Play Better. Feel Better.

On The Course

To Your Success! as developed STRETCHES for the PGA of Canada

The stretches in this Yoga For Golfers series should be performed every few holes to keep your muscles loose and your body tension and  DVDs pain-free. Enjoy!  Books

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STANDING CAT / COW POSE KATHERINE ROBERTS ® Stretches the lower back. Founder & President, Yoga For Golfers (YFG) Nike Swoosh Elite Athlete and Advisory Staff Member

 Placing the hands on A leader and an innovator in the world of fitness, Kathe- the cart about shoul- rine’s proprietary YFG methodology is designed specifically der height, begin to for golfers to improve the body’s mobility and the minds walk the legs back. capability. With a focus on the biomechanics of the body through every dimension of the , YFG enables  Inhale, drawing the golfers to play better, longer, and with more confidence and navel inwards, curl- overall enjoyment. ing the back.  Begin to exhale, Katherine’s work has been profiled by The National Post, USA TODAY, The New York and Los Angeles Times, Golf allowing the body Magazine, , and Asian Golf Monthly. As a regular to “hang” against contributor to The , she has appeared on the weight of the numerous shows including The Turn and The Big Break. Paul Trittler golf cart. In addition to her fitness and performance work in golf, Top 100 Instructor  Inhale and come Katherine has been working in Major League Baseball for back to the original more than a decade, serving as the yoga fitness expert for the LA Dodgers, San Diego Padres, Oakland A’s and the position. Chicago Cubs.  Repeat 5 times.  Hold the final posi- For golfers of every age and every level of ability. tion for 5 breaths. No previous yoga experience needed.

Play Better. Feel Better. On The Course STRETCHES

EAGLE ARMS with CLUB DOWNWARD DOG with CART WARRIOR CRESCENT LUNGE Stretches the shoulders, triceps and wrists. Stretches the shoulders, lower back, hamstrings and Stretches the hip flexors, quads and glutes. calves.  Bring the right arm up,  Bringing the left leg  palm facing you. Facing the front of on to the back of  Let the right forearm fall the cart, place hands the cart, come up behind the back, grabbing wider than shoulder- on to the right toes. the . width apart.  Engage the right   Bring the left arm behind Step feet back, creat- buttocks and press you, grabbing on to the ing a 90° angle at the the right hip to- same club. hips. wards the cart.   Feel the stretch in the Roll the shoulder  Go on to HEAD TO shoulders. back away from the KNEE pose below.  Hold for 5 breaths. ears and flex the  Switch sides; repeat. quads.  Hold for 5 breaths.

SHOULDER ROTATION TWIST HEAD TO KNEE POSE Increases torso and shoulder turn over a stable lower Stretches the calves, hamstrings and lower back. SEATED TWIST body. Helps keep the lower back, core and shoulders loose.  With the left foot  Standing perpen- on the cart, dicular to the cart, straighten the left  Bring the body to place hands on the leg and flex the left the edge of the vertical support of foot and quad. seat, sitting up as the cart.  Keep the hips & straight as possible.  Separate the hands chest squared-off,  Bring the left hand to increase the facing the left knee. to the right knee. stretch in the shoul-  Hinge at the hips,  Bring the right hand ders. folding forward. behind you to in-  Use the abdominals  Hold for 5 breaths. crease the intensity. by drawing the navel  Repeat on the right  Hold for 5 breaths. inward for more leg beginning with  Switch sides; intensity and core the WARRIOR repeat. conditioning. LUNGE above.  Hold for 5 breaths.  Switch sides; repeat.