FRESH FISH Woodlaiid Gardens 168 WOODLAND ST. Nixon, Aides Ponder Viet War at Retreat
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A \- PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Illattrb^Btrr £tn?nihg FlUDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1969 AvNago Daily Net Pre8a4tan ■br Ihe Week Itaded The Weather AntdlS, 19« . Second Ht. Michael C. Egan, Sunny, mild today. F air to About Towp son of Mr. and Mrs. James J, night, low In 80s. Fair tomor Egan of 171 B. Center St.,, has Caron^ Porter To Head • AT PESO'S # 15,459 row, high 76 to 80. Monday ESinma NetUeton Group of been recognized for helping his 49 . cloudy with 20 per cent chance Center Congregational Church unit earn the Aerospace ORCMABD FRESH: Hole Haven PetMtoe, BarOett Fears, of rain. Murray^s Clerk Campaign H a n e h c M te t -4 City of Vitiate Charm wHl have a potiuck Monday at Defense Command “A” Award. Dfaltoiis, Maos, Oravenstein Applea. / 6:30 p.m. In the Robbins Room, He Is a disaster conjtrol officer VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 293 WilHam M. Murray Jr., GOP clerk, to oi^x>se Incumbent De (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECHON) ■/ / / o f the church. Mrs. Nona M c in the 1st Fighter Wing at Self NATIVE: Cauliflower, Oreen and Oolden Beans, flpltiafii. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1969 (Clasalfled Advertiaing on Page 18) candidate for Manchester town mocrat Edward TomUel. Beet Oreens, E gg Plant, BrooooU, Beeio, letlre, PRICE TEN CENTS Cann will conduct a service ridge AFB, Mich. Swies Chard, and . Lima Beano, Botnoine, meeting after dinner. clerk, has announced the forma It’s vote followed rejection of Murray, after he had been Fanmipo, Bed and Hot Peppers, Savoy and Bed tion of a Bill Murray for Town Richard. Martin South School nominated from the floor. Cabbage, Salad Bowl, Boston Lettnee, Aoom sad I U. S. Air Force Airman Har PTA executive board will meet Clerk Committee, with David Butternut Sqnnah, Pidd lng Onions, Bed Bn- Murray, stAnequently, took pmted Onicas, Few . old A. Bernstein, son of Mr. Monday at 8 p.m. at the home L. Caron his campaign co: out petitions for GOP nominee A Chi'p Off and Mrs. Raymond G. Bern of Mr. and Mrs. Darden Has- ordinator and J. Winthrop for town clerk. On Sept. 2, he FRESH: Pineapples, Peaches, Ptonw, Red DeUcioas Apples, stein of 22 Coleman Rd., recent lett, 8 Tuck Rd. All committees Porter his campaign treasurer. filed his petitions with. Repub Crawshow, Persian, Oasatn, Melons, The Old Bark ly graduated from the training should be represented at this lican Registrar Fred Peck. The Be^ White, Bine, Grapes, Lbneo, Grapedndt, SANTA ANA. CaU. (AP)— course for administrative spe meeting. Caron, former president of Stmwberrlei. Nixon, Aides Ponder latter, after checking the 646 Hhi giUridpeppy would have the Manchester YR (Young Re cialists at Keesler' AFB, Miss. names on the petltitms against b c ^ proud oV htm. publicans) Club, said today that Sunset Rebekah Lodge will MiEinchester’s voting lists, de WEEKEND SPECIALS" he is “ concerned at the Inde 1700, a grandson of famed meet Mjonday at 8 p.m. at Odd clared that 696 of them were cision demonstrated by the NATIVE PEACHES ; ........ .............3 lbs. movie dbg M n Tin 'Tin, rout Fellows Hall. A potiuck will be of registered Republicans. He leadeinhip of the GOP Town ed two ptatol-wielding men served at 6:30 with members certifled Murray’s candidacy. who w ere preparing to He up Com m ittee," in noi endorsing MELTON APPLES .................... qt. beg S 1 j06 of King David Lodge of Odd Murray’s name will appear on a housekeeper. Viet War at Retreat Murray. Fellows as guests. There will the Nov. 4 voting machines as BEET GREENS............................. per lb. While the gunmen were WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi be an Assembly Officers Night He pleadged, "We will make Ihe official Republican candi looking for a roll of adhesive dent's chief mttional security af niun, but declined to specify tic iteiues on hla mind at Oamp dent Nixon, welghli^g a decision on Wednesday In East Hart every effort to secure the elec date for town clerk. CAULIFLOWER ............................... heed 3 5 « tape with wMch to tie up fairs authority, was among when. They doubted the South David. It was announced he on future U.S. troop pullbnck.s ford. Those wishing to attend tion of the entire Reptdillcan To date, the GOP leadership’s their vlctkn, she broke away thote who accomparied Nixon east A.slan conflict would be a would go over "legislative prior /f slate,” and promises a vigorous We Osrry The Manchester Eventeg Herald from Vietnani' and new moves the program may contact Mrs. position, on not endorsing Mur* and screamed, “ T lc o !” to the nearby mountain hido- Item in his speech to the ities" with Bryce N. Harlow, as : campaign to that end, despite to ertd the war, was at his Oamp away. ' Thora Maloney, 613 Main St. ray, remains unchanged. OOfMFLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS 'Rln T7n T in ’s offspring U.N. General Assembly rzext sistant for congretedonal rela ■ I I I Murray’s “unceremonious re David retreat with some of his White House sources said the bounded into the room. The Thursday. tions; John D. Ehrllciiman. buff by the GOP leadership, for O PEN 6 A J f. to 9 P A L D A IL Y clo.'«st advisers to<lay. chef executive would be mak llO-pound German Shepherd In addition to the Vietnam presidential counsel, and asaite- VFW Auxiliary will sponsor a no reason.” Henry A. Kissinger, the Presi 1 bar^ Ms teeth, barked and ing public statements on Vlet- problem. Ntxon also luid domes- lUU H. R. Hakteman. Nixon picnic Monday at the Rooky The Republican Town Com SAVE B IO \ z - ■i leaped up at the sbarttqd meeds Tuesday with Republican 1 - Hill Veterans Hospital. Mem mittee, when it met last month men. They escaped hastily lenders In Congress. bers planning to attend are re to endorse candidates for mu ON ONOE-A-YBAB SALE minded to meet at the Post out a wiitdow. Ntxon left Washington Frtdav ^ - nicipal office, voted not to ' O F TBAHJCB8— P F i P n after a major review of tlie Home at 6 p.m. Those needing r Receives Reprimand endorse a candidate for town ■ P R O D U C E " ' transportation may contact OABEPEBS a TB A IlfSS British aimy soldier has only two dogs for company as he sits by barbed Capital in Direct Command Vietnam situation wllh lop U.S. Mrs. Kenneth Aseltine, 784 E. Lt. (j.g.) Ronald C. Ramsay, 24, enters car at 978 OAKLAND Sll., MANCHBSTEB—6U-9S84 officials from W’aahlngton, Sal wre barricade erected by Catholics on divided Dover Street in Belfast, gon and Paris. The President Middle Tpke. Subic Bay U.S. Naval Base, the Philippines, Thurs Trailer World launches an Northern Ireland. Solid barricade visi ble in background was set up by Protes planned to return to the capital day after receiving a reprimand and a reduction oilt-of-thl»world summer’s Lunar Dust IPYREX RANGf tants. Area between barricades is a no-man’s-land flanked by damaged and tills afiernoun. American Legion Auxiliary in seniority from a one-man court-martial. Lt. end sale of camp and travel \ s II trailers — Orbit, Tradewinds, uninhabited houses. (A P Photfax) Of B52 Bombing Raids Tfie |x>Hslblllty of another will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at (j.g.) Ramsey, officer of the deck of U.S. destroy and Yukon-Delta. P r ic e s Being Studied round of U S. force withdrawals, 6 C u p the Post Home. fuel oil er Frank E. Evans last June when the ship collid start at $696. Remember By GEORGE RSPER North Vietnam President Ho beyond the 2S.OOO-man pullback GASOLINE By PAUL RECER flight b>- one bomber -a day P e r c o la t o r ed with an Australian carrier, pleaded guilty to there are many fun days left Pul four OIL Asoociated Preea Writer C hl-pnh. over Soirth Vietnam. announced lost June, and of op- Yoga classes directed by in the fall. Have your trailer AP Aerospace Writer three charges of negligence and dereliction of Two wnivxvi of bombers One apokesmnn said. "It kioka IKirtimltlrs toward a peaceful Frank Zarafis of New Haven NOW . and save NOW. SAIGON (AP) — Bombing SP ACE CEN TER. Houston dumixxt 300 tons of exploalvea 27 like operatloriN are Ixick to nor solution that m'ght open up fol duty. (A P Photofax) OPEN: MONDAY T H R U British Troops Build Fence raids over South Vietnam are SPECIAL will start Tuesday at 1 p.m. at BANTLY Oil (AP) — Six sclentlifs shared lowing the death of North Vlet- F R ID A Y —10:00 AJd. to 9:00 mlle.s northeast of Saigon, an mal for tlie time being. I have St. Maurice's Church, Bolton. ' OMI' W V IN( . two ounces of luneu- dust Friday back to normal today, but P.M., SATURDAY — 10:00 other inladon stniek base no idea what Is going Xn in muiiese Pr.wident Ho Chi Mlidi, Classes are open to beginners. ; :i M \l\ -'I i;i.l I AJM. to 0:00 P.M.. T R A IL E R in the first distribuUon of mat Wa.Hhlngton is directing them, camps along the t'ambodlon Washington. The BtCs are being were dIscussMi at brood-acale I 1,1 1, I'l. I vi-. $ 3 .9 9 Those planning to attend are re St. Bridget Science Pupils WORLD, me, Exit 94 off ter from the moon to private in military spokesmen sold.