Exploring the Integration of WordNet and FrameNet Egoitz Laparra German Rigau Montse Cuadros IXA group, UPV/EHU IXA group, UPV/EHU TALP Research Center, UPC Donostia, Spain Donostia, Spain Barcelona, Spain
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract However, building large and rich enough predi- cate models for broad–coverage semantic process- This paper presents a novel automatic approach to ing takes a great deal of expensive manual effort partially integrate FrameNet and WordNet. In that involving large research groups during long peri- way we expect to extend FrameNet coverage, to ods of development. Thus, the coverage of cur- enrich WordNet with frame semantic information rently available predicate-argument resources is and possibly to extend FrameNet to languages other still unsatisfactory. For example, (Burchardt et than English. The method uses a knowledge-based al., 2005) or (Shen and Lapata, 2007) indicate the Word Sense Disambiguation algorithm for match- limited coverage of FrameNet as one of the main ing the FrameNet lexical units to WordNet synsets. problems of this resource. In fact, FrameNet1.3 Specifically, we exploit a graph-based Word Sense covers around 10,000 lexical-units while for in- Disambiguation algorithm that uses a large-scale stance, WordNet3.0 contains more than 150,000 knowledge-base derived from existing resources. words. Furthermore, the same effort should be in- We have developed and tested additional versions vested for each different language (Subirats and of this algorithm showing substantial improvements Petruck, 2003). Following the line of previous over state-of-the-art results. Finally, we show some works (Shi and Mihalcea, 2005), (Burchardt et al., examples and figures of the resulting semantic re- 2005), (Johansson and Nugues, 2007), (Pennac- source.