FRESH FISH Woodlaiid Gardens 168 WOODLAND ST. Nixon, Aides Ponder Viet War at Retreat
A \- PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Illattrb^Btrr £tn?nihg FlUDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1969 AvNago Daily Net Pre8a4tan ■br Ihe Week Itaded The Weather AntdlS, 19« . Second Ht. Michael C. Egan, Sunny, mild today. F air to About Towp son of Mr. and Mrs. James J, night, low In 80s. Fair tomor Egan of 171 B. Center St.,, has Caron^ Porter To Head • AT PESO'S # 15,459 row, high 76 to 80. Monday ESinma NetUeton Group of been recognized for helping his 49 . cloudy with 20 per cent chance Center Congregational Church unit earn the Aerospace ORCMABD FRESH: Hole Haven PetMtoe, BarOett Fears, of rain. Murray^s Clerk Campaign H a n e h c M te t -4 City of Vitiate Charm wHl have a potiuck Monday at Defense Command “A” Award. Dfaltoiis, Maos, Oravenstein Applea. / 6:30 p.m. In the Robbins Room, He Is a disaster conjtrol officer VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 293 WilHam M. Murray Jr., GOP clerk, to oi^x>se Incumbent De (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECHON) ■/ / / o f the church. Mrs. Nona M c in the 1st Fighter Wing at Self NATIVE: Cauliflower, Oreen and Oolden Beans, flpltiafii. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1969 (Clasalfled Advertiaing on Page 18) candidate for Manchester town mocrat Edward TomUel. Beet Oreens, E gg Plant, BrooooU, Beeio, letlre, PRICE TEN CENTS Cann will conduct a service ridge AFB, Mich. Swies Chard, and . Lima Beano, Botnoine, meeting after dinner. clerk, has announced the forma It’s vote followed rejection of Murray, after he had been Fanmipo, Bed and Hot Peppers, Savoy and Bed tion of a Bill Murray for Town Richard.
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