RAJNI KUMARI Area: Inclusive education/Special Education, Economics of Education, Research in Education, Curriculum Development, Guidance and counseling, Educational Technology and ICT E Mail:
[email protected] Phone: 91-9991319593 _____________________________________________________ Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. in Education (Submitted), M.Phil. (Education), UGC- NET(JRF), M.Ed., M.A. (Economics), ‘O’ Level from DOEACC Academic Affiliation: Assistant Professor (M.Ed. Course) _____________________________________________________ Official Adddress: School of Education, Central University of Haryana, Jant-Pali, Distt. Mahendergarh-123039 Permanent Address: 8/63, type-II, Police Line, Pitam Pura, Delhi-110034 LIFE MEMBERSHIP Indian Association of Teacher Educators (IATE) All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER) PUBLICATIONS Published a paper entitled secondary school students’ attitude towards computer: a study of North Delhi in the Journal of NEW FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, Vol.44, No.1, January-March, 2011 (pg. 95-100)(International) ISSN-0972-1231 Another research paper entitled computer self-efficacy: investing the perspectives of pre-service teachers published in JOURNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, Vol.6, No.2, December 2011 (pg 41-49) ISSN-0974-8210 Another research paper entitled relationship between stress and academic achievement of senior secondary school students published in ASIAN JOURNAL OF MULTIDIMENTIONAL RESEARCH (Online), Vol. 1, Issue. 3, August, 2012 (pg. 152-160) (International) ISSN-2278-4853