The God of Google Table of Contents “I Pray That You May Have the St

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The God of Google Table of Contents “I Pray That You May Have the St The Edict The Edict of Milan was signed by St. Constantine in 313 AD as the first act of religious freedom SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Vol.6 Issue 3 64 Schermerhorn St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Office: 718-624-0595 Fax: 718-624-2228 The god of Google Table of Contents “I pray that you may have the St. Paul in his letter to the Ro- the things God decides or un- President’s Message—2 power to comprehend, with all mans, describes a not so good derstand his ways. RM 11:33 the saints, what s the breadth scenario when people lost a The need, the desire, the rea- A. Fantis School—3-5 and length and height and true knowledge of God. son to stay connected to God is depth, and to know the love of “People did not think it was even greater today than at any Goya—6-7 Christ that surpasses important to have a true other time in the history of the 100th Anniversary Gala—8-9 knowledge...” Eph. 3:18-19 knowledge of God. So God world. In an age where the left them and allowed them to How does one google God? Holy Week—10 knowledge of subject matter have their own worthless think- How does a person stay con- becomes easily accessible by ing and to do things they nected to God’s web? Here Greek Festival-11 simply completing an engine should not do.” RM1:28 are some methods of main- Snap Shots- 12 search on google or any other There is no doubt that tech- taining a connection with God. browser, does the knowledge nology is here to stay. The The Holy Communion one re- Lives of the Saints-13 of God matter anymore? wisdom of God is so infinite ceives during the Divine Litur- This brief article will focus on that through science and all gy, by God’s grace, allows a Sacraments— 14 the value of pursuing disciplines the person has the faithful person to stay connect- knowledge in God. It will sug- great potential of the next gen- ed (in communion) with God. Advertisements—15 gest mechanisms that a Chris- eration of inventions and dis- Reading the Bible, and yes, one Cathedral Leadership-16 tian may you use to come to a coveries. may do it online,lol, keeps the greater knowledge of faith. This bring the article to it’s information and knowledge of Sometimes, I will play second point. In today’s mod- God coming forth at all times. “Words with friends” on line. ern world, Why does one stay Bowing down on one’s knees It is an electronic version of the connected to God? How does and humbly praying is a great game Scrabble. When I am a person do a search engine of search engine for God’s will in stuck on a word (and yes this God’s will? a Christian’s life. A spiritual is a confession), I will pause When a person is searching guide in one’s life may surely the game and google on line for God’s will in their life will make up for anything that Siri words such as a five letter the great web be the source of might say. word that begins with the let- discernment and divine inspira- The church is not interested ter K. tion. When a person is in negating technology. Allow With answers to many ques- searching for forgiveness can history to be a great teacher tions made readily available at safari or firefox be the divine and do not, however, replace the push of a button, is God power that restores a person’s God with technology. Just for a becoming extinct? soul to health. St. Paul, speak- point of information, this news- ing on the knowledge of God letter will be available on the says the following: Yes, God’s church’s website and someone riches are very great, and his may google it from anywhere wisdom and knowledge have around the world, lol! no end! No one can explain Fr. John K. Lardas P A G E 2 The President’s Message Dear fellow Parishioners, and the White House. They Switching to news at A. Fan- I hope this message also went to St. Sophia’s dur- tis, we had another success- finds you well. Since my last ing their annual festival. Our ful school year. At this point, update there are many new GOYAns, in addition to eat- it is time to discuss the fu- and exciting developments in ing well, beautifully danced ture. In order to strive for our community and it is my to a live Greek band. High- academic excellence, we pleasure to share them with lighting the trip was the must continue adhering to you. priest mentioning their high standards and plan ―guests hailing all the way ahead. With this in mind, I First, I need to men- from BKLYN…..NAK‖ dur- am happy to announce Maria tion that this is the greatest ing Sunday services! Perdik-Zolotas as the new, community one can ever be next-generation Principal of a part of. It continually amaz- During the Archdio- Dean Paravalos ceses’ Olympics, also in late our beloved school. President of the Board es me that together, we ac- of Trustees complish so much. As we all May, all of our children per- This appointment is know, on any given weekend formed extremely well. We the culmination of the work there are many events lined received gold, silver, and of a committee formed in up at the same time and yet bronze metals once again search of a replacement for I am the vine; you this small community, filled putting us at the top. Our the evident day of Dr. with the greatest people on children showed a great love Farkouh’s retirement after are the branches. earth, always find a way to for the games and played many years of dedicated ser- Whoever abides in make each one successful. with heart. True Champions! vice. Dr. Farkouh will contin- ue in her role as our School me and I in him, he Recently, we had our eighth Over the first week grade graduation while the of June, we held our annual principal until the end of De- it is that bears children from our school festival. I am pleased to an- cember at which point Mrs. Perdik-Zolotas will begin her much fruit, for sang the National Anthem at nounce that we broke all Citi field. Both were a previous records grossing tenure as the children return apart from me you smashing successes. There just over $136,000. BRAVO from the holiday break. can do nothing. are many more examples to all our volunteers and our I wish you all a such as this. My point is that festival committee for all the healthy and happy summer. —John 5:15 by working together, hard work and dedication. It May God bless and keep you through commitment and was really special to have safe. dedication, our community support from our GOYA, reaps the rewards. Philoptochos, past graduates, Dean Paravalos In other news, in late the PTO, and many others President, Board of Trustee’s May our GOYAns went on a who stepped up to the plate weekend getaway to Wash- to ensure the success of this ington DC. They visited sev- event. Again I can only ex- eral monuments, museums press a heartfelt thank you. T H E E D I C T VOLUME V ISSUE 11I P A G E 3 A. Fantis Parochial School On Saturday, March 1st, 2014, A.Fantis participated in the Annual Science Olympiad, a state-wide competition where schools compete in different scientific events. This year’s Olympiad was held at Grover Cleveland High School. Our stu- dents worked very hard, preparing for the different events they participated in. The re- sults of the competition were as follows: Petros Gementzopoulos and Mark Mollo received the 1st place in the Wheeled Vehicle Event and 5th place in the Boomelev- er Event. Theodora Athanitis and Victoria Mol- lo received 3rd place in the Helicopter Event and 5th place in the Crime Buster Event.The following nine students participated in the competition: Lucas Christie, Andreas Tsiar- as, Peter Steinmann, Eva Fexy, Paulina Noufrios, Madison Atherton-Graham, Angel- ique Paravalos, Christian Arbeeny, and Irene Chrysostomou. Overall, the students per- formed with a great deal of effort. We are all proud of them. Middle School Science teacher, Ms. Nertilja Canka is an outstanding teacher and has inspired our students. Mr. Tasos Gementzopoulos and Mrs. Kathy Noufrios assisted in the Science Olympiad along with other Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral community members. Special support and assistance were provided by Mr. Iraklis Argyriou, Mr. Christopher Argyriou, and Mr. Tasos Gementzopoulos. The A Fantis Parochial School of Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Graduation Class of 2014 Olivia Battista Christopher Birney Lucas Christie LaGuardia Hisgh School-Dance Poly Prep Country Day Brooklyn Technical High School School Eva Fexy Jasper Johnson Kiara Joyce The Berkeley Carroll School HS of American Studies at LaGuardia High School– Hannah Kavanagh Victoria Mollo Paulina Noufrios LaGuardia High School— St. Joseph Hill Academy St. Joseph Hill Academy Drama Agnes Palacios Sofija Radulovic Peter Steinmann Frank Sinatra School of the Bronx High School of Science Fort Hamilton Honors Arts– Fine Arts Academy For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; Proverbs 2:6 Andreas Tsiaras Evangelos Vasilakos The Packer Collegiate Fort Hamilton Honors Institute Academy Winter Weekend G.O.Y.A of our Cathedral 180 Goyans of St.
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