Friends of Upton State Forest Newsletter
[email protected] Like us on Facebook! Volume 6, Number 3 Summer 2011 Landscape Designations Friends of Upton State Forest Special Members Meeting The Department of Conservation and Thursday July 21, 2011 7 PM Recreation (DCR) is accepting public At Upton Fire Station, 20 Church St. comment on new draft landscape This meeting is for members to designations for the properties it discuss their thoughts about the manages. There are three categories, proposed landscape designation for each with its own set of management Upton State Forest. The public comment priorities. They are Reserves, deadline is August 26. The Board of Parklands and Woodlands. Directors will be making comment on Reserves will be large contiguous behalf of FUSF but want your input first. blocks of areas with high value Please try to come and let us know what ecosystems. Commercial timber you are thinking. harvesting would not be allowed in There will be a brief presentation to reserves, and forest management would explain the designations followed by let natural processes take their course. discussion. Parklands are areas where the focus Park in the rear parking lot and use the is on recreation while conserving rear entrance door. The meeting room is cultural and unique natural resources. on the second floor at the top of the Limited vegetation management can be stairs. An elevator is available. done for certain reasons. This could Refreshments are not allowed in the include removing hazards and other meeting room, but you can bring water. defined circumstances.