9780521770378 Index.Pdf
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-77037-8 - The Marrying of Anne of Cleves: Royal Protocol in Early Modern England Retha M. Warnicke Index More information INDEX Abbot, George, archbishop of Canterbury, Anjou and Alençon, Francis, duke of, 45 237 Anna, infanta of Spain, 80 Abel, Thomas, 197, 208 Anne Boleyn, queen of England, 20, 166 Adams, Jan, widow of, 119 execution of, 185, 192, 216, 242, 244, 246, Albert, prince consort of England, 156 261, 268 Albigensians, 228 and marriage to Henry VIII, 14, 175, 176, Alesius, Alexander, 97 183, 199, 224 Alexander III, pope, 104 religion of, 311 n. 19 Alexander VII, pope, 104 Anne of Austria, queen of France, 122, 135 Alfonso X, king of Castile, 54 Anne of Austria, queen of Spain, 137 Altorf, Wilhelm of Harf zu, 93, 100, 103 Anne of Bohemia, queen of England, 37, 48, ambassadors, 20, 22–35 111 and ad hoc appointment, 22–4, 27, 177 Anne of Brittany, queen of France, 163 bribery, 25 Anne of Cleves, queen of England ceremony and protocol of, 28–9, 181 and annulment of her marriage, 182, 187, dispatches of, to principals, 24–5, 188, 191 218, 229–40, 261 dissembling of, 25–6 as appropriate wife for Henry VIII, 88–93 documents of, 23, 34 at Calais, 203, 265 false information of, 25, 188 and contract of marriage with Lorraine’s heralds, 22 heir, 67, 70, 81–2, 87, 110, 144–5, as intelligence gatherers, 24–5 150–3, 166, 180–1, 203–4, 211, 229, legatus, 22 232–3, 236–8, 243–5 nuncii,22 dispute with brother of, 254, 268 and oral messages, 23 dowry of, 88, 101, 110–11 orator, 22–3 during reign of Edward
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