The Oxford Democrat
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Mie nor at bim. I won't mound lo commune with liis own heait. spoke not looked mennI. Tint : man. and 1 slopped, (laying Captain audibly respond»··! must answer he was Ves, lio must know himself. Uiil ho Aileen, you mc/* said, curse 'em." Oue pleach i»f»luro iiiin." Thai my ibcKMjtûw <3·Sraocrat, ••Yes, Englishman £clcct lovo Ada ί And Ailecn—what ol hor? toi tli liit hand, and bore. and cried util. Ιιυιι ι do—I Imd no £torj}. ptuiing clasping chanced to be (taining. present, no to t poctru. No\ er for a moment had ho ot You have insist—to I'ublUb. Îttrjr ·»> •• UKAX1» SKI! MON S TltlKD UN. right speak Tattda) Uoiuluj, wiilie." The lea jumped lor· thought captain The Choice of Ralph Livingston, li.u to «lie answered, *till F. E. SUA t'ruui C aul I «tu lltulil. coat lier, except as slio was—his friend, his uie," evading Hr, ward, took the Englishman by Ihe Alien I tried to get up a sermon in KDITOR AM» PKOPKIKTOK. < the ttoail llretiker*. sho would nut misunderstand In- gaze. Λ»*/·(/«·«»/' collar and him out ol doors, .-ay ing, '"· ' made three divisions,and was one of fortune's confidant; put sl- grand Ralph Livingston I to know the TKKMSTwo Uollar» per rf l^iU bis kindness, liis mother's counsel «as have, Aileen, the bt iliUkl. TKNUkKSON. lo the lio lo a minis- suu division most favored children in right tu aJvauoc "I'll teach you give then divided each grand ; young, good ut' less. Ada loved he heart ol the woman I love! Now lock was a rich. him, felt sure; M .ill a le£, ball a Ie| ter o! the tiospel." This ••religious into three sub divisions, and so had Irom health, handsome, and very Ralph lu ··«· and he had never told her at it.e, and see il I am not the ('IrtKltlluutbtiil Ι»ον···Ι'··Ι>{' Hull a 1 υ a whs although so, speaking leg iloHuntnl, sfivice" something Ver hall century lirstly to twcllthly to speak about 1 the only child of a widowed mother, (outil) t're·. All lu (Ik- ·ιμ* utift ho h .id reason to he· mull !" light the an certainly lier ago. bioke inU' llie lirst Grand Division and nnd hist representative of old and given Uvtle III. tix-ox team. licve hu loved her. lie must do m timidly raised her eyes UOKS TO THK no I broke down. race. He was » universal favor- Yes, lÎ'ttfn «/ AAvrrtininy. Turvird. the raatl breaker·! •Willi go farther. Then proud " Will answer me now, Aileen οι lite ο wh.ii was what Ada, his mother you * ».(u»r\·, t Ιι »μα4-Γ ι «««λ. il I hargr lor the tlrilta." h· aakl. lather sent Said us Alter ite. right, l( »ifk. a Ill the fullness of time my I, pray." offering tul>M^iir«l Into lit*, eouiitn highway and îho world h<! asked, his anins. I 1 oiua β lu»·. I «car. li but I Mrs. knew that the time expected. opening K»r #i uu, »: ; me to tin I had eiallcd ideas pra>er, I up and went at it ngain, Livingston Πι ImImh 1 y coi 1ίο«Ι«· tli· »ix ux Academy. ^>ith this he '•Vou kn-iw! you know !" she sobbed, e*r.|M.H; ι M;iimt,|1L haven't was when her son would determinatiou sought te· Ul ν·ιι« M-fl «Ut wUilioiml »>l the ol α That dig- i*'lt Grand Divisions and coming marry, *' preceptor. "'J 'v !" dignity lie to his and said: 'lioëi r* Ntirit m- «inlvraol noti.gut Kalala i orwthl tu« ri>a«l breaker» Ada, told his and won her caugbt her bosom, r! when 1 eu· em since Whenever 1 and she to his choice love, promise Of tor» i>n •■•nuir, 1 V) was absent picked np get thought anticipate Will·. |H*r \\ a· tiiaig a bell lois ? nilaty preaehing to ho his. Ho own I do know! My v>< liau·' I 4J a believed himsell very "My darling, Notice·, μ*r Mjuart-, uit'u came back in ihu stuck in the middle ol a sermon 1 wife lui him, his I »· V·, though tie knew le le J the school, l»ul j;et liy selecting tearing A'iwtiistralur·' au·! k\r«utur»' ûllltM, but ono his brave Aileen!" M Viuii' ou· ha·! blmulrietl ; hca11 on one not happy, marring pleas AU ο lier legal Su(h'«. »l jo |icr mu«r«, middle of the forenoon and told ihu down and pray, and tli.r Lord ulwajs ηιίχlit settle agreeable thing bo)s Mis. Livermore was tkr«M luaartiou». l'hoir· uut tu uiak· reply, ure. Could she love as another might ? sadly disappoint in the midst «>1 ni* an old clears the middle. to her. Sho felt jealous of cvfcry pretty J«It ΙΉΙΛ ΓΙ M. ol Κ vary llewiipllau cii not r«a»ou that preaching up was her and l'' tu »b), What if or of kind ed. But her boy's will law, «mû \<nl!) îimhIciI. now ro a hl'syuody. in anil tcared them—save one poverty, danger any fiomptljr r a but t<> .«aller woman hobbled and siit'iii-cii girl town, Thai big··. up began »erceehing. sh<· ne as M. l'elU-n ill A lu lu ^lalo SUecl. Uu» would she brave all for him ? gracefully possible χ Into the wus a at But then Ailccn was not threatened, accepted \r« > -ii > Il Nlli «oiiD'ry high» ay to Il once a man in who light, homo. Uu. M<l IX! SI Ho told her hold lier I had my church » W peace. Ah ! A she could not avert ! l ourt M., au<l Γ. 1' t.\.ui· lub W'aaltlu^luM >1 alketl I hi· ιΐχ-υχ teaiu. no the trial came soon enough. time of and the old .V'otuh bcautilul, and ol course, she had idea Γ.χ»ι u. art· autliuru·.! revival, pud· was meddlesome. I told my no mar- A»<ut· Finally dreaded came Ser of his friend·», doubt, su.i* to the of the n, ot the who was a sickness upon him. Many 11*lit and didn't know wlmi a a I used to girl friendless, depend- agogue pieaehei congregation etory. -When a and ho Nmi* to the lell ol theui. Van Is came veiled at his choice of wife; ent on her as une to lied; friend* not ; and when rlUrt ca· Ivll, bi oinimuiij; the colmtl let ival \v:i9, as 1 louiid out afterward*. drive α -and Us<?d to bounty, connect, | }ulut suow trout ol stage," says I, they knew to Aileen lu tlieir lite auiouul -lu·-. ai.<i iu llteui, it, but cured not, lor him »1<V àtlaalivl μ4|κ·:ι even in her sou. he «°alled lor Ada to como and cool his < ·« I he ΙιαιΙ lost his wile a sliott with Λν-.· vl !. Uj tu mil II iu. Ιτι .·! th. Sloriuc4 at Uh icoatl au<t oath. piec.'plor ask me to let eiu on the box, I used thought, ol get to is more than beautiful. The thought eau xad tu u· l>\ mail, v( U.iud tu tue a.nt " leiercd brow, the doctor tried fa«mcul·. Slow!j ti«»> iluubel loth; lime and he It'll anxious lo have I·» s >\ the reins Γ child! was not to bo good Ι I «il tlie uieau· beloir, e.i, only don't take No, Ailccn, poor never enters his mind. ■MM "vi kl,|>, ·« soothe truth. her love M Into the ileepe>t 4|> him, and hide tho shameful testing Ibr |i4|h'i i» |t.u<l lui to 'laie. Imit mou.) lo.···, made ΓΙιΐΊ'·ι was a gill iu 1'hu meddlesome man ••took." I had no Icfticd. Shu waited ou read to tiic lli».· up. Ralph; II·· knows its worth—its ti KUt, ahouM L.utt-u tu caaimiMr into It b> tbe leap, She, too, had fled—among the first. depth. if II»*· m. u. τ is MHlitrd uiihiH tuo weak·, \ teaiu the school lie ahorlf> trouble Iron» learned dillicult that he wl 1'luage I the ·1Χ" nawu.| 1{αΐ|ΐι;\1ι, more |iim. him, song*, I Ada had an affection for it *„ UiouUl ου a|'p'.M*U «I it Ίι, how he autlered ! No gentle hand ltalpb, so .ι? t·» ail lier his "Ho lit} l|o UK t l'llKll a IMtl.Vhl.N'O ΜΝΝΚΙΙ. easily catch the air, and them Kla->be<! (tin «In k, bare, gol ""H might sin^ di<: not with her In a few g«>a<l to ν >othe, no voice to linger long. lo It ces ami lobiuu» to other listened to his on loving whisper I laalK'.i, a» the> -au *·1 Ihw all, used climb sl»'»il was a ruiuseller in church gills; eulogies There my words ol comfort, alone ! and wi ks it was transferred to another—ore oM li«M a tlieie, II--iu llio not·» loi "Ho sweetness hying Carda, fre lt:.vl<lmg eggs ne_>. •met· and he w as own best the grace and of Lily, and 1'rojes.sionul his customer. huauly, ot who was of his beautiful wife, A up |tjrU>. tile while then his heart knew but one wish proud ϋ>Ι·|·.ιΐ£ dai he on a * eak liuib, ten or I » elve Ro«« or Violet, whichever ho chanced to «••u.leie.l gol In .-m he used to say, w: conti nt with such love as alio u rosi .ll the "•iee-triil meeting always ear·h to see Ailecn Yet he bieatiu-d gave e>(h iiit, jiim Ι«·ι I and the limb broke, with tre· be the best with at the time.