Why Will Women Get Off a Car the Wrong Way?
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NEW-YORK DATTT TRTRT XE, SUNDAY, APRTL 11, 1909. 5 WHY WILL WOMEN GET OFF A CAR THE WRONG WAY? Chicago Blames Their Corsets a^nd Tries to Cure the Dangerous Ha.bit. TTesteni investigation of a problem that has con- young on?s who are agile in tight corsets, and with fßuadeJ r^yc^o'ogists and perplexed coroners' their young strength overcome the binding of the Juries «ver since the day when the 10-vcly mule stays to such a degree that they get off the cars b«pan dragging- the first bob-tailed passenger car properly. through a city's streets has brought forth one new "It Is the large, fat women, laced to the last answer to The question. Why dees woman Ignore point of durance, who have the most trouble. the latrs of nioticn and alieht the wrong: way from They are compressed as If in a steel case. They a. streetcar, with a consequent fall on her face !f cannot bend, and in consequence getting off a car the vehicle is not standing stiM? The reply is: Is a hard task for them. et ;tight lacing. Ccrf : "The strong scrubwoman, who does not wear cor- Having ai-q-jired this momentous information as sets, can Set off a car as easily as a man and to cause, the municipal frovernmer.t of Chicago and fare In the right direction while doing it." Chicago City Railway Company th« are undertak- i It was self-evident that the streetcar company ing to-day to nullify the effect. They have de- must find a remedy facing must habit, for woman's backward. crt-efl thst woman abandon her inherited Ifone existed. The riddle remained unsolved until of wearing corsets— althoush the new kind not the other day, when a bright idea was carried to that extend! down near the knees is said to irn- Mitten. The Idea was suggested by the p*rl!her ".!> where the style merely President discarded ren- word ""co-operation," and meant a new appeal to dered her jikely tr> puffer a broken nose— but the the public. In place of the 65 per cent placards, habit of emulating the forgetful Mrs. Ix>t when So. Mr. Mitten has ing works of the lithographer's rlie step? off a car platform. Through its public art in all his car?. These are pictures of the side eclsools the city is instructing the pirls to face of woman getting off Forma By means of mechanical appliances and a poy-as-you-e.nter car. with a falling burden of \u25a0warning posters the public service tramway cor- backward and down amid her bundles at end of the coach. .while at the other poration Is trying to reform woman herself. one there I? represented another woman alighting with As there ar^ two powers thus engaged •i this crusade, ss thai is a double motive behind it. upright -poise end smiling face. Th* chief purpose is to reduce to a minimum the THE REMEDY ANNOUNCED. number of traction casualties, to prevent suffer- In t-g. to preserve human "facts from scars incident Tacked on the side of the car the picture, pen '\u25a0- violent collisions with rough pavements of wood wherein the shown are sketched in brilliant orange blue, and stone, to avert the breaking of legs and arms hues of and black and there is a sign and to sa-ve gowns from being splotched with mud In big letters pf Jet. Half of the signs are In- or torn Into strings. But there Is a financial a? scribed: -K-eli as humanitarian object. By decreasing the t<?tel cf accidents both the municipality and the corporation's mar.apemeni hope to destroy the trade of the "ambulance chaser" and to escape de- ! 7ietir.f: their treasuries in settling numerous claims j for damages and persona.] injury suits, for which, j ItIs notv known, tightly laced corsets are largely j to tlarr.B. Right underneath that order there Is a. biack j MERE MAN THE DISCOVERER. hand, which plays no part In a death threat extor- tion game, but serves a. good purpose. Index il;r» man was the discoverer who started the. With finger pointed st the woman alighting r»forrr.£ticT. that is in progress. The pay-as-you- face for- ward, her ielt hand gripping Mr.Baer"s safety rod. csj was his magic alembic. Before and for i «r.ter it calls attention to this notice: "The Right Way." c lorg tin:e after the advent cf this specific means Beiow there Is another hand pointing toward PLACARDS BY WHICH CHICAGO HOPES TO TEACH HER WOMEN HOW TO GET OFF STREETCARS PROPERLY. WHILE PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN THE SAME c* transportation, ir. CJilcago. woman was the conceded tumbling woman, with this sinlstei expression: ART IS BEING GIVEN TO GIRLS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. to have ot.b Inviolable characteristic of femininity, The gome of her sex might affect a more cr less mas- Wrong Way." The other half of the signs roan as folloivs: euUr? mod* of garments, seize and prove her right to occupy man's ofile© chair and- in other things pet away as far s.s possible from the proclivities CHARITY TOWARD SUICIDES SEEMS TO INCREASE o* their oid-fa^i^ortcd grandmothers, but every- where &.r.d always the newest of the new women — retair.ed the distinguishing trait of facln? backward of the Archbishop of that city. But since tion of the King It will, by an order of Coun- death as the only alternative to dishonor in hoppiTy? or «TriTigiii£ or siepplr:^ from a street- Church of England Tc\kes he and the six dioetsan bishops of his province cil, be added to the official liturgy of the there are many cases in which— a predicament car. And nvsr& man was willingthat she^ should. are obliged to be In London while Parliament Church of England. of this kind Is likely to arise his fellow citizens far aMi It enable him to play the pa'2ar:t and Steps Christian tend to their duties in the House Of course there are some who may argue win always (Seal more gently with his memory minister to her dej^ndency. with his strength? But, to Provide ' of Lords, and rarely at>ie to put in concession of burial to sui- Ifhe selects suicide. c .a* Ths Chicago schools and the pay-as-you- are therefore that the Christian an appearance at the convocation, it »nter ran divesting vrozran of the one niark that BuriaJ for Them. northern cides Is calculated to Increase their number a that save where purely local matters by the a to ' THE OLD METHOD OF BURIAL. fcarks back to chivalry. Below this sign, also, removal of deterrent the crime. But — two hands direct wo- 1 \u25a0 For this reason that is to say, th# TVlth. the !nstaJl3.tiou of this car the Chicago black i d the real business of th.* Church it may be questioned whether the refusal of because men to observe the Illustrated 1 City Railway Cornpar;y, operating under a new "Right"and "Wrong* [Copyright. 1809, by t^e Brenfwood Compaj&y.] Is transacted by the convocation in London, the religious rites the self-elaln has accom- . world is disposed to look. less harshly than It ways. Thus Js the many million tramway , to frsrchlse. set out to give lte long suffering strap- dollar crime in the •d engage our attention. plished sur- ;did a hundred years asr> upon those was hay* corporation trying to overcome the 111 effects of Whiie self-destruction remains a anything beyond embittering' the tfcr.ger jja.trons, ts President Thomas 71. Mitten -• I been by one circumstance or another t«"> tight lacing on reet car travel. sight of civilized man. many persons are now- invocation meets '.n response to viving relatives and friends of the suicide driven •msouncec. "the best service !r. the world." Pur- ? - own — actlcn of the The city governments campaign is being carried adays disposed to view this act with a greater -. erelgn. Issued through the against a unforgiving- take tbetr lives the Church to the intention Mr. Mitten hung up at the Church that carried Its r-&r.t on through the of charity times. A : Can erbury, holds its ses- beyoi Certainly of England in making provision for the Chris- {rest er.d of every car a placard inviting the co- Board Education's physics] cul- amount of than in former and ness •i deal:. it cannot be said ture department in the high who tter's palace tian burial of those guiltyof felo d© se may be Bpera-tlor. of th* public and closing with a state- schools. All of the tendency to deal gently with those when ancient of Lambeth. to have served as a deterrent, for the number gymnasium exercises d«*itjr.*d. only to concurrent!} described In keeping with the spirit of the ment nlznosi as l:.spirlng as ••Remember the are not confronted by trouble or disgrace have soupht with those of Parliament at West- of suicides is greater than ever. Self-destruc- an assist In the physical development girls Melse!" the exact phrase being: "The city g^ts 5S of the and refuge in death is indeed one of the features r, on the opposite bank of the River tion seems indeed to march hand In hand with times and In sympathy with the present state* "' to make them strong end agile, but also to make - hap- j,er c«r.*- By that n-ean« bia constantly reminded of the first this twentieth century.