I help make sure that we can laugh in the Pack without offending other people

There is a big difference between laughing with others and laughing at others.

Compare these two situations:

I think that I think that

Good humour is a cure for all ills

97 Isn't it good to have friends with whom to share what we think, feel and do! I get on well with all the cubs in the Pack

Happy birthday everyone!

Ask your leaders to help you find out the birthdays of all the cubs in the Pack. At the same time, try to find out when your leaders' birthdays are - without them realising. You can make them really happy by wishing them a Happy Birthday when the day arrives!

my secret list of important birthdays

Name and date Name and date

98 I have friends, both boys and girls, that I often meet and play with Send a secret message to your friends!

There are many ways of communicating besides words. One way is morse code. Now that you are bigger, you have to find out for yourself how each of the letters of the alphabet is written "in morse".

I sent this message written in morse code to my friends

I found out that Morse Code is called Morse Code because

To have good friends, you have to like yourself and have a good time by yourself too. That way you can enjoy being with others.

99 Here I write other things I mean to do to be a cheerful and optimistic person, and always try to do my best

100 MAKING MY OWN DICTIONARY leafy a tree having lots of wander to walk not leaves, or completely covered following any special with leaves route, or without a definite purpose or objective nonsensical something that lacks reason or common sense, transfixed somebody absurd, utterly foolish unable to move, think or speak because of puff up to astonishment inflate with pride, vanity, etc. fable short story not strut based on fact, that teaches a about to moral, often where animals walk with are the characters and they a vain, act and speak as if they pompous were human beings bearing, as with head innate something (for erect and chest example a quality) that we thrown out, as if have from birth, rather than expecting to impress observers learned through experience

Here I write the meaning of other words I have learned

If I learn more words I can express myself better 101 Council Rock You already know that when the Pack has to deal with important matters, it gathers at the Council Rock. This meeting is attended by the leaders and all the cubs in the Pack, even if they are new and have not made their Promise yet. This is because, when important business is to be talked about, everyone has to give their opinion.

These are the matters we talked about at our last Council Rock

102 The Den

It is very important to have a den!

The den is our own space, our lair, that the sixes can decorate as they like with things that are important for cubs. The Den shows what we are like and its walls tell the story of the Pack.

If it is not possible to have a Den, there should at least be somewhere to keep our equipment, materials and souvenirs.

These are the things my Six and I have done to decorate the Den

103 Proficiencies The Pack is a pleasant group of friends that does interesting things, has fun, and works like a team. However, each cub is different and has his or her own abilities and interests. This is important, because it means that each person can use their particular skills and knowledge for the benefit of all the rest of the group.

You can choose any subject in these five areas as a proficiency:

Science and Technology Arts and Culture Sport Service to others Life in Nature

If there is a subject you are interested in, talk to your leaders about it and start becoming an "expert" in your areas of interest.

Proficiencies help you to discover your future vocation 104 Faithful and affectionate like Rikki-tikki-tavi Rikk-tikk-tikki-tikki-tchik, is my war-cry. Rikki tikki tavi the mongoose am I.

It's me again. I am the friendly, brave mongoose who can give my all for my friends. As we already know each other, and since my name is rather long and complicated, you can just call me Rikki.

Now I'm going to tell you about something that happened when I lived with Teddy and his family, whom you already know. I defended them from Nag and Nagaina, the cobras with the icy heart and dumb hiss.

105 One night...

Nag, let's kill ...when I couldn't the child's sleep, I was father first, pacing round then the the house. mongoose

There's no need to kill the mongoose! He'll go on his own if we kill the people...

...and the garden will be I was frightened ours again. and angry to hear their talk. I had to do something, but I couldn't attack both cobras at the same time. So I decided to wait.

106 Do your work The man will well Nag! not take long I'll see you to come. He will in the nest be easy prey just when the out of bed. light comes.

If I can get him by the head he won't be able to bite me.

107 something's going on in the bathroom!

108 out of the way, Rikki!

you saved all of us.

What would we do without you, my faithful friend!

109 What about you? What do you do to take care of your friends?

"Robin was one of the happiest men on earth, because he knew the great truth that happiness is not obtained by what we have, but by what we give and share." Olave Soames, wife of Robert Baden-Powell The place we most learn to love, give and share is in the family. Introduce us to your family

This is my family tree


110 Sharing the things that happen to us makes us feel better I can talk to other people about the things that make me happy or sad

What is your happiest memory? Write about it and do a drawing of it.

I would like to be able to talk to

about the things that make me sad, because

111 I don't mind when the Pack tells me I didn't do something well, even if I don't always agree How will this story end? Complete the story, filling in the blank spaces with what you think Susan's companion said to her and what she answered.

Can you Can't help me? you see I'm busy?

Why did you have the characters say what they did? because

112 When we do things in a hurry we run risks, and sometimes we have to do them again I think carefully about what I am going to do before I do it

Garf didn't think about everything that he needed to go out adequately dressed into the street. He got so confused, he forgot the way home. Help him to find it!

In the Pack, tell each other the things that have happened to you when you do things in too much of a hurry. Who got the biggest fright for not thinking about what they were doing?

113 I say what I think without offending or insulting my companions or making fun of them

We are all different, we all have different likes and abilities. We have had different things happen to us, too. That's why we don't all think the same way and we can't always agree on everything. What is important is to say what we think respectfully and listen to what others think, respectfully too.

By listening to others, I have learned that

114 I like my special friends better all the time, but I still like my other companions

Learn this song to share with your friends!

FRIENDSHIP Make new friends Keep the old One is silver and The other is gold


It's a good time to get acquainted It's a good time to know, Who is standing close beside you Just smile and say "Hello." Goodbye lonesome feeling Goodbye glassy stare, Here's my left hand for I'm a Cub Scout So put yours right here.

Tune: "A Long Way to Tipperary"

Ask your leaders to teach them to you.

115 All the people around us are important I am always ready to help others

THE FIG TREE Juana de Ibarbourou, Uruguayan poetess

Because it is rough and ugly, That's why, because all its branches are grey, when I walk by, I feel sorry for the fig tree. I say, trying to speak in sweet and cheerful tone, I know where there are pretty trees "You are the most beautiful fig round plum trees, of all the trees in the garden." stately lemon trees and shiny-leaved orange trees. If she hears, if she understands my tongue, In the spring, what sweetness must come to nest they are all covered in flowers in her sensitive tree soul! around the fig tree. And perhaps at night, The poor fig looks so sad when the wind rocks her crown, with its twisted boughs that never dizzy with joy, she whispers, dress in silk cocoons... "Today someone said I was beautiful."

116 I share with all my companions, no matter what their race, what jobs their parents do or how much money they have

Why don't you go let's go to John's house? with Pamela I don't no, his Dad no, everyone want you tells him off laughs at to play afterwards her why can't I with her. play with I don't them? like her parents.

Have you ever felt that the others have left you out? Once this happened to me:

When that happened I felt

Have you ever left other people out? once I

and I felt

We are important because of what we are, not because of the things we have. 117 Do you talk to your parents about your concerns about relationships between men and women? I know how a woman gets pregnant, how babies are born and what men and women do in these natural processes

Dad, did it ever happen As you grow, you begin to be to you that...? interested more and more by things to do with your gender, that is, things to do with being a man or being a woman. Although you are still quite little and many changes in your body have not happened yet, you realise that there are subjects you want to know more about .

I have talked with my parents about these subjects and these are the answers they have given me

118 Asking about your doubts and sharing what you feel and think helps you understand yourself better. It also helps you realise that adults had the same questions and concerns when they were your age.

119 Among my friends I treat boys and girls the same and am fair to both

On page 84 you met Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz. Now we want to tell you a little more about her. When she was 8 years old she wanted to dress as a boy so that she could go to school, because -as you know- at the time when she lived, girls did not go to school. Incredible, right? But that's how it used to be: there were many things that women did not have the right to do. Find out... In our country, who was the first woman

That was Her name was in the year doctor lawyer engineer writer

In our country, women won the right to vote in the year

Ask your parents, teachers or leaders to tell you how women won that right. Better still, if you have grandparents, ask them. Get them to tell you what life was like when they were young, too.

120 In our family we love each other as we are, and we can share everything we feel and think with our family I tell my family about the things we do in the Pack

And then this enormous fox appeared...

Of all the things we have done in the Pack, this is what my family like most:

these are the things I don't like to tell:

121 I spend time with my friends' families and I invite them to spend time with mine

To enjoy sharing and spending time together, the most important thing is to be cheerful and simple. When your family invites the family of a friend of yours, you could make a tasty soft drink for them. It could be fruit juice, lemonade or a sparkling drink, but nice and cool thanks to these... CHEERFUL ICE CUBES 1 Put water half way up the cube tray. 2 Add a mint leaf or tiny pieces of different coloured fruit to each cube. 3 Add a little more water, still without filling the tray. 4 Now into the freezer to freeze. 5 Remove the tray and completely fill the tray with water. 6 Freeze it again. These steps are important so that the decoration ends up in the middle of the ice cube and not on top.

What about your six suggesting that the Pack has a competition of simple recipes like these?

122 Here I write other things I mean to do to be an affectionate person and a friend to all

123 MAKING MY OWN DICTIONARY adequate proper, dizzy feeling giddy, as if suitable or right things were whirling round you. When you are dizzy cocoon a protective you feel as if you might fall case of silky threads which some insects weave around metaphor word that is themselves to spend the used in place of another inactive stage of their life word, to suggest a likeness cycle. In this poem it is between them used metaphorically to mean the attempt to try tree's blossom to do something

bough branch of a tree

These kids are attempting to skate

Here I write the meaning of other words I have learned

If I know more words I can express myself better

124 Scouts all over the world recognise each other as brothers and sisters Ask you leaders to tell you about how Scouting began in our country. This is how Scouting began in our country

It began in the year . These are the names of the people who started it:

This is how it began

Draw a Scout from that time

our National Association is called

And my Group is called

125 This is the badge of our Association

In the World Organization of the

Scout Movement there are

recognised associations, which represent

million Scouts. in our association, there are Scouts.

the associations in the world with most scouts are association number of scouts

126 Generous like Kotick

A white seal is not very common and stands out anywhere. But I, Kotick, try to stand out for something much more important than my colour: my concern for others.

It has been a while since the last time we saw each other. How have you been?

Now that we are together again, I want to tell you a little about one of the adventures I got mixed up in when I was looking for a place where my people could live safe from the skin hunters.

127 I had crossed many oceans without rest. Cold and warm waters, still and stormy seas had I swum with no success. I inspected islands, rocky outcrops and beaches in search of a refuge for the seal people. But wherever I went, I found more hunters.

The sea elephant told me that the manatees knew a place where hunters never went, but no-one had ever been able to get the information from them or follow them there. I went from one place to another, but no-one knew anything about the "sea cows", as they call the manatees.

I had almost given up, when I suddenly saw some lines of strange animals I had never seen before. They looked like fat mermaids and made strange sounds like a woman singing a sad song. "These must be the sea cows," I thought.

128 I went over to introduce myself, but they paid me no attention; they just moved their heads from side to side and gazed at me indifferently. How did I know whether I had found the right people? I had an idea:

"Sea cow!" I burst out at the top of my voice.

They all turned to me with an answering look and so then I was sure that these were indeed the sea cows. At least I had found them and if they didn't want to speak to me, I could still follow them to their hiding place.

So I began to follow them from one place to another, crossing marine currents and underwater cliffs and valleys. They swam undisturbed, paying me no attention at all. I, on the other hand, kept a close watch so as not to lose sight of them. Fortunately I am a good swimmer. That, and my determination to save my people, kept me fresh and agile, and I almost did not notice how tired I was.

129 When they finally surfaced, I was totally amazed by what I saw. I couldn't believe my eyes! In the dawn light I saw endless stretches of beaches with soft and hard sand, smooth rocks for young seal pups and dunes of smooth grass. What was more, my nose told me that no human had ever been there. What more could the seal people want?

I had to go back and tell the others, and so I did, though not without thanking the sea cows first. I understood that in their own way they had helped me, in silence and without making a fuss.

As you can see, there are many ways of doing something for other people.

130 Real happiness is found in making others happy

I am Alexander Graham Bell. I was born in in 1847. Among other things, I invented air conditioning, the telephone and the metal detector. All that made me famous. But what I liked to do most and what made me feel most satisfaction, was having created a system to help deaf people learn to talk.

These are the things I like to do to help others

131 We all need other people I respect other people's opinions

We all sometimes think that our ideas are the best. And we all like, for example, for the Pack to decide to do the activities that we suggest. But that is not always possible.

When somebody thinks differently to me, I...

Do not forget that cubs listen to and respect others

132 I always help with the duties that have to be done in the Pack In my Pack we are concerned about others

These are the things that we do

I think that what is most important about what we do is


When we help others, I feel that I receive much more than I give

133 I know the Rights of the Child and I relate them to situations that I know about or that I have heard about All children have duties, like respecting others and doing our tasks at home and at school. But we also have rights.

These are our rights!

it doesn't matter where we were born or who our parents are. We all have the right to:

Have a house to live in, be fed properly and receive medical attention. That way we will grow up strong and healthy.

134 Have a name and a nationality, that is, to be from a country.

Be loved and understood by our parents, family and everyone around us.

Go to school and learn to become responsible and useful people.

Receive special attention if we have some kind of disability.

135 Grow up in an atmosphere of peace, solidarity and understanding between peoples. That way we can learn concern and understanding and be fair to all people, wherever they come from.

Be among the first to receive help in emergencies.

Always be protected. No-one must ever mistreat or hit us. We may never be abandoned or made to work.

Say what we think, rest and play.

136 all adults must respect our rights! Are these rights respected for you and all the children you know?

the right which is easiest to respect is

and the one which is most difficult to respect is

these are my ideas about what can be done to make sure that all our rights are respected

137 Decisions are made at home and at school thinking about what is best for everyone I respect my parents and teachers and the decisions they make Maybe sometimes you get angry and answer back to your parents because you don't agree with a decision they have made. What would you say to them if you were to write them a letter about it? Dear Mum and Dad,

138 Together with the other cubs, I elect the sixers and the children who are in charge of the activities I take part in, and I always help my sixer

The sixer is a cub who has been elected by the other cubs in the six to be in charge. He or she does not "give orders", but rather is the first to help everyone to get organised for carrying out activities. this is how we elect sixers in my Pack

What about you? Have you ever been elected?

I was sixer of the six from to what I found hardest to do was

and the easiest part was

When you vote for someone, you should think about what is right for everyone, not just your own interests. 139 Most rules are made to order the life of a community and so that people respect each other I understand and keep the rules in my house, at school and in the Pack, even if I don't always agree with them

I say respectfully what I like and don't like about the rules we have in my house and at school

Martha doesn't say anything when she is unhappy about something

It's not fair. I always have to do it.

here I write when I haven't liked something and I haven't said anything about it

140 But when Charlotte thinks something isn't right, she says so

I don't mind laying the table when it's my turn. But I get angry when it's Peter's turn and he doesn't do it.

here I write when I haven't liked something and I've said so

To live together peacefully it's important to express what we feel. We have to make sure we do so respectfully, without anger and at the right time. 141 In order to help others, we have to be prepared I know what the main public services are and where they are located in the place where I live Draw a map of your neighbourhood and mark: the fire station, the police station, the health centre, your place of worship and other important public services.

Make a list of the addresses and telephone numbers of these places, and put it up in a visible place in your house 142 I always help in the tasks that need to be done at home and at school Write down the things that have to be done in your house every day. Beside each task, write who normally does it. To make sure you don't forget anything, begin from when your family gets up until the time everyone goes to bed.

tasks that are done normally they every day in my house are done by

How many of these tasks do you do? What other ones could you help more with in your house?

143 I always take part in campaigns to help the needy

Figure out this subtraction! In each case two letters are left over. Write the extra letters in the blank space. tyrant sowing liking rising daring rant wing king sing ring

Rearrange the left-over letters and made a word that means active concern for other people

I made the word Answer on page154

I spoke with about

the meaning of this word and I found out:

144 Each region has its own symbol, such as a flower, an animal or a traditional craft. These symbols are part of our roots I know something about the typical things in the place where I live

these things are typical of my land

145 I like the culture of my country and the different ways it is expressed

I take part in Pack activities that express the culture of my country

that is traditional in our country Here I write a song or poem

146 There are cubs like you all over the world I can name most of the Scout Groups that are near to mine

In our Association, there are

Scout Groups. The first Group that was established in our country is called

I know cubs from all these Groups

147 I take part in exchange activities with other Groups

a driead flower, a poem, a song, a drawing..., or whatever you want to keep as a reminder of of reminder a as keep to want you whatever or drawing..., a

this space is for photos, addresses, telephone numbers, greetings activities carried out with other Packs other with out carried activities

148 I know the symbols of some other countries of the American Continent and the Caribbean

To solve this crossword you have to put the names of 20 American countries in the right place. Locate them by their flags

Answer on page 154 You could have a competition among the sixes: which is the first to find the flags of the American and Caribbean countries that are not in the crossword? 149 I take part in activities in which I learn how important peace is

Understanding among people is essential to peace

Why not write a dialogue for these characters or tell the story of these cartoons. Then compare what the different sixes have done and talk about what the story shows us.

150 We are all part of nature and we must take care of it I know the main animals and plants of my country which could disappear if we don't do something to help them

Following indiscriminate hunting, the panda was on the point of disappearing. That is why it is the world symbol for all those who protect animals in danger of extinction.

I found out that in our country these are the animals and plants in danger of disappearing this is what is being done name to protect it

151 I look after trees and plants in the places where I live, work and play

I keep a small garden

How about if you and your Pack undertake to look after a small square or community garden close to the Group?

152 Here I write other things I mean to do to be a generous and caring person

153 Answers On page 144 the word you make is solidarity.

Answer to crossword on page 149. 154 MAKING MY OWN DICTIONARY outcrop a rock or group indiscriminate not showing of rocks which appears at the ability to see a difference in the surface of the ground value between people, groups, things or situations indifferent not interesed in; not caring fuss en excessive display of about or noticing anxious attention or activity; needless or useless bustle amazed filled with great dont surprise or wonder make a fuss! dawn the first light of day before the sun rises tyrant a ruler with complete power, usually gained unjustly and by force, who rules cruelly and unjustly

Here I write the meaning of other words I have discovered

If I know more words I can express myself better

155 Did you know…? The place on the earth where most rain falls is Tutunendo, in Colombia, with an average of 11,770 millimetres of water in a year. The driest place is Arica, Chile, where the yearly rainfall reaches an average of just 0.76 millimetres. in the place where I live there is an average of

millimetres of rain per year. Did you know…? Some 200 million years ago, there was just one enormous continent, which divided and divided to make the continents we have today.

Maybe in a few million years North America will separate from South America to form two continents. What will the world be like then? Do you know which native people lived in our country at the time when the Spanish discovered America? On the pages to come we invite you to learn about part of the culture of some of these peoples. You will have to find the rest out for yourself.

156 Who are we? Our tongue was "nahuatl". When the tolteca culture was in decline, we reached the high plains of Mexico. We lived in family groups, each led by one military chief and one civilian one. The chiefs of all the families formed a council of chiefs and appointed the "tlacatecuhli" or "chief of men", who had the status of an emperor. The good thing was that the chief of men became emperor by election - the title was not inherited. We ate maize, beans, squash, peppers, tomatoes, fish, shellfish, frogs and aquatic insects, apart from the meat of domestic animals, including dogs.

these are the people, and these are the other things I have found out about them

157 Who are we? From what is known today, we were the only ones, among our pre-hispanic counterparts, to have had writings. Proof of this is the Popol Vuh, which is a kind of bible in which we tell our legend about how the world was created. We developed a 365-day calendar, with 19 months. We invented a numerical system which included the number "0" - and that was 1,000 years before the Hindustanis made that mathematical concept known to the world. We lived in quite an extensive territory which included what is today Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize and part of Mexico. these are the people, and these are the other things I have found out about them

158 Who are we? We lived in the Antilles, but not in the Greater Antilles. We lived on the eastern edge of Central America and on the coast of South America, from the Darien to the Orinoco delta. Because we were great sailors, we were called the Phoenecians of the Antilles. We were ferocious and hardy, and difficult to dominate, But we were also kind of barbarous - we practised cannibalism and put the heads of our victims on stakes to protect our cities. When the Spanish arrived, they saw us canoeing among our houses on stilts near Lake Maracaibo, which reminded them of the city of Venice, in Italy, giving rise to the name Venezuela.

these are the people, and these are the other things I have found out about them

159 Who are we? We were the first natives met by Columbus. Both men and women played a kind of football on a rectangular pitch, with teams of 20 players per side, and a ball made of rubber which we extracted from a tree. The game was accompanied by dances with drums, rattles and a kind of castanets, a bit like the supporters of today. We were good fishermen and we used nets of cotton or fibre, as well as canoes of cedarwood which held up to 80 people. We lived in what is now Brazil and part of the Caribbean, reaching the area that is known today as the Lesser Antilles and the Bahamas.

these are the people, and these are the other things I have found out about them

160 Who are we? Our social organisation was based on the "ayllu". Each "ayllu" was a grouping of small families, all descended from a single couple of remote ancestors, guided by a "curaca", which, in our tongue, means "the greatest of all". We believed in organising ourselves around collective work to produce benefits for everyone. For that reason we practised reciprocity or "ayne", and the "minga" or community principle for carrying out group tasks. We had a solar year with months according to the phases of the moon, which helped us in agriculture, since we grew some 80 varieties of plants. We belonged to the oldest and most advanced pre-hispanic empire, that of Tahuantinsuyo. Based in El Cusco, we dominated what is now Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and part of Colombia, Chile and Argentina. these are the people, and these are the other things I have found out about them

161 Who are we? Our name means "people of the earth". We lived in "rucas", which are wooden cabins with straw roofs, which we built far away from each other to avoid evil sprits. We had a division of labour which was very convenient for our men, who devoted themselves to building rucas and fighting enemies, while our women sowed, harvested, made pottery, wove and cooked. The women did practically all the daily work, but when there were celebrations, they shoed off their beautiful silver jewellery. We are remembered for our repeated defence of our freedom: the Spanish took 300 years to dominate us. We lived south of the River Maule, in the central region of Chile and a large part of the pampa plain in Argentina.

these are the people, and these are the other things I have found out about them

162 Friends of God like

I, Francis of Assisi, have been close by Francis watching you and I have realised how much you have grown and learned.

One of the reasons I am known is for my love for nature, and nature is one of God's ways of telling us that He is there, giving us the best He can. There are people who do not believe that I spoke with the animals. But you know that it is true, because I told you something about that in the story of the wolf of Gubio. Do you remember?

Now I want to tell you about another part of my life, about meeting some people who repulsed me and from whom, nevertheless, I received a great lesson.

163 When I came back from the war, ready to change my old way of life, I became more and more interested in the poor, the sick and the cast-out. I tried to help everyone, with money, food or, if I had none to hand, with my own clothes. Even though I did it secretly, my mother found out and she began to take part in my works of charity. She had her reasons; she wanted to understand what was happening to me.

I remember that during a pilgrimage I made to Rome, I ended up wearing the clothes of a beggar and begging for alms on the steps of St. Peter's, in the Vatican, to put myself in the place of my brothers the beggars. In spite of all my efforts, I felt that I was not able to be completely happy, I felt that God wanted something more of me, but I couldn't guess exactly what it was He was asking me to do.

164 At the time when I lived, many people suffered from a contagious disease called leprosy, which covers the body in wounds and parts of the face and extremities are lost. To protect healthy people, lepers had to leave their homes and go to live in a leper colony, outside the city. They also had to hang a bell round their neck so that when they came out to beg, people could throw them something to help and then get away without being infected. Lepers were not thought of as sick people, but as people who were cursed.

There was a leper colony outside Assisi. I used to take very long routes to avoid passing close to it because I felt horror and repulsion at the lepers. When I came back from Rome, one night I heard the voice of God asking me to love still more, to love everyone, to love even those whom I disdained. Suddenly everything was clear... I had to help my brother lepers.

165 At first it was hard. I had to overcome my fear and revulsion. Humbly, asking God to help me, I managed to come close to them. I visited them regularly at the leper colony, took their hands and consoled them for their great suffering.

My brother lepers were very surprised because I did not flee from them like everyone else, and even embraced them without fear. But I was the most surprised of all, because I began to feel true peace and happiness.

And so, from the people I least expected, from the ones I most despised, I received the greatest gift...because they showed me the path to God.

166 this story of francis of assisi teaches me:

This is a portion of the prayer of Francis of Assisi Dear God, grant that I may not wish so much to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love...

167 Nature is a gift from God which helps us to get to know Him. He has also given each person something of Himself. That is why we can find God in nature and in other people

I have learned to recognise nature as God's work Everything you see around you was created by someone. Some have been created by people, and other by God.

these things these things have been created have been created by God by human beings

168 I like it when people do good turns for others


Oh God, this is your world, You created us, You love us, teach us to live in the world you have made.

169 God also makes Himself present through your church or temple, which is the community of all those who have the same faith as you I ask other people when there are things that I want to know about my religion

about my religion I would and on this like to know more about subject I talk to

170 I take part in activties in which I learn about my religion

I take part in all these activities in my church or temple

this is how I imagine God

171 I help in the religious celebrations in the Pack

Tell us about the last religious celebration you had in the Pack it was when we celebrated

that day I had to

what I liked most about the ceremony was

it helped me to

172 One of the ways of getting close to God is through prayer. We can pray alone or with our friends

I understand that it is important to pray together in the Pack

Cubs pray when they want to thank God for what they have received or ask His help when they need it.

These are prayers said by cubs in many parts of the world Sweet and good Lord, teach me to be Lord, humble and kind, teach us to be generous, to follow your example, to serve You as You deserve, to love you with to give and not to count the cost, all my heart to fight and not to fear harm, and to follow the path to work and not to ask for rest that brings me and to seek no other reward close to Your. than that of knowing we do Your will.

173 I pray at important times of the day the time of day I like to pray most is


This is how I pray This is how I thank to God when I get up God when I go to bed

This is how I ask Him to bless my food

174 Sometimes I lead the prayers that we say in the Pack

Make your own prayer

All the Pack meetings could begin and end with prayers prepared by the cubs

175 Our faith in God should show in the way we treat other people I realise when people are living in accordance with the teachings of their religion

I think that this boy I think that this girl

because because

176 I understand that the teachings of my religion have to show in the way that I behave with my friends and companions

My religion teaches me that all people are my brothers and sisters

I don't act I act in accordance in accordance with with what my religion what my religion teaches me when teaches me when

177 Each religion is a way of getting close to God All my companions are important, even if they don't have the same religion as me Have you ever found that when you have had a problem you have received support from the companion you would have least imagined?

I remember that once

do you have a friend who has a different religion to yours? what have you discussed about it?

178 I know that there are other religions that are different from mine

I belong to the religion

and these are all the things that I have wondered about other religions

179 here I write other things I mean to do to get to know and love God and all people

180 Answers


181 MAKING MY OWN DICTIONARY repulsion revulsion, despise to regard as worthless, something which bad, or completely without good makes you feel sick qualities; to feel extreme dislike and disrespect for cast-out shut out, discriminated against, left out enmity hostility, rivalry, aggresion pilgrimage journey or processions for a religious reason justice a virtue which consists of giving to each what he or she deserves according to reason, fairness or the law

Here I write the meaning of other words I have discovered

If I know more words I can express myself better

182 When you go on an outing or camp remember these simple recommendations to have fun safely

Where should your tent be pitched?


In high places: they are drier Close to animal shelters and have a better view or letrines Somewhere sheltered from In dry watercourses the wind, heat and cold or marshy places Somewhere flat Under trees, or on a hill, or at the bottom of a slope In a place where there is drinking water nearby Close to places where there could be rockfalls

these are other ideas I can think of

183 Always leave the place where you camp cleaner than you found it!

Dig a hole to bury all biodegradable rubbish - that is rubbish that will serve to fertilise the soil when it decomposes.

Don't leave plastic, aluminium or glass containers on the ground. As well as not being biodegradable, they are dangerous for animals and glass can start fires. You should put this kind of waste in garbage bags and take it back to the city to dispose of it properly.

For this reason, when you go camping, try to take your food and cleaning kit in biodegradable or re-usable containers. I found out that glass can cause fires because

184 Of the things we usually take when we go camping...

these ones are these ones are biodegradable not biodegradable

Take a medium-sized towel and not a large one to camp. It will dry more quickly and take up less space in your backpack. Always hang it up after you use it so that it doesn't begin to smell bad. Remember to put it away at night so that it doesn't get damp with the dew.

185 and when you come home... Separate the things in your backpack into three piles, depending on how much you used them

things I used every day

things I used once or twice

things I never used

These are things I didn't take and found I needed

Next time you go camping take only the things in the first and last groups!

186 You and your companions' safety is the most important thing. Don't do anything that might risk your health or that of others.

In the mountains, never leave To avoid getting tired on a the path or trail marked. hike, breathe through your By looking for short-cuts, nose and talk only as much you could get lost or find as necessary. Take short steps dangerous or unusable at your own speed, without routes. Don't throw stones hurrying or stopping. With and avoid making them each step, put your whole roll, because they could foot down evenly, to divide hurt someone, make sparks your body weight equally and start a fire or set off a between heel and toes. landslide.

I know that in camp I always have to swim in

and with a responsible

nearby. Also, I have to

wait at least to

go into the water after eating. You probably already know how to swim. But remember... you always think you swim better than you really do!

187 Now you are finishing your Trail-finder wolf stage. Look how much you have been able to achieve by your own efforts and the help of others!

Maybe this was your first Booklet or, if you have been in the Pack for longer, you might have started with the Tender Pad and continued with the Leaping Wolf stage. In any case, you have set yourself many challenges and overcome them thanks to your own efforts and the support of others. Different people and characters have been your guides. Each of them offered you a path to follow. And you too added your own personal challenges with your own hand.

It hasn't always been an easy path, but your friends in the Pack, your leaders and family have always been willing to help you.

188 Every time you thought you had reached a new goal, you talked about it with your leaders to see if they agreed with you.

And so you put stickers in the places for them in the Booklet, which remind you what you have achieved.

And, little by little, as you grew, together with your leaders you decided that you had completed the Trail-Finder Wolf stage and you formally received the badge for the next stage.

Now, continue on your way, and you will begin the Hunting Wolf stage, a very important stage, because it will be the last for you in the Pack Keep this Booklet as a reminder of your achievements!

189 You have achieved many goals, but others are still pending. You can reach them during this new stage. So, when you receive your Hunting Wolf Booklet

remember to put in the stickers of the challenges you have already reached, then it will be easier to discover which goals you still have to achieve.

And keep going, because you cubs always try to

190 addresses and telephone numbers of my friends from the Pack and scout Group

name address

191 This Booklet was prepared for you by

Drafting Carolina Carrasco Loreto González Loreto Jansana

English version Sally Shaw

Revision of contents and text (Spanish original) Héctor Carrer, Argentina Manuel Isidro Romero, El Salvador Jorge Fuentes, Bolivia Salvador Padilla, Mexico Luiz Cesar de Simas Horn, Brazil Fernando Sánchez, Panama Omar Rincón, Colombia Elena Ojeda de Ruiz-Díaz, Paraguay Oscar Calderón, Costa Rica Rosa Segura, Peru Susana Smith, Dominican Republic Alberto Del Brutto and Jorge Becerra, Ecuador Gabriel Oldenburg, Interamerican Scout Office

Revision of contents and text (English version) Arthur Taylor, Bahamas Louise Williams and Sonia Johnson, Jamaica Hilberto Riverol, Martha Sosa Cheryl Lewis, Trinidad and Tobago and Cynthia Henkins, Belize Alberto Del Brutto, Ronald Richardson and Winston Hayle, Cayman Islands Loreto González, Interamerican Scout Office

Contributions Emilio Martin Juan Pablo Del Brutto Santiago Del Brutto

Illustrations Mariano Ramos

Design and layout Maritza Pelz

Printing Morgan S.A., Santiago, Chile

Production Interamerican Scout Office

Editing and directing Loreto González, Alberto Del Brutto and Gerardo González

Our special thanks to the children and leaders of the Scout Groups in the Caribbean Associations who helped us try out this Booklet. This publication is a joint effort in benefit of the English-speaking scout associations of the Interamerican Region of the Bahamas Barbados Boy Scouts Association The Scout Association of Belize Scouts Canada The Scout Association of Dominica The Scout Association of Grenada The Scout Association of Guyana The Scout Association of Jamaica The Saint Lucia Scout Association The Scout Association of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines The Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago Boy Scouts of America (United States of America)

Branches of The Scout Association (): The Scout Association of Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Branch of The Scout Association The Scout Association of Bermuda The Scout Association of British Virgin Islands The Scout Association of Cayman Islands The Scout Association of Montserrat The Scout Association of Saint Kitts and Nevis The Scout Association of Turk and Caicos

This Booklet is part of the publications programme envisaged in the Regional Plan for developing Method for Creation Macpro at the level and Continuous of the Junior Section. Updating of the Youth Programme World Organization of the Scout Movement Interamerican Scout Office