The Distribution of Bronze Artefacts of Viking Age Eastern Baltic Types Discovered on Gotland Iron Age Networks and Identities

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The Distribution of Bronze Artefacts of Viking Age Eastern Baltic Types Discovered on Gotland Iron Age Networks and Identities The distribution of Bronze artefacts of Viking Age Eastern Baltic types discovered on Gotland Iron Age Networks and Identities Triangular dress pin discovered in Västerhejde; from the original catalogue of the Swedish History Museum, 1895 Gotland University 2013/Spring Master (one year) thesis/Magisteruppsats Author: Daniel Gunnarsson School of Culture, Energy and Environment 1 Supervisors: Helene Martinsson-Wallin & Alexander Andreeff Abstract This thesis has compared the distribution of certain types of Viking Age Eastern Baltic bronze artifacts discovered on Gotland. This was done in order to observe different parts of Gotland´s interaction with different groups in the Baltic Sea region and how this might have influenced the identities and ideas of the individuals involved in the interaction. The objects and their finding contexts were subjected to a geographical analysis and applied to a map of Viking Age Gotland. Different distribution can be observed for different types of artifacts, as well as a shift in patterns of interaction in the Baltic Sea region over time. Denna uppsats har jämfört spridningsmönstren för olika vikingatida objekt från Baltikum som påträffats på Gotland. Detta för att kunna studera hur olika delar av Gotland har interagerat med andra grupper i Östersjöregionen och hur detta kan ha influerat individens identiteter och idéer. Föremålen samt deras kontexter har analyserats geografiskt, samt applicerats på en karta över det vikingatida Gotland. Olika spridningsmönster kunde observeras för olika typer av artefakter. Även förändringar i interaktionsmönstret över tid i östersjöregionen kunde noteras. Keywords: Eastern Baltic, Viking Age, Baltic Sea, Gotland, Interaction, Networks, Cross- cultural, Identity 2 Table of Content Abstract ............................................................................................................. 2 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 5 Aim and Purpose ................................................................................................ 6 General research questions ............................................................................... 6 2 Glossary and definitions ................................................................................ 7 2.1 The regions inhabited by ethnically and linguistically separate groups in the eastern Baltic area ....................................... 7 2.2 Cronology ............................................................................................ 8 3 Demarcations ................................................................................................ 9 4 Evaluation of sources .................................................................................. 10 5 Previous studies/ Historical overview .......................................................... 10 6 Theoretical perspectives ............................................................................. 13 6.1.1 Down-the-line exchange ........................................................... 13 6.2 Network Theories .............................................................................. 14 6.2.1 Scale-free networks.................................................................. 14 6.2.2 Small worlds theory .................................................................. 15 6.2.3 Small worlds and networks around the Baltic Sea ................... 15 6.3 Material culture as expressions of ethnicity and group belonging ........................................................................................... 17 6.3.1 Group identity and graves ........................................................ 17 7 Written sources ........................................................................................... 18 8 Method ........................................................................................................ 19 9 Material of the thesis ................................................................................... 22 9.1.1 Arm bracelets ........................................................................... 22 9.1.2 Neck rings ................................................................................ 22 9.1.3 Dress pins ................................................................................ 24 9.1.4 Plate Fibulae (Appendix 3.14) .................................................. 26 9.1.5 Spiral decorated belts (Appendix 3.15) .................................... 26 9.2 The material of comparison ............................................................. 27 9.2.1 Bronze studs (Appendix 3.16) .................................................. 27 9.2.2 Crossbow brooches (Appendix 3.17) ....................................... 28 10 Analysis ....................................................................................................... 28 10.1 Statistical analysis of the material................................................... 28 10.2 Map analysis ...................................................................................... 33 10.2.1 Distribution ............................................................................... 33 10.2.2 Comparison to the older materials............................................ 35 10.2.3 The different origins by culture ................................................. 36 10.2.4 Three areas of denser distribution ............................................ 37 10.3 Case studies of specific finds: ........................................................ 38 10.3.1 Case study: The Spillings bronze deposit ................................ 38 10.3.2 Case study: The assumed grave at Huglajvs, Silte Parish ....... 39 10.3.3 Case study: The child neck ring from Hogrän .......................... 40 11 Discussion ................................................................................................... 41 11.1 The composition of the material ...................................................... 41 3 11.2 Distribution of the Viking age artifacts ........................................... 41 11.3 Areas of distribution ......................................................................... 43 11.3.1 Visby-Bogeviken area .............................................................. 44 11.3.2 Middle Gotland ......................................................................... 45 11.3.3 South Gotland .......................................................................... 46 11.4 Imports of ideas or artifacts ............................................................. 46 11.5 Interactions and relations ................................................................ 47 11.6 The possibility of male Eastern Baltic immigrants to Gotland ..... 50 11.7 Identity ............................................................................................... 50 11.8 The aspect of time: A Larger world in Viking Age.......................... 52 12 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 55 13 Summary ..................................................................................................... 56 Abbreviations: ........................................................................................... 58 14 References .................................................................................................. 59 Unpublished sources ................................................................................ 64 Electronic sources .................................................................................... 65 Personal correspondence ........................................................................ 65 Appendix 1: maps of distribution ...................................................................... 66 Appendix 2: The artifacts .................................................................................. 87 Appendix 3: Illustrations of artifacts .................................................................. 90 4 1 Introduction When material of foreign origin discovered on Gotland is discussed, it is usually the silver hoards and Arabian dirhems which attract the attention. When connections with the Eastern Baltic area are discussed it is usually the Gotlandic material discovered overseas that is highlighted. However, a small and usually overlooked group of the rich archaeological material of Gotland are the artifacts originating from the Eastern Baltic area; indicating a network of interactions across the Baltic Sea. How these artifacts ended up on Gotland has been the subject of some debate. Partially, this is because of the different interpretations of the character of the interactions between different groups and individuals around the Baltic Sea in Late Iron Age. Obviously, there may be a different story behind each of these artifacts, as there are many ways in which humans interact with each other as well as with artifacts. Trade and plundering are the most obvious example of interaction, but also exogamy, tribute and gift giving are interaction that exchanges material artifacts, as well as the movement of the individuals owning or making the artifacts. All these forms of interaction are possible reasons for the Eastern Baltic artifacts to have ended up on Gotland. The different possible forms of exchange will be discussed, but the primary aim of this thesis is to explore the directions of the contacts rather than the means. Bronze
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