0 EMU') DV FM,HELORI MD@RIMDZ, 510D. o DECEMBER 1, 1909. Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for Transmission by Post as a Newspaper. GOOD HEALTH DECEMBER 1, 1909 If You Are Suffering from a Cold, DR. J. R. M. THOMSON has Influ= recommenced practice, and may be enza, Consulted at 98 Exhibition St., Melbourne. Catarrh, Rooms for HYDROTHERAPY, or Similar MASSAGE, ETC. Allot:lion, BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR BY USING The 20th Century Pocket Inhaler ahe Node! Bakery • Made of polished rubber. Strong, handsome, convenient. Price, 5/- (post fee), including one bottle of medi- GOODMAN BROS., cine with directions for use. Extra bottles of medi- cine at /6 per bottle (post free). Order from Signs Publishing Co.. Ltd.. Mel BAKERS, ETC. bourne. Victoria. Aust.. or our General Agents: Victorian Tract Society, Gordon Street, Toorak, Melbourne. Ramsay ROatl, liaberfield, N. S. W. New South Wales Tract Society, " Elsnath, " Burwood Street, Harwood. Try Our Wheatmeal Bread Queensland Tract Society, 186 Edward Street, Brisbane. and Zwieback. South Australian Tract Society, 93 Franklin Street, Adelaide. West Australian Tract Society, 103 William Street, Perth. Rec omiiiended by this Journal. New Zealand Tract Society, " Beulah, " Queen's Road, Lower Hutt, Wellington ' Christchurch Sanitarium AND HEALTH HOME. A quiet, home-like place, in one of the health- Sanitarium bean!) foods Always in Stock. iest suburbs .of Christchurch, N. Z., where the Granose. —A palatable and partially digested food, made of whole sick are received and skilfully treated The wh tat, suitable for indigestion and weak stomachs. Granola. —A perfect breakfast food, composed of various grains, methods of treatment consist in the employ- requires only a few minutes' cooking for use.
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