• Make better, faster decisions • Respond more effectively to • Demystify strategic risk change • Seize more opportunities • Keep your eyes on the big picture • Get out of the weeds • Align leaders around your top risks. Two key problems face senior leadership teams and Councils when it comes to risk. 1. Overly operational focus 2. Slow decisions that don’t stick Both issues have the potential to make decisions difficult and slow down progress. Strategic Risk brings together decision makers and leaders to think about the big picture and understand what good decisions are made of. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn, laugh and align around our top ten risks. The Top Ten then become a key reference point for committee meetings and planning sessions that keeps everyone focused and strategic when it counts. More importantly – we achieve real alignment, by getting everyone on the same page. This is the value that comes through when we need to have tough conversations and making good decisions in the future. With many senior leadership and governance groups disproportionately focused on operational risk, or lacking the confidence to stay focused on the big picture, it can be difficult to make progress.

Our operating environment increasingly demands flexible responses to complex problems. Strategic risk management matters, because: ▪ We need to be poised to respond to unexpected and unpredictable events ▪ We have limited resources, and need to direct our attention toward our most significant threats (and opportunities) ▪ Clarity about our appetite and tolerance for risk supports more consistent and aligned decision making Strategic risk management is a powerful tool for motivated leadership groups to make more robust decisions, more accurately weigh options and recommendations, seize potential opportunities and achieve better public value.

Risk management is complex and detailed – but strategic risk conversations don’t need to be. We need a key set of team members and stakeholders for our session, so we can step through a targeted, structured journey to:

▪ Drive a fresh understanding of strategic v operational risk ▪ Enable clear alignment between big picture objectives and risk discussions ▪ Identify and assess the top ten risks facing your organisation. Action packed and interactive, our session will challenge assumptions and bring participants together.

Strategic Risk Starter Strategic Risk Expert Diagnostic survey ✓ ✓ Risk workbooks ✓ ✓ Copies of From Strategy to ✓ Action 1 x full day kickstart workshop ✓ ✓ 1 x full day implementation ✓ workshop Follow-on coaching for the ✓ ✓ executive team (1) (2) Strategic Risk Action Plan ✓ Six month refresher check ✓

Strategic Risk – Starter - $12,000 + GST Strategic Risk – Expert - $19,000 + GST TERMS AND CONDITIONS Full payment is required at time of booking to secure dates. Travel costs are additional. All work is subject to our standard Terms of Engagement.

When Southland District Council needed to identify their top ten risks for a comprehensive risk management framework, they had to ensure all key decision makers, operational staff and councillors were in the room. The prospect of two full workshop days discussing a traditionally dry subject was met with some trepidation. However, with a robust process, engaging delivery and an open, collaborative approach, the result was 100% buy-in and engagement from all 30 senior attendees – and unanimous agreement on their Top Ten risks. Southland District Council’s project sponsor was Rex Capil, GM- Community and Futures. Rex had one critical goal in mind: to get cross-organisational buy-in for the risk management project from all appropriate senior people; and a clear understanding of their top risks. Rex had worked with Alicia before and sought her skill in taking a diverse team on a collaborative journey using a very thorough, robust process - and making sure every member was engaged. Attendees included operational senior staff as well as the executive team and council members, from the mayor to activity team leaders. This was a significant investment for the council and one Rex felt was well worth it to gain a common understanding. “Most pleasing was that our councillors and elected representatives were there for the whole time, and they provided some exceptional feedback on how much value they got out of the process.” Rex Capil, GM – Community and Futures Early on, Alicia led attendees to what they acknowledge was “a lightbulb moment” - that everything SDC does should link back to its vision, desired community outcomes and strategic priorities. The process highlighted the importance of being challenged to get back to the priorities that fit within a team’s overarching vision. “Alicia brings a vitality and a freshness which just opens everyone up to her. When a room atmosphere might start to feel quite heavy, it doesn’t take long for her to turn that into a bubbly and constructive environment.” Rex found the structured process really helpful, with the group working in incremental, manageable steps that kept the workshop momentum going, but “at an appropriate level, so it didn’t feel like a tidal wave”. He also appreciated

the “free, frank and open discussions” that helped to overcome individual inhibitions. For People and Capability Manager Janet Ellis, it was vital the senior people with direct responsibility for the risk management strategy and culture of the organisation were fully engaged. She appreciated the clarity of focus; and that diverse perspectives from everyone in the room could be heard, integrated, and articulated back as key priority areas so skilfully. Southland District Council Mayor Gary Tong also expressed appreciation for how the safe environment Alicia created - including breakaway sessions with multi-level teams - enabled genuine collaboration. “This is the only way to do it, with governance and management in the same room. We had councillors with a little experience and those with a lot, senior managers and team leaders, and we could step out up and out of our siloes, with everyone happy to speak up. Our focus now is to continue to lead the way.”

According to Rex Capil, the lasting impact of that initial workshop continues to be evident in the critical thinking of the SDC team as they continue to develop the risk management framework. “What we’re seeing at all levels is the reference back to those strategic priorities and our vision, not only in risk-related conversations but also in day to day business and project delivery conversations. “Risk was the catalyst, but it has highlighted the importance and significance of having that conversation across the origination. The right questions continue to be asked by the elected councillors as well as activities managers and services teams.”

Alicia McKay is a recognised organisational strategy expert, specialising in the public sector. Alicia works with leaders to stop spinning their wheels, nail their strategy and convert plans to action. One of ’s most highly accredited public sector facilitators, Alicia works with public leaders and teams in New Zealand and . Obsessed with impact, Alicia is energised by empowering leaders and teams to maximise their potential for making a genuine contribution outside of the busy-work. Author of the acclaimed "From Strategy to Action: A Guide to Getting Sh*t Done in the Public Sector," Alicia has worked with over 70 different teams at all levels of government. This unparalleled insight into the challenges and opportunities facing public leaders grappling with change brings incredible value to followers, fans and clients alike. Keynote speaker, rockstar facilitator and executive coach with a difference, Alicia works with local, state and central government leaders.

RECENT FEEDBACK NEW ZEALAND TRANSPORT AGENCY "For me, it’s about asking our leadership team to look at the bigger picture, not just their own teams. The most valuable outcome from our workshop is developing our people by providing them with the tools to succeed. What I appreciated about Alicia's style was her energy, no fluff straight talk approach. It was refreshing, honest and appreciated! What makes Alicia different to other facilitators is her honesty – and the fact she's lived and breathed it. She knows her stuff. Alicia is like no other facilitator. She tells it like it is and in simple language,

no acronyms, no buzzwords. High energy and interactive you can't help but enjoy her approach. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant." – Chrystal Orr "The most valuable outcome from working with Alicia was outing all of our different agendas and landing on an agreed purpose that is shared by the whole team. What makes Alicia different to other coaches and facilitators is she calls things out. She's upfront. She's really focused and keeps everyone on track. Great bubbly personality. These have been great sessions. I've felt inspired and motivated after each one. So worth the time and energy!" Sarah Azam “Alicia is engaging, facilitative and results focused without limiting input. She’s fun and has lots of great stories!” – Kim Albrecht "The most valuable outcome from working with Alicia was the great energy in the room. Alicia made it easy for the group to have an open and honest conversation. It brought the team together. What makes Alicia different is her personality and ability to relate to others. Much more personable.” – Ross Ianson

TAMWORTH REGIONAL COUNCIL "Alicia opened my eyes to how strategy can be achieved without falling asleep. Seriously, it was really worthwhile and engaging and we came up with some great ideas. What I appreciated about Alicia's style was that we didn't fall asleep. Her presentation was dynamic and interactive and not dull and lecture like.” Ross Briggs "Our workshop identified actions to transition the organisation from strategy to achieving outcomes. What I appreciated about Alicia's style was how informal, quirky, and informative she is.” Genevieve Harrison “I appreciated Alicia’s relaxed and fun way of guiding a conversation with quality outcomes. Alicia has so much knowledge about the way Council works, which makes it more relevant. I thought it was a very effective workshop where a lot of progress was made. Alicia is good at asking the 'why' question and challenging current ways of doing things!” – Mike Rowland "We got real clarity today about the issues to be addressed and the elephants in the room. It’s a great base for the next round of conversations with our leadership group. I really appreciate Alicia’s energy, laughter and insight with a sharp edge when required" - Paul Bennett “What makes Alicia different to other facilitators is that her knowledge about the topic is extensive but her process is unique" – Marissa Racomelara

MINISTRY OF BUSINESS INNOVATION AND EMPLOYMENT “The most valuable outcome from our workshop is ability to understand each other, in the context of our priorities – and to see how we all contribute to the end goal of what's really important. Alicia was fun, interactive and really engaged with the group. Her style had us joining in and really getting involved. It was also a great way to work with our colleagues when we are often so busy in our day to day work. It’s great to step into a set up like that and work together away from the office.” - Vivienne Kraamwinkel

“Since working with Alicia, we've noticed new energy amongst leadership, board and staff and a new sense of direction. Alicia has a real ability to drive decision making and not getting bogged down with past success or failures. We’ve totally enjoyed the experience and journey together.” – Neels van Jansenburg

New Zealand Transport Agency, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Department of Internal Affairs, Department of Conservation, Tamworth Regional Council, City of Sydney, City of Canterbury Bankstown, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Environment Southland, Chartered Accountants New Zealand Australia, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, New Zealand Fire and Emergency, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Hamilton City Council, Council, Christchurch City Council, Southland District Council, City Council, , City Council, New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Ministry for Primary Industries, Massey University, University of Canterbury, Association for Local Government Information Managers (ALGIM), New Zealand Road Transport Forum, Experience Wellington, Council, Institute of Professional Works Engineers New Zealand (IPWEA), Mackenzie District Council, , Bible Society in New Zealand, District Council, Magiq Software, Midlands DHB, , Council, Todd Energy, Panuku Development Corporation.

Women in Business, Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand, Road Infrastructure Management Society, Society of Local Government Managers (SOLGM), Getting Shit Done Club, Magiq Software, Association for Local Government Information Management (ALGIM) For more information, check out Alicia McKay NZ online or connect on LinkedIn