.-::i.l t<· tike. ChiUlicn ut'»nl not crjf, upt U|K>n Petition creditor·; pay MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, HAVE this dav given my sen Charles Murphy, mwcopr—atteat: Davi.», Itetputer. ···· r· ·■. ikwtlTJ tHn oy the sweet pleasures ot summer, still, jeut uf my debit au« tut wcch: >righten« uJ ιΠ< tn»i.«fur auy propertv by earnings n«r pay any debts of his contracting for lidden br law A meeting of llie Creditors ·ί Line. liter this date. CHARLES MLUPHY. The chances making sugar to their debt.» and choo#c one Semi-Weekly All Kinds uij le c 7 ·'> !>· îatly. ÎO.Ouu I Ιι. »i\ mouth*. maple ni I Bankrupt, prove witness—<;no If Itnowx. of ο amount arc r mere A»Mjcnee» uf hi^ estate, will be at a court Mason, March .'tth, 1873. The iu rt r»i>iJ n'll u,' irtu letnci iiteateil fw any great this year, very f"V S and after the 1-th iurt., the tine Steamer» aprl* f Bankruptcy to be holden ut Pari* in »aid Di*· I DLRIGOand FUAXCON1A, will.nutil further in irrie or la-lie»' u>«e I mall. is now in the season for on of Mav A I>. 11C3 at ten -in^le I It late lict tlie "Lxth day lotiee, run as follows : >lo« k A SI., at theofli e of A Wilson be· Notice. ΓΟΒ PRINTING S<> I «-.MALE < AN IK» Ucorge heave (ialt's Wharf, Portland, evorv MONDAY WITHOIT THEM I hat business, and, with such a of Κ one of the in heap i>re John W. Slay, t|., Uerifteri , md THl'ltSOAV, at 4 P. M., ami leave I'm ;β HE partnership heretofore existing between iu said Court rp l»urabî« Eli sant, Cheap, an I what ha- always ! .now a» we have and no frost in llie 1 kaukroptcv ΐ. U., New York, everv MONDAY and THL'IW- 1 the atibecribcrs. tinder the firm name of AN· HONK AT THIS OFFICΚ ». S. M AU III.Κ. imiiYVSA DEAN, is this diaeolved. »'· l>ecu wa. iu-1 will Prullt- )AY, at :t P. M day Λ- alw..y- lary*.— Γ. »>. Marshal. a- ?. « for laid District. t· the is poor. -«ieiijfer The and Kranconia are tilted up wite tine Vndreive is authorized settle all debts due said Rifht- fu: »· ! ran naake fortuara. jrotind, prospect Dirige iccoium;au is and slock is in «rood i.ir.l art. it· ·. Circular» free. Hay plenty, uott oouvcuieut and comfortable route for travel- lebled to this tlrrt>. fmmeàlatepayment of any and < r.s betuecu New York anl Maine. ill debts nid«t be uiqdc. A '1res- B4XU4M4H MASlKACTfRtSO Co., -ondition and for fair Γο- Dissolution of 4'oparluri-*lii|>. selling prices. iu state ANDREWS A DEAN. Dental Notice ! Sew Y'ork. Passage room.'>$. Cabpi pa|sa^e ft, ly ii|f? atoes are in cellars, still HE c jp»rtuei»hip heretofore exiititv under Jcale extra. West Paris, March 7,1373. marll 3 )R, Ο KO. M. rotting many the firm nuine or BOLSTER A HASKELL i* TWITCHELL, Γ i.oods uiul uoni M Mf ΤΜ·»>Κ IN ν κ. ΕI » I io duwlved mutual forwanlei)Ç0 i|itieal,QueVc, h a\ ok <*.,rered hla health. to enable ROCKEKY OK complaint of a scarcity. ι lii* day by consent 1 Ialtla*, St. Jqhn arid an parts or Maine. SU;p- inMeiently an J h itx rcHUine The books accortnts of the late Arm will be to to bu»ineea, would inform tbe puidio AM» Kta arc ir.|in'-ted send their frcijrlit tlie tUISA. ESPECIALLY THOSE Λ BOLT )ur mill men arc in ( nund at the «tore of H S. Bof reason- ! t l.it tic innv be found at hU oillcc, over the Po.t I busy cutting up QTËK, aud iteaiuer* a-early as I P. M., on ti e days Lie ft re tfilibe to afl uuxwttled lie· the)'1 < ullce, Itetiiel, Maine, leady to attend t<> Al l. «1» l »COMMK\4 E Μ1 Κ >E a'lOft-eH having j eare Portland. u-c the Combination H.uor KEKl'lM·. heir timber into w ith Aim to the «aine. tii liileoicii, Strop. H the aervicea of a either for 1 ->hov-lu boards, plapbpafds, J omit* tH<* adjust For nasaage tu irlnK DculUl, ιΐΐΐηκ frciglitoi apidy t[ nd e χ tract in ι· natural or the ion MatTul 4 A li HOT II tU* 1·ΗΕ V Γ KEKÏ stares and laths. Κ < We invit· our friend» to call early, and examine HKNltY \vnail, foritan·! teeth, insert of CKML ibingltM, ! FO\.tialt'a Janti-ltlw a rtlftcial teeth. all the now in-trumcut* ueir account» a ad acttl* up Either party of tho il A-MKS, l'ier 3si Ε. Κ New York. Having ■ΤΟΚΕ OK Wi;iTE TO TllkM i«>U A LIST m» Uriu is aathori«>d to reveild ju settjeipçnt. η nd improvement», he hopes, bv careful applicu- July ύ,'ΟΟ. t on, te « • U.K. BOLSTER. merit continuance of the patronage bo »r cnot>S. V.M. A » Toothache cur· J. BEI>rORD STREET, Pike's Drops iu 1 min· ί Ε. X. H ASKELL. Neatly executed »i ne received in rears pa-t. * IUDiOR IPR IvlIN INTINTt J âûiië BOSTON mariVlw ne. i InA Pari April l-t, l!"TV «Oxford Democrat Office. Bethel, October 28th, 1872. AGtNTS WANTED FOR OX ΚΟΚΙ), ss At a Court of i'robau lu lu at ' COHSER. Pari· within and for th· County ul Oxford lit- >< t at I·· i»t Un im|t ami ÏO C\G PEOPLE'S tdiould m|>aiiI on th· third Tucaday of March, A. 1*. l»7J. «· »». MKKKII.I. Ouanlian of < Ihc m%»> tluij,ul ni«·) t'„n.iir. 1·» I | •ι harlea ·· II. minor child and heiraf M h dlaniaud, but ant in atone; ALBIONBradbury Joaeph ι·« hutidwd Hradbury lute of liiuwn field in amd ha*, ireftlhv; should vary' > not in b: a-» ; County, liiij: VJ iu-i ί·> in gokl, but nee Agricultural. hiatory at ing ι·r«-»*rnt«-«ruier. but not la A I.AIlOS STOCK Of leyt.Kivem Ordered, I'hat the laid Ouardiau glvanotic· Vit»· II* nit oui ami set a lit M< lili ι» U tin. ore; roots well ft Har^n. too ·, to all Interested α uf tlit· tightened but not in l«a«l : Uk^F0rm».VaterfiUf, tfa'yt, pertwu· by ranting eupy Co. Juaoci««- M> jth is in cop|>cr, OPE!V AND COVERED CARitlAtiES llluitraied Circular» ire·. order to be three In Franklin t'urmere's lit- than whew were iti tho too lUuiMtiom atid M apt. puhlhhed weekxauiceiaifeljr (lit, deeper the) t tli in silver, but uol in ziuo; Oxford Democrat ut Pail· iliu 11.« » My 1 u« ι.·ι li for sale At our roc m»—β ν t ry part of which i« warranted jierfect ami durable through- WSL FLIKT * CO., BnaonMLD, M as*. printed uit; NtHt ar« set out the at a Probate Court to be U< l<] ui 11 %r( itru nursery. Alter they they U Tth is in coal, but not in sand; out I'niiicuiar attention i« paid to tin· PyVKMKH'iS W'ANTSi and non here in appear «aid on "I It is. can lit; And a tx'ttcr ainortmeut of in County th· î'.'od in; May mxt met with the North or τ in but aai in cave; Ctiiiult, l>olic»ed, ΓΙιis Assciation should bo ujulched with at raw, brakes Μ Mh I» mine, at ten o'clock In the forenoon aud «bow cau·· if «lt but not iu rock ; bare the «are* ahould not t· allow··! Wit tun FiraMn' Club, on Thuisday, to some My Mb it in gem. they why similar material which compost & EXPRESS & CONCORD WAGONS Α. II. 10th i· iu bronic, but uai in flint; JUMP-SEAT, LI6HT HEAVY WALKKK.Judg·, 1 he lui discussion My A true H. C. Ijatm, «ter, March 6th. of manure and muck should Thau willt in. If want a eerae dlreellv hero and hujr at our factory price», thereby copy—«tteat: Key question made :uhea, y τ whole I· th· πιρίι·1 of one of the Γ. 9. you carriage, t.> \s no art sharp lellon «, aud will not ail » ithuu; forenoon was, "What will make to Ιό A.C. avlng fi un flu mplojr Aftato-nejr OXK0BI),is:—At a Court of i'robate h«l« the Ι.ι-ι Wnl wide at one eiul ami 1 fool at ANN to learn 10 ict't lout—2 feet and Teataiuciil of Cyrua If liing lato of Oslurd lu for the fruit culture or Scions bo cut at that ANDREWS & PACKARD. necessary April May. may the other—muet it bo cut to have the area of th· N'jvth Purl*, Apr. 5, MM. aaid County decerned, having presented th·- .an,* Χ. Y. Z. Probate bis business as it L» lor the prolesaionstl time from tree·. Pre- bouid e«iuai ? for healthy vigorous ANSWERS. Ordered, That the »aid Kxacalrix fclvvuoiUv their*. It I'SK the Kcitiuçci Sanh ly ο! >ι„ fers to hare limbs Iron) tf, MAithtMr. se, Faint heart never won fair ACRE S! periona 12,000,000 order to be pub.lahrd three in u.t, so to an o:chard stalled witklMMMMirily ι-otts much got one inch in diameter to the «hole latlv FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! Oxford Oeiuocrut at Pari», tliat graft, No to loe.ik. in· rutting u| »a»l< : cheap, printed tbey u,»/ afford "THE (TOM«-WALL ΓΗΟΙΠ.ΚΜ." CHEAP FARMS ! tpriiiK appear at a I'robate ( ourl to be hi Id at l'art· that wen thiuk they muuvt a tree be in three durable, VI'I V l'ioilv aioilicil; hul.l fu-ti al any many ot of In «aid on the lui of κι top may graded Χ. Υ. ol llryaat's l'onil, nad Ν., Tari*, u tlie paah i> County third «day May m Ζ., Ian.I m market lor aale I·» the place (l<·-in «1, an can as nursery th cut out : The c.lieape*t at ten o'clock in the forenoon aud abtw cau»· >1 it. We grow good Alter one grow e the autwer to 'Uncle Hill'·' version down. for circular. Circular t»n«l tlx aay years. year's gi\ fellow ing *-rnd itnmp aauie not vol iu I tie they have why the «tiouM be pro a;, It. — RAILROAD COM- lironre.l lock* »cnt 10 any lildnil stock here as is raised elsewhere, and the oue that A build· 4X.V* U. al fl.Mx per f.V> UNION PACIFIC copper aud allowed aa the Ικ·ι Will and Teatan,. tit the scion, ou 30 et». I.iUral in- proved tearing " U. of D. H. poorest ·· β »* to 8., |···-ιρ.ιί·Ι. receipt YOUNG, "f aald deci-and. Α. II VV A I.K KK. Ju '*.· at le«s cost than wu tiv to η w.ii* PANY, ducement» to I he trail) A rent· wanted \IX«.KU -A>ll I.OCK < <> S·., il- Market Si., ropy—Λtleat ICegUt, bu»i· «100 niltR Λ. Κ υ lor western trees. The ih« heads Pro of. lOtR. ♦0J5«lif. irrri lu rentrai .\rlii II l'a. Η 'Γ Ν D Λ < lu pay nursery you » g tree· lightly and toriu ϋ,ΟΟυ,ΟΟΟ trrif'biirg, »\ K< )l(I Η-» --At a '>ui t oi Proliatr, I ..> V. of alao tho following, to th· tract·» of acre» ami l'an» within and for the ol ικ·>3 is Dot curried on The Paris fives Now for tali· in forty upward* County Oxford properly. near the then it is much' I· Γι i: Writ· for a Γπββ Iaat to J. II. ΙΟΠϋΚΤΟϋ, low, ground; "Χ. Y. Z." veraioa : on nvt AM» TEN YKAK'S CHICUIT AT CEJI1 ·Ί> thr third I ueaday of March Α. I» 107J, «re too thick iu lows, and am t iv 11 κκ*τ ki.^i 1Mb Machines, \\ I. t named Lxtcultt luai i-ruinl lices grown easier to the Iruit Alter the) A build· 3-.1U67X U at «l.SOUlMx per U. toi Sewing KINK, jjatl»er AM> Ile ΑΙ.I III LCUXA11 I EK1 II I. Mill., I GWATWOTEJ»-- to be 'lie laat « ·' Mll.D •MMat cm porting 1'ie- ·· " & TRIMMISUS, J the ruw»«r« loo close le»s the U CUW33.\·' O.SOWIx UHHI W Ul.lt. NEEDLES late ol Porter in a* togethei commence to produce Iruil the A«. Al Μ·ΛΜΊ: OK textciiuent of Mercy I>n via, I'll Κ ΙίΚΜ MXItkLT IN Nil. What! The I oiiuiy ileeea.id. having Hie aaiu·' lor s lo thai Ιββ KIDDLE PORTLAND, ί preaculcd • v. seed lluui »lZed tho In-tter. Then < I tali I ST., good apples j ground ι» disturbed j great mining region» ol Wyomiiur oloruilo, Probate. lir the Mimer» in the Branch office «t RORWAT. Order· I hat the »aid Kxeculor linen ciabbed ouci. l be an.I Nevada hemic aupplie·! JuKKMf d, gur aolicg tloiu small, do«n and iuo;v or with 17» P*. seed pasture pigs 1'LATTB Y At.l.t. I a S«j*laM 61, Pliuborgh. lo all pi-raona liilereatcii, by caualug a copy ul ilti· or Iroui seed would Iioulile order to bv three lull·» litst second year j ur small cattle a> direct. Breech-Loailmj Shot (tiini, t" #'*<·. publhheti week»»uccea»lve|) judgment may Onuocral at l'an», that SOLDIERS ENTITLEDtot HOMESTEADof 160ACRLS. Shut (,ιιι ·,ί.»ΐο|Γ· Mugl·'Siiot linn», f.l to #20 Oxford print··! they ma) have rows 4 feet Pensions!" a to tho trees, the '· "Increase al I'rubule (ourl be held at if to to It· r..|rci ·, ♦ to I'ntul*, ap|»ear Krjel·· r^c irauspluU j dre*s neccs»ary keep up WOMAN.'«n !tnmen»e a Itlfler, ♦* ♦·.*» Top Br ) r*ctlct" extending through t (iiiii Mat I »l. tackle. Λ l.arge In tid County ou tu·- .-ΐη·! day of lluy u*al, and trees 1 1*2 feel m the of year». ha\ inp within that time treated The Best I.oration for oluiiir». II to t* Μ-!ιΐιιη' .Varek a IViuinn to apart, apart ot the soil. period f* a ϋιιιι-, Itrvol- ACT, 3,1873. grant* higher at trn o'clock lu tlie fort-uoou uud «new cuu»· fertility «raaea peculiar to rfiiCOMMti to (/· ii'Vr. t'/ui#, rmy certain KIII.DIKR^ now drawing 1rs» Ihim fl- toi »nj have more room for it int'|i*«l tor. 'hhhU μίιΙ lliey havt why lit· »aui· alioul·) not be provru ap- row. Then they | and is as η» woman, I have been enabb-d to pcrfect a moot Utl.K HOMES ΡΟΚ Λ I.LI Mill lus*·'» a ver», etc luiii^; I») month. All who deem the rale they now draw Picking packing important ( t-> t>·· e\nui.nil Iwt'one for. per aud allowed aa the Iaat Will and T*M nut. Mat and »_*r< < abl< medicine that meeta the In· of ckuiceiiovmiiiirnt Laud* open f paid too «mail for ilit.' luriirrol in the uriuv, proved make belter and better roots, this can disability o| aaid deceaaeti- A- II. WAl.KhK. giowth, top» of Iruit and ilieation· bv that cla*a of dlaeaaea with the llout.tui.Aii Law. ucai I hi» ι.ιικλι' I: ai i.- il i« (br which any ρηit raising, preaented tlMy wlR eMtwIiai Um dltaMMy A tj ue il■ C. 1»λ ν it nil the coitveuien- irArrc it cop)—allait la, l(egi»ier. and are much more tries than fruits j*witive certaintv and cxactne·*. Koai>. with jj.o.I market· ml BOOK ( ANVASSEKS. they are now pensioned, ami «-Am un,I prutitable bo learned Early for In- only by practice. Todealgnate tni- natural «pecUl·- I ■ v* of :iii olti kettle·! count·» w»» incurred, can receive an application OXKOlCI». aa.—At a < ourt of l'robat·* «l compound, 1 "u tlnil η·> more 11 » -h λ at k*M (hose n favorable ciicum* have uamed It Ire· to h a t-i- ol Kailroaurr ÇANVASSLRS ** crease by applying person by (with l'aria williiu and lorlh· Couuty of Οχίοιι] should they ripe, new true the » .lu nie toi r%, >ι n f «aie· than TSt Λ picked Sectional showing lui I.anil, al·» ma in to the of A L). to Mai·*, BOOK < Κ lUiii int Λ ρ eiii'loaM) on third lu···!·» March, ls.'J, •tance*. When the trees are lit dam- I. I'AMI III.} I Willi Ν Κ W /louttLtrprr't Viimiai." lit Mi·· plant then titer will not reach the dealer Dr. Pierce's FaTorite Prescription. felitlOtl i»l IM.M. ΚΙΓΙΜ UEO. Κ. >\AlCI» Κ PHILLIP* named k.ie· utoi m a Μι- Il II -miivi!., · Cvrlopedla oi Dowctlk WEEKS, not con· The term, however, b· but a feeble Mai·!» Maii.Hi Κκκι: Κνκιηwimit A ci lain Intimaient to b< the laat in orchard form, if the owner is orer >hould rxpret»lon Λ t« t'bokerv lb«»k in toi·· vol· I ΜΓΙ.ΙΙ ST AT Κ Ll.AIM \<.ΚΝΓ, IK< purporting by being kept Apples of noat matured of It* valne, Aildte», Keuuoiuy Conipli MK. VV ill aud Teataiuciil of l'illi|>a lut· ul Ilu· aged my ap|>reclaiion ιιιη·' >em| for circulai t·· .1 It t OISIi A ■> Vew BlipU AUGUSTA. Cuaiiui); in the best real It ice a Ο Κ |>.\\ IS. tiJent of his to do this then baaed upon actual :.n.I witnca*ed Al ·· brou m ajiii Coiiuly deceaM.tl, hat tug pteavutc·! ability be in clean banels, I I' H /.' \ oik, Ilo*t> n, Cliu ago, m .un Kranci·· packed closely doae obaerver, 1 hue while wttne»«inc it» poni- l.mul ( 'oKimi»sii'nrr, the rame lor Probal»;. he should obtt^n the ΟΗΛΙΙΑ,ΝΚΗ Sheriff'» Sale. possible manner, they m ill teach market without rcceiv· tive rouit» in the few »pecialdi»ea»e· incident to Ordered, lhal the aald hxteutor give nulli* lh« <>r woman, it Ant aa "\t 10 aii lntrre»ted & ul tlu« services of some orcbatdist. aeparateorganiMii «infled EVERY CORBET 0ΑΜ IB1),Η peraon» by cauill.g City) practical tu froui Market, (be ellmax or c row "In* (em of mr a I· t« a lion wkerein TIkwu I Gar- 1/filer tub·' d three week» •uçce»«lvrlt lu tin, ing jury trunspoilion. WANTED, tin' i-ounti ν will mmIw a ι·κ·ί' « if ^PAKIUI publiai,· or medical career. On I ta ment» aa i|4muIU '·■ »n l Kmmn ( tUMrtaitrtemlMmand i>xluiil IH uioeral al l'ai la, tn«t llir The single of a tree properly and soil should be considered in anoaltlve, ΙΙΛΝΙι Ml-'Slt (We, ι. ilmililMp 1 piiuted j uu^ j demand WHdla| — wife, and effectual remedy for thl· c!a»J of dl·- IN < ».» J A t tfiitTBi I·· mM Comtfjt «ι α l'robale r oui I lo be laul al l'ail· tOKDWAKDA > \ »ll l.l.v l'nl. i. I'. Hhi NlU|(|ttj appeal set. will be the | what varieties to ini»e. We eamr«, and one that will at all time· and ender all tlrhlor and will lie m>l,| ut piihlir nui'tlnu »u >»t· lai ·μι·1 I ouuty uii the third I ut ··!·) of il... ara improperly frequently deciding 1(),(HH) FAHMKHS I· circumstance» act klndlv and In harmony with \, lit· η ml Ml unlay tlio twenty >iilhdny ol April, Λ I~TJ. II ti'uv'tloikiulli· toi eliuou aiid ilioa rauat if au> creates tin.· diffeienro be· a >uo I 7ι«·,1»«0 acre» Κ It I.an I», frei from OR ΤΠ 09Πΐ"Γ North as will to which govern the female I am To iiuproie ·-· » i> .,i υ'ιΦκΛ I" Μ oil Hie nii»e« in I ta· ν l,ave the aan e mould nut be only thinfthat should select such give the law· »y»tem'. ·ιι ··I I U U .ni· inn pr wl·) pio>etl a|< to »taLa I- % mort(*tfc ami locate·! in the lunhilc Ov 0 «nul t tuirlr» Λ willing my reputation Dhvsiclnn. rep eric* ul mou iii*i."> 'il h .irL fi r Hartford all the right nlucli Hie and allowrd a· tin 1·*»1 Will aud IV«taiu*-itt Uc«n a and an ! le-l »'· I.eat atMl a.Il· jrnipif ••M.iu.'k·' proviil unprolitablo eesMott of Iruit the even »o confident am 1 that It will not tfMlCri lOV· III»· "l0, If'ini it >lieiiff'i ■sale ,,f vt prolitable through wholvyear. Nay. more, it· in t'li lr in ·ni· ■ I·, o; a I ill.- line than at ( oolnljfe lia» to l'iiltfin ul aald dcceu····!. Λ. II. Al.Kt.U, Judfv a Ml III the wkt, |j IhIITI lilt tit Ml «pare οιι e. the mo#t Mnpnine expectation.» of llfodwelm ill n » Ik··· \lli-· the of made the twentv-liflli A irae II. I tu Il a luan vaiieties. dlaknpolnt » Ί aoithinc cUe |'.ι·1ι. equity redemption copy—aitett l)Avi·, Ifegiaitr beginstocultivate highly 1K> Pot cultivate loo many it for of the liolH Climat· ami »n|| η·ι·ι |>a >»wa»cr, Mtigli invalid ladv who employ» any Chicago ·. MI>>OK ·ΙΚΙ I'm ίΙ.ιμΙ. Maine >>1 February. Α I· 1*7.1, to John I*. au.I lai>■ imu.i » water da) < m!—VI a Court of I'robute t· Id at he luiist continue the been ailment· for which I recommend it, that I offer Miailo.i pl»n withpnie of aald Canton, for the ·ιιιιι of >ιι<· lltimlied ami llXiOHl*, practice. Highly bat select those that have proved ■ te»rr i„u· and »ell It und. r Λ POSITIVE (ίΓΛΚΛΝ ili>ti ilnitel Ν ami iieui^v loll.u t'lr lollow dt », Ί*ι| leill I'v IVri« tailhlu "Uii lor the ( ouutv of nxfoid c»ctilj Il orient) 1 Ing cultivated trees will not l>e as Ό rie.lit acre. *·ιΐι| for a.uni.· in ou the third u of Mai Λ (>. I long lived, and tested. Let the liuit bo ever TKE. If a benvflcial effcct I» not experienced price, $·. per late «itnan <1 in the low ιι o|' 11m tfor.l aid Comi- "tny en, | ami (tin μ <1 \ UK aud Jn||s UA/.kJ. the time two-thlrda of the content· of the bot- coda ■tfihhrgi dNciijiUuii) prie*», ·· a certain loi ol litml Willi the building# by » week e**k h lo Mit. be utolo a it cannot » rca li (In-Ian.!» Λ llie Vt will per ty, S a· cutoi » in a meti uui· they may piuliluble it the tree ta eater are I wIM on return of the two- term », ami ti<>w to paj tUi|Nli$|i a acre nninU lu Il Κ il.lined Κ certaiu i.l although tle u*ed, bottle, map ,.. bundled lot two, good, shy I will Willi ιι* al <·Μ κ Ιλ.·,; ur uri.Uli liiereoii, ••tin·; BKNJ.VMIN the medicine been taken accord J « » 11Ν II I Al ΙΙ·Ί Ν. UN CUmiMllNMI in I engage town to be* till* l.ift Vt ill and Icalaineut oi third· of havinç < fourth uf lot* In o| >«ι·ϊ purporting :ii hi those not so wed nourished. Well ed aud e*pen»ci t \ ΙΊ· the range th>i( part be of much ralue. and the ca»e one for K it11■ >.i·I Lnii.I Co (Je«lar I Cvuulj < ICapiil». A. CUI I.TlIt X t O.. « li.tr loi tlleb. of lii,rtiord, J Ιιυ«ι»ρ·ιηι Γι ait earlier od refund (he moor? ( hl> iV. ( anal >. trr ie. enaed. raented tlie a.im·' lor I'htluli cultivated tires will pioduce The div»cussion following the paptr wBl· U I ηίομ.π» It, prouiptl* Λ|.ιΙ·Πι.·ν, miliarly known ιι* in· Κ lien, >Va-lil,'ir>· fain, Ikivhij |·ι fur It. I not the mo»t cor.ll'· t ir- Order· d, That tlie καΐ·Ι kxe.ulora ijlv· not,· paid Ila.4 perfect κι n r I he alioie pr, uii-e- an- Mil-jn to mo.lgt*·' • La·: those do that are and J. (). dance in It· I could ufler it a» I do un- y y ·ι I'·1, t·· all luter*»tid Cauaing a wpy ol Ι!>ι· neglected, was in by Messrs. virtue·, nj}t MUIC T 11|« ·Ι m Hi >\|.,i ,1 Ktftun pffili Ibvk per»ou· by participated der thr«<· condition·; but hawng «l(iii*»rd it· ur- >'.·■ mu « V I order to hr puhluhrd tlirer week· III tl al»o r and laiivr Iruit. Uur lar»H:n s M «l'KM ki· 11· il· l'agi- «IU. giten by the said hailra oolidgeto auecr»atvei)· laigt ol North Ν Κ Adam», λίτ. miraculou· cur · in thousand· of I in Oxford IknxM'iat al i'aria, Uiat the· ni > give Keycs, Jar, truly caae·, MARYLAND oin .ΙηΙιιι Wutiwrt ofl.it enitorc. tin* ( ouiity pililted ( r. feci warranted and perfectly a»f(« TU IS IS NO lll'.MI Τ recuri* lb·- in ι-1 it ul a al a 1'robat· Court to I»- It id at I'.irlt lippu'» aiebetu-i flavored aud are better (t. Poster u| Wil- ••I Amlrweoggni.lo |·.»ν (nom· apjiear North, S. Cram andij. both und « I, m III »aid ou Ihr third ol Mat ι>· M Iu Halting tn> reputation Ht *«·η< Ιΐιικ t» «'t -t : Ι· ,τ, lirlght, eilm ol eye· u, le ol >1* lluiidied I I ! ρ·) μ le l1ι·»ιι|>1 i.« iuu and which latorim haa e year-from <·· la»t Will ale iched, of lli« it drilled somewhat my I'rraerlpilon FARMS! U Ο. Ι·γ m ci il, I ulU>ut l on e whole aniiunllv, vu m h it'll then- u provxl aod allowed the ledatiiuul Newly FRUIT |ι»λ. Ι" l.-reat tl subject p.'«|K'r, BiarJli(e. worked eurea—a· If by magic and wiih a Hue»· Dollars ot »at·! ileeea.ed. A. il. \VΛl.hKII, ϋιι.Ιχ. the duwu lor a lor lour tertaluly ΦΙ· to a· re 1 me Krnit ami i.ar«leu >·ιΙ. New ï wrk now ,Ine m* Hnndred anil l'wt>al> grass kept space into and was ni hi Interesting never before attained by anv medicine. Leac<«- iJjpei from the lllli II. C Imvih, dairying NI h< ultiik « »lc. · «1*11 ·-'■ ahwliik itml FiUvSl* (°eqt·. and interest .Vtrurcopy—Alt··!. KrgUi-r r.ful IV- il·!. ») tree. .«ill rhoa, Fxcc«.«lve Flowing. Va Monthly <·ι 11 Ih7.' leet all around Ihe This occu· 11. I* C 1! VMl'.Mtv Λ 11 .. pte* a character that it have «ell when from ennatual CillNfMinW. Jauuat>, \ i llii», »λ ΑΙ λ fouit ul ΙΊο· al· «o^ild rtutla. câc*e», lai.l at tin- l-tth ·Ι.ιι il Maich Α |· Snppre»«!on·. I. '.H Mu) Ilated Canton, <· aa tli· of ν liom a season. Wcv\k Hack. or l'ail» It hill aid lor Count) Oxlw vent an bad effects dry another half «ni- Irreealarttlce, l*n>lip*u\ falling ou «OW IPÎJ I». A. HAltltOVVS. pied day. Although of tne Item·. Auteverajoa and Hetroveraliu, uu t.»e tnlru lu· -Ijj ol March, Λ. 1'. it,' >. ο m· pv|>tit\ Shérif II' \ 'III S MIS Ham· il v.. β AnM pick oui »p|> es re careful- no now fact» were out, Bearir-g Doan Kenaatiuna. Inunu] Heal· Ner. jïV III I M l:< ■n'od, brought W ΚΜιίΙΊΙΙΪΚ 1>:ι·ι·ι un- XI Kli'· ill vou« DoIN< Ι! h1» l'Tîl cwiaiN IminiMM I· MUh Uepreaalon, I*ebi!ltr, r<'»pondenc». Threat- $500 IN PRIZES, π |Mntrtii| and have them si No 1. This III· ni <νμ·Ι I ν na a ly rally and we omit a lull The eting •U*l Miacarrt*^·, Chronic tonçeation, Înîl am na- Ten cali> ι ίπ· préparation PIlDSl'iluKt S, Λ llhTKAC \\ i.l mikI Teat.iincnl off Jordan lateol lli rejtorl. -4ΗΧΤΚΛ »:.*ULf ι' i' u I· » I▼ tion of the Il 'ii.iu-l 11.)| ol nt νι»· Ι· II rlt l III aid d·'· a laed, liatiug pi· «nie > a that wnl sell and I'lcrration I'tcru·. Impoteoey. l>m Kailir. than Karl» Κ Ι.ιιοι, oi:uly ■«Ν gain reputation "A Home for Ιι. » n ,. ,li auit' closed Country j Bamnneaa, or etarilltr, Female Weakne»·. and r| t auiitiii' o:il> l|.i ||tfl*i\INi* Ihe f«l I'roliafe by Hinging Ui am! I Xl'KL- m ■ liru*M4 luoual)' Productive ■> V .· I I -"· ·Κ·»Ι» Iti» l»4»f!Ar very many other chrotil dl»«ai>«·» incjd· r.t to wo- ι ; an I I I Kl. M I I M ;·.·'. ο,.ιπι ι, ιιαι UK »" ,,Ι.ΙΛΓ llAtUlt. Ill I ·· I..· un lia Me." man not mentioned here, in *» wall m l«. till' ·» »triil M' il t·· ·.. .til ΙΜ· ι··«" Λ '■■■ -Ί·ι»:: » r"l'' u which, III I.I. .l l f,.i ^uai.iut· ! *.Ι..ΊΟ. .0 COSTS LU pw.tp I 'M I'-. I ill CRIMINAL nr. Mai. Lui eu A Bot cxt<»la· S. iiifyli lit ·;»·!· I'll Ν ·ι··. Il'lij» H. J. ( «urli M'ir< I· Term. 1*7 J· inf^'ir β( Ι'ΓΟ·'4tr Court ΙΟ ''"f'V.Fl< M ât I 4* «* ItiKlirl· tu thr Acri· A lit:lu l.iler '■ a but It ι· ..1 '·■: ... κι ν:· ··>.· it I» Hi »4iil un thr thtnl ,u the in which are A uf turn horse* will consuiuo in rare-all, admirably fnlfill· α «Ingle» OI'OMPTOS'II in pi Tottiity Tur*U> condition lli«y Hun lûrli Bom. Kauai quality. fJ • ιι «lor anil «.rand Jury fee*. improper pair hi··· of bring* xna»t perfect *{><· o-iirpi·-· ·Ι I 411*1 lot ifene , ·,„ o'. .·- » ito tlx toi· iwiw »u.i "·'.·· pnrponr. H pei mail ρυ-ΐ|>.ιι·Ι Κ··ι inrtlier in Tr*»fHi Jury |cçj, A dealer in Wvrmli'f said tho 1-Ï toiu ol i70 bu>heU ol ciflc la all ckronV din-aae· umi,b« i.lori't pure and in'.iltlit III····! ï** ίο Il„ ίι>*\■* a lit Uf «au. .hould tx.t I1'0***1 ·!' put up. A)«tr( liay ■ ol I'll ιι··. ofQccr·' lilll». of woman. It will not d:aapi«.'!ct, nor will tt mi!' ο 1 t IJ· -it· »ι J «III Lie uwarilail a·· 1'lt I Mil — ''μ with »·>. are at ion lh harm io anr »tab· or c< It «.lOO Λ·· hutilc stcnuernphur, ^ " diilicuilv Maine oats, their |K>unds do r.ditiot). will be ρ a il iWi!forottrIrm'io riiev #ί ρ.·ι JU,J -!ΤΓ they daily ·· apple* being | ! II e who ρι· .(.ι· Hie Llrttll (; leik" Uill. found Invaluable In dix-an» incident to Hi • I al! lii .< .,· \ u*r M C. prn;- ulie i >t·».· : » ·■ I irro eopT-AUwts nul aorlcd uf «nil 12 «·( oati 1<·t each. Ε I liem ponml pi U It Λ 4 Ο., PAirlMbghM* properly audcatelully packed. luy |»oumU nancy. ami can be tal*· η la mod· rat·· dr*e· *nh J. l> lll.kTI ·!* Ο ; η liât ol varie liKMtKK I.UAM» <·· « (be almve. «lib o\V"i;l> M -.Vt » ourt of I'iuImH- lul'l »t while in •.hat «tatc. Ind··· it 1· fj" •TU Joint *t.. >r« lork, ni .«ells tor 70 cent* U> It to 10 neieo ol aafety d, li·. Weill fruit fl.OU It Mill take perfect I'otatoca »ΐ4ΐ«· ν» «iil.ui lur tl.«- t i.f «>kf«r<· averagej Hutbrr'· < onllal, hi Fletchcr, ounty 1 111 n«(i al rit Srnl < J. Îr-* «· Λ ι-· η tliat < hi λ atnlugui., l.dinun.lt llowk-r. otlkilkM ru..Ui) bkl., more than Maine Iruit li>r this laud lu raise this «mount ut fodder. sy»lU* A \ lW , labor caay. I ha>· r»n v«l the heartfelt ].rni«« Q Vf II. Join·». "r* \\ \ nen ΓοοιβΙο th· "AHLlNt.iTt.'N « ; reason alone lu pavting, *ι· must use cow will consume 18 ul buy ami from hundreds if notUc*·· I ·· the |n<*timabiu Tho·* J II··wry, I) Utc of llanoterl· »al«H pounds » all I Γθ·Ιιι· t I". i.e. ·; ♦· benefit· the· foof.-rrr t. Γ, Λ I ill». villi I Jiilin K. IUcp. pravin*fi»i mallowance out ul IM pw η* λ U" to '· Lrt $1 *♦ nice cl van b.urvls, C of com meal daily, ·« -er p*< ket. p.i sine Wain·! h îwar»! ΜιιΙΙχιο, in»·» ...u ti e»ute υΐ Iwr lui· kubnn duty, mouldy pound· r^ual 1 offer my KatoriU· 1*·β·ι-τ. tu the l-adi»·· nf W Ratal*• ·■ III.ISP» A SON*, " Am< rua w.th the -o»-· a· It. 11. Itiiiiifoid, Ordered rtMttb .· .n. will the l<*> 3 1-4 ton» autl bushels Λκ· Tori.. la Um araiMt ,··. dlaeoi " » spoil profit hay η ad for th.'ir b «t ν tfare m ho df-vre IS I'trk apiMeâeb Itatitrl Dunn. lu all rr.ou. iutr..»t..t c.a.ioj; '"p) ·'·'· Th·»*" fl«ir( m ·■■ „Γ* by .··! :i>r I »|·γ] \eii: ,ιΙ^ία. Ith* m. .t.»ni,c ·· *" is as a* lor further Informa: on ou theae au' Ja ta t.m obtain Stephen I'ltcKinli order to bepeMUbedihr»· »erW«»ucfeMi»ri) IMN Fruit raiting profitable any· lull lor grinding it,|<-r year. tîravrl. Ill il*l···, Ki'liii j .11 d ( riii.in l>l-ra»i-« allowing It In Τκελτ:«·ομ CSMKW l'i-fA«r» up tmi Oxford at my ν r* m it m .t.il iv et to it.c |·.ιι punir.» 01 1 ■ ί It ·Φ* |» « we do. Small liuits can t»o grown Thi» will about 4 acrvsotaverage ».· r.XEI.iTUK and I uinabt Oit·.an·. «τ! iwcure NORWICH #· TKIAU, e. J. ΟΓΚΤ. auprm .it » ΓιοΙ.βΙ«· « ourt to -« lirM «τ I *"» tiling requite a|Uc ruir» 1 ("iMiiplainl. Chrvun* I>mi frvi:;i observation l«.· ;·<>«ΐί„·β |i { Iji l« in ·4ΐ I Com·!> tl.r Ibil ι I-j..·:·· *' rΐι \ 11 f ,ΊΊ (' ilârrli, and r» V II ·™<Ι Τ UiTwy #i» due acre ο t corn will ··«* lim |' ίβ·, ί |). Stale .Jones ii. « prolilubly here--especially gooseberries laiii). guod lupd fram;··. It tr· at· d:utii« :> ti. ! » di«»a»r» ·|ΐ|'.ι(ΐι .f.,i .,·.·!.· k t' tt r* '-n*uJ κ"·*J ;·< Iti-iic|i:li< <·Ι Hi* f.·.-μι of *|)ι· bk'i: i.ir to collar to Kemale«,and rr.ui b valuahl. a«lTic«> m it « and currant». I'ean are somewhat and Walks keep ; girca Ne> » ι.» I'· o-lralioii Me. fed iiKfons tt,i»i fi«,***5nw > ffotu piodi>cc euough grain tu r«"_-ard t th.ir run,:· η biliiy MHl =·'··'; Hi «··-.·- It la the fr#ate*t autldut* cvri •.(«Ιβ ι*, Chattell. Jermaialt iloubttu). The location tor trees a a This estimate, πι*. i»iFKri:*N > ttourrr Pitr. Plijrilral lleiny f «t« W A^r.^.-.tu.t ii c. μ*vu. setting cow year. π···< ii l.v i»ne K γ It k»gt*M.i tluiiug M KIPTM» h Mil Π Ml \|J. iting I'riiiUi.g Uartlel J until ··, « Ol.LI Oi:. » 1. UNIVERSITY,« MII.IT4KY "Π t'*t I !.«· νΙ·>Ι1|.Ι· 'l I ·ι,ι I'll I t m I Hi· ν» Win. II J one*. Henry .1 · ourt "1 i> liées sot on hum accords tut (·.<.!> ; s al OXKOKU.μΆαΙ FrSSÛTlM uf thculu»o>t which i> deduced HUNT CLASS pl.iO V |y 4· ; im|H»rtauee— practice, I 1*1 aloi ln-viill. I|r«t ,ιι·»| iir.iu .till I'jf|« withto end lor the < of · v. 1>< r bottle· l-IaMi-hcl I» r|>H ) Department. Recti Ju-tic···. ouely a are liable to hum ■»· eutlfle ilI lu • v« it Ii·-ill ll Kor»al·· nil Ι'πι,'μ'; I» J > >·< shaded south cant spiing elsewhere, as galhere«l statistic*, Manufactured at tin ("hcn.l'-a: I s,!«>ratory if I IiommikIi Ha«»ical. »!ijilai)r hotll'l Ik· by M.ite re. Th»»na« Herncy, ll-nry lint on the third « 1 tin I··. m·-·Il il re u -ι il : t y h Uooil AildrtN, nov •e*Kor hi»l»rj firing» t. JhIIWi » tlic millionΤκΛ( of HA MM.*"efc:,A:.&A,52v ·' a are Discipline Reed, souUi location. which that acres of land J: r. Π MICE, M l'. Vreip'r,, Vt Mimnier rerm Γ lln· tin· m .iter κ*· <1ί·η·.» ι··, fur v*. IMwwi \ >1 tUnt · critain in»tii.incnl,','A^irl kill—pteler·» «ertrily prove eight j ( 11Λ1 % I Ls I'ul 1 V'iithiiehl. |>int- |Ki«i'rol »tate K'ltuun·!· ·Λ ONllttb:vu purpor. in·»· 1 >1 and for nnlmwtih (Win dla I lo be the la»l will I. » » is no um Mît an on a a I ΓΙ H ALO, N. y e le *en «(fin- I pi I.J:' mtwH Austin Justice, a»U It ol to orchard low needed lu hoim· year ν * 1 support «luring [igpililifil turn. «πι. ι for MHpUel W 111 Γ Κ V vt ,t,· ν» >.imncl It· ••«t«l. Jam*·· • iJl.itrot llrhi'Htin u,JJr "»>> is ;u — 1 a ifcUi ! 11 \ .1 ut. '!' li<>itΙ M I"! i't l'a J11-«ι.·.·, * I m.l .ill I thAf III' ..Ί 17'>»»" }r- wetland iit and Hid laud countries* ; (le '5 \Vri111 j{!ii. Κκϊ, Γ.'.',,,. M) |.,ιι A.lmi..i.ln.tor«itMI.' thought which, λ·> regaids tho supply <1 fo<κ|, \% ni nnocx^l ·'» ••Ι·5' uKKoiik r«» kK», J ·· ·· ■· Or Jet riMtUMiMl·! IVttttoMT «I*· Mtle· vember tbo best time to be no *4, prune apple are There woulj i „i, mtrr.-.i.-lb» * sell-sustaining. For ! r t ni 1 lu-iT· ι ,4,.Oil. ·. One Dollar v· R Stale" ; .John JH.1 ι*, iiii .ι. »ιιΐ· i1.i» !.r ih<.«.ii.icBn-rtr.iJI r> m m f· trees. difference between tlio «·,· will -un.I HHCû I.) iu»il. ■/!· it· ijl o| Ifnc t»ubH»ti« crops Ci nnn Juetiojt, I "· "" l",ofa practical " i..| A· ··!' Adan:.·» ol Kast W ilt«»u. I Ml l.l VU Ol hoir flown >«*fd 1 * " 1 ihi" *'«fc· '? l'iit'kei· ■ FKfc.1' Mi'j. and otliei* that m bo « ..f I Cu> »..n u)v υ fc.sllAlf,lo Try»·. print· at l'ail· H'"« "r> 0,"> 11 h.,otr;1 mentioned ^tit out utalorfiu-. eouU>u|i>g |i| w«r ( III Nit Tur UfKlt'E ι i ur, lo l« h«.d «1 l" lu .«I'H(Γ V υ'tiΓι must leain about b\ in- wnctiMi «'Mimic, t nut n*| I· III· I'm wiul) pruuing iï|*iienci. vHhlill lull .. 1 III I'll I·.··· I»'·» · fur the leasou that tuoro < ui| l'art», M»n.lrJTil·. I Ib.--I.iv ul H·· <"»t ·Ί "n cho*cn, prolific ι|τν«·> in tin· I Hi'«■·I »tul t'iw1 < ■ tu to une lr»»« the MASS. u! lMf«, and iigti. mm I»c <■>-i. I» pnij,V-«· His Las taught hi p. M PLACE, BOSTON, III.I. Λ. IMD l.t:, *«rd«iitru 1·· loftUonl.Hl.il·!»» H'1·'"· ""J " V' 1 a aiuount to be cun- XEKPLE application I'm g «ι m ΠΙΚ »ub»cril>cr τ«·Ιι> nl»<· l'"ll **? ciops greater this Inst.ta- Λ lloiloii. I I'1'';!'' no,,lcV iil.r ll uu! 1 tine leaves lall until il require Dr OnMua ha* boon phyeldanof II ml I lotΙ«Ι·. 7 Ti.nioiit Mrrcl, h lu- b-ru 'lul> «ppointrd y the lion Ju V· ul *',4jU Janu.tiy Api .r w.Al hKI( *umcd to yield an equal t>usteuan<.H.·. with tton une· tu ι.·>* twenty-lire yean, I·.- bate f ih Γ.mu» et Own and êemmem are the worst months in tho ** Κ ·>Ι ill. Ι.ι-ι Will and I ι··Ι .nient[M of .u,u«vr «""l 11 """ and May asti his iticc^M is, »· Ivlic*·. β:fh«Hlt parallel. fc" \ tru'-t of vecutor lees but more nutiiiiuu-< ! I \I.I.KN let* "I llu am erupt·. lu fer», «.wjarh, rt \\IMlMV — * ol Ul I »l >ear to Seasons and comblions prolific, Especial attention jftven tiiu, 10 CENTS „ 5?' ? iM'OHl* » Α» <-.uit I'rob.U prune. in mIiI Count \ .1. «·.·.··« d i!»'"» b""'1 η» ,!" '** < The Dotl economical tu raise ί Female Seminal Weak· ONLY 1·) fart· » it ι..·. ·. a M tt.· «uutjr ol OlW single crop Cancvr, Complaint», direct» he therefore roju. ate «Il peikoii· who arc the mallei somewbat and Kheu· ou (lit llilftl "· March, A l> govern they b?*s, Dropsy, Kit*. Paralysis, Mmm ind.-l.t.'d t.i tin· c.tjte of «nul deccawd to inakc .in TotldM) for animals is coin, ul.en the Dyspepsia, tha Every WU ·μιι / vs ih. i Mil | teediug J Hiat.sm. Humors f th· Η!.--.!, l)-e.i»e»"t «>UÎV,; anr· changing. a jw to select & use them. payment i,„. la.I «Ml I y continually etaik> are well cured and Ncuralpia, and J Paints--h exhibit the »ame to (J w-hole proj>er- S Heart, Kidneys, Or, tlirrton to ll ;"1* Γ •kin, yine, μ ϋΐι tî .. ITJL wl t ins ··"·" 1·^··'»" ·;·I if rtCKNOUX Nervous 8v>tem. Stomach, Α pl.rn treati*<·. containing βηιιιρίι.'c.ml ι,- 1 UU>EK Al.lr.V I' ltaiu tif mi »ί· th.— tjjt,' sliudp» tiuta.w itli In· Bitot I. Tribune. difft-p nt ■ Sri«·...Τι 1_V used.—Λ". Ailments. actually pniiitrd .1 ■· wiJ ail Πιρ>η1< or ■ β, r9'j'Ι-ηΛν 1 t1'4· » ■*"' Ί·?' '·' "The Farmers' Throat. Lune», sliuriu ui lt>r ι·ϊΐι·Γΐ«Γ auJ mtcrioi llviiae I»· inve· not.· ο tpai Opened by singing Medical 7ÎlK.y pot/lu Dr. Greene's r^Mphiot, (JoscriptiTe atu>n. In· lit. b.,n l.v the lion. Jtid-· ol 4.:rΛΐηί ·»;»..m.'"-κι·»· ι«β duly apjvdeVd : Mr R. II. C'onanl and choir, l'otaiov». and their Mill • for Ih# 4 .nr. m ..· ra»*o·· M Song, by Early of diseases, pr* per friatmerd, 49 uj| », l»t>«nJ iu iolli, |j. vimplu ·ί·|>1««, ΓIX)bat·· for lh< «'omit) of Oxfold and ai»*m*d U-.Tv.nh un i ,.Ui. II Ii till· οτα. » i*r.oii !■> I.' imlilt'MV, al».i a Treatiae ou Li- to run nrr rotor, m ail eg | ua> Mi·), truat Admlni#tiat"r the follow ud address from ihe Secreta- > fits r· will secure < Ρ by Λ little care eaily »» it »: IO In tl fl L> ί -1 #· Κ ItltH.iis late ol "*«inin···- ..ircly ,„lheO*|..n»l«em jotatoes euses of the liulr and Ail Jn |>t mil), J Kith *^"μι... Scalp. > * r' III MM (ΛΙΙΚΙ It % I It I». tu .aid I uiintv d« ■ .led bond a« tin law Kliutk.1 .it 1'irt ,th it th. ui·) »ΓΙ Mr. S. G. Foster. It »ith a two or weeks belore the time the ν hy *".sl ry, opened three dr. n. axuoiQNit:. I li u.n·. tncrcfore ri-'V"*'" |"·™υη« '.V" ol the ol the com- 3i Π ace, Bcitca, >· / Hit »m* ld-1 I tt'l to t|i> f-.al< ·.! «nid >>■ ·χ«· ■! to mak' mi- -""V"" comparison pioducts pres- will be to use it tue Temple (iff Mftiptitg wnwMf ezintctt/hiéi τ ready planted one inten t* ■- rw RttT Wl Λ ν tl t » i«lif*t.l>' ainl m» ; toed île k*4 <*·■ ^i V.ru··'· 'V ti" rh»T· ent and thi»e ol tear* pirïftl φο·βπ*|»ο Mj '···-_ P5JÎJT»! day twenty ago. mon way in open Cut the nt hoiil.l Mil lw iwh'I il I thrrron to exhibit tlio iMnic ttr «·:ιΐ»^ · giound. |i. J Trjl"!'!- .ι ι* i|.-t k uv W > luuell I I I ·..ι ) < HI li' vvA. hKi, It also showed the contrast hi the meth- •\\ t|i>| Ci'iuf t}|u j Μ lv |5?3 WDKK.u HILL of the earliest sorts, and until uu u*o ίit·β et λ U C. pieces place • uliji·· t ι·Ι I'.nntiii^ .1 lmu>e f)-;tUct 1>*VM, Μι ll.iird'« .V I' Ihr tid Tins MbacHta* hereby „n··· Mike that ods ol raising tbvse j roducts. It advo- thetu under an inch or twoot earth in relient Ι»·.Λ «·Ι PnMJe \ want I»!·» It'll ill la»t au|>|>ll>'l —.*Vi(ill (Hi. j I,, I. it Ki ll «Ulj 1Κ'|0·Ί·5 »·ϊ *Γ· '{"n •n,dh\1' a of some one or ftvbalù lur tlu· ul ti\ror.i aud anuiwu U·4· cated making specialty so in drili· that will Amrt ii un (.ouiiiy hot-bed, closely they tulu ! tru«l of t>>r ul tin· ''«tJli· ul •'.Not oui» » iitvf«»ilj to Hip itMinU'r. l/iil AduiloUtr two and theiu all our lli. N.I Λ MIN III \I I» lat« >·« Suiun.i products giving touch, so as lo f.'onoiuisv loom Whwn able t«· occupant of a «Iwellitu' "-Λ ) «-Tc*r) Μ'.τ/iij boed a< tin* law "Ituv ti ; time and energy. We should raise and is set them RESTORE copie» fun· all who ar·· the advice tin-it·· I direct* h·· llu'r· l*r«ou· open ground dry enough, aiuon* yum η in·.I·. If llwj Ιη·> .lllie mini·*!» beet lu i« m»kf nn our >r. H.tir lu j· f|i·· iM iiihW^ bo niun* vnluablc Indi'btt-d th·· l'itaie of »»H il^M"·'·! make everything for home out. will coiuo uii .* ll Qbêciel .-•oit·?· prepa- iu. could present possible t> » % mi li.it»· and tlio*·? who liait· demand· They rapidly ration for flic uair ί·κ( ui^oji,. .i, /ait ~~i ( "A ρ 1'ri hunt. payuient any it'll;; v'· to »uiiu· need·, instead of so Iroui aa a Hot n AJt e< titer. >· .. L·'. lilllti Ιι.ι· done a tlu-reon exhibit tin· to buying laigely frost -huuld occur alter uro set out, restorer and dressing.— ι.,, ., tlu-y "llrl'utli-Ί « : ·· f ^,· Muret κ IO»X U»ALP. have ti>ted a of Dr. Greene'· Hair riMl iiTtitf l« niM'niiiiiviiiit 4.. ·'<.■··■'.' Μ, other Stiles. This would the ruon· 1 sample 1 keep with "U> Mil mII Tof'.wu they maybe protected newspaper, ft:. J find that no metals or hope Itic publisher «ftplc» I fc lotir that wliv'l nu t t » Jleetorur, |>οι*οη··ιιι> / t 1 MF 'iu.-i'otr hereby jjitee lu· «aul K..lM»ril <îo.|J.ii-J «Iiv« «.·» with us, and to a certain e\leul rviue it. of tlii« book Olil'tiiX 73.' h.rtrfurr l.-littu 1'· I..··pnblit· Ιίοη ·' but we have never kuuwn them to be; riutu>r» cxM in .tfl uiiuiy aj>^.oiii.'_ι itijuriou* kWi tin Hwtixe adrUed tthlcll »lnin»t in- tb·' ue« α.-uuiiaiλ',fi .Le JA«. ItfcUl», tanJnl»yj J \tiu! I ΙΙ··ο(η all I ΙΙι·Γ|>» 1'iokeU fœ l'oun»)· of OtiniH the hard times. Stovk and C. T. feu(p As«v«r. the and ;·■ c» n 1 ■»«■! * η lliii Jy keeping •ι even il the weie ! autlior, ιοίιι,'ηιΐιιΙ variable 1 hit tin· : tru.t "f Administrator of tin· rutati ol aerially injured, tups A Treat lie ou Dwas·.·* of the Han auj > vel« eu: m »ρ· iolbi'alng coiu|ihi!nt< ilwvljjutf iu our ut'iicboorlit'il 11 >\\ \ ici * (;oi»iAKIi la If of Hitliel «uauure aie two which a treatment, «eut free. A i Ireas 1 II· .nt Iturii. J.ivrr uuil making sj>ocaities a little by frost. Next tu hot- With their proper pt-aranoc ''—]' ] H'crtly Iiy-i»«·}··ϊ Coiiijilauit, In aald Count\ J.cewfl liond κ ili^ law tiip{>ed t in a lew b? juin- •Ί11 -ciliU-' Λ i'* Ml· |!j»ir«l J»-·.' u} j.; ♦•tu· riiml |.y tak η Uitfle·. farmer must in order to DR. R. -i.lwjifc Ijm t»j-> dir. «t« li. tin r.'lora η·<|η.··ΐι all r»ou« who art •riuf.l ..t th«t * I· every be in a OrRZIBXB, un lor J· ίιι i» Γ·ιι·. tuy practice bed, they may easily miut u-d c« ilai» ordp #i!u| lKib I.u--iin-i iii -j ii ι|· ni··! N'nliiK ol -aid dtv« a»e i to make im sprouted \ " ·' ->cn»at|oi>11 indi btetl |0 the eMnte increase laiui. 31 Place, Bcfitcn, Kui. lollovt ."--/Vii«t Letlif. .it ·M C S^WbeMeTSH· the ol Ids Temple will n.odiutc nt cr. : It. ·> l;o detr.tmh ν «· ili· « .t al t η ο .· it· ■ fertility l>aiiy- warm room. Eveu when the sprouts nut·. ^UlT.t l-av, my f ï^fîK^ïîtf | ■•We kuov. tin· town ami coiikti; j. therein < ■: hv le -, |{li»|riie- aial all th^r.-oii Îj 1 xlublt tll^ *λΜ: fK ***' t to %. < 11 κ and ί Kl UI Ι'ιι.,· impuritlea -tin ,hf«U.· ι»*·»? »wr tug and fruit are two owes be had rccoinu.citd.'d, and can touch fur t >u ) S Krtoeii raising good gtuw potatoes may Of tin.· Ι>1· 1111 r·Ii 11M iHiougl) tin· -I,πι or oilier-· m,, IST3 U ΤW I Γί IIKI.I accidentally, oi lli^'llwriiou'bruml υί wit telua.l." υ·|, exct'llctCc Wiw, cut td tea III ν (ht> Φινίιοιιι on iucrc&se our lor luiuie — lolluwiny l^r.uu.1, wv|hfc|. Ju,^ capital imptovc- some earlier by | Til κ ,ubiH ilb» r In Ci*fi oublie uotice llial day* by carefully presurv· rh\lnH()p'An Lalyvr. tin* bottle reby ΐΓ.η. In ha» Ui-n tlulv lnte3 by tfie Hon. of auwwh-Μμιι UavU.IU» luents. .ihiI I ai>;n Ju'!*e ing the sprout· tu setting lljutu out.— K01 kiiiaij, ni.ilikr rluary deraugcmouti j I'robaie for iln· > f i)*lord aud n»»uuit«lbn as ι' ont· liottl·· u tin· luoat (.'ouniy Farmers should their minds 10 CENTo it ha» no ill convince ■ l iuipiovo (Jtullemaii. ONLY |iia!. tru»t of Ailiniiil«tratur* llu' »»tat·· of "ηtihiti «"d for th· Count* of _i»*lurJ Country »kt'|>lii'al. J.I.I l.nti· of llelln l 'ώ·5"' well as iheir and for this FOdlEK lands, purpose »i:nΊ.Μ. MAC» l»K I'ruin the without (ho ! lu «ai l C'oi.uH .l b\ 81 ",xv 1 Worm-expelled »>-1«·ιι dei-ea»i »lv '"Κ a au· Midi· u-nt 1er tins who au· 1 " .tbey should study books and papers and «>Ι·Ι.Ι1ΛΤθΗ%. lea t 1I1 Πι· u!:y few bottle- | direct» he therefore ie.|ii.-t. all pcraon* [ ) \ \ I. I : Ν 11Ν Κ l"r ·1· ! IfoMhiny Tret* with Lye. nu t ob-l ::iatc (Mac. indebted to the c-tatc of ..ud .lc.-ea.i 'l to make 1m ... λ l'Uir.t. t Ι·.· Ni ■·' tt^ a«|\ ·;ι:ι(·|ι.||r >f|[ ν ,ί '·.·»· tiiU-n I thu of farmer·' 4 ·' iho«<· who li ιν<· au» demand· ···"·: meeting# ehibs, LI »ilo,t ililfi'lilt mcdUtc payment and 1· tn·. roi \ .•■•mm· η in < rerv ill tU' Ιιίι ΙΊΪΙΊ *l'e 1 have washed trees wiih soil ciln^ <'oaiiiiunity,and « λ \ u.i c" many ΤΓΓ 'ill.Ji Mile·. U) U.I ·1 association* and lue 11«·αι·ί >»ι th·· an Id^Q ilvath* ru.ult ιι» to i.«-ek >oine c.iVtMfUofc ill rvfc.eale» ounty Ag n^.vrani Γ!ον7Γ^Γ7^ΤΓΤ\7 ,r.:iiiti .| MaicJi In 11ÎJ. |·Λ^<· U M»· J "■ soap and water, half-aud ball, and nev-, rel.et The· di~fa«u nsaame·* luanj' iliOtfrciit forma Ni-rv dit -, S u!a!^l.i. lit àil.nb,·, Λ··., ! tiuek tiutl small 11 u it s il lift «:iti-i,irt.u» >i)ll| t'^l •rk-ukure. Garden fxrh.tnû<··! j e.i-etl ίηϋΐ.'Μι.ιΙιΊν. 8» At a Court of 1'rut.ate U«1«J at er saw effects aiise from nun),· w Inch mi<,l'uljJtttition Lulai'gtMt ÔXFOItD. any injuriuus it, nt,Spa*·η» i ! within end for the ofOxlord. arc branches to in net m a· λ^Ί'ρ.- v s-teilc·! Joint·. a:ii{ all .'croliilu Varl· (Veiny p5^r£^i£!~ftSK5ti ΛΑ· Hhrumati-iii, good engage Ο»» ι4. iiti'H <*r floiin Fur at un t·/ the Ji'U't, [ A but on the trees >o washed ? ·"·."·>· .1. r ivlintrd "bv tlii» on the third ruetdaj of Manh, contrary, γΤ^ΠίΓγοπι'»! li*^"* Λ·3ϊ.(ί ,*· reatlf .. cskî lilies sod and to a certain ex- Oenrral Drbiltty, M'ufi r ul-"iit the Ihtirt, l^UWIN (iRMEN A«linlni«(il»or <>l tlieesta.· of .^^5 villages, i iutfiiLVv Lvtuld be out Irom others not wash· the I'aini in the Suit or t ι:··ιιν^ΓΤϊΓΤΤΤΤ77ΓιΓΤΪ?μΓ"" AtfOB Β oranlate<1! !'■·'·- 'u -Μ·Ι ivuv picked Stiiiinj Of Spirits, 'hrtt, < ; ar^y 'ieïà/\i •i'-i t ,tn c+o' ï If id. by their healthy appearance and Di' .ineti, Slti'fytth Circulation of etiru'l or time!) ic!k-v< I itiv «»f K»i«l nijo farmer should make and in * mlininle(ruti add to ihe of The-e lurm· of Heart l>i-ea.«i· h.ive l>e« n eurtd the-', nliii"·! in« niiily enrvil l»y taking η ί-·« aiii't* every way leililit} ~ of s.tw «rI,l^,d|, >VAI-KKK. JudJ·· ea. We ito Kanufictiircrs bottiei nf til· Quaker Hitler·. That the aald .Vdui|oi»tralor notice it in aud also I>r. Uri*t'· Heart ami ttrdtrcd, give ■ usually apply !y spring, li> Itr^ulttlor, MTRKMK 1Ό Al.I. OTHKU». A true copy·—»tl«»t U C'· his farm. not it will cure them again. Any t^ IHfliriilliei, -o «ιιιβη^ Λιικ-rl to til perion· Initre^ted Ly caoaiiiK « copy ui thl· hu8:;ato to aajr U n. Iemale prevalcut ÛAVl..Ky«· in summer after nu iuom can ·· KVKII* HAW IHIMVTi was a the or lice torni ef 1<. > u-1.1 to itau-e, ran Imli···. i· I ! t to this tiivaliinliTe mcili- urder to be published three week» «ucce»·!» ely in th» This followed from IJeai; Ί1 readily ^ eadily · of lTob»ie h'Id by paper " r ΚΙΙ,Ι'ΖΜ, Ki:i.TI lUmil M At Ifl.VKBV. Oxford Demoerat at I'arl·. thi-τ ΓνίΜΚυ s<:-At Court «■. β b·τ·· th· tin· τ llittfr·. printed that may ►} l>e found on the trees. Soiue orchaidists niSl'OUXTS -β* cine, (Juak Ι-,ιί,. within «nU ί.ντ ··ια County of Lorea Adams of FLvt one tx u and the irMBEBAI. at a Probat·· Court to be held at I'arl* Waj. Wilton, Heart lt« L'ulaior lu- l«»»u j. |>i ily aw ur.pt'ar ■· j atiil Lire.itar- Hn, 'tillon·. It· n..:t.ict atnl luteimitt«nt Γ.-ver», on Ih«· ihlril of Mi»r· h^. not a luarked benellt tl»-i"ti· Lute lu taid County un tl.e third Tneaday ol May next, Tut»d«y our about here use lime water with like belie- j (•arty rMcired nrc^ontnr k I 111-Ν Olianliattof Λΐ»·ι»η»| ( iA oldest and most huit ^ pijer«i Wpliitly| at tn" o'clock in the forenoon and »h< w cau»e if any <-HA>K ΜΛΙ·> experienced Our on will furni-b with I i*«U ol' Hit »>l.k- ami «.ι tin a^'ent, application, you \VELCil & GR/FFITIla, tl ai|i«'ule by -ni t,-ua«er \ i .Irâr WhiUiian minor chilUrco ou ficial result». 1 saw last autumn thev haHf w».y trw **m- .no-.d act Le culturisfs "Fruit A. Ilptroll, Mlch. r jjljoie J Raising."* >nr rireiilar, ^iviui; full de-eriptioii of the ilineaae, j CO BailaM, ^MI.I The Λ ii li .·'\m.ikf Ifîttef· jir»t the-anfi'k· tin y Λ. It. WAl hl-ltu orchard ul four or five hundred "i ai It Mr. Adams said an orchard is so yuung and ttl»o a number of u-tilmoniul* of cures; and itiuul in tlieir deirlinuiif je«r.-. i|tii>-k'- A true eopy—alteii U.C. Davis, Π filter apple eu- the bl ««I am| clioers tin· tnjiHi, ainl pavei the trees that had bceu treated with a if uoul.l like fui tiler raised so you proof flout tha p.i(tipi, .«· easily ami profitable if well upplc j NO! NO! |i»--:ifc· t;.·' IpcfiaeiJ. OXIORD, β*:—At a Court ot Probstc held at who have the write tlic-in, uud NO! jih'T given testimonial], ill that lime-water wash and they were N.I I»!.. ri-n.'.iii Ι· ησ luiui'll 11:1! klKii'te.l Par it withm and for the Connty of Oxford ι·« it is there aie not ccrtaiiily aiTonl t·» u-o ιι..».!· ucilluT ; managed, strange we what they aav. Vou rei.iioi w«acbiucrf, with an iiu'lir.-i!i|e l|i»i:.ie# ΛΙΪρι'trtkiu? a |ptt bot· on the third of Slarrh, Λ· U. 1ST3, as moss lut (lie 'tuêidnjr iS^ttSilS, inore in is and free Irom and in- fan you manufhcturt· |iroulablt without Ιι,g t un of them the Slate. Th·· want of Ihtifty We have d'l tbou>anΐί1Ι We no ! H'ubt ! shown iheir can any Rrffuiat -r, inercaalnj:. j eanili Can vou? Delay longrr up .art t unty ilcitaMil. having pro»onted h^ ur«t Χ&ψψίΙΙ enterprise by scarcity .wi S°ld all and Dialcn In MrJ c'na. ..4.ίί» cum 11 »·» ue con ti· lent we arc the a beneilt.aml Write Λ 8. GEAU, anilô·.' Suilbtiry St., DosUin, by Daggliti and ιΐΓίιΙ of the tittalc "ί oSt VlVVôriÏOTi. never used but wit »uup uiul1 iloiti£ publin iioeouBt of arifulnUliaUon ti» only be accounted for. I be anything for mMmw and dreolara all Wood if of kaitl ilo<*e i«od fur allowauce. b„. .hr by supposition lot ι.} ,u-' to them a worthies.· imitation. trgtrdlBi a I known lus iiiij'o-eoii Iron ifmhiiury, aikI order riijht uf the sulJ at wholesule by 1 hat ""'.'ÎKÎVll"'.?,. that a water fui wash, and this ! teorkiug Ordered, tiie»aid Adniini«tr»tor|iTenoilc· : thero is lack of Tit· ri eu ol w.e I· l»OL> »<> A true H. C· Ptrl», knowledge regard- ρ ff·'· /ί··„··''^/1· UM niachine you much need. to all peroou· itiirrciited caualujç a copy ol thl· eow-'ttftt no F. PHILLIPS ά Portland. by K»gUfr_ both Μ effects u|k)u the trees.—Corr -Ακ uud i'Hu W uhlaiued ol our 4r>'ent, W. CO., order to be 1 ubltdied three week» »ucce«»lvely In the ing profits and any injurious per liottie, j ss:—At · Court of Trob·!' management. at Pari», that 1. N. U »l Oxford l>< Iiiuirut the) may XÏ'OIÙ», < * are Rural Home. lMMO\l>, I»ruK|t*t 1'aria, KKtl IIV printed l'»rl· within and for th· Coont» ot *j orchards allowed to run wild, and a:ip< ar at a Probate Court to be held at I ari» y jami'73'l D it. 11. 01, the third Tuetday of lav ne t uncared show — je Oi, for, yet iheir products A minister who married rather y uegio ΛΙ tln ir ί·:»·;·! M'-'lietl |. '< 4 l··» It'roa I Me, and I'll do you Good." l'v|xjt, « what our soil and climate is ot iooner alter th« wile than "Buy «»» "·'·" -'·> capaolc death ot his 1>14. LANGLKY'S Hroet, J'ruviil' iiev·, H i· marls some Yttïïi'KJ,·. îffîwgss doing when assisted by man. Κ very ut the sisters thought proper and HKWING ΜΛΓΗΙΝΚ A true eow-elle»t : II C- 1ms, K»fi»ter iïKiV.r".? X'X^S'-'ΛΆ^ excused himself BITTERS. l« THE BEST l.\ T1IE H'OKLD. F.xrrulorV Sali·. one who has a of land should raise x'cuming, asfullowe; ROOT HERB plat ββ At a Court of Probalu held at dear brethrcu and Thin lueek-lnc ι-, viu.Oui c,( a lorn It ΙΓιιηΙοΙ "«mtl for rircnlar. Aildrcea i* herebT that l>r virtue of a Ii· OXFORD, au "Aly sisters, my tfw bwv>toiiit|' glrcn for ol f «»- fruit. The best soil for an orchard a Χ. V. ceme the Hon. Λ. II Pari» within and the County Oxford m is was than I loulit. the be-t remedy kuon η for the l'oliowlujr, | H'INCi MACHINE CO from W'alker, .'luljfe of "»ο»·ί1ι,;Γ;; ^Ve"v.ucct..i"iy greater cuuld bear. I "IKttlfSTJf" JJi Nr0TICK on the third of March, A. D. It»73, grief ιη·Ι all kiudietl dl->a»e- huliy< Μ AIITIVS ; WI'B'JV l.Ii ,uU:.. •"•ion <··» the 1 r» minri in DixHel J villake, CGC.STL'S an cortain Instiiiuieiit iitirporliuit to he the la»t was hard wood. Land >ut noue come. 1 searched the lepiia, IH::iiust, Scrofula. Suit lift rum, f.fiHu, Μ ιιιιι··Μ of M ui il.U TesUi..!;»: rjî.TO !a»o of ÔÎf. ": ni urec from liinrsee to and vV uoiNtock lu nald «le«XttseiK li hoCT» to the noiih and east, when it cau be Kirerlatieus, | itom»t h, tfc. he teal c-tato of Jo|iu Jackson, late Of 1'ixiielil Colinly iun< pre- h»'" sented the ».atuc fen· Probate: rr ounJ plenty of to the w iddcr, I the tiuielv u»e ol thni medicine, the blood is I ti >aiil County ileceaje«J, ihclmliii); Wio reversion ,1BV irÏ Al-KtK, Jud«f lb* forest is lavorable promises I5y Ordered, Thai ; protected by very one to 11 luritled. The la psaton-d. The ay stem is; If the wi'loir» iloirprlficrfi» yii : tlii: ta>crn»taiii| tl|e1ald pkeput^p gjye notice i line COpr^»u«.t Il iuvisEcgi»tr Jut the widorer. ίί υ took "appetite BfiJCK a c, nary | Is in* Th« breath η ii β»ι1.1 10 all ln|ere»|cothy power LcJtly i11 at a Probate Court to be held at Pari· I» in its meelunUlu, built ami dur· lebti of said derea-e.l, charge· of administration appear are and ο comfort and a first- hiini·!» strong' in -aid County on the third Of next they cheaper better than western himself; having \ νχ> uUi ·»»<] cm be bv lu-lp. Tbe ind incidental liargc. Tuckday May Clitl'ord'i IV-IÎUIUC3 sold everywhere. •Lie, opernted ordinary «1 teu o'clock iu the lorenoou ate chance to in the I.ord, I did » nn hour with steam Dated tl.it> iwentv-lbrrlh day of March. A I>. audihewcaukeifany ones. Ttees in ihe be al- many l'lie bent Boot», llcrb* and Harki enter Into Uie i-at'iictly iM|i t.ri ks 'n nursery should 11 I hey hare why the came ehould not be ftp to, and would do so < omi>»Mtiou of thU Kemedy, making it aaimple power, or 2,S«>Anth torfé-poUn. ^α.. facture.I lrH. proved Jane*16w again. Besides, W. i.roted and allowed a· the la»t Will and Testament lowed thev form bel- ale. a« well as an euic for allditea^es and «old by the i; relhren, jnur Patsey j lie b!u*d. <.t0. C. UOODW1N λ CO., lto»ton St .ΜΑ11ΤΙΛ BKICK MACHINE CO., M.i)Ui.NTINE JACKSON, roots, in 1 I Kxecotor·. A troe : If. C. Davis, Uegliter. ter tops and frets lh«oichaid was just as dead as »he would ever bo.M· aajeby nil Dmgifietr marl Urn Ctolcopce, Xui. ηtί J 1 copy—atteit