United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,071,994 Hummerich Et Al
US00607 1994A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,071,994 Hummerich et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 6, 2000 54) FORMALDEHYDE-FREE AQUEOUS 5,427,587 6/1995 Arkens et al.. BNDERS 5,536,766 7/1996 Seyffer et al. .......................... 524/100 5,661,213 8/1997 Arkens et al. .......................... 524/555 (75) Inventors: Rainer Hummerich, Worms; Axel FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Kistenmacher, Ludwigshafen; Walter Denzinger, Speyer; Gunnar Schornick, O 116930 8/1984 European Pat. Off.. Neuleiningen; Bernd Reck, Grinstadt; O 445 578 9/1991 European Pat. Off.. Manfred Weber, Mannheim, all of O 583 086 2/1994 European Pat. Off.. German O 651 088 10/1994 European Pat. Off.. y 864. 151 1/1953 Germany. 73 ASSignee: BASF Aktiengesellschaft, 2217 2014450 712 10/19727/1971 Germany. Ludwigshafen, Germany 2357951 5/1975 Germany. 21 Appl. No.: 09/125,113 4408 688 9/1995 Germany. 22 PCT Filed: Feb. 19, 1997 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Patent Abstracts of Japan, vol. 014, No.220, May 10, 1990, 86 PCT No.: PCT/EP97/00770 JP Publ. No. 02 051531, Feb. 21, 1990, Appl. No.63200120, S371 Date: Aug. 18, 1998 Aug. 12, 1988, Koinuma Yasuyoshi, et al., Title: Water Soluble and Self-curing polymer and cured product thereof. S 102(e) Date: Aug. 18, 1998 Patent Abstracts of Japan, vol. 005, No. 180, Nov. 19, 1981, 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO97/31036 JPPubl. No. 56 104905, Aug. 21, 1981, Chino yasuyoshi, et y - - - al, Title: Production of Novel Modified Resin, Appl. No. PCT Pub. Date: Aug. 28, 1997 55008500, Jan. 28, 1980. 30 Foreign Application Priority Data Primary Examiner Edward J.
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