Hale July Clearance Sale Continues with Values!

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Hale July Clearance Sale Continues with Values! r- WbAOAT. 7ULT M. IfM I TWELVE Avenge Dolly Net Pm s R n Tl* W sattST^*^ iiimr^»0t»r lEtmtfns l|»ral!i e*0.«,'~ ■■ Far Ika Memo et Jtma, 184* John L. Loughran, pastor of i t hla knowledga yesterday was Mr. and Mfa. Andrew Wlnaler James’s church, has axprsased the flint time the ceremony has ' of 61 Weat Middle Turnpike are Cars Blessed 9,482 About Town School Rooms opinion that the same conditions, e performed in Menebester, viaitlng their aon, Andrew Wlni- neceasltating mors rooms, may ex­ though it la done in many other ler, Jr., who la aUtloned at the ist next jrear U the enrollment In­ towns. Ha plans to make the S t ^ t r . W, Jolm F ltU o f MS Great Lakes Naval Training Cen­ At Ste Jameses m 'itTMt, attended the flfty-eeoond Being Finished creases as expected. Chriatopbm ceremony a ragular ter. • Manehester— 'A City of VlUage Charm convention of the Ametl- praetlea. The Feast of S t Chris­ tan Oeteopathlc Aeeociatlon, topher falls on the same day as Charlea E. Vlckerman of Now For First Time St. Qiris- the Feast of St James. vhkSi met at the Statler Hotel In Orleana, La., la apendlng a few W ill Be Ready for Open­ VOL. L X m , NO. 253 AdverOalag ee Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1948 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE POURCBNIE loston, July 19 to 23 Indueive. weeks with his father, Edward ing at St. James on Manchester topher Ceremony Per^ Tha cars entered from the Main Vlckerman of 22 Roosevelt street atraet driveway entrance and left BINGO y i — Jeeele Reynolde, town ao- formed iii Town via S t James street A t one time September 8 Date Book during the afternoon,, the line of dal aervice worker, la on her two The Salvation Army band will Canada’B Worst Air Crash ' to aeeke’ vacation which ehe la give another concert tomorrow Approximately 200 cars filed cars on Main street Extended al­ Construction of Sye claaarooma most to Locust street TOMORROW NIGHT ------- ----------------------e.__ ___ ipcndlnc on an automobile trip evening at eight o'clock In Center Tonight past S t James’s church Sunday as Two Police Forces In the SL Jamea’s achoot la well Meeting of Zoning Board of Ap­ Truman AsKs Solons Qiroui^ Canada. Park. parishioners brought their cere to / under way, It was reported today. peals, Municipal BuihUng at 8. be bleseed in petition to S t Chris­ AMERICAN LEGION HOME . * 1 Special prayera will he aald to* Toeaday, July ST topher, the patron saint of travel­ Helen Ambach of 158 McKee Work was started about June 20 . 4 * ‘j ■: < ^ light to S t Ann, Mother of Mary, atreet Is enjoying a vacation at and It U hoped that the rooms wlU Dog roast of Anderson-Shea lers. Rev. John L. Loughran, pas­ Leonard Street it the novena at St. Jamea’a Auxiliary at 6:30 at Mrs. Flor­ tor, assisted by Rev. Robert Wood A U T O G LASS Berlin’s Prospect; Grove Beach Point. be completed for the opening of thurch. The novena to Our Lady ence Streeter’s, 56 Starkweather and Rev. Frederick McLeen, con­ Installed INDIVIDUAL SEATS! DOOR PRIZES! For Barrier to Halt school on September 8. if Fatima la held every Monday Dr. F. Forbes Bushnell of street ducted the ceremonlee that lasted f i The partitions of the three com­ Wednesday, July 26 Prompt Service light at 7:30. Woodbridge street has ( returned from 1 to 2:40 p.m. ' 23 Regular Games after a business trip to Boston, pletely new rooms In the baaement Outing Cheney Brothers A. A. S t Christopher medsls were C A L L 3322 MarKgraf Defiant Mass. of the school are being erected at Maple Grove, Rockville. given to those parishioners who now. These rooms will be similar Meeting Town Planning Com­ did not already have one in their Extra Special Game! The Town Highway Department to the kindergarten rooms and will mission at Municipal building. cars. The medals were emblazon­ White Glass Co. Rise in Living Costs Alice Cofran is working with a skeleton force have elongated windows and simi' Sunday, A n g ..l ed with a relief of S t Christopher Communists D irectly lar seating arrangements. Outing combined Italian-Amer- 24 Bhrch St; Manchester Russia Builds this week as most of the men are carrying Christ The cart already PENNY DINGO REGULAR RINGO on vacation. On the first floor, the first and lean societies at Garden Grove. bearing medals were also bleued 6 p m Dally 8 A. M. To S P. M. ChaUeiige Authority cf Readings Daily second grades are to be divided Thursday, Aug. 19 TelK House and Senate in case they hadn't received the Inclnding Satnrday 7:30 TO 8:15 START’S AT 8:20 Socialist - Omtrolled t69 Church S t Hartford Charles Mertens, day operator and theTdesks rearranged so that Field Day for children at ’West ceremony on some previous oc­ Treaty W all there will be two rooms Instead of Plenty Of ParKing Message Seen Proof People Demanding Ac­ Telephone ff-2024 . of the crosstown bus, has returned Side Oval. » casion. (]ity . Government on one for the first and second grades. Saturday. O ct 9 On Premises from a two weeks’ vacation, part Father Loughran said that to tion to Chedi Infla­ of which he spent Ashing In New A large first grade class is ex­ Field Day of Silhouette Bugle Removal; Command­ 22 Compact* Signed by Hampshire. pected In the fall. and Drum Corps, of Vernon at Session Is Political tion and to Help in The lavatories uare also being Center Park hera at 1 p. m. • 9. e ers Discuss Crisis Moscow or Soviet renovated and additions are to be Robert K. Anderson of Oakland Awarding of prizes at State Meeting Aeute Hon»> made. Armory In evening. Bloc in Tight LinK* street has returned after a few The five rooms, that will cost an Berlin, July 27.— —^Two ing Shortage; Lay* Atlantic days’ visit with his brother-in-law riwrry Repufc. ProlCSt estimated 25,000, were necessi­ police forces os well as two Washington, July 27—(ffj— While and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest tated by the increase In enrollment police chiefs appeared in licans uo not Agree Down Eight - Point G. Kauffmann of Milton, Mass. acsaillng American support of Range and Fuel at the school In the past year. The prospect today over block­ With Trumon on Lou> Program fo r Ses*i<Hi enrollment last year was 540 and Hale July Clearance Sale western Europe, Russia and her T h e FoUows FEPC a total exceeding 600 is expected aded Berlin. Communists di­ eastern European satellites are er Prices Approach for the falL It la hoped that the rectly challenged the author­ building a tight network of treaties Washington, July 27.— (ff) OIL new rooms will enable the school .Dewey-Richman ity of the Socialist-controlled against "aggression." FENDER AND BODY W*8hinfton. July 27.—^iiP) Order QuicKly — President Truman asKed a to return to single sessions. Rev. city government Paul MarK- The State department noted this politically • hostile today in publishing as an official * —Senator Wherry (Neb.l^, Congress WORK Continues With Values! graf, CJommunist-trained po­ today to throw a legialative L. T. WOOD CO. C o. document the texts 6f 22 compacts acting Republican leader, said j lice president, told the eleiited signed by Moscow or the Soviet Truman TaKes Part of barrier in front of rising liv­ Solimene and PlagR, Ine. OCULIST municipal goVernment It could not today President Truman’s | 11 BtaseO St, T e l 44M CAMERA REPAIR bloc states. Others have been com­ Civil Right* Crusade ing costa which “are not taK­ 6M Oeater Street auapend him because he had the pleted or are in the making. message proves the special SERVICE Reg. 69c Fine Quality, Fast Color support of the Soviet Army. The Spaetators gaOier abont the wreekaga a* e ehartered Rlmonskl Alrilnea Dakota wkich crashed fai' ing time off for the election.'* PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The roundup was made before congressional session “ is Into Own Hands; Sur* Quality Muslin city government ordered him re­ woods eS Oaoe Bon Ami headland, near Oa|H)f, Qne., killing 29 persons. The crash of the pfauie, m Mr. Truman told the Bepub- Ray Dwyer's Photo Shop N E W FRAM ES Czechoslovakia and Romania in­ roeurtronr ABtlooaa Island to Oas>» jeartM # -----worst air disaster In Canada's............................... avtatlon'history, ........-fAP purely political.’’ Terming moved yesterday. itiated their "treaty of friendship, render to Wallace Seen Ucan-dominated House and Next To New LENS DUPLICATED wirispkoto). Mr. Truman’s price control Fliat National Store 80 Square 36” PRINTS Te Retnae to Yield O floe collnhoratlon and mutual assist­ Senate that tha people ore *a- REPAIRS MADE Markgraf said he would refuse ance" last week. Russia and A l­ and other recommendation's WashingUm, July 27 — (P) — manding acUon oa two thlqgs: l l / / ^ TaL 1S9B One table of colorful floral patterns and PEPPERELL SHEETS a “ complete rehash of old mes­ to yield hla ofnee in central poUca bania are expected to sign up President Truman took part of the “First, to checK infiatKm aad atrlpea for dresses, aprons, smocks, draperies, sages,’’ Wherry commented to the rising cost of U'vlng; and sae- headquarters to Sociallat Johannes shortly, thereby increasing pres­ Marie Offers Italian Union ate. Yard 57c Stumm, hla former deputy whom sure against Marshal Tito’s Yugo­ newsmen: civil rights crusade into hla own ond, to help .
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