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Cnll&YllcjO!enf Fine Art::;- Dcporb11Cnl of Mu 8ic

l'roudly Welcomes

Special Guest Artists Jessica Rivera, soprano

with Maryarme Kim, . p1ano ToJJPalmer, clarinet

we.Mer~E~ February 25, 2008 7:30PM

Doc Rando Rec ital Hall Beam Music Center, Room 118 4505 Maryland Parkway

UNIVERSiTY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS Hermil Songs, Op. 29 Samuel Barber JESSICA RIVERA (1910-1981) I. At Saint Patricks Pw·gatory Jessica Rivera is quicl

2 MARYANNE KIM TODD PALMER TTaving been involved in an array of creative and ar-tistic presen-tations Dr. Maryanne Kim, pianist and harpsichordist, is an active soloist throughout his career, clarinetist Todd Palmer l1.as appeared as solo­ collaborative artist has performed the and and tluoughout United ist, collaborative artist, educator, and arranger in a variel-y of musical States as well as in Canada, China and South Korea. She regularly endeavors around the world. Ile bas performed with the orchestras of performed with Musica Angelica, a Los Angeles based early music 1-:Touslon, Atlanta, St. Paul, Cincinn~ti,Montreal, and BBC Scotland, ensemble group, in various chamber music and orchestral concerts and with many of. tl1e world's finest string ensembles, including tl1e St. on tl1e harpsichord and organ. Ms. Kim was awarded "Performer of Lawrence, Brentano, Daedalus, Pacifica and Ying quartets. Alongside the Year" by -the Beverly Hills Outlook which described her playing Ms. Rivera, Palmer l1as performed witl1 sopranos Kathleen Ba-ttle, as "perfectly translucent, altogether exceptional and her solo mo­ Renee Glomi ng, and Dawn Upshaw. lie also appeared in the world pre­ ment was a thrilling and unforgettable tour de force." In August miere of Ricby Gordon's Orpl1eus and Euridice with Elizabeth Fulral of 2006, she premiered Ian Krouse's song cycle, Invocation, with at Lincoln Center in 2005. This worl~was released on GJ,ostligiTt Soprano Jessica Rivera in Los Angeles. Records, featuring tbe artis-ts for whom it was written.

Born in Seoul, Korea, Maryanne Kim received her Bachelor of Arts Since winning the Young Concert Artist International Audi-tions, Mr. Palmer has appeared in l·orty-eig],-t s-tates, Asia, Europe, and Soulh and degree from the University of California Los Angeles, graduat- Central America. Mr. Palmer also worl

Recordings on BMJ, DG, Koch and Ghos-tlight Records.

4 So Lhal C], rist came down lo her SAMUEL BARBER (1910-1981) In tbe form of a Baby and then she said: Hermit Songs "Tnfant Jesus, at my breast, Nothing in the world is true, I. At Saint Patricl~'sPurgatory Save, 0 tiny nursling, You, 1n fan t Jesus, al my breasl, 13 tJ,century; after an anonymous Irish author. Translation by By my l1.eart every night, Sean O'Faolain, frmn The Silver Branch You I nurse are not Pity me on my pilgrimage to Loch Derg! A clmrl but were begot 0 King of the churches and the bells On Mary the Jewess by Heaven's Ligl,t. Bewailing your sores and your wounds, Infant Jesus, at my breast, But not a tear can I squeeze from my eyes! Wbal King is there but You wbo could Not moisten an eye after so much sin! Give everlasting Good? Pity me, 0 King! Whererore I give my rood. What shall I do with a heart that seel

II. Church Bell at Night IV. The Heavenly Banquet 12Ll'cenhu-y; Translation l1y Howard Mumford James in The Attr:ilJuted to St. Brigid. lQLhCenhu-y; Translation Sea Romanesque Lyric O'Faolain in The Silver Brancl1. Sweet little bell, strucl< on a windy night, I would Iiefer keep tryst with tl1.ee T wou lcllil

Save, 0 tiny nursling, You, Al the cry of the ~irstbird Infant Jesus, at my breast, T],ey began to crucify Thee, 0 Swan! "unless He gives me His Son from Ileaven, Never shall lament cease because of that. 1Lwas like d,e parting of clay from nigl1t. In the form of a Baby that I may nurse Him."

6 5 Ah, sore was the suffering borne Wilhoul tedium and envy. By Lhe body o( Mary's Son, Pangur, wl1ile Pangur, Bul so rer slilll o ITim was Lhe gri ef I low bappy we are

Which for I lis sal~e A lone togcLher , Came upon His Molher. s cl,olar and cat.

VI. Sea-Snatch IX. The Praises of God 8Ll'_9Ll'century; anOnYJnous Irish author. Translated in Kenneth 11 d. cent m-y; T ranslatcd by WI I. Auden Il ow foolish Lbe man Jacl~son'sA Celtic Miscellany Who does nol raise It bas brol~enu s, it has crushed us, it bas drowned us, lli s voice and praise 0 Kin g of the starbrigb.t Kingdom of H eaven; W ilh joyful words, T he wind has consumed us, swall owed us, As l,e alone can, As limber is devoured by crimson fire from Il eaven. Heaven's Ilig], l~ing I l bas broken us, il has crushed us, it bas drowned us, To Whom d,e ligh.t birds 0 King of the slarbright Kingdom of H eaven! Wit!, no soul bu t air All day, everywbere VII. Promiscuity Laudalion sing.

9u•cenh.u-y; anonYJllous. Translated in Kenn.edt }acl~son'sA X. The Desire for Hennitage Celtic Miscellany I do not lmow wilb whom Edan will sleep 8d'_9LI'cent m-y; Translation by Scan O 'Faolain, front The S ilver But I do know Ll1al fair Edan will not sleep alone. Branch Al1! To be all alone in Lhe lillle cell VIII. The Monl~and His Cat Wilh nobody near me; Beloved Lhal pilgrimage 8 d,_9Ll'cen.tuxy; Translated by WI I. Auden Before tbe las t pilgrimage lo Dealk Pangur, whit Pangur, S in ging Lhe passing bours to cloudy H eaven; Il ow l1appy we are Feeding upon dry bread A lone toge lher, A nd waler from the cold spring. Scholar and cal. T hat will be an endl o evil when ] am alone Eacb has b.is own worl~t o do daily; In a lovely liLtle corner among lombs, For you it is hun ting, for me study. Far from LJ,e houses o ( Lhe greal. Your shinin g eye watcbes the wall; A h! To be all alone in Lhe liLLie cell, My feeble eye is fixed on a bool~. "to be alone, all alone: You rejoice when your claws A lone ] came in to Lbe world, E nlrap a mouse; Alone I shall go from it. 1 rejoice wben my mind Falboms a problem Pleased wid1 hi s own art, Neilher binders the otb.er; Thus we live ever

7 8 IAN KROUSE (b. 1956) Paloma rnfa, que estas en los agujeros de la 0 my dove, in the clefts of the rock, Cantar de los cantares Song of Songs pefia, en lo escondido de escmpados parajes, in the secret places of the stairs, adaptado del Cantar de los cantares (ver­ adaptedfrom the Song of Songs by Jessica muestrarne tu rostro' let me see your expression, sion Reina-Valera, 1960) Rivera and Ian Krouse English transla­ hazme oir tu voz. let me hear thy vmce. por Jessica Riveray Jan Krouse tion of the King James Version modified by Ian Krouse and Kristin Rothfuss Segunda Parte Parr Two Primera Parte Part One Huerto cerradoeres, hermanamfa, esposa mfa; A garden locked is my sister, my bride; Cantarde los cantares,el cual esde Salomon. The song of songs, which is Solomon's. 11Jentecen-ada, fuente sellada. a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Abreme, herrnana mfa, amiga mfa: Open to me, my sister, my friend, Mi amado descendi6 a su huetto, My beloved has gone down into his paloma rnfa, perfecta mfa, my dove, my undefiled: a las eras de las especias, para apacentar en garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in porque mi cabeza esta llena de rocfo, for my head is drenched with dew, los huettos, the gardens, mis cabellos de las gotas de Ia noche. m1dmy hair with the dampness of the night. y para recoger los Urios. and to gather lilies. Mi amado meti6 su rnano My beloved thrust his hand i Yo soy de mi amado, y mi amado es rnfo! I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine! por la ventanilla, through the opening of the door, y mi coraz6n se conrnovi6 dentro de rnf. and my heart was moved for him. Levantate, Aquil6n y ven, Austro; Awake north wind; and come south wind; Yo me levanre pm-aabrir ami amado, I arose to open to my beloved; soplad en mi huerto, blow upon my garden, y mis dedos mu-a,que conia my fingers with sweet-smelling myrrh, desprendanse sus aromas. that the spices may flow out. sobre Ia rnanecilla del cerrojo. upon the handles of the lock. Venga mi amado a su huerto, Let my beloved come into his garden, y coma de su dulce fmta. and eat his pleasant fiuits. Abrf yo a mi amado; I opened to my beloved; su paladar, dulcfsin1o his mouth is full of sweetness: jO, si el me besara con besos de su boca! Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, y todo el codiciable. he is wholly desirable. Porque mejores son tus amores que el vino. for your love is better than wine. Tales mi amado, tales mi amigo, This is my beloved, m1dthis is my friend, He comido mi panal y mi miel, I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey, oh doncellas de Jemsalen. 0 daughters of Jerusalem. mi vi no y mi leche he bebido. I have dnmk my wine and my milk. Huertocerrado eres, hennana tuya, es)_X)Satuya; A garden locked is your sister, yow-bride; Como el manzano entre los armies silvestres, As the apple tree among the trees of the forest, fuente cerrdda, fuente sellada. a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. asf es mi amado entre los j6venes; so is my beloved among the young men. Ponme como un sello sobre tu coraz6n, Set me as a seal upon your heart, bajo Ia sombra del deseado me sente, In his shade I sat down and took great delight, como una marca sobre tu brazo: as a seal upon your arm: y su fiuto fue dulce a mi paladar. and his fiuit was sweet to my taste. porque fuerte es como la muerte el amor; for love is strong as death; duros como el Seollos celos; jealousy is as severe as Sheol, jCuanto mejores que el vino tus amores, How much better is your love than wine! sus bmsas, bmsas de fuego, tts flashes are flashes of fire, y el olor de tus ungiientos And the fragr-anceof your perfume fuerte llama. the very flame of the Lord. que todas las especias aromaticas! than any sptce! jMi amado es mfo, y yo suya! My beloved is mine, and I am his! Me llev6 a la casa del banquete, He brought me to the banqueting house, y su bandera sobre mf fue am or. and his banner over me was love. Su izquierda este debajo de mi cabeza His left hand is under my head, FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797 -1828) y su derecha me abrace. and his right hand embraces me. Der Hirt auf dem Felsen Wenn auf dem hochsten Fels ich steh', When, from the highest rock up here, Mi amado habl6, y me dijo: My beloved spoke, and said unto me, In's tiefe Tal hemieder seh', Down to the valley deep I peer, levantate, oh amiga mfa, hermosa mfa, y ven. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. Undsinge. And sing, Porque he aquf ha pasado el invierno, For, behold, the winter is past, the min is over and gone; se ha mudado, Ia lluvia se fue;sehan Fern aus dem tiefen dunkeln Tal Far from the valley dark and deep Schwingt sich empor der Widerhall Echoes msh through, in upwm'dsweep, mostrado las flores en la tien-a, the flowers appear on the eatth; DerKIUfte. The chasm. el tiempo de Ia canci6n ha venido, the time of the song has come, Je weiter meine Stimme drirtgt, The farther that my voice resounds, pafs and the voice of the turtledove y en nuestro Je heller sie mir wieder klingt So much the brighter it rebounds is heard in our land. se ha ofdo Ia voz de Ia t6rtola. Yon unten. From under.

9 10 Mein Liebchen wohnt so weit von mir, My sweetheart dwells so far from me, m.L'ombre des arbres Dtum sehn' ich mich so heiBnach ihr I hotly long with her to be Hinliber. O'er yonder. L'ombre des arl:n-esdans Ia riviere embmmee The shadow of tile trees in tile misty river Meurt comme de la fumee, fades and dies like smoke; Tandis qu 'en 1'air, parmi les ramuresreelles, while above, among the real branches, Se plaignent les tourterelles. CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862-1918) the doves are lamenting. Ariettes oubliees (text by Paul Verlaine) Combien 6 voyageur, ce paysage bleme Oh traveler, how well this pale landscape I. C'est lextaselangoureuse Te mira bleme tor-rneme, mirrored you pallid self! Et que tristes pleuraient dansles hautes C'est l'extase langoureuse, It is languorous ecstasy, And how sadly, in the high foliage , your feuillees - C'est Ia fatigue amow-euse, It is the fatigue after love, hopes were weeping, Tes espe~cesnoyees. C' est tous les frissons des bois It is all the nrstling of the wood, your hopes that are drowned. Parmi l'etreintedes brises, In the embrace of br-eezes; C'est vers les ramw-esgrises It is near the gray branches: IV.Chevaux de bois Le choeur des petites voix. A choms of tmy voices. Toumez, toumez, bon chevaux de bois, Turn, turn, good horses of wood, Toumez cent tours, tounez mille tours. turn a hundred turns, tum a thousand turns, 0 le trele et frais murmw-e! Oh, what a frail and fresh murmur! Toumez souvent et toumez toujours, turn often and turn always, Cela gazouille et susurre, It babbles and whispers, Toumez, toumez au son des hautbois. turn, turn to the sound of the oboes. Cela r-essembleau cri doux It resembles the soft noise Que I'herbe agitee expiJ-e... That waving grass exhales. L' enfant tout rouge et la mere blanche, The red-faced child and pale mother, Tu dirais, sous l'eau qui vu-e, Youmight say it were,under the bendingstream, Le gars en noir et la fille en rose. the boy in black and the girl in pink, Le roulis sow"ddes cailloux. 1l1e muffied sound of rollll1gpebbles. L'une ala chose et 1'autre a la pose, the one pursuing and the other posing, Chacun se paie un sou de dimanche. each getttng a penny's worth of Sunday fun. Cette arne qui se lamente This soul, which laments En cette plamte dormante And this dormant moan, Tournez, tournez, chevaux de leur coeur, Tum, twn, horses oftlleir hearts, C'est Ia notre, n'est-ce pas? It is ours, is it not? Tandis qu 'au tour de tous vos tournois while all around your turning La mienne, dis, et Ia rienne, It is not mine and yours, Clignote l'oeil du :filousournois. squints tile sly pickpocket's eye-- Dont s'exhale !'humble antienne Whose humble anthem we breathe Tournez au son du piston vainqueur! tum to tile sound of the victorious cornet. Par ce tiectesoir, tout bas ? On this mild evening, so very quietly? C' est etonnant comme ~VOLtSsoille, It is astonishing how it intoxicates you II. D pleure dans mon coeur D'aller ainsi dans ce ell-querete, to go around tiUs way in a stupid crrcle, nplew-e dans mon coew· Rien dansle ventre et mal dansla tete, nothingin your tummyand an ochein your head. There is weeping in my heart Du mal en masse et du bien en foule; very s1ck and having lots of fun. Comme il pleut sur Ia ville. like the rain falling on the town. Quelle est cette langueur What is this languor Qui penetre mon coeur? Townez dadas, sans qu' il soit besoin Tum, wooden horses, witll no need that pervades my heart? D'user jamais de nuls eperons ever to use spurs 0 bmit doux de Ia pluie, Pour commander a vos galops ronds. to command you to gallop around, Oh the patter of the rain Tournez, tournez, sans espoir de foin, tum, tum, witll no hope for hay. Par terre et sur les toits! on the ground and the roofs! Pour un coeur qui s 'ennuie, For a heart growing weary 0 le bmit de Ia pluie! ' Et depechez, chevaux de leur arne, And hwry, horses of tl1eir souls-­ oh the song of the rain! Deja voici que sonne ala soupe hear ilie supper bell already, La nuit qui tombe chasse la troupe the night iliat is falling and chasing tile troop [J plew-esans raison et There is weeping without cause De gais buveurs, que leur soif affame. of merry drinkers, famished by tlleir tllirst. Dans ce coeur CJ.Uis 'ecoeure. in this disheartened heart. Quoi! nuiJe trahison? What! No betrayal? Ce deuil est sans raison. Tournez, tournez! Le ciel en velours Tum, tum! The velvet sky There's no reason for this grief. D'astres en or se vet lentement, is slowly clotlled witll golden stars. C'est bien la pre peine, L'Eglise tinte un glas nistement. The church bell tolls sadly. Truly the worst pain Tum, to the happy sound of drums. De ne savoir pow-quoi, is not knowing why, Townez au son joyeux des tambours, toumez. Sans amour et sans haine, without love or hatred, Mon coeur a tant de peine. my heart feels so much pain.

II 12 V.Green Voicides fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des Here are some fruit, some flowers, branches some leaves and some branches, Et puis voici mon coeur qui ne bat que pour And then here is my heart, which beats vous. only for you. Ne Je dechirez pas avec vos deux mains Do not np it up with your two white blanches hands, Et qu'a vos yeux si beaux !'humble present And may the humble present be sweet in soitdoux. your beautiful eyes!

J'anive tout couvert encore de rosee I arrive all covered in dew, Que le vent du matin vient glacer a mon Which the wind of morning comes to front. freeze on my forehead. Souffrez que rna fatigue avos pieds reposee Suffer my fatigue as I repose at your feet, Reve des chers instants qui la delasseront. Dreamingof dear instantsthat will reiiesh me.

Sur votre jeune sein laissez router rna rete On your young breast allow my head to rest, Toute sonore encor de vos derniers baisers; Still ringing with your last kisses; Laissez-las' apaiser de Ia bonne ternpete, Let it calm 1tself after the pleasant tempest, Et que je dorme un peu puisque vous reposez. And let me sleep a little,since you are resting.

VI. Spleen Les roses etaient toutes rouges, Around were all the roses red Et les lierres etaient tout noirs. 1l1e ivy all around was black. Chere, pour peu que tu te bouges, Dear, so thou only move thine head, Renaissent tous mes desespoirs. Shall all mine old despairs awake!

Le ciel etait trop bleu, trop tendre, Too blue, too tender was the sky, La mer trop verte et I' air trop doux; The air too soft, too green the sea. Je crains toujours, ce qu'est d'attendre, Always I fear, I know not why, Quelque fuite atroce de vous! Some lamentable flight from thee.

Du houx aIa feuille vemie, I am so tired of holly-sprays Et du luisant buis je suis las, And weary of the bright box-tree, Et de la campagne in:finie, Of all the endless country ways; Et de tout, fors de vous. Helas! Of everything alas! save thee.

13 CollNLYllc~eof Fin e Arts - Deparh11cnl o f Music

l'rouJi y Welco mes

Special Guest Artists Jessica Rivera, soprano


Maryanne~ . p1ano TodJPalmer, clarinet

W~day£~ February 25,2008 7:30PM

Doc Rando Recital Hall Beam Music Center, Room 118 4505 Maryland Parkway