PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (B&R) GOVERNMENT OF , Public Disclosure Authorized HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project ProjectCoordination Consultancy


Public Disclosure Authorized FINAL REPORT CMA,,ISA \

Public Disclosure Authorized VOLUMEI11 APPENDICES


Public Disclosure Authorized CarlBro Internationalals - (2,inassociation with BCEOM,Louis Berger International Inc. and J adBroGrot ConsultingEngineering Services (India)Ltd. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (B&R) , INDIA

Haryana Highway Upgrading Project Project CoordinationConsultancy




~ CarlBro International als in associationwith BCEOM,Louis Berger International Inc. and J CarlBroGroup ConsultingEngineering Services (India) Ltd. VOLUME It - APPENDICES TO MAIN REPORT

Number Appendix Page (s) Appendix I EnvironmentalAttributes of ROW corridors Al-I Appendix2 EnvironmentalStandards A2-1 Appendix3 Contract RelatedDocumentation A3-1 Appendix4 EnvironmentalManagement Checklist A4-1 Appendix5 EnvironmentalClauses to BiddingDocuments A5-1 Appendix6 List of Consultations A6-l tiaryana tiignway upgraing rrojecr A%lirivirunmentnai AFnnDUTCS 01 KU W


Environmental Attributes of ROW Corridors HaryanaHighwey Uprading Project Appendix I



S.O.L Map Reference 53F/3 53B115

Topography Roadpase throughmore or lessplain are

Erosional Features None shownin SOI mnap

Water odies - AmnrChoaRiver at6km;Markandari sat0-10kmoff4km; Dhanaurrierat km0-16off7 :Badali iver at km 0-16 off5 krn; river at km 016 off 10km; Begnarive at ht 0-1 off4 km Natural Vegetation None shownin SOImnap

Agriculture Road pas thruh cultivatedland on both sides

Industry None shownti SOImaps

Urban Settlement Shahz dpurTownship: At km 15; Saa township:at km 15

Communication None shownin SOI maps

PowerUne Notshown in SOl maps

Social Institution/Defence/Alrport Noneshown in SOI maps

A. 2 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Projet adbt I



S.O.L Map Reference 53 B/IS:.53Ft4; 53F/4 nd53 F/Sl

Topography Road is passingthrouh plain amia

Ersional Features Noneshown in SOI maps

Water Bodks Marktandaliver: atkm 17;Suaswati Nallah -at km 24: Nallah sat27 km. Unda Nalish t km.30: WestetnYamuna canal at km 35 off 4 kms. Natural Vegetation Noneshown in SOImaps

Agriculture Roadis passingrough cultivated land on bothsides

Industry Brickkiln at kmn.I off I kmand at km 23 off 0.5 km .No othersshown in SOI maps

Urban Settlement Sahs:at km 0 off 2km;Dhin township: at km 20: KhanAdampur: at km. 19; Chappar Mansurpurat km.24; Japdhri town:at km. 35 :YamunaNapr :atkm 35 off4- km.

Communication Postaland Telegraphline runsoff 0-0.5km along the road. No othersshown in SOImaps

Power Une H.T. linealongthe road:atkn521 :Powerline:atkm.21 Powerlineacmsthefoat km. 6 & 23.No othersshown in SOIMaps Social lusetiltlon/DefenceiAirpon Gunrdwwaat km IS and at km21 closeto theroad. No others shown in SOImps.

AI-3 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appendix I



S.O.I. Map Reference 53F/8

Topography Roadis Passingthrough more or lessplain area

Erosional Features Yamunananagarriver sanddcposits at 0-2 10kms.

Water Bodies WestemYamuna CanalParallel to theroad off 3 kms;Yamunariver- 10 km off thetoad

Natural Vegetation Noneshown in SOI maps

Agriculture Cultivatedland on both sidesof theroad

Industry Brick kiln: at km 0, 1. 2, 3,6 off 1-6km: Sugarmill :at km 6 off 2km

Urban Settlement Major Townshipat Jagadhriand Yamunanagar

Communication OneTelephone line paralleland another acoss the roadat 2 km

Power UndRtilway tine Onepower line: at 3 km acrss the road: Northernrailwayline: crossesat km. 6

Social InstitutionlDereneelAirport Noneshown in SOl Maps

A14 HwayanaHighway Upgrading Project AppendixI



S.O.I.Map Reference 53Fn8

Topography Roadpasses through more or less plain ae

ErosionalFestures Betweenkm 2-10eroded land.

WaterBodies WesternYamuna Cal : crossesthe road at 3 ku Yamunariver 'at10 km

Naural Vegetation KalanaurProtected Forest: at km 10off km off0.5km

Agriculture Roodis passessthrough cultivated land on both sides.

Industry Sugamill andbrick kiln: atkm 0. Noothers shown in SOI maps

UrbanSettlement Yamunanagartownship: at km 0; Dasanisettlement: at km 6; Mandoli:at 8 km.Kalanaur at 8.5km

Communication Postalline: parallel to theroad at km 8.No others shown in SOImap

PowerLne/Railway line Onepower line: across the road at km I; Northemrilway line parellelto theroad. No others shownin SOI maps

SocialInstitutionlDe tnce/Airport Noneshown in SOI map

Al-5 HofvmnaHighway Upgading Project pesulI



S.O.L Map Refereee 53B/16

Topography Panjhalto Shahbad: average height of roadembankment 2 mtrs.

Erosional Features None shown in SOI map

Water Bodies Markandariver running pawalielto the road

Natural Vegetation None shown in SOI map

Agrikulture Road passesthrough cultivated land on both sidcs

Industry None shownin SOI map

Urban Settlement None shown in SOI map

Communication None shown in SOI map

Power Une H. T. line running alongthe road. No othes shownin SOI map

Social Institution/Defence/Airport None shown in SOI map

Al-6 H-yna HighwayUppding Pmjecc AppcndixI



S.O.I.Map Reference 53B/15 53B/16

Topography Roadpasses through more or less plain are Panjhalto Shahbadembankment average height 2 mtrs.

ErosionalFeatures Noneshown in SOI maps

WaterBodies Tangririverat kin5 ChoaNIlah :at km .52;Amai Choariver across: at 11.52km Chorti Choaacross: at km 13: running parit to theroad. NaturalVegetation Noneshown in SOImaps

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated land on both sides

Industry Noneshown in SOImaps

UrbanSettlement Ambalatownship :at 0 kIn

Communication Postaland telegraph line at 0-Il Ikms.No others shown in S01 maps

PowerLine I powerline and one H. T. line:at 0-Il Ikms H. T. linerunning along the road

SocialInstitution/Defence/Alrport Noneshown in SOI maps

Al-7 Haryan HighwayUpgrading Projct Appenxl



SWO.LMap Reference 53B112:B53C/9

Topography RoadJsses through more or lessplain au

Ersional Festurs Noneshown in SOImaps

WaterBdies Gadrinalla:at km 20: Bhakm main line(Narwana bmnch): at km 21.Jansui distributory at km21 Thaskhdistinbutory zt km 34 Makandariver at km36:

Markandadistrbutory and Pehowa minor at km 39: Lukhiminor atkm 35 - 43 off 5 km. Kh minorat km 4447: Bhakliminor at km 42-47:Saraswati drain: at km .4

NaturalVegeation Openscrubs: t km 37 - 4Soff 5 kmsandk o 45 off I km .:Bir Baasunreservedforest km 45.50off5 kin

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated lano on bothaides.

Industry Floormills: at km 35.39. 42: Brick kiln:at km 17,IS. 33; Ricemill at km 47 : Majorindutrial ar at Pehowa: t Km 50

UrbanSetlekment HasnpurScttlement ktkm9;NaysaSciatkm21;Modeltown Ismnailabd:atkm32: J&Ib atkm 36: Malakpurat km 42; Thigri at km 44; Saumshuikhearat km 47: Majortownship a Pehownkm 50.

Communication Onepostal ndtelegmh line parllel to theroad at km 16-47.No others shown in SOImap

PowerLi-a Powerline: at km 16.47along the rod. Noothers show onSOI maps

SocialInstitution/DefeneciAirport Noneshown in SOImaps

A14 Hatyn Highwy Upadaig Pet pedix I



S.O.LMap Reference 53C/9 : 53C5

Topography Road pases though more or kss plain arm

Erosional Feature None shownin SOI map

Water Bodies dain: at kbn21. Keomakminor at km 16; Kultramnminorat km 21: Kaithal sub minor: km 17-23

Nteural Vegetstion None shownon SOImap

Agrkniture Roadpes throughcultivated land on both aides

ladstry Onebrick kiln andtotton mill: at km 23. No othersshown in SOI mlps

Urban Settlement Major township at Kaithal at km 31; Keoakh Seilemen at km 16. Ujsin and Jagdishpua as khm24.

Commanieatie None shownon SOImap

Power Line None shownon SOImap

Social lastitatiAlMDeleacelAirport None shownon SOImap

Al.9 Harsn HighwayUpgrading Pijicet Apedix I



S.O.LMap Reference 53CUt5; 53C16:533/2; 53C/1

Topography Roadpasses through mome or lss plainama

Erosinal Featurer Noneshown in SOlmaps

WaterBodIs Kdithl sub minoret km2.25; Kaauri minoratkm 0.12 off 1-9kIn; Manihiasub minoratkm 9.12 off6-10 krn Tail Siwanminor at kIn 0.5 offtO-10 km;Bhanpua sub mino:at km 5; Guhnumiwr atkm8.5.WJC(Sirsabmnch);Atkm3-lOoff5-lOkm.

Natural Vegetation Openscrubit km4 off 25 km. rassland: atkmi5 offi kmi; Clustcrof tre: at km 3 off 0.5 km. Siwan Reserveforest at km 6 off7.5 km; BirRoherian Reserve Forestat kin 5 ofTS kin

Agrkicuture Roadpasesa through cultivate laudon bothsides.

Industry Brickkiln atkm0.5; Twobrickkilns:atkn2off9-10km .NoothrshownonSOImaps

Urbsn Settlemeut Kaithaltownship at km 0

Communicatim Northernrailway line ( Kaith l NawanaS. G. Section):at km 0-6 off 1.5-5.5km. No others shownin SOI naps

PowerLine Powerline alng the road:Off 34 kn. No othersshow inmSO maps

SocialInstitutioa/Defence/Airport Non-descript monument at km5 off2.75 km; Non-descript monument at km 10: non -descript monumentat km 6 off 4.5 km.Templek at km g off8 kminGurdwuan :t km. off 7.5 km

Al-10 Harrina HighwayUprding P"ent App lI



SOL Map Reference 53C/SS3CU -

Topography Road passes through more or less phin are

Erosional Festures None Shown n SOI maps

aVoterBodies None Shownin SOI naps

Natural Vegetation One reserve forst at km 4 offS kms.

Agrkoilture Cultiv ted andon both ades ofthe road

lndustry None Shownin SOImaps

Urban Settlement None Shown in SOI maps

Communiestau None Shown in SOI maps

Power Lie None Shown in S01 maps

Soial InslitutioniDefence/Airport None Shown in 501 maps

Al-II Hamna HighwayUpgrading Project AppendixI



S.0QI.Map Reference 53C15 653C6;53C/9; 53C10; 53C/13; 53C/14

Topography Roadpasses through more or kss plainarea.

ErosionalFeatures Noneshown on SOI maps

Water Bodies Keormkminor at km 51-52 off 0-9; Shudh Kain major distributory- at km 50 off 1.5 krn Concentrmtionof lrge waterbodies: at km 50; Waterbodies at km 54 concentrtion of wate bodiesat Pundri; Mohanaminor at km 30 ;Lrrge waterbodies: at km 32; ChotangNallah at km IS; Habrimaj distributoryand Nissang minor cuts the road: at km 26; Nwrdakmajor distributory a km 20;

Seoribrnch: at km 19; lndri drin :at km 14; Undlaminor :tkm I0J; Narw nabmnchat km 0 Karnl link at km 19 pond.

Natural Vegetation Clusterof trees:at km 59 off 0.5 km; Largechunk of openscrus at km 5-10.

Agriculture Roadpasses though cultivatedland on bothsides.

Industry Brick kilns: at km 57-62; Threebrick kilns: at km 62 off 5 km Cotton mill: atkm 0 off 1.5km Brickkiln: atkm54;Twobrickkilns atkm6off3 km;Onebrickkiln: at.km3offO.Skm;atkm 5 10three brick kiln.

Urban Settlement Kaithaltownship: at km 62; Pundritownshilp: at km 54; Kamaltownship: at km 0

Communication Norther railway(Narwana -) at km 37-61;Northern Railway main line :cutsthe mad at km 0. No othersshown in SOI maps

PowerLUne Powerline: all alongthe road

Social InstitutionfDefence/Airport Noneshown on SOI naps

AI-12 Hary HighwayUpgrading Ptect Andix I



S.O.LMrp Reference 53 0G2

Topography Road passesthough more or lessplain aea

Ersional Fetmres Noneshown in SOlmap

WanerBedim Indriescpe and PumniYamuna river: at km2

NaturalVegion Openscrubs: at km 5. Bamponpotected foret andSheikbhpra Resere foet :at km t olf O. km

Agriculture Roadpes thwoughcsltivated lad on bothaides. Veguable garden at Kaml, Nsaal Kunj__pua_atkmn 0-5 of I km

lnduatry Brickkiln: at km 5 threeunits. No othes Shon in SOImap

UrbanSettkment Kanal township:at km0

Communicathn Aerodrome2tkm 3

PowerLie Powerhouse: at km 1:Power netwtk;. at km 04

Sejal InstitutionlDelemedAirport Noneshown in SCt mnap

AI-13 Haryan,Highwy UpgradingProject App ix I



S.O.LMap Reference 53U14; 53C/10

Topogaphy Roadpasses through more or less plain aea

ErosionalFeatures Noneshown in SOI maps

Water Bodies WJC:at km 4 Om km; Jundbaminos td Bnm subminorat km 15 Gagsilasubminor at ka 13;Kathila subminorat km 19;Bhudha khern distyt km0 off5 km: Nadakmajor disty;at kmn I; Seoribmneh at km 9-11off2 km Tail minorand kaul minor; at km 5-1I offT.5 km ;Moanamajor disty.; at kIn 5 od Skint Bajidadisty.; at kin 211ndi drin; at km 27-33off 5 kms. ChotangNallah at km 17 Pond at km 29 NardakMbjo Distributuy: atkm 29-31 Uktanabunch: et km 34oeT3 kms. Padhau Minor: at km31 Salwan minor:

Natural Vegeation Bir KhandaKheri ReserveForest at km 34 off2 km.

Agriculture Road possesthrough cultivated landon both sides.

Industry Noneshown in SOImaps

UrbanSettlement Assndhtownship: at km 37: Kamaltownship nt km 0.

Communication At km 0 N. Rly.; At km 0-25telephone line

PowerUnn Powerline: at km 0.25 andat km 30

Social Institution/DefeneeiAirport None shownin SOI maps

AI-14 HatyanaHighwsy Upgading Project Appcx I



S.O.L MapReference 53C14; 53Ctl0

Topography Roadpauses through more or kss plainar

EresionalFeatures Noneshown n SOImaps

Water Bodies WJC:at km 4 Om km; Jundlamimn andBasa subminor. atkmn 15; Gpila subminorat km 13;Kaithi asubmninorat km 19; Bhudhakhera dityat ki n0offS kmi Nardk majordisty ;at km I; Sedi banclt at kn 9411off2 km .Tailminor and kaul minor;at km 5-11off 8.5 km Moanamajor disty.; atin 5 off 5 kmnBajida disty.; at km 21 Indri drin ; at km 27-38off 5 kmn ChotangNallah : at km 17 Pond at km 29 NardakMaj Ditributoly at kn 29-33Ukana branch: at km 34off3 kms PadhanMinor: at km31 Salwanminor:

Notura Vegetation Sir KhandaKhei Resee Famstat km 34off2 km.

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated law on bothaies

Industry Noneshown in SOImaps

UrbanSettlement Assadhtownship: at km 37; Kamaltownship at km 0.

Communkation At km0 N. Rly.;At km 0.25telephone line

PowerULe Powerline: at km 0-25and at km30

SocialInstitutioniDelence/Arlport Noneshew in SOImaps

AI-14 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project AppendixI



S.0QI.Map Reference 53C1I0 :53 Cul: 53C/7

Topogaphy Roadpasses through more or lessplain ar

ErosionalFeatures Noneshown in SOI maps

WaterBodies ChotangNailah:at km 0-5 off 2 kbmUklana branch: at km 0-5 off 3 km; Nardakmajor distributary:at km 0-1 off 2 km; Nardakmajor distributory at km 6-l l off 2 kin: Tai minoratkm 9-11off2.s km: Kaulminor at km 8- I off 2.5 km; Moamamajor distributoryat km. 6- r of S.5kin W. J. C. ( Hansibranch):at km 6-l lor 1 km: km IS off 0.5kin: Shanidumninora * km 25 - 2Soff 2 kin; WJCHans branch:at km 12-11of r2.5 km.

NaturalVegetation BirbansiReserve Forest at km 0 off 5 km.

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated land on bothsides.

Industry Noneshown in SOImaps

UrbanSettlement Assandhtownship; at km 0: Jind Township:at km 41

Communication NorthemRailway line ( Jind- Section): at km 4

PowerUne At km 20-41off 10 km. powerline; At km 20-41telephone line

Social Institution/DefenceiAlrport Noneshown in SOI maps

Al-IS HaqumHighway Upgmding Ptoject Appedix I



S.O.LMap Reference 53U7.53U3,53U4,44016

Topography* Roadpsses thwough more or lessplin ar

EroiondalFealeres Sanddunes:atkm6.off4kmofelaveht.6m;alkm7-l0off3kmSanddune

Water Bodies WJCHnsibkochat kn 0-13off Ik;Jind disuibutqy2tkn 0-11off 3km;Namund distribu at kml2-14;Sina khni minor.atkm 16-36off 9km, Hisardistnauey: at km 16-40Pew km 26off lOkmLohariminor, at km22Moth minor, Sisaiminorat km 27;KIem minoratkm 17.28.Pdi minor at km 28-31;Durjanpur minor. at k 31-35;Jamaori minor, at km36. Sheikhpua minor at km38 off 6 kmBhakala minor; At km 3W40.

NaturalVegetatlo Noneshown in SOImap

Agriculture Roadpxses through cultivated and on bothsides of the t

Industry Brickkilns: at km 23.29and 32

UrbanSettlement Hanitownhipitkm40;Jindz atkm0; Nuaund; atkm32

Communication NonhemnRailway line; at km0-4

Power LUae Powerline: at km0-4.16-36.32,33. and 36-40. No othes show in SOImap.

Socsi lnstitutionlDefencelAirp.rt Non-descuipt monumens: atkm 18 off5kkm,atkm It off8km ndat kml4 off5km;

AI-16 HaryanaHighway Upgnding Projet Adix I



S.O.L Mop Reference 53C12.53MU353C/7

Topegraphy Road passes thwugh merc or less plain ar.

EresionalFeatures Sanddunes of relativehL 6m at km 04 off 3km.

Water Bodies Shudhhin km 27; WJC:at km 29; Barwalacanal: at km 25 off 5km; Kheri sfa miw andGhaso minorat km 27 off Q.Skm;Tarkhaminort at km 25-30 off 4km; Barsolaminor at km I 32 off 5km:KhIci saa minorat km 25; Badan minor at km 7; WJCHansi banch; at km 36 off 0.5km,Jind distributaryNo.6; at km 3. Dariyawalaminor. t ka 5.

Natural Vegetatbon Noneshown in SOI map.

Agriculture Road passesthrough more or lesscultivated andon both sides.Vegetablegprden: at km 35 and a km 1.3

Industrv Brick kilns; at km 12.22.23 and24. No othersshown in SOImap

Urban Settlemeat Narwanatownship: at km 35; Jind: atkm 0

Communication Railway line:at km25-36off 2km;Railway line: at km 11-28off Ikm; Nortem Railway lineat km 0-5 off 2km. No othersshown in SOI map.

Power Line Powerlinesaot km 25-36. 11-2 and 04, No othersshown in SOImap.

Social Institution/DefeneeiAirport Noneshown in SOI map.

AI-17 Haryna HighwayUpgrading PTjUcC Apendix I



S.O.LMap Reference 53C/653CG2

Topogrspby Roadpusses through mote or lrssplain arm

ErosionalFeatures Noneshown in SOImap

Witer Bodies WestemYamuna cl Sis Branchat km0-15 off km 3: Batsminorat knkm6 ShudhKan maj distributoryat km 0.16 offkm *; DhamtanSahib distributory a:t km 0-16 offS kms

Mughl khm bnch *t km0-16;Dharoti branch t km 12-16of 10kms; Shudh Kain disributor ;at km0-16 off I kms;TakhABarsola t 0-16km offr kms.

NaturalVegetation Noneshown in SOImnap

Agriculture Roadptas throughcultivated land on bothsides

Industry Noneshown in SOImap

Urban Settlement Shimiasettemet atkm IS; Dhak ;' km 27 andNarwan township: at km 32.

Communication Noneshown in SOImap

Power Line Nonhemrailway line; at km 0-16 of 3 kms

SocialInslitutionADefence/Airport Noneshow in SOImap

Al-l1 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appeix I



S.O.I. Map Reference 53C/2 :440/14: 440/15

Topogrphy Road passesthrough more or lessplain aea.

Erosional Features None shownin SOI maps

Water Bodies Narwanaminor at km 0 off .5 km ;Sanchakhea minor, at km 5 running across the oad YamunaCanal branch:atkm 04 off 3 kms. Santhali minor :at km 14 ;Gorakhpurdistributory at 0 km;Uklana minor ;at km 0 Watn YamunaCanal at km 4; Pabrmiistributory at km 14: Budha Ktheraminor at km 21 ; Uklana minor :at km I3

Naturl Vegetatlon None shownin SOI maps

Agriculture Road passesthrough cultivated land on both sides.

Industry Uklna: Nondescript industry,Bnck kiln: at km 21. No others shownin SOI map.

Urban Settlement Narwvanatownship at km. 0 ;Dharam garh at km 3;Sati ; at km 3 , DhanaundaKalan al km 10 Narondakhurd at km 10, Township Jagonwala at km 16, Township Uklana mandi a km 27.Townshipat Prabhuwalaand Budhakhera

Communication one telegraphline: at km 10-21;onepower line at km 10-21; Northern railway line Hisau Ihakal passingacross the roadat km 0. No othersshown in SOI map.

Power _ne Northern railway line at Narwanaat km 0

Social Institution/Defence/Alrport None shown in SOI maps

AI-19 Haywy Highway UpVding Proejct Appendbil



S.0.1. Map Reference 440/14

Topegraphy Road paem through moe or less plain ae

Ersional Features Nonc shown on SOI map

Vater Bodies Pond (embankment 3mk *t km 0-1 offO.5 kmnPond (emebnkment height 5 mi):otkm S off 0.3km Ponds (embenikent 3m)kt km 14 off I km; Saman distibutraat km 10; New san kh minor at km 5; Nangli lm 12

Bhak, canal (FatehabodI 'anc)etkm 215; Pirthaladisnribty at km 68; uajtwabminer Ukana minortikm 19.

Natural Vegetation Dne jungle t km 4.5 offO 5 knm

Agriculture Rood po theugh cltivated lad on both sides ofthe road.

Industry Brick kilsa:t km 0 off3 kn, At km 12 and 16 offO.Ikm. at km 17. 19and 20 off03 kn N othes shown in SOl maps

Urban Settlement Ukian townshipat km O;Tohanaat km 30

Communication Telephone line crossinF at 4km

Power ULe I Power lineit km 0-20.

Social InstitutionlDefene-JAirport None shown in SOI map

A1.20 Haryna HighwayUpgrading Projtc AppeWix I



S.O.L Map Reference 440/14 440/IO, 440111;440/6; 440r7

Topography Rockyae: at km 0-13. Restoftheruod pses thiugh more or lcssplain ares

ErosionalFeatures Sand dunes:at km It-27and 39-47off0-5 km

Water Bodies Sahu minorat km 5; Golakpur disttibutyat km 6; Pinhaa distfibutaay at ktm 10-13 off Ikm 2 ponds: at km 24 (ht. 5m & 7m). Weirat km It off2km; Khajoli distributary,at km 13-16 off4km Dhman disnbutwy. at km 14 off4km Bhkra canl (Fatehabedbranch); at km 13-16off4km. Bhunadistributary,at km 14-1S.Fatchb. d disti buwly it km34.Nadhaiu sub minor at km 16-23;at km 13-2Soff2km

Chandawalminor at km 13-9, Bhimnadistributarry at km 39 off 4tm Dhir minor atkm 32-35 off3km. Mohammadpurdistributa; at km 16-39.Bhan cal (Fatehabadbrandh); at km 2U-32.

Natural Vegetation Noneshown in SOImap.

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated land on both sidesofthc rad

Industry Brickkilns:atkm0,4.6offO-lkm. NoothersshownSOlmap.

Urban Settlement Uklanatownship-at km 0; Fatehabad:at km 45-47

Communication Telephoneand Telegrph lines: at km 0-47;.

PowerLine Powerline at0-39 km2 Power lincs:atkm 39-47; Electric Substation:at km 17.1t off 0.5 km. N othermshown in SOI maps. SocialInsitution/DerenceiAirport None shownin SOImap.

A 1-21 Huna Highay UpgradingPoject AppndxI



S0.L Map Reference 4401l5

Topography Roadpasses thwough mome or lessplain am

ErosionalFeatures Noneshown in SOlmnap

WaterBodies Pmbhualia minor at kmn3; Pabmsub branch. hkm7; Ponds at km 17; Uklanaminor, at km O of 6 k:m.; Subs sdinsriutotytbkn 7-17 offS.s his. Batakminor;at km 7.17: Faridpurminwor aat 6-9 ,Sairodistibutay t km7.17 off L.5 km

NaturalVegetatlo Noneshown in SO0map

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated land on both aides

Industry Uklane h arwah induwiesat kmO 17.Nooths shown in SOI map

UrbanSetlement Ukna :at kmnO : Bawaa 2t km 17 KalarBahini att km 17: Ghaibipurcat kn 10 Dlz Pemnnapr'itkm 12.

Communication Nones_ow in SO0map

PowerUne Powerline:at km0-17, Railway line; at km0.17 off4 bns Noothers shown in SOImap

SocialInstitutlionDeencedAlrport. Noneshown in SOI map

Al-22 Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix I



S.O.I. Map Reference 440/15; 440/16; 440/12

Topography Road passes through mom or less plain are

ErosionalFeatures Noneshown in SOI maps.

Water Bodies Clusterof ponds with relative height 3 - 4 mtr- at krm30, 22, 16 and 15off 2 kmn; Dhansuminor at km 25 off 3 km; Ranadistributory at km 25; Balsamanmajor distributorywith relativeht 4 m: at km 6; -WJ. C. running parallelto the alignment. Ranadistributory crosses the road :at km 6: Dhabraminor atkm30; ; Devsa3 Feeder at km 30 ;Rana distributorycrosses the road: at km IO

Natural Vegetation Fairly densescrub.:at km, 16-17off km 4. Bill Hisar protected forest: at km 7-8 off km I open scrubson bothsides of the road: at km 24-29 off 0-3km.

Agriculture Road passes through cultivatedland on bothsides.

Industry Brick kilns:at km 30, 22, 16,19 and 15 off 0-2 kmTextilemill: at km 7 off 4 kmnGovLLive Stock farm andIndo-Australian Sheep breedingfarm: at km 24. Salli farm:at km 22-23 off 0-I km.

UrbanSettlement Barwalatownship: at km 30 ; Sarsaundh,Badon :at krn 16: Bahabalpurat km 18; Hisar township:at kmn30.

Communication Electric sub station: at km 0 off lkm; Jalandhar road extenstion:at km 27 ;Northern Railway line (Jhakat - Hisar):at km 0-18 off 4 km; Railway lin IcrossesHisar city :at kmn30.

Power Line 3 Power lines between km 0-18 off O-2km;Two power lines crosses the road a km I; one power line and one telephone line running paralle to the road:at km 24 30off0 km.

Social Institution/Defence/Airport Hisar Agricultural North University,Helipadc, Hospital, Eductional Institution (lindal School):at kn O-5km.

A I-23 Ha-ysa HighwayUpgrading Project *Apcu I



S.O.L Map Reference 440/15.440/16

Topography Rockydope: at km 0-4 nd at t412

ErosionalFeatures Snd dunesat km 13-11

Water Bodies Balamnd subbfsnch:t km 14; Bhaktacanal: at km 13; Khar KWai distributoy :at km IS Kolw minor .t kmn17.21; Sisaiminor it km 23; Sir Hansiminor at km 26;WIC (Hiarr distributary at km29.

Nrunral Vegeation Noneshwn in SOI map

Agrickltere Vegetablegarden at km 29; Govt Agriculture Farm it km 24-26. Road is pasing dwugh cultivatedband on both sides.

Industry Nonesown in 501 map

Urban Settlement lansitownship. at km 29; Barwalhtownship at km 0

Comnmuniation None shownin SOImap

Power Une Power line: at km 0-11 13-39; Ekcctric substation:at km 0. No othes shownin SOI maps

Social :nstitutienlefeneeAirport Noae shown in SOl nap

A1-24 HaryansHighway Upgrading Project Appcndix I



SO.L Misp Refcrence 440/16 . 53 C/4.53 D/I

Topogaphy Road passesthroush mots or ltss plain mare.

EresionalFeatures NoneShown in SOImnps.

Water Oodies Pairwardisty: at km 0.5; Prothidistr at km 2; Duijanpur distr. at km 7;Siwaia minorAt km Oio off 5 kin; Sunderserki link chnnel; at ktn6; Rajpurmsubeminorat kin 3;Sunder

disty. at km 14: Bhawani kheradisty-at km 22; Dangminor & Gujaniminorat km 26.33 ; Tai minor at km 12-24offO-2km; Bhiwanidisty. & Bapwua subaminorat km 0;

Natural Vegetation Opensub: at km 3,12,19offoffO-5km; Opensub; at km 36 off 10 kmnand at km 13 off 4km.

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated land on both sidesof the road.Vegetbles garden; at km 19& 36.

Industry Industrialarea:atkmn37offO2km2;Bnckkilns:atkmn34,35 h36off14kmiandatkm7&Skm off 1-5km.'

Urban Settlement Htwi townshipmt km 0; Bawani& Bhiwenitownship: st km 37

Communicatie. Telegmph line: at km 0-9 offO km.N.Rly( -Fazilkasection):at km 12-36.

Power Line Powerline: at km 0.9 12-36off O.5km

Sociall.tstitution/Defence/Airport Non decrnpt Monumentat km 6 ff 4 km. at km 12off Ikm.

A1-25 Haryan HighwayUpgading Pn$ect Appndix I



S.O.L Map Reeremee 53 Dl. 533D12,53016

Topography Roadis pasing thmoh moreor less plainarea.

Eroiasal Features Sand dunes:at km 2.4 off0-I km.

WaterBodis At km0 Halwwminor,Sagna minor. At km 10-20Maneiau mino, At km27-29 off 5 km Dar *; . ~~~~~~~~~~~~disty

Natural Vegetation Opensrib: at km0,4 offt km; Densesfubatb km 6-14of g km.

Agriculture Roadpases thmuhcultivated land on bothsides.

Industry Brick kiln: et km 30 off I km

UrbanSettlemet Shiwanitownship:at km 0: Chrkhi tu'wbhip:at km23

Commuiar tion N.RIy( Rcwari-Fazilkasection): at km 6-23 km offO km.

Power LUie Powerline at km 0, 6-29.29-30adjucent to oad.

Social lnstitationADerence/Alrport Nondcrienpt momunEat km 30 Off I km.

Al-26 Harya Highway Upgrding Projet Appndix I



S.O.L Map Referace 53 t6: 53D2: 53 1)/3

Topogmphy Road pLssesthrough momeor less paiin am;

Erosional Features Sand dwueswith reiative height of 2-6 mtrs:at km 30 off 0|-5km.

Water Bodies Dohanriveat km 30 off 2 km:

Natural Vegetation Scrub area: at km 0-5 off0-10 km: Open scrub at 5.10 km off5km.

Agrkulture Roadpase through eultivatedland on bothsides of the road

Industry Briek kilns at km 0, 1, 2 off 1-3km.

Urban Settlement Charkhiiadri :at km 0; Mahendgarh township: at km 30

Communieation N.Rl,v(Rewari-Fazilka section):at km 0

Power Line Power lineat km 0-5 nd t km 5-13km off0 km,And t km 26 one lin crosses the road.

Social Institution/Defenee/Airport Non descript monu_mt at km 30.

A.-27 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project App x I



S.O.LMap Reference 53 D/4

Topography Road pses throh moreor ksspin ae. Rockyslopes: at kn 20-25 andat 5kin off 5km

ErosionalFeatures Sanddunes with height of 6-10mu. at km4-9 off0-10km high oncentration of hiftingdunes.

Water Bodie Dodanriver: at km 13crosses the rod Kaaunt bkh:at km 19-2Soff4kmL

NturailVegetin Openscnabs and protected forests: at km 2-Sand 21-25 off0-10 kmr.on either side

Agriculture Roadpaes throughcultivated land on bothsdeL

Industry None Shown in SOI snap

UrbanSettlement MoaxitagarlsTownship:at km0. Namul township:tkm 33

Communiation Telecomline at km2-25. No othem shown in SOImap

Power Use Power linc along the roadalignment

SociallnstitutionADefence/Airport None Shownin SOI map

AI-2g HatyanaHighway Upsnding Pnojet Apendix I



SO.L Map Reference 53 DA4

Topography Roadpase throughmore or lessplain ae.

ErosionalFeatures Erodedground At km 14-15offg kms.Low sanddumes with 4U mtrs.heighL at km 2-12off 0-10 km.'

Water Bodis Kusunu Nxilsi at km 3 cross

Natural Vegetation Poted fost at km II off2 km.

Agriculture Roadpasses through cultivated bnd on bothsides.

Ind_stry Brick kiln: at km 1-2off I km. No othersshown in SOI mp.

Urban Settlement Nanul townshipat km0

Communication WcsternRailway (Rewari-Phullah) scction:at km 0off2 km

Power UAne Power line: at km 35-54off2 km.

SocialInstitution/DefenceiAirport Vetennaryhospital: at km 13off O.2km. No othes shownin SOImap.

A 1-29 Hupna HighwayUpgrding Projeet AppendixI



S.O.1.Map Reterence 53D/S:53D112

Topography Rockyslopes with averag height 10 mts: at km0-5 Off 5bn: Rockyslopes: at km9-17 offO-11 km.R oad pLase through mome orles plainarea.

ErosionalFestnes Eodedgrunds: atkm 2-7 off3-7km; Erded ground:atkm 1415offS kms; Eoded pound:a km 19.17off3-10 km :Lowaandunes:atkm15-26 off 1-10km.

Witer Bodies Noneshown in SO0 maps.

NaturalVegetation Protectedfrei atkm 3 off5km;Serubs:atkm 0-5off3- 10km-. Open scrub: at km 9-17off4 km ;Openserub : At km6-11 ajucent to themad. Densejungle: at km 6 off2 km.

Agriculture Roadpases ttough cultivated Iand on bothsides.

Industry St tcquany:atkmlIoffI kmano25kmoff2-3kmL Noothersshown inSOlmaps

UrbanSettlement Ateli: At km4; Reai township:t km27.

Communiation Wesm Railway F.ewui. PhullamsSection )at km 0-1 off 3.2km and15_37 off_ km.Tw rmilwaycrossings atkm 22 and km 36.

PowerUne Powerline: psrlkl to therailway line fomm 0-37 km off O-2km.

Sociallnstitution/DerenelAirport Non-dseniptmonumnts: at km 25 km Off4kmat km34off2 km,at km37 off2-3km.

Al.30 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Projcct Appendix I



S.O.5 Map Reference 53D/4:54A/l.

Topography Roadpasses through more or kss plain ama.

Erosional Features Erodedground: at kn 9-17.19-24and aso at 0-3 kmOff2-5 km.

Water Bodies Nanaul Canal:at km 6; So6 Nadi:at km 3: Kasaunti/nalla: at kin 9. -21 off 1-3 kms

Natural Vegetation Openscrub: at km 11-32:off 1-10km . ReserveForest; at km 7-10off 5 km; Khatjo Proteeted forestand BalupuraProtected fomst : At km 19-23off 5410km: Baneti protectedforestat km 26 offS-10 km.

Agwiculture Roadpasses through cultivated land on both sidesof the road.

Industry Stonequarris: at km 9-25 off2.10 kms; Line kiln quany: a km I I off I kin: Limc stone qutany ;at km 21 off0.5 km 4 km:Besides isolated rocky hills at km 9 25 km off I-l0 km.

UrbanSettlement Nataul. at km 0: Bathotaki Dhani:at km II: NangplChoudary:at km 21

Communication Telephoneand telegrphic line rninng parellel to the road up to 21 kms. Westem railway (Rcwari - Phulbamhsection): at km 4.

Power Line Power line:at km 0.32 Electric substation:at km 22

Socil InstitutiontDefencejAirp.rt Noneshown in SOItopo maps

AI-31 Haryan Highwy UpgprdingProject AppeudixI



S.O1. Map Reference 53 D1/4.

Topography Roadpasse Isg h moeorks plainam ; Steeprcky hillocksat km 2

ErouionalFesture Erodablegroud: at km0.5 off0-5 km

Water Bodi Dohn km 10; DohanexpeTimnAl channal: at km0-10 off Skm.

Natural Vegetation Openscrubs: at km046 off`04 km.

Agrkulture Roadposes throughcultiited landon bothsids of the rood.

Industry Noneshown n SOImap

Urban Settlement Namul townshiatkm 0.

Communication Noneshown nSOI n map

Power Une Noneshown in SOI map

SociallnstitutionlDefeneeAlrport Noneshown in SOI map

AI-32 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appedix I



S.O.I. Map Reference 53B/15; 53B/IlI

Topography Road is passingthrough mor or less plain are

ErosionalFeatures Sand depositsorGhagpr river at km 5-1S off6 kms.

Water Bodies Ghaggarriver at km 5-15 off km 6: Bhakra main line :at kim 0-16 off 5 kms. Baknaur minor: at km 14-1Soff 4.5 kms.: Malaurminor at km 13-15 off km 5.: Naneola minor t kat 12-14off .5 kms : Sheikhpua minor at km 10-IS.

Natural Vegetation Noneshown in SOI maps

Agriculture Road passesthrough cultivated land on bothsides.

Industry Noneshown in SOI maps

Urban Settlement Balanasettlement: at km 7; DhorKara km 5 : andNgl : at km 9.

Communication Onepostal and telegrmm line :atkm 5-IS Noothers shown in SOI maps

PowerLine Onepower linc alongthe road at km 5-15.No othersshown in SOI maps.

Social lnstitutionlDefenee/Alrport. Noneshown in SOlmaps

A1-33 HaryanaHighway Upgading Proect Appdix I



S&O.LMap Referenceand Dlstrkts 53 D19,53 D110 Rohtak

Topognphy LevelPlin 210-220mASL

EresinaelFeatures Ersion negligibledue tonesrly kvel topography

Water edkes Setteredta throught a anssociateowith villages ligption sluicescrossed; Jha subbranch.Barham minor. Rampura minor,

NatuiralVeetatio no poectedor tesm foes, all ra in a cropsexcept for overgiaeddunes 2.6 n SW of xlignment

Agrikulture Extensivelyingpted; wheat oilsee ndWgramre leadingcrops in disuzict

Industry briekkilns along aligmnent, industrial deveiopments atRohtak and Jhajiar

UrbanSettkment Only Rohtakhas over 210.000 inhabitans, Jhajr has27,000

Communkatban Tekgaghand Telephone lines pralel to alipment ndcross it atseveral poims

Power Une Loealdistribuion lines parallel the alignmen and cross it atseveI points

SocialInstitutlon/Defence/lArport No airportsOr defence installations were noted; hospitals and health care centes are in JhaDb ndRohtak

Railroadcrssingp At gpde crossingat Rohtak

A1-34 HarysaHighway Upgnading Prqeet .AppeixI



S.O.L Map Reference and Districts 53 D/10.53 Dtl I, 53 Dt/2 Rohtak,Rewari

Topography LevelPlain 215-235m ASL

ErosionalFeatures Emsionnegligible due to neadylevel topognphy

WaterBodls numaerossl uanksthroughout, lrge (I km in radius) along2 km eastof alignment igiption canls incluekDrain No. g Zalidpurminor 4. SalahawasUR ChannelRathantha Distributory,Sunmrheu and Bunhal Distribuutaies and Jawaharl NehruCanl

NaturalVegetation Scrubthorn wasteland/grassland ondune remnants from I to 10km from alignment

Agrikulture Extensively iripted; what, oilseedsandgrm ae leading crops

Industry brick kilns along alignment,otherwise restncted to Jhajjar and Rewari

UrbanSettlement Rewanis a metropolitancentre with75,000 person

Communication Telegrghand Telephone lnes paralelto alignmentand eross it atseveri points

PowerUne NumerousLines paallel and cross the alignment

SocielInstitution/Defence/Alrport Noairports or defenceinstallations were noted; hospitals and health care cents are in Jhaji and Rewar

AW-3S HaryanHighway Upgading Prjct AppendixI



S.O.LMap Referenceand Districts 53C112 53 Cil6. 53CI15 Rohtakand Paript Districts

Topopgphy Neardylenel plain, 220-230m ASL

Ermsloal Fetures Neariyleel btutsubject to flooding,erosion of bermfill a potentialconceim

Water Bdeds NumeroUSsmall tanks throught, aliginent crossesWestern Yunun Ca. Notm Drin Chirnal Minor NaiNala Din andnwneous minr irripton tribunries

Natural Vegetation Vinuallynone rmaining due to agridultumldeveiopment and grazing pressure. some p thornscrub is present

Agrikulture Nearlyall is imriteid withfice, wheat suprcane. bajra

Industry Concentrtedat Panipatand Gona exet foroccasional kilns

Urban Settlement Panipathas 191.000inhabitants

Communictbon Distributiedhrughout

Power Une Parllel and crnssalignmntt at sveral points

Social lnstitutionADefencelAlrport Hospitalsat Golunaand Psnipat

AI.36 HuyansHighway Upgrading Projc Appedix I



S.O.L Map Referenceand DIstricts 53 D19.53 C112, Robtak.Panipnt

Topogrphy Nearlylevel plin 220-225mASL

ErosionalFeatures Nearlykvel butsubject to flooding,erosion orbenm fill a potentialconcer

WaterBodles Numeroustanks and caals includingWestem Caal, Main Dtain No. B. andN NalaDrain

Natural Vegetation Virtuallynone except Lalpur Protected forest 3 km Westof Rohlak.and Sone pastued sob waslnd ner a fewvillages

Agriculture Nearvall landabutting alignient is iaipted cropland,wheat, oilseeds and gramn ae kadinl crops

Industry brick kilnsalong alignment, other industry concentrated in Rohtak

UrbanSettlement Rohtakhas over 210.000 inhabitants.

Communication praliel nd ros thealignment

PowerUne panileland cross th alignmentat severlpoints

SocialInstitution/Defence/Airport Hospitalsat Rohtakand Gohana

Railroads Onerailroad grade crossing between Ghilun Kalan and Rukhi

A -37 Hafryn Highwy Upgading oject ApendixI



S.O.L Map Referenceand Distrkis 53 Df9,53 D/5,53 D/I Rohtak,Rewai

Topography Nealy levelplain 210-220mn ASL with secttemed dune mnam

ErosionalFeatures dueto levelterain vitualy none

Water Bodies smallseaso tanksthoughout adK iigation wodr; crossesMain Dmin No.

Natural Vegetation OpenScrub thorn waste land heavily opastured on scatteredrmnnts ofdunes.

Agriculture Wheatand grarndorninant crops extenively inigated

Industry brick kilnsalong alipment, other industry oncentrated at Rohtakand Bhiwani

UrbanSettlement Rohtakhas 210,000 and Bhiwani has 121,000 inhabitants

Communkc__on Telephoneand telegrph lines parilel to alignmentand cross it often

PowerUne Numerousthroughout

SocialInstitutlonADefencelAlrport Hospitalsat Rohtak and Bhiwani

Al-38 Haren HighwayUpgrading Project Appeix I



S.O.LMap Refermnce 53Dtl. 53D/2 44 P/I I

Topography Fairlylevel 215-250 mASL with scattereddunes

EruaonalFeatures Windad Watererosion potent l exists

WaterBodies Fewseasonal tanks

Natarl Vegetation Umitedto scrubwaelnds on dueremnants

Agriculture Extensive.occasionuly irrigated principally what bja andgm

Industry Concentratedat Biwani

UrbanSeltlement Bhiwanihas 121.000 inhatants

Communication Numerouslines

PowerUne Numerousthroughoutand pamilel to alignment

Social Institutbon/DefenceiAlrport Hospitalsat ioharuand Biwani

Railroad Gradecrossing at Lohau

A1-39 tIaryana HighwayUpgding Project ix I



S.O.I.Map Reference 44 0/12,44 0/1

Topography Roadpas throughmore or lessplain a

ErosionalFeatures Sanddunes of rlative height5-20 off 0-10 mnat kn 25 to 33

Water Bodies Nunaous irigption ntwork at 0-26kn off 0-12kn

Natural Vegetation Noneshown on SOI maps

Agriculture Ifragted agicture of 0-26km off 0.10 kn on eitherside

Industry Numerousindutries in woundHisar at km 16 Cottonmill off 500 m. Many brick klins of 0.25 km off 0-10km

Urban Sttlfement His (Okm) and Balsnandat 26 km

Communication Telephoneline fim 0-26km alongthe rad

Power Une Powerlinefrom 0-26km alongthe road

Social Institution/Defence/Airport Noneshowm on SOI maps

Al-tO HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project A2/EnvironmentalStandards


Environmental Standards Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix 2


The following standards have been promulgated under the Environment Protection Act and will have to be met by the project.

Noise Standards

1. Noise Limits for automobiles

(at one metre in dB(A) at manufacturing)

a) Motorcycle, scooters and three wheelers 80

b) Passenger car 82

c) Passenger or commercial vehicle to 4MT 85

d) Passenger or commercial vehicle 4-12 MT 89

e) Passenger or commercial vehicle over 12 MT 91

2. Recommended Extemal Ambient levels

a) Residential 65

b) Commercial 70

c) Places of national importance 55

d) Places of workshop, schools, hospitals, etc. 65

General Standards for Water Discharge

Parameter General Irrigated area

Colour and Odour

Suspended solids (mg/I)

Suspended Particle size (micron) 100 200

Dissolved inorganic solids (mg/I) <850

pH 5.5-9.0 5.6-9.0

Temperature (above receiving) < 5C+

Oil and grease (mg/I) 10 10

Residual Chlorine (mg/I) I

BOD (5 days at 20C) 30 100

3. CP CB Ambient air quality standards

A2-1 Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix2

(In pg/m3)

SPM 500

S02 120

NOx 120

CO 500

A2-2 Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project A3lContractRelated Documentations


Contract Related Documentations HaryanaHighway UpgradingProject Appendix3


Road side tree planting: Necessary provision will be made in the contract documents for incorporation of the road side tree planting scheme proposed here Table 1 below, present the planting regimes for the of HHUP. The quantity and species composition of each mix is presented in the following tables These regimes are based on rainfall patterns, soil types and the list of plant species of each districtsas per the 1991 census records.

Table 1: Planting Regimes for Phase I roads

ROAD GRASS NATIVE NATIVE AVENUE MIX* GRASS MIX SEED MIX SEEDLING Jagadhri Ambala 1 E A V (Four Laning) KaithalNarwana 1 F A V NarwanaJind 1 E B W Jind Hansi 1 F C X MahendragarhDadri 1 G C Y Dadri Bhiwani I G D Z ______GS _ Bhiwani Hansi I G D Z - Would attract harvesters of such food crops; hence their planting should be encouraged within the ROW.

Table 2: Grass mix -I

Species Season Quantity(Kg/ha) Sorghumor Millet Summer 30 Rice and Wheat Winter and summer 30

The grass species used will grow quickly to reduce the level of soil erosion. Following the rains it is anticipated that native grass species will grow also.

Table 3: Native Grass and shrub seed mix Compositionand quality (identified to resist grazing).

SPECIES QUANTITY (Kgtha) Mix E Mix F Mix G Euphorbia (Unpalatable) 15 15 10 Oleander(Unpalatable) 15 10 Anwal 15 10

Native grass species should be seeded at the same time as the crop to allow them to gerninate as soon as the rain comes.

A3-1 Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix3

Table 4: Native seed mix Compositionand quantities

Quantity (Kg/ha) Species Common name Mix A Mix B Mix C Mix D De1bergiasisso Shisham 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 Acacia nilotica Kikar 0.5 0 1.0 1.0 Cassia fistula Amaltas 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 Prosophis chilensis Mesquite 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 Acacia catechu Khair 0.5 0.5 0.2 1.0 Eucalypyushybrid Safeda 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Acacia torfils Henna 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.2 Cordia dichotoma Lasura 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 Ficus bengalensis Badh 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 Tamarix cyphilla Farash 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 Ziziphus Mauratiana Baer 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 Anogeissus latifolius Dhok 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 Bauhima racemoasa Kachmar 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 Albizzia lebbek Siris 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 Accacia Jaquimonti Babool 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 MoringaAlcifera Drumstic 1.0 0..2 0.2 0

Where ever necessary seed requirements pre-treatmentof 24 hours soaked in water

Table 5: Species for avenue planting

Species Common Mix V Mix W Mix X Mix Y Mix Z Name Azadiracht indica Neem . Ficus bengalensis Badh *

Ficus religosa Pipal *_ _ Syngiumcumini Jamun _ Tamarindus Indica Tamarind Terminalia Indica Terminala

A3-2 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appendix 3

Species have been selected to complement the endemic vegetation of each area. The variety of species used ensures that species not suited to the local conditions and micro climate will be replaced by those suitable for that area. Only.the fittest species will survive in each locality thereby maintainingthe geneticvariation that is essentialfor bio-diversity.

Figure I Showsa typical cross section for the plantingregime with the larger avenue trees located no closer than 6 metre from the centre line of the road and the seeded species growing in between. The native seed mix will be applied followingthe applicationof water to the recently turned and topsoiled natural surface. Seeding will not take place in unfavourableweather such as winds exceeding 15 kmn/hror during rain periods. Fast growing ground covering species mentioned in the grass table will be seeded immediatelyafter the area has been landscaped to reduce erosion, with the seeding and avenue plantingoccurring closer to the rainy season.

Figure 2 illustrates a longitudinal section of road with the associated planting regime. Avenue seedlings will be placed at 25 m intervals with the listed species being placed in turn. Approximately2000 seedlings per hectare are intendedto be planted. The native trees will be seeded indiscriminatelywithin the ROW and at bends etc. Where larger areas of the ROW occur the seeding will fill these areas to create small groves of native bush land. Where ROW is available , an additional row of seedlings will be placed. This will be to ensure a thick ROW vegetation along the road. This will act as wind block and will in turn act to increase crop production throughthe reductionof evapo-transpiration.

The seedlings may be grown in nurseries near or along the project road by the contractor. These nurseries may be situated within the road ROW or in nearby land under contractual arrangement with local social forestry programs. The seedlings will be placed in holes (lCu.m) the base of which will be filled with 0.2 m of top soil and organic fertiliser (eg. manure). An area around the base of the seedlings will be dug out in the most recent method of seedling protection used in India (see Figure 3) . This method provides a moat like barrier around the plant which makes the leaves of the tree out of reach from browsing herbivorous.Furthermore the moat retains water to aid the plants survival. The seedlings will be between 12 -18 irmnths old when they are plantedto increasetheir chances of survival. Another method of protecting the seedlings will be tried also. The thom bush Prosopisjuliforia is cut into 1.2 -1.4 m lengths and the stock is buried in the \hole dug around the seedling and bound with a length of the vegetation.The thom bush is between 15- 30mm. in diameter and speared in to the ground at 20 cm spacings.

Three months after the seedlings are planted, those not survivingwill be replaced with others still growing at a nearby nursery and of a similar age. About 10 % of the total seedlings used should be stored for this replacement.Areas where the seeding has not been sufficient will also be re-seeded following the application of an organic fertiliser. A similar process will occur one year after the initial planting. During the first year after .planting,watering will occur every month except in the wet season. In the hottest season(Februaryto mid June) this will occur more frequently. From I" February to 15'hApril watering will occur every three weeks and from then until 15'h June every 10 days. Watering will be done as early in the morning and as late in the evening as possible to reduce evaporationand increase the amount of water reachingthe roots.

The contractor will be paid half his fee following the initial planting and the rest one year later contingenton previouslyestablished survival criteria.

All revegetation shall take place within 14 days of each work completion. Top soil shall be stockpiled on site in low mounds no greater than 3 metres high and where it is to be stored for in excess of 14 days it shall be seeded with the above mentioned grasses immediately. Where

Al__ Haryana Highway Upgrading Project Appendix 3 imported topsoil is required it will be friableand porous and free of weeds, toxic material,lumps, stumps or roots.

Fertiliserwhere required will be organic in nature such as cow manure.

On steeper slopes a binding agent will be used to reduce erosion and keep seeds in place at the onset of the rains. Bitumen emulsionshas been used before in India and will be used here. Straw will be mixed with the bitumen emulsionto further aid the bindingprocess.

Other measures to mitigateagainst environmentalimpacts that are standard in contract docunents will naturally be included. These include provisions covenng soil erosion and selection and restorationof quarry sites.

A3-4 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project - Appendix3

6 m

Paved Road Way


A3-S Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix3


A3-6 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appendix3


j 1 0.6m L

=56ml J K Shrub


A3-7 HaryanaHighway UpgradingProject A4/EnvironmentalManagement Checklist


Environmental Management Checklist Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix 4



Enviromnental monitoring refers to the continuing environmentalassessment of project, starting at the project preparationstage and continuingthrough out the construction and post construction stage of the project. In most cases a monitoring program consists of the identification and selection of key environmentalindicators or parameters which may be qualitativelymeasured and compared over time. These can be any environmentalindicators viz. physical, chemicalor social indicators. A general monitoring tool is useful and there is advantage in adopting a uniform monitoring proforma. It is frequently based on recorded project details combined with recording of expected project actions or outcomes. For these reasons the following Checklist/ Questionnaire purposely has been kept simple and generalised.It should,however, be reviewed and improved in the light of experience.

Objectives of Monitoring and Evaluation 1. To demonstrate that unfavourable effects have been addressed and adverse consequencesminimised.

2. To monitorand promote favourableimpacts which enhanceenvironmental quality.

3. To record conditions,actions and project impact, enablingadoption of better mitigation methodsand documentinglegal or communityobligations

4. To evaluate the adequacy of EnvironmentalImpact Assessment alreadycarried out, and to suggest improvement.

Methodology The methodologyadopted is basically a subjectiverapid appraisalbased on visual observation with quantification of some key parameters. This requires a basic knowledge and some understandingof environmentalimpacts.

Only a limitednumber of key impact areas have been adopted in order to frame a simple and general questionnaire and to encourage its completion by site supervisors. Sources of information are largely visual observations and basic project details and it allows the collection of base line data. The collation of this information fed into an Environmental unit provides the basic data on which further selective analysis and investigation may be undertaken. Strict specification of sampling numbers and numerous tests should be avoided. Supplementarytests can always be arranged by the EnvironmentalUnit if so required. This avoids the cost of unnecessary tests, the results of which are often seen as an end in themselves, and it simplifies the process. This approach of selective investigation and questioning should provide a practical and achievable development of environmental awareness.There are already numerous returns and reports required from construction activity and protection of the environment should not be seen as an unnecessaryadditional burden on limited time resources. It should, however, become a regular procedure and part of routine contract management.

A4- 1 Haryana Highway Upgrading Project Appendix 4



1. Name of Person completingreport:

Signature Date

Part -1

(A). General Infonnation

1. Location: District: Mandal:

Gram Panchayat: Road No.: 2. Project Name/Identification:

3. The road work connects: width Length: km 4. Type of Road: National/State/District/Feeder/Local Surfacetype: Asphalt/gravel

Existing Final 5. Physical dimensions:Embankment Base width (m): Pavement (m): Average Height/depth (m): ROWwidth (m): 6. Attach a map of road, if available (B). Ecological Impact 1. Does the road pass through? Landuse Forest Reserve Wetland Dryland Wildlife Sanctuaries Total Length (km): 2. Are any natural water resources interruptedor reduced in Yes/No waterwayarea? If yes, attach list of bridges/culverts(location, length, size) and stream width.

3. Numbers of trees (over 3 inch diameter) to be removed:- Species: Number to be planned Species:


SECTIONI of thcquestionnairm should be completcdat the commencementof a constructionor maintenancecontract by the SupervisingEngineer in consultationwith the Contractorand forwardedto the EnvironmentalUnit SECTION2 shouldbe compictedat thc handovcr of acceptedconstruction work and forwardedto the EnvironmentalUnit. Referenceshould be madcto any EnvironmentalAsscssment of the projector ManagemcntPlan prepared as part of theapproval process.

A4-2 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appendix4

4. Is the road embankmentlikely to interferewith fisheries Yes/No production or mitigation?

5. Are there any animalsor vegetation unique to this area or known Yes/No to be endangered?

6. Is it necessaryto open borrow pits outside the road alignment? Yes/No

(C) Impact up on Physio-Chemical environment

1. Is the constructionand soil to be used likely to lead to siltation Yes/No downstream? If yes, is batterprotection around waterwaysincluded? Yes/No

2. Is the embankmentlikely to obstruct natural drainage? Yes/No

3. Does the area regularlyflood? Yes/No Both sides? Yes/No If yes, to what depth above ground level (m)? Frequency(times per year)?

4. Are there urbar or industrial area along the road alignment? Yes/No If yes, attach detailsof sites, distance off centreline and type of activity.

5. Are the proposedconstruction camp sites away from water Yes/No resources and settlement? If no, has provisionbeen made for safe disposal of wastes and Yes/No septic?

(D) Socio- Economic impacts

1. Have the local people been informed when construction is to Yes/No commence?

2. Is land acquisitionand compensationfinalised? Yes/No

3. Number of Residencesto be removed or shifted?

4. Are there any mosques, temples, graveyards or historical sites on Yes/No the road reserve?

Part II (Complete at hand over of works from Contractor)

(E) Record of Compliance

I. Were there any -complaints from the local people during Yes/No construction?

2. Has there been any erosion or damage to the embankment? Yes/No

3. Were there any spillage of chemicals or bitumen? Yes/No

A4-3 Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix4

4. Have all borrow pits, camps sites and roadsidesbeen restored? Yes/No

5. PavementStructure used? Macadanm/Gravel/FCR

6. Have all replacementtrees been planted? Yes/No


Senior Engineer

Date Please now forward to:Head of EnvironmentalUnit

A4-4 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project AS/EnvironmentalClauses


Environmental Clauses to Bidding Documents

0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haryana Highway Upgrading Project Bidding Documents Volume II Section 5: Conditions of Particular Application (Part In) Page 5.6

Sub-Clause 15.2 Add the following Sub-Clause15.2: LanguageAbility of Contractor's "If the Contractor's authorised representative is not, in the Representative opinion of the Engineer, fluent in the language specified in the Appendix to Bid, the Contractorshall have available on site at all times a competent interpreter to ensure the proper transmission of instructionsand information."

Sub-Clause 16.3 Add the following Sub-Clause163: LanguageAbility of SuperintendingStaff "A reasonable proportion of the Contractor's superintending staff shall have a working knowledge of the language specified in the Appendix to Bid, or the Contractor shall have available on site at all times a sufficient number of competent interpreters to ensure the proper transmissionof instructions and information."

Sub-Clause 16.4 Add the following Sub-clause16.4 employmentof Local Personnel "The Contractor is encouraged, to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ staff and labour with appropriate qualifications and experience from sources within the country of the Employer stipulated in the Appendix to Bid."

Sub-Clause 17.2 Add the following Sub-clause 17.2: Notice to Engineer "The Contractor shall give to the Engineer not less than 48 (forty eight) hours notice of his intention to set out or give levels for any part of the Works so that timely arrangement may be made for checking or issuing instructions.He shall indicate therein by which date the information,if any is required by him."

Sub-Clause 18.1 Replace the text of Sub-Clause 18.1 by the following: Boreholesand Exploratory "If at any time during the execution of the works the Engineer Excavations requires the contractor to make bore-holes or to carryout exploratory excavations in excess of the provisions specified elsewhere in the contract and such requirement shall be the subject of an instructions in accordance with Clause 51, unless an item or a provisional sum in respect of such work is included in the bill of quantities."

Sub-Clause 19.1 Add the following below para (c) in Sub-clause 19.1. Safety, Security and Protectionof the "(d) The Contractor will take all due precaution to avoid soil and environment water contamination by spillage of oil, grease, fuel and paint in the equipment yard, workshop or site of work. Lubricants should be recycled.

(e)The Contractor will install pollution control device in his asphalt plant.

(f) The Contractor shall implement replantation and grading of steep slopes in quarries and borrow pits to prevent disfiguration of landscape. Haryana HiglhwayUpgrading Project Bidding Documents Volume II Section 5: Conditions of Particular Application (Part EI) Page 5.7

(g)The Contractor shall implement compensatory afforestation plan to counteract destruction of vegetation when required to do so by the Engineer. The Contractor will pay proper attention to the aspect of borrow pit drainage to prevent formation of stagnant pools of water and incidence of mosquito vectors. All borrow pits will be provided with efficient drains which shall be connected to the natural outfalls.

(h)Notwithstanding implementation of any other provision contained in the Conditionsof the Contract, the failure on the part of the Contractor or his staff in the cases listed below will be considered default on the part of the contractor and will attract provisions of sub clause 63.1 for remedies:

- poor sanitation and solid waste in workers camps.

- possible transmission of communicable diseases between local people and Contractor's workers.

- poaching by Contractor's workers

- illegal invasionof indigenouspeople by Contractor's labour.

(i) All lights provided by the Contractor shall be screened so as not to interfere with any signal light on the railways or with any traffic or signal lights of any local or other authority."

Sub-Clause 20.4 Amend Sub-Clause 20.4 to read as follows: Employer's Risks "The Employer's risks are

a) insofar as they directly affect the execution of the Works in the country where the Permanent Works are to be executed:

(i) war and hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion,act of foreign enemies;

(ii) rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war,

(iii) ionising, radiation, or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof;

(iv) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds:

(v) riot, commotion or disorder, unless solely restricted to the employees of the Contractor or of his SccSParO.doc 0 l07i97. 16:08 Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project A6/Listof Consultations


List of Consultations Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix6



BHIWANI - WEDNESDAY 24.09.1997 The first consultation was held in Bhiwani as per the guidelines of World Bank on Environmental Impact expected to be caused due to proposed upgrading of highways in the State of Haryana. Two more are to be held in Ambala and Jind. These three places are chosen as they are ideally locatedat three road segments included in the Phase I of the project.

The meeting at Bhiwani was well attended by all the concemed Govt. Department Representativesand the affected villagers.No NGO could be located as there is hardly any in existence in and around Bhiwani.

Mr. 0. P. Leather, SuperintendingEngineer, PWD, presided over the meeting. Copies of an PWD Executive Summaryof the SEA draft report were distributedto the participants. In his inaugural remarks the SE, PWD outlined the objective of the proposed project along with its utility and benefits to the people of the area in general. The discussions generallycentred around flood control and compensatorytree planting. The representativeof Forest Dept. Haryana apprised the participants that a large number of trees are likely to be axed. However, the Forest Dept. has already counted the number of trees and as per current rules ten times the number of trees to be felled, should be replanted. The land and funds for the replanting should be provided by PWD, Govt. of Haryana. The villagers suggested that fruit trees may be planted so that village children can make the best use of the same. However, there was some reservationon the part of the Forest Departmentwho felt that as a matter of policy fruit trees are avoided by the roadside due to increasedaccident factor. Instead they reiteratedthe state Govt. policy of stressing the need of planting fuel, fodder and timber producing trees. The Forest Dept. representative claimed that this-policy is socially relevant and required in order to safeguardthe depleted forest resources.

The next point came up on flooding along both sides of the road. This is a flood prone area and naturally the villagers expressed their concern. The PWD officers explained that they are aware of the occurrence of flood during monsoon months and therefore suitable drainage measures have been provided in the project. Moreover adequate crust thickness would also be provided in the specificationfor tenders.

Participating in the discussion Shri. Prabhu Dayal, Sarpanch (Headman) of Leghan village mentionedabout 100 (hundred) acres of land now being occupied by Kikar trees. He faVoured that the same land may be used for planting some other variety of species which can be of some use to the villagers.The Forest Dept. has assured that they will considerthe proposal.

A list of participants along with photographsof the meeting is enclosed.

Af I Haryana Highway Upgrading Project Appendix 6

AMBALA - MONDAY 29.09.1997

The public consultationon environment in Ambala was held on Monday 29.09.1997 at the PWD Rest House in Ambala. The Number of participants were more than 40 comprising Govt. Officials of Forest, Revenue and IrrigationDepartments plus Project Affected Persons (PAPs).No NGO's participatedas none could be located. Ambala was selected as it is located in the northern part of the State and as it is an importanturban road junction point.

Mr. K. K. Singhal, SuperintendingEngineer, Ambala presided over the meeting. The PWD's Executive Summary of the SEA draft report was distributed to the participants. Mr. Singhal broadly outlined the salient features of the project including the likely benefits which will accrue to the people in generaland villageson both sides of the road in particular.

Villagers complained about the problem of water-loggingat Kalpi - Joli junction on the Ambala - Jagadhri Road. Similarly Khudda - Kala village gets flooded during rainy season. Responding to the complaints Mr. Singhal assured the villagers that the proposed upgrading project has taken into considerationsthe drainagepmblems of the flood prone areas.

Mr. Nityaprakash, villageSarpanch (Head Man) of Mithapur stressedthe need for widening of some of the culverts. The present culverts being rather small would be inadequate in the event of upgrading the road. Mr. Singhal assured that this issue has been adequatelydealt with in the project design.

During the meeting it was pointed out by the villagers ihat the PWD Officialsare marking 100 feet of land on both sides of road over and above the ROW, as buffer land where no construction of permanent nature would be allowed. The villagers were taken by surprise. However, the chairmancalmed them down by pointing out that this is the building line and as per the requirement of law and has been made keeping in view the safety requirement of road users.

At the very end of the meeting a large number of people claiming to be PAPs barged in. Participating in the discussionthey strongly resented the move of demolition of shops and other establishments being unauthorisedly occupied by them. Shri. Singhal tried to pacify them by saying that no fresh land is going to be acquired and the upgrading work would remainconfined within the land under the ownership of PWD.

X list of participants along with photograph is enclosed.

A6-2 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appendix6

JIND - TUESDAY 30.09.1997

The last of the series of public consultation meetings on the enviromnent of the Haryana Highway UpgradingProject Phase I was held at Jind on Tuesday the 30'h September 1997 at the PWD Rest House. The meeting was well attended with the presence of concerned Govt. Officials from the Dept. of Forest, Revenue, Police and Irrigation along with a large number of villagers.NGO's did not participateas there was hardly any in existence.

Mr. T. C. Rewaria, Executive Engineer, Jind presided over the meeting. In his introductory comments Mr. Rewaria apprised the participants about the broad outline of the proposed project and likely benefits to accrue-to the people of the area. He explained that the present conditions of the roads are unable to carry the existing load of traffic and would create even more trouble with the future growth. Hence it has become absolutelyessential to upgrade the existinghighways.

Villagers complained generally about water-loggingalong link roads and that seemed to be their primary concern. Shri. Gyan Chand, President, Municipal Council Jind complained about flooding of Kaithal - Narwana road which is a part of the proposed upgrading project. Responding to this complaint Shri. Rewaria mentioned that the project report has already considered this point and necessary steps have been incorporated in detailed engineering report.

On the point of tree felling due to widening and strengthening, district forest officer mentioned that approximately 15000 (fifteen thousand)trees are going to be affected. As per the guidelines the Forest Departmentwould provide for replanting to the tune of ten times of trees axed due to project implementation.The Forest Department would do the replanting as per the social relevance of the forest policy i. e. fuel, fodder and timber. Copies of the PWD Executive Summary on the project was distributed among the participants. The list of participantsand photographsof the meeting is enclosed.

.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ Harvana HighAvayUpgrading Projcct Appcndix6



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'7 'Ii KT, -0 Har.-ilia Highwiy Upgrading Project Appendix6




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INTrRXDUCTION: Govt. of Haryana has proposed to take up the work of upgradation of State Highways and maintenance of the same also with a loan from 0Jorld Bank. tSorld Bank has agreed to give

this loan.

One of the conditions of this loan is that a study is made called Sectoral Envlronment Study (SEA) to fulfll the requirements of Govt. of India and World Bank for environment assessment of proposed Highway Improvement Project. The objective is to provide officers of PWD B&R, .Jorld Bank. project engineers, steps necessary to be taken to minimise & mitigate adverse environmental results of Haryana Highway

Upgradation Project.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project in its final shape now provides for upgradation of 872 Xmns. of State Highways as under:-

1. Ambala-Jagadhri.

2. -Saha-Shahbad.

3. Ambala-Kaithal

4. Kaiithal-Nawx.lana-Jindc-Hansi.

5. Hansi-Bhiwani-L)adri-Mohindergarh.

6. Mohindergarh-Narnaul-Kotputli.

7. Panipat-Rohtak. 8. Rohtak-Jhajjar-Rewari-Shahjahan pur road.

9. Uklana-Barwala-Uisar.

10.Uklana-Tohana to punjab border.

11. Rohtak-Bhianfli-Loharu.

It is proposed to take up in the first phase following three roads:-

1. Ambala-Jagsdhri. ;a. Mithal-Narwana-Jind-Hansi.

3. Hansi-Bhiwani-Dadri-tHohindergarh.

It is also proposed to strengthen and iiairove the balance State Hlighways in the 3tate utnder the above p1 nn. It is proposed to widen the rmetal width to 7 Mtr. and constructicl of 1.1/2 Mtr. paved snoul,ers wiith ali !sl. :2:

1 mtr. berm otieither side of carriage-way. Mlis option is environmentally more acceptable one since it will require very minor, or low construction activity outside existin-g right-of-way anl It provides additional travel venue for slow moving and non-motorleed vehicles.

Environmental Chakacteristics: Environmental features of the region as a whole are uniform in their overall appearqnce. All lie on the arid to

semi-arid plane while coodition range from purely sorted gruvels to glay and loams to flaryana planes which are overlased by sand dujpes in south and south western portion of State. Environmental Imacs

The principal issues of environmental impact are loss of road side, replanting, potential erosion. of berms and embankment, provision of adequate drainage, hcalth and other hazards, property damage, loss of assess and water logging. Traffic safety an: re-settlement were remaining concerns. No adverse effects are identified on wild-life enuanyered species, air qu.ality or noise and cultural resources.

Mitigation Plan: Detailed measures will be taken to elevate identified potential impact with respect to borrowfit excavation, wor kFrs query and construction material sources, construcLion/campr3, flooaing, road safety, non-motorieed transport. specific accounts for environzrtental concerns to be caken during the design, construction and opcration ihases has been ;r.4dd. Haryana Highway Upgrading Project

Carl Bro Intemationalals in associationwith BCEOM,Louis Berger Intemational Inc. and Consulting EngineeringServices (India) Pvt. Ltd. ahG

SCO 37, (First Floor), Sector 26, Madhya Marg, 160027, Phone: +91 (172) 547773, 547746 Fax: +91 172 541 999.

21 July 1997

Job No. 888.938.02 AMIFMB

Our Ref.: TIJ97/0706

Dear Sir/Madame, Subject: Upgrading of Haryana State Highways The Government of Haryana (GoH)representedby PWD (B&R) Haryana is preparing plans for upgrading of selected State Highways. The roads being considered are shown in the enclosed map. The upgrading included wideningand strengthening/resurfacingof the roads and improvementof intersections.signage and drainagefacilities. The project is carried out by financialassistance from the World Bank. To satisfv Government of India (Gol). Govenment of Haryana (GoH) and World Bank environmentalrequirements, we as consultants to the PWD (B&R) Haryana are preparing a Sectoral EnvironmentalAssessment (SEA) for the project roads. Based on this assessmentno significantadverse impactto the ecologicaland culturalresources along the project roads have been identified so far. To the contrary the upgrading is likely to result in net benefits to travellersand transportersusing the roads as well as to people and commercialinterest located along or in the vicinityof the roads. To ensure that important resourcesor potential impacts have not been overlooked, we invite you to express your views on the environrnentalimpacts, both positive and negative, which you feel may result from the project particularly in regard to the physical environment, ecology. socio-economicor culturalresources along any of the project roads. We kindly request you to submit your assessmentif any, to us at the earliest convenienttime. Thankingyou for your attention to our request for information.

Yous Since'rely Project Co-ordinatingConsultants (PCC),

AxelFaerch Team Leader



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AflONAZ.IGHHWA AY ...... -

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OTHR ROADS...... ------

.. .* ...... Haryana Highway UpgradingProject Appendix 6


The following agencies, organisations and individuals were contacted for information regarding environmental and R&R concerns along the proposed alignments. Consultation meetingsare still being held as part of the R&R Action Plan.

World Wide Fund for Nature - India PalikaBhawan, Sector XIII, R. K. Puram, New 110 066

World Wide Fund for Nature - India National Headquarters Pirojsha Godrej National ConservativeCentre, 172-B Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110 003

HimalayanClub C-559 Defence Colony New Delhi 110 024

The Bombay Natural History Society Hombill House, OppositeLion Gate, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Bombay 400023

Shri Mannohan Sharma Voluntary Health Association, Opposite Mount View Hotel, Sector 10, Chandigarh

Manav Sewa Sangh, Yamnunanagar, YamunanagarDistrict

Utthan Yamunanagar, YamunanagarDistrict

Sri Sanatan Dharam Mahavir Dal, Yamunanagar. YamunanagarDistrict

Gita Bhawan Nirman Samiti, Yamunanagar, YamnunanagarDistrict

AO-4 tiaryana Ilignway upgraing rrojecr Appenotx o

Women League, Yamunanagar, YamunanagarDistrict

Consumer's EducationAssociation, Yamunanagar, YamunanagarDistrict

Kusht Avurn Jan KalyanSamiti, Yamunanagar, YamnunanagarDistrict

DistrictRed Cross Society, Yamunanagar, YamunanagarDistrict

District Council for Child Welfare, Yarnunanagar, YarnunanagarDistrict

Radha Kusht Ashram Jagadhri YamunanagarDistrict

District Red Cross Society, Panipat

District Relief Fund Committee, Bhiwani

District Council for Child Welfare, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

District Red Cross Society, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Hospital Welfare Section, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

St. John AznbulanceAssociation Bhiwani Bhiwani District

A6-5 Haryana Highway UpgradingProject Appendix6

Zila Sainik Board Bhiwani Bhiwani District

District Olympic Association Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Bharat Scouts and Guides, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Shri Sanatan Dharam Sabha, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Arya Samaj, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

BharatiyaVikas Parishad, Bhiwani BhiwaniDistrict

Van Vasi Kalyan Ashram Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Sewa Bharati, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Samran Sewa Parishad, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Jampur Sewa Sarniti, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

District Rehabilitation Centre, Bhiwani Bhiwani District

Zila Sainik Board, Hisar Hisar Distict

A6-6 Haryana Highway UpgradingProject Appendix6

The DistrictRed Cross Society, Hisar Hisar Distict

The District Relief Fund Committee, Hisar Hisar Distict

Manav Sewa Sangh, Karnal Karnal Distict

Ladies Industrial HomeSewa Samiti, Karnal Karnal Distict

Shri Sanatan Dharam Mahavir Dal, Karnal Karnal Distict

Hind Kusht NirwaranSangh, Karnal

Shri SharadhaNand Anathalaya, Karnal KamnalDistict

Mata Parkash Kaur WelfareCentre for Hearing and SpeechHandicapped, Kamal Karnal Distict

District Brahmin Sabha, Karnal

Jan Sewa Dal, Kamal Karnal Distict

Shri Krishan Sewa Dhamn, Karnal Karnal Distict

Rai Sahib ChoudharyPartap Charitable Trust, Karnal Karnal Distict

Shri Ram Krishan Sankiratan Mandal, Kamal

A6-7 Haryana HighwayUpgrading Project Appendix6

Karnal Distict

Shri Durga Bhawani Trust, Kamal Kamal Distict

Sewak Sabha Karnal Karnal Distict

PurshotamCharitable Trust, Karnal Karnal Karnal Distict

RamgarhiaSabha, Karnal Karnal Distict

Mahila Ashram Karnal Karnal Distict

Red Cross Society Karnal Karnal Distict

District Councilfor Child Welfare, Karnal Karnal Distict

District Red Cross Society Narnaul Narnaul District

Hospital Welfare Society, Narnaul Narnaul District

St. John AmbulanceAssociation, Narnaul Narnaul District

District Olympic Association, Narnaul Namaul District

Zila Sainik Board Narnaul Narnaul District

A6-8R Haryana Highway UpgradingProject Appendix6

District Child Welfare Council, Narnaul Narnaul District

District Red Cross Society Sirsa

Hospital Welfare Section, Sirsa Sirsa District

St. John AmbulanceAssociation, Sirsa Sirsa District

District Child WelfareCouncil, Sirsa Sirsa District

District Olympic Association, Sirsa Sirsa District

Zila Sainik Board Sirsa Sirsa District

Lion's Club, Kaithal

Rotary Club, Kaithal Kaithal District

Rashtriya Vidya Samiti, Kaithal Kaithal District

Sanatan Dharan Sabha, Kaithal Kaithal District

Arya Samaj, Kaithal Kaithal District

A6-9 HaryanaHighway Upgrading Project Appendix6

District Red Cross Society, Kaithal Kaithal District

District Council for Child Welfare, Kaithal Kaithal District

Sewa Sangh Kaithal Kaithal District

Bharat Vikas Prishad, Kaithal Kaithal District

Haryana Kalyan Samiti, Kaithal Kaithal District

District Relief Fund Committee, Jind

District Red Cross Society, Jind Jind District

Hospital Welfare Section, .Jind Jind District

District Council for Child Welfare, Jind Jind District

Family and Child Welfare Project, Jind Jind District

Vishal Mahilla Gramin Udyog Sewa Saniti, Jind Jind District

Manav Sewa Sangh, Jind Jind District

A6-10 Haryana Highway UpgradingProject Appendix6

Sewa Sangh, Narwana Jind District

Vidyaray Sabha Kanya Gurukul, Kharal, Jind Jind District

Manav Sewa Samiti, Kurukshetra KurukshetraDistrict

Shri Sthanu Sewa Mandal. Kurukshetra

Manas Parchar Mandal, Kurukshetra KurukshetraDistrict

Manav Dharam Mission(Mahila Sarniti)and Yug Nirman Sansthan, Kurukshetra Kurukshetra District

Shri Vaish Aggarwal Panchayat, Kurukshetra Kurukshetra District

Jan Jagriti Sangthan Kurukshetra KurukshetraDistrict

Red Cross Society, Kurukshetra Kurukshetra District

St. John AmbulanceAssociation,. Kurukshetra Kurukshetra District

Rotary Club, Kurukshetra Kurukshetra District

Lion's Club, Kurukshetra KurukshetraDistrict

A6-11 Haryana Highway Upgrading Project Appendix 6

District Council for Child Welfare, Kurukshetra KurukshetraDistrict

Lion's Club C/o. Smt. Kamlesh Goyal C/o. Tripati Steel Furniture Near Radhika Cinema, Rewari

Lioness Club, Smt. Sushma Gupta, C/o. Sh. Tara Chand Gupta, Chipatwara, Rewari

Leo Club, Leo Sanjay Kumar Goyal, C/o. M/s Moti Lal ShyamSunder, Sadar Bazar, Rewari

Indian Medical Association, Dr. Ashok Arora M. S., E. N. T. Hospital, Court Road, Rewari

E. W. Centre, Distt. Red Cross Society, Mini Secretariat, Model Town, Rewari

Indian Red Cross Society, Distt. Red Cross Society, Mini Secretariat, Model Town, Rewari

All India Women's Conference, Rampary Poswal Bhawan, Gujarwara, Rewari

Janta Kalyan Samiti, Opposite Bus Stand Rewari

A6-12 HaTyanaHighway Upgrading Project Appendix6

The Haryana Social Work & Research Centre, Village Khori, District Rewari

Satrang Apang Kalyan Sarniti, Lalpur District Rewari

CentralPublic AssociationSamiti, Bawal District Rewari

The QutabpurNutan Jagarti Cane Binding Samiti Qutabpur ?'DistrictRewari
