A FrameNet-based Approach for Annotating Natural Language Descriptions of Software Requirements

Waad Alhoshan, Riza Batista-Navarro, Liping Zhao School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, United Kingdom [email protected] {riza.batista, liping.zhao}@manchester.ac.uk

Abstract As most software requirements are written in natural language, they are unstructured and do not adhere to any formalism. Processing them automatically—within the context of software requirements engineering tasks—thus becomes difficult for machines. As a step towards adding structure to requirements documents, we exploited frames in FrameNet and applied them to the semantic annotation of software descriptions. This was carried out through an approach based on automated lexical unit matching, manual validation and harmonisation. As a result, we produced a novel corpus of requirements documents containing software descriptions which have been assigned a total of 242 unique semantic frames overall. Our evaluation of the resulting annotations shows substantial agreement between our two annotators, encouraging us to pursue finer-grained semantic annotation as part of future work.

Keywords: Semantic Frames, FrameNet, Corpus Annotation, Software Requirements, Requirements Engineering represented as a combination of their lemmatised form 1. Introduction and part-of-speech (POS) tag (e.g., assemble.v, create.v where v stands for verb). Such a frame can then be applied Software requirements play a pivotal role in all system on a piece of text (such as in Example 1) to represent, in a design phases. Requirements are generally written in structured manner, the creation idea that is being natural language, and therefore are unstructured (Ferrari et conveyed. Containing over 1,200 such frames, FrameNet al., 2017a). This however presents a challenge to has become an invaluable resource to the NLP research Requirements Engineering (RE) tasks, e.g. requirements community. analysis, which often necessitate the organisation and management of requirements in a systematic manner Example 1: (Dick et al, 2017). While certain RE tasks (e.g., [The system] Creator [generates] Creating_lexical unit modelling) could benefit from automated analysis, this [records of user activities] Created_entity [each time] can only be facilitated if some structure is applied to the Frequency [the user logs into the system] Cause. otherwise unstructured natural language requirements contained in software descriptions (Ferrari et al., 2017b). Recent studies in RE have explored the application of FrameNet frames to software requirements acquisition One way by which we can add structure to software and analysis. For example, Jha and Mahmoud (2017) descriptions written in natural language is by attaching employed semantic frames (automatically extracted by the machine-readable semantic metadata that captures SEMAFOR semantic role labeller2) as features in training meaning. In documents from the general and scientific machine learning-based models for categorising user domains, this often corresponds to named entities, e.g., reviews of mobile applications. Meanwhile, Kundi and proper names of persons, places, diseases or chemical Chitchyan (2017) proposed a technique for gathering compounds. Software descriptions however do not allude requirements that employed FrameNet frames as the basis to such proper names as often and instead mention generic of linguistic patterns for generating use cases at the early if not abstract concepts (e.g., account creation, file stages of RE. They specifically made use of the deletion) and the participants involved (e.g., user, system). Agriculture frame to demonstrate their approach. As shown in early work by Belkhouche and Kozma (1993) and Rolland and Priox (1992), capturing meaning We consider FrameNet as a rich repository of semantic contained in requirements can be approached by using metadata that can be added to requirements documents in semantic frames: coherent structured representations of order to add structure to them. In this work, we seek to concepts (Petruck, 1997). These representations are based employ FrameNet as the basis of a scheme for capturing on the theory of frame proposed by Fillmore the meaning of software descriptions. To this end, we (1977) whose work formed the basis of FrameNet, an adopt FrameNet semantic frames in annotating software online computational lexicon that catalogues detailed requirements in a corpus of documents written in natural information on semantic frames1 (Baker et al., 1998). For language. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the every frame it contains, FrameNet specifies the following: first attempt to investigate FrameNet as a means for frame title, definition, frame elements (i.e., participants) annotating meaning within requirements documents. In and lexical units, i.e., that evoke the frame. The this way, we are enriching them with semantic metadata concept of creation, for example, is encoded in FrameNet and hence incorporating structure into them. As a result, as a frame entitled Creating, with frame elements we have produced and made publicly available a resource pertaining to Creator, Created_entity and Beneficiary for the perusal of other members of the research (among many others). Importantly, lexical units that signify the concept is also provided, each of which is

1 https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu 2 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ark/SEMAFOR/ community: the FrameNet-annotated FN-REQ3 corpus of (e.g., "further), inclusion (e.g., "inclusive"), exclusion natural language requirements documents. (e.g., "excluding"), contradiction (e.g., "nevertheless"), causation (e.g., "because of") and purpose (e.g., "in The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 order"). The selection of these types was informed by our describes our methods for collecting software observations on the linguistic styles often used in writing requirements documents and annotating them based on the software requirements. Through this process, we were semantic frames contained in FrameNet. In Section 3, we able to evoke candidate semantic frames that denote the present and analyse results of our annotation. Lastly, we meaning of the requirements in our documents. present our conclusions and plans for future work in Section 4. 2.2.2 Validation Deciding which FrameNet semantic frames capture the 2. Methodology meaning expressed in software descriptions was In this section, we present the methods we carried out in performed manually in order to maximise accuracy. For order to construct a corpus of documents containing this task, we employed two annotators. The first annotator sentences of software requirements, and to subsequently (Annotator A) is a requirements engineer with five years annotate them according to FrameNet. of experience in the IT industry. The second annotator (Annotator B) is one of the authors of this paper and is a 2.1 Document Selection PhD candidate whose study is focussed on the use of NLP Our goal is to gather a document set consisting of techniques to support RE tasks. different types of software requirements. As a preliminary Provided with candidate frames obtained in the previous step, we formed a Google search query containing step, the annotators were asked to confirm whether they keywords such as "software description", “natural capture the meaning of a given software description or language requirements" and "software requirements not. This validation process was carried out in accordance specification". Furthermore, we employed snowball with the guidelines we developed which drew inspiration sampling and found additional requirements from various from the FrameNet annotation scheme proposed by sources such as web blogs, research articles (together with (Baker, 2017). Over a four-week period, both annotators their corresponding datasets), lecture materials and were trained in applying these guidelines on the industrial/commercial documents. This step resulted in the annotation of a set of software descriptions from collection of 34 requirements documents varying in documents other than those in our corpus. Afterwards, the 4 length. The NLTK tool for sentence boundary detection entire corpus of 34 documents—together with the was then applied on the 34 documents. After manually candidate semantic frames retrieved in the previous step— 5 verifying the results, a total of 1,148 sentences were was presented to each of Annotators A and B for obtained (corresponding to 21,012 tokens). annotation. We provide Table 1 to show an example of the 2.2 Annotation Procedure details that are presented to an annotator and the kind of judgement that he/she is expected to provide. At the top The annotation was carried out in a semi-automatic row of the table is a sample software description. The first manner. This was facilitated by the two main steps column (LU) lists the lexical units matched by the method described as follows. described in Section 2.2.1. The second and third columns (Start and End) indicate the location of the corresponding 2.2.1 Evoking Frames by Lexical Unit Matching lexical unit in terms of character offsets—useful With the intention of making the annotation process more information in cases where a lexical unit appears multiple efficient, we developed a simple method for automatically times within a description. The fourth column (Retrieved matching words in the software descriptions in our corpus Frames) lists the titles of the frames linked with the against lexical units contained in FrameNet, in order to matched lexical units and are thus considered as candidate evoke candidate semantic frames. The tokens contained in frames for annotating the given description. The annotator the requirements documents were lemmatised and indicates in the last column his/her judgement on whether assigned part-of-speech (POS) tags using NLTK. For a candidate frame applies to the software description every description, we attempt to match each token (rating = 1) or not (rating = 0). Both annotators completed (together with its lemma and POS tag) against lexical this task for all 1,148 software descriptions in our corpus. units in FrameNet, via the application programming interface (API) available in NLTK6. We note that only particular types of FrameNet lexical units were considered by this matching method, namely: all verbs and any expressions pertaining to time (e.g., "beforehand"), condition (e.g., "in case", "otherwise"), additional action

3 Read as "fine req" 4 http://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.html 5 Identified based on sentence delimiters such as the full stop. Not all of these however are sentences in the strict sense; some are phrases. They all however pertain to software descriptions, thus we use "descriptions" rather than "sentences" in the rest of this paper. 6 http://www.nltk.org/howto/framenet.html by hyponymy (where Intentionally_create has Creating as its parent frame), Annotator A could select one frame while Annotator B might select the other (or both, as shown in the example in Table 2). Aiming to produce annotations that are of the highest quality as possible, we resolved these discrepancies, as described in the next section, prior to publishing the annotated corpus.

Table 2. A case where Annotator A's judgements on Table 1. A sample software description from the corpus. which frames apply to the the "generate" (in the An annotator is presented with the automatically matched software description in Table 1), are in disagreement with lexical units, their character offset locations and the titles those of Annotator B. This can be attributed to the of the frames linked with them. He/she then indicates hyponymic relationship between the Intentionally_create whether the frames apply to the requirements (rating = 1) and Creating frames. The last column is for recording the or not (rating = 0). (NB: The second instance of results of harmonisation (H). "generate" is also presented to the annotator but excluded here for brevity.) 3.2 Preparation of the Final Corpus 3. Results and Discussion In order to produce the final set of annotations, we harmonised the judgements provided by our two In this section, we discuss the results of the methodology annotators, addressing the primary cause of discrepancies described above by providing details on inter-annotator discussed in the previous section. From the set of agreement and reasons behind annotator discrepancies. semantic frames for which the annotators were in We then describe additional steps that were taken in order disagreement, the following instances were revisited by to prepare the corpus for publication. After presenting Annotator B: (1) where the FrameNet frame that she attributes of the resulting corpus in terms of annotation selected as being most relevant to a description is frequencies, we discuss a few suggestions on how our semantically related to the one selected by Annotator A; proposed annotation method can be useful to members of and (2) where multiple—presumably semantically the research community within the context of RE tasks. related—frames were selected for a word in a description. 3.1 Inter-annotator Agreement Annotator B reviewed information pertinent to the frames in question, e.g., the definitions and descriptions provided In order to assess the consistency of annotations between in FrameNet, examples of annotations in the FrameNet our two annotators, we evaluated inter-annotator corpus8, as well as the judgements provided by Annotator agreement based on Cohen's kappa coefficient (McHugh, A. In cases where she is convinced that Annotator A's 2012) as well as the harmonic mean of recall and judgements were more correct, she modified her own precision, i.e., F-score. We obtained "substantial" annotations; otherwise, she kept her original judgements. agreement7 according to Cohen's kappa (72.81%). She also ensured that only one frame is assigned to a Furthermore, after determining the number of true given word (i.e., the matched lexical unit), choosing the positives, false positives and false negatives (by treating one that best captures the meaning of a description (as she the annotations from Annotator B as gold standard and understands it), while also reviewing the definitions and those from Annotator A as response) and micro-averaging examples that are available in FrameNet. The outcome of over all the documents in our corpus, we obtained an F- this process formed the basis of the final set of score of 80.89%. These results indicate that there is a annotations in our corpus. more than satisfactory level of consistency between our two annotators, implying that their annotations can be 3.3 Frequency Analysis considered as highly reliable. After harmonisation of manually provided judgements, we Nevertheless, we investigated the reasons of discrepancy performed frequency analysis over the final set of between our two annotators. We found that these are annotations, the results of which are presented in Table 3. mostly due to close semantic relationships between certain Alongside these we also provide the frequency of semantic frames. FrameNet, for example, contains a annotations resulting from our automated lexical unit Creating and an Intentionally_create frame, both of which matching method, as the reader might be interested in would be retrieved by our automated lexical unit matching seeing how much improvement was obtained after manual method—and thus presented to an annotator—for a validation and harmonisation. As one can expect, the description containing the word "generate" as a verb. As automated method for matching lexical units introduced a these two frames have similar lexical units and are linked considerable amount of noise. Firstly, the matching of

7 As stipulated in Landis and Koch (1977) 8 Refer to Reference tokens (with their lemmatised forms and POS tags) requirements statements makes them machine-readable against FrameNet lexical units does not have perfect and hence more searchable. A software engineer accuracy as the POS tagger that we utilised was assigning developing requirements for a new system can thus find the wrong POS tag to tokens in a few cases. Secondly, for existing requirements of relevance in a more efficient and a given word from a description, e.g., "generate", our systematic manner. In this way, the reusability of existing method would have retrieved all frames that are requirements can be enhanced, hence avoiding associated with the "generate" lexical unit regardless of unnecessary duplication of efforts (Alonso-Rorís et al., the sense (e.g., Intentionally_create, Giving_birth, 2016). Creating, Cause_to_start). This would have resulted in a significant number of false positives, i.e., frames that are 4. Conclusion and Future Work irrelevant to a given software description. These issues were however rectified during manual validation and In this work, we demonstrated how semantic frames can subsequently, during harmonisation. be applied to the annotation of software descriptions. Along the way, we produced FN-REQ corpus, which we In our final set of annotations, only frames with rating = 1 have made publicly available, together with other (after manual validation and harmonisation) were associated resources (e.g., annotation guidelines, the script included. We can observe from Table 3 that out of the 408 that automates matching of FrameNet lexical units), at semantic frames retrieved through automated lexical unit https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/s7gcp54wbv/1 . matching, 166 (40.7%) were eliminated during manual validation and harmonisation, and thus were not included As we were progressing with the manual annotation in the final set. There was also a significant drop in terms process described in this work, both annotators observed of the average number of frames assigned to each that there are words in some descriptions which to them software description (from 8.82 per description to only clearly pertain to software requirements, but however 2.21). cannot be assigned any of the frames in FrameNet. For example, it is now typical for software requirements to mention the process of logging into a system, often Automated lexical Final set of signified by the verb "log" (as in Example 1 in Section 1). unit matching annotations However, none of the frames in the most recent version of Total number of unique 408 242 FrameNet conveys this concept. This is not a surprise as frames FrameNet is a general vocabulary and was not designed to cater to specific domains. However, for our purposes of Total number of unique 372 340 lexical units supporting requirements engineering tasks as part of downstream applications, it is worth investigating how Average number of frames 8.82 2.21 per software description many of such requirements in our corpus are currently not covered by FrameNet, in order to assess if there is scope

for extending it through the proposal of new additional Table 3. Frequency analysis over the final set of frames. This is part of our ongoing work. Furthermore, we annotations in the FN-REQ corpus. For comparison, we are in the process of extending our FN-REQ corpus with also provide the frequency of annotations obtained more requirements documents, while we also carry out through automated lexical unit matching (prior to manual validation and harmonisation). finer-grained annotation of software descriptions by labelling frame elements as well. In our future work, we Our corpus can be considered as densely annotated, with shall exploit the corpus in the context of RE tasks, semantic frames assigned to 88.4% of the total number of specifically in detecting traceability and reusability of descriptions (1,015 out of 1,148). Annotations were software requirements. encoded in a standoff manner, i.e., separately from the documents that were annotated. While the requirements Acknowledgement documents were stored following an extended version of We thank Mohammed Homaid for the time and effort he the schema proposed by (Ferrari et al., 2017), the spent on the annotation of our corpus. We are also grateful annotations were encoded according to the FrameNet for our reviewers whose comments and feedback helped format (Baker, 2017). improve the paper. Waad Alhoshan’s PhD is sponsored by 3.4 Potential Applications the Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University.. The utilisation of frames in FrameNet to attach semantic References metadata to software descriptions—as demonstrated in Alonso-Rorís, V. M., Álvarez-Sabucedo, L., Santos-Gago, this work—could potentially facilitate the (partial) J. M., & Ramos‐Merino, M. (2016). Towards a cost- automation of certain requirements engineering tasks. For effective and reusable traceability system. A instance, similarities between requirements statements semantic approach. Computers in Industry, (83):1- written in natural language can be automatically detected 11). or measured on the basis of the semantic frames assigned to each of them. This in turn can enable traceability, i.e., Baker, C. F., Fillmore, C. J., & Lowe, J. B. (1998, establishing relationships or groupings between August). The berkeley framenet project. requirements and effectively, the software systems they In Proceedings of the 17th international conference pertain to (Zogaan et al., 2017). Additionally, attaching on Computational linguistics-Volume 1 (pp. 86-90). semantic metadata derived from FrameNet to Association for Computational Linguistics. Baker, C. F. (2017). FrameNet: Frame Semantic Annotation in Practice. In Handbook of Linguistic Annotation (pp. 771-811). Springer, Dordrecht. Belkhouche, B., & Kozma, J. (1993). Semantic case

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Language Resource Reference

FrameNet. (2017). The FrameNet project, distributed via International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, 1.7, URL: https://goo.gl/Nbuqvd