John McGregor | 96 pages | 15 Jun 2013 | Amberley Publishing | 9781445613383 | English | Chalford, United Kingdom West

It was located on the north side of the line. Augustus Railway. Roy Bridge. Annat Signalbox viewed from the east in Arrochar and Tarbet. During the Second World War it was used in connection with the extensive training grounds for soldiers. Larichmore Viaduct. Glasgow, Dumbarton and. Days 4. An attempt was made by the West Highland to operate a residential service from Arrochar to Craigendoran three return journeys daily and 4 on Saturdays from[10] there connecting with trains to Glasgow, but the difficult location of the WHR stations, some distance from the communities they purported to serve, made this unattractive for daily travel. Steam trains West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time well be among the most beautiful objects ever created by the hand of man, and there are plenty of them between the covers West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time this book: but here they complement the stunning landscapes they are passing through rather than dominating them. It was complained that this extra mileage was more profitable to the NBR. Whistlefield Halt. In addition, the fish traffic tended to arise in spurts, requiring extra trains and empty return workings. Leachbhuidh No 78 Tunnel. This is a single track tunnel, the eastern of two tunnels just west of Lech-a-vuie Platform and east of Loch Eilt. Historical Scottish railway companies. It is close to the basin of the and its Corpach Basin and the sea lock. Find more advice on exploring West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time Covid on our dedicated page. Wander back down to main hub and explore the cosy pubs and restaurants. Both are superb books that should be read and will be enjoyed by anyone interested in the areas the lines traverse, or simply in trains travelling through stunning scenery. Fascinating museums, a ferry journey to an island, the mountain gondola, beautiful Highland scenery. A class 27 heads to past Annat signalbox in On the branch the viaduct over the river Lochy, consisting of four 80 feet spans, required cast iron cylinders to be sunk for the founding of the piers. The first sod was dug on 23 October [6] and the contractor for the construction, Lucas and Airdset about assembling the workforce for the construction. Damage at a remote location near station. Travel up in the mountain gondola to the north face of Aonach Mor, which lies just two peaks from , and enjoy splendid panoramic views. Cookie Policy. The line was single, with Saxby and Farmer tablet apparatus. Although built as a single line railway, land was taken for double track, against the day when traffic developed so as to require that. Minus a headboard, Black 5 No. This was a single road locomotive shed on the west sea side of Mallaig station. The West Highland Railway. Oh, the possibilities! Photograph taken by the LNER on 5th All Stations to Mallaig! itinerary

Banavie signal box, later replaced by an RETB control centre built in sympathetic style. This was duly completed and Banavie Pier railway station was opened on 1 Juneclosing to passengers in and to freight in The platform is on the north side of the line with just across the track. Borrodale Viaduct. Augustus Railway. This journey could be the start of a bigger island hopping adventure; from Mallaig you can sail to the Isle of Skye, the largest of the Inner Hebrides, or to the Small Isles, namely the islands of Muck, Eigg, Rum and Canna. The station itself is superbly preserved and has a museum, to the east is the world famous 21 arch Viaduct both famous in its own right and through the Harry Potter books and films and to the south east is where Bonnie Prince Charlie raised his standard at the start of the second Jacobite uprising, celebrated with This signal box opened inreplacing that at Camus-na-ha Sidings to the west. Borrodale Burn bridge became the world's longest concrete span at feet, and was a huge structure in concrete at yards long with 21 arches. See the weapon thought to be used in the notorious Appin murder of and uncover Highland life in centuries gone by. Information Paperback: 96 pages Amberley Publishing www. This viaduct is not so well known as Loch nan Uamh about half a mile away. People's Palace and Winter Gardens It's no secret that Glasgow's people are perhaps the city's best asset, and at the People's Palace you can learn about some great characters as you uncover Glasgow's fascinating social history. Larichmore Viaduct. Visit advice page. From the loops a siding ran from the east end to serve a jetty. Railways became a practicable means of transport around the end of the eighteenth century especially in mineral districts, in many cases at first as short-distance adjuncts to waterways; the Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway of is notable in the development in Scotland. A number of locations are served from Mallaig Pier. Climbing away from Glenfinnan, a little to the west. The, very late running, Glasgow Queen St. West Highland Railway. Annat Signalbox viewed from the east in You could easily while away an hour watching boats and ferries come and go at the port. There were three passenger trains each way, the first down and last up train conveying a through coach for Kings Cross via Edinburgh; one goods train ran each way West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time. In June Fort West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time station was relocated, shortening the line a little, in connection with a road scheme. It carries the Fort William to Mallaig line at the foot of Neptune's Staircasea series of interconnected locks on the Caledonian Canal. This is a six arches of 50 ft single track mass concrete viaduct on the Mallaig line between Polnish No Tunnel to the east and Loch nan Uamh Viaduct. Alcan took over the plant in ; the finished metal provided business for the line. Black 5 No. The former engine shed at West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time, clearly in non-railway use, on a very wet day in Craigendoran Junction. Looking west along the platform at Banavie to the signal box and swing bridge. The hearings were lengthy, and opposition counsel did not hesitate to pour scorn on Highlandmen who came in support of the line. Mallaig Extension (West Highland Railway)

To celebrate the th anniversary of The Glasgow Highlanders being Find more advice on exploring Scotland during Covid on our dedicated page. Augustus Railway. It is 88 yards long. Photograph taken with a mm zoom lens of Black 5 on the afternoon Jacobite from opposite side of Loch West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time. Banavie Junction looking to Fort William with the Mallaig line through the trees on the right and the former Banavie Pier branch in the foreground The original Banavie station was renamed Banavie Pier, and there was a new Banavie station on the through line. It also hosts the Mountain Bike World Cup every year. West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time 5running as The Glasgow Highlanderhurries the morning Jacobite service through Locheilside on its way to the This is a two platform station with a passing loop. Thus two west coast locations were reached by penetrating branches from the centre. It originally had a typical Mallaig Extension building such as that at Glenfinnan or Arisaigbut this has been lost. There were viaducts and underbridges and 50 overbridges on the Fort William section. A Treasury Committee [note 5] examined the possible railways—not just the Mallaig line—and recommended Government support for the line, although Mallaig "could only be recommended for want of a more favoured position being attainable. viaduct viewed from the west. It was a private halt used, initially, for shooting West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time on the large Lochailort Estate. It was clearly unlikely that the extension could be profitable and the NBR as the only viable private provider of the necessary capital made it clear that it would only invest if Government subsidy were made available. A number of smaller concerns also operate other services out of the port. The points at passing loops at stations were spring operated, and were negotiated at slow speed in the facing direction. Larichmore Viaduct. This came on stream inand was known as Scottish Pulp and Paper Mills. The West Highland Railway Years. Miles 43 Km 69 Stops 2 Transport Bus. This is a relatively modern station with a short platform built to serve the nearby Outward Bound Centre, just to the north. ScotRail provides a service on this line. Steam to Mallaig. The Mallaig line continued from the existing Banavie branch; the junction formerly Banavie Junction near Fort William for the branch was renamed Mallaig Junction, and the point of divergence of the new line from the final section of the Banavie branch was named Banavie Junction. As time went on, the independence of the West Highland Railway was increasingly seen as a sham; its line was worked by the North British Railway, and its losses as well as any remaining capital works were funded by the NBR. Find Out More. Annat Sidings. This journey could be the start of a bigger island hopping adventure; from Mallaig you can sail to the Isle of Skye, the largest of the Inner Hebrides, or to the Small Isles, namely the islands of Muck, Eigg, Rum and Canna. The platform West Highland Extension Great Railway Journeys Through Time on the north side of the line with Loch Eil just across the track. Namespaces Article Talk. In more recent times the existence of the line has reached a much wider audience thanks to the inclusion of the Glenfinnan Viaduct in scenes from one of the Harry Potter movies.

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