The Case of Hilton Cadboll
by Sign Jones Published by Historic Scotland ISBN 1 903570 43 3 O Sign Jones Edinburgh 2004 Research grant-aided by ANCIENT MONUMENTS DIVISION Author Dr Si2n Jones, School of Art History and Archaeology, University of Manchester Cover photograph Colin Muir (Historic Scotland) and Barry Grove prepare the uplift of the lower portion of the Hilton of Cadboll cross-slab, summer 2001 (Crown copyright: Historic Scotland). EARLYMEDIEVAL SCULPTURE AND THE PRODUCTIONOF MEANING, VALUE AND PLACE:THE CASE OF HILTONOF CADBOLL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Names and identities wealth of invaluable information about the economic Carrying out social research in relation to the of the and the biography of a monument of national renown with a initiatives of the last decade. Alistair and Donna unique biography raises specific problems not Macka~were generous with their time going Over dissimilar from those addressed by Sharon Macdonald video footage of village events from the last decade and (2002, 13) in her ethnography of the Science Museum. providing insight into the views Of a younger It is not feasible to conceal the identity of the generation. In addition to those already mentioned I am monument and by association the communities and also indebted to the following for their participation institutions with which it is connected. The monument and hospitality: Robert Aburrow, Rose Allen, Elizabeth is named after the village of Hilton of Cadboll, and Jeanette Camison* Eassonl Margo national and regional heritage agencies, such as Forrest, Joyce Gartside, Jim L~le,GeOrge MacdOnald, Historic Scotland and the Highland Council Jill Maclarin, Vivien MacClennan, Marion Mackay, the Archaeology Section, play specific roles in relation to late Iain MacPherson, Pauline Mackay, Hugh it by virtue of their institutional remits.
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