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previous trades to order their college kids.” books. The website is being pro- Credits are gained and lost moted at 4,000 colleges nation- depending on whether a student wide and will reach an estimated sends or receives a book. No 9-13 million college students money is exchanged through by 2006. the system. DeSantis and Nagle are also Students can also receive a working on a system where $5 credit for each friend they teachers can post the books they recruit to the website, which will use in their classes. they receive as a check at the “Basically,” said Nagle, end of the month. “bookstores make too much Books are graded on a seven- money off [the student]. We degree system, ranging from know what it’s like to sell a book brand new to poor. back for $10 and then come DeSantis and Nagle are work- back to the bookstore and see it ing with the Baker and Taylor on the shelf for 75 dollars. They Corporation to ensure that the are taking advantage of you.” correct market value is given to Needless to say, the book- each book. store is not taking the competi- “We’ve created a multi-tear tion lightly. trading platform,” said DeSan- “I’m sure it will make us tis. “A trades with C, C trades more competitive,” said Chris with B and B trades with A. Quaintance, the University Park What that ensures is that we all bookstore operations manager. trade to keep the cycle flowing. “But once [students] have In essence, we are maximizing exhausted other sources, they the value of your book.” come home.” DeSantis and Nagle agree Neither of the FIU Barnes TEXTBOOK CHAT: Will DeSantis (background), founder of Switchtextbooks.com, discusses his compa- that textbooks have become and Noble bookstore managers ny’s program with students at the UP Food Court. ALEX HERNANDEZ/THE BEACON unaffordable for students. They seem too distraught about the claim their website will elimi- project, claiming to know that By LUISA CABRERA for is shipping and a $19.95 the books they needed, and vice nate the middle man. private deals happen around Staff Writer annual fee. versa, they simply traded. The “Too much money is being them all the time. The idea began when Will website blossomed from there. made through school stores,” “What most people don’t Beginning Dec. 27, students DeSantis and co-founder Pat- Students can try the website said DeSantis. “What we’re know,” said Quaintance, “is may never have to stand in line rick Nagle were standing in line for free. By filling out a profile trying to do is help students that 10 percent of our profit at the bookstore again. at a bookstore. and giving their email, they network and save them as much goes back to FIU. How much A new online company, www. Like many students before can be notified the moment a money as possible because of their profit will you [the switchtextbooks.com, is launch- them, DeSantis and Nagle were match is found for their book. tuition is going through the student] benefit from? I don’t ing a website which will allow hesitant to receive little money They can look up the book they roof. We never want the stu- think the bookstore will suffer students to exchange books for their expensive textbooks need by ISBN number, or by dents to feel like we’re taking that much. There is always through a network instead of by selling them back to a book- keyword. anything from them. We’re hesitation when a student is buying them from a bookstore. store. When they noticed the If a match is found, the setting up this system to make asked to take a risk without any The only thing students pay customer in front of them had students use their credits from it as big as possible and to help return.” School of Hospitality upset over new curriculum

By MARK SCOPETTA voted in favor of the UCC. Staff Writer “Arts and Sciences voted as a block in favor of the UCC, because it stands Feelings have been running high at to help them,” West said. In this new the School of Hospitality and Tourism measure, all 13 of the UCC courses are Management since the FIU Faculty Arts and Sciences classes. Senate approved, by a vote of 37-20, However, this statement was refuted an undergraduate core curriculum – a by Bruce Hauptli, an Arts and Sciences set of 13 classes that all students must senator at the time and the current take in order to graduate, regardless head of the Faculty Senate. off their major. “I do not specifically remember Arts “A high percentage of our students and Sciences voting as a block in favor are transfer students,” said Joseph of the [UCC],” he said. West, the dean of Hospitality and Though the number of votes was Tourism Management. “Now, because recorded, the Faculty Senate did not of the UCC, a lot of those transfer stu- keep a record of each senator’s vote. dents are looking [for their education] According to the Faculty Senate A HOSPITABLE : Faculty members of the School of Hospitality and Tourism elsewhere.” He cited the University website, UCC courses are important Management have complained over the new core curriculum. COURTESY PHOTO of Central Florida as an example, a because they help students think school some students choose over critically, analytically and creatively However, the School of Hospitality to attend FIU, they often don’t want to FIU, because it doesn’t have a core to broaden their base of knowledge, and Tourism Management has always spend the time or money on the extra curriculum. so they will have a passion to learn been opposed to the UCC. courses,” West said. During the meeting to decide the how to assemble, assess, incorporate, “[This school] is losing out on the Depending on transfer credits, curriculum, the department of Arts and and synthesize new knowledge and lucrative out-of-state student because Sciences held 29 of the 57 votes and information. of the UCC. Even if a student wishes See HOSPITALITY, page 2

College stereotypes proven true , Pg. 3 SPC hosts student film festival, Pg. 5 Women’s basketball wins, Pg. 6

12-06-04.indd 1 12/4/04 12:53:30 AM 2 The Beacon – December 6, 2004 NEWS www.beaconnewspaper.com

THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS EDITORIAL BOARD ALEJANDRA DIAZ EDITOR IN CHIEF JOHN LOVELL MANAGING EDITOR INFORMATION MONDAY • DECEMBER 6 SAMANTHA QUIÑON COPY MANAGER The Beacon offi ce is located in the Graham Center, room 210 at the C. JOEL MARINO NEWS EDITOR University Park campus. Members of the editorial and production staffs Pan-African Committee meeting: 3 p.m., GC JULIA MARCHESE LIFE! EDITOR and questions regarding display advertising and billing should be directed BETSY MARTINEZ ASST. LIFE! EDITOR 305, UP. to the Advertising Manager at 305.348.2709. Mailing address: Graham ALICIA BUSTAMANTE OPINION EDITOR FIU Chamber Winds concert: 8 p.m., Center, room 210, , FL 33199. Fax number is 305.348.2712. HARRY COLEMAN SPORTS EDITOR Wertheim Performing Arts Center, UP. Biscayne Bay Campus is 305.919.4722. Offi ce hours are 9 a.m. – 4:30 ISIDRO PENTZKE PHOTO EDITOR p.m., Monday through Friday. E-mail: Beacon@fi u.edu. Visit us online at: FELICIDAD GARCIA RECRUITMENT EDITOR TUESDAY • DECEMBER 7 www.beaconnewspaper.com NATALIE CHEEVER LIFE! PAGE DESIGNER PUBLISHING POLICY LEONCIO ALVAREZ OPINION PAGE DESIGNER Men’s basketball hosts Miami: 7: 30 p.m., PORTS AGE ESIGNER JENIFFER GALASSO S P D The Beacon is published on Mondays and Thursdays during the Fall and Pharmed Arena, UP. LUIS NIN COPY EDITOR/CARTOONIST Spring semesters and once a week during Summer B. Advertising inquiries Student Percussion Ensemble concert: 8 HEATHER VONSCHRILTZ COPY EDITOR for classifi ed, local and national ads may be addressed to our advertising ALYSON VONSCHRILTZ COPY EDITOR p.m., Wertheim Performing Arts Center, department in our newsroom.One copy per person. Additional copies are 25 cents. The Beacon is not responsible for the content of ads. Ad UP. ESSICA TELLA ADVERTISING MANAGER J S content is the sole responsibility of the company or vendor. The Beacon ATZEL ELA BUSINESS MANAGER Chabad Campus Club (public lighting of the H V is an editorially independent newspaper partially funded by Student and LFREDO OTO ASST. DIR. OF STUDENT MEDIA menorah): 5 p.m., The Pit, UP. A S Services fees that are appropriated by Student Government. ROBERT JAROSS DIR. OF STUDENT MEDIA


Catholic Student Union Holy Mass: 12 p.m., GC 150, UP. Le Cercle Francais (The French Club): 12:30 p.m., GC-2nd story bookstore cafe, UP. Student Guitar Ensemble concert: 8 p.m., Wertheim Performing Arts Center, UP.


The Wolfsonian-FIU Guided Tour: Streets and Faces, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m., South Beach, Miami. The Wolfsonian-FIU hosts performance by Young Artist of Florida Grande Opera: 7 p.m.- 9 p.m., South Beach, Miami. Men’s Basketball hosts Florida Tech: 8 p.m., Pharmed Arena, UP.

FRIDAY • DECEMBER 10 OUT ARE THE LIGHTS: Candles form the shape of an AIDS ribbon during an AIDS Day memorial held at the Graham Center Pit, University Park, on Dec. 1. JESSICA MARSHALL/THE BEACON Catholic Student Union “Bible Alive”: 8 p.m., FIU Catholic Campus Ministry, St. Agatha Church. Panther Pagan Student Union: 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m., GC, UP. Students to face more courses

SATURDAY • DECEMBER 11 From HOSPITALITY, page 2 percent. Management courses “but this is a tough situ- In 2002, the school and fulfilling their core ation.” The Wolfsonian-FIU Symposium: Sustainable completing the UCC can taught 505 full-time requirements. We’ve Raul Moncarz, vice Homes, Green Domestic Design, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., cost out-of-state trans- equivalent credit hours. also had to reduce the provost of the Biscayne South Beach, Miami. fer students as much as In 2003, that number number of required elec- Bay Campus, acknowl- Women’s basketball hosts Florida Atlantic: 7 $20,046, and it could shrank to 474 hours – a tives students take, so edged the complaints the p.m., Pharmed Arena, UP. take them as many as decrease of 6.1 percent. they can graduate in a faculty might be having. three additional semes- West believes that the timely manner.” “The University is in a ters to fulfill its require- decrease in the School of Although the school budget crisis right now, ments. Hospitality and Tourism understands the purpose and its priority is the In fall 2002, 665 stu- Management’s FTE was of the UCC, the outcome education of the stu- dents were enrolled in caused by theUCC. remains controversial. dents. [The School of WEATHER the School of Hospitality “Our head count is “We aren’t against Hospitality and Tourism and Tourism Manage- up,” West said, “but the a better education for Management], however, Hi/Low ment, and according to credit hours we teach are our students,” said Joan makes a really valid point, 82°F/69°F MONDAY reports, that number down. Students are split- Remington, the assistant and the administration partly cloudy dropped to 650 in fall ting their time between dean of Hospitality and needs to look into it,” 2003 – a decrease of 2.2 taking Hospitality and Tourism Management, he said. Hi/Low TUESDAY 82°F/68° F partly cloudy

Hi/Low WEDNESDAY 82°F/68°F partly cloudy

Hi/Low THURSDAY 81°F/65° F partly cloudy School’s almost over!!! Hi/Low Enjoy a huge selection of our tasterageous menu with over 50 delicious FRIDAY 80°F/65°F There will be several combinations of hot and cold subs prepared fresh. partly cloudy positions available at The Beacon SPECIAL VALUE Hi/Low for the Spring semester. SATURDAY 79°F/64°F 20% OFF partly cloudy Drop by GC 210 or Receive 20% off your order with this ad. Excludes Sub Specials. Not WUC 124 and fi ll valid with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer visit. Hi/Low out an Maximum Value $5.00 application today SUNDAY 80°F/65°F EXPIRES 12/09/04 partly cloudy to begin your training and 1553 S.W. 107th Avenue, Miami, Fl • 305-220-7332 future journalism Courtesy of www.weather.com Across from the University Park Campus in the University Shopping Center career. Hours: Mon - Sat: 8 AM - 10 PM • Sun: 10 AM - 10 PM

12-06-04.indd 2 12/4/04 12:55:52 AM The Beacon – December 6, 2004 www.beaconnewspaper.com 3

OPINION Alejandra Diaz Editor In Chief • John Lovell Managing Editor • Alicia Bustamante Opinion Editor

WHAT DO YOU THINK? With finals around the corner, how high would you say your level of terror is? • Low – I could sleep through them and still get As – no studying.

• Elevated – I’m concerned but not stressed – 6 hours of studying.

• High – I’ll lose sleep – 12 hours of studying

• Severe – Death is the only way out – 20+ hours of studying. Cast your vote at www.beaconnewspaper.com

WINNER & LOSER WINNER “Mr. Plastic Fantastic”: Californian Walter Cavanagh has entered the Guiness Book of World Records by C owning 1,497 valid credit cards. Cavanagh’s obsession started in 1969, when he and a friend bet to see who could declare bankruptcy first.

LOSER Pedestrians: In a recently released private study, Florida Dis the top state in pedestrian injury and death. In order to decrease this statistic, officials suggest those on foot fashion some sort of metal cocoon with wheels. College sex standards fit

QUOTEABLES Hollywood stereotype

“Personally, I think I’m going to adopt a couple of 22-year-old rich kids that I hope will just sort of carry me into my retirement.” By LEONCIO ALVAREZ I had always disagreed with million new cases are discov- – George Clooney, actor, when asked by Diane Sawyer about Opinion Page Designer the way Hollywood stereotypes ered every year, and two-thirds his thoughts on having a family. college students, but after over- of all STDs occur in people 25 College: Just because we are hearing this conversation, I have years of age or under. Since the “You are indeed a giant killer.” in it, do we really have to play realized that Hollywood does average age of a college student – Alex Trabeck, Jeopardy! host, to Nancy Zerg, after the real into the Hollywood stereotype have the majority of us figured is 21, I guess the dangers of estate agent defeated Ken Jennings to end Jennings’ record-setting of being dirty, sex- craving out, and this is not something promiscuity and STDs weren’t 74-wins, totalling $2.52 million. teenagers? to be happy about. pounded into our minds enough The other day I was sitting With the possibility of making during elementary, middle and “Sometimes I don’t know which bed I am waking up in.” at the Dorothy Chapman Plaza – Luciano Pavarotti, opera singer, best known as one of three in front of the Graham Center tenors, announcing that he will retire after a 40-city tour. at University Park, analyzing my surroundings, when a 20- You would think students have better “My stomach is enormous and the bigger it gets the smaller my ass something-year-old frat boy “ looks. So I’m kind of enjoying this.” sat down at the table next to things to worry about other than sex. – Julia Roberts, actress, on her pregnancy, just days before mine. I automatically thought giving birth to twins Phinnaeus Walter and Hazel Patricia. I was in the midst of a new WB production. something of yourself in the real high school. ” “That’s good. I definitely deserve that. I kid when I say that. But He was on his cell phone world and the stress of college I understand the fact that we perhaps not so much kidding. talking to one of his bud- altogether, you would think are all young and supposedly – Donald Trump, mogul, on making GQ magazine’s Man dies about the different sexual students have better things to living the best years of our lives, of the Year list. encounters he had that previous worry about other than sex. but how gratifying is it really to weekend. I was utterly disgusted Is this all we are? Is this all hop around from one dorm to by his words. we have become? Every movie another just for a couple min- Later in the conversation, that has depicted college life is utes of enjoyment? How can three of his friends at the table certainly right. we take such huge risks? Have joined him in sharing their I don’t mean to include those all moral standards been com- SEND US YOUR LETTERS thoughts on how a specific girl who don’t satisfy Hollywood’s pletely lost? Are we so dense was in bed. Apparently the four recurring theme of drunken that we continue living our lives Letters to the Editor must be dropped off in GC 210 at the of them have a competition each nights and numerous mindless as if everything is OK? University Park campus, WUC 124 at the Biscayne Bay Campus week to see who can “score” the sexual encounters, but this is The day will come when or sent to beacon@fiu.edu. Letters must include the writer’s most. All that was missing was something that hits us close to our generation will look back full name, year in school, major/department and a valid phone Jason Biggs and the production home. and be absolutely disgusted number for verification purposes. If brought in to an office, a crew of “American Pie 4.” According to the American with the irrational decisions we legitimate ID may be accepted instead of a phone number. The The worst part about the Social Health Association, the made, and until that day comes, Beacon reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and/or spacing whole ordeal was how non- total amount of people in the we must remain living in the constraints. Letters must adhere to a maximum of 400 words. chalantly they spoke about the U.S. with an STD is over 65 shadow that Hollywood has cast girl. million and counting. Fifteen upon us.

Layout 12-6-04.indd 1 12/4/04 1:04:30 AM December 6, 2004 WWW.BEACONNEWSPAPER.COM The Beacon - 4 CARIBBEAN Soul Soca Bar celebrates Caribbean culture By MARESA PATIENCE soca, a type of music that A t B i g P h a t F i s h Contributing Writer is a blend of calypso and you experience a vari- soul which was created in ety of music from all the Picture this: a moonlit the West Indies. Caribbean islands like night in a busy city. “[Big Phat Fish] came reggae, dub, retro and hip- A cool river breeze from a soca song by hop with an emphasis on and a bar with a big Marshall Montano, a Trin- soca. cypress tree as its idadian artist,” Marshall It offers a first-class centerpiece, its branches said. music experience and cascading over to, create a Big Phat Fish’s logo also aims to introduce natural canopy. was inspired by Mama Glo, other cultures to the Guests sit and sip cock- a Trinidadian folklore sweetness of the Carib- tails in the sight, sounds character, who is consid- bean. and scents of the Caib- ered a river goddess, she “Big Phat Fish has bean, in stark contrast to takes the shape of a half- been successfully run- the blaring city sounds of human and half-fish or ning for six months with the surrounding Miami water snake and is usually an increasing interest area. seen sitting on a river rock by the Jamaican popula- On the second Sat- combing her long hair. tion in Miami. We are urday of every month, The logo for Big hoping to have a bigger The Big Fish Restau- Phat Fish, an enchant- turn out of American rant on 55 S.W. Miami ing mermaid with long people,” Marshall said. Ave. creates a refreshing, hair, is the image from The founders’ hope that unique blend of Caribbean that Mama Glo often Big Phat Fish will be the music that can’t be heard takes. showcase for soca anywhere else. Mama Glo is the pre- music from all over T h a n k s t o f o u r server of the Caribbean’s the Caribbean. friends from Trinidad friendliness, diversity and The next and Tobago and Jamaica, unity. Big Phat Fish music lovers can now Her legend, according to event will be enjoy Caribbean music Trinidadian writer, Shelley held on the Dec. in a diverse and unique Marshell, is a tie that binds 11. enviornment. An enviorn- the scattered peoples of the “I hope Big Phat Fish ment that Jonathan Suite, Caribbean. will make soca known as the Kevin Palmer, Troy Mar- B i g music of the Caribbean shall and Damien Smart, P h a t F i s h b r i n g s and someday break into created by blending their together those sepa- the mainstream market as personal cultures into a rate islands into one reggae has done,” co- Caribbean night for the place, through soca, founder Jonathan Suite masses. a f r i e n d l y e n e r g y said. T h e n a m e B i g that provides a For information on Big Phat Fish came window into Caribbean Phat Fish visit www.big- from the group’s love of culture. phatfish.com.

ART BY LUIS NIN/THE BEACON Student film festival to keep cinematic culture alive By ALLAN PICHARDO first student film festival, from the forums at www. place will win $250, second Staff Writer Through the Lens, is defi- yourspc.com. According place receives, $150 and nitely a relief that is long to Alvarez, all entries may third place wins, $75. The For those students with overdue. be no longer than 18 min- winners will be announced a cinematic flair, the FIU’s “This is the first year, utes and may be submitted the night of the festival. lack of an undergraduate but I hope it can establish in DVD, VHS or VCD “There is an art museum film program may be a bit itself as a tradition,” said format to the SPC office where students can show disconcerting. Through the Lens coor- in GC 341 at UP. their art,” said Alvarez. There was the alliance dinator, Krystal Alvarez. After the submissions “But there is nowhere between the university and She has been planning this deadline, a committee of where students can display the Miami International event since the start of the SPC members will elimi- their films.” Film Festival, but, alas, Fall semester. nate films with excessive Through the festival, it was too short-lived. The event will be held gore, violence or other- she hopes to keep the cul- Though artists in the visual at 7 p.m. on Jan. 12 at the wise distasteful content. ture of cinematic artists at arts, drama and music have University Park Graham The films that pass the the university alive. outlets at FIU, student Center Ballrooms. All filtering process will be Students are encour- filmmakers have been left students are welcome to screened at the festival. aged to attend and sup- to fend for themselves submit their work. The The top three films will port their fellow students. in their search for expo- deadline for submissions be selected by a panel of Through the Lens will be sure. For this invisible is Dec. 7 at 6 p.m. Those judges consisting of two open to the public free of community, the Student who wish to enter have to professors and SPC advi- charge. Refreshments will COURTESY PHOTO Programming Council’s download an application sor, Manny Rosa. First be served.

LIFE!12-06-04.indd 1 12/4/04 12:45:42 AM www.beaconnewspaper.com LIFE! The Beacon – December 6, 2004 5 Alexander the Not-So-Great By AUTURO SANDE to mortalize an immortal, why. It is as if Stone filmed not enough to carry the Staff Writer and therein lies its undo- Alexander’s entire life from movie. ing. birth-to-death, and unsure Colin Farrell plays Alex- Alexander the Great The film shows Alexan- of what to use in his movie, ander as a tortured soul, never lost a war. By age der trying to understand just started cutting away torn between the love he 30, he had conquered and respect every new frantically, overempha- feels for his parents and the known world and culture and includes its sizing, downplaying or the hate his parents feel for extended his empire to positive aspects into his simply omitting certain each other. Farrell always the far reaches of the earth. own strict Macedonian aspect of Alexander’s life. looks in pain, as if the price But his greatness was just heritage. Although the He neglects the use of Alexander pays for great- too hard to translate onto movie portrays him as a coherence. ness is a short life, filled The library will extend its film. demi-god, a leader, a con- This is not to say that with suffering. hours during finals week In the film “Alexan- queror, a lover (of both the film is not visually With the success that for student convenience. der,” Oliver Stone and men and women), a tyrant, stunning. Yet Stone, who “Braveheart” and “Gladi- Warner Brothers attempt a drunk and a barbarian, has always had a flair for ator,” two other sword- Friday, Dec. 10 – 7:30 a.m. this insurmountable task the movie feels preten- the visual, seems more and sandal epics, achieved - midnight. and, for the most part, fail tious, self-indulgent and interested in the con- at the box office and at greatly. over-excessive. It is also troversies surrounding the Academy awards, it Saturday, Dec. 11 – 8 a.m. Almost all the elements boring and runs an hour Alexander’s life than in its is understandable why a - midnight of Alexander’s legend are too-long. actual facts. Did Olympus, studio wanted to make a Sunday, Dec. 12 – 10 a.m. there – the belief that he Alexander’s story is told Alexander’s mother, have grand adaptation of Alex- was the son of Zeus; his in flashbacks by Ptolemy, Alexander’s father, Philip, ander’s life. The result is a - 4 a.m. taming of Bucephalus, his one of Alexander’s gen- murdered? Was Alexander major misfire. Monday, Dec. 13 – 7:30 a.m. great horse; his conquest erals, now an old man himself murdered by his of the Persian Empire; his and ruler of Alexandria, own men? - 4 a.m. entry into Babylon and his but the flashbacks are an These questions are not quest to leave his mark as ill-conceived device. The really answered in the end, the ruler of the greatest movie suffers a great deal but by that time you will empire known to man. because of the confusing not care. The movie attempts to editing, mainly during Val Kilmer plays Philip delve into Alexander’s soul battle scenes where the and Angelina Jolie plays to find out what made him audience cannot really Olympias. Their acting such a powerful force. In tell what is happening or is awkward and their some ways it is an attempt which side is winning and mere physical presence is


The Peace Monument was placed outside of GC in honor of the Dalai Lama’s first visit to FIU in April of 1999.

Gardening is one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones.

– Compliments of

BIG BAND SOUNDS: FIU’s Jazz Band performs at the Wertheim Performing Arts Center on Dec. 2 as part of the www.hookedonfacts.com ongoing FIU Music Fesitval. JESSICA MARSHALLL/THE BEACON

LIFE!12-06-04.indd 2 12/4/04 12:39:09 AM 6 The Beacon – December 6, 2004 SPORTS www.beaconnewspaper.com Up tempo play lifts women’s basketball

By ALDEN GONZALEZ Head coach Cindy Staff Writer Russo raved about her team’s ability to penetrate After dropping the and get high percentage c h a m p i o n s h i p g a m e lay-ups. against West in the “We played really well FIU/Herald Thanksgiv- against a good team,” ing Classic, the women’s Russo said. “We played basketball team wanted to really hard and were able get back on the winning to utilize our biggest column against Fordham strength, which is the tran- on Dec 1. sition game.” Led by Milena Tomo- Transition surely was va’s 20 points and 14 the word of the game as rebounds, the Golden the FIU outscored Ford- Panthers defeated Ford- ham fourteen to zero on ham 61-52 at Pharmed fast breaks. Arena. After a rollercoaster-like With this victory, FIU first half, the Golden Pan- improved to a 3-2 on the thers started off the second season. half with an astonishing INTENSE: During a timeout, head coach Cindy Russo discusses a play with her team. JESSICA MARSHALL/THE BEACON Early in the game, it 12-2 run that opened the was an up-and-down battle gap and paved way for game] up.” erra was proud of the way day, Tomova passed Teresa of 30 minutes, the player between the two teams. their victory. Going into the game, her team got back on the Reker for fourth place on from Latvia scored six F o r d h a m e v e n l y “Fordham seemed to Bouderra was averaging winning column. the all-time list with 102. points in the first two min- matched every FIU attack be really tired after the first just over six points, six “We out rebounded She is now behind Albena utes of the second half. and countered nicely half,” Russo said. “I just rebounds and nearly seven [Fordham University] and Branzova (252), Cormisha This victory was a much by shooting mid-range told them to keep running assists per game. that was the key to the Cotton (142), and Silvia needed one for FIU, as the shots. the ball, and we would get Bourderra nearly dou- game,” said Bouderra. Mesa (107). team will face a tough Uni- Well-executed fast our way.” bled her scoring perfor- MARKETPLACE MEDIA (CA) 11/4 11/8 12/2 12/6/2004 “I feel [as] if we ran the Coach RussoFlorida tweaked International Universityversity of Miami squad on breaks and a successful With the help of bench mance and did statistically clock well and just played a the lineupNYE370663 and gave sopho- Dec.3.25" 9 xat 9" Pharmed Arena. na transition game proved to sparkplug LaQuetta Fer- better in the other cat- much smarter game.” more Lasma Jekabsone the The game can be heard Nicole P. 233112 6 aec/aec/vg/tst/baf/baf AKJNOV0001 na make the difference that guson, point guard Faeza egories as the 5’5 guard Tomova recorded her nod to start at center. live on the radio on WRGP night. Bouderra ran up tempo hoisted a solid 12 points, second double-double in Playing a season high 88.1 FM. Just eight minutes into game and had the Rams eight assists and eight three games. The senior the game, Fordham had on their toes throughout rebounds in the game. student liked the way FIU committed five fouls and the game. Playing all 40 minutes outplayed the Rams with eventually went over the “[Fordham Univer- proved to be no problem an up tempo-style. Complete your limit with 8:30 left in the sity] got into foul trouble for Bouderra of Mulhouse, “We played very good first half. quickly, and I just wanted France, as she was able against a tough The Golden Panthers to penetrate the ball,” said to play solid defense on team,” Tomova said. “We M.B.A. outscored the Rams from Bouderra. “They put a lot speedy guard Monica Mack ran a lot of fast breaks and in only the charity stripe 14 to of pressure on us, but we and distribute the ball well penetrated the ball very seven and committed were able to grab rebounds to her teammates. well.” 12 months. fewer than nine fouls. and keep [the pace of the After the game, Boud- With four blocks on the At the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship you can take classes in as few as two days a MOST NURSES WILL ENTER THE U.S. HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. week and earn your degree in just YOU’RE NOT MOST NURSES. 12 months. Develop unique business perspectives… Acquire the skills to succeed in today’s rapidly changing environment… And propel yourself towards an advanced degree with our Do you feel one-year MBA Day program. like a You’ll be taught by accomplished, sports fan doctorate-level faculty with current, real-world business expertise. You'll also because you receive academic credit for internships. love Programs in Ft. Lauderdale with April and talking about October start dates. M.B.A. programs available in sports? Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Health Services Administration. Other Master’s programs include Accounting and Then Taxation, Human Resource Management, International Business Administration, The Leadership, and Public Administration. 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12.06.04.indd 3 12/4/04 12:59:15 AM www.beaconnewspaper.com SPORTS The Beacon – December 6, 2004 7

THE YOUNG: Since his high school days, Lebron James has constantly been compared THE OLD: Michael Jordan has been named one of the 50 greatest players in NBA to Michael Jordan. Wealthy Nike contract, #23 on jersey and a winning mentality, are history. Jordan is one of a limited number of players who have won an NBA title and among the many comparisons between the two. COURTESY PHOTO a Gold Medal in Olympic play. COURTESY PHOTO Is Lebron James the next Air Jordan?

DÉJÀ VU, from page 8 Kellen Winslow Sr. Offensive lineman deserved a third candidate. Time will tell if these players will , has been compared to the Wade shined in the 2004 NBA Play- continue to shine and be great. In profes- the potential best in their positions. great and former St. Louis Ram, Orlando offs, showing no signs of being a rookie. sional sports, nothing is assured. , for example, has the Pace. The list goes on. The Heat guard helped turn a squad that Injuries and bad decisions can end a potential to be the best safety in the game Similarly, the NBA’s 2003 draft was started the season with seven straight player’s development before they reach within a few years. deeper than just King James. losses into a playoff team. their peak potential, but like the super- may be among the Carmelo Anthony was every bit as All three rookies – James, Anthony stars who began their careers in the 1983 top receivers when it’s all said and done. impressive in his rookie season for the and Wade – were members of the U.S. NFL and 1984 NBA drafts, today’s young Kellen Winslow Jr. may turn out to be the Denver Nuggets, and Dwayne Wade Olympic Basketball Team in Greece this stars can shape the face of sports with their best in football since his father, proved the Lebron vs. Melo argument year. image in the next decade. UCONN sets school record with 19 blocked shots CLASSIFIEDS UCONN, from page 8 is on Dec. 9 against cross-town rival, the JOBS Miami Hurricanes. ers notched 12 points in the loss. Golden Panther leading scorer Junior New Franchise business located on S.W. 127 ave Kendall Drive is looking Matias was held in check by the Huskies. for sandwuch makers. No experience required. Full time/Part time. Please call The fifth year senior shot ice cold, going 786-417-8784. 2 of 13 from the field and 1 of 6 from downtown, limiting him to a season low five points in 18 minutes of play. The story of the night, for the out- classed Golden Panthers, had to be that they could not maintain possession of the ball. With 26 turnovers, the speedy Hus- kies siezed opportunities and converted them into 26 points. FIU, clearly the underdog, was out played as UCONN captured more rebounds than FIU by 21, 57-36. The Golden Panthers have up 19 offensive boards. We are currently seeking a layout designer and an FIU once again settled for outside shots Advertising Production Manager. that didn’t fall, putting up 14 three point attempts and converting only two; one in Candidates should be proficient in Adobe InDesign each half. or Adobe Pagemaker. The Huskies reached the free throw line 30 times, 23 of which came in the second If you are interested, stop by half. FIU was 8 of 14 from the stripe. GC 210 or WUC 124 to apply or Connecticut had just returned from UNFAMILIAR TERRITORY: Kenny Simms a four game exhibition trip to England, got a first hand test at a top ten NCAA e-mail Fel Garcia in which they finished 3-1 against four team against UCONN. The freshman from at [email protected] professional British teams. New Jersey was held scoreless in five min- The next home game at Pharmed Arena utes of play. GEOFF ANDERSON/SPECIAL TO THE BEACON

12.06.04.indd 2 12/4/04 12:58:34 AM SPORTS 8 – December 6, 2004 THE BEACON www.beaconnewspaper.com Déjà vu?

The 1983 NFL and 1984 NBA draft classes are often remembered as two classes that shaped their respective sport. Many current and future Hall of Fame players emerged from each class. Now, 20 years later, both profes- sional leagues are witnessing a class that looks as solid as those

DAN MARINO: 1983 Class. COURTESY PHOTO of ‘83 and ‘84. : 2004 Class. COURTESY PHOTO

By ANDRES CORDERO with such an insuperable mountain of quarterback is called the best pure rookie the first time since his retirement. Staff Writer hype before him and produced such passer in football since Dan Marino, who We’ll see if Roethlisberger, Manning pleasing results. was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in and Phillip Rivers will be mentioned in Every now and then a draft class enters Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett and Tracy 1983. the same sentence as Marino, Elway, and a professional sports league with such a McGrady, all of whom reached superstar Roethlisberger shattered NCAA pass- Kelly. flood of talent that the future of the sport status in the NBA, had trouble adjust- ing records at Miami, Ohio and has yet However, what makes these drafts is forged within a year. ing to the pace of the professional game to suffer a professional loss. He replaced spectacular is that they, as a group, are The 1983 NFL draft, for example, coming out of high school, which gave Tommy Maddox as the Steelers starting deeper than a single potential superstar. introduced John Elway, Dan Marino, Jim James an edge. quarterback in game two of the 2004 Apart from the quarterbacks, other Kelly, Erick Dickerson, Darrel Green and Even though it’s too early to tell, season and produced 10 consecutive wins, 2004 draftees are slated as being among several other Hall of Fame players who Roethlisberger has proved he’s a start- making Pittsburgh fans forget former rewrote the record books and changed ing quarterback in the NFL. The rookie Steelers quarterback, Terry Bradshaw, for See DÉJÀ VU, page 7 the face of football through the mid 90s. Only a year later, the 1984 NBA draft spawned the Hall of Fame careers of Hakeem (The Dream) Olajuwon, UCONN routs Golden Panthers (Sir) Charles Barkley, John Stockton and Michael Jordan, who won six NBA By ANDONI GONZALEZ-RUA a piece. championships, five MVP awards and ten Staff Writer The Huskies had four men in scoring titles. double figures as FIU lost for the Not since then has the NFL or NBA FIU found out the hard way second time this season, drop- had an abundance of talent enter the pro why the University of Connecticut ping the Golden Panthers record ranks in consecutive years. But while the Huskies are ranked No. 7 in the to 3-2. 2003 NBA and 2004 NFL drafts still have country. 6’9 freshmen standout Rudy a lot to prove, they look to be the most After FIU took a quick 2-0 Gay added 12 points and eight comparable to those of 20 years ago. lead, thanks to a Byron Burnett rebounds, while forward Denham Last season’s NBA draft launched the dunk at the start of the game, Brown added 13 for UCONN. careers of Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, UCONN coach Jim Calhoun The Huskies shot 35 of 74 from Carmelo Anthony, Darko Milicic and called a quick timeout just nine the floor, including 21-40 in the Chris Bosh. These players are expected seconds into the game. first half, as they bolted to a 55-23 to be the face of the NBA for the next After play resumed, the defend- halftime lead. UCONN converted 10 years. ing national champions put on a 9 of 19 chances from behind the This year, the NFL unleashed Ben show, and sent FIU in a rout. arc to include shooting a blistering Roethlisberger, , Sean Taylor, In front of a sellout crowd 8 of 14 in the first period. Larry Fitzgerald and Kellen Winslow Jr., of 10,167 at Harry A. Gampel “After about five, six, seven to name a few. Pavilion, UCONN humiliated minutes, we just took the starch At the head of their respective classes the Golden Panthers, essentially out of them and just pounded are James and Roethlisberger. Sure, it’s blocking a school-record 19 shots, the ball inside,” Calhoun in a too early to tell if either will develop to en route to a 99-48 victory on UCONN press release. “Then their full potential, but both are off to a Nov. 30. they decided to go zone after we spectacular start and resemble two of the Junior guard Rashad Anderson got the ball inside, and we buried greatest players in professional sports. from Lakeland, FLA, led the Big our first eight of 10 or 11 threes, The other number 23, James, drew East Champion Huskies with and the game was basically over by immediate comparison to his 1984 coun- 17 points. Meanwhile, big man that time.” terpart, Michael Jordan. and all-America candidate, Josh Two players in double figures, James has been called the next Jordan Boone, added his second double- Juniors Ivan Almonte and Ismael PLAY THE BEST: In order to prepare his team for con- since his St. Vincent and St. Mary High double in as many games with 14 N’Diaye, led FIU. Both newcom- ference play, head coach Sergio Rouco wanted FIU School games earned him national recog- points and 11 rebounds. He and to play the best. His team did by playing defending nition on ESPN. Anderson both added four blocks champions UCONN. FIU proved no contest losing Never before has an athlete straight See UCONN, page 7 by 51 points. GEOFF ANDERSON/SPECIAL TO THE BEACON out of high school entered the league

12.06.04.indd 1 12/4/04 12:56:23 AM