Missing the Ticker -,...:.~...
~- '. ' \ Vo"l.-73,. Number 5· Information·.Now.-'. .. ',' -~. - ;: : ~<· ~~ ·· ; ,:. : ' · · .. :D.~ . -, :.- :.~~·.....,m ~~ . " '.. .,,'. ' ,,_.'.:,. '. -,.,. .,'" , .. - ..' " ......77ie ..~ .. ...." ..,<. ':".: ~"''': ~ ln~Policy ,...... :.~ ... _. By~~~~~~~~__ .. ," ." .... '," . , To accomm()date·Students who wish to.studyall night at school instead ofleavingfor home at mid- night,theMediaCenteronthefirst B h rn..... EodAlI·Be floor oftheNewmari Librarybuild- aru.C· . .LV ..· med·ediati·.on tnsurance.tson . ..: ccmem;· .-"natIon ingon 25th Street will stay open 24-houI-s during the week of final Desaite Failed CUNY Resolution exams,fromMay 18toMay28, this r' semester. Only Baruch students ByChan-joo Moon studentsto succeed academicallyand 5111'1Ii(CUN¥)\~iSWithoutheaItb·iDsili'- will be allowed to stay for theex- Baruch College will end all not,asthecriticscharge,barringtheir .m~>~:$iriii.Jart.tre1lds. ... .... ,: '. tended hours. remediation by the Fall of1998, Col- entry:iht9,college. The new policy comes as a result lege President Matthew Goldstein, withcharacteristicdirectness,''Let's of Tlie' Ticker making the request said in a phone interview on March not be shackled by the things which \ to Provost Lois Sv Cronholm and 27. have been done in the past," he said, .\ Chief Librarian Arthur Downing. _ This comes despite the defeat atthe referring 1»~ system of remedial Working students.have reported City University of NewYork (CUNY) courseswmChHa've enabledthe com ,'" to The' Ticker that it would help .Board of Trustees meetingon March mencement of Open Admissions 28 .~ ... "~-~them-,if-they~euld-stay",~nigbtjn:_~.ot:~resolution to allow the se- years ago in1970. the·Ne~ Library~~g~xam nior colleges of~ to either elimi- A key issue raised byTrostee John periodsrather tlUuicOnimuteho:me .nate remedial courses or limit them Monring was whether the vote was at'Iateheursas theydo now; They to onesemester.
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